3 THE DULUTH EVENING HERALD. Of BOTH PENS PEPPERY .-ssl- ^ ble to a home, the loss of a child is pi '-'. the hardest During to heat. the hc.ited speil IMA tji ] iWMU ^^^ ' ~s/^^^v New York Answer, coi rse, crowded with tary its of Bryan Sa>s Belmont's Club W. Bryan March Tenn.. Chultu;.Le^-4. vfsiK-inses at of the IS birthday, April most desiroud, If .1 (.-iimmM! \" discu.ss in limit set for all iii\ti .u the \T, President. Ki ^ER. Chairman. my return to Nebraska sent you 1 March Xeb. IniH.ln I 13.— Hon. Perry Invitation received. '" : : l.-r- I pai ^.,.^a"o^m in the last '.am- -iiii"; ii;t :u. befwe desire to know, 1 an.-iwering fatlou. whether yuu h.tve s.'noo tlie Jni publicly announced y-'ur coiiv.^rto the principles s;<^t forth In 'har pla Lform ? has ou rcpl>. y.jur L'd \ Tlic on behalf of the 11. dividual ophiliHis nave Is the ir.\!:itho birthdav if 'fh-ovas in ispuinir I'd PERRY BKLMOXr. Jefferson. might plead a previous engasemet't as I a reason for declining, but that v.;>u!d be ome ftiuivalent to saying that I would but for th*» onsragement; but irankn.'^ss • jip.nother reason. :b.-nt v.-hich ^he I'-emoI I...W I'.i.^ an mvi- in extend'n.er i.ir but I do not understand how indl..:,il opinions can be ignored at a pt)lltlYou are the president of cal gathering. thr> rUib and represent the club before tlie :c. Your position upon public fjues.1. . known wa.4 well : in and your ISiW, that your position has My position upon pub!^o well known. The anour opinions is so great with propriety join in a :>al buniiuet given Jn honor of Dems ' : experience already gained in Alaska by the exidorers themselves. Last summer Capt. Abercrombie exploretl the Copper River valley for the purpose of establishing an all-American route to the Klondike. Capt. Glenn's instructions on a previous trip were to begin the big journey at Cook's inlet and to discover if possible the most direct and practicable route from tide water to one or more cro.ssings of tne patron saint. v"'s for certain well defined I iir 1 views are a correct re- fear that my voice sound a discordant note at your ' If. on the other hand the Chlform av>plles <as I believe it does) iian principles to present condilious. then your conspicuous presence at ti'.e Jefferaonian banquet wou'd not honor the memory of the world's greatest Demo- !! ni^ iileas. ot I '.his discover, if possible, a pa.ssage throu;;;i the Alaska mountains south of Tanana, and especially to cover as much territory as possible between the Yukon, reply Tanana, Copper and Shushitna rivers. In this Capt. Glenn and his associates did not wholly succeed, and in their endeavor to cari-y out their instructions passed through many trials and great not practical for me to recall ia this letter the substance of what I have written or spoken during or since the last presidential campaign In regard to the suffering. Capt. Abercrombie, in his report to the war department of last summers work, says that the map of A'.ask.i shows only two lines of travel into that .section of the interior, and both are coulined to the main artery of drainage— the Yukon river. The southern r»)Ut" from Seattle to the Klondike of Dawson City is by rail from Skaguay at the head of Lynn canal over the White pass to the headwaters of the Yukon, whicli lises in a series of lakes in a Hat. marshy country. Through this region the construction of a railway will be a difficult problem. At present the prosectors take a line of steamers at these lakes, passing through the.m into Levvi.-^ river, thence down to the junction of th? Lewis and Felly rivers, which originates the Yukon. Going down the Yukon the Chicago platform and its many phases and although I do not in any way recognize your right to question mv Democracy T am sending you by this mail a volume which correctly gives the list of everything which has been published and vou are at liberty to indicate and e.xpose finy portion that is unpatriotic, unDmiocratic, un-American or in conflict with the Demo creed as set forth in Jefferson's inaugural address. cratic first PERRY^ BELMONT. Chattanooga. Tenn.. March 21.— Mr. Brvan last night said to the Associated Press that he would attend the Dollar banquet in New Y'ork, if postponed until April 15, if the management of the entertainment made it distinctly a Chicago platform banquet. ; I .1 ThB 20-Yoai* FavoHto— not misimderstand me. You may be right and 1 ma\ be wrong, but I take it for granted that we are equally conscientious and I trust that 1 may not show mysnlf Ipps courageous than you. You V>rocIalmed to yt>ur fellow citizens in ISO.i that my election upon a Democratic i)Iatform would endanger the nations welfare. You will pardon me if I suggest that a lianquet presided over by you will injure rather than aid the Democratic party. I :..'i-ve ill h •111 •iii/ini' the personal difii-es, bu in principle canbe ham in my judgment party advain.it,e is to be derived from -Mti'-al communion between Jeffersonian t!s who stand uikhi the Chicago and the Republican allies who .t ade as Democrats Ijetween cam:iS in order to give more |K)tency to :: betrayal of Democratic principles on rleetion day. Yours truly. ! i. > 1 i i - W. New BRYAN. J. York. March 21.— Perr>- Belmont 've out the following reply to during the day from Col. \v [1, 1,1 rii tiryan; l>ear Sir— I have just received your letI<T of March Kl. in whiih you describe th'»s*- who <leclar»d in l«tt; that your election to th»' prt-sfdency on the Chicago platform "would endanger the nations welfar>;" as the Repub ican allies, who ade as Democrats between camorder to give more potency to 111- 11 o-trayal of Democratic principles on eI>-ftion day. i .1 • - Mr f?.-!mont then goes on to say "the unwarrani^'d I'.g Iv'fore he Ij'tter," itutt-d a suit against a New York ri-w.spaper on account of an alleged libel 1 which he was characterized as a "high; man than the floater who sells for $2 on election day," and con- in L i I ; 1 i ^ .-^ . Your purpose to be equally defamatorjv.uin skill in the use of words that in your letter you iirough ignorance. The '1. .--,^11 is plain and were it not that you li.ive Interwoven in your abuse references t" my opinions upon public question.s as opposed to your own. to the Democratic club of whi' 'Ti president and to its l)r'>poied c of Jefferson's birthday, r >h., J ifft your offensive ..t.vii.i i- .i ' ' i swcrefl. -•ilii- club of New York has a inimb.-rsiiip of nearly SOW Democrats wh<i all holri to the main principles of '' " their opinions may vary political questions a^ are I,,,, .>,..r,.iy local or vain conceits But none of '. -r '» nicnitif-rs is a Republican. As If. have never voted for a Re1 'idldate for either a great or Tli J<- ' ' ! . -T dent of 1 ii .n ,-t neighbor, • . rh.. ' call which KELLEY HARD WARE GO,, Thm Stova Merchantrnm SPORTING NOTES. At Indianapolis. Johnny Van tjeest got the decision last night in a 10-round go Elliott, of Indianapolis. Elliotts condition alone saved him a knock- with George out. Floyd A. WcFarland, champion sprint bicyclist of the Pacific coast, has decided to accept the challenge of Harry Elkes for a race at any distanr e the latter may name, provided the purse is lar^^e enough to assure the winner JliUMi after the pacemakers are paid. He will not consent to any dlvi.sion of the purse. McFarland has received a challenge from Eddie McDuffie which he will accept on the same conditions he asks from Elkes. Showalter won the last game of the series against JanowskI at the Manhattan Chess Club yesterday. The Kentucklaii won four games straight and the series. JanowskI secured oidy twf) games. Gus Ruhlln has sigiied articles of agreement to meet Peter Maher in a 20-round bout before the Lenox Athletic club, New York, April .sea. IS. extensive athletes In the T'nlted States, died at his home in Somerville. Mass., yesterday, aged tv> years. He was proprietor of one of the largest stock farms in the country, at Burlington, Kas. He was a member of the Chicago Athletic club. Edward C. Becker purchased the St. lifiuis club fran«-hise from the creditors' syn<llcate yesterday. Articles of lncorp<jratlon for a new baseball association will be filed at once and D«5. Haas Hobison, of <'leveland, will hold 4^ per cent of thi> stock. All he gives in exchange for this is his team of ball players. a necessity name has so its continually been bring about a revival irol, baserl on public ..Millions of which arc not ' L.,. -. . ry. "'XDlarir.tlon made to you "that have not been conthat "you do not unnllvldual opinions* can be i how 1 In a I • I j'Oiu St their • ; with p!' quet given ron saint." ..at :: II - ">'•'• , Your content' , :,. :nat the itTSonlan \>v " and that ni ,111- ban- il of Derii : ns ' loin in a iiot Then gathering.' political pat- s " greatest The Demoemt. cours» i: I • of I ,,....1- at the prr);or the world'.s !• ' 1 ;a, ,_.. . cvnts will "O'K of " . tlii .. ais iiDcniOf ii ii'i •! t>rc 'lu'i not i*'«!Mirfii ri;i*;^' i^ of me n'lw to Indulge in i« long tllscoursf nu the r-Iiiiidiii in •.niir l.lllill^•|j of tl'ID* On ^ rci •> conven- oxphiiti< .1 ni> ctuirHt ill a piiblolflr.-yv »o ?iiv cKiistMneTits and jtistiand thai b-gis- tion !)•• i I M ill enforcing Pabst Maiti^diact i )M)rary i Causes sweet sleep, restores faded looks, lightens vv-eary S an abs>ault minds and builds up the ,os and :.avlngs, bring on tilvei body. It braces; it gives ,;..ctalilstn dind Impair the obligations ;j. therefore I contended of contracts. you vim and bounce. wherever I had opportunity that Insistence by the United Staff j on the coinage ration o£ 16 to l would be the Brave vt In- tiiiiiiinniniiHniHUiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiii ij^'j i'lti . .,'1111 vviuii.l it is Dawson found that junction with the Coiiper. a di.stance ff forty-nine mile.-? from tidewater: second, up the Helden valley to the Konslna divide, thence down the Konslna to Its junction with the «^)ppcr, nlnely-lhret inlles from tidewater, and. Ihti'd, up the Helden vallev and over the Thonipaon pa»«, thence into I'lc Coitper river val\vy. Having re.ichcil the «'«q>pf'r Kiver \allc.v. it is po.-slble to inocecd in any diiecMon. the rieposils of Iron and lotil lie eotirse of the prelmiinar: di< fating line The reniainder of the re-jori deal: ii prohablv ' 575 miles, mountains. Having pas.sed this range at a point in the rear of Corbln's pa?-', he .says there are three possible r<nit,--s. 'Phcse are up Lowe river through the Keystone pass to the headwaters of the Tasuna. thence down that river to Its Chi'^n?" • is i ^iiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii: "fo re- its. between which Is — between Kid Lavigne and Lavlgne's backer prefers the BoUngbroke club, and has cabled for it to .send expense money and articles immediately. The light will be held on the evening of Derby day. Charles Evart Clark, one of the most Blck Burge. is mileage Capt. Abercrombie, that there are but two routes of communication to be considered the Skaguay and the Valdez routes. He says regarding the fact that the Skaguay route passes through foreign territory and involves the taxation with the usual formalities and delays, it will be found topographically that the Lynn canal and Fori Valdez are about the .same altitude, with a difference in (he elevatiim of the White pass on Skaguay route and the Thompson pass on the Valdez route of about 1000 feet in favor of Thompson pa.ss. The meteorological conditions are about the same. As far as agricultural possibilities are concerned, Capt. Abercrombie believes that there Is no comparison between the two routes. He thinks the Copper river valley will produce all the cticils, garden truik. small fruits, etc.. that will be required for the mining population which may hereafter inhabit the Copper river, Tanana and Forty Mile dislricis of Alaska. The gradient into the interior for railroad cmistruclion is tnactically nomBridge timber, tiinbcr for ailinal. road ties, coal and iron. Cai)t. Aber<rombic believes, will be found in abundance. Ho says that he did not understand that he was directed to m'ake a preliminary report on the route for a was simpl.v to report railroad, but whether the topographical features of the Torain are such as to render the construct ion of a road practicable. Not only does he regard it pos.sible, but he believes it to be a commercial proposi.All the natural tion of great merit. routes, gradients considered, are confined to the Keyatcme pass at starting for passage through the coast raiigv of for the fight iSynip the 400 miles, it is found that the differenceis 125 miles in favor of the Valdez rout'?. It is apparent from these figures, :?ays The Bolinghroke club and a ))rivate club in London have each offered a £500 purse Cough I \jr. with biles for nu' .. I mm Philippines. The Kind You Have Always Bougrht, and which has been \ in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per- ARMIES A MENACE stands the highest fur Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, such as weak kldneyn, catarrh of the bladder, rheumatism and which is the worst form of kidney trouble. It is sold by druKglsts In 50-cent and $1 sizes. You may have a sample bottle liy mall free, also pamphlet celling all about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & (,'0.. Binghampton, l^rlght's gravel, Disease, N. Y. When writing pleas-> mention reading this genennis offer in Dulnth Daily Herald. the economic geology of the country traversed and the insects that are found in the Copper River i-eglon. IT WAS A MURDER. A Kansas Father With Is Time Refuse Make to War Implements. What Boston, March 21.— Samuel Oomper-, president of the American Federation of Labor, was the principal speaker at the peace meeting held in Tremont temple under the auspices of the Good Citizens' Peace society. Mr. Gompers referreJ to the position of organized labor on the question of expansion and said: "If it was ernment, it against it. Its age is its giiarautee. It destroys Worms allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation antl Flatulency. It assin.ilates the Food, regulates the substance. and right for the foundei'3 of to fight for free gov- i ' < and outthe Cop- lying stations, tht per River valley, me f vations, the Copper ri ment of 1898. »h»» di Uraluab'e vi the Coii lug tx< Mr i.ai and -. ..ivcr it- - .sub- valley, Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural The Children's Panacea— The 3Iother's Friend. not today right to Sight 'We are today figijtlng against the only Asiatic country thit has ever made an attempt to establish a republican form of government, rnd we are today seriously considering taking part in a plan to divide up China because it will help commerce. "The organizations of labor recognize that a large standing army ib~a and liberty fomenter intended to down strike their Bears the Signature of fellow- Children. construct vessels of wai-; when sailors will refuse to navigate ships of war and when all workers will refuse to con- when shipbuilders will refuse t KIM You Have The • The Oplnlonc revives the stoiy iliat Dm the Spardsh i)retender. has secured advances of several millions from Knglish and French bankers, and will soon enter Spain. The precise date is d 'ferred until the ratlficj tion.-; of the treaty of peace iKtwccn Spain and the Inited States have been exchangc'l. but, acc<^rding to the Opini. 11c. the Carllsts and Spanish Repub'iians will st.nt a revolution after the exchange is made. W. H. Millais, the artist, is dead at Lon- "A HAND interests of good government. William F. Oakl«y, pres'dent of the National t^'itizcns' bank, died yesterday at his hom<? in New York a«ed 72 years. Hon. Wiek Taylor. of Voungstown. Ohio, has returne<l from WashliiKton ami states that whih lliere he was crodlblv informed that Inimedlaiely following" the adjournment of the Pennsylvania legislature. Senator Pennisc will present his resignation to the governor and the latter will appoint Hon. M. S. Quav to the va- cancy, the icrni expiring in 1891. Owing to the inability of the California legislature which has adjournid. to elect a I'nited Si;itt.^ senatir to succeed Stephen M. White, there is much talk of an xtra session being rilletl by Governoi(Jage. The Repub'ican party leaders fear the failure to e'ecl a senator will result in thi» election of a Democratic logislatiu'e two years hence The lower house of the Massachusetts < b^glslature toda>' adopt'il a residutlon protesting against !.he adriisslon of H'-igham II. Robi rt.s, of rtah, V.< a scat in the Fifty-sixth congres.--. t^ount Marian D. Sambia. a Polish nobleman of commanding appearance, who niai ricd a rich yonnj woman of New York, was yeslordav -ientenced to three years in Sing Sing for grand larceny. Louis Richan. Hwrry lialrvmp'e. Kugfiie l>ucbant and Ai'chic S ewarl. engagefl at the Rt>ckland mills, a few miles down tluOttawa river, were kll ed yesterday by a scaffolding falling on ihem. Articles of incorporation of the National Salt conipan\. with a c ipltal stock of J12,0*K!,(H«. were llle<l witl. the secretary of state of New Jerse.v. Articles were also filed of the Host on & Sn-en Devils Copnev company; cai)lt;il, Jo.CO .(hO. SAPOLIO THE PROPER TKU«G FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. IS HEALTH, POWER, ENERGY. ptfipy-7»-frv- til v7'^5lieEl' March /^ w-/* In'--, ff ed ta« =fririr\. .riiowry -act, ! and c*udns roa to el.^w tied tii.p man, and can f pel it! Theprc--letacure and forever .-~^-"- quicklv *^'''="^' )/i/\ "i*'-"'' """* J/7Y ^l^i^ Memory. Sfc)epple«=ress, Py.=pi:. I >rQK ^^\ _ new Varicocelz, Atrophy. ]>c« of --is^ses, Vic. i hr.x : 12 boies 'witli '-'y. — . . : gOKWitae, good as eold)Ja.OO.£>em anywhere. HALSt0 0RUaC0.,Clcvelana,0. Sold in Duluih by Druggist. MAX WIRTH 9%BIANH00D .... <•* RE8TPRED.:c«Pi.flEKE: ^ wsfcicaii » egclaLle ^V italjieiwul italiieiwi'il quicklv quick! V cure all nervous, or diseases cf tne srcnerative sfcnerative or- ^ « -'ulcn-orF- P""'""' ' tMsnbood, • I'ainsic --. lualEstis- ' ai',)'''S- i' - • leand Coi ha'istiasc i>rani9.X .iricocf or eight, rrerentsquickaessol dischii. ... Oavol WIRTH Duluch Urusjrist. a : airl Iinv>otencv. _ . CleansestheI;reT.k..t;ii;y ^.. i!n:.u t 's. Strenirthens and restores sniail •» ^ m. Giiarantefd lo cvire. Send fcr fret <t**r'l f *^"Medicine Co , fcan Fraucisco, CaL For sal e by 21.— Round trip «'xcur- HiEViVO have been gianted by the AVestern Passenger association lim's for the following occasions: Annual meeting general assembly of the Presbyterian church, Minneapolis, May 1 to June 1. one standard first-class normal tariff fare, plus $2, from association territory e;\st anil west of the Missouri river. Annual convention I'^ndeavor, I'nited Society Detroit. Mich , cfaU a box. JUtt Ulnn. one lowest lirst-class fare, plus to 5 ti!; *# -.i a n>.in->nimaai^ r^u.-.-dj for GuQorrhoea, ' '(Ht. S ptorrhopa, rm»t cCREeT' RESTORES VITALin 1: I uunatcrai A% V ctar^.-. or irfl&tnmt tioa. irritatkiu vr ulc?n \>t)i:e?, dtrs » GcaraotKd _oi 10 vuiMsK. ar.r oiucous |Pr«veau eoaMC*«<>tion ,'f tTHEEv/msCHF K'fvfo. br»D««- Made a Well Man Christian of June ruu* Sou-aetriapci* Sold by Dracviata. .ska: Pi, trom association territory I'tah and east. National convention Raptist Young Peoples union. Richmond. \'a.. .Inly 1'! to M. ont' lowest regular (irsi-class fare, plus $2. from association territiTv. Ciah and ea.si. ceeds in getting sut h a measure through congress will hold a high I'lj-ce in the esteem of the peojile. but no higher than the esteem in which v'Ver.vbody h(dds Hostetter's Stomach Pdtters. This medicine has an unequalled (-ecord in leduiing the sickness of mankind. It gets at the starting tmint of disease l>y acting upon the stomach direct. Iiclping that important organ in its duty of digesting food. It makes good appetites, allays nervousness, stimjlates the kidneys and makes a run-down man or woman feel like a new pernor. Trv ,uix* >4rcii'.^' J2, - *.«b,Mi:3k NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FL»RE pi po Yc mi abovo resnlis in 30 days. ociaces 1 h.i Terf uHr and Qui'-kly Cures wb' n Ul others fail oOi; men will rega.n tbeir lust niuibood.and old p x;i\\ wocver their youtV.'al v:;'-o- b? rsia* i RSVITO. It qcickly and Furely S8 He iS, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Ki^ c is-:s, cec Lc 3t Power, FaiUnK T.Icmor?, W-:ti ,t •U effec'ta of Eelf-aLiuRe or excxsc aud isd-.jcret;on -isge. II wMch unfits one for 6'nd'- ' .se, Swii octoaiy cures by stirtic^ ; IRE SALEWht reas, It act* default lias beV- n m.idf in i tin- which by . Wii ius zi<-. • !id = the 4th bring ^ereat nerve ton'c li:. •''c is{ tack the pink s«ow to pali'.j storiug tho fire of yonth. It w. atl CoaeuBiption. Insipt on hsviujt Hk^VIVO, :'< ot icr. It can be cirr^ed in vert pock> t. By taai. • .(X* perp.v?kac?. o. e1\ for S5.00, with r p»M^i 16 written iniani(*t<-s to core cr relcsi e money. Circular free. Addresa tl vc tt »6o Deartwm St -t- Koyal MediciaeCo.,'^^?i^JS:.u. Fale ?'or Duluth. it: by Mltui.. \- • r Willi • a. duly s .1 ;• Kir.ma Hicks, bv w;lio MEN MIAKE PERFECT Ui\ 2s:h in t book in it. 147 of mortgiit; THK THRKSHING TRUST. Marion, Ohio. March 21.— The only <<listaclc which now stands in the wjiy of the consummation of the threshing trust is the lluher company, and Ihe indications arc that an option will be .secured by representatives of the trust toniorrow cN-ening. when a meeting is to be held by the stockholdcis. President K. Huber is averse to selling, but there are enough stockholders who favor the trust to complete the deal. Thomson & Taylor Spiv company : re Introduiing "T. & T." brand of ci'iff-e. Their name is a sufficient guarantee of quality. ar..iiii)t«'iir\ 1 Rrncp tV n 1 tip MAX WIRTH iiold In Dniuth. MJnn., by V. BOVt:E, !r xjtl^ts *id 8 SIKRIFK'S SAl.K OF ivi-,.M. i..^..v.,. NUEK JIDOMENT OF FOKKt'Kot;JKE.— itato of Minnosuta, County ot t>t. — didlars ami i»vniy-tw<' :ut1 -t». • EI i*ourl. ihtru-t ti .1. 1 i.mas Mulr, ;uu!i. • .liidicial u i>r 1 1'! ' • • , • , L Albori .ind ^ I. VotJee hereby Is Irtne of a \ and oonx under thiif. R-l%-en, .. , .i;id in Si. in .a . ., . m ... !'• nndoi l.iii;.<j Ci'iiniN. )iii.!ii .ind (L'VV Vir5t " i Conniy an l.,ouls Avon It1t'!i t> bloik at xv. Pi\i^ii h. •a ,^: will sill iiiddc-r, .-it Mtiy > tif Apr.l. ;i>>• fsnn, .it oil K» do,.r uTi <>i •! s , lu u .i \\\ tl lu -unl d,oro«'. lo-wit in puix'vl.-^ t>f l.mil Ixing and Ihi: _ .. (•I u!it.\ ot SI. I.oul-i and stall' ot Mliinf<its siii.t. ilfs,Tihod as foDtuv--. tn-wit: \III but I'd lw«-my-lwo :i<^ f" ir (V4>. in Mo. k olio I'loji, r, 'I'll 11 l'i\;.iMi a( ( r 1, uf f>idulh hi'l-ot 111 (•"lilinu to 111!' I .•coitlcil )il;il aid iis I'oi ">n at th" from I' at" tho h Ill 1 ,lii .-.wi viE: -Ml of lots elsrhte«>n tlS> fn .•*.ita. ' c. nil iiiii..'-v. In tho i' <( unl>'. Ill ."^fparato ri':i1 rstat'- li.'M 1 - t 1,. In in «Io!»pd b- ' • (i; . ^ ^M^<.'.. rod in Ihc abc V of K. of w!i u. n n by n .saiii ii." of tho Peoples Savof Duluih, insolvt-nt. Dc fen da II is. ,. i;g Sptyers, xV. Siioyiis. Esth<r 1.. iiid jCrnest A. S» hulzf. 1.. > tl :• « , M. Wilkuts. Mihtn R. BaUl- \i II' , I PUinliff, authorized to mine, smelt and deal iii cooper and other metals. .fohn Kratz. :!> year? of aire, shot and killed his ;t->-etir-old :«m Milton at his home In Ralfry. Pa., yesterday, and then committed suicide Kritst is said to have speculated largely in siocks. So pronounced has become the shortaKe of steel bars that tempor;irv. but costly suspension of every tl plale mill In the country Is threatened. Tl'e star plant, of four ndlls I'lttsburg, c1os«m1 yesterday. Other n'ants in this vUlnlty and the West are said to be In lla* same predicament. " •iloi-k a. ni lio. to th<' ; Uc ' ' -II. -ix V- I m We Dwight's Flour, < 1 1 I Vh OLD blYl h < iRAHAM malves nu- W iM>f,l III 11m- ofli-' ' in I genu and gluten Is letaiiied. It is "whole wheat ground on French Biihr Mill Stone. (The ordinary Graham Flour li. nothing more tritious Bread. than bran.) av-ccpt substitut^- 111- rrgis- Louis Count). St. the wheal k\\ As!- and for 4>| f^i r»;t ighfs: Do not Iii uii.v>. of icbruaiy i>«'. lllli. HM. C. SARGENl'. Sheriff of St. Louis County By FESLER. • P'.AI.ER &. ^1 ..-.:»- Herald. t *mX. *V ^. > > A DASH. Depute .(« and In mihI fori'i-|osiir«-. lowd an> b\ litno .'IS l-.IW : wllhiii . I (• r..i.iiiri' ono >far front provided Dated Matxb i Mlb.;, 14th. \ DAVTS HOI tii- !•• \\u El; At' 4t' -.^neji- . I • V. I'S >"- on livo didlars sllpiil'itcd hi of salo led .V of iXiliiih ill :^Hi<i ioiiniy and £>tali-. on !ST». at Siitnrday. the 2;nh diy .«f .April i m kiind is 1.=! • fl^J.^'^?" flesh-bu;! EXCI'RSION R.XTES. hicago. siou rates C Is <• A GCOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." MAJC The company give no rewards, an «iffer of this the nieKUest of dccepti(uis. tiur pitan Is to give every otii- a i-hani't- lo II,y the mciii o'" Kly's Cream IJahn lit.orlIgiiial Huliii for tht lUie ,>{ Calanii. Iha.v Fever and Cold In the Head, by nuailing for 10 ceutb trial si^e lo test V\e mall the 50Its curative powers. cent Bize also, and the druggist keeps it. Test it and you are sure, to continue the treatment. Relief immediate, and a cure follows iClv Brothers, t>6 Warren ttrecl, Mew Yelk. Years. VOMft CITV. IS S-A,VV port. don. the prime mover in the combination. The I'nited States Philippine commission has held its first neeting and d'<'idcl to issue a pronounciamento to the inhabitants of the Islands. Pre.sld<nt S<hurman v.ill prepare it. The locuinent wiL! cxnlalii the spirit ia wliicli th.- I'nited States Intends to fulfil! the trtist impo.sed and wiJl call unon the pe<>ple of the islands to lay down their arms and c(»-operate in the 30 THE CrftTAUn COMPANY, TT WUHRkV STRCrT. NrW • Carlos, Always Bou^M Use For Over In tribute their labors in any way for the Hutchinson, Kan., March _'l.— .\n slaughter of their bret.-^ren. wherov-:r atrocious crime was levealed here yesthey may be. There is a treaty hanvz terday when the coroner and his assist- formulated by the union workers of ants reinoved the dead bodies of live Great Britain and America whicii v.ili make peace necessary without the inte.-little children from tlie house occupied There has by John Moore, which burned at an ventlon of governments. never been, a conference of work ^;s early hour. A coror.er's jury investi- that has not declared for tranquility gated the case and In accordance uith and peace." the jury's returns, Mcore, father jf the dead children, was arrested on a charge THE QU4R^NTINE. of murder. The trt gedy has caused much excitement here and there is some talk of lynching the jrlsoner. However, That at Savannah May Pass Into a lynching is not looked for. National Control. When the firemen and neighbors reached the burning house, the father Savannah, Ga.. March 21.—Negotiawas the only member of the family of tions are pending betv.'een the national seven found outside. His actions were government and the Savannah City queer and he would not talk. While the building was still burning and his government by the terms of which the children weie within he burning walls, city quarantine station may pass under he took a horse from his stable and lode the Control ot the national marine hosaway. When the firemen entered the pital service. The mayor is favorably house after having partly quenched the disposed towards the transfer of auflames they found the five children thority, believing the health of the city lying side by side in a lied on the iloor, Would be better safeguarded, and tli.n all dead, but not badly burned. The the local taxpayers will be sav^^d $20,000 skull of each child was deeply indented a year, the present cost of the quaranand from the d.jnts long fractures ex- tine. The negotiations are the outtended. All but one o:" the children had come of the detention of government been stabbed in the neck. transports from Cuba with soldiers. When Moore was called before the Ariangement.s have been perfected coroner's jury and questioned as to his whereby all soldleis from the West Inriding away fioin the fire, he explained dies will be stopped at Fort I'ulaski, by stating that his wife was away from fourteen miles down the river, for dishome attending a sick friend ond infection and detention, and if the that he went to tell h.^r of their loss. quarantine station passes into national Thf family came here from Kmporia control there will btj, no t>pen door policy about three weeks ago. Mrs. .Moore's for incoming vessels from any isifected 01 SPEECHES. ALWAYS of men; COMOEMSED CASTORIA GENUINE sleep. trouble between man and man. If peaie cannot be secured in any other way the time is coming when federated labor will refuse to make implements that are Killing His Five father. M. F. Franklin, stated that Moore has l)rooded over the fact that he was out of work, und the father-inlaw seems to think that if Moore committed the crime he riust have lo.5t his mind brooding over his troubles. CASTORIA is is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Mori)hine nor other Ifarcoti*; is to infancy. Castoria government this its '^^^^^'^ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children— Experience agraiust Experiment. Some Organized Labor Will menace Charged sonal supervision, .since ^^^7«^^2- Postage to Be Reduced to One Cent The enormous increase in the number A consolidation of sc'ew manufacturers the Skaguay route is 1025 miles the throughout the country to be known as of letters carried in the United States Comparing distance from shorter. the the National Screw comnanv, is to b? mails makes it certain that the j-ate of Skaguay to Dawson City, 575 miles, wi»h formed. The company will be caoltalizecl postage must eventually be reduced to that from Fort Valdez to Dawson City. at $15,(X>!).0("/I. The Am.Tican Screw com- 1 cent an ounce The president who sucpany at Providtjice is City, Avhich Prank Chllds. of Chicago, got the decision over Eddy Dunkhorst, of Syracuse, in an 8-round bout last night before a crowd of isofi, at the Cadillac^ Athletic club In Detroit. Paddy Nagle, of St. Catherines, Ont.. and Jack Hammond, of Detroit, fought eight fast rounds to a draw. Dr. Bull's Comparing St. Michael's and Dawson City, 1600, and that from Skaguay to and traditions with principles ih"',si; on 2S cents. birthday i-d bv our Mf should be a.f In previ- ;! call presl- the whi( h wa.s that . fir where there are children. It cures croup and whooping cough without fail. Price, organiza- and the .rs riocratic nt ofTicially I i-egion is entered and Dawson City is reached at a distance of about .^75 miles from the coast. As a means of water transportation this route Is available for only about four months in the year. The northern route from Seattle 's entirely by water, and from St. Michael's, at the mouth of the Yukon follows that stream in a northeasterly direction to Port Yukon. Here at the mouth of the Porcupine river it turns and follows a southeasterly course 10 Dawson City. Capt. Abercrombie here remarks with considerable empha.-^is that from Skaguay at the head of the Lynn canal, from Yukon at the Jtiouth of the Porcupine, and St. Michael's a", the mouth of Yukon it will ba observed that this river forms the arc of the circle. Of this arc Fort Valdez is the axis. To put is more plainly, consider the arc of the circle as a portion of rhe fe!oe of a wheel, with Fort Valdez as the hub. Strange as it may appear, in making this great curve the Yukon parallels almost the trend of the coast line at a distan;e of some ,")0(i miles from che For reasons why, ask your Do 1 Klondike RADSANT HOME. crat. The mild and the extraordinary effect Swamp-Uoot is ^oon realized. It of Tanana river in the direction of the Yukon between Forty Mile creek -nd Circle City. He was also expected to has been seen by any member of the Democratic club and will not until after the reply has been mailed to \o\\. It is .. :' or letter his third mili- the expeditions. The two expeditij.ns will be the best equipped of i-ny that have thus far penetrated that colossal domain of the ice and »now. In addition to better boats will he the answer you as an individual and not as committing the organization of which am president. No copy of your Washington on named ternational bimetallism, and that If Kurope opened its mints at lo^.. and tins government persisted in the ratio of 16 to 1. the result would be as In 1V4 and the Inlted States would be left with only a 1 left chase range ponies to be used as pack animals. No reindeer will acconujany I \ B eeplessncss, urlo dropsy, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, or Irregulaheart. You may deptnd upon it, the cause Is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Women as wull as men are mad'* miscraljle with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, gravel, up and strengthen weak and unhealthy kidneys, purify the diceased. kidney-poisoned blood, clear the complexion and soon help the sufferer to tary reconnaia.sance into Alaska. Capt. E. F. Glenn, who also has been directed to make a military reconnaissance Into Alaska, will follow him in a few days. The first duty enjoined upon those oflicera ia to proceed to Montana and pur- -jubsidiary currency. I have juhivitation ex Samuel Gompers Says That Is Our Position In the complexion," Their kidncya are turning to a parsnip color, so is their complexion. They int y suffer from Inticy will build Marcii 21.— Oupi. .VV. K. Abercrombie of the United States army openly repudiated <ni I Copper \\,......;.Klon, ; the fiillowing inijuiry: callow, colorless-looking peopl you often meet are alRicted with "kld- l>etter health. diseases. speeches, of 2) Along Prac- Is River Valley. be all your own way P' pon l 1- ticable about the home-treatment of ordinary It contains 1008 page?, and over 300 illustrations. Several chapters are devoted to the diseases of women. For a paper-covered copy send 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, BnflFalo, N. Y. Cloth binding, 10 cents extra. "Favorite Prescription" can te obtained in any good medicine store. ;s will permit your ate you select such subject u He Says Agriculture icine for ailing women. It acts tlirectly on the delicate and important organs concerned. It makes thera well and strong. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain, stops exhausting drains ana gives rest and tone to the tortured nerves. Thousands of women ha\'e testified to its almost miraculous merits. Matiy of them have permitted their names, addresses, experiences and photographs to be reproduced in Dr Pierce's Conimon Sense Medical Adviser. This gr^t book used to sell for $1.50, now it is absolutely free. It tells Demo- lviii,.net th-- club of i- •;o — last FORMER REPORT HIS the usual ailmeuts of childhood, she must take proper care of herself in a womanly way during the period of gestation. A woman who suffers from weakness and disease of the organs distinctly feminine is unfitted for wifehood and motherhood. I'r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a wonderful med- evening gave out the followlnff correspondence to the Associaieil I'ress. having bofu notlfletl that It hail not Mr. hoeii made public by Mr. Bolmont. Hryan statinl that he ha»l nothing tu say about the matter, but that the correspondence spi»ke for iself: 1899.— Hon. Champaign. 111.. March IB. Democratic FVesident Perry l5elmont. Dear Sir— I recelvtd, a t'lub. New York. few day^ ago. the following tiiegram: New York. March 5.— Hon. W. J. Bryan, Lincoln. Neb. In arranging the toasts and J. FREEDOM dition. a.-ld, term only shortened the period of their sufferings. If a woman wishes her babies to healthj- and strong and able to resist riGHTING majority of the ills nfUicting people today can h" traced to kidney trouble. It pervadec all classes of society, In all climates, regardless of age, sex or con- digestion, bloating, these fact remains that this tremendous mortality was to a great extent due to the lack of inherent resisting power in the victims. These babies when bom had in their bodies the seeds of disease. The deadly heated ion, Reconnais- Third sance of the Territory. city, HE GETS ONE BACK ading as Democratic. His unsani- deaths would have occurred any way. The . on districts, many Republican Masquer- Abercrombie Departs Capt. a in PARSNIP CONIPLEXIOtf. A The the ^umrae^ in City as many as a thouirvai^S^rfl san<j babies have died in a week. _ '^Zi!-A / Of ^ . , and mont a Rather Warm Is TO SIRVEY ALASKA ; lOSt ; " IJSOO. 21, 1 ata w'a. Bryan Sends Perry Bel- ^V. J. the nil bf TUESDAY, MARC 11 - Feb 21-:« Maick- 1»ii (erald—March-14-210?-
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