2014 Test Coordinator’s Manual Copyright © 2014 by the Connecticut State Board of Education in the name of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut. WHAT’S NEW IN 2014 2014 Assessments Many districts have opted to administer the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia’s field test this year in place of CAPT testing. However, all students in grade 10, and retesters if applicable, must be administered the CAPT Science test. There are separate answer booklets and Test Examiner Manuals for Science only. The CAPT Skills Checklist must still be administered to all students for whom this alternate assessment has been deemed appropriate. Further information about the CAPT Skill Checklist can be found at the following link: CSDE Web site Districts that have opted not to administer the CAPT in 2014 may ignore sections of this manual that refer specifically to Reading Across the Disciplines, Writing Across the Disciplines, Mathematics, MAS Reading Across the Disciplines, and MAS Mathematics. The Measurement Incorporated Secure Testing (MIST) Application The MIST application has been upgraded and must be updated on each testing computer. Test Accommodations The 2013-2014 Assessment Guidelines is available through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. The 2013-2014 CAPT Test Accommodations Form is available at the Test Accommodations page of the CSDE Web site. Delivery and Return of Test Materials Most districts will receive and return test materials via FedEx instead of courier. Instructions for both methods and a list of courier districts can be found on page 35 of this manual. CONTACT INFORMATION Questions regarding shipping or receiving test materials and the Measurement Incorporated Web Portal should be directed to: Measurement Incorporated Connecticut Help Line Phone: 866-762-1060 Fax: 866-762-1057 [email protected] Technical questions regarding the online Measurement Incorporated Secure Testing (MIST) system should be directed to: MIST Technical Support Desk Phone: 866-691-1148 Questions regarding CAPT policies, test accommodations, test irregularities, reporting, or any other questions related to the CAPT administration should be directed to: Connecticut State Department of Education Bureau of Student Assessment CAPT: 860-713-6890 [email protected] CSDE Web site: http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/site CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site: https://solutions.emetric.net/TAForm MI Web Portal: https://state2.measinc.com/ct/wp MIST Practice Web site: https://mist.measinc.com/Proctor/Practice CAPT Online Reports Web site: http://ctreports.com Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 TEST SECURITY .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 SECURITY BREACHES ............................................................................................................................................. 2 CALENDAR OF KEY EVENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 The Connecticut Academic Performance Test Third Generation .......................................................................... 4 CAPT Content Areas ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Mathematics .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Reading Across the Disciplines .............................................................................................................................. 4 Writing Across the Disciplines ............................................................................................................................... 5 Science ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 TEST FORMS ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 TEST ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 7 SKILLS CHECKLIST AND MAS OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 8 WHO SHOULD BE TESTED ................................................................................................................................... 9 Grade 10 Students.................................................................................................................................................... 9 Retesting Students in Grades 11 and 12 ............................................................................................................... 9 Additional Questions Concerning Grades 10, 11, and 12 Students and the CAPT .................................... 10 Students Who Move to Another Connecticut Public School During Testing ............................................. 11 Students Who Leave the Connecticut Public School System During Testing .............................................. 11 Students Who Are Suspended, Expelled, Homebound, Homeschooled, Hospitalized, or Incarcerated During Testing........................................................................................................................................................ 11 Students Who Receive Special Education Services........................................................................................... 11 Students Identified as Disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ............................... 12 Students Identified as English Language Learners (ELL)................................................................................ 12 Students Identified as ELL Exempt .................................................................................................................... 12 Students Who Leave a Test Session Blank ......................................................................................................... 13 Students Who Are Absent .................................................................................................................................... 13 Make-Up Testing.................................................................................................................................................... 13 TEST MATERIALS………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 COMPLETING STUDENT IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................... 16 INFORMATION ON ANSWER BOOKLETS .................................................................................................... 16 1. Instructions for Using Pre-ID Labels ............................................................................................................. 16 2. Instructions for Using Generic Barcode Labels ............................................................................................ 17 3. Front Cover of Answer Booklet: Sections to Be Completed by the Student ........................................... 17 4. Back Cover of Answer Booklet: Sections to Be Completed by the Test Examiner ................................ 17 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LARGE PRINT AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE CAPT AND WORD PROCESSOR/ONLINE COMPUTER RESPONSES ......................................................................... 19 i Table of Contents DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................... 22 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................... 22 RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION ....................................................................... 23 Receiving Test Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Ordering Additional MAS, Large Print, and Braille Test Booklets ................................................................ 23 Inventorying Test Materials .................................................................................................................................. 23 Inventorying the School Shipment ...................................................................................................................... 24 MIST ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Testing Schedule..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Announcement of Testing .................................................................................................................................... 28 Appointment of Test Examiners ......................................................................................................................... 28 Training Test Examiners ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Administration of the Practice Tests................................................................................................................... 30 (Optional) Student/Parent Brochures ................................................................................................................ 30 Testing Rooms........................................................................................................................................................ 30 RESPONSIBILITIES DURING TEST ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................... 31 Monitoring the Secure Administration of the Test ........................................................................................... 31 Securing Test Materials Between Test Administration Sessions ..................................................................... 31 Test Irregularities ................................................................................................................................................... 31 RESPONSIBILITIES FOLLOWING TEST ADMINISTRATION ................................................................. 32 Verifying Student Counts...................................................................................................................................... 32 Verifying Information on the Front and Back Covers of the Student Answer Booklets ........................... 32 Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) ............................................................................................ 32 CAPT Reporting .................................................................................................................................................... 32 RETURNING MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................... 33 PACKAGING MATERIALS FOR RETURN TO MEASUREMENT INCORPORATED ....................... 34 Scorable Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Nonscorable Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 34 SHIPPING TEST MATERIALS .............................................................................................................................. 35 Method 1: Courier Pickup .................................................................................................................................... 35 Instructions for Courier Pickup ........................................................................................................................... 35 Method 2: FedEx Pickup ...................................................................................................................................... 35 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 36 APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................................................................... A-1 Grade 10 Answer Booklet: Front Cover ............................................................................................................................... A-1 Grade 10 Answer Booklet: Back Cover ................................................................................................................................ A-2 APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................................................................................... B-1 Retester Answer Booklet: Front Cover ................................................................................................................................. B-1 Retester Answer Booklet: Back Cover .................................................................................................................................. B-2 APPENDIX C .......................................................................................................................................................................... C-1 Grade 10 Science Answer Booklet: Front Cover................................................................................................................. C-1 Grade 10 Science Answer Booklet: Back Cover .................................................................................................................. C-2 ii Table of Contents APPENDIX D ........................................................................................................................................................................ D-1 Restester Science Answer Booklet: Front Cover ................................................................................................................ D-1 Retester Science Answer Booklet: Back Cover ................................................................................................................... D-2 APPENDIX E .......................................................................................................................................................................... E-1 District Packing List ................................................................................................................................................................. E-1 APPENDIX F .......................................................................................................................................................................... F-1 Secure Material Checklist Form ............................................................................................................................................. F-1 APPENDIX G ........................................................................................................................................................................ G-1 Scorable Return Label: Dark Blue......................................................................................................................................... G-1 NonScorable Return Label: Dark Pink ................................................................................................................................ G-1 APPENDIX H .........................................................................................................................................................................H-1 CAPT Special Handling Cover Page .....................................................................................................................................H-1 APPENDIX I ............................................................................................................................................................................ I-1 CAPT Special Handling Kit Instructions............................................................................................................................... I-1 APPENDIX J ............................................................................................................................................................................ J-1 District and Resident Town Code Numbers ......................................................................................................................... J-1 District and Resident Town Code Numbers ......................................................................................................................... J-2 District and Resident Town Code Numbers ......................................................................................................................... J-3 Guidelines for Assigning a Resident Town Code to a Student Who Has Generic Barcode Labels ............................. J-4 APPENDIX K .........................................................................................................................................................................K-1 Test Irregularities ......................................................................................................................................................................K-1 iii GENERAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION This manual includes a description of the Test Coordinator’s responsibilities for the receipt, distribution, administration, collection, and return of the 2014 CAPT testing materials. This manual provides general information about the testing program, a description of the test materials, instructions on the management of secure materials, and activities to be completed before, during, and following test administration. All secure test materials must be returned to Measurement Incorporated’s processing center in Durham, North Carolina, when testing is completed. This Test Coordinator’s Manual complements the Test Examiner’s Manual for the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT), and is to be used by all districts, whether or not they have opted to administered the SBAC Field Test in 2014. The Test Examiner’s Manual provides instructions for test preparation and administration in the classroom. All test examiners should be thoroughly familiar with the contents of the Test Examiner’s Manual prior to test administration. Test Coordinators should read the instructions in this Test Coordinator’s Manual carefully and become familiar with the instructions in the Test Examiner’s Manual prior to testing. TEST SECURITY This manual contains specific instructions that teachers must follow to ensure test security and validity. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that each test examiner review this entire manual prior to administering any part of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test. Violation of test security is a serious matter with far-reaching consequences. Breaches of test security include, but are not limited to, copying of test materials, failing to return test materials, coaching students, giving students answers, and/or changing students’ answers. Such acts may lead to the invalidation of an entire school district’s student test scores, disruption of the test system statewide, and legal action against the individuals committing the breach. A breach of test security may be dealt with as a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility for Teachers, as well as a violation of other pertinent state and federal law and regulation. The Connecticut State Department of Education will investigate all such matters and pursue appropriate follow-up action. Any person found to have intentionally breached the security of the test system may be subject to sanctions including, but not limited to, disciplinary action by a local board of education, the revocation of Connecticut teaching certification by the State Board of Education,* and civil liability pursuant to federal copyright law. *See Section 10-145b(j) (1) of the Connecticut General Statutes, which reads in part as follows: The State Board of Education shall revoke any certificate, authorization or permit issued pursuant to said sections if the holder is found to have intentionally disclosed specific questions or answers to students or otherwise improperly breached the security of any administration of a state-wide examination pursuant to Section 10-14n. 1 General Information All CAPT materials are Secure (with the exception of the CAPT Practice Tests, CAPT Skills Checklist, Test Examiner’s and Test Coordinator’s Manuals, Mathematics rulers and formula charts, and Science periodic tables). CAPT materials must be kept in a locked storage area until they are used with students. After administration, materials must be kept in a locked storage area until they are returned to Measurement Incorporated. To maintain the integrity and validity of the CAPT, security measures must be maintained before, during, and after testing. SECURITY BREACHES The following activities represent breaches in security and must be avoided: • Reviewing, examining, or analyzing secure test items or student responses either before, during, or after testing. • Providing students with, or access to, secure test items or test content prior to testing. • Providing students with, or access to, answers prior to, during, or after testing. • Keeping, copying, discussing, reproducing, cloning, or using in any manner inconsistent with instructions specified in the Test Examiner’s and Test Coordinator’s Manuals any item or any portion of any test except those items and tests specifically released by the Connecticut State Department of Education. • Keeping, copying, discussing, or reproducing any portion of student responses to any live test items. • Coaching students or altering or interfering with student responses in any way before, during, or after testing including, but not limited to, providing students with explanations of questions or definitions of testitem vocabulary for any section of the test. • Failing to follow instructions specified in the Test Examiner’s and the Test Coordinator’s Manuals for the distribution and return of test materials or failing to account for all secure test materials before, during, and after testing. • Failing to follow all directions pertaining to the administration of the CAPT as specified in the Test Examiner’s and Test Coordinator’s Manuals. • Allowing, participating in, assisting in, or encouraging any unauthorized access to test materials before, during, or after testing. • Except for approved accommodations, allowing students to use portable listening or recording devices, cell phones, personal digital assistants, or other electronic equipment during any test session. • Leaving in view of students during test administration (e.g., on bulletin boards, posters, desktop learning aids) materials that are content or conceptually related to the subject areas being assessed. If you have questions about test security or whether specific items or tests have been released, call the Student Assessment Office at the Connecticut State Department of Education, 860-713-6890. Test examiners must immediately report any breaches in test security to the Test Coordinator. The Test Coordinator must then immediately contact the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. 2 Calendar of Key Events CALENDAR OF KEY EVENTS EVENT DATES Districts submit test accommodations on the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site Prior to test administration Administer Practice Tests Prior to test administration Districts receive test materials from Measurement Incorporated (MI) Notify MI if additional quantities are required or if there are discrepancies in secure materials shipments or checklists Conduct Statewide Testing Mandatory Testing Dates: Administer Interdisciplinary Writing Session 1 to all students Administer Response to Literature to all students Administer Interdisciplinary Writing Session 2 to all students Return of Test Materials to Measurement Incorporated January 23 – February 6, 2014 February 3 – 24, 2014 March 3–28, 2014 Tuesday, March 4 2014 Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Thursday, March 6, 2014 FedEx pickup (page 35) by Thursday, April 3, 2014 (or as soon as possible after testing) Courier pickup: See page 35 for instructions on how to arrange this courier pickup. Earlier pickup dates may be arranged by calling the MI Connecticut Help Line (866-762-1060) Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) May 14 – 20, 2014 3 OVERVIEW THE CONNECTICUT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE TEST THIRD GENERATION The Connecticut General Statutes (section 10-14n) mandate a statewide assessment to be administered to all public school students in Grade 10. A Certification of Mastery will be awarded to students who achieve the state Goal (level 4 or above) in any of the subjects tested. The law requires that a record of such performance become part of a student’s permanent record and official high school transcript. Students who do not reach the state Goal (level 4 or above) in a particular area may retake that section in Grade 11 and/or Grade 12. The CAPT assesses and reports on student performance in four areas: Mathematics, Reading Across the Disciplines, Writing Across the Disciplines, and Science. Each of these content areas is described below. CAPT CONTENT AREAS Mathematics The Mathematics test assesses how well students compute and estimate, solve problems, and communicate their understanding across four content standards: Algebraic Reasoning, Numerical and Proportional Reasoning, Geometry and Measurement, and Working with Data. The Mathematics test consists of 24 grid-in and eight openended items and is administered in two sessions. For the open-ended items, students typically are asked to show their calculations, explain their reasoning, or justify the procedure they used to solve a problem. The open-ended items are scored by trained readers using a four-point holistic rubric. For grid-in items, students must solve a problem and enter their response into a seven-digit response grid. The grid-in items are scored electronically as either correct or incorrect. Students are permitted to use calculators, rulers, and formula charts for the entire test. Reading Across the Disciplines The Reading Across the Disciplines section consists of two tests that assess students’ reading abilities: Response to Literature and Reading for Information. In the Response to Literature test, students are asked to read a short story and then respond in writing to four open-ended items requiring them to describe, interpret, connect to, and evaluate the story. Responses to all four questions are assessed collectively using a six-point holistic rubric. Each student’s response is scored by two independent readers. The two scores are combined resulting in a score ranging from two–12 points. The Reading for Information test requires students to read three nonfiction articles taken from magazines, newspapers, and/or journals and answer a combination of 12 multiple-choice and six open-ended items. The test assesses how well students interpret and explain each article and evaluate the way the author wrote the article. The open-ended items are scored by trained readers using a three-point holistic rubric. Multiple-choice items are scored electronically as either correct or incorrect. 4 Overview Writing Across the Disciplines The Writing Across the Disciplines section has three tests that assess students’ writing skills: two Interdisciplinary Writing tests and an Editing & Revising test. The Interdisciplinary Writing section requires students to read two short articles about an important issue, take a position on the issue, and write a persuasive piece supporting their position. Students are assessed on their ability to think critically and logically, and persuasively and effectively express their ideas in a clear and fluent manner. Each student’s response is scored by two trained readers using a six-point holistic rubric for a combined score of two-12 points. Students complete two Interdisciplinary Writing items as part of the assessment. The Editing & Revising test assesses students’ editing, composing, and revising skills. The test requires students to read three passages of sample student writing and answer 18 multiple-choice items to correct common errors in organization, word choice, syntax, capitalization, punctuation, usage, and spelling. The items are scored electronically as either correct or incorrect. Science The Science test assesses students’ understanding of important scientific concepts from five different content strands, as well as their abilities to apply those concepts to real-world issues. In addition, there is a major focus on scientific inquiry and using scientific reasoning to solve problems. The Science test consists of 60 multiple-choice and 5 open-ended items and is administered in two sessions. Open-ended items are scored by trained readers using a four-point holistic rubric. Multiple-choice items are scored electronically as either correct or incorrect. 5 Overview The following subtests make up the CAPT: TEST FORMS Subtest Actual Testing Time Directions Time Total Time Response to Literature Session 1 70 minutes 10 minutes 80 minutes Reading for Information Session 1 45 minutes 15 minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes 75 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes* 90 minutes 80 minutes 50 minutes 50 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes* 65 minutes 55 minutes 65 minutes 65 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 80 minutes 80 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 35 minutes Mathematics Session 1 Session 2 Science Session 1 Session 2 Interdisciplinary Writing Session 1 Session 2 Editing & Revising Session 1 * Allow 15 minutes for directions if administered on separate days. A maximum of two sessions of testing may be scheduled per day. When administering two sessions on the same day, a break of at least 15 minutes should be allowed between sessions. Note: Students in Grades 11 and 12 who are retesting in any of the above areas will take the same form as the Grade 10 students in their school. However, they must use the CAPT retester answer booklet with the orange cover. For districts testing only CAPT Science in 2014, the test consists of the following test sessions. Subtest Actual Testing Time Directions Time Total Time Science Session 1 Session 2 50 minutes 50 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes* * Allow 15 minutes for directions if administered on separate days. 6 65 minutes 55 minutes Overview TEST ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION Pre-identification labels or generic labels must be affixed to the front cover of the answer booklets in the proper place before the start of testing. Students who are using a generic label must fill out the demographic information on the cover page of their answer booklets before the first test session. It is the responsibility of the person administering the test to be sure all gridding is done correctly. The cover page takes approximately 15 minutes to complete; directions are in the Test Examiner’s Manual. (Note: Ethnicity/Race information is completed on the back cover of the student’s answer booklet.) The CAPT Practice Tests must be given before testing begins (February 3 – February 28, 2014). The administration of each of the practice tests will take approximately 15 minutes. The purpose of each practice test is to familiarize students with the different item formats they will encounter on the test. All testing (including make-ups) must occur from March 3–28, 2014, inclusive. There are three sessions that must be administered on fixed days: Tuesday, March 4, 2014—Interdisciplinary Writing Session 1 Wednesday, March 5, 2014—Response to Literature Session 1 Thursday, March 6, 2014—Interdisciplinary Writing Session 2 All other testing sessions may be scheduled on any day within the four-week window. Within a school, each section of the test must be administered to all Grade 10 students and retest students at the same time on the same day. The test schedule may vary among schools within a district. Students must be tested in a regular classroom setting. The test may not be administered to a large group of students that exceeds a normal class size. There is no minimum number of students allowed within a setting. A maximum of two sessions of testing may be scheduled per day. For example, the Response to Literature test and the Editing & Revising test may be administered on the same day. When administering two test sessions on the same day, a break of between 10 and 30 minutes should be allowed between sessions. Mathematics Sessions 1 and 2 do not need to be administered on the same day. The same is true for Science Sessions 1 and 2. If your school is closed due to inclement weather on a fixed test date (March 4, 5, or 6), then the test administration for the session canceled should be rescheduled as soon as possible. Other tests that must be given on fixed dates should not be moved to accommodate the canceled test administration. For example, if your school is closed on Tuesday, March 4, Interdisciplinary Writing Session 1 must be rescheduled as soon as possible. Response to Literature must still be administered on March 5 and Interdisciplinary Writing Session 2 must still be administered on March 6. If your district or school has a delayed opening on the day of a “fixed-date” test session, the fixed date test session (i.e., Interdisciplinary Writing and Response to Literature) should still be administered on that date, if possible. If two test sessions are scheduled for a day with a delayed opening, but there is only time to administer one, the “fixed-date” session should be administered. However, if, after a delayed opening, logistical considerations warrant the cancellation of testing for that day, then the fixed-date test session should be rescheduled for the next available date. Retesting for Grade 11 and 12 students in your district must be conducted at the same time as testing of Grade 10 students. All scheduling requirements outlined in this manual also apply to retest students. 7 Overview SKILLS CHECKLIST AND MAS OVERVIEW Students Who Receive Special Education Services: Skills Checklist The CAPT Skills Checklist is an alternate assessment designed for students with significant cognitive impairments. The student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team must determine that the student meets ALL the following criteria in order to be assessed with the CAPT Skills Checklist: 1. The student has a significant cognitive disability. 2. The student requires intensive individualized instruction to acquire, maintain, or generalize skills that students without disabilities typically develop outside a school setting. 3. The student requires direct instruction in multiple settings to successfully generalize skills to natural settings, including home, school, and community. 4. The student’s instructional program includes participation in the general education curriculum to the extent appropriate and may also include a functional and life-skills component. School district personnel are required to complete a Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) on the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site for each student assessed with the CAPT Skills Checklist. A copy of the CAPT Skills Checklist is available through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. The online CAPT Skills Checklist must be submitted during the testing window, March 3 – 28, 2014, using the MI Web Portal. This Web site requires a username and password to enter the CAPT Skills Checklist. If you submitted the CAPT Skills Checklist online last year, you may use the same username and password. Students Who Receive Special Education Services: CAPT Modified Assessment System (CAPT MAS) The CAPT MAS is an alternate assessment designed for students with any disability listed under section 602(3) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The student’s IEP Team determines if a student meets the eligibility criteria to be assessed with the CAPT MAS. A student may be eligible for the CAPT MAS in Reading and/or Mathematics. Additional information about the CAPT MAS can be found through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. The CAPT MAS is available for the content areas of mathematics and reading only. For the other content areas (i.e., CAPT writing and science), there is no CAPT MAS option. Students who are administered the CAPT MAS will participate in the standard version of the CAPT Writing and Science and possibly Reading or Mathematics if the student only qualifies for one content area. For every student assessed with the CAPT MAS, school district personnel are required to submit a CMT/CAPT MAS Eligibility form and enter accommodation information, prior to testing, by using the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site. The CAPT MAS is available as a live test for identified Grade 10 students and as a retest for identified individual students in Grades 11 and 12. The following guidelines should be followed in scheduling the 2014 CAPT MAS: Students taking the CAPT MAS will not take the standard version of the CAPT in the same content area(s). For example, a student taking the CAPT MAS in mathematics will not take any sessions of mathematics on the standard CAPT. Students taking the CAPT MAS must be tested in a separate setting from students taking the standard CAPT Mathematics and/or Reading. Within a school, each test session of CAPT MAS must be administered on the same schedule. There is no requirement that CAPT MAS subtests be given on the same schedule as the standard tests. 8 Overview The 2014 MAS administration will require all students assessed with the CAPT MAS Reading and/or Mathematics tests to submit their responses using the Measurement Incorporated Secure Testing (MIST) application (more information can be found on page 25). The length of time for each CAPT MAS subtest is specified below, broken down into actual student testing time and additional administration time necessary for distributing materials and reading directions. Note: Many students participating in the CAPT MAS are likely to have the test accommodation of extended time. CAPT MAS Subtest Testing Time Directions Time Total Time Reading for Information 45 minutes 15 minutes 60 minutes Response to Literature 70 minutes 10 minutes 80 minutes Session 1 75 minutes 15 minutes 90 minutes Session 2 75 minutes 5 minutes* 80 minutes Mathematics * Allow 15 minutes for directions if administered on separate days. WHO SHOULD BE TESTED Grade 10 Students Connecticut General Statutes (Section 10-14n) mandate that all public school students enrolled in Grade 10 participate in the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) each year. Grade 10 students include those repeating 10th grade. Grade 10 students repeating the 10th grade must use the Grade 10 answer booklet, not the retester answer booklet. Please note that any Grade 10 repeater who previously met the state Goal (level 4 or above) in one or more content areas is not allowed to test in those content areas. You must make sure this is the case before excusing a Grade 10 repeater from any section of CAPT. Retesting Students in Grades 11 and 12 Retesting for Grades 11 and 12 students must be conducted at the same time as testing of Grade 10 students. All scheduling requirements outlined in this manual also apply to retesting students. The retesting procedures for each part of the CAPT are detailed below. 1. Mathematics A student who did not meet the state Goal on the CAPT Mathematics test in 2012 or 2013 has the option of retaking the 2014 Mathematics test to achieve the state Goal in Mathematics. Students wishing to obtain certification must retake both sessions of the Mathematics test in the same administration year. A student who met the state Goal (level 4 or above) on Mathematics in 2012 or 2013 may not retest. 2. Science A student who did not meet the state Goal on the CAPT Science test in 2012 or 2013 has the option of retaking the 2014 Science test to achieve the state Goal in Science. Students wishing to obtain certification must retake both sessions of the Science test in the same administration year. A student who met the state Goal (level 4 or above) on Science in 2012 or 2013 may not retest. 3. Reading Across the Disciplines A student who did not meet the state Goal on the CAPT Reading Across the Disciplines test in 2012 or 2013 has the option of retaking the 2014 Reading Across the Disciplines test to achieve the state Goal in Reading Across the Disciplines. The Reading Across the Disciplines test consists of both the Response to Literature and Reading for Information subtests. Students wishing to obtain certification in Reading Across the Disciplines 9 Overview must retake both subtests in the same administration year. A student who met the state Goal (level 4 or above) on Reading Across the Disciplines in 2012 or 2013 may not retest. 4. Writing Across the Disciplines A student who did not meet the state Goal on the CAPT Writing Across the Disciplines in 2012 or 2013 has the option of retaking the 2014 Writing Across the Disciplines test to achieve the state Goal in Writing Across the Disciplines. The Writing Across the Disciplines test consists of the Interdisciplinary Writing 1, Interdisciplinary Writing 2, and Editing & Revising subtests. Students wishing to obtain certification in Writing Across the Disciplines must retake all three subtests in the same administration year. A student who met the state Goal (level 4 or above) on Writing Across the Disciplines in 2012 or 2013 may not retest. CAPT cumulative transcript labels will reflect multiple year scores in each content area (i.e., Mathematics, Science, Reading Across the Disciplines, and Writing Across the Disciplines) for each year a student participates in the CAPT. That is, a sophomore who took the CAPT for the first time in 2012 and then retested in 2013 as a junior and tested a third time in 2014 as a senior will have all three sets of results reported on the CAPT cumulative transcript label in 2014. Additional Questions Concerning Grades 10, 11, and 12 Students and the CAPT What if a student … Resolution of the Issue Correct Answer Booklet to Use was absent for all subtests as a If the student was accounted for as a Grade 10 student Retester (Orange) Grade 10 student last year and is (i.e., the student was reported as absent for all subtests now a Grade 11 student? last year), then the student is considered a retester this year as an 11th grader. transfers into a Connecticut public The student is considered a retester and therefore taking Retester (Orange) high school in Grade 11 or 12 the CAPT is optional (local graduation requirements may from out of state or from a private still apply). school? repeats Grade 9 in his or her second year of high school and skips ahead to Grade 11 in the third year (i.e., the student is technically not a Grade 10 student at the time of CAPT)? Each public high school student must be considered a Grade 10 (Blue) 10th grader at some point in high school and be tested on CAPT. The district must determine when the student is closest to being a 10th grader and test in that year. A public high school student may not skip mandatory CAPT testing in Grade 10. previously reached the Goal (level A student who has previously achieved Goal (level 4) in a Not Applicable 4) in a content area but wants to content area may not retest to improve the score. retest to improve the score? If you have additional questions please contact the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. 10 Overview Students Who Move to Another Connecticut Public School During Testing The District Test Coordinator must be notified immediately if a student moved to another Connecticut public school during the testing window (March 3 – March 28, 2014) and did not complete all required test sessions. The District Test Coordinator must then contact the Student Assessment Office for further instructions. Students Who Leave the Connecticut Public School System During Testing The District Test Coordinator must be notified if a student withdraws from the Connecticut Public School System (e.g., transfers to a private school, homeschool, moves out of state) during the testing window (March 3 through March 28, 2014). In this case, the District Test Coordinator is required to call the CSDE Student Assessment Office for further instructions. All the student’s test booklets must be returned using a Special Handling Box. Note: If a student completed all testing prior to leaving the Connecticut public school system, the student’s answer booklet should be returned with all other scorable test materials. Students Who Are Suspended, Expelled, Homebound, Homeschooled, Hospitalized, or Incarcerated During Testing Refer to the Assessment Guidelines for information about students who are suspended, expelled, homebound, homeschooled, hospitalized, or incarcerated during testing. The Assessment Guidelines is available through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. Students Who Receive Special Education Services Students who receive special education services must participate in statewide testing. These students must participate in the standard CAPT, CAPT MAS (with accommodations if necessary), or the CAPT Skills Checklist. The CAPT Skills Checklist must be completed online rather than by submission of a paper form. Students who are assessed with a Skills Checklist may not be assessed with any other assessment option. See page 8 of this manual for more information on the CAPT MAS and CAPT Skills Checklist. See the current version of the Assessment Guidelines for specific information concerning accommodations available for students receiving special education services. The Assessment Guidelines document is available online at the CSDE Web site. Test accommodation information must be entered on the electronic data entry system located online at the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site prior to the completion of testing on March 28, 2014. This Web site requires a username and password. Please call the Student Assessment Office at 860- 7136890 if you do not already have this information. Instructions for submitting a word processor/online computer response are found on page 19 of this manual. 11 Overview Students Identified as Disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Students who are not identified for special education, but who are identified as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, must be tested on the standard version of the CAPT. These students may, however, receive accommodations for the test administration. These accommodations must be entered in the test accommodations Web site. Please see the current version of the Assessment Guidelines for further information. Students Identified as English Language Learners (ELL) Students identified as English language learners (ELL), also referred to as students who have limited English proficiency (LEP), must take the CAPT (with accommodations if necessary). Refer to the current version of the Assessment Guidelines for information about the accommodations available for ELL students. The current version of the Assessment Guidelines is available through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. For every student with accommodations, school district personnel are required to enter accommodation information accurately on the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site prior to testing. Students Identified as ELL Exempt Some ELL students may be eligible for exemption from the Reading and Writing subtests of the CAPT. For a student to qualify as “ELL Exempt,” the following conditions must apply: the student is identified as ELL and enrolled for the first time in a U.S. school after March 3, 2013; AND the student was administered an appropriate language proficiency assessment. Students who qualify as ELL Exempt: must take the Mathematics and Science tests, with accommodations if necessary. Refer to the current version of the Assessment Guidelines for information about accommodations available for ELL students. may be exempt from the Reading Across the Disciplines and Writing Across the Disciplines tests, which include Response to Literature, Reading for Information, Editing & Revising, and both Interdisciplinary Writing Tests. (The student’s participation in an appropriate language proficiency assessment will be counted toward the Reading AYP participation calculation.) The current version of the Assessment Guidelines is available through the Student assessment link on the CSDE Web site NOTE: Districts that have high schools with bilingual education programs may have Grade 11 English Language Learners who must take the CAPT as part of the annual assessment of academic progress. English Language Learners in Grade 11 who are eligible for bilingual programs must take the CAPT as retesters to determine progress toward meeting the English mastery standard. 12 Overview Students Who Leave a Test Session Blank If a Grade 10 student is present for a particular test session but does not respond to any questions or provide any response in that test session (i.e., that session of the answer booklet is completely blank), the “Left Blank” bubble on the back cover of the answer booklet must be filled in for that test session. Note: Students who are present for testing but do not respond to any questions should not be administered a make-up test. Test examiners are instructed in the Test Examiner’s Manual to carefully inspect all Grade 10 answer booklets after each test session and fill in the “Left Blank” bubble on the back of the answer booklet if a student attended the test session but did not respond to any questions or provide any response. Please note that if a student is present for testing but does not provide any response and the test examiner does not complete the “Left Blank” bubble, the student will be reported as absent. If a Grade 10 student is tested using the MIST application, and should be reported as Left Blank for a MIST test session(s), see Accounting for All Students on the MIST Application on page 27. Students Who Are Absent It is essential to test all students during the four-week window of March 3–28, 2014. Students who are absent for any test sessions should be administered a make-up test as soon as possible after they return to school to ensure that they participate in all CAPT subtests and are counted as participants in CAPT reporting. Every effort must be made to test absent students during the testing window. For students who are absent from the entire test, be sure that their Pre-ID labels have been properly affixed to the front of the answer booklets. If a student does not have a Pre-ID label, be sure that all the demographic data on the front and back pages of the answer booklet are completed accurately for each student, and that a generic barcode label is affixed to the front of the answer booklet. These answer booklets must be submitted with all other answer booklets to Measurement Incorporated. Students must participate in all test sessions for a given content area to earn a score. For example, if a student completes one Mathematics session and is absent for the second session, the student will be reported as Absent for Mathematics. If a student completes one Mathematics session and leaves the second session blank, the student will be reported as Left Blank for Mathematics if the Left Blank bubble is filled in on the back of the answer booklet. The same reporting rules apply to Science, Reading Across the Disciplines, and Writing Across the Disciplines. If a Grade 10 student is tested using the MIST application, and should be reported as Absent for a MIST test session(s), see Accounting for All Students on the MIST Application on page 27. Make-Up Testing Some students may be present for some portions of the test and absent for others. Accordingly, test examiners must report the names of absentees for each test session to the Test Coordinator so that appropriate make-up sessions can be scheduled. It is the responsibility of the Test Coordinator to schedule make-up sessions and to make sure that students understand which sessions to attend. It is the local school district’s responsibility to ensure that each absentee participates in the appropriate make-up testing during the March 3–28, 2014, testing period. Make-up testing must conclude by March 28, 2014, and must follow the same conditions as regular testing. Students making up a test will complete the same test form as is given in the regular administration. Therefore, it is important that all makeup tests be given as soon as possible upon the return of the student to school to limit the opportunity to discuss the test with other students. 13 Overview TEST MATERIALS The District Test Coordinator will receive the following materials from Measurement Incorporated in sufficient quantities for the number of students in the district: standard practice tests; standard live test booklets Grade 10 answer booklets (blue covers); retester answer booklets (orange covers); Pre-ID and generic labels (Pre-ID Labels (set of four) will be sent for Grades 10 and 11 students only. Grade 12 students will use generic labels); CAPT rulers (to be used for the Mathematics test); CAPT formula charts (to be used for the Mathematics test); and CAPT periodic tables (to be used for the Science test). Note that the same answer booklet is used for the entire test and must be returned to each student for each part of the test that he or she takes. Please note that the answer booklet for 10th graders (blue cover) is different than the answer booklet for 11th and 12th grade retesters (orange cover). Be sure to utilize the correct answer booklet to ensure accurate reporting. The District Test Coordinator will also receive: a Secure Materials Checklist; CAPT Test Coordinator’s Manuals; CAPT Test Examiner’s Manuals; CAPT MIST Test Examiner’s Manuals; material return labels; and a Return Kit. 14 Overview Test Materials for the CAPT MAS: All students registered to take the CAPT MAS Mathematics receive a CAPT MAS Mathematics test booklet. However, only students with the Respond in Test Booklet for MAS Mathematics accommodation may respond to all questions in the test booklet. All other students must use the MIST application and the test booklet to respond to the CAPT MAS Mathematics test. They will answer the open-ended questions in the test booklet and all other questions using MIST. Only students with the Respond in Test Booklet for MAS Reading accommodation or the MAS Reading For Reference Only accommodation receive CAPT MAS Reading test materials. All other CAPT MAS Reading students must respond to the CAPT MAS using the MIST application. Only students that have been entered in the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site as needing one of these two types of MAS test booklet will receive these booklets. If it is determined after the initial shipment of materials arrives that a student requires one of these MAS test booklet accommodations, the booklets can no longer be ordered using the Additional Materials Request application. Instead, an order for these booklets will be placed automatically when the student is entered in the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site. Allow 5 to 8 days for the booklets to arrive. Only students with the Respond in Test Booklet for MAS accommodation may use a paper copy of the CAPT MAS practice tests, Test Examiner’s Manuals, and Practice Test Examiner’s Manuals. These documents are available for download at the MI Web Portal and through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site. The CAPT MAS materials are shipped to districts with the standard CAPT shipment. The CAPT MAS materials are packed by school and include a MAS cover letter and applicable CAPT MAS test booklets. NOTE: There are no CAPT MAS overage materials included in the district’s overage shipment. The CAPT MIST Test Examiner’s Manual must be used for students who are administered the MAS test sessions using the MIST application. These students must be administered the MIST MAS Practice Test and not a paper MAS practice test. The district is responsible for providing the following materials: sharpened pencils (Number 2) with erasers; and calculators (It is recommended that each student be allowed to use the calculator with which he or she is more familiar. Students may use their own calculators or calculators provided by the district, including those with limited text entry capabilities such as some scientific and graphing calculators. It is not necessary that students have the same type of calculator). Students shall not use: calculators built into cell phones or other electronic communication devices, laptop or portable/handheld computers, personal digital assistants, calculators with a QWERTY (keyboard-like) keypad, or any device that is capable of connecting to the Internet. 15 Overview COMPLETING STUDENT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION ON ANSWER BOOKLETS A Grade 10 (blue) answer booklet must be submitted for every student enrolled in Grade 10 who participates in the standard CAPT, including those students who are absent for the entire test. This includes any student repeating the 10th grade. Students assessed in mathematics and/or reading with the CAPT MAS must have a standard CAPT answer booklet submitted containing responses for all other subtests. Students tested with the CAPT Skills Checklist do not need to submit a Grade 10 answer booklet. Only the online Skills Checklist needs to be submitted. Each Grade 10 and 11 student included in your October 2013 Public School Information System (PSIS) data collection will have a set of Pre-ID labels. Pre-ID labels are not provided for Grade 12 retesters. Students not in this PSIS data collection (e.g., a student who moved into your district after October 2013) and Grade 12 retesting students must use generic barcode labels. NOTE: Unused Pre-ID and generic labels do not need to be returned to Measurement Incorporated. Please securely destroy any unused Pre-ID and generic labels. In the event that a student has used all four labels provided, the DTC must call the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. 1. Instructions for Using Pre-ID Labels Students receive a set of four Pre-ID labels. One Pre-ID label must be affixed to the front of the student’s answer booklet. The extra Pre-ID labels are for other uses, such as with replacement forms in the case of a test irregularity, in case the original Pre-ID label is damaged, or for students assessed with the CAPT MAS in Mathematics. Place the Pre-ID label so that it is inside the student barcode label box on the front cover of the answer booklet. Do not try to remove and reaffix the label if it appears to be improperly placed. If the label is affixed entirely outside of the box, please contact the Student Assessment Office. Do not apply a label to any grade-level test booklet for students who: withdrew from the school prior to testing; or are assessed with the CAPT Skills Checklist. The barcode labels for these students should be returned to your district test coordinator. Note: The information encoded in the Pre-ID label will override all gridded demographic information. Incorrect information on the Pre-ID label cannot be corrected by gridding the answer booklet. Districts should use the label and will have the opportunity to correct any incorrect information through SDDV at a later time. 16 Overview 2. Instructions for Using Generic Barcode Labels Any student without a Pre-ID label must use a generic barcode label. Each student should be assigned a sheet of generic barcode labels. Prior to testing, print the student’s name, grade, and date of birth in the spaces provided on the top portion of the label sheet. Print the student’s name and grade on each of the generic barcode labels. One sheet of labels must be used for one student only. Generic barcode labels are specific to each school and may not be shared across schools. Apply one of the student’s generic barcode labels to the front of the student’s answer booklet inside the student barcode label box. The extra generic barcode labels are for other uses, such as with replacement forms in the case of a test irregularity, in case the original Pre-ID label is damaged, or for students assessed with the CAPT MAS in Mathematics. All demographic information on the front and back covers of the answer booklet must be completed for each student using a generic barcode label. Be sure that the information provided is complete and accurate to avoid processing delays and incorrect reporting. 3. Front Cover of Answer Booklet: Sections to Be Completed by the Student Students who are using valid Pre-ID labels do not need to complete the following information on the front page of the answer booklet: Students using a generic label must complete the information listed. Gridded Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial Date of Birth Gender Resident Town Grade (Retester only) (Note: Ethnicity/Race information is completed on the back cover of the answer booklet.) All students, including those using Pre-ID and generic labels, must complete the Student, Teacher/Examiner, School, and District box in the upper left-hand corner on the front page of the answer booklet. 4. Back Cover of Answer Booklet: Sections to Be Completed by the Test Examiner This information is located on the back cover of the answer booklet in the section labeled “FOR TEACHER USE ONLY,” and should be completed at follows: Complete For Grade 10 Students Using Generic Labels: 1) State Assigned Student Identification Number (SASID) Fill in the 10-digit SASID number for every student. 2) Ethnicity/Race Fill in the student’s ethnicity/race according to PSIS 1) Answer the question, “Is this student Hispanic/Latino?” (Bubble either yes or no.) 2) Answer the question, “What is the student’s race?” (Bubble one or more, even if you answered “yes” to the Hispanic/Latino question.) 17 Overview 3) Enrolled in Special Education For every student who receives special education services, fill in the bubble beside “Student receives special education services.” Students who are assessed using the CAPT Skills Checklist do not complete a Grade 10 answer booklet. Submit only the Skills Checklist online. 4) English Language Learner (ELL) For every ELL student, fill in the bubble beside “Student identified as an English language learner (ELL).” 5) Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals or Not Eligible Fill in one of these bubbles based on the student’s eligibility for Free or Reduced Price Meals. 6) Student enrolled in this SCHOOL after October 1, 2013 For every student who enrolled in your school after October 1, 2013, fill in this bubble. 7) Student enrolled in this DISTRICT after October 1, 2013 For every student who enrolled in your district after October 1, 2013, fill in this bubble. 8) District of Fiscal Responsibility The district of fiscal responsibility must be filled in for students in 1) Outplacement Centers, 2) Districtwide Special Education Programs, and 3) Judicial Juvenile Residential Service Facilities. In the boxes provided, write in the three-digit district code for the student’s district of fiscal responsibility and fill in the corresponding bubbles. In the case of students in Judicial Juvenile Residential Service Facilities, fill in the code for the district the student would otherwise attend if he or she were not incarcerated in a Judicial Juvenile Residential Service Facility. Please note that this information must be completed correctly in order for the responsible district to receive the student’s test results. Complete For Applicable Students: 9) ELL Exempt For every ELL student eligible for exemption, fill in the bubble to the left of “ELL Exempt.” To be eligible for exemption, both of the following must be true: the student is identified as an English Language Learner and enrolled in a U.S. school after March 3, 2013; and the student was administered an appropriate language proficiency assessment at least once since March 3, 2013. IMPORTANT: All ELL Exempt students MUST take the Mathematics and Science tests. 10) Left Blank If a student is present for testing but leaves a test session completely blank for that test session (no items completed), the Left Blank bubble should be filled in for that test session. If this bubble is not filled in, the student will be reported as absent for that test session. 18 Overview INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LARGE PRINT AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE CAPT AND WORD PROCESSOR/ONLINE COMPUTER RESPONSES All Large Print and Braille versions of the CAPT must be kept secure throughout testing. All security measures listed on pages 1 and 2 of this manual apply to the Large Print and Braille versions of the tests. The conditions listed below must be met when administering the Large Print or Braille tests. All students using Large Print or Braille test documents must submit a corresponding regular scannable answer booklet with a Pre-ID or generic barcode label and demographic data must be completed when a generic label is used. All open-ended responses must be recorded by the student. Students are not permitted to dictate a response to any open-ended item including the extended tasks. Students who submit word processor responses must have this accommodation entered on the CAPT/CMT Test Accommodations Web site prior to testing. Large-Print: If students record their responses to multiple-choice and grid-in items in the Large Print answer booklet, the District Test Coordinator, the test examiner, or the itinerant teacher must transfer these responses to the corresponding regular scannable answer booklet. Students should either respond to the open-ended items in the Large Print or corresponding regular, scannable answer booklet or type their responses onto a separate sheet of paper. See page 19 for more information on submitting computer/word processor responses. Do not transcribe any responses to open-ended items. Both documents should be returned in the Special Handling Box. For those open-ended items or extended tasks answered outside the corresponding regular scannable answer booklet, the test examiner should write “NSR” (Non-Standard Response) in the response area of the corresponding regular scannable answer booklet to ensure that the hand-scoring staff is aware of the non-standard response method. Braille: If students Braille their responses to the Braille test, the District Test Coordinator or test examiner/teacher must transfer the student’s responses to all multiple-choice and grid items into a corresponding regular scannable answer booklet. The student’s responses to all open-ended items or extended tasks must be transcribed verbatim by the District Test Coordinator or test examiner. All test and answer booklets for students with a Braille accommodation must be submitted in a Special Handling Box. The responses may be handwritten into the corresponding regular, scannable answer booklet or typed on separate sheets of paper. (See page 19 for more information on submitting computer/word processor responses.) For those items answered outside the corresponding regular, scannable answer booklet, the test examiner should write “NSR” (Non-Standard Response) in the response area of the corresponding regular, scannable answer booklet to ensure that the handscoring staff are aware of the non-standard response method. Please refer to the 2014 CAPT General Instructions for Testing with Braille and Large Print Forms included in your shipment of Large Print and Braille test materials for administrative procedures. If you have any questions related to the administration of the Large Print or Braille versions of the CAPT, or about submitting typed responses, please contact the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. 19 Overview Submitting Computer/Word Processor Responses: Students who submit word processor/computer responses must have this accommodation entered on the CAPT Test Accommodations Web site prior to testing. Computer/Word Processor Response Accommodation using MIST Students identified as needing the Computer/Word Processor Response accommodation for the standard Reading Across the Disciplines, Writing Across the Disciplines, and/or Science tests are required to submit all subtests for that content area using the MIST application. Students should complete the entire content area test on MIST to reduce the possibility of scoring/reporting errors that may occur if responses are submitted on the MIST application for one test session and in a standard answer booklet for another. Additionally, the 2014 CAPT administration will require all students assessed with the CAPT MAS Reading and/or Mathematics tests to submit their responses using the MIST application. The Computer/Word Processor accommodation does not need to be entered on the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site for students assessed with the CAPT MAS Reading test. MIST Test Sessions Available for the 2014 CAPT Standard CAPT CAPT MAS Response to Literature Response to Literature Reading for Information Reading for Information Interdisciplinary Writing Mathematics* Editing & Revising Science *Students using the MIST application to submit the MAS Mathematics test will only submit their multiplechoice answers in MIST. Their open-ended responses must be written in their test booklet. Be sure that these students have been provided their test booklet when they take the MAS Mathematics test. To use the MIST application, the following requirements must be met: 1) Students must have access to a computer with an Internet connection. 2) The computer must have the MIST program software installed. More information about the MIST application may be found on page 25. Paper submission of Mathematics tests All computer/word processor responses for the Mathematics tests should be submitted on loose sheets of paper and must include the following information on each page: student’s name, date of birth, and SASID; teacher’s name, school name, and district name; seven-digit lithocode number located at the bottom right of the front of the student’s regular, scannable answer booklet; test name (e.g., Mathematics Session 1, Mathematics Session 2); and item number. Approved computer/word processor responses should be placed inside the front cover of the appropriate answer booklet and returned using a Special Handling Box. In addition, the test examiner/teacher should write “NSR” in the open-ended response areas of the answer booklet to ensure the hand-scoring staff is aware of the nonstandard response method. Loose, handwritten sheets sent in with the answer booklets will not be scored. If you have any questions about submitting computer/word processor responses, please contact the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. 20 Overview Special Handling Box The Special Handling Box must be used for returning all Large Print test and answer booklets and all corresponding regular answer booklets, word processor responses placed inside appropriate answer booklets, and all test and answer booklets for students with a Braille accommodation. Additionally, the Special Handling Box is used for other testing situations: a damaged test or answer booklet. a student moved in from another Connecticut district during testing and therefore has two answer booklets. test irregularities: Test irregularities involve a disruption of the test administration due to various circumstances (e.g., fire drill, students becomes ill, improper test directions given, cheating incident, etc.). If such an incident occurs, the District Test Coordinator must contact the Student Assessment Office at 860713-6890 immediately to determine the proper course of action. In such cases, a replacement form may be administered requiring a second answer document. After testing is complete, both answer booklets along with written documentation should be included in the Special Handling Box. a student responded in the wrong answer booklet: Occasionally, students respond in the wrong answer booklets (e.g., Grade 10 used 11/12 retester answer booklet or 11/12 retester used Grade 10 answer booklet). The District Test Coordinator must report these cases to the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890 immediately. In these cases, students typically complete testing in the original (incorrect) answer booklet. Once testing is complete, the demographic page of the correct answer booklet should be filled out. Place the incorrect and the correct answer booklets together and include them in the Special Handling Box with written documentation of the incident. a student responded in wrong section of the answer booklet: If a student responds to a subject area in the wrong section of the answer booklet, call the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. Since each situation is unique, you will be instructed how to handle the problem. In many cases, a second answer booklet will be necessary. When this happens, the student’s two answer booklets will have to be returned in the Special Handling Box. Along with the answer booklets, please include written documentation of the affected subject areas. If additional Special Handling Boxes are needed, contact Measurement Incorporated’s Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. 21 DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES District Test Coordinator, your primary responsibilities are to coordinate the administration of the CAPT in your district and to act as a liaison between your district’s test examiners, the Connecticut State Department of Education, and Measurement Incorporated. Your major responsibilities are listed under the following four sections: 1) General Responsibilities, 2) Responsibilities Prior to Test Administration, 3) Responsibilities During Test Administration, and 4) Responsibilities Following Test Administration. Work with district personnel to coordinate testing procedures and schedules, including procedures when using the MIST application. Ensure that all students are appropriately identified who may require accommodations for testing and ensuring that procedures for testing these students follow those specified by the Connecticut State Department of Education’s current version of the Assessment Guidelines, which can be found at the CSDE Web site. Ensure that all students are appropriately identified for participation in the CAPT MAS or CAPT Skills Checklist. Ensure that the information on the front and back covers of the answer booklets is gridded completely and accurately for all students. Check secure test materials shipments to determine whether there are sufficient materials for each test examiner. The District Test Coordinator should contact Measurement Incorporated immediately if more materials are needed. Establish a testing schedule according to conditions outlined in this manual. Inform test examiners of the entire testing schedule (including regular testing and make-up testing), and ensure that the established testing schedule is followed in your district. Make certain that all test materials are secure before testing, between test sessions, and after testing. Refer to the Test Security section on pages 1 and 2 of this manual. Read and understand the contents of the Test Examiner’s Manual. Provide a training session for all test examiners including individuals that will be providing support for students receiving test accommodations. A PowerPoint presentation to assist with the training of test examiners can be found at the CSDE Web site by following the student assessment link. Distribute test materials to test examiners and make sure that an accurate accounting of all materials assigned to each test examiner is maintained. Monitor the testing to ensure that tests are being administered properly, test security measures are being adhered to, and test materials are being handled appropriately by staff in your district. Collect, inventory, and return ALL SECURE test materials to Measurement Incorporated according to instructions on pages 33–34 of this manual. Package and return completed answer booklets and ALL other secure materials as described on pages 33-35. 22 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION Receiving Test Materials By February 6, 2014, each District Test Coordinator will receive a shipment of CAPT test materials. Quantities are based on the October 2013 PSIS data collection. The number of materials sent for retesters is determined by the number of students eligible to retest based on last year’s results. The shipment will include materials necessary for operational testing for each building. An overage is included with each school’s shipment. An additional overage is shipped in the district shipment. All materials will be shipped to the attention of the District Test Coordinator. Materials for each school are contained in a single box or in a set of numbered boxes. In each school’s shipment Box 1 includes a copy of the Packing List (see Appendix E). If any school does not receive sufficient testing materials, the district overage should be used. If the overage is not sufficient to cover shortages, the District Test Coordinator should order additional materials by using the CAPT Additional Materials Request Application. This is an online application that is accessed via the MI Web Portal. A list of items you will receive from Measurement Incorporated is provided on page 14. Ordering Additional MAS, Large Print, and Braille Test Booklets Additional MAS Mathematics test booklets and MAS Reading test booklets for students who are identified for the For Reference Only accommodation or Respond in Test Booklet accommodation cannot be ordered by using the Additional Materials Request application. Similarly, additional Large Print and Braille test booklets for students who are identified for those two accommodations cannot be ordered by using the Additional Materials Request application. Only students that have been entered in the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site as needing one of these types of test booklets will receive these booklets. An order for these booklets will be placed automatically when the student is entered in the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site. Allow 5 to 8 days for the booklets to arrive. Inventorying Test Materials The District Test Coordinator should immediately inventory all materials received using the following steps. ____ 1) Count the total number of boxes received and compare it to the number of boxes indicated as shipped. If by February 11, 2014, the total number of boxes indicated has not been received, call Measurement Incorporated’s Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. ____ 2) Sort the boxes of materials by school. ____ 3) Inventory the contents of the district boxes by comparing the materials received with the materials indicated on the packing list. If there are any discrepancies, call the Measurement Incorporated Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. ____ 4) Review the Secure Materials List that was received in the district shipment and verify that all secure test materials have been received. 23 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Inventorying the School Shipment The District Test Coordinator or the school coordinator must inventory the materials shipped to the schools. The District Test Coordinator should determine which option best fits his or her district’s needs. In either case, follow these steps: ____ 1) Compare the materials in each box with the packing list to verify all materials have been received. A sample of a secure materials checklist form is provided in Appendix F. This form lists all test and answer booklets that have been packed for your school. All test booklets and answer booklets must be returned to the District Test Coordinator for return to Measurement Incorporated. In the case where the school coordinator is completing the school inventory, the school coordinator should inform the District Test Coordinator if all materials have not been received. ____ 2) Check the quantities received against the materials actually necessary for testing in each school, and make an item-by-item note of any shortages that exist in each school. ____ 3) Determine whether the additional materials received in the district boxes will cover the school shortages. If this is the case, distribute materials to the schools as necessary from the district overage shipment. NOTE: There is no district overage for Large Print, Braille, or MAS test booklets. If materials in the district overage shipment do not cover the school shortages, order additional materials by using the CAPT Additional Materials Request Application. This is an online application that is accessed via the MI Web Portal. Please note that order adjustments cannot be shipped on an item-by-school basis. Only districtwide adjustments can be shipped. Order adjustments requested after February 24, 2014, may not be received in time for testing to begin on March 3, 2014. ____ 4) Districts and schools must retain the boxes in which materials were shipped. These boxes should be used to return all test materials to Measurement Incorporated. Please instruct anyone who receives materials in the original boxes to keep the boxes and return them with the testing materials upon completion of testing. If, after reading these instructions, you have any questions about the materials or the instructions for organizing and returning the materials, please contact the Measurement Incorporated Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. 24 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities MIST Instructions for testing students using the MIST application are provided in the CAPT MIST Test Examiner’s Manual. District Test Coordinators and all Test Examiners who will administer a test session using the MIST application must read the CAPT MIST Test Examiner’s Manual. It provides examiner instructions and other important information including accommodations related to MIST testing. Test accommodations available through the MIST application include: Text Reader for Test Items (Including Directions) Computer Response Voice-Recognition Software/Speech-to-Text Students assessed with the Large Print Test Booklet may, as an alternative, use the magnification tool on the MIST application Students identified to be administered the CAPT with the Bubbler – Test Booklet Only and/or Circle Answers in Test Booklet accommodations may, as an alternative, use the MIST application, if appropriate. All standard CAPT and CAPT MAS test sessions are available for identified students on the MIST application, as explained below. 1) All Writing Across the Disciplines test sessions (Interdisciplinary Writing Session 1, Interdisciplinary Writing Session 2, Editing & Revising) are available. 2) All standard and MAS Reading Across the Disciplines test sessions (Reading for Information, Response to Literature, MAS Reading for Information, MAS Response to Literature) are available. 3) All Science test sessions (Science Session 1, Science Session 2) are available. 4) All Mathematics test sessions (Mathematics Session 1, Mathematics Session 2) are only available for students with the Text Reader for Test Items (Including Directions) accommodation. These students will listen to the test items using MIST, but must respond to all questions in their answer booklet. 5) All MAS Mathematics test sessions (MAS Mathematics Session 1, MAS Mathematics Session 2) are available. Students will answer the multiple-choice questions using MIST and will answer the openended questions in the MAS Mathematics test booklet. The MIST application provides much of the administration directions to the student through the use of an automated reader. If multiple students are assessed in the same test setting, each student must have a set of headphones. However, the MIST Test Examiner’s Manual is still needed to administer a test session. The test examiner must read additional directions in the MIST Test Examiner’s Manual. 25 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities MIST Rosters Students identified to have the CAPT administered on the MIST application are listed on the MIST roster. This roster lists all students whose test accommodations were entered in the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site prior to February 17. Any student who is not listed on the MIST roster, but who needs to be assessed using the MIST application, may be added to the MIST roster from the MIST proctor site. Note: All students who are added to the MIST roster on the MIST application must have test accommodations entered on the CAPT/CMT Accommodations Data Collection Web site as soon as possible. Text Reader Function The Text Reader function is available on the MIST application for students identified for the Text Reader for Test Items (Including Directions) accommodation for the Mathematics (standard and MAS), Interdisciplinary Writing, Editing & Revising, and Science test sessions. The Text Reader function reads text that is displayed on the computer screen. The text will be audible through the use of either headphones or speakers. If multiple students are assessed in the same setting, each student must have a set of headphones. Students identified for the Text Reader for Test Items (Including Directions) accommodation are required to use the Text Reader function and submit their responses using the MIST application. Software Supported by the MIST Application The MIST application is compatible with the following software packages for students requiring the Voice Recognition/Speech-to-Text accommodation. Windows Speech Recognition version 5.0 Dragon NaturallySpeaking versions 10.0 and 11.0 MacSpeech Dictate version 1.5 These software packages, which must be installed on the testing computer, will allow speech to be converted to text for open-ended items. Students will also be able to answer multiple-choice questions by speaking the letter choice. It is recommended to test the software functionality with the practice tests on the MIST Practice Web site prior to testing. Hardware Supported by the MIST Application Most special keyboards and special computer mouses are compatible with the MIST application and should work properly on computers that meet the minimum operating system (OS) requirements. Most touch screen monitors that meet the minimum resolution requirements are compatible with the MIST application and should work properly on computers that meet the minimum OS requirements. For specific information about software and hardware supported by the MIST application, refer to the MIST Proctor Quick-Start Guide located through the Student Assessment link on the CSDE Web site and on the MI Web Portal. MIST Practice Tests Students assessed using the MIST application may take practice tests on MIST prior to testing. These practice tests are available at the MIST Practice Web site. These practice tests provide a means for students to become familiar with the MIST application, including the tools available for responding to questions. 26 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Materials Needed All students will need a computer with the MIST software installed. Ensure that a set of headphones is available for each student if multiple students are tested in the same test setting. The use of the test booklet for reference: A CAPT test booklet must be provided during a test session if: 1) a student assessed with a CAPT MAS test session is identified as needing the MAS Test Booklet For Reference Only accommodation; 2) a student is being administered a test session that is identified in the CAPT MIST Test Examiner’s Manual as requiring a test booklet (Interdisciplinary Writing Sessions 1 and 2, standard Response to Literature, and MAS Mathematics Sessions 1 and 2); or 3) a student requests a test booklet for reference. If a test booklet for reference is used, it should be returned with your school’s nonscorable test booklets. Only the responses submitted using the mist application will be scored. Accounting for All Students on the MIST Application A student’s test session must be identified as Absent, Left Blank, or Do Not Score for students who: are Absent for a test session; are present for a test session but should have the test session reported as Left Blank; or submitted a test that should be noted as Do Not Score (e.g., started the incorrect test session). If a student qualifies for any of these conditions, the test examiner must select it on the MIST Proctor Station. If Non-Participant is selected, the proctor must then choose a reason that the test should not be scored. Additionally, it is important that test examiners report these occurrences to the district test coordinator. 27 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Testing Schedule The 2014 CAPT is to be administered from March 3–28, 2014. It is the responsibility of the District Test Coordinator to establish a testing schedule for the entire district and to ensure that the established schedule is followed throughout the district. The Test Coordinator must inform test examiners, and all others associated with CAPT testing, of the entire testing schedule (including regular testing and make-up testing, where applicable). The Test Coordinator should describe in detail the school’s schedule for administering the test. The dates of testing, the day of the week for each test session, the time of day the test will be administered, and make-up dates are some of the topics that should be discussed. Announcement of Testing Testing dates should be made known to parents and students. Students should be encouraged to come to school well-rested for testing. Excessive emphasis on the importance of the test may cause students to become too anxious. The distribution of the practice test with an announcement of testing dates, and a reminder the day before testing should be sufficient notice. Test examiners should know the test dates as soon as they have been set. Advance notice helps teachers adjust their lesson plans and personal schedules to fit the testing schedule. Appointment of Test Examiners Test examiners should be certified teachers; however, if a paraprofessional or substitute teacher is needed to administer a test, the individual must be fully trained in test administration and test security procedures. Paraprofessionals should be monitored by a certified teacher to ensure that test administration and security procedures are followed. A substitute teacher should be monitored by the building principal or another administrator to ensure that test administration and security procedures are followed. There should be at least one test examiner for every 30 students. The test examiner is responsible for the security of the group’s test materials until these materials are returned to the District Test Coordinator. 28 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Training Test Examiners It is the responsibility of the District Test Coordinator to ensure that test examiners understand and follow the proper administration procedures for the CAPT. It is critical that all the directions pertaining to the administration of the CAPT be followed precisely. Any deviation from the procedures set forth in the Test Coordinator’s Manual and Test Examiner’s Manual can invalidate test results. It is strongly recommended that a school or districtwide training session be held to familiarize all test examiners with the administration procedures. Each test examiner should be provided with a copy of the Test Examiner’s Manual prior to the training session so that they may read through the document carefully. The training session should focus on the following topics: • test security procedures before, during, and after testing; • test schedule within the school and/or district; • ensuring that students are administered the correct test (standard, MAS, Skills Checklist); • directions for accurately completing the front and back covers of the answer booklets, including affixing Pre-ID and generic barcode labels; • ensuring that students use the correct answer booklet (Grade 10 vs. retester) and place their responses in the correct section of the answer booklet; • following the directions and testing times for each subtest exactly as stated in the Test Examiner’s Manual; • ensuring that appropriate test accommodations are provided for eligible students; • reporting any absent students; • accurately reporting any students who leave a test session blank; • what constitutes a test irregularity and what to do if such an incident occurs; and • ensuring that proper procedures are followed for students assessed with the MIST application. It is the responsibility of the administrators of each school to assign students to testing classrooms. The test examiner in each testing classroom must ensure that sufficient test materials have been provided. All test materials MUST be kept secure in a closed, preferably locked, container, closet, or room. Test examiners should become familiar with test materials and fully understand testing procedures by reviewing the directions and answer booklets, noting any test support materials that will be needed. It is the responsibility of each test examiner to assemble the necessary test support materials provided by the district. These include pencils, erasers, and calculators (for use on the Mathematics test). The directions need to be read and followed exactly as they appear in the manuals in order to establish valid testing conditions. Test examiners should not review, analyze, or discuss any test items or student responses before, during, or after the test administration. The test examiner may clarify any point by repeating and explaining the directions. Illustrating the procedures, placing the test’s sample items on the board, and discussing the reasoning leading to the correct response to the sample items or practice test items are also appropriate practices. A PowerPoint presentation to assist with the training of test examiners can be found at the CSDE Web site by following the student assessment link. 29 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Administration of the Practice Tests Included in each school’s shipment of test materials are four short practice tests and a Practice Test Examiner’s Manual. All Grade 10 students must have the opportunity to take the practice tests before testing begins; retester students should take the practice tests in the areas in which they are retesting. The practice test materials are not secure. Students may take the practice test booklets home after completing them in class. It is not acceptable to simply distribute the practice tests for students to take home. It is important that the practice tests be administered in class so students hear the explanations provided in the Test Examiner’s Manual. The practice tests must be given prior to the beginning of the testing window, so time should be scheduled for this purpose. Each practice test can be completed within a regular class period and takes about 15 minutes to administer. It is not necessary that all students in a school take the practice tests at the same time. (Optional) Student/Parent Brochures Student/parent brochures that provide an overview of the CAPT are available to download on the CSDE Web site. CAPT brochures are available for the standard test, MAS, and Skills Checklist. These brochures may be given out to students any time before the start of the testing window. The standard CAPT brochures are available in both English and Spanish versions. Testing Rooms All testing must take place in a classroom setting. The CAPT should not be administered to any group of students that exceeds a normal class size. There is no minimum number of students allowed within a setting. The testing room should be well lit and properly ventilated. The room must be large enough to comfortably accommodate the number of students to be tested. Students should be spaced far enough apart that they do not feel cramped and there is no opportunity for copying. There should be a reliable watch or clock with a second hand in the room. All materials that are content related or conceptually related to the subject areas being assessed must be covered or removed from the view of students during the test administration. This includes information posted on bulletin boards and classroom walls. Failure to follow this policy is a security breach. Distractions should be minimized. An effort should be made to eliminate any possible distractions such as bells, telephones, and outside noises during the test administration. Rooms designated for a time extension accommodation should be selected prior to testing and be appropriately staffed with trained personnel. 30 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES DURING TEST ADMINISTRATION Monitoring the Secure Administration of the Test District Test Coordinators should be actively involved in test administration through careful supervision and monitoring of procedures described in this manual to ensure that tests are being administered properly, test security procedures are being adhered to, and test materials are being handled appropriately. Any breaches in test security must be reported immediately by the District Test Coordinator to the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. The District Test Coordinator should ensure that test examiners are accurately tracking all left blank test sessions and absent students, and scheduling make-up test sessions as needed. Securing Test Materials Between Test Administration Sessions The District Test Coordinator is responsible for monitoring the secure storage of test materials between testing sessions. All secure materials must be stored in a closed, preferably locked, location in each school when not in use. The Secure Material Checklist Form (Appendix F) has been provided to assist the District Test Coordinator in keeping track of secure scannable test materials during the test administration. Any breaches in test security must be reported immediately by the District Test Coordinator to the Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6890. Measurement Incorporated will not handle any test security breach situations directly with the districts. Test Irregularities The District Test Coordinator must be notified immediately of all test irregularities. Test irregularities are situations that might invalidate scores of a student, or for a group of students. Please refer to Appendix K for a more comprehensive list of potential test irregularities. There are times when these situations may require the use of a replacement test (Form HS0). The District Test Coordinator is required to call the CSDE Student Assessment Office to report the test irregularity and to receive instructions for resolving the issue. Note: Replacement test sessions are not available on the MIST application. 31 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES FOLLOWING TEST ADMINISTRATION Verifying Student Counts Verify that a Grade 10 answer booklet or a CAPT Skills Checklist has been submitted for every Grade 10 student. Verify that a retester answer booklet has been submitted for every Grade 11 and Grade 12 student who retested in at least one content area. Verify that all students tested using the MIST application have completed testing in all required sessions. Verifying Information on the Front and Back Covers of the Student Answer Booklets The information on the front and back covers of all student answer booklets should be thoroughly checked and verified. Incorrect information can result in inaccurate CAPT reporting. Please refer to the Test Examiner’s Manual for instructions and specific information regarding the completion of the demographic portion of the student answer booklet. Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) After test materials have been returned and demographic data have been scanned, Measurement Incorporated will make the student demographic data (not student scores) available on the Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) Web site. SDDV will be available for access from May 14 to 20, 2014. During this time, District Test Coordinators will be given password-protected access to demographic data of students in their district. SDDV allows school districts to correct errors that may be found in these data. This will be the only opportunity for the school district administration to verify or correct student demographic data prior to scores being reported. Through SDDV, the District Test Coordinator should check that subgroups of students are being reported correctly (e.g., absent students, outplaced students, students who left a test session blank, English Language Learners, and Special Education students). CAPT Reporting Results of this administration of the CAPT will be available on the CAPT Online Reports Web site. The Public Summary Performance Reports site is designed to provide districts and the public access to state, district, and school performance results. The data will be disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity, and free/reduced meal status, as well as by special education and ELL status. The Individual Student Performance Reports site is secure and provides districts with individual student performance results. Districts will also receive hard copies of some reports (e.g., Individual Student Reports for parents and the students’ cumulative files). 32 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities RETURNING MATERIALS After testing is complete, assemble all used and unused CAPT materials. 1. Separate out all SCORABLE materials. These materials contain student answers that need to be scored. They are: used Grade 10 answer booklets; used retester answer booklets; used MAS Mathematics booklets; used answer booklets that were completed by students due to a test irregularity situation; and any additional answer booklets to be returned in the Special Handling Box (including used Large Print and Braille test booklets). 2. Separate out all NONSCORABLE materials. These materials must be returned to Measurement Incorporated, but they do not contain student answers and do not need to be scored. They are: unused Grade 10 answer booklets; unused retester answer booklets; unused Large Print and Braille answer booklets; all test booklets used for the live sessions of the test; unused MAS Mathematics booklets. 3. Separate out the NONSECURE materials. Nonsecure materials are: District Test Coordinator’s Manuals; Test Examiner’s Manuals; Practice Test booklets; Mathematics formula charts; CAPT rulers; Science Partial Periodic Tables; and unused Pre-ID and generic barcode labels. Nonsecure materials DO NOT need to be returned to Measurement Incorporated. They may be discarded according to your district’s policies. 33 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities PACKAGING MATERIALS FOR RETURN TO MEASUREMENT INCORPORATED Scorable Materials Separate Scorable materials (see list on page 33) by type. Put all the used Grade 10 answer booklets together and all the used retester answer booklets together. Put all used CAPT MAS Mathematics booklets together. Answer booklets corresponding to Large Print and Braille situations and typed responses must be returned in the Special Handling Box. Follow the instructions included with the Special Handling Box and package these materials separately. Printed typed responses should have students’ identification information on each page and be submitted with the corresponding answer booklet. Answer booklets used with a replacement test in a test irregularity situation must be returned in the Special Handling Box with written documentation of the incident. Follow the instructions included with the Special Handling Box and package these materials separately. Pack all materials by type in the original boxes that your materials were shipped in. The order in which the materials are packed in the boxes is not important as long as the materials are packed together by type. If the documents do not completely fill the box, use crumpled paper to fill the extra space. Do not use Styrofoam packing peanuts or shredded paper to fill the space as this will interfere with processing. After you have securely packed the materials, affix a “SCORABLE MATERIALS” label to the top of the box. See Appendix G for a sample of this label. FedEx districts need to apply a return label to box 1. See page 35. Nonscorable Materials Group Nonscorable materials by type (see list on page 33). Put all the unused Grade 10 answer booklets together and all the unused retester answer booklets together. Put each type of test booklet together by content area. The order in which the materials are packed in the boxes is not important as long as the materials are grouped together by type. Before packing and sealing the boxes, make sure there are no used scorable test documents mixed in with the unused test materials. Pack all materials in the original boxes that your materials were shipped in. If the documents do not completely fill the box, use crumpled paper to fill the extra space. Do not use Styrofoam packing peanuts or shredded paper to fill the space as this will interfere with processing. After you have securely packed the materials, affix a “NONSCORABLE MATERIALS” label to the top of the box. See Appendix G for a sample of this label. 34 District Test Coordinator Responsibilities SHIPPING TEST MATERIALS There are two methods for returning test materials, Courier and FedEx. The method to use to return your test materials depends upon the method that the test materials were originally delivered. Specific instructions for both methods of returning materials are located below. If you have any questions about returning test materials, call the MI Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. Method 1: Courier Pickup The following districts should return their test materials using Courier pickup. All Courier pickups have been preassigned for each district on this list. The list identifies the date when the Courier pickups will be made in each district. If you have any questions about returning your test materials via courier, call the MI Connecticut Help Line at 1-866-762-1060. Bridgeport Danbury Hartford New Haven Stamford Waterbury April 3 April 2 April 3 April 3 April 3 April 3 Instructions for Courier Pickup Prepare boxes for shipping using the directions on page 34. Ensure that all of your district’s test materials are packed and ready for pickup by the courier as described on pages 33 -34. If you have any questions regarding this process, call the MI Connecticut Help Line at 866-762-1060. Method 2: FedEx Pickup All districts and schools that are not listed for Courier pickup on the list above should return test materials using FedEx. FedEx return kits, including instructions, were provided in the original shipment of test materials. . If you do not have a return kit, call the Help Line and an agent will provide you with the information and the account numbers needed to schedule a FedEx pickup. Instructions for Fedex Pickup As soon as possible after testing, prepare boxes for shipping using the directions on pages 33-34. Apply the FedEx airbill on box 1. The FedEx driver will apply barcode labels to subsequent boxes of your shipment in order to link each box within the shipment to the master airbill. The airbill has been preprinted with all of the necessary information except for your shipping address and the total number of boxes. Please fill in this information. Please call 800-463-3339 for your FedEx pick up. You must allow at least two hours from the time you call until your boxes are picked up. All test materials must be packaged for return by Thursday, April 2, 2014. At the time of pick up, your FedEx driver will provide you with a copy of the airbill for your records.. 35 APPENDICES Appendices A-I APPENDIX A APPENDIX A Grade 10 Answer Booklet: Front Cover A-1 APPENDIX A Grade 10 Answer Booklet: Back Cover A-2 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B Retester Answer Booklet: Front Cover B-1 APPENDIX B Retester Answer Booklet: Back Cover B-2 APPENDIX C Grade 10 Science Answer Booklet: Front Cover C-1 APPENDIX C Grade 10 Science Answer Booklet: Back Cover C-2 APPENDIX D Restester Science Answer Booklet: Front Cover D-1 APPENDIX D Retester Science Answer Booklet: Back Cover D-2 APPENDIX E APPENDIX C District Packing List CAPT 2014 E-1 APPENDIX F APPENDIX D Secure Material Checklist Form CAPT 2014 F-1 APPENDIX G APPENDIX E Scorable Return Label: Dark Blue CAPT SCORABLE TEST MATERIALS Ship to Measurement Incorporated 2700 Angier Avenue Durham, NC 27703 Box _______ of _______ NonScorable Return Label: Dark Pink CAPT NONSCORABLE TEST MATERIALS Ship to Measurement Incorporated 2700 Angier Avenue Durham, NC 27703 Box _______ of _______ G-1 APPENDIX H APPENDIX F CAPT Special Handling Cover Page H-1 APPENDIX I APPENDIX G CAPT Special Handling Kit Instructions I-1 APPENDIX J APPENDIX H District and Resident Town Code Numbers DISTRICT ANDOVER ANSONIA ASHFORD AVON BARKHAMSTED BEACON FALLS BERLIN BETHANY BETHEL BETHLEHEM BLOOMFIELD BOLTON BOZRAH BRANFORD BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEWATER BRISTOL BROOKFIELD BROOKLYN BURLINGTON CANAAN CANTERBURY CANTON CHAPLIN CHESHIRE CHESTER CLINTON COLCHESTER COLEBROOK COLUMBIA CORNWALL COVENTRY CROMWELL DANBURY DARIEN DEEP RIVER DERBY DURHAM EASTFORD EAST GRANBY EAST HADDAM EAST HAMPTON J-1 DISTRICT CODE NUMBER RESIDENT TOWN CODE NUMBER 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 DISTRICT EAST HARTFORD EAST HAVEN EAST LYME EASTON EAST WINDSOR ELLINGTON ENFIELD ESSEX FAIRFIELD FARMINGTON FRANKLIN GLASTONBURY GOSHEN GRANBY GREENWICH GRISWOLD GROTON GUILFORD HADDAM HAMDEN HAMPTON HARTFORD HARTLAND HARWINTON HEBRON KENT KILLINGLY KILLINGWORTH LEBANON LEDYARD LISBON LITCHFIELD LYME MADISON MANCHESTER MANSFIELD MARLBOROUGH MERIDEN MIDDLEBURY MIDDLEFIELD MIDDLETOWN MILFORD DISTRICT CODE NUMBER 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 RESIDENT TOWN CODE NUMBER 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 APPENDIX J District and Resident Town Code Numbers DISTRICT MONROE MONTVILLE MORRIS NAUGATUCK NEW BRITAIN NEW CANAAN NEW FAIRFIELD NEW HARTFORD NEW HAVEN NEWINGTON NEW LONDON NEW MILFORD NEWTOWN NORFOLK NORTH BRANFORD NORTH CANAAN NORTH HAVEN NORTH STONINGTON NORWALK NORWICH OLD LYME OLD SAYBROOK ORANGE OXFORD PLAINFIELD PLAINVILLE PLYMOUTH POMFRET PORTLAND PRESTON PROSPECT PUTNAM REDDING RIDGEFIELD ROCKY HILL ROXBURY SALEM SALISBURY SCOTLAND SEYMOUR SHARON SHELTON DISTRICT CODE NUMBER RESIDENT TOWN CODE NUMBER DISTRICT DISTRICT CODE NUMBER 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 SIMSBURY SOMERS SOUTHBURY SOUTHINGTON SOUTH WINDSOR SPRAGUE STAFFORD STAMFORD STERLING STONINGTON STRATFORD SUFFIELD THOMASTON THOMPSON TOLLAND TORRINGTON TRUMBULL 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 RESIDENT TOWN CODE NUMBER 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 102 102 UNION 145 145 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 VERNON VOLUNTOWN WALLINGFORD WARREN WASHINGTON WATERBURY WATERFORD WATERTOWN WESTBROOK WEST HARTFORD WEST HAVEN WESTON WESTPORT WETHERSFIELD WILLINGTON WILTON WINCHESTER WINDHAM WINDSOR WINDSOR LOCKS WOLCOTT WOODBRIDGE WOODBURY WOODSTOCK 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 J-2 APPENDIX J District and Resident Town Code Numbers DISTRICT J-3 DISTRICT CODE NUMBER REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS REGION 1 REGION 4 REGION 5 REGION 6 REGION 7 REGION 8 REGION 9 REGION 10 REGION 11 REGION 12 REGION 13 REGION 14 REGION 15 REGION 16 REGION 17 REGION 18 REGION 19 201 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 RESC DISTRICTS CREC EDUCATION CONNECTION CES ACES LEARN EASTCONN 241 242 243 244 245 253 PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS COMMON GROUND HIGH THE BRIDGE ACADEMY EXPLORATIONS DISTRICT AMISTAD ACADEMY STAMFORD ACADEMY NORWICH FREE ACADEMY THE GILBERT SCHOOL WOODSTOCK ACADEMY 268 269 272 279 282 901 902 903 OTHER STATE AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #2 347 DISTRICT REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS BULLARD HAVENS THS HENRY ABBOTT THS H.H. ELLIS THS ELI WHITNEW THS A.I. PRINCE THS HOWELL CHENEY THS H.C. WILCOX THS VINAL THS E.C. GOODWIN THS NORWICH THS J.M. WRIGHT THS OLIVER WOLCOTT THS W.F. KAYNOR THS WINDHAM THS EMMETT O’BRIEN THS PLATT THS E.T. GRASSO THS DISTRICT CODE NUMBER 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 APPENDIX J Guidelines for Assigning a Resident Town Code to a Student Who Has Generic Barcode Labels If: Then the Resident Town Code is: The student lives at home with both parents/guardians. The code of the town where the parents/guardians reside. The student lives at home with one parent/guardian. The code of the town where the parent/guardian resides. The student lives alternately with each parent where one parent lives in the town where the student goes to school and the other parent does not. The code of the town where the student goes to school or in the case of a regional school district, the town associated with the student’s school district. The student lives alternately with each parent/guardian where neither parent/guardian lives in the town where the student goes to school. Contact the district PSIS coordinator for the student’s Resident Town Code. The student is placed in a residential facility by a state agency, and there is no nexus (connection) with any town. Contact the district PSIS coordinator for the student’s Resident Town Code. The student is placed in a residential facility by a state agency, and there is a nexus (connection) with another town. Contact the district PSIS coordinator for the student’s Resident Town Code. The student is placed in other than a residential facility by a state agency, and there is no nexus (connection) with any town. Contact the district PSIS coordinator for the student’s Resident Town Code. For any other situation, contact the district PSIS coordinator for the student’s Resident Town Code. J-4 APPENDIX K APPENDIX I Test Irregularities The District Test Coordinator must be notified immediately of all test irregularities. Test irregularities are situations that may invalidate scores for a student or for a group of students. Test irregularities may require corrective action including the retesting of students with a CAPT replacement form to ensure valid results. It is, therefore, imperative that the District Test Coordinator call the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Student Assessment Office for all test irregularities. Test irregularities include, but are not limited to: 1. Potential Security Issues Students saw test items/tasks prior to testing. Students were coached or provided answers to test questions prior to or during testing; this includes, but is not limited to, providing students with explanations of questions or definitions of test-item vocabulary for any test. Someone reviewed, examined, analyzed, or discussed test items or student responses to test items (including the standard CAPT, CAPT Modified Assessment System (MAS), and replacement forms) before, during, or after testing. Someone changed student responses in an answer booklet. Someone kept, copied, or reproduced any secure test materials (e.g., test booklets, writing prompts, student responses). Secure test materials are missing from a school or were not returned to Measurement Incorporated. Materials that are content related or conceptually related to the content area being assessed were not covered or removed from view during testing. Interruption of testing due to a fire drill, bomb scare, power failure, or other concern. 2. Issues During Testing The proper directions to a test session as written in the Test Examiner’s Manual were not followed (e.g., additional instructions given, specific directions not read). Proper time limits were not followed (e.g., too much, too little time given). Students were not provided with calculators, CAPT rulers, and CAPT formula charts during the Mathematics test sessions. Students were not provided with CAPT periodic tables during the Science test sessions. K-1 APPENDIX K A student who should have taken one or more test sessions was not given the opportunity to take the test before the end of the testing window (does not include students who are absent during the entire testing window, or whose absence prevented them from making up test sessions). Students were administered the wrong test (e.g., MAS rather than the standard test). A student completed the wrong test session (e.g., Mathematics Session 1 instead of Mathematics Session 2). A student identified as ELL Exempt for Reading and Writing was administered an exempted test session in error. 3. Accommodation Issues Proper test accommodations, as indicated in a student’s Individualize Educational Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, were not provided for the student. Test accommodations were provided for a student who was not identified for those test accommodations. There was a problem submitting a response for a student assessed using the Measurement Incorporated Secure Testing (MIST) application. A student refuses to use accommodations as identified in the IEP. 4. Student Issues A student cheated during a test session. A student vomited or bled on an answer booklet. A student became ill during testing and left the testing room. A student withdrew from the school during the testing window and did not complete all required test sessions. A student starts testing in school but is then expelled or must receive homebound instruction during the rest of the testing window. A student completed all or part of another test session after completing the scheduled test session. A student is disruptive or upset and is removed from the testing room. A student used an unapproved electronic device during testing (e.g. cell phone). K-2 APPENDIX K 5. Test Booklet Issues A student responded in another student’s answer booklet. A student entered responses in two different answer booklets. A student recorded all or part of his/her responses on paper and not in the answer booklet. The answer booklet is damaged (e.g., torn pages, spilled water, soiled). A student used something other than a Number 2 pencil to complete his/her responses (except for the Interdisciplinary Writing and Response to Literature where the use of a blue- or black-ink pen is allowed). PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WHEN REPORTING A TEST IRREGULARITY TO THE STUDENT ASSESSMENT OFFICE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. School name Grade(s) affected Number of students affected (if multiple students are involved) Teacher’s name (if applicable) Name of test including test session Student information: Name Grade Date of Birth State Assigned Student Identification Number (SASID) 7. Description of the irregularity K-3 CAPT Test Coordinator’s Manual *CAPTCM2014001* CAPTCM2014001
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