Immanuel speaks October 2014 As long as the earth endures, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8: 22 (NIV) Printed by: IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHUCH 204 ne 2 Avenue, p.o. box 236, clara city, mn 56222 ND October ~ Scripture Highlights and Denominational Celebration David S. Wall, Interim Pastor I want to share some scriptural highlights and our denomination celebration (Reformation Sunday) in these words this month. First though, wow, can you believe it is October? The cooler days and nights, harvest, the colors of the season (the sumac struck me with their beauty about 2 weeks ago), and we are well into the ‘possible snow season’ as one weather forecaster likes to say. Scripture Highlights for October 1. Out of all the writings that Paul shares in the New Testament, I think my two favorite words from Paul come to us in the epistle writing for October 5 from Philippians 3: 12, and those words are press on. Here is the whole verse: Not that I have already obtained this (i.e. knowing Christ and the power of the resurrection) or have already reached the goal but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Dr. Lowell Satre was my Pauline (writings of Paul and his students in scripture) Professor at Luther Seminary. He had us write papers on a regular basis. He would take the time to write notes and thoughts all throughout the paper and would usually (maybe always) complete with, “Press on!” I may share that story from the pulpit on October 5. It is a day where we have Holy Communion and Holy Baptism and our Sacraments cry out to us all to Press On! 2. I may also share this in the Sunday morning message on October 12, from Philippians 4: 1-9. Phil. 4:4 says, Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice. What can that mean? I can’t possibly always be rejoicing—can I? Well, now that is a very good question. What does ‘Rejoice’ mean? You have possible heard me say that when I was a Mission Developer, one of the jobs early on in starting a congregation from scratch is naming it. In consultation with the Bishop of the St. Paul Area Synod, we had a great name, possible the finest name you can have for a church. Well, as we talked with others, only the Bishop and I thought the name was fine, the vote was everyone else voting against and only 2 votes for, Bishop Lowell and me. So, another name was needed and the name for the new church became Rejoice! Lutheran. The words from verse 4 of chapter 4 of Philippians did give us inspiration for that. Rejoice is steadfast love and praise of God and not just doing it when it feels comfortable and cozy. That is a real challenge for all. Denominational Celebration ~ Reformation Sunday As you most assuredly know, the last Sunday in October is Reformation Sunday. It is a lesser festival for us in the church and we remember and give thanks to God for the gift of ‘justification by grace through faith’ given to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In three years (2017) it will be the 500th anniversary of Luther pounding those proclamations on the Wittenburg Church door (on October 31) which is pointed to as the beginning of the Reformation. I am thankful for Christians everywhere that speak to the question of how does the church need to be reformed today. Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus as we live out our lives reforming and being reformed. Blessings to you for the journey—go in Christ’s Peace. Pastor Dave Youth Ministry Update It’s so good to have everyone around again! We are off to a great start with Confirmation and youth group. Wednesday nights our building is filled with laughter, excitement, good food, and lots of learning! It’s been good to get back in to the swing of things. In addition to our Wed night’s I want to remind/encourage 7-12th graders to join us Sunday mornings after worship in the youth room. This is our time to practice our faith, strengthen our church friend relationships, and learn from each other as we prepare for not only a mission trip this summer (9th -12th grade) but hopefully for a 7-12th grade “long weekend minimission trip” in January as well. Joining in on either/both Sunday mornings (7-12) or Wed. nights (10-12) is vital to us building the trust within our group before venturing off on a mission trip. So, if your student is thinking about joining us on mission trips, please encourage them to join us Sunday mornings. The SW MN Synod Youth Gathering for grades 7-9 will be held Nov. 21-22 at the Willmar Conference Center. Our theme this year is “Accept All, Except None”, focusing on Romans 15:7. Our speaker is Tony Ducklow, of Youth Forum and our band is Lex Anderson. Registration is open now through Sept. 28th. I am lowering your portion of the cost this year to $25 because I really want to encourage all 7-9th graders to attend! This is such a good opportunity to get away for a night, meet new people, hear the gospel in a fun “teenager way”, dance, sing, and worship with 800 other Lutherans! Please ask if you have any questions! I promise you won’t be disappointed in choosing to join us! We have fun wherever we go. Wednesday, Oct. 15th we will be having a lock-in for all 7-12th graders. Our event will be held from 8 p.m. Wed night until 7 a.m. Thurs. morning. Friends are welcome to join in on the fun. Our evening will include night games, crafts, making & baking pizzas, movies, karaoke, and devotion/worship time. Registration is now through Oct. 5th and the cost is $10. Sunday, Oct. 26th we will be having a Halloween Hayride & Bonfire for all 7-12th graders and their friends. We will begin our evening by meeting at church at 5:30; leaving for our hayride around the countryside at 5:45 p.m., ending at Michelle & Steve’s farm with a bonfire & treats! Parents are asked to pick up your teen around 9:30 p.m. at Michelle’s. And I want to extend a HUGE THANKYOU to the Koenen family/Hinterland Vineyards for letting us use their fancy wagon for our hayride. Your kids will be safe and secure in this beautiful enclosed wagon! I am super excited to spend the evening together with fun, food, and most importantly fellowship! For those who want to join in on the fun, sign up with Michelle by Wed Oct. 22nd please. (Youth Ministry Update continued) Just for a “heads-up” our youth will be selling God’s Creation calendars and magnetic note pads beginning the first Sunday in November. Calendars are $10 and the magnetic notepads $4.00. They will be available after worship in the Narthex area, downstairs at coffee, or at the church office. What a great Christmas gift idea! Blessings, Michelle ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Sunday School’s Offering for the next three months (September, October, and November) will be going towards Project Christmas. The money will go towards buying Christmas gifts for needy families in our MACCRAY district. If you’d like to help the kids out, please give your donation to church office, marked Project Christmas. Thanks. There are still 125th Anniversary items for sale in the church office. Cookbooks are $5, Ornaments are $10, DVD copy of July 13, 2014 worship is $5. Contact the church office at 847-2138 Monday through Thurs: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. DATE ATTENDANCE OFFERING 08-24 95 $ 2,235 08-31 68 $ 1,568 09-07 92 $ 2,520 09-14 149 $ 2.374 09-21 134 $ 2,978 THREE GOOD ARGUMENTS There were three good arguments that Jesus was Black: 1. He called everyone Brother. 2. He liked Gospel. 3. He didn’t get a fair trial. But then there were three equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish: 1. He went into his father’s business. 2. He lived at home until he was 33. 3. He was sure his mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God. But then there were three equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian: 1. He talked with his hands. 2. He had wine with all his meals. 3. He used olive oil. But then again, there were three equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian: 1. He never cut his hair. 2. He walked around barefoot all the time. 3. He started a new religion. Oh and then there were three equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian: 1. He was at peace with nature. 2. He ate a lot of fish. 3. He talked about the Great Spirit. But then, there were three equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish: 1. He never got married. 2. He was always telling stories. 3. He loved green pastures. But the most compelling evidence of all ~ three proofs that Jesus was a woman: 1. He fed a crowd at a moment’s notice when there was virtually no food. 2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn’t get it. 3. And even when he was dead, he had to get up because there was still work to do! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ God’s blessings and many congratulations to the following couples celebrating their special anniversaries: Bob and Sharon Jaenisch…....45 years on October 4 Dave and Deb Roskens…..….43 years on October 2 Jack and Deb Hosek………....36 years on October 14 Todd and Lori Prekker……....33 years on October 3 Corrie and Kathy Swenson…..33 years on October 3 Bob and Patsy Rand………....33 years on October 24 Gary and Deb Nelson……..…32 years on October 23 Myron and Yvonne Bluhm…..30 years on October 13 Duane and Michele Shubert….19 years on October 28 Chad and Ronda Fank………..18 years on October 19 Joel and Amy Niemeyer……...13 years on October 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Everyone is invited to a Bonfire on Sunday, October 5, at 7:00 p.m. The Congregational Life Committee is hosting it at Tim and Sara Sabe’s home (4095 80th Avenue SE, CC). There will be hotdogs and marshmallows to roast over the fire along with buns, chips, S’more fixings and beverages. Please bring your own lawn chairs and roasting sticks if you have them. Join us for fun, fellowship, and maybe even some campfire songs and stories! For more information or directions, contact Michele Shubert at 847-3561 or Sara Sabe 847-3542. Below we have printed the tribe’s membership for November, 2014. The chair person (s) will be calling you in the near future asking you to help serve Immanuel in some way. Start thinking today what you can volunteer to help with...oh, and please say yes! We have been having a lot of trouble filling the few jobs we need help with each Sunday. Thanks! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GAD Tribe up for service in November, 2014 Chairperson: Monica Orwick Ken and Jan Beyerl Jerry and Diane Holien Jeremy and Brenda Kabisch family Steve and Michelle Kleene family Curt and Diane Meints Rick and Darcie Meyer Dwight and Jan Mulder Dave Rosendahl Shane and Stephanie Swenson family Julie Toov Monica Orwick family ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SETTLING FOR CRUMBS Rather than worship the Creator, we worship the creation! No wonder there is no wonder. We have figured it all out. Ever wonder why people sleep in on Sunday mornings, whether in bed or in the Sanctuary? They’ve seen it all. Why get excited? They know it all! There’s nothing sacred. The holy becomes humdrum. Can you see why Paul says in Romans 1: 24 that people became full of sin, using their bodies wrongly with each other? You’ve got to get excitement somewhere. If there’s no purpose to this life, nothing sacred about this life, what’s to keep us from doing whatever we want? How does God feel about such a view of life? Well, let me give you a hint. How would you feel if you saw your children settling for crumbs when you had prepared for them a feast?...EXACTLY! by Max Lucado, In The Grip of Grace IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES September 8, 2014, @ 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL PRESENT: Cory Janssen, Gary Kruger, Gary Meyer, Carissa Pederson, Murlaine Rieger, Michele Shubert ABSENT: Duane Dieken, Keith Rand PRESENT: Pastor Dave Wall, Michelle Kleene, Harlan Broers DEVOTIONS: Pastor Dave, from Lowell Erdahl’s Winsome Wisdom, God took the worst and made it the best. REPORTS: SECRETARY’S: M/S/P to accept TREASURER’S: Current Balance in checking $12,437.32. M/S/P Treasurer’s Report pending Explanation at October meeting COMMITTEES: Youth: All students and parents attended Confirmation Orientation on Wednesday, September 3rd. Discussed the importance of Youth Ministry at Immanuel by focusing on their mission and vision. Michelle and Pastor Dave will team-teach 7th and 8th Grade or alternate as needed and Pastor Dave will teach 9th Grade. Michelle will lead 10th-12th Grade Bible Study on Wednesday’s at 7:30 p.m. Sunday morning Youth group for 7th through 12th graders. Attendance for all is being encouraged to help prepare for a summer mission trip (destination will be decided soon.) Michelle is in the process of choosing parents to form a Youth and Education Team. Rally Sunday went well. Kids delivered fleece ponchos and God Loves You mobiles to the Care Center residents and ended the morning with a potluck dinner. Sunday School Classes will begin Sunday, September 14, and continue every Sunday through May 17th. (Church Council Minutes continued) Congregational Life: Planning a Bonfire at Tim and Sara Sabe’s on Sunday, October 5, at 7:00 p.m. there will be hot dogs and S’mores to be cooked over the fire along with chips, buns, and beverages. The annual Halloween Party will be Sunday, October 26th. Blanket Tying Event is being planned for Sunday, November 9th. Pastor’s Report: Temporary Shepherds: Pastor Dave believes we are at the point of ‘Discovering a New Identity’ meaning we want to look back and know what our history is, but we also, through our leaders, look to the future. Pastor Dave will be gone on Sunday, November 9th, Bishop Jon Anderson will be here preaching. Pastor Dave is pleased with how his first 90 days have gone. They have been as he expected. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Reviewed, discussed, and revised Transition Team’s Questions. 2. New Computers: We were informed of and discussed computer and network upgrade quote from TAC Computers out of Dawson. Cost will be no more than $7,433. M/S/P Murlaine is working on contacting the Endowment Committee. 3. New Door Locks: Putting new locks in doors of the church with an electronic keypad by one of the doors. NEW BUSINESS: Oct/Nov/Dec Noisy Offering tabled until next month. ADJOURNMENT: M/S/P to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. Closed with Lord’s Prayer Respectfully, Michele Shubert, Co-Secretary This summer, as has been most summers, saw Keith Harms and his crew out repairing foot stones/monuments on Immanuel’s Cemetery, rural Clara City. The cost of each repair done amounted to $50 per stone. We are listing the names of those deceased members whose foot stones were repaired this past summer in the hopes that a relative or two will take note of the repairs done and be willing to donate some /all of the repair costs to help offset the expenses the Cemetery Board incurred. Baby DeGrote died in 1941 Parents: William and Simka Fred Broers died in 1935 Wife: Anna Ella Gerdes died in 1940 Parents: George and Louise Rudolf Brekken died in 1944 Tamme Peters died in 1941 Hilda Boike died in 1972 Husband: Harm Garfield Maahs died in 1946 Parents: William and Olga Mary Tischer died in 1947 Husband: John Gelina L Smith died in 1940 Husband: Wilhelm If you see your relatives name in the list above and wish to donate, please mark your check “Cemetery Repairs” and bring it to the church office or clearly mark the outside of your offering envelope, place it in the offering plate on Sunday, and the check will be given to the Cemetery Committee. Thanks in advance for all willing to help out! Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery Board Keith Harms, Sexton Lonnie Hansen, Assistant Sexton Jim Kluver, Byron Sulflow, Daryl Niemeyer Council Representative: Keith Rand IMMANUEL WOMEN’S GROUP I hope everyone enjoyed the summer and after, hopefully, much relaxation is ready to settle in for the fall schedule. Fall has arrived with a chill in the air but what a beautiful time of the year! This also means it is time for us to get back to some organization and scheduling. The quilters began meeting September. If you are looking for a relaxing afternoon, good company, coffee, and doing some service work, they would love to have you join them. If you are not a quilter but would like to learn, come and join them. If you can tie a knot, they have a job for you! Our Fall Bake Sale and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, November 1. We are in the process of planning this event. Please consider what you can do for this event. We will be assigning circles to prepare, serve, and cleanup for this event. We also need workers to set up the bake sale and serve as cashiers. It would be really nice if you would volunteer so we wouldn’t need to make so many phone calls. Thank you in advance. We are still in need of volunteers to serve on the Leadership Team. We meet once a month on a Sunday morning during the Fellowship Hour. Please consider volunteering to fill a position. Positions open are: Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer. The meetings are open to all women. Come and join us for a short meeting. We have three circles that serve for events held during the work week. We can use some additional help. If you are able to work for these events and would be willing to change from an evening or weekend circle to a day circle, please call me at 847-3616. We will be setting up the new book soon! Just a little note from the Mission Action Committee of the SWMN Women of the ELCA regarding the in-kind gifts brought to the convention in Windom on May 3. Gifts brought in that day were 931 quilts, 285 fabric kits, 820 personal care kits, 503 baby care kits, 278 school kits, and a van PACKED with Christian literature. Churches reported that in our synod we have made and given 6,122 quilts, 360 fabric kits, 1,377 personal care kits,1,340 baby care kits, and 671 school kits just this past year! What a great mission! We have been truly blessed and also those that will be receiving them. Thanks to all who have served in some way this past year: nursing home birthday parties, visitations, funerals, quilting, landscaping, lefse making, and many other projects. It is appreciated. Blessings to all, Carol Groff, Team Leader Transition Team Survey (Individual Meeting Times will be available after worship services, beginning October 5) Desired Pastoral Requirements Is it necessary for the new Pastor to live in the parsonage or the town of Clara City, even if it limits the choice of candidates? What if the new Pastor wanted to live in Willmar? Is gender an important issue? Is years of experience important to you? In terms of pastoral care, please describe your expectations such as frequency of Pastor visiting elderly, shut-ins, grieving, congregation members in their homes? What do you see as the Pastor’s role in working with teens and children? How important is incorporating a power point presentations with the sermon? (This could include something as simple as a brief outline highlighting the sermon points.) Is it necessary for a Pastor to have a visible presence in the community? What are the Pastor’s most important attributes? Desired Congregational Needs What style of worship service do you prefer: traditional, contemporary or a mixture of both? Do you prefer to rotate the liturgy from the hymnal or choose one liturgy and use it for every worship service? Are you satisfied with the current music or would you like to see a choir and occasional special music presentations? Are you willing to financially support an expanded music program? The person whom we choose for a pastor is important, but one person cannot do everything to grow our church in a healthy, positive direction. What do you see as the congregation’s purpose as a body of Christ? Missions (Ex: raising funds for World Missions, mission trips in U.S.) Outreach/meeting people’s needs (Ex: Kids Against Hunger, social justice projects, Habitat for Humanity) Service to community (raising funds and volunteering at food shelf, assisting elderly/ disabled with home maintenance and repair) Increase participation (Ex: at church services, men’s group, women’s group) Other Anything else you’d like to share? IT’S TIME TO MAKE THE LEFSE! Monday Mornings, starting Monday, October 6, 2014 9:00 a.m. start time (We intend to make lefse each Monday through October and November unless a funeral is scheduled or it is poor weather!) Lefse makers: enter through the Elevator Doors… Come with your lefse grill if you have one. Even if you don’t have a grill, come and help and learn from the “pro’s”. All are welcome. Usually takes 2-3 hours with breaks for coffee, eating of rejects, and of course, lots of laughs! Any questions, please call Janyce Mittag, Lefse Coordinator, (320) 847-3351 Or Cell (320) 894-0713. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Everyone is invited to attend the Bible Study group of your choice as we learn more through studying God’s Word. *Please note the next month/time the studies meet! Lydia Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room the first Wednesday of each month, October 1, starting at 9:30 a.m. Rachel Bible Study meets at Prairie Park Place the first Wednesday of each month, October 1, starting at 9:30 a.m. Joy Bible Study usually meets in the Conference Room in the upper parish hall the third Monday of most months, the next one is October 20 at 5 p.m. Please check the weekly bulletin for any changes or additions to Bible Study groups. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DATE CHANGE for OCTOBER’S SUNDAES ON MONDAY BIBLE STUDY We will be meeting on Monday evening, October 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We enjoy our ice cream and then get right into our Bible study. Won’t you consider joining our group? We have a good discussion while learning more about God’s Word. This is a Bible Study for all ages, men and women, teens...if you are interested, you are definitely welcome! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When there is a task to be done, God is the one who ensures that it will get done. We don’t have to worry. All we have to do is answer positively if God taps us on our shoulders. This is what happened early in the history of the Israelite nation. The people, some two million of them, had been delivered from slavery in Egypt, and then began the next phase of their history: the building of the tabernacle. God himself gave the instructions as to how the tabernacle was to be built. Those chapters in the latter part of Exodus may not be nail-biters, but they are proof that God cares how things are done and that he is a God of order and beauty. Moses had the directions, and now he needed the manpower. God steps in again and tells Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel . . . and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts . . . Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab . . . to help him. Also I have given skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you” (Exodus 31:1-6). Is it surprising that God appoints craftsmen? Did you realize that even details matter to God? Did you know that God cares about the smallest decisions you have to make? “It is he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers . . .” (Ephesians 4:11). It is God who has given you your talents. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What do others tell you you’re good at? Are you gifted musically? Are you a superior athlete? Do friends come to you for advice? Do you like to cook? God has given you your interests and will equip you to use them for his glory in the building up of his people and in reaching out to those who don’t yet know his Son. Just say, “YES!” Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, forgive me when I take lightly the things that you take seriously. Give me courage to try out new activities and to explore the opportunities you give me. Make me eager to do whatever I can to serve you by serving others. Help me to listen to Godly people as I examine ways to be your steward. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
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