14 WHY WE ARE SENDING YOU THIS FORM: We cannot respond to your request at-this time. The reasp1 is either that: * We are unable to locate a record with the r.formaticl, pr:vida ir y: cr nal ir.cuirj -or* The record needed to answer your inquiry was lost in the July 1973 fire that destroyed millions of records here at the National Personnel Records Center. The records stored in the area which suffered the most damage in the fire were those of; *` .Ary veterans discharged ordeceasod between November 1, 1912, and December 31, 1959 * Air Force veterans discharged deceased. or retired before January 1. 1964, whose names come alphabetically after Hubbard James E.. The information that you provide on the back of this form may help to locate the record if it is available; or ifmay enable the Center to make use of various alternate sources to reconstruct some of the basc service record data if the record is not available. Please note that if the only document that you need is the report of separation OD Form 214, WDAGO Form 53-55, etc., this may be available from a former employer or the recorder's office of the city or county where the veteran lived just after separation/discharge. 2. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: the other side cf this form NA 13075 as completely as possible, along with any other forms that you may have received with this one, such as Standard Form SF180 and NA Form 13055; fl Fill out Attach copies of any papers yçu have that relate to the requested milita' service, such as military orders, award citations, and military addresses as shown on letters mailed home; and - Send the above items and the original s/gned request that we are returning to you now to the National Personnel Records Center at the address shown below. Do not send in this form by its&f. 3. NOTE: Are you request3ng military service medals only? If so, do you have a copy of the report of separation CD Form 214, WDAGO Form 53-55, etc. and other military papers that show which medals were earn'ed? If you send such information about medals you do not need to fill out this NA Form 13075. However, you still must also return a completed SF 180 or your criginal request. Finally, if possible please send a list of the names and locations of all military units or ourfits to which the veteran was assigned, including the dates, while on active duty. This may help determine eligibility for unit awards. . J..:j H PRACY ACT OF 1974 CoMrUANCE:FORMAflON The following information is provided in adthrdancóèith5 IJ.s.C:552a1e13 and appliesjo this loan. Authority for collection of the infonnatiorf is 44 usc 2907 301, and 3103 and EQ 97 of November 22 1943 Disclostn of the inforinaton is volurrtary If the requered inforinaton nct provicer may-delay servicing yous-2nquuy-bacause the National Personnel Records Cs.itr ma' not have all of the urformaton needed to locate the rccords} sought The purpose of tnt Lnfotnzvoi on V-us form o to assist the Natjnal Pereornel Records Ceiter in locating the coriect military service recordisi or iifonnationto answer your.inquiry. This form iiiheñflled in the requested rrulltary service rerd as a record of disclosure. The form may be disclosed to Deparvneth of Defense component cr.the Dor,ànment of TransportaTion Coast Guardl, if the Nicr.ai Persor.nei Records Center tansfers afl or os of tnose records to avon agency. if the service mernef was a member of the NstionalGuard,xhe form nay be disci:-; LT Gerer c appropriate State. Disthct of Columbia. or Puerto Rico,where ho or she served. The farm-may also be disclosed wnen the military service merrber or. In the case of a deceased service memba' the mflrtarysar.ico department. a4thcnzeS a zpec4lc individual or organ.Izaucr to have acceos to the military $vr4cs record. . . .:.- . . . -. . - . PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PBLI BURDEN STAT2.tENT You are rot required to provide the infonnation reqbèsted pn torni mat s subject to tie Paperwork Seduction Act cries: ths farm displays a valid OMS control number. Thu information requested on this.form is bein9 collected and used byte National Personnel Records center to icentify and locate rniiltar service records that could not be identified and located in cespenso to-thu odginal inquiry..JFablic. burden reporting for this collection of irtfoanation is estimated w be five minutes per response. inciuding time for reviewing iristruttionsand completing and reviewing the collection of information. .:Scnd cornrnemsrsgarding the busdenes-timatcr any other aspect of the collection of ioforma-rjon,-irtcluding suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Arcbivetind Reccms Adrrãrdsa-ation NHP, aGol Adeiphi Road, Colleije Park. MD 2O74-O-0O1. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FCRMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND COMPLETED FORMS To THE .ADDRESSSHOWN 98.0W. Date; For tno Chief. Army Reference Branc, Air Force Reference Branch Navy Reference Eran:h Records Reconstruction Branch Military Operations Branch o o o o o NATIONAL PERSONNEL RECORDS CENTER Military Personnel Fecordel 9700 Page Avenue St. Lous. MO 63132-BlOC NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADM!NI5TAATION NA FO.9M 13075 REV. 12-99 LOCATION OF MILITARY RECORDS `he various categodee of rnilitaiy Service records are described in the chart below. For each category there is a code ntrnbcr Which indicates the address the bottom of the page to which this request should be sent. * l-ca!th and personnel records. In most cases involving individuals no longer on active duty, the personnel record, the health recard, or both can be *btained front the same location, as shown or. the chart However, some health records are available from the Department of Veterans Affairs VA tecords Management Center Code TI. A resuest for a copy of the health record should be scat to Code 11 if the pcrson was discharged, [cUred. or eleased froni active duty separated on or after the following dates ARMY-October 16, 1992; NAVY-Januasy 31, 1994; AIR FORCE and MARTht :ORPS-May 1, 1994; COAST GUARD-April 1, 1998. Health records of persons on active duty arc genertilky kept at the local scnicung clinic, and isuaUy are available from Code II a week or two after the last lay of active duty. Recnrds at the National Personnel Records Center, Note that it tijçcs at least three months, and often six or seven, for the ide to reach the Natiena! iersonnel Records Center Code 14 in St Louis after the military obligatien has ended such as by discharge. Ir' only a short Line has passed, please cid the inqtüry to the address shown for active or ow-rent reserve members. Also. if the person has only been released from active dut but is still in a cserve status, the personnel record "ill stay at the location specified for reservists. A person can retain a reserve obligation for several years. even -ithout attending ueetings or receiving annual waining. Definitions and 2bhrvTntions. DSCRARGED-thO individual has no currentmilitarv stars; F.kTJrH-Records of physical excn'±iations. dental . reatmenç and outpatient medical treatrncnt received while in; duty status does act include records oltreatnient whi'.e hcspiuilized'r; TORL-Teniporan Jisabiliri Retired List. 4. Service tompjeted before World War!, The oldest records pertaining to military service veteralij are at the Nattonal Archves. for service that was it / C'Jr `` inot .cr.., - In'" `a `:_` tV<Ii in `_`3'IECCO,,ps edbcjatoq `zdate,. request these I/I/I 9C5: COAST GU?32-l/I/1S98. National Archives Trust Fund INATF1 fogas must be used to records. Obtain the fonas by e-rnthl born nqurr.tnara.gov or write to the Code 6 addrers. H CURREYr STATUS OF SERVICE MZM]3ER WHERE TO WPJTE .&DDRESS CODE Oischaraed. deceased, or retired with mv See ;aj-aaoh I. cbo'c. if re'au:sdne heatth record 1 I 4 I Active irchxfirc National Guard on active duty in the Air Force1. `!`ORL. or ceneral officers retrred v,ith ca': Reserve, retired reserve in nonpav status, cus-rent Na:onal Guard officers net on active durc in the Air Force. cc Natienal 2 Guard released frcrri active dun' in the Air Force Currrs: Nsticna Guard enlisted not on active duty ii'. the Air Force I 3 Discharged. deceased, orretired See parataDh I, uove. tt'rec,ucstinz health recordJ 14 I Aa:ivejcscrce,or 14 Discharged. deceased, or retired iee paraca-aoh I. above. tt reauesttn health rccord individual Ready Reserve or Fleet Marine Cocos Reserve 4 Active. Selected Marine Corts Rescn-e, cc TDRL I Oischarzed. decmased., or retired Sc: oaracach I aiote, if rcnueatjc health reccrd.1 I 14 Reserve; or active duty records oCcurrent National Guare mcmtcrs `ho performed I service in the U.5. Army bet'orc "i!1fl2 / Acuve enlisted irtcludin National Guard en active duty in the L'S. Army or TORE enlisted 9 I Ac:;ve othccrs iricludina National Guard on actrve duty Lii the U.S. Array or TORI, oticrrs I I Current National Guard enlisted act on rotive iz..'_-,,v';Jtc reu.;rds cr'Armv active dur; certhnt-rted aer di'3C;TtI 13 t:urr:nt Norinroi C'tiar htEcers notori ac:'ie dur' ic Ant'iv `r,ccd;r.o records oi4ztt'; act;'.: on'-- ccrrtrted are, i-?'72'i 1121 Giscoarged. deceased, or rented tice paraac I. ai-e. U recoc pa haw;;oo;r'i., I Active. resecyc, or TORI I It -_BRANCH FORCE COAST GUARD MARINE CORPS I I .RMY , -- cDDRESS LIST OF CL'STODIANS BY CODE NUMBERS SHOVN ABO''E 1 - - .Aar Fic. ?cncr.aci Cioner HrJTPGtFt so c s.ee,r Wat 5.c 9 SduiphAF2 TX fri'nr Cnn Scerve ,rry_, - rru%c.Ifl * 73iSc-°n Air R,wrtc Pcaer.,cn Cczmcr oTCO E, Lrvmawnr!. seCi :cnvcL CC 5c:pns * a 6 N.nn;-rwi A'cnnv .8 Rczordi Aumrn OOiiuo inS CM1 R.corth NV'CTBMiInta, Tamil Scrr Civ'i'-n 7CC Pe-j.jvlv,ns Ave N Oj WtcrCi 3O-153C4301 I ,rcC OS ATTN ?c,r.nc: ``mm vA ::t,c3i_ .- r'; - `5]U `Ircra F,or-j-.c: Ro;r, C.mic, Ccrrjr..ni - I I9'-'iy mc it ,.-.j,- - .*---- SI 1 ,A,'vrt .Jc,,'a cCthc inpr;rac ;ic "on P'era R;oi C. tu:rr.-c-- NiiL,r,5tcnt. avRcrc ?cnorvnl The 13 - f Cumzr,ander fIMieic,d Q,.rnco v :::r--tc `JCAZSZT Acum FCRI.F 1i99 56u Si. C4i.53OI Ini4naooiI, ID / .tuii'd R;:circ-, cecr - `, - `. `oy.t I I 5 Ccure t4z'r, Or Carn.'nandcr 7 ,irnv 12 I t-CAD.tG 4 SU47,IW7 C'-iLQM :cdu_.v_ urteiscr,l th. firm where ti Am,v Pnarac C,rjr.c4 tOO Snovil `.zctt A.w,S',t VA t33:ao 5303 Mdrcwi Ruad c,,mn4ervrc.,%Ljr. `:s L'S. Inn S - d SL'cc. `Aiahir,gtcn, Etc .0593-OCOI I - rarcoMO - -, - I -. L.vwVfl 4!'t.'-Ct 14 °-° I I -- u-:..T:- - t''"'''' - -"-` `-` Fist, see instructions on reverse, to be sum that yOU send in the appropriate forms and any other papers. Branch of service 0 Army 0 Air Forte [ç Navy 0 Marine Corps 0 Coast Guard Data of birth 1City and state countryl of birth Was service six months active duty for training only? Eves One Mames used during service and nicknames, if any last Served as o - middle first Home addresl include serial/service numbers when entered service officer - -- city_ county State city county state ;- 0 enlisted ;t enlisted: Finalrank 0 volunteered or Q drafted Veteran's social security number when released from active duty -- Selective local board number Service - state city veteran's Selective Service number Names of dose relatives when military service began parents, siblings, spouse, children Month/day/year began active duty Place of enlistment or induction where veteran took oath of service, such as examining station, reception center, or place of basic training Show name of military facility, city state. Place of basic training and month/day/year began if different from place and date shown online above Type oi niiitarj assignment infantry, aircorne. engineer, bomoers. tignters. supply, maintenance, food service. etc. Last military organization Please show ftili unit designations, such as army, division. regiment, bartalion. comoany, and include location. Separation station if this service member was released at a separation station after leaving the last Month/day/year released from active duty `permanenC organization or unit' Please include location of separation Station. If this veteran is deceased, 5:-ow date of death Mcnth/dayfyear of any reenlistments, inckiding full designation and lccoticn cf unit to which assigned at the tme Did the veteran ever o Don't know If yes, show claim number: Don't know If yes, show month/year: from and branch of service: o Don't know if yes, show state: U Yes o Don't know If yes, show state: and when month/day/year e. Retire from any militarysservice branch? UNo U Yes U Don't know If yes, show branch: f. Spend time on the Temporary Disabiii,Rë'tired Ust'TDRL? ONo 0 Yes 0 Don't know If yes, show branch: month/day/year g. Serve active duty in any other military service branch in later years? ONo h. Work for the Federal government as a c;viiian? UNo a. File a claim for VA benefits? ONo 0 Yes b. Serve in the Reserves after release ONo 0 Yes c. Receive a state bonus for military service? ONo U Yes d. Serve in the National Guard? ONo from active duty period shown above? U Yes 0 Don't know 0 Yes o Don't know If yes, show branch: Imonth/day/yearl to month/year paid: DAnny DAir to mo/yr retired: and when: - to - - and when: to if yes, show agency name: c:rj:state: --_______ when Imo/yrl: to Purpose: Optional-An explanation of the purpose of the request is strictly voluntary. Such information may help the National Personnel Records Center to provide the best possible response and will in no way be used to make a decision to deny the request. Daytime phone number Today's date - Please remember to return your original inquiry. co Before you send this form, please make sure that you have followed the instructions in the What You Need To Do" section on the other side. Otherwise, It may not be possible to service this request. NATICNAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 13075 Sack REV. 1 2-99 . CFR1228.-I62a REQUEST PERTAINING TO MILFFARY RECORDS - _____________________________ rwO. 3u'Z'UOLY txtrtlf31flOo the insm1ctions at bottom the review beforeiii thoroughly please To ensure the best possible service, power. out this form. Please print clearly or tYpe. Ifyou reed more space. use plain Prtvo'fl SiionunusabIe -`- OMti .-- SECTION! INFORMATION NEEDED TO LOCATE RECORDS Furnish as much as possible. - 2. SOCIALSECURITY No. a. DATE OFBIRTH I: tt{AMELISEDDUTRLNGSERVICELast,tirst,cniddle L PLACE OF BIRTH For an effective records search, it is important that ALL service be shown below. S. SERVICE. PAST AND PRESENT SERVICE NUMBER DURING THIS PERIOD CHECK ONE DATES OF SERViCE - DATE ENTERED BRANCH OF SERVICE DATE RELEASED OFFICER if unknown, please w,jte unknown.' ENLISTED a. ACTWE * SERVICE . b. RESERVE SERVICE C. . - NATIONAL GUARD ,. IS TS PERSON DECEASED? Ii "YES" enter `he date ofdeaih. LJyp5 LJNO 7. 15 VAS ThiS PERSON RETffiED flONt MILIT.Y SERVICE? LIVES I SECTION lI-INFORMATION AND/OR DOCUMENTS REOUESTED I. REPORT OFSEPARATION DD Form 214 orequivalent This contains information normally needed to vc-if,- rruiitarv serice. A copy may he sent to the veteran, the deceased veteran's ner<tof kin, or other persons or organizations if authorized in Section III, below. NOTE: If more than one period of service was performed, even in the same branch, there may be more than one Report of Separation. Re sure to show EACH year that a epon at' Separation was issued, for which you need a copy. 0 An UNDELETED Report of Separation is requested for the years This normally will be a copy of the Ml separation dacument including such sensitive items as the character of separation. authority for searation, reasor. for separation, reenlisttnent eligibility code, separation SPD/SFN code, and dates of time lost. An undeleted version is ordinarily required to deterinli-te eligibility for benefits. 0 A DELETED Report of Separation is requested for the years `ftc following information will be de!eted from the copy sean: authorit'. for separation, reason for separation. reenlistment elibilir: code, separation ISPD/SPN' code, and for separations after June 30, 1979, character of separation and dates of time lost. 2. OTHER INFORMATION AND/OR DOCUMENTS REQUESTED 3 PURPOSE OPTIONAL--An explanation of the purpose of the request is su-ictlv voluntar, Such information may help the agency ar.swering this request to provide the b9z possible response and will ira no way be used to make a decision to dcv the requect SECTION III RETURN ADDRESS AND SIGNATURE - I. REQUESTERtS E Military service member or veteran identified in Section L above Leoal guardian must submit copy of court appointment 0 Next of k:n ot'deceased veteran Other speciñ rulation 2. SEND INFORaATION/DOCUMENTSTO 3. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE REQUWED Sec instruction 2. below. I declare or certify, verify, or state under peaaltv of pezun' under the laws of the United States of America that the information in this Seetton 0 is an: and correct. t?!ezse pnc or type. 5cc instruction 3, below. Signature at requester Please do not pnnt. Apt. Cit' State `,t:s tcrr,i is av.'.ilahic at hr:r. - `v `4- ZIP Code ?lJr::. `ot' `r!tpoPia! `ni'jrt/7 Date at this request Daiiir,e pnonc E-mail address on t N'cticna! Archi',c'; andR:', a .&Jrnins:rctic:a `NAi `IV eb site
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