September 27-28, 2013 Healthcare Innovations: Why All These Fears? PROGRAM icnifiqe Friday September 27 8.30 am Welcome 9.00 am Introduction G. Vallancien, President of CHAM 9.05 am Lecture: Can we progress without risk? L. Ferry, Former Minister, Philosopher (FR) J. de Kervasdoué, Professor of Health Economics at CNAM (FR) With G. Desportes, Writer an journalist Le Point (FR) 10.05 am Round Table 1: Genomics, cellular therapy, nano-medicine and cyborgs, fear of an augmented humankind? F. Brunelle, Professor of radiology, Université Paris Descartes (FR) L. Alexandre, CEO DNA vision (Belg) - F. Chrétien Professor of histopathology at the Institut Pasteur and Saint Anne Hospital (FR) - L. Levy, CEO Nanobiotix (FR) - K. Warwick, Professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading (UK) CHAIRMAN: 11.00 am Interview: Lessons learned from the history of sanitary crisis A. Flahault, Professor of public health Université Paris Descartes (FR) with F. Guez , MD, BFM radio presenter (FR) 11.20 am Break 11.40 am Round Table 2: Internet, telemedicine, and others technologies, fear of a virtual humanism? CHAIRMAN: J.F. Lemoine, MD, Europe 1 presenter (FR) J. Batout, Philosopher and Economist (FR) - L. Blanchard, CEO Cisco EMVA (Fr) M. Britnell, Chairman of Healthcare Global Practice, KPMG international (UK) - Th. Happe, CEO NetExplo (FR) P. Hodgkin, CEO Patient Opinion (UK) 12.50 pm Debate: Why to worry about drugs and vaccinations? Y. Juillet, President of the Académie Nationale de Pharmacie (FR) Ph. Duclos, Senior Health Adviser Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, World, Health Organisation (CH) J. Samson, Chief Operating Officer Glaxo Smith and Kline France (FR) MODERATED BY 1.15 pm Lunch 2.00 pm Round Table 3: Patient and industry: alliance or conflict of interest? F. Sarkozy, CEO Publicis Healthcare Consulting (FR) – G. Frydman, CEO ACCORD (USA) J.L. Harousseau, President of the Haute Autorité de Santé (FR) - C. Le Goff, CEO Roche France (FR) Ch. Viehbacher, CEO Sanofi (FR) CHAIRMAN: 3.15 pm Debate: Can we assess a sanitary risk? MODERATED BY D. Bazzocchi, Health department, Covea (FR) J.F Bergmann, Professor of medicine, university Paris Diderot (FR) M. Setbon PHD, Sociologist of public health, Université Méditerranée (FR) 3.50 pm Break 4.10 pm Round Table 4: Are food fears justified? E. Brunet, RMC and BFMTV presenter (FR) - Cl. Fischler, Sociologist, Research Director at CNRS (FR) D. Reiniche, CEO Coca- Cola Europe (FR) - Fr. Saldmann, MD, nutritionist, Director of Nutrition journal (FR) CHAIRMAN: 5.15 pm Debate: How far to cover risks for all? MODERATED BY E. Hubert, Former Minister, ceo FNEHAD (FR) JP. Door, Deputy, Vice President of the social affairs commiittee, Assemblée nationale (FR) D. Godet, Director General of SHAM (FR) - R. Grenier, ceo Mondial Assistance (FR) Th. Lorente, Director General of Pasteur Mutualité Group (FR) - D. Weckner, director group insurances, AXA (FR) 6.00 pm Seen from elsewhere: M. Desjoyaux, Sailor 6.45 pm Cocktail Saturday September 28 9.00 am Round Table 5: How to manage research uncertainty without delaying its applications? CHAIRMAN: J.F. Girard, Professor of medicine, President of the Pres Sorbonne Paris Citée (Fr) Th. Patrice, Professor of medicine, chief pf the Laser Department, Chu Nantes (Fr) P. Teillac, Director of the institut Curie (FR) - P. Zagamé, CEO Novartis France (FR) 9.50 am Debate: Precautionary principle for citizens, risk for patients! E. Orsenna, from the Académie Française (FR) B. Accoyer, Deputy, member of the parliament, former President of the Assemblée Nationale (FR) J.F. Bach, Permanent secretary of the Academie des Sciences (FR) G. Carcassonne, Professor of law, Constitutionalist (FR) B. Charpentier, Member of the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Director of the clinical resarch center of the Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Sud (FR) - D. Voynet, Former Minister and senator, city of Montreuil mayor (FR) CHAIRMAN: 11.15 am Break 11.40 am Debate: What the religions say MODERATED BY Luc Ferry, Philosopher, Former Minister (FR) Cardinal Ph. Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, Primat des Gaules (FR) - M. Chebel, Anthropologist of religions, (Alg) 12.15 pm Round Table 6: Do the politicians worry about fears? CHAIRMAN: B. Péricard, Health Director, KPMG France (FR) J. Bowis, Former Minister and member of the European Parliament (UK) CL. Evin, Former Minister, Director of the Ile de France Health Regional Agency (FR) Ch Le Dorze, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Vitalia Group (FR) J.D. Flaysakier, MD, adjunct chief editor France 2 TV (FR) J.M Leguen, Deputy, member of the Assemblée Nationale, President of the APHP supervisory board (FR) 13.30 pm Farewell lunch
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