36 _________________________________________________________________ THE ZULULAND OBSERVER, NOVEMBER 16, 2012 JP024574 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice in the Joint Intestate Estate of the late DINGANI GRAVIS MAPHANGA (ID NO 5411175430 085) Born on 17-11-1954 and surviving spouse: MARGARET BONGEKILE MAPHANGA (ID NO 6004300519 085) residing at Gabadela Reserve, Hluhluwe, who died on 18/07 /2012 Estate No: 17760 /2012(DBN). Master`s Office Durban. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to file their claims with undermentioned within a period of 30 days from date of publication hereof. Executor: S I P H A M A N D L A K W A Z I K W A K H E MAPHANGA c/o P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 Claims to be filed with: MORROW`S ESTATE SERVICES CC T/A PERSONAL & BUSINESS M A N A G E M E N T SOLUTIONS P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 16-11-2012 JP024575 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice in the Joint testate Estate of the late GEORGE S E B A S T I A A N OOSTHUIZEN (ID NO 7102195230 088) Born on 19-02-1971 and surviving spouse: MONICA JOAN OOSTHUIZEN (ID NO 7402060200 087) residing at 11 Mackerel Street, Meerensee, Richards Bay, who died on 04/09/2012 Estate No: 17758 /2012(DBN). Master`s Office Durban. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to file their claims with undermentioned within a period of 30 days from date of publication hereof. Executor: M O N I C A J O A N O0STHUIZEN c/o P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 Claims to be filed with: MORROW`S ESTATE SERVICES CC T/A PERSONAL & BUSINESS M A N A G E M E N T SOLUTIONS P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 16-11-2012 JP024576 NOTICE LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (First and Final unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will lie open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of Estate: 2663/12 Surname: PHOSEKA Christian Names: THEMBINKOSI Identity No: 5801135914 089 Last address: ZAMAZAMA AREA, INGWAVUMA Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: THOLAKELE MATHENJWA Identity No: 7105100734 086 Magistrate`s Office: Manguzi Master`s Office: Durban. Advertiser and address: GINA-MTHEMBU AND ASSOCIATES P O Box 136 Jozini, 3969 Tel: 035 5721115 16-11-2012 JP024560 0915 Sale In Execution AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg, Republic of South Africa. Case No: 5952/2009 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff and NOMPUMELELO CYNTHIA GUGULETHU DLUDLA Defendant TAKE NOTICE that in execution of a judgment by default in the above court, a sale in execution, will be held by the Sheriff of the High Court, Lower Umfolozi, at the Sheriff Lower Umfolozi`s Office, 37 Union Street, Empangeni, on Tuesday, 4th December 2012 at 11h00, of the following immovable property, on conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale: Erf 608 Ngwelezane B, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent 375 square metres held under Deed of Transfer No TG 7193/1987 KZ The following information is furnished regarding the property, though in this respect, nothing is guaranteed: 1. The property`s physical address is: 73 Bhubesi Road, (Erf 608), Ngwelezane B, KwaZulu-Natal 2. The improvements consist of: A single storey freestanding dwelling constructed of Block under Tile, comprising of Kitchen, Lounge, 3 Bedrooms (MES), Bathroom and Toilet with Garage and Concrete Fencing. 3. The town planning zoning of the property is: Special Residential. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honourable Court on 28 October 2009 2. The Rules of this auction are available 24 hours before the auction and may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the Court Lower Umfolozi, 37 Union Street, Empangeni during office hours. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to the specific conditions, inter-alia: (Registrations will close at 10:55am) a) In accordance to the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL http./ /www.info.gov.za/view /Download FileAction?id=99961) b) Fica-legislation requirement proof of Id and residential address - List of other FICA requirements available at Sheriff`s Office o r w e b s i t e : www.sheremp.co.za 4. The sale will be conducted by the Sheriff of Lower Umfolozi, Mrs Y S Martin or her representative. 5. Payment of a Registration fee of R10 000.00 in cash or eft is required (eft proof of payment to be produced prior to the sale); 6. Special Conditions of Sale are available for viewing at 0915 Sale In Execution 0920 Legal Tenders 0920 Legal Tenders the Sheriff`s Office, 37 Union Street, Empangeni or www.sheremp.co.za 7. Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs, according to Court rules apply; 8. Conditions of sale may be inspected at the Sheriff`s Office, 37 Union Street, Empangeni. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on this 2nd day of October 2012. VENN, NEMETH & HART INC Plaintiff`s Attorneys 281 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERMARITZBURG 3201 (Ref: L Bagley /Shobna /36S043409) 16-11-2012 JP024549 HIV “I thought it could never happen to me” CITY OF uMHLATHUZE INVITATION TO TENDER INV TENDER: 8/2/1/755: PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES & WALKWAYS – ENSELENI Tenders are hereby invited for the construction of pedestrian Timber bridges at eNseleni. It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 2 CE or higher. Advertise for the best results ever. JP024556 AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate`s Court for the District of Lower Tugela held at Stanger Case No: 1263/2012 In the matter between: VERONICA SINGH & ASSOCIATES Execution Creditor and DANIEL MOODLEY Execution Debtor In pursuance of a Judgment by the above Honourable Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereon, the following goods will be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Sheriff`s Sales Room, Unit B10 Kuleka Industrial Park, Second Street, Empangeni Rail, on the 7th December 2012 at 10h00. Goods: 1 x Lounge Suite 1 x Flat Screen TV 1 x Glass Top Coffee Table 1 x Hi-Fi 1 x DVD Machine 1 x TV Stand And/or alternatively the right, title and interest in and to all the goods TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THAT: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Court on 31st July 2012. 2. The Rules of this auction are available 24 hours before the auction and may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the Court Lower Umfolozi, 37 Union Street, Empangeni during office hours 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: • Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2 0 0 8 ( U R L h t t p : /www.info.gov.za /viewdownloadFileAction ?id=99961) • Fica-legislation : Requirement proof of identity and residential address- List of other FICA requirements available at Sheriff`s Office o r w e b s i t e : www.sheremp.co.za • Payment of Registration fee of R500.00 in cash is required • Special Conditions of Sale available for viewing at the Sheriff`s Offices, 37 Union Street, Empangeni or www.sheremp.co.za • The auction will be conducted by the Sheriff of Lower Umfolozi or her representative. • Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to Court Rules, apply. Dated at Stanger on this 5th day of November 2012. VERONICA SINGH & ASSOCIATES Execution Creditor`s Attorneys 45 North Street Oceanview STANGER Ref: V Singh/S373/12/sn 16-11-2012 Why hide your talents? “Prospective tenderers' attention are directed to the provisions of Regulation 25(7)(1) of the CIDB Regulations which allows the acceptance of a tender by a contractor with a lower contractor grading designation than that stipulated in the tender advert based on reasonable derivation.” Tender documents will be available from the Department of Infrastructure and Technical Services (Ms F Mkhwanazi) at the Richards Bay Civic Centre, telephone (035) 9075208 or 9075454 from 16 November 2012, at 12h00. Please note that in order to obtain a Tender Document a non-refundable deposit of R420, 00 (subject to change as per Council’s tariff of charges), is payable in advance at the following venues: Rates Hall-Civic Centre, Richards Bay Department of Infrastructure & Technical Services: Service Desk, third floor at the Civic Centre, Richards Bay. Telephone: 035 7990500 Fax: 035 7725596 • PUBLIC/LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE According to the Pound Act, Act Number 3 of 2006 the following cattle will be offered for sale on auction on Friday the 30th of November 2012 at 9h00 at the premises of Umlalazi Pound. Real men don’t rape Pound Master Umlalazi Pound Reference: “Tender No. 8/2/1/755: Pedestrian Bridge & Walkways - eNseleni, Name of Company………………………….” No documents will be handed out unless the tenderer or his/ her representative produces a receipt for the deposit. Cheques must be made in favour of uMhlathuze Municipality. It should be noted that the Rates Hall closes at 15:00 on weekdays for receipt of payments. Only Bank guaranteed cheques or cash will be accepted as payment method. Should use be made of a Courier Company to collect tender documents on behalf of your company, proof of payment and arrangement for the collection of the tender documents must be faxed to Fax number: 035 9075452 for attention: Ms F Mkhwanazi. UMLALAZI POUND FOR SALE: 1 Black and white Bull 1 Black Heifer Payment may also be made directly into Council’s Bank Account: ABSA Richards Bay, Account Number 2150000095. • PUBLIC / LEGAL NOTICES • BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS BASIC ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED MILL UPGRADE AT MONDI, RICHARDS BAY KZN DAEA REFERENCE NUMBER: DC28/0015/2012, KZN/EIA/0000757/2012 Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in Government Notice No.R543 to No.R546 of 2010, in terms of Section 24 (5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998), of the initiative of Mondi, to upgrade the existing mill at the Richards Bay works. In terms of Government Notices No.R544 and No.R546, 18 June 2010 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998), the following listed activities are applicable and require approval from the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs in terms of listing notice 1 of 2010 of NEMA: • Activities 13, 28 and 42 of GNR 544. Project Background and Outline: This development is proposed to take place on a property in the Uthungulu District Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal. The Mondi Richards Bay mill was commissioned in 1984. It produces two key products: Baycel, a premier grade bleached hardwood pulp made from 100-percent eucalyptus fibre and Baywhite, a white top kraft linerboard. In 2005 the Richards Bay mill underwent a major expansion project that increased its capacity to more than 720 000 tons/annum. The modernisation of the Richards Bay operation enabled the mill to significantly reduce its environmental impacts, from air quality to water consumption through to solid waste reduction. It is proposed that a further upgrade to the production facilities of the mill take place to increase the output to approximately 820 000 tons/annum. The current capacity of the mill is approximately 750 000 tons/annum. The upgrade will involve changes to existing equipment including modifications to the Recovery Boiler, washing and screening equipment as well as the pulp drying equipment. Two additional storage tanks for unbleached pulp and heavy black liquor will be installed and where possible equipment locations will be rationalised to reduce electrical power consumption and pumping systems. High efficiency motors designed to be energy efficient will be utilised in areas of the plant where debottlenecking is taking place and the use of renewable energy will be increased. NOTICE OF BA & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Royal HaskoningDHV (formerly SSI Engineers and Environmental Consultants) has been appointed by Mondi as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the required Basic Assessment (BA) process and the associated public participation process for the proposed project. All individuals or groups interested in or affected by the project are welcome to forward comment or raise issues and concerns with the EAP. Interested I&AP’s are invited to register by submitting their name, contact information and interest in the project to the EAP before 25 January 2013. Technical Queries on the BA can be directed to: Ms. Sharleen Moodley Royal HaskoningDHV Tel: 031 719 5532 Fax: 031 719 5505 Email: [email protected] AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT BA REPORT The draft BA report will be available for public review and comment from 29 November 2012 to 25 January 2013 at the following places: • Umhlathuze Local Municipal office, 5 Mark Strasse (Civic Centre), Richards Bay • Mondi, Richards Bay, 7 Western Arterial Road, Alton, Industrial Park, Richards Bay • Royal HaskoningDHV Website: www.rhdhv.co.za jp024570-46-12r© A representative of the City of uMhlathuze will meet prospective tenderers for a compulsory site inspection to be held on 23 November 2012 at 10h00, at the Infrastructure & Technical Services Boardroom, second floor, Civic Centre, for a briefing session, thereafter to site. A person who is directly employed by the Tenderer and is suitably qualified and experienced to comprehend the implications of the work involved must represent the Tenderer at the tender meeting. Failure to attend the inspection/meeting will render the tender invalid. Enquiries can be directed to, Mrs Lungi Vundla of the City of uMhlathuze at Tel: 035 907 5472 or Fax: 035 907 5452 or e-mail: [email protected] This request for Tenders is subject to the terms and conditions of Council’s Preferential Procurement Policy, and will be evaluated in terms of the 80:20 method for amounts below R1 000 000,00 as set out in the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000: Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011. Copies of the Regulations may be obtained from Council’s Supply Chain Management Unit OR jp024581-46-12u© NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice in the Joint Intestate Estate of the late ABRAHAM MFUNDISI SIBIYA (ID NO 6101095516 084) Born on 09-01-1961 and surviving spouse: CAROL PHILILE SIBIYA (ID NO 8009120902 088) residing at 52 Umabhengwane, Esikhawini H 222, who died on 06/02/2007 Estate No: 5106/2007(DBN). Master`s Office Durban. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to file their claims with undermentioned within a period of 30 days from date of publication hereof. Executor: CAROL PHILILE SIBIYA c/o P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 Claims to be filed with: MORROW`S ESTATE SERVICES CC T/A PERSONAL & BUSINESS M A N A G E M E N T SOLUTIONS P O Box 30287 Richards Bay 3900 16-11-2012 0910 Public/ Legal Notices jp024590-46-12u© 0910 Public/ Legal Notices .... May be downloaded from Council’s Web Site www. richemp.org.za It is solely the responsibility of vendors, who want to make use of the preferences available under this policy to familiarize themselves of its contents, and to comply with its conditions, to be able to make a claim for preference. NB!! VALID BBBEE CERTIFICATES TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE TENDER IF YOU WISH TO CLAIM PREFERENCES IN TERMS OF THE ABOVEMENTIONED REGULATIONSI Council will not accept responsibility for the late delivery of Tenders by courier services or any other means that are not placed in the tender box on or before the date and time of closing of the tender. The City of uMhlathuze reserves the right not to award this tender to the highest ranked or highest scoring tenderer as it needs to align its procurement practices to driving socio-economic development objectives that are enshrined in Section 217 (2) of the Constitution and various Government Policies such as BBBEE, Council LED Strategy, Operation Sukuma Sakhe (OSS), Vukuphile and the New Growth Path. Only local based Contractors will be given preference. Sealed tenders, clearly endorsed: "TENDER 8/2/1/755: PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES & WALKWAYS - ENSELENI ” must be placed in the Tender box in the foyer of the Civic Centre, 5 Mark Strasse, Richards Bay before 12h00 noon on 30 November 2012. Tender documents without complete pricing to all items listed in the Schedule of Quantities, will be disqualified. Tenderers who have not been contacted 90 days after the closing date of this tender must accept that their tender was unsuccessful. Civic Offices Private Bag X1004 RICHARDS BAY 3900 (DMS 834446) MN108/2012 DR N J SIBEKO MUNICIPAL MANAGER Public Participation Process Proof of Site Notices Plate 1: Site Notice erected at Mondi Entrance Gate. Plate 2: Site Notice erected at Mondi entrance gate from a distance. Plate 3: Site Notice erected at Mondi parking lot.
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