- An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Vol. 9 | No.1 January, 2012 Introduc ction E-Govern nance in RMC R Why M-G Governance M-Goverrnance Serrvices Best Practices s M-Goverrnance in Benefits Impact Usage Achievem ments Co ourtesy By The Co ommissione er R Rajkot Muniicipal Corp poration R Rajkot Editorial Team R Rajkot is on ne of the fa astest developing citiess located in the ce enter of Sau urashtra reg gion of Gujarat State situated s on western part of In ndia. The citty has geogrraphical are ea of 104.86 on plus (Cen nsus, 2001). sq.kms and has a population of one millio ed councilorrs headed by b the Mayyor and Com mmissioner; Electe nominated by Governance, G handle ad dministratio on of city. m cities Rajkott is divided into 23 wards, and is among four major of Gujjarat state. Rajk kot Municip pal Corporattion (RMC) is local Government G committed to pro ovide basic infrastructu ure facilitie es including he people of o the city. RMC R is very enterttainment faccilities to th well known k for managing the t city byy using privvate sector participation as well w as intro oduction of innovative mechanism nagement to serve peo ople efficien ntly. City ha as prepared in man differe ent plans for improviing servicess and to nullify gap betwe een services and demand ds. Rajkot is a cityy which keep ps pace with h time and technology. t kot Municipal Corporattion started The computerizattion in Rajk long back b in 1989 9, and has co ompleted more m than a decade and half, and in true e sense Com mputerizatio on in RMC is i boon for n of Rajkot. citizen Rajjkot Municip pal Corporattion always tries t to keep p pace with time and techno ology. Afte er successfu ul impleme entation of e-Gove ernance prroject we have deccided to go g for mGovernance. Dr. Neeta N Shah Ms. Monali M Shah h P Page 1 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. e-G Governan nce in Ra ajkot Mu unicipal Corporat C ion: RMC C’s approac ch towards computeriza c ation is diviided into tw wo parts 1. Citize en centric Services S 2. Back Office man nagement RMC C gave equa al importancce to both. This helpe ed RMC for giving bette er municipa al services. Almost 80% pub blic related services and back officce services (which help p in strengtthening of administrativ a ve process) werre compute erized so fa ar. Citizens are perce eived as the e most imp portant stak keholder off municipal adm ministration.. RMC propo ose to give round r the clock service e with intera active web portal, aimiing towards com mplete e-Govverned Muniicipal Corpo oration. Rajkot Municip pal Corporattion provide es e-Governa ance service es from tecchnically posssible all arreas. Entire e-G Governance project p is designed, de eveloped and d implemented by In-ho ouse team of o IT expertts of Rajkot Mun nicipal Corpo oration. Und der e-Governance proje ect services are a provided d through 1) City Civic Centres C - Prop perty Tax Co ollection Water Charges Collection C New w Water Conn nection Online building Permission (Zonal Officce City Civic Center) h and Death Registration and Certifficate issuan nce Birth Misccellaneous Tax Collectio on (Account Deposit and d Other Feess) Proffession Tax Awa as Yojna EMI Collection Prop perty Name Change Obje ection petitiion for property Thea atre Tax, Ve ehicle Tax Drainage Tax Co ollection 2) Website - Paym ment of Prop perty Tax/W Water Charge es through Credit C Card/ /Debit Card Prop perty Tax De emand Bill and a Paymentt History (La ast 6 years) Water Charges Demand D Bill and Payment History (L Last 6 years) Proffession Tax Demand D Bill and Paymen nt History (L Last 2 years) Birth h and Death Certificate (1999 onwa ards) Nam mawali (suggestive name es of new bo orn baby on moon sign and a alphabett) Citizzen Forum (G Gujarati and d English) Acco ount Bill Sta atus for vend dor and conttractors RTI status s Com mplain registration and its status P Page 2 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. 3) Call Centerr ment Departm Types off Complains Lighting 4 Solid Wa aste Manage ement 17 Civil Work 5 Conserva ancy 2 T. P. Dep partment 8 Tax Department 2 Health Department D 12 Wonkla Safai S 2 Drainage e General 3 Other De epts. 1 Hand Pump 1 Garden 3 Estate 2 Zoo Department 1 Drainage e Maintenan nce 4 Water Su upply 8 Total 75 4) Post office - Prop perty Tax Co ollection - Water Charge Collection - Awa as Yojana (Ho ousing Scheme for poorr) EMI Collecction - Proffession Tax Collection C (V Very soon) P Page 3 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Inn novative Initiativ ves by Ra ajkot Mun nicipal Corporation RMC C has taken number of Innovative Initiatives to serve e citizens in i a fasterr, efficient, effective, tran nsparent ma anner. All th hese initiativves are trulyy online-reall time. M-Governa ance in Rajkot R Mu unicipal Corporat C tion: y M-Governance? Why The e basic and d universal corner sto ones of goo od governan nce are qu uality of se ervice, quicck response mecchanisms an nd above all a accounta able and transparent process p mecchanism. Th he first gen neration egovvernance initiatives resulted in computerization of the legacy l syste ems/practice es in Goverrnance with limiited ability to internallize the advvances in information and commu unication te echnologies (ICT). The para adigm shift from e-governance to o M-Governance (which h leveragess the conve ergence of mobile m and com mmunication n technologies) results in i radical diifferences in n the key processes of creating, maintenance m and d usage of knowledge, k creation of secure mob bile transaction & delivvery system, establishm ment of the app propriate inffrastructurall support forr multi-mode direct citizen interfacce and delivvery mechanisms. M-G Governance can usher in n approach to t delivery of o Governan nce services to the doorrstep of the citizens. In the context of urban local bodies, th he use of ad dvanced tools such as the t ICT and Mobile Technology for info ormation sharing enable es the service providers to increm mentally add services quite q easilyy. The wide spre ead usage of o mobile te echnology and a easy to understand d text messa ages has en nabled us to o lower the barriers to accceptance off these services. The m-Governan nce in urba an local bo odies is replicable and cap ptures the required r skill levels through the technology t to deliver quick q and quality q services at the doo orsteps of th he citizens by minimizing the transa action costs. P Page 4 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Afte er successfu ully implem menting e-Go overnance in i almost all a service areas, a RMC had conce entrated on reducing the delay d to get property ta ax and wate er charges related info ormation. Fo ollowing two o dilemmas ke RMC to move m toward ds M-Governa ance : mak - All the information related to t propertyy tax, wate er charges, profession tax, birth and death registration, RTI is now on we ebsite www.rmc.gov.in. But rough hly 10% peop ple in Rajko ot are using internett, then whatt to do for re emaining 90 0%. - Earlier people used d to stay in queue for 1-2 hours to o get the property p tax details and d then they other queue e for paymen nt of properrty tax. To pay p municipa al dues was in that way have to stand in ano the toug ghest job fo or any citize en. This also o resulted in n low recove ery of prope erty tax. 18% % interest is charged d on pending g dues of property tax/water charrges by the municipal corporation and hence every da ay the total due is diffe erent. So eacch day afterr wasting 1-2 2 hours, if working w hours of RMC is over tha an citizen ha as to stand in i the queue e next day ju ust to know pending dues. Now w a days allmost all families are having mob bile phone for f commun nication. RM MC had deciided to use mob bile technollogy and ICT T as tool to solve the above proble ems. RMC ha as implemen nted m-Gove ernance for the effective se ervices. The e project wa as started wiith the aim of providing g information immediate ely by using mob bile servicess. The span of the proje ect is expand ded to almost all the se ervices of Mu unicipal Corp poration M-G Governance at RMC is Convenient C Communica ation Point for f Time Bo ound Service e Delivery powered p by pre-defined prrocess-cycless and Back--office Com mputerization n. To meett the Expecctation of Citizens C the i acting as a major tool for immed diate and tra ansparent se ervice. RMC has started proccess of m-Governance is diffferent m-Governance se ervices, to provide efficient, timelyy information n to Citizenss of Rajkot. The e main featu ure of M-Go overnance project p at RM MC is - Truly on nline operations, no battch mode op peration Effectivve back officce integratio on of all citizzen centric services Centraliized Server Architecture A e m-Governance is ba acked by efffective imple ementation of e-Govern nance Servvices are pro ovided unde er M-Governa ance: P Page 5 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. How w to Access M-Governa ance Service es Be est Practiices in M-Govern M ance 1. Vaccination V Alerts Rajkot Municipal Corporatiion has started vaccination alerts to t all registe ered births from 20/10/2009. This omatically send s alerts based on National Imm munization Scheme S and servvice is very fruitful as system auto birtth date of child. c This service wa as launched during Gujarat Govern nment’s Niro ogi Bal Varssh (Healthy Chilld Year). RM MC send SMS to all reg gistered pare ents having child from age of 7 days to 16 years y as per Nattional Immun nization Scheme. So farr more than 55000 alert SMSs alread dy sent. The imp pact of this servvice has been endorseed by leading h hospitals and pediattricians, as perr their observation occurrence of Vaccine Preventable Diseases has b become p past and drop out ratio of va accination uously decreassing. is continu P Page 6 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. 2. 24x7 2 Call Ce enter Rajkot Municipa al Corporation’s 24x7 Call Center iss running on n SMS. In the e Call Centerr, complain can be regiistered by Phone, P SMS and a Website. All municipal servicces are covered under Call C Center, more than 75 7 different types of complains are accepted at Ca all Center for as many as 18 depa artments. As A soon as complain c is registered system will search right offficer for the registered d complain and will sen nd detail SM MS to the offficer and complainant c willl receive me essage menttioning his complain c no o. In additio on to that co omplain status can be changed by SMSS only. Once e registered, there won n’t be any ch hange by Ca all Center operator. If there is anyy change in com mplain statu us system will w generate e alert SMS and send itt to compla ainant. Com mplainant ca an know his com mplain statuss by SMS or by Website. There numb ber of facilitties by whicch officer ca an know pen nding complain on his name, n his subordinate’s me, etc. A complete c MIIS for Call Center C is avvailable on every e office er’s desk by RMC’s intra anet. Every nam nigh ht at 9.00 PM M higher offficers receivve Call Cente er statistics SMS. Earlier RM MC used to run more than 10 complain c ce enters, for different services like, water, ainage, solid waste ma anagement, electric pole. p The service s wass not 24x7, not outsou urced, and dra tota al expendiiture for registering r complains was Rs. 96.00 9 Lacss. But with h Call Centter totally outtsourced, th he expenditture is mere ely Rs. 8.0 Lacs. L M-Governa ance Benefits Ben nefit to Citiz zens Information is just SMS S away Equal qu uality of service regard dless of socia al or econom mic status Cheapesst transactio on cost (as lo ow as 1 paisse) TRIQEE Administrattion Access time t for serrvice is redu uced Interacttion become es more resu ult oriented Eliminattion of midd dlemen for service Ben nefit to RMC C Increase e in revenue e Effectivve Integratio on of Back office o and Ciitizen Centric Services Grievance managem ment become more efficcient Reduction in operatting cost Reduction in direcct interactio on with cittizen resultiing into lessser grievan nces and In ncrease in transparrency Citizen become more loyal to RMC R Human Errors avoid ded due to Fully F automa ated processs National Immunizattion program mme is now more m effecttive Direct communicati c ion reduces the responsse time of the Officers responsible for the speccific work Officerss become mo ore productiive due to le esser public interaction Reduction in paper usage P Page 7 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Impact of the t Proje ect Thiss project ha as produced d massive visible impacct on the performance p e of e-Goverrnance delivvery to the citizzen of Rajk kot. It also has h a huge impact of overall o perfo ormance and motivatio on to the em mployees of RMC C. Below tab ble shows so ome facts about a before e and after e-Governance project implement i s situation of deliivery of e-Governance services s to citizen c of Ra ajkot. Before B With M-Go overnance To know k municip pal dues citize en need to sta and in long queue Just one SM MS and imm mediately infformation on n mobile Diffe erent Compla ain centers for f each type e of complain ns, citizen need d to remembe er different phone p no for different servvice 24 X 7 call ce enter, all com mplain registration at one e place, citizen n to remembe er only one phone p no Regiistration of complain c man nual, overhea ad of running g different complain centerss Only one cen nter, fully com mputerized Not 24x7 service 24x7 service e Moniitoring of serrvice not posssible Every week k monitoring g, details available a on n intranet, 90% complain ns are solved within 72 2 hours No mechanism m to o know about registration of Birth/Deatth SMS is sent to parents/relative for Biirth or Death h registration Tax payer get transaction n informatio on in their property tax/ /water charge es only by visiting the RMC C office As any transsaction occurrs in propertyy tax / waterr charges acccount ownerr gets transsaction alertt SMS. Proffessional tax x payer get transaction information n only by visitting RMC officce Professionall tax payer get g transaction alert SMSS as any transsaction occurss. Tran nsparency is very imporrtant while making anyy kind of paym ment. Afterr paying prroperty tax /water ch harges or proffessional tax people do not get any in nformation iff someone canccel that transsaction. Alert SMS se end to property tax /wate er charges orr professionall tax payers iff receipt is ca ancelled No details d of dailly income/expenditure to higher officia als Every day higher h officia als receive SMS S for dailyy income/exp penditure No details d of com mplains to hig gher officials Every day higher h officia als receive SMS S for daily solved/registered compllains No Details D for Ch heque Return As soon as cheque return party is immediately alerted by SMS S P Page 8 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Usage of M-Govern M ance Srr Departmen nt Servicess for Beneficia aries Alert Services 1 Propertty Tax T Transaction a alert through SMS 36211 R Receipt Cancellation Alertt 793 C Cheque Returrn Alert 77 N Name Transfe er Alert 2259 2 Professiional Tax T Transaction a alert through SMS 16608 8 3 Birth Re egistration B Birth registra ation details through t SMS 34561 V Vaccination a alert through SMS 156331 1 4 Death Registration R D Death Registrration details through SMSS 14210 0 5 Awas Yo ojna Installme ent I Installment trransaction ale ert through SMS S 33381 7 FAS Account Pa A ayment C Contractors SMSS to Vend dors and Total 3847 298278 8 Payment Reminder Service 1 Propertty Tax P Payment Rem minder Service e 91,840 0 Interacttive Service 1 Propertty Tax P Property Tax outstanding dues through h SMS P Property Tax Name change e details thro ough SMS 25636 6 R Registration o mobile no for transactio of on alert 687 134 P Property Tax Assessment Request R throu ugh SMS 32 2 Water Charges C W Water Charge es outstanding g dues throug gh SMS 1397 3 Generall D Details of RMC Services 12738 8 P Page 9 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. Managem ment Servicess 1 Generall D Daily Income--Expenditure SMS to highe er officers 5483 2 Generall D Daily Grievan nce Statistics to Higher Offficers 7164 3 Call Cen nter R Running of Ca all Center thrrough SMS 4 CUG SM MS G Group SMS for RMC’s officials 689457 7 34 Total 702138 8 Ac chieveme ents: pal Corporattion had rec ceived the following f Aw wards: Rajkot Municip Man nthan Award d 2011 Rajkot Mu unicipal Corp poration had d won Ma anthan Awarrd 2011 in eGovvernance Ca ategory Nagarr Ratna Aw ward 2011 (A AIILSG) Rajko ot Municipal Corporatio on had won Nagar Ratna Award 201 11 for Com mplaint & Redressal Sysstem Pa age 10 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. S Skoch Digita al Inclusion Award 2011 Rajkot Mun nicipal Corpo oration had d won Skoch Digital w D Inclussion Award in i Value Add ded Servicess category EDGE Awarrd 2011 Rajkot Municipal Corporation C had w EDGE Aw won ward 2011 14th Natio onal eGoverna ance mBillio onth South Asia a Award eINDIA 20 010 Awards Award 2011 Rajkot Municiipal Corporatio on had won eINDIIA 2011 Award in EGOV- mGove ernance-Citizen Choice Category Rajkot Mun nicipal Corpora ation Rajkot Municipal Corrporation had won eB Bronze Icon Aw ward in h won Award had d in Innovative Use U of Technollogy in M-g governance Cattegory e-Goverrnance Category Pa age 11 of 12 - An n e-Governan nce Bulletin fro om GUJARAT T INFORMATIC CS LTD. For electtronic subs scription to t the bulletin n, please email e us with w you ur email ad ddress at: W Web Corer C webmaste er@gujaratiinformatics s.com or visit us u at: www.g gujaratinfo ormatics.c com w www.rmc.g gov.in C Contact Ad ddress: www.w webratna.in ndia.gov.in Guja arat Inform matics Ltd.. Block No. 1, 8th 8 Floor, Udyog Bh havan, ndhinagar – 382010 Gan Phone: 079 – 23256022 2 x: 079 – 23 3238925 Fax Pa age 12 of 12
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