L ow Carbon Comprehensive M o b i l i t y P l a n Rajkot Pr e p a r e d b y : Low Carbon-comprehensive Mobility Plan Te a m C E P T U n i v e r s i t y, A h m e d a b a d - 3 8 0 0 0 9 Towards Morbi 60 km RUDA Towards Jamnagar 90 km SH 24 SH 25 Towards Porbandar 181 km 2 NH 8A Towards Ahmedabad 218 km SH 23 NH 8A Towards Gondal 40 km RMC Area : 104.86 Sq. Km RUDA Area : 483 Sq. Km Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Towards Bhavnagar 174 km Highways Arterial Roads City Profile Demography 3 Added 6.5 Lakh population In TWO decades The last two decades have seen a sudden spurt in population within RUDA area. This is because of the emergence of Rajkot as a major industrial production hub. Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot City Profile Demography 4 Ahmedabad Rajkot Jamnagar - 0.5% 2.1% Vadodara 2.5% Bhavnagar 1.1% 1.3% 4.7% In terms of growth rate, Rajkot city is Surat 22nd in the world, 06th in the country, and 02nd in the state. Source: http://www.citymayors.com/statistics/urban_growth1.html Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot City Profile Transport Characteristics 5 Vehicular Growth Trends in Rajkot (2001-2011) Growing numbers of motorized two-wheelers and four-wheelers on Rajkot roads- a sign of rising affluence. Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot City Profile Methodology Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 6 Methodology Stratified sampling 7 Socio-demographic data was collected through primary surveys and household size, vehicle ownership, type of vehicle, household Income and daily trip information. interviews including Such data was collected across categories shown below: Work Gender Male Female Socio – economic Traits SEG 1 SEG 2 Education Trip purpose Shopping Other SEG 3 Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Methodology Survey Methodology 2848 Household surveys to find out socio-demographic data and travel behaviour Surveys to identify cycle rickshaw and auto inventory. Classified Volume Counts on major junctions 8 Inventory surveys to identify pedestrian facilities on arterial and sub-arterial roads. Inventory surveys to identify NMT facilities on arterial and sub-arterial roads. PT , Speed and Delay, Traffic Safety Data, Registered vehicles, Pollution and emission data from RMC, RTO, GPCB, City Police Surveys to identify inventory for private motorized vehicles. Freight OD Primary Surveys Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 3000 vehicles Petrol Pump Survey Air and noise level survey Survey Travel Characteristics 9 Mode Share of Rajkot NMT IPT & PT 48% trips already taken on NMT modes. 11% Also, of the total trips happen on Chakdas and (Share) Autos (IPT), who would easily shift to Buses (PT), if they had a choice. Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot City Profile Travel Characteristics 10 Purpose of travel Almost, 80% of the total trips are work and education related trips. Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot City Profile 11 Built Environment in Rajkot Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 12 Population Density Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 13 Population Density Travel Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 14 Employment Density Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 15 Employment Density and Travel Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 16 Land use mix Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 17 Job Housing Ratio Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Business As Usual 18 Modal Share Avg. Trip Length: Avg. Travel Time: 2031 – 6.0 kms 2031 – 27 minutes 2011 – 3.8 kms 2011 – 13 minutes Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Business As Usual Business As Usual 19 VKT in Millions Vehicle kilometres travelled Almost, 80% of the total trips are work and education related trips. Accident rate: CO2 emission: 2031 – 217 per million persons 2031 – 29.7 million tonnes 2011 – 163 per million persons Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot 2011 – 10.7 million tonnes Business As Usual Business As Usual 20 Emissions Gases 2011 (tones) 2016 (tones) 2021 (tones) 2031 (tones) PM2.5 7870.2 10585.8 12768.8 21535.2 PM10 9254.9 12447.3 15013.9 25323.3 SO2 40.9 64.2 79.7 118.0 NOX 20326.7 27477.6 33164.3 55696.1 526686.3 706775.6 852239.7 1440031.8 10.7 million tones 14.4 million tones 617871.9 827719.8 997833.7 1688383.4 BC 459.6 633.8 767.0 1267.5 OC 3137.4 4217.6 5086.9 8583.1 CO CO2 NMVOC 17.6 million tones 29.7 million tones Sim-Air Modeling PM 10 Annual Average Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Business As Usual Strategies & Projects Source: Wikipedia & www.dialuz.com Landuse Strategy Landuse strategy (2031) Indicator Variables Planning Tool Density Net population density Zoning regulation Floor area ratio Net job density Diversity Design Destination 23 Mechanism and Development Plan and GDCRS Job - housing balance Zoning regulation, Local Development area planning Plan and Town Planning Schemes Road/Road junction kernel density Planning of transport Development network Plan and Town Public transport stops kernel density Planning Schemes Space Syntax Parameters Polycentric Development Access to jobs by self-owned Zoning regulation and Development motorized vehicle planning of transport Plan and Town network Planning Access to job by transit network Schemes Trip destination location Distance from Transit Stop Distance from transit stop Planning public transit Public Transit network Authority Socio-Demographic Design HH Size Intersection Density Gender Street Density Vehicle Ownership Footpath Land Use Variables Parking Density Hawkers Residential Density Destination Accessibility Employment Density Access to PT Diversity Access to grocery Job Housing Ratio Distance to Urban Center Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Landuse strategy (2031) 24 Concept: Node and Corridor Development Outer ring road Inner ring road Major Nodes : distance 4km Minor Nodes: 1.5-2km distance Major Node Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Minor Node Strategy - Landuse Landuse strategy (2031) 25 Madhapar Chowk Hospital Chowk Greenland Chowkdi KKV Circle PTC chowk Makkam Chowk Gondal Chowk Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Strategy - Landuse Landuse strategy (2031) 26 Modal Share vs Avg. Trip Length: Avg. Travel Time: LUS2031 – 3.9 kms LUS2031 – 16 minutes BAU2031 – 6.0 kms BAU2031 – 27 minutes Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot Strategy - Landuse Landuse strategy (2031) 27 Vehicle Kilometres Travelled VKT in Millions 10 8 6 4 2 0 Car 2 wheeler 3 wheeler BAU Accident rate: LUS2031 – 190 Walk Cycling Bus Landuse Strategy Mass Transit (Metro /BRT) CO2 emission: per million persons BAU2031 – 217 per million persons Low Carbon comprehensive Mobility Plan, Rajkot LUS2031 – 18.8 million tonnes BAU2031– 29.7 million tonnes Strategy - Landuse ☺ thank you ☺
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