Why GUTEX ? History, Manufacturing and Products 1 Contents Pg. 4 CompanyHistory Pg. 6 WetManufacturing Pg. 7 DryManufacturing Pg. 8 Quality Pg. 9 CustomerAssistance Pg. 10 BlackForestTimber Pg. 12 GUTEXBoardsandApplications Pg. 14 ExcellentQualities Pg. 15 InsulationinSummer Pg. 16 InsulationinWinter Pg. 17 HealthyIndoorEnvironment Pg. 18 Soundproofing Pg. 19 FireProtection Pg. 20 EnvironmentalCompatibility Pg. 20 Recyclability Pg. 21 UserFriendliness Pg. 22 MadeinGermany 2 GUTEX Ecological Wood Fibreboard Insulation 3 GUTEX then... How it all began GUTEX's beginning goes back to 1902, when the company was originally established in the southern Black Forest to provide surrounding communities with environment-friendly hydroelectricpower.In1922,thecompanybeganmanufacturing pulp for paper and corrugated board, using the water from a river to drive its stone mills for the difibration of the wood. The Henselmann family manufactured Europe's first insulation boards in 1932 – at first, under the name Fahrnit, and later renamedGUTEX.In1949,followingthewar,thecompanybuilt amodernmanufacturingfacility.Thesingle-stagedryerusedback then was fired for many years with coal before changing over latertoheatingoil.In1991,GUTEXinstalledanenvironmentfriendlynaturalgasfiredstate-of-the-artsix-stagehotairdryer withheatrecoverysystem. Since 1995, GUTEX's quality and environmental protection managementsystem,certifiedaccordingtoDINENISO9001, ISO14001andEMASII(EUEcoAuditOrdinance),guarantees the environmental compatibility and consistent high quality its maxim"NATURALLYMADEFROMWOOD"promises. 4 ...GUTEX today And where it led For more than 80 years, the Black Forest family-owned and operated company GUTEX Holzfaserplattenwerk GmbH + Co KG has produced insulating board from wood at its plant inWaldshut-Tiengen, Germany. Now in its fourth generation, the company, headquartered in Waldshut-Tiengen Germany, employs 130 people and manufactures 11.5 million square metres of wood fibreboard insulation annually.Today, GUTEX is a leading manufacturer of innovative multifunctional woodfibrebasedecologicalinsulationsystemsforbothnewandold buildings. With its new dry process, GUTEX has broken new ground, establishing new standards in environment-friendly manufacturingandproductquality. The leading producer of insulation board manufactured from woodfibre in Germany, GUTEX is still manufacturing in Waldshut-Tiengen, where it began 80 years ago. Sustainability, that is, the careful handling of our available natural resources is today a must. Rather than a current trend, sustainability for GUTEXhasalwaysbeenanecessity. To keep up with the increasing demand for its insulation products, GUTEX installed in 2005 a second manufacturing line that uses a highly innovative dry process.The new line is exceptionally environment-friendly and capable of producing homogeneoussingle-plyboardsinupto240mmthickness. To maintain its competitive edge, GUTEX offers superior product and service quality as well as superb stock availability. All GUTEX insulation boards bear the CE and Ü marks of conformity, indicating their compliance to the applicable, valid standard or code. GUTEX’s external thermal insulation composite system has the approval of the German building materialsandphysicstestingagency. 5 Proven with consistent quality The wet process GUTEX exclusively uses untreated chips and shavings from spruceandfirthatareby-productsobtainedfromothertimber manufacturingprocesses.Thesawmillswhereitobtainsthechips andshavingsarealllocatednearitsplant.Thechipsareground into wood fibre pulp via thermo mechanical processing, also knownasdefibration.Inthe“wetprocess,”waterismixedwith thepulpandparaffinorlatexisaddedpriortothepumpingofthe mixtureintoaformingboxasacontinuousfibremat.Pressrolls PRODUCT COMPOSITION e.g. in sarking boards > 89 % wood > 11 % additives -4%whiteglueforthelaminationofmultipleplies -2%paraffinusedashydrophobicagent -5%latexusedtostrengthen 6 and vacuum pumps remove approx. 50 % of the water before theboardmaterialisdriedinacirculatingairdryertoobtainits finalmoisturecontent.Finally,theboardsarecuttosizeandthe edgesmilled,ifrequired,beforebeingstackedandpackagedfor shipping. Sawdust and milling residue are fed back into manufacturingprocess.Sincethemaximumattainableplythicknessis25mminthewetprocess,thickerboardsarecomprised ofmultipleplies,whicharegluedtogetherwithwhiteglue. Innovative The dry process The dry process also involves the extraction of fibre from chips by means of defibration. Depending on the specific requirements, the fibres are then sprayed with paraffin and discharged through a conduit via warm forced air, which also driesthefibres.Thedriedfibresaresprayedwith4%PUresin solution and distributed in the board former.The fibre mats arethenplacedinaspecialcuringunitinwhichtheresincures andhardensthroughitsexposuretoamixtureofairandwater vapour.After the boards are formed and their edges milled, if required, they are placed on pallets and packaged. Dust produced by cutting and milling is fed back into the process. The dry process produces single-ply insulation boards in up to240-mmthickness. PRODUCT COMPOSITION e.g. in sarking boards > 94.5 % wood > 5.5 % additives -1.5%paraffinusedashydrophobicagent -4%polyurethaneresinbindingagent 7 Quality Our signature Quality assurance means for GUTEX taking environmental and social responsibilities seriously as well as delivering on our promises to meet the needs of our business partners, customers and employees. GUTEX is committed to the design and manufacture of modern, technically mature and ecological insulation products at its production facility in Waldshut-TiengeninthesouthernBlackForest. Scheme (EMAS II) show that at GUTEX quality and environment-friendlymanufactureareinseparable. > The natureplus® quality seal guarantees thebiologicalsafenessofallGUTEX’sinsulation boards.Thenatureplus®marking,aninternational quality designation for ecological home and construction products, indicates products that have been tested for potential health hazards, environmental impact and function! Demanding tests and the toughest standardsensuretheproductsareabsolutelybiologicallyharmless. >GUTEXproductsaremanufacturedinaccordancewithDIN EN 13171andbeartheÜandCE markings. > The ISO 9001/14001 integrated quality and environmental management system, in practice at GUTEX since 1995, and the Eco-Management and Audit 8 > GUTEX’s thermal insulation composite systems have the approval of the German building materials and physics-testing agency,guaranteeingtheirhighqualityand suitabilityinvariousinsulationsystems! >GUTEX'swoodfibreinsulationboardsarecertifiedforusein roof,wall,floor,structures,etc.thatareapprovedbytheGerman building materials and physics-testing agency and aresubmittedregularlyforrecertification. > GUTEX Thermosafe-homogen® took first honours in a test performed by Öko Test, a consumer magazine for ecological products. It receiveda"verygood"scoreinitscategory. Customer Assistance Versatility and reliability in word and deed Yourcontinuedsatisfactioniswhatmeansthemosttousand drives us to provide you consistently with the best and most qualified assistance. Our expertise and friendly assistance is always available to you and includes the services described in thefollowing. GUTEX Info Line As a developer, architect or tradesman you are constantly confronted with decisions and questions throughout the duration of the project that require immediate and specific answers. Our technical service department will gladly assist you with all your questions about GUTEX products, quickly providing you with specific solutions that keep your project movingtowardtimelycompletion. Workshops, product training and seminars GUTEX offers regular seminars for architects, tradesmen, and wholesalerscoveringphysicsapplicabletobuilding,construction techniques,productapplications,etc. GUTEX strives to maintain the continuous improvement of products through advances in technology and customer input.Wegooutofourwaytospeakdirectlytoarchitectsand tradesmen. For this reason, GUTEX has expanded its training andseminarfacility,whereweofferworkshopsfortheexchange oftradeandproductinformation.Afterall,nooneisinabetter positiontoevaluateaproductthanapersonwhohasusedthe product. Web site The GUTEX Web site offers you a great deal of valuable information, including product details, installation guidelines, construction suggestions with calculations, CAD drawings, specifier text, fixation data fire and acoustic insulation test certificates(thelatter3onlyinGermanatpublicationdate)at www.gutex.de 9 Black Forest Timber The source of GUTEX's sustainability and quality Asabuildingmaterial,woodfeaturessomanypositivequalities thatitisvirtuallyunbeatable.Besidesbeingarenewablenatural resource, it has superb physical properties, such as fantastic thermal and moisture regulating capabilities, which manifest themselvesinasuperiorindoorenvironment. No other building material is so warm, so adaptable and so alive.A multi-talent, wood is exceptionally versatile, making it useable in unlimited constructional applications and variations, including sustainable buildings.Thanks to wood's low thermal conductivity and high volumetric heat capacity, warmth remains indoors during the winter and outdoors in the summer.Wood is naturally endowed with all the qualities you needtohavetheperfect,comfortableindoorclimateyoudesire. Carbon neutrality & wood's lifecycle Staving off the increase of carbon emissions belongs to one of our greatest environmental concerns today. It is common knowledgethattreesreducecarbondioxideintheatmosphere. During their life span, they Wood's Chemical Composition assimilate and process Carbon(C) 50% carbon dioxide, generating Hydrogen(H) 5-6% vital organic substances 44% they require to grow and Oxygen(O) Nitrogen(N) 0.05-0.25% emittingoxygen. 10 Whenwoodisusedtomakewoodfibreboardforinsulation,the carbondioxideremainsinthewood.Uponreachingtheendof theirlifecycle(afterdecadesofuse)theboardscanbeburned to produce energy.Wood releases only the amount of carbon dioxideitoriginallyassimilatedfromtheair,meaningitiscarbon neutral! What is good, endures If designed and built by qualified persons, wood buildings last justaslongasbuildingsbuiltusingothermaterials.Evidenceis providedbyEurope'soldesthalf-timberedhouses,manyofwhich areolderthan650years.Woodfibreboardinsulationboardsare also made from wood.And if installed properly, they too will deliverthesamelongevity! Minimum environmental impact, ecological to the core The ecological credits for GUTEX's products begin where they should, with the raw material. It comes solely from wood that is harvested and grown using sustained forestry management practices (PEFC and FSC). And GUTEX uses exclusively untreated spruce and fir chips and shavings that are by-products produced by other timber manufacturing processes. Moreover, the sawmills from which GUTEX obtains its chips and shavings are all located near its plant, translating into less pollution and fuel consumption thanks to reducedtransportdistances.Andcertainlynottobeforgotten is the fact that GUTEX wood fibreboards are biodegradable andcanberecycled,providedtheyhavenotbeentreatedwith woodpreservatives. But there is another very convincing ecological advantage providedbyGUTEXwoodfibreboard.Byprocessingthewood scrap into a useful product, its assimilated carbon dioxide is kept from being released into the atmosphere.What could be greener? 11 GUTEX Multiplex-top Arain-tightsarkingboardwithsingleply construction and homogenous cross-section. GUTEX Ultratherm Astrongrain-tightsarkingboardwith asingle-plyconstructionandahomogenous cross-section, this product's highU-valuemakesitverysuitablefor newroofsandroofrefurbishment. GUTEX Multitherm Amoistureresistantinsulationwood fibreboardwithsingle-plyconstruction and homogeneous cross-section that isanidealsarkingboardforexterior walls under facade facing or the undersidesofrafters. GUTEX Thermosafe-homogen A universal insulating board with single-ply construction and homogenous cross-section, it provides superbprotectionagainsttheinfluxof heatinsummerandlossofheatinwinter. GUTEX Thermoflex A flexible wood fibreboard that is designedforusebetweenraftersand intimber-framedwalls. GUTEX Thermoflat This single-ply insulating board features a homogeneous wood fibre cross-section and a compressionproof construction, which make it idealforflatwood,concreteandsheet metalroofs. NEW! GUTEX Thermosafe Universalinsulatingboardwithmultiplyconstructionthatprovidessuperb protectionagainsttheinfluxofheatin summerandlossofheatinwinter. 12 GUTEX Thermofibre A loose-fill wood fibre insulation for blow-in installation in vertical or horizontal cavities and horizontal unenclosedspaces. GUTEX Insulation Boards Something for every area of the house GUTEX‘s range of wood fibreboard insulation products is as diversified as are the specific insulation requirements of the different areas of buildings. Whether you‘re looking for a solution for a new or an existing building, you‘re sure to find the suitable product for your roof, wall, floor or ceiling in GUTEX‘s product portfolio. If used properly, the products perform beyond all expectations. GUTEX provides a wealth of information at www.gutex.de and in its brochures, offering guidelines for using its insulation products, so that you can enjoyallthebenefitstheyoffer. GUTEX Thermoinstal A compression resistant insulation board with single-ply construction and homogenous cross-section, this product is your choice for the thermalinsulationofinstallationcavities, electricalandplumbinglines. GUTEX Thermoroom An insulation board with single-ply constructionandhomogenouscross- section that is ideal for the retrofit insulatingofinteriorwalls. GUTEX Thermosafe-wd An insulating board with singleply construction and homogenous cross-section, this product features exceptionally high compression resistance,makingitidealforanywall orfloorstructure. GUTEX Thermofloor Averyversatileimpactinsulationboard for all floor applications, including wet anddryscreed. GUTEX Happy Step The ideal underlay for high-quality, interiorfloorcoverings. GUTEX Thermowall/-gf A single-ply plaster baseboard with homogenous cross-section, this product is the perfect choice for use with GUTEX’s ecological composite thermalinsulationsystem. GUTEX Thermosafe-nf A superior impact insulation board with tongue and groove joints, this product comes with spruce joint stripsforeasyinstallationoflongand shortplankflooring,whichscrewsto thestrips. 13 GUTEX Woodfibre Insulation's Excellent Qualities GUTEX insulation boards' many outstanding physical propertiesofferyousignificantadvantages,includingprotection againsttheheatinsummer(C=2100J/kgK)andthecoldinwinter (λD=0.037-0.044W/mK)aswellregulationofhumidityand diffusionpermeability(μ=3).Together,thesequalitiesaddupto provideyouwithaverycomfortableindoorenvironmentwith improved acoustic insulation, increased fire protection and biologicalharmlessness(natureplus®certified). Exceptional environmental compatibility, recyclability, superb workability and the fact that the products are produced from local sustainable natural resources are clear indications of the suitability, quality and potential you get when you decide on GUTEXinsulationsystems. Insulation in Summer Made in Germany Insulation in Winter User Friendliness Healthy Indoor Environment Recyclability Soundproofing Environmental Compatibility 14 Fire Protection Insulation in Summer To protect living spaces against heat, especially those directly under roofs, the insulation material used must have enough thermal storage capacity or volumetric heat capacity to ensure the flow of warmth from the exterior to the interior area is adequately dampened.Wood has a thermal storage capacity of 2100J/kg, giving it the highest capacity of any construction material. That’s why wood insulation boards provide significantly better insulation against heat in summer than conventional insulation materials. Thermalstoragecapacityreferstotheabilityoftheinsulation material, in this case wood, to absorb and retain thermal energy(technicallyreferredtoastimelag)beforeallowingitto reachthebuilding’sinteriorinareducedmagnitude(technically referredtoasthedecrementfactor). Duringthenight,thetemperaturesinksoutdoorsandthethermal energyisreleasedfromtheexteriorofthebuilding,keepingthe fluctuationoftemperatureataminimuminsidethebuilding. Thermal diffusivity (a) is the ratio of thermal conductivity to volumetricheatcapacity. thermal conductivity (λ) a= specific heat capacity x density The lower the thermal diffusivity, the better is the insulation againstheatinsummerandcoldinwinter. Timelaganddecrementfactorwith180-mmGUTEX Thermosafehomogen®: An example Thetimelagfor180-mmGUTEX Thermosafe-homogen®insulation is10hours.Withatemperaturefluctuationof21°C,asshownin thediagram,thetemperaturefluctuationoftheairintheinterior ofthebuildingis3°C.(Decrementfactor=7) What is the best way to insulate against summer heat? Besides the usual constructional factors, like location and size of the windows, air and wind tightness of the building and ventilated construction, the choice of the right insulation materialisdecisive. The best insulation material The ideal insulation material is one that provides effective protectionagainstcoldinwinterandheatinsummer.GUTEX wood fibreboards perform superbly in both applications. For example,GUTEX Thermosafe-homogen®boardspossessathermal conductivity coefficient of 0.037 (W/mK) and a specific heat capacityof2100(J/kg*K). Comparison of Insulation Materials Outside hot, inside cool, and in between: GUTEX. 15 Insulation in Winter GUTEXwoodfibreinsulationboardsprovide excellent protection against the cold in winter thanks to their low thermal conductivity (See the λ values on the product pages.), which drastically slows down the escape of warm air and the cooling of the interior living areas. Why thermal insulation? - Itincreasescomfort,duetowarmerwall surfacetemperatures,etc. - Itimprovestheinteriorenvironment - Savesmoneybycuttingheatingcosts - Protectsourenvironment,significantly reducingCO2emissions - Increasesthevalueofbuildings Outside cold, inside warm, and in between: GUTEX. 16 Healthy Indoor Environment GUTEX wood fibre insulation boards permit diffusion (μ value = 3) and regulate the interiorrelativehumiditybyvirtueoftheirabilitytoabsorband releaseupto15%oftheirweightinmoisturewithouttheloss of insulation capacity.These two functions improve the living environmentofindoorareassignificantly. Water vapour diffusion Diffusion is the migration of individual, tiny particles (water molecules) resulting from random thermal agitation (Brownian Motion). Everyone is familiar with GORE-TEX and its benefits in sportsclothingfabrics,particularly, its breathability, which allows perspiration to evaporate and escape, leaving the individual with a dry, comfortable feeling. A home or workplace is no different.Avoiding condensation on windows, interior walls, etc. is essential to maintaining a pleasant and healthy indoor climate. Construction materials that permit diffusion and transport moisture offer distinct advantages.GUTEX soft fibreboards feature excellent water vapour permeability due to their very low water vapour diffusionresistancefactor(μ)of3. Humidity control Wood,anatural,sustainableresource,hasmanyattributesthat makeitofgreatvaluetothebuildingindustry.Oneofthemis its ability to absorb and release humidity.The moisture contentofuntreatedwoodadjustsitselfuntilitreachesastateof equilibrium.The moisture content equilibrium is a function of the relative humidity and temperature of the surrounding air. At 23° C with 50 % rel. humidity, the equilibrium moisture contentis8-10%. Wood fibreboard can absorb and release up to 15 % of its weightinhumiditywithoutalossininsulationperformance.Thus, itisextremelyeffectiveatloweringexcessivehumidityintheair. Whentheairisdry,theboardreleasestheabsorbedmoisture intotheroom.Thankstoitshumidityregulatingfunction,wood createsastable,comfortablelivingenvironment. GUTEX insulation boards come with an equilibrium moisture contentofapprox.10%andtherebycontain2.6litresofwater per square metre. They can absorb and retain 1.3 litres of additional water (15 % wood moisture content) per square metreor,iftheconditionsaretoodry,releasethesameamount. Outside wet, inside comfortable, and in between: GUTEX. The following example illustrates how much moisture wood fibreboards are capable of absorbing without their insulation performancesuffering. > Insulation thickness: 24 cm > density: 110 kg/m3 > Weight per m2: 26.4 kg 17 Soundproofing Construction elements should dampen the transmission of noise originating from both inside and outside the building. DIN4109specifiesrequirementsandmakesrecommendations, distinguishing between airborne and impact noise insulation. Airbornenoiseinsulationisimportantforroofsandwalls,and impactsoundinsulationisimportantforfloorsandceilings. Examples of sound insulation refurbishment - roofs Airborne noise insulation The sound reduction index R in dB is used here.The higher the value, the better is the insulation against airborne noise. Requiredpropertiesforeffectivesoundproofingarehighdensity, minimum stiffness and an open-pored fibre structure. GUTEX insulation boards possess these important characteristics and arethereforeidealforsoundproofingapplications. Roofing Tilingbattens Cross/counterbattens 80-mmpolyurethaneinsulationboard Boarding18mm Rafters100mm Sound Reduction Index RW is 34 db Impact noise insulation ImpactnoiseismeasuredindBusingL.Thelowerthevalue,the better is the impact sound insulation. Key material properties forgoodimpactsoundinsulationperformancearemass,flexural strength,dynamicstiffnessandtheabilitytodecouple. When planning impact noise insulation, it is necessary to consider both the transmission of sound through the specific buildingstructureandthebuildingelementsflankingthespace thatistobeinsulated. Roofing Tilingbattens Cross/counterbattens GUTEXUltratherm120mm 80-mmpolyurethaneinsulationboard Boarding18mm Rafters100mm Sound Reduction Index RW is 46 db Exterior wall /Pitched roof (> 10°) Requirements for airbornesoundinsulationforexteriorbuildingstructuresasper DIN4109(Nov.1989) NoiseLevel Class Levelof Exterior Noise dB(A) 1) I II upto55 55-60 III IV V VI VII 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 >80 Hospital Patient Rooms Leisure Offices,etc.1) Roomsin Homes,Flats, etc. > Improvement in the acoustic insulation (Rw) is 12 dB ≙cutsperceivednoiselevelbymorethan50% ConstructionswithGUTEXwoodfibreboardsthathavebeen tested and approved to comply with specific sound insulation requirementsareavailableinGUTEX'splanningdocumentsor atwww.gutex.de.GUTEXwillbegladtosendyoutestreports. Rec.R‘w,resfortheexteriorbuilding structureindB 35 30 35 35 30 40 45 50 2) 35 40 45 45 30 35 40 40 2) DIN4109makesnostipulationsforinteriorspaceswithadjacentexterior structures(walls,roofs,etc.)inwhichactivitiesareperformedforwhichnoise originatingfromoutsidehasonlyamarginaleffect. Outside noise, inside quiet, and in between: GUTEX. 18 Fire Protection ForGUTEX,fireprotectionmeansprotecting peopleandanimalsfromfire.Fireprotection alsoincludesminimisingdamagecausedbyfire. Requirementsforthefireprotectionofbuildingsareregulated by the individual countries. Fire protection requirements are definedeitherviatheconstructionmaterialclassificationsorvia fire rating. Construction material classification groups building materialsaccordingtotheirbehaviourintheeventoffire.Fire ratingclassifiestheelements'resistancetocombustion. Construction products or their fire behaviour are divided into classes fromA (non-combustible) to F (highly flammable). The minimum requirement for buildings is B2 in the German constructionmaterialsclassificationsystemorEintheEuropean class.Botharenormalflammableratings.Buildingproductsare classifiedintoclassesbytestinginstitutes. Fireresistanceratings,alsoperformedbytestinginstitutes,are dividedintoclassesfromF30toF180,constitutingtheGerman fire resistance classification system.The number refers to the time (in minutes) before the fire burns through the structure, before the structure’s load bearing capacity is lost and before the temperature on the other side of the structure becomes excessive.F30indicatesthatintheeventoffiretherewouldbe 30minutestoevacuateanimalsandpeople. DIN 4102 cites specific examples of how a building structure shouldbeconstructedtoachievespecificfireresistanceratings. GUTEXalsohasmanytestcertificatesissuedbythebuildingauthorityandtestinstitutescertifyingvariousvariantconstructions for specific fire resistant ratings. In the following, you will find severalexampleswiththeirrespectivetestcertificatenumbers. Approved fire protection structures Above rafter installation withGUTEXThermosafe-homogen® > AbP P-SAC 02/111 - 370 - Woodrafterroofconstructionwiththree-sidedexposureto firefromwithin-fireresistanceratingF30-B/F-90-B Between rafter insulation with GUTEX Thermoflex®, GUTEXMultiplex-top®andGUTEXUltratherm® > AbP P-SAC 02/111 - 370 - Betweenrafterinsulation-fireresistanceratingF30-B/F-90-B Exterior wall withGUTEXThermowall-gf®, GUTEXMultiplex-top®andGUTEXUltratherm® > P-SAC 02/111 - 321 Load-bearing,exteriorwallwithinteriorfireperformanceasper GermanfireresistanceratingF30/F90-Bandexteriorratingas perF90-B - Renderfacadew.timberstudsorsolidwoodconstruction - Non-ventedfacadew.timber-framedorsolidwoodconstruction Outside flames, inside safety, and in between: GUTEX. Load-bearing, exterior wall with fire performance as per GermanfireresistanceratingF30-B - Renderfacade - Ventedfacade Party wall between semi-detached units > P-172 34405 - ift Two-wythe wall as party wall between semi-detached units as perDIN4109orbearingpartywallperDIN4102-04withR`w ≥57dBasperDIN4109andthefireresistanceclassF30-Bfrom interiortoexteriorandF90-Bfromexteriortointeriorasper DIN4102-2forsingle-sidedfireresistance. Example of a building structure with variations covered by a building authority approval (P-SAC 02/ III-321): timber stud construction with render facade: Wall construction - 12.5-mmplasterboard - 50-mmthickGUTEX Thermoinstal ® inservicescavity - 15-mmwoodcompositeboard - 160x60mmframingtimber - 160-mmthickGUTEX Thermoflex®betweenstuds - 100-mmGUTEX Thermowall - GUTEXrendersystem Technical Data U value: 0.14W/m2K (incl. 10 % allowance for wood structuralmembers) Time lag: 18.4h Weighted Sound Reduction Index RW,R: is 47dB Fire protection: F30-Binterior; F90-Bexterior > All AbPs are available to you in German as download at www.gutex.de 19 Environmental Compatibility …means for GUTEX sustainable, ecological practices and responsibility to humankind andnature.GUTEXproductsandmanufacturingprocessesare developed with an uncompromising commitment to environmentalpreservation. The new manufacturing line employs an innovative dry technique that is significantly more environmentfriendly than the wet conventional process and requires 40%lessenergy. Reduced amounts of additives are used in both manufacturingprocedures!Just4%polyurethaneresinisadded as a binding agent in the dry process. 4 % white glue for the laminationoflayersandapprox.5%latextoincreasethestrength areaddedinthewetprocess.Paraffinisusedinbothprocesses forhydrophobisation. SinceallGUTEXinsulationboardscontain absolutely no harmful additives,theycanbeusedwithoutreservationin construction.AllGUTEXinsulationboardsmanufacturedusing thenewdryprocesscarrythenatureplus©sealofquality. The raw material for all GUTEX insulation boards comes solely from wood that is harvested and grown using sustained forestry management practices(PEFCand FSC).GUTEXexclusivelyusesuntreatedchipsandshavingsfrom spruceandfir,whichareby-productsobtainedfromothertimber manufacturingprocesses. The sawmills from which GUTEX obtains its chips and shavings are all located near its plant in WaldshutTiengen,translatingintolesspollutionandconsumptionoffuel thankstoreducedtransportdistances. Additives, such as hydrophobic agents, are selected based on environmental criteria. Transparency is vital to preserving our environment. For this reason, GUTEX applied for and received Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) pursuant to ISO 14025. TheInsitut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.,acertifiedinstitute inGermany,issuesandverifiesthedeclarations,whichspellout thespecificenvironmentalcompatibilityandimpactofproducts overthecourseoftheirlifecycles. In1995,GUTEXintroducedanintegrated environmental management system pursuant to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 and EMAS II (EU environmental audit directive). The system is periodically recertified. Practicing environmentalmanagementisavitalcomponentofthecompany’s environmentalpolicy. Recyclability GUTEX wood fibreboards are completely recyclableand,providedwoodpreservatives havenotcontaminatedthem,canbedisposedofatthenearest recovery centre. What little material "waste" occurs during manufacturingisrecycledbackintothemanufactureofproducts. 20 The biologically safe nature of the products underscores their recylability. GUTEX wood fibre insulation boards’ existence and nature are completely within ecological cycles, or more specificallybiochemicalcycles. Easy to use and economical! Working with GUTEX insulation boards andinstallingthemareextremelyeasy!One reasonisthattheyaremanufacturedaccordingtostrictquality specificationsandexhibitabsolutelyminimumdimensionalvariation. AnotherreasonisthedetailedinstructionsthatGUTEXprovides. And the new generation of GUTEX insulation boards installs 240mmthickinasinglecourseandworkstep,whichsavesyour timeandmoney.Furthermore,theprecisionmanufacturingofall GUTEXsarkingandothertongueandgrooveinsulationboards, means they fit easily together without the need of a hammer andwoodblock,deliveringevenmoretimeandmoneysavings. Andthesearejustafewoftheadvantages! Besidesthecommontools,suchascircularsaws,reciprocating sawsandsabresaws,GUTEXhasdesignedaspecialsawwitha 45°mitrecutcapacitytocutwoodfibreinsulationboardsupto 240mmthick. 21 Made in Germany For more than 80 years, GUTEX, a family owned and operated company, has manufactured insulation boardsfromwoodatitsplantinGermany’sBlackForest. Each GUTEX insulation board bears the CE and Ü marks of conformity, indicating its compliance to the applicable, valid standard or code. In addition, GUTEX’s external thermal insulation system is the first system to be approved by the Germanbuildingmaterialsandphysicstestingagency. 22 Thedesignanddevelopmentofmodern,technicallymatureand environment-friendly insulation products and external thermal insulation composite systems constitute GUTEX’s principal entrepreneurial activities.With its new dry process, GUTEX is breaking new ground and has established new standards in environment-friendly manufacturing and ecological product quality. NOTE Allrightsreserved.HenselmannGmbH+CoKGisnotliableforanydamageresultingfromerrorormisprinting.Theinformation providedhereinissubjecttochange.Althoughalloftheinformationwascurrentatthetimeofitspublication,thepublicationof supersedinginformationrenderstheoldinformationinvalid.Thesuitabilityoftheproductsforapplicationsnotspecifiedinthis brochureisnotguaranteed.WarrantyandliabilityclaimsaresubjecttothetermsofGUTEX'sGeneralTermsofBusiness. Acknowledgements - Photo Credits ©GUTEX(Pages1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22);©reises/fotolia.de(Pages8,9,11,24); ©BenBlankenburg/iStockphoto.com(P.9);©gilleslougassi/iStockphoto.com(P.9);©ChristianStoll/fotolia.de(P.10); ©MistikaS/iStockphoto.com(P.16);©GünterMenzl/fotolia.de(P.17);©rrocio/iStockphoto.com(P.17); ©VikaValter/iStockphoto.com(P.17);©AnnaYu/iStockphoto.com(P.17);©tobiasmachhaus/iStockphoto.com(P.17); ©danikreienbühl/fotolia.de(P.18);©MC_PP/fotolia.de(P.18);©JamieFarrant/iStockphoto.com(P.22) 23 Our plant in the southern Black Forest 24 GUTEXHolzfaserplattenwerk|Gutenburg5|D-79761Waldshut-Tiengen,Germany|Phone:+49(0)7741/6099-0|Fax:+49(0)7741/6099-57|www.gutex.de|E-mail:[email protected] 06/2012 YoursourceforGUTEXproducts:
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