"Come Over into Macedon;a and Help Us,"-{Acts 16:9.) Volume 15 INDIANAPOLIS, IND.• FEBRUARY, 1941 Number 2 Why The Early Church Thrived Why did the Ohurch in the first two or three centuries prosper, have converts daily, and overturn the Roman Empire, while the so·called Ohuroh today lags and languishes and haa so little inftuence in the world? ,(,hi~ i~ Ihl' di~tl'l'~~illg' pl'ohll'lll fol' whil'h IIlillioll~ or I'l'lig'iou~ pl'opll' todll~' 111'1' ~I'l'l'kill,I:' 1111 III1~WI'I'. I'l'l'hllp~ t Itl' ('III'III'~t, old ('hl'i~t illu ~hol' 1'0hhll'I' g'II"1' II~ g'lHld II ~olutiou II~ I'IIU hI' I'ouud. \\'Ill'1I ~Ollll' OUI' lI~kl'd hilll whllt hi~ hu~iul'~~ \\'II~ hI' l'I'plil,d: "~I~' hll~illl'~~ i~ ~1'1'\', ill,I:' till' LOl'd, hut ill('idl'lItllll~' IIl1d to kl'l'p dllwlI I'X PI'II~I'~, I pl'l-:' ~oll'~ 011 ~hol'~." I thillk <lod WII~ 11'1,11 ph'lI~l'd with ~11I'1t 1111 1I11~\\'I'I', Thl' l'I'II~Oll thl' IIpo~loli(' ('hl'i~tillll~ IlIlIdl' ~ul'h gTI'II1 IId"IIIIl'I'lI11'lIt \\'II~ thllt ('hl'i~1 WII~ ~;\·I·;HYTIII:\<l til Ih('III,lIl1d lhill,I:'~ Ill' thi~ wOl'ld --1"'1'11 1111 0('('11 pll t iOll - WII~ illl'idl·1I1111. ""IIU ~hllil 1I0t li,·l' h~' hl'l'llll 1110111·... Thl'~' \\'1'1'1' tllul:'ht thllt \\'hlll~O("'I'1' th('" did 11'11" to hI' to tlll~ l:'lol'\' or <lod, IIl1d thlli ('hl'i"t dil'd 1'01' 1111 111I'It till'" "hollid uot Ill'Ill'l'l'ol'tlt li\'(' 111110 thl'llI~(''''I'''' hut IIl1to lIitll who 1'01' thl'il' ~lIkl'~ dil'd IIl1d 1'0~1' IIg'lIill, ('hl'i~t 11'11" lil'"t, lIud 1l'lIlpol'lIl Ihillg'~ "I'('otHl: todll~' 11Il"illl'"'' i" lil'"t, ('hl'i~t i" ~1'(·011l1. Th(,~' IId'·III1('(·d, 11'(' dOIl't. Thl' 1'111'''' ('III'i~1 illll" WI'I'I' ('Olllllllllllh·d 10 1'01" "lIkl' 1101 tl;l'il' 1I~~l'llIhlilll-.l' to,l:'l'thl'l', wltih' 1111111," 10l"\~' do 1'01'~lIkl' it to "l'lIll'l'tllili ('OllIPlIll~''', III "ll\I~' II pil'l'I' or Illlld", to 1I111'~I' II HIIIII"I~' "lll·II1!· lIl'h(\", Thl' fil'~t ('hl'i",illll" l'I'g'lInll'd thl'llI"I·"·t·" "" ~Il'wlIl'll~ hlllldlill,l:' Ihlll whil'h hl'lolI,I:'I·d 10 (lod, IItH111l'1i1"'I,tI Ihllt ~0I111' dll" 111l'\' 1I111"t 11I'~\\'1'1' 1'01' tlll'il' ~Il'\\'lIl'tJ,.:hip, ~I'III1~' ~\'oliid 1I0t ""," thlll thl' Ihillg'~ thl'," PO~~I'~~ptl \\'('1'1' thl'il' 011'11 1I11t1 ~o ~oltl I hl'lIl 1I11l1 hl'oug'ht t hI' 1I101ll'y l\Illl Illill il lit Ihl' IIpo~III'~' I'l'l't Ihlll ill thl' 1'II1l'I', .1:'1'11('," Ihl'lI Oil, t Itl' hllll.~T,'· di~I'ipll"" II Ii l.l'h I hI' I'I'd. Twill," 11'(' Ihillk tltlll il' WI' g'i\'l' tift~' ('l'lIt" II \\'{'t'k 10 tlt(· LOl'd. 1I11d 1111 h01l1' RlllltllI\' 1I101'1Iillg', Ihl' 1'I,~t or tltl' dll" 1I11t1 th{' Wl'l'k, 1I11;1 till' 1'1,,,t or 1111 Ihl' II 10 tH'," ';'1' III1Ikl' i~ Olll'~ 1I11l1 \\'1' ('1111 tlo II~ WI' ph'II"I' with tlll'lIl, '('III,il'l'hlll" it~· thl'lI did IIIlll'h 10 ('011"1'1'1 11ll' worltllllld Olll' 1I1',I:'h'('1 of I Itl' pOOl' 1111" dOlI\' 1I\111'h 10 tll'i\'(' t Itl' wOl'ld illlo Iltl' 111'111" or HIlIlill, ~llI~"olilli IIl1d lIitlt·1' with Ihl'il' pI'Ollli"I'" of 1II,Ip 1'01' til\) 1I111h'l" do,l:', Till' 1'111'1," ('hlll'l'lt \\'11" l'Olllllllllllll'd In kl'op it "I'I I' III1~potll'tI 1'1'0111 Iltl' worltlllholll tlll'lIl,lIl1d IhI'," ditl 1I0t joill with th(, ~illlll'I'~ ill Ilwit' IlII' ,1:'lltll~' ~P0l't" 1I11t1 ph'II~III'I''': 10tillY "( 'hl'i~lillll~" ,1:'010 Ihl' Ihl'lIt(,I''' willt tltl' "illlll'I''', g-lolll ill Ihl' "111111' 1I11~I," plll~''', dlllll'l' with Ihl' world, 1I11l1 ol'tl'lItillll'" dl'illk IIlitth' with it. Alld IIll' wOl'ld "plll'l'" 1I11~' ill\'itlllioll 10 l'Ollll' to ('hl'i~1 with Ihl' "It II' I It II I IItt' ('hlll'l'h hll~ 1I0lhillg- 10 otfl'1' Ihl'lIl. Todll~' 1111111," pl'ol'l'''''l'd ('hl'i"tillll" Ill't Il~ it' IIt ('," 11'('1'1' doill,I:' (lod II 1'11"01' hy lIttl'llllillg- 1'l'lig" iOIl" ~I'I'\'i('I'~, IIl1d hd'on' Ihl' 111,,1 111111'11 dil'~ 011 Iltl·il' l'1I1''' 111l'~' 111'1' IIll1kill,l:' 1'01' thl' dool', l.l'i"illl.l' 110 011(' II dlllllt'l' 10 "ll1d,1' tlll'il' lit't,h'~" hllllli. Bill IIpo~loljt, ('III'i~tillll" l'oll~idl'l'l'd it 1I hig'h pri,'ill'g'l' to hl'lI ('hild of tltl' Killg' of Killg'~ 1I11t1 dllil~' Iltl'y 1Il1't IIl1d wOI'"hippl'tl. I>i~l'iph'~ thl'lI 11'1'1'1' pll'lI~I'tI 10 1I~~l'lIlhll' tog'l't hl'1' hut 111'1' hOl'l'd 11011', Thl'~' IIth'lIl1l'l'tllllld WI' dou't, Tltl' l'1Ir1~' ('hl'i~lillll" Wl'l'l' ~o hIlPP~' ill Illl'it' III'W·l'oUllti jo," thllt thl'y IlIlkl'tI it Whl'I'I"'I'I' I hl'~' WI'IIt. 1';IIl'h di~l'ipll' l'oll~itll'I'l'11 hillll'l(,11' II IlIi""iolllll'\' 1'01' ('hl'i~t, Thl' ~ohlil'I' l!'il'd 10 I'OU· "1'1'1 hi" t';lptllill to thl' lIuthol'ity of Killg' .Jl'l'llll'l. Thl' "I'I"'lIl1t II\' hi~ lifl' 1I11t1 wOI'dl'l tl'ipll to 1'011· "l'l't hi~ 1Il1l~I'I'1' to Ihl' ~11Il'l11'I' of till' whoh' wOl'ltI, Thl' l'llll\'(' g'irl WII~ l'l0 hllJlJlY Ihlll hl'l' MACEDONIAN CALL Page Two Why The Early Church Thrived llIil'tl'l'l'l' \l'lIutnd thl' 1'1I1l1!' hllppilll'l'l' IIlld hl'('111111' oll\·dil'llt 10 Ih(· I'llith, \\"i\'(·1' 1i\,1'(! su('h 1i\'1'1' thllt thl'~' \\'Oll tlH·il' Illlhl'liu\'iug' hUl'hll1H!1' • hy tlwil' \'il'tIH'1' IIlld hy tlH·il' pl\'IH!illg'l' to ohl'y ('III'il't thllt tlll'il' lo\'(' llIig'ht ('olltillul' 1'01'1'\'l'l', '1'llOit, jo~', 1'\'l'll ill 1l\'I'S(I('lItiolll', ('OIl\'I'I'tl'(! llIilIi OilS, '('Iwil' pl'l'lI('lwl'l' thulll'pllkl' holdly IIg'lIiul't Sill, IIlld \\'I'oll' thlll 1111 thlll \l'illli\'u g'odly "llIIlII'IlI'1'1'1' pUI'I'I'('ut iOll, 1'11111 \\'1I1' Ilot II1'IlIIIIlUd of tIll! gOl'pul of Christ lik(· Illlllly lodlly, Thl'dil'('ipll's took joyfully th,· I'puilillg' 01' thuil' g'oodl', kilO\\,1111{ tlwy hll\'(' 1lI0l'U IIhidill,l.\' thillg's ill h\·III'l'll. 'rhuy fUlll'l'd 1I0t hilll \l'ho kills tho hod~' hut I'lithor Ililll \\'ho is IIhlo to dustl'(l\' holh soul lim.! bod~' ill IH'II. 1·'01' thl'lll to 1i\'(1 t'o SII\'I' souls \\'IIS g'lIill 1'01' ('II1'il't, huI to diu \I'IIS g'lIill for thl'llll'u!l'l'l', 'I'hl'~' ohl'yl'd OO(!l'lIthul' thlllllll/Ill. !Io\\' difl'l'l'ullt th,· \I'l'lIk-klll'l'd ('hl'il'lilllll' todll\', \"(,S, 1I1ll! ho\l' difT('1'1'1l1 thl' I'l'l'ulll' of III hoI's, , By Ihil' I'llith, IIlld 10\'(', IIlld COUI'll/oI;I', IIlld jO,I', thl' UII rI ,I' ('hl'iltilllll ol"'l'tul'lll'd thu g'l'1'1I1 \l'ol'ld\\'idu HOIllIIIl I·: III pi 1'1', IIIHI \1'1' todllY ill OUI' III('k 01' thl'l'l' lI)lol'toli(' l'il'll1l'l' III'I' uol IIhlo to 0\'1'1'IUI'Il II 1'1'\1' 01' oUI' \l'ol'ldly ul'ig'hhol'l', Thu 1'0-('lIlh'd ('hul'('h 01' ('III'il't I()(lll~' 1lI11~' hold t hI' Home Training 1'I'I'hlll'S Ih,'1'1' is 1101 I'liollg'h slIi,1 IIhOlil hOIll~ II'lIillillg' 1'01' 1111' hl'ltl'I'III1'1I1 01' Ih,' ('hlll'('h, 'I'I'lIillillg' 1'01' th,· LOl'd IIl1d Ihl' ('hlll"'h 01' Olll' ,'hildl"'11 shollld h"g'ill lIt hOIIlI', I ,"'It'll 11'11 1'011, Ihl',l' 100 oftI'll Ii" Ill' Ih,' dog' lit lIig'hl IIl1d IIlI'II IIII·i1, "hildl'l'll looSl', Kph, ():4: ",\lId, ,1'1' I'lItht'l'S, pl'ol'ok,' llo1 ,I'OIlI' "hildl't'll 1o \I'1'lIth: hilt hl'illg' 1111'111 IIp ill Ihl' IIlll'tlll't' IIl1d IIdlllollitioll 01' Ihl' Lord," ":\111'1111'1''' 1I11'II11S "Ilwt \l'hil'h IInlll'ish('s; \H\,t; I'ood; "tl\lI'litioll," Oil't' 1'0111' I'hillll"'11 Spiritual rood liS \\'I,ll liS tl'lIlpOl'lI1 food, t'hllt tht'y 1II11.\' Ill'ow Spil'itllllll,l' ill thl' )o'1I111i1~' III' ('Ill'isl. (lil'" tht'11I th,' "Shll'I'I'e lIIilk of thl' \I'III"\. thllt tht'~' 1II11~' g'I'II\1' th"l'l'h~'" (I I'l't('1'2 :2,) 'I'hllt i~, Ili"t' th\'111 th,' "1I1l1"llIltl'l'lItl'll \I'ol'd III' (llld", IIlld h,l' '1'11.\'1' thl',l' willlll'lIW ill th" kllllwl· ,'dllt' III' tht· I'IH"\. hilt withnlll it th''.I' "l1l1llOt g'1'IIW, Jo~()I'('AT"~ th,'1II ill thl' Uospl'l IIl1d thlls t'(ltll'lIte th"111 ('onc('I'lIillll thl' 1'1'i1~ of ('"l'd-phl~'illll, dllIH'illll, h,,'wtll'lls, which llIll'd"I' Ollto IlI'ol'lIllity, 1l0illll til \lil'1l1l'" ~how~, hllthillll I'('sol'ts \l'hl'l'\! hoth SI'X lilith" tOg'l'thl'" with hllth· hill sllitN Ihllt do Ilot ,'\"'11 ('O\'t'l' 1111 tllI'h' hips, h'st yllll sow the 1l('l'd ill thl'h' ynllllil h"IIl'ts whit'h will ('III1S\' .\'011 to I'CIlP II ('I'Op nf I'l'0fl1l1it~" II t'l'Op of 1l11111hh'I'~, II el'0l' of fornielltol's, I't." 1'lIl"'lIts sholllll take tlll'h' ,'hil(It't'll to ('hul'eh 111111 1I0t lend thl'11I to th\' pil,t.m'o sholl' SUIIUIIY lIillhts, Jr ,yOIl wish ,I'nm' ehihlt'\'lI tn hI' rood, tl'lIill th!'1II t,n st,Il~' 1I11'1I~' 1"'0111 '11I,'stiollllhh' plm','s, 'I'ht' flltlll'e IIpol'toli(' (lol't I'i Ill', hut \1'1' C'dd{'utl~' h,\\'{' uot hlld I Ill' IIpol'toli(' Zl'lil. HOIlII' of us hll\'1' I'llit h, hut Ilot till' (lugTu(~ \\'hi('h ellus{'s us to "rin. up 1111 for Christ. SOllll' hll\'(' 10\'(', hut uot thl' kitH! thllt mllhl'lH'US tIll' \\'ol'1l1 of IllllUkitHl. We hll\'o II littl!' illclI of stc\I'lI1'1lship hut uot ulloug-h to hriug' thu IIdlIlil'lltiou of thc p('opl(' of the \1'0I'Id, Wc 1'(\t'u!'1' to do SOlll(' thillg's IIIl1lly iu the \\'ol'ld do, hut \1'1' IIlso do too 1Il1llly UIl,l.\'odly thiug'" they do, ,rc hlln'lI litll(' joy hut Ilot II!' the clIl'ly Christilllls, \\'1' 1'{'1I1' Ill/IU too 11l1H'h-Ul'C' lIfl'aid SOIll(' om' \l'ill SIIY \1'1' 111'(' 1'111111.1 i('s, But those ulIrly Chl'is1IIIIlS 1ll00'ed the \1'0 I'Id , I\IH! \l'e ClIlluot hudg'c II sllIlIll Plll't of it. () (lOl!, Iwlp us to Up lih thosC' Chl'istillu" iu thu lou/ol; IIgo \\'hl'll tlll'y \\'011 so Ill/my lIIillious to theil' LOl'd, lIelp liS to sUl'l'elldel' 1111 to Hilll, !Il'lp us to dUlly oUl'sl'l\'08 uug'O(lIill('SS lim! \l'ol'ldly lusts, :\IIIY \1'(' 1\I\\'o thl'il' joy, th(,il' fllilh, tlH,il' zl'lIl ill ('Oll\'I'I,tiug' oth('I''', lim! IIIl1y \1'(' I'l'llI' Ilot 11I1I1l I"ho ('1111 oul~' kill tho hOlly, !Iulp liS to I'u\'in' t hI' IIpostoliu nl<:VO'rIO;-.\ IIl1d ZI<:AL Ill' \1'1'11 Ill' th\' IIpostolic dol'triue, t.hllt O\ll' I'hilliu/ol; lig'ht Ililly g'uidu IllllUy to 1'hl'o,D, A, HOlIIlIIl'l', ('hlll'\'h, l't'nlt'11I1I"I', will hI' whllt YO\' lIwk,' it tOUII,\', bl'"/llISI' ,"0111' "hildl"'11 IIl1d Illilll' will hilI'" the \'111'\' of the (,h\l1'('h \l'hl'lI yllll 1111.1 ( hilI'!' "lllllll' tn Olll' 101l1l hOIll" ", 'I'lIdll~', Illll't'llt~, is th,' tillll' to hlli'd II flltlll't' ('hllr\·h ~I\I'h liS th,' 1.01'.1 wOllld hlll't' it to Ill', ~o h"llill tl'lIillillll .1'0111' "hildl'l'lI lit hOIll" todll,I', so thllt tOllllll'I'O\l' whell you III1U I hlll'l' slli,1 0111' III~t "g'ood·hy\'" ,"0111' \'hildl"'11 IIl1d lIIille will Ill' 1"'1111.1' III II I tl'III," I'lIithl'lIl ('hl'istillll~, Yes, pili" I'lIt~, "1Il'i1l1l th"111 lip ill tht' 1I II I't \11'" IIIHI 1It11110Ilit.ioll 01' tht' L"rtl", (1I't"lI 1'"I'l'lIts I'll il til 1IS1' g'()(111 jll,llllllI'lIt IIlIlI "pl'o\'oke lhl'il' ,'hillln'll to \l'I'lIth" whl'lI thl'\' tlo 1I0t IIIl'1l11 to tlo so, K illdlH'~s with llt'IIIII1'~S will Ililt 1;I'o\'ok., tl\l'11I to wrllth. 'I't'II('h tl"'1II thllt "~'I'S" 11I"1I11~ y('S, III III thllt "110" ml'llll~ 1I0 with YOII, Wh\'lI th.,~, IIsk to IlO to sOllie wOl'ldly 111111 '1111'~tiollllblt' phil"'. tl'lI th,'m "110" IIl1d ('Xpillill why YOII Sll~' 110, thl'lI ,lolI't hilI'\' th"1ll ljlllll'I'"HIIIl with ~'Oll IIIHI h"g'llillll ~'Oll to ,,11111111" ~'Olll' milltl, ('hildrt'll s\'hlolll 11111'" \'\lllnd"II"\' ill pll""lIts who (10 ~o mueh Chllllltilll! III' thl'h' llrillds lit tht' ('llild'~ 1'\"IIIt'~1. Th"II, t.OO, t.hrt'lIt· "Ilillg' to whip II "hilll so 01'11'11 1111,1 IH'\','I' tloilllf it CII\l~"S lI,ss "lllltltll'lI"" ill Iht, plll"'lIt b~' th,' l'Ilild, Thllt is 01\1' 01' th,' 11I'st WII~'S ill th,' wodtl to "III1SI' Il \'hiltl to be pi'll. \'ok,"( 1I11tn \\'I'lIth, till' I'I'I'~' thillil th\, L'OI't\ says for pilI" I'llts 1I0t to (In, IlS\' tll'lIIl1"S~ with killlllless if vou wish to hll\'" ohl'lH"lIt ,'lliltll"'II. ~\'VI'1' '1\1111'1'1'1 witl~ II chiltl of YO\l1'S, H"Il,1 ('01. :l :21 with Eph, 6 :4, MACEDONIAN CALL 1 Tim, 3:04: "0111.' thllt I'lIh,th wl'lI his OIVII house. hllv· illlC his l'llihh'I'1l ill sllbjt'dioll with 1111 J,r1·II\'ity·'. Thp IIbo\'\' is lCi,·.'1I liS II 'IlIlIlitlt'lItioll of 1111 Ehler'. bllt is IIlso for 1111 plll'I'lIts IIIHI illlplietl ill thl' IIbn\'e "itl'Q Scriptures, 'I'll hll\'l' II I'hihl ill "sllbjl'l'lillll" is to tl'lll'h it the 1'1'111 01' ..ssP II t ill I Ilt'illlC III' thllt whil'h SIlPP0l'ts qlllliitil's. nltl'ihllt.,s. or 1·,'llItioIlS, III this I'IISI' it is til tl'lIl'h th .. I'hiltl whllt tl\l' 1'l'llItiollS III'" bl'I""'1'1I Ih.' ('11I1I·.·h 1I11t1 thl' t'hl'ist. Ih ..11 thl' 1'l'llIliollShip l)\'tWI'''1I th.' .,Ililtl 1I11l1 thl' 11l1I·.'IIl1 pl'II"itlilllC thl' PIIl'I'1I1 is II 1'1'111 ('III'istillll ill "\"'I'y 1·,'sl"'l'l. If ."011 tlo this yOIl 1Il1l.'· k.,.,p thl' I'hihl fl'OIll fllllilllC ill lol'l' with thl' wOl'lti 1I11t1 1'lIllSI' it III )111'\' thl' 11l1l'1' II I 1I11l1 th,' ('III'ist who <lil,.1 1'01' it. It hilS to tlo wilh th,' t"lIillilllC III' thl' lIliml. whil'h is so oft ..11 1I"ICIt·.·t".1. Y1111 111''' III dll Ihis with "1111 ICI'II \' it.,·". whidl 1III'llllS I"wlily ul' Ilt'illlC ltl'III'I' 01' sl'l·ioIlS. Ro this is to lit' dOlll' with 1111 SI'l'iOIlS. IIl'SS. 111111 whllt is 111111'1' sl'l'iollS thllll hll"illlC ,·Ilil,h·,·,. hl'ollll'ht lip ill ('hl'istillll IItlllosph .. ,·.. IIl1d hll\'illJ,r Ih .. l:' li"i,,/: "Ullspolt" .. fro III thl' world",' To tl'lIill, 01' 1""'11 pl'l·lIIit. ~'Olll' .'hilth·1'1I to /:0 to qll,'stillllllhl .. plll""s is til "III1SI' thl'lIl to wllllt to li\'1' II wOI·ItIIl· IiI'" ,"','11 if thl'" III'" 1I1l'lIlbl'l's of thl' ('hlll·,'h 1I11t1 hlll'\" IIIl1l'h Il'ss illll'l'l,~t ill thl' (,hlll·l'h. \rlll'l<llitll'ss is ,hllllllJ,rillJ,r th .. ('hlll·,'h lotllly WIll'SI' thllll 111I~·thill/: .,lsl', \\' .. III list tl'," 10 ''''''1' I'hiltll'l'lI hOIll Ilt'illlC wOI·ltll.'·.lIIilltl,·tI if "'I' wish Ih .. 1II to h,' spil'itlllllly III illtlel1 , H"IIlI 0111. 6:R 1I11l1 IH' \"'1'\' "111'.. 1'111 lIot til so,,' to th" llo'sh. Il'st yOIl I'l'llp ,'ol'l'lIptio;\. \r,' 1'1I11't S"I'\',' th .. WI\I'ltI 1I11t1 tIlt' 1.01'.1 hoth lit th,' Slllll., tilll", \r" III'" ,'itlll'I' 1'01' thl' wOl'hl 01' WI' Ill'" 1'111' Ih,' ('III'ist: "'" I'll II 't hI' for th,' wOl'ltI 111111 1'01' lIlt, 1.01'" hoth, \r.' III'" .. ilh ..1' 1IJ,rlliliSI th.' II'I,,·ltlllllti fill' (·hl'ist. 01' W" III'" IIJ,rllillSI th., ('III';st 1I11t1 1'01' th,' WOI'1I1. ('1I11't s.. I·"'· tll'lI llillst .. I·S, Sll th .. J,r,,,,,1 lIook sllyS, I will II lit tllk.' SI"H'" III 'I II 0 ll' 1111 III' (jill. ,·>:l!l·~li, hilt illsist thlll yllil tlll'lI "iJ,rht 11011' til thllt .. hllpt .. l· IIl1d 1"'lId for .'·olll's.. 11'. thl'lI IIl1ti,·" lI'ilh "111'" thllt wo,·tI "I,.",.. llillJ,r", whi"h is II tl'llIlSllllill1l III' th,' (:1', "'Ol'tI "koIlIOS", 1I11t1 11I"III1S ".\ 1'1"'''1. "III'OIlS", 1I1t'1'I'.l'Il1l1killJ,r, lI'ilh IIIIISi,' 1I11t1 till III·illJ,r". ))1I11't IIsk. "\\'hllt Ill'.. th .. yOlllllt folk til do,' whllt will w,' II110w Ih., YOIIIIJ,r folk to tlo,''' "'h:lt tlid Ih., ."OIlIlJ,r folk .10 llt'fol'" w.. hlld th .. I'i"tlll'" sholl's IIl1d sklltill/: I'illks wilh 1111111." oth .. l· "'ol'1dly thilllts,' Th"s.. III'" of I·"",,"t "l'ilCil\. Thllt is. Ih"y 11111'" h""11 illtl'odll,'"d ill thl' Illst 040 yl'lIl·S. IIl1d lIIilliolis 111'011 IlIillillllS of yOIlIll-! folk li\'I'.llIlItI tli ..tlllIlIlC 11t'1'1I1'" th ..y "'''I'" "" .. 11 tholllCht of. If WI' hll\'\' 11111' I'hiltll"'11 SI'III!'I'!'.\I.LY IlIilltl.,tI Ih .. " will IIl1t "111'" 1'01' thos,' "'OHL))LY thillJ,rs. I hll""II't SI'""I' to 11I..lltioll 1111111." thilllCs th .. YOIIIIJ,r 11111," tlo withollt hl'illJ,rilil-! 1"'I'I'IIII1'h IIPOII tIll' ('hlll"'h, hilt I thillk ."011 kllllW th"l1l 1I11~·WII~·. Of .·OIlI·S.. th,' tllIlI"" hilS II I"'III'S 1",,," lI'ith liS 1I11t1 thllt is whllt "011 S",' 1I11l1 1"111'11 to' 11I1'l', with 1111111" IIlh.'I· wol'1t1I~' 1;11,1 IIl1lCo.II~· thilllCs lit th .. I'i,'tlll'" sho,,',s. 11111 (jlltl. ill His wOl'tI, hilS IIlwII.'·S "olltl""IIIt,tI th .. tllIlI"", YOIl ""I1't ICl't IIl1t 1111 1111 01.1 hOlll'tI 1I11t1 dllll"" lI'ilhollt tloillJ,r whllt tlotl slli.. 1'01' "1111 :\0'1' TO Illl, S,·,· 1 ,'01', W:7 "olllplll"'11 with I<:x, :i2:1!I, This is IIl1t lIoh"I'ls "olltl,·IIIII. i'lJ,r thosl' thilll-'S. hilt Ih" LOI·tI, I hlll'l' ,·il,'tI "hllpll'!' 1I11t1 ""I·S.' 1'01' 1I11l1 1I/:lIillSI 1111 I hlll'l' '1I"1I1iolll·'1. Th,' l.ol·tI is 1'111' Ih,' /:ootl 1I11l1 1I/:IIiIlSI th.' wol'1t1I.,· Ihilll-'S, SII I·.. · 11I'·llIh.,I'. it is II lit III1'st,II' "O'""'lIll1illJ,r thllsl' IhillJ,rs. hilI .illst I'itill/: ~.,," t.. 11"'"11 Ih., U..d .. I' 11"'""'11 SII.'·S IIh..1I1 Ihl'llI 111111 "WI'I'illlC II 1','11' ••..llIl11.·lIts IIl1d ,1..llllilitllls .. I' "'UI·US.- \\" tI, Hohl'l'ts, 1I111l11110lHI. Illillois, Page Three Biblical Quia HI'IIII 0\'1'1' Ih,· '1"cstioIlS. 111111 ill th., box liS yOIl 11'0. ,·h.'I·k th.' III1SII'I'I' ."011 b.·Ii.. I'.' to bc l'ilCht, ~""(,\I will hI' ,'olisidl'l·.'tI plIssill/:. I'ill'ht lI'ill hI' "ollsh"'I""! I'X"l'lIl'lIt, .\1'11'1' .""11 hilI'\' tlllislll'd tlll'lI to (·hlll'l·h :\I''''S for "lll'l'l'I·t UUSWPl'S. If ,\'''1I III'" II Bibll' stlIdl'lIt, ,\'011 lI'ill kll .. 1I' thllt th., S.'p, tlllllCillt is: 0 .\11 .'lIlCiIH,.. I·illlC illstl'lIll1l'lIt; 0 .\ 1'.'ss..1 ill th ...r"lI'ish T"llIpl .. : 0 .\ UI"'I'k l'l'l'si,," of 1I,'hl"'''' ~1'I·ip. tUI'PS. 2, llisl'ipl.,s .. I' (·III·ist 11'1'1'., Ill'st 1'IIII..d ('III'isliIiIlS: .\1 .J .. I·IISIII.'III; 0 .\t .\lIlilH'h: O.\t H"IIII': 0 At ( 'I,,'illth, :1. YOIl 111111' 11"".'1' hll"" lI'illH'ss..d OIH'. hilt Ihl' "TI'III1S, tilCllI'lItioll" 'II'IIS: 0 ('hlllllCilllC .. I' II'lIt"I' I.. lI'illl'; ('hlllllC" illl"'I'S"III1II1PP"III'IIIH"'''1' (·III·isl .. 1I th"1lI01lIlt; I'lissililt 1'1'0111 1·"III,I,·y to """111 I',\' ; 0 :'I1 ..s.'s .. 1I Mt. ";illlli, 4, "'ltllt do "Oil kll"'" IIhollt th., .\l'ks .. 1' Ih,' Bibll,t Th,' 1I1'1( .. I' th,' 'llItll'lIsh,'s II'IIS ""lIstl'lu't,'d by: 0 :'IltlSI's; :\ollh; 0 .\ dnll/:hl"I' .. I' I.l'd: 0 I'hlll'lIoh's .lIllIlI'h· IeI', ,'" If 1111 "I' "Oll kl'o,,' th,' sh"l·t ..st ""I'SI' ill th,' Hibh'. ,"Oil "1111 1'.'"di·I.,· It,ll ,"Olll' I'I·i ..lIds it is ill: 0 I'sll IllIS : St. ,I .. hll; 0 SI, LlIh; 0 SI, :'II lII'k , Ii, II' sollll' 0111' IIsk ..d ,"Oil to 1·,·llIt" II 1'1I111"lIS ship"T"I'k ,t"I'" of th .. lIihl.,. "'''lIld "1111 tl'lI th .. 111 th., slon' of: :\;ollh IIl1d th ...\I·k: 0 1I'1'1'lIt d"lIl1J,rht ..I' flshl's: 1'II111's "".'·IIIC" I.. HOIIII', i, '1'"",11''' hllsk .. ts .. I' 1'1'IIICIIH'lIts 11""'" tllk"11 lip IIft ..1' tit" 1""'dilllC"l' tit .. : 0 1110: 0 04.000: 0 .i.OOO; 0 :I.O()O, 1', \\'hlll "'''"1111101' tit .. lIihl.· ..ollid IH' sl"I,'d th., "\\'01" I'i"d 1I .. lIs',k ...'III"· .. ,' 0 :'lIlli',\': 0 l':slh.:I·; 0 MIlI·thll; 1>.,lilllh, !I, '1'1'11" 01' fills.. Ihllt 1"'I"'lItllll"" 111111 H,·llIissi .. 1I til' sillS sh"lIld h,' pl'''IH'h,'d ill his 1111111" 11I1I"11/: 1111 IIl1tiollS Ilt'· J,!illllilllC lit :\1I1.III''''h: 0 '1'1'11": 0 1<'11 Is." o o o o o o o t'''' o Preaching and Teaching I lI'isll lit.· 1"'IHIt·1' to lIolt' 1'111'.. 1'11111' Ih,' d.'IlIils .. I' this III·ti"It·: IIl1d t.. slil' ,"Olll' illl",·,'st to 'do so. I 1I1l1 pllllill/: I'o"th whlll IlIlIy S""1I1 II SIIlI·tlilllC pl·.. p..siti,," II'hi.·h I htlp., til IU'O\'(': The PRBAOHING done in the New Tel\ament wu no' intended for believen but for non·believen in Ohril\, while the TUOHING done there wu for believen and a110 for non·believen. III th .. ('III'istillll 1I'"l'Id IC"IH'I'II II,\'. illl·llIdillJ,r lh., "('hlll·.·h of (·III·isl". this dislill"tioll h"t"""'11 1'1'1'1I,'hillJ,r IIl1d '\"'III'h· illJ,r is IIhll ..st ..lItil·.. I,\' hl·ok .. 11 d"II'II, 111111 11'1' htlk of s"I'lIloIlS IIl1d d iSt·"lIl's..s 10 t h,' 1I' .. l'Id IIl1d ('h 11I"'h II tikI' ",ith"1I1 11111' dis"I'illtlllllti"II, This hl"'lIkillJ,r d"lI'li til' II dil1'''I·,'IH·'· ;"'Ih·h U..d hilS 1lI11d .. hilS d,,"., 1lI11.·h to IllY lh,' l'olllldllti"l1 1'..1' "th., "illlCd""1 of Ih., (·!t·I·ICY" lI'ith it, pl·..S..llt IIposlllS,\' IlIld stll/:lll1ti"l1 ill Ih.· ('hristillll w .. l'ld, 11"1'" Ill'" '1l1ot II Ii"lIs II'h i.·h sh ..1I' Ih"I'" is II tlitT"l"'IH'" h"t "·.·.·11 Ih,'s.. "'''I'ds: ".\lId ,It,SIIS 1I'I'IIt IIh"1I1 1111 Ulllilt,.·, \e&chiDr ill th.·il' S."lIl1lC"lClI"S, IIl1d preachiq Ih,' J,r"sl"'1 .. I' th,' killl-,r!tllll," I :'IllItt. 4 ::!:l; !I ::104,) "11., tI"PIII·I ..d Ih"I1"" to \each 1111,1 ttl preach ill Ih,'il' .. iti.,s," (:\llIt1. 11:1.) "1I"illll' II'ri""'I'I! thllt th."" \aUlht Ih., I"·.. plt', 1111.1 preached thrnllll'h .It'slIs t h.· ,·..SIIl·I·"1'! i..11 1'1·..111 Ih,' dl'llll." (.\I'ts 4 :2,) "Am! dllil." ill Ih.· t"llIpit'. 1I11t1 ill 1""'1'." hnlls,', t111'~' ('l'lIsl'cl 1I0t '0 'each IIl1d preach .It'slls (·hl'ist." (.\I·tS 1i :42.) ""11111 Page Four MACEDONIAN CALL MACEDONIAN CALL Devoted to the work or establishing and developing New Testament churehes. Published Monthly by D. A. SOMMER 918 Conlfl"il88 Avenue INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ._~-=="'-. --Subscription Price, $1.00 a Yeu New names in any number, 60c each. Old names in clubs or live or more, 76c each. • ------ Entered as second class matter May I, 1986, at the post office at Indianapolis, Indiana, undel' the Act or Much 8, 1879, 111111 Hllrllllbils ""lItilllll'lI III Alllim'h, \eachinr 111111 preach. "'''I'll ..f th,' 1."1'11, \l'ith IIUIIIY ..th"I·s Ills..... (Al'ls Hi :3ii.) "1'11111 (hn·lt t\l''' \l'holt' Y"III'S ill his 11\1'11 hi .."" ho ". 111111 r"et'i",,11 1111 thllt "III1H' IIl1t .. hilll. preaching th,' killltll ..1II .. f Oml. 111111 \eachinr thlls,' Ihillll's \l'hi"h " ..lIet·rll thl' 1.....11 .!t'SIIS Christ," (.\l'ls 2K::lO. :11.) Th,' \1'0..,1 "pl"'lIch" ill th,' ~I'\I' T"stllllll'1I1 l'III1It'S 1'1'11111 11\'1' lIiff"r"lIt Ur",'k \l'1I1'lIs \l'ilh S"IIIt· (Iitf"I"'III"'S ill 1111'1111· ill It. Y"1 ill II .. illstlllll'" II'IIS this pl'I'II,'hillll' 11"11,' t .. Ill'. lit'\"'rs, Hmll" Ill' Ih,'s,' \l'm'lIs "lIIphIlSi",' Ih.· Idlltl Ill' 1I11·S."lIIt'· lti\,'·II. 111111 S.. III1· th,' 1II111l111'1' ill \l'hit'h it II'IIS (I," 1i\',·r,·,1. Th,' t\l''' "hil'f \l'1I1',ls Ill'" .. l'llIlIllI"·litl".... \l'hi,·1t IIH'III1S "I .. II II lI"IlII1',' lI'hlll titlill~rs. lI"lt It I 1I1'1I·S. pl"'lll'h Ih,' It,,slll'I'', lmll Ih,' \1'111'11 "k"I'IISS0" \l'hi('h 11I"III1S "I .. ('1'," II10ml. p"'ll'llIilll liS II h.· ..llhl... Bllt if ."011 \l'ill IlIk,' Y"III' IlIl1tbri,ljCI·tI '·OIl('.. I·tlIIIH',· 111111 I.... k III' "\'I'I'Y 1II1l' .. I' th,' m.. r,' thllll II hllllllrl'lII·,'f"I"'II",·s \l'h,· ..,· Ih,' \l'1I1·tI "pl"'II,'h" is IIs"1I ill Ih,' ~"II' Tl'sllIlIl'·III. \'''11 \l'ill fllltl Ihlll Ihl' pr"II,'hilljt is 1I1\"II~'S I.. lI"II.lwli;"·"I·S. III Ihlls,' ill Ihl' \l'orhl. 111111 lI ..t I.. Iwli"\"'I's ill ('III·ist. Th"I'" liN' "1I1~' t\l''' plls."iblt· "X(·,'ptilllls III Ihis nail'. \l'hi"h 1 11"\1' 1I.. li(·,·, III .\l'ls 2t1:; il is silitl Ihlll 1'11111 "prl'lIl'1H·tI" I.. Ih .. tlis,'iph's III TI'''lIS, Th,' 1l1·" .. k 11'111',1 is "lIilllt·jt"llIl1i" 111111 is lI'lIl1sllI!t',1 "spl'lIk" ill IIl'h, 12 :.-\; "I"'lIsnll" ill .\,'Is 17:-4, 2-4:2;\; "1·,'IIS..11 \l'ilh" ill .\l'ls 1;:2; 11l:1!l; .. tlispllll''' ill Mllrk ~1::I-4, .\,'ts 17:1;; l!I:K. !I; 2-4:12; .llItI" !I, Thlls \'nll s,',' Ihlll Ih,' \I'(II·tI tim's IInl 111"1111 "pr"II('h" III 1111 ill Ih.' S"IISI' \1'.' liS" il IlItllIY. 1101' ill Ih,' hllIIlIN'1I nl' 111"1'" iIlSIIIII"'·S \l'h"I'" Ih., \1'(11'11 "pl"'lI,'h" is fOlllld .,ls'·\I'h'·I'I' ill IIw ~"\I' Tl'sllIlIlI'lIl. TIlt' hIlIHII·,·(1 INlrlwll II It· II \l'h .. lIl",lt' Ih.· H,,\·is,·tI V"I'sillll 1"lIl1slllll'tI il "lIis""lIrs"1I \l'ilh"-I'II II I tlis""III's",1 \l'ilh Ih., ,lis,'iplt,s III '·r..lls. It S"I'IlIS Ih"I'" \l'IIS II IlIlkilljt h",·k IIlltl fn ..lh. II h'II"hilllt nf Ih,' ,Iis"iph's, SII Ihis \l'IIS l'"itl"lIlly II lit "pl"'II,'hilllt" ill Ih,' S,·IIS.· ill \l'hi"h \1'" IISI' Ihlll \I' .. I·d Imlll~' 11.. 1' ill Ih,' S"IIS" ill \l'hi"h il is IIs.'d ill Ih.· ~,.\I' T"slllllll'lil ,·IS""·h.·I·,,. TIH' nth"I' slIppns"d "x""plinll I.. nlli' SIIlI"IIIt'llt Ihlll ",II"'IIl'hilljt" II'IIS fnl' Ih.· \I' .. rhl. 11111 Ih,· ('hlll·,'h. 111111 "tl'lI,'hilljt" fnl' b.. th Ih,· \l'nl'lll lmtl ('hlll·,'h is rnmlll ill Hnlll, 1 :2ii: "S... liS IIIlll'h liS ill Ill" is. I 11111 1"'III1~' In 11I"'lII'h th,' ll"sp"1 t .. ynll Ihlll 111'" lit HIIIII., IIlsn," Th,' 1·,'lIsnllilljt ill thllt h,tt"r shn\l's thlll 1'11111 \l'IIS lIIhh"'ssilljt plI ..t nf it tn ubelievinc .!t·\I'S \l'h .. lIIijtht 1"'11,1 it liS \\'t·1I liS bl'li,·,·· illit .!t·\I's. Th,' s,·" ..1H1 ,'hllpll'I' S""IlIS IHlth·.·s.s.',1 "lIti""I~' t .. tlH' IIl1tll·li.·\·.·..s. IIml ill \"'I'S" 2-4 Ill' SII\'S. "Th,' 11I11I1t· .. I' lIUlI is blllsph"III,·,1 1I11l"lIjt t hI' (h'lI t iIt:s I h I'.. ujth y .. u". \l'hi"h ,'nllhl hll\',· r"f"rN'1I "1I1~' In IIl1tll'Ii"\'illjt .1,·\I's. "h,· lIN"'k \1'''1',1 ",li,llIskn" is IIS,·tI 1II111l\' lilllt·s ill Ih,' ;\,,\1' Tl'st II 1111'11 t 111111 is IIll1lnsl Ih,· 0111\' '~'''I'(I 1"'11111'1"'11 "tlllu.h", \l'h,·thl'r tu b,·li,·\',·rs nl' IIl1b,·li':\·"I'S, iJlI th,' Allllill I slIy: Tllk,· 1111 llllllb .. i,IIlt'1i CnlH:o..tllllll't' IIl1tl Innk' III' Ih,' \1'01'11 "pl"'lIch··. 1I11t1 you will not find a .inrle inltanoe where the preacher. "preached" to beUevera in the Ohriatian rellrion; they preached to non·beUever., and TAUGHT the beUeverl. Tnllll~' ill thl' tlellnlllilllltinllltl \I' .. I'hl. Ihis UII(I'lli"('1I tlistillctinll b,·t\l't'1'1I Pl'l'lIch 111111 T"lIeh is 11I1'lll'ly hl'ol<1'1l 110\1'11. IIlld 11111"'1 of th.· "('hlll·,'h of Chl'isl" hilS fllllt'll ill Iill" \l'ilh th'·1I1. MIIIl~' pl'I'II('ht'l's ill thl' "Chlll'ch of I'hl'isl" slwlIlI IIhllosl 1111 th,·il' lillll' 1'1I1'·I·tllillillll 1IIt'lIlbl'l'S \l'ilh 111I·il' S"1'1II01lI'ttI'S \l'hl'll Iht'y shollid Ill' tt'lichillll 111111 d,,\',·lopilljt thost' (lisciph's, Hl'slllt: ,'I"l'll~·. IlposIIIS~'. slllll' 1111 I iOIl. III IIposloli(' tllI.'·S. IIposth's Illld 1"'lllljtl'lisls pl'l'lIchl'd to Ihl' lI'ol'ltI bllt IlIllllhl Ih,' illflllli lll'OIlPS III' disciples Ih,' "1111 IhillIlS" \l'hi"h Chl'isl \l'isht'tI thl'lII 10 ObS"I'''I', IIlld "0111 III itt I'd \l'hlll Ih .. ~· klll'lI' to "fllilhl'lIl 111"11 \l'ho shllll lit' IIhl,' to h'lIch oth"I's," (2-Tilll. 2 :2,) To do Ihllt thl'." sllI·.. I.,· III11s1 hll"" sholl'll thl'lII hOIl' 10 silld.,·. tll'\'l'lop... It', \\'h ..11 lh ...\, hlld s ..1 Ihilljts ill ,ml"I' ill II dlllreh h~' lip' poilllilljt ,·ld.·l's. thl'~' went on to other fl.elda 111111 (litl 1101 Sl'ttlt· dO\l'1I 0""1' thl' ,'hlll"'h,'s IIlld tlo Iht' work of I'ldl'l's In' IIi ..,· littlt' flOII' .. I·\, IlIlks '11' lotlll.\'. "\I'h ..11 till' \l'h;.i,· l'hlll·,·h is Illlth .. I'l'd 101l1'Ih,·I·... (s.. 1' 1 ('01', 1.4 :2:1.2(;). il 1I'01lid hll"" II slllll'd l'hllptl'l' 1'01' ,·ollsidt·I·lIlioll. IIlltl diff'''I'''1I1 hl·.. lhl·.. 11 \l'ollid til 11< 011 ii, Ill' Oil sollll' Ilth"I' s(·I·iptll)·... 0" II pl"'lIehl'l' ill II 1I"'lIk l'hlll·.. h 1I'01lid "xpolllill \l'ilh th,' 1I11·lIIh.. I·S lookilljt Oil tIll' 1"xl of Ih .. (·hllpll·I·, 01' plIl'l of II ('hllpt"I·. \I'll II hI Ihl'l'l' 1101 Ill' II 1I111l'h Iwtt"I' l(IIolI'lt'lIjtl' of Ihl' \\""'d Ill' Ulld Ihllil Ih .. ,·" is? Bill SIl 11l1I1l liS 1Il"lIIh"I'S llO to 1Il1'l'"tillll SIlII dll." 1I10l'IIillll III Ill' t·IlI .. I·llIillI·tI h.\' SOIlIl' tllll'lll SI'I·· 1I10Ili".. I·. IIlld SIl 101l1l liS pl'I'II,'h"I'S fllsll'l' sll"h II s.\'stl'lII. jllst so 10llll' \l'ill Ih .. p,'opl,' "1111 1'01' II ,'hlllljt.. ill Ihl' S(·I·· 11I0Ili""I' IIl1d 1','fIlS" til IItt .. 11I1 \l'hl'lI Ih .. S""1II01l1'1l,' is 1111· illl.'I',·slilljt. IIl1d .illsi so 10lljt \l'ill th .. ('hlll'l'Il "'lI1tillll" to h,' shOI'1I Ill' h .. l· pOII' .. I· ill Ih .. lI'ol'ld IIl1d hllljtllish liS sh,' is doilljt Illdll.". .\I('Xlilld.'I· ('lIl1lpl)('1I IISt·tI 10 tllkl' II \l'hnll' hook IIlld 1I11111."lW il to II lll'IlIlP of dis('ipl,'s, ('hllph'I's l'1I1l. IIl1d shlllliti. Ill' hlilldlt·tI ill Ih,· Slllil" 11'11.\', :'111'\1' 'I'l's. tlllll"111 ""lIl1jt.. lisls d,·\',·lop..d ('hlll·,'III's IIlltl \l'ol'l< ..d th"il' \I'll." 01''1' Ill' Ih"il' s(·I'"i,',·s. so Ihllt th .. ,·hlll,,'hl's ('ollid 11Ikl' ('111'1' of Iht'lIIs,''''''s IIl1d Ih"11 h .. lp Ih ..1Il Illlllileillll~' liS Ihl',\' \1' .. 111 10 11"11' IIl1d 11'..1111 phll"'S, '1'1'11 .. ('hlll,,'h ..s of ('hl'ist III'" tl'.,·illjt 1IlII'd III jt"t I'id of th., slIlok,· of BlIh.doll \l'hi .. h hilS 1'1I".. llllll'd liS thl'ollllh Ih,' pllsl. IIl1d III Il I'" IIl1d 11111"" III'" Ih,' pl"'IIl'h"I'S SPl'llIlilljt lilll .. teachinr dis,·ipl ..s IIl1d developinr Ih"III. \l'ith II 1lI'I'lli 1I11·lIk .. llilljt 1I1111lllll liS, W.. Ihllilk Ulld fill' Ih .. ~,.\I' EI'II. Ih .. )<;1' .. of 'I"'II('hilljt IIl1d 1).. " .. lopIlII'1I1 IIl1d \\'ol'k. tlUlt is l!'.·llilljt 1lI1111' I' h'·lIdll'lI." 1IIII0lljt fllilhflll diseiplt·s. liS thl' ('hlll'l'h ~"II'S ill this pllpl'l' jtloriollsl~' 1·1'\·l'lIls,-J). A. So III 1111'1', The Sects Leam It By Experience-No. 2 Hllllllld ,\11"11 is Ih .. II"Xt pl'Olllill"llt pl"'m'h"I' ill th,' \l'ol'ld \l'holll II'" ,'ollsitl"I' liS hlldlill 1t·1I1·II ..tI h,\' "xpl'l'il'llI'" Ihllt th .. Bihlt' plllil is fOl' pl'I'II,'h· "I'S to ""Ollllilil \l'hllt thl'\' luw\l' 10 fliithl'lIl 1Ilt'1I \l'ho shllll Ill' lIhl,' 10 I..m'h olh .. ,:s," Th,· Missiolllll·.\' M"SS"IlIl"I' SIIl'S of hilll: '''Thl' IIl1lhol' \\'I'it,·s 'liS 1111 .\lljtlh'lIIl 10 AlIllli"IIIlS.' Tlllit is. Ihis ,·x·lltlssiolllll·\' 10 ('hillll is II 1II1'lIIh"I' nf th(' ('hlll'ch of )<;lIjthllld \l'hi,'h' is hllt Oil" stl'P 1',·IIIO\·,'tI fl'OIll thl' ,'hlll·,'h of HOIII'·. IIl1d il is 1II111'\'I'Inlls thllt 011(' who is IIt"·lIslolll,·d 10 1111 Ih .. fOl'lIIs. e"I·'·IIIUlli,·s IIl1d ritlllilhull d.. lloillilllliiolllli MACEDONIAN CALL of this g'I'l'lit dl'1l01llilllltioll ('ollid SI'I' so ('It'III'i," IIlld I'Xpl'l'SS so 11'1'11 th(' :-.11'11' 'I'l'stllllll'lIt t"'ll'hillg' Oil thl' lIIisSiOIlIlI'," IlIl'thods of th(· pl'illiitin' Phlll'ph, 1-\1'I'III1S(' h" is II pl'lIctil'lIl lIIissiolllll'~' IIlld b"('III1SI' h" hilS I!is I'lIli).!'ht"lIlII('lIt fl'olll thl' Hook IIl1d tl'stifi('s 1Ig'llillst thl' IIslIlIl pl'lIpti('" hoth of his d"1I01llililltioli IIl1d of ('llI'istl'lIdolli ill :.!I'lI"I'1I1 his illstl'lIctioll is dOllbl," ndllllbil', ~II', .\111'11 is thl' 1111thol' of II 11I1IIlbl'I' of books illl'llIdillg' ''I'h" i:'\polltllll('OnS EXPIIllSioll of th(' ('hlll'ph' 1'1'0111 II'hi('h 11',' hll\'1' h"I'1' 'IlIotI'd 111111 ':'Ilissiolllll'\' :'Ill'thods: i'll. 1'II111's 01' (hll's!' " • Hilt h"I'" is II'h~t ~II', .\11,,11 SIl,"S 011: Bpont&neous Expansion of the Ohurch ":'IIIIII~' ,"('III'S IIg'O Ill,\' I'xpl'l'i"IIl'" ill ('hillll tllllg-ht 1I1l' lhllt if 0111' oh.it'd \\'IIS to "stllhlish ill thlll ('Olllltl',\' II ('hlll,,'h II'hi('h 11Iig'ht spl'''lId 0"1'1' thl' six pl'o\'ill"I'S II'hi('h thl'lI l'ol'lIl"d th" dio,'l's,' of :'\ol,th ('hillll, thllt oh.i,'pt pOllld olll~' Ill' IIttllill"d if thl' fir,,:t ('hl'istilillS II'ho 11','1'1' ('011\"'I'h'd b~' 0111' IlIbm's, IIl1dl'I",tood ('IPlII'I," thllt tlll'~' couJ' by themselves, without any further &asistance from u" not-only convert their neighbors, but establish Ohurches, 'I'hllt 1I11'IIl1S thllt th(' "1'1'," fil'st g'I'OIiP of ('OIl\"'l'ts IIlllst bl' so filii," "qllippl'd lI'ith 1111 spiJ'it 1111 I IIl1thol'it,\' thllt Ih,'," ('ollid 11I1I1tipl," thl'lIlS('I\'l's lI'ithollt 1I11,\' 1I1'('''SSIII',\' 1'1'1"'1'('II"" to liS; thllt, thollg-h, II'hill' 11',' 11"'1'" thl'l''', th,'" Illig-ht l'I'g'III'd liS liS hl'lpl'lIl 1I(I\'iSl'I'S, ."I't 0111' 1'1'1110"1;1 shollid 1I0t lit 1Il1l1ll1tillll,' tli,' "lIll1pl"1<'IIl'ss III' th,' ('hlll'\'h, III' dl'pl'i,'1' it of III1,\'thilll! lI"('('SSIIl'~' 1'01' its 1I111illlitl'd ,'xplillSioll, ()III," ill Sll(·h II II'II,\' did it SI"'llI til III" til hI' pllssihll' fill' ('hlll'(·IIl's 111 g-1'01l' I'lipidl,\' IIl1d sl"'lIl'l'l,\' '""'1' lI'id,' III''''IS, 'I'h,' I'\'stI'll illt III' IIl'dililitillll til II 1"'11' IIl1ti,'"s spl'l'illll,\' tl'lIill,'d h,\' liS. 111111 d"IIt'IIlIl'lIt 111'1111 SlIllIl'il's pl""'id,'d l'itlll'l' h,\' liS 01' h,\' till' SIIIIIII 1IIIIi,'" ('III'istillll "Ollllllllllit". 111111 th,' IIhsllillt" dl'lIilll. III' lilli' IHIli,,!' J~piSt'C1I"ltl' ut' the' hl'l!illtlill)!. ~t't\llIt\d tn tilt, til 1'\'1;. d"I' 111l,\' lI'idl' "XllIllISillll III' till' ('ltlll"'h illll'lIssihl,'. IIl1d III "illJ,rlft·st ut tilt' \'t'l'.'" 1H'l!illllill~ ll1ut tlJt'l'l' \\"II~ ~lIll1l'thill:.r ,'sSl'lIlillll.\· 1'1I1'"ig-1I IIhllllt tli,' ('hlll"'h Idli,·It d"lIl1llld"d til,' dil't,t·t ion 01' II fOI'l'i)!1l )!n\"t'l'lllll'. "'I'hl' ,\'I'III'S thlll hlll'l' IlIlss,'d silll'" thlll "III'I,\' ,'xpl'l'i1'lll'I', Hlld 1111 I'XUlltillutioll til' nlll' III issillllll 1'.'" \\,nl,l" ill IIthl'" Ilillds hll\'1' 1"IIII,'d 111111'1' 111111111111'" 111 "1111 Ii 1'111 tlilit illll'l"'S"illii. I Iilld thllt !Illllll' III' 11111' Illissilllllll'i," III'" illl,lill,'d 10 tllk,' thl' SIIIII" ,'il'lI',' . II' Ih,' ('hlll·,·It is III III' illdig-, I'IlOlls it IIl1lst spl'illl[ lip ill Ih,' slIil 1'1'11111 tit" ""I',\' Iil'sl "'I'ds pllllltl'd. Oil" III' 111'11 littl,' g-I'IIIIPS III' (·ltl'iSlililis OI·l[lllIi1.l'd liS ('IIIII'I·IIl's lI'ith tlll'il' Ilishllps 11I1l1 I'l'i,'sts. 1':Jllld spl"'11I1 1111 11""1' 1111 "lIlpil"" 'I'h,',\' 1I'lIll1d hI' 1I1l1,i, IIllsl,\' Iliid lI'ithollt 'III"stillll :'\lIli,'" ('hlll"·It,,s. IIl1t if 11',' ,'stllhlish :'Ilissilllls 1'lIth"I' th.1I1 ('hlll,,'hl's. tll'lI ""il "1111"'Ijlll'lll'I':-: \\'hit'll \\'t' lin\\, .... 1'1' ill )!I'pull'l' lIl' II'SS tll')!I't'" "'·"I','·l\'h"I"'. st"I'ilit,\' 111111 IIl1tlll[lIllislll. ill""itllhl." IIl'ist', This th,," is II'hlit I 1111'1111 h,\' spolllllll,'oIlS ,'XI"III,Sillll, I me&n the expansion which follows the unex· horted and unorg&niaed activity of individual members of the Ohurch explaining to others the Gospel which they have found for themselves, I 1111'1111 th,' "XplIlISioll whi('h I'olloll's 1111' itT"sistihll' IIttl'lIl'1illll of till' ('III'istillil ('hlll"'h 1'01' 1111'11 II'hll S1'" its 01'.11'1'1'.1 IiI','. 1111.1 III'" .11'1111'11 to it h,\' d"sil'I' to diSl'o""I' thl' SI"'I,,'t 111'11 IiI',' lI'hi"h th,',\' illstill('til"'''' d"sil'" 111 Shill"': 1 1111'1111111>0 tit" "XpIIIISillll of th" ('IIIII:('h h,' th,' IIddit iOIl of 111'11' ('hlll·"III's. "I kllo;1' lIot holl' it 11111," II PI"'II I' to oth"I's, hilt til III" this unexhorted, unorr&niaed, spont&neous exp&nsion has a charm far bevond that of our modern highly orrani1ed missions, I delirht to think that a Ohristian \ravelin&' on his buaineaa, or Beein&' from persecutions, could preach Christ, &nd a Ohurch sprinr up &a the resul' of his preach. Page Five ing, lI'ithllut his wOl'k lll'ill).!' IId\'pl'tist'l1 throulth the stl'l'pts of .\lItilll'h 01' .\It'XIIIHIt'ili liS thl' h"IHlilllt of 1111 IIPPI'III to ('hl'istillll 111"" to subscl'ib,' fllllds to !'stRblish II sl'iIUO!' 01' liS the text of 1111 !'XhOl'tlltioll to the Church of his IIlltil'l' "it\· to splld R Missioll, without which Ilew "Oll"",'ts d"pri\'~d of ll'uidllll('" llIust illl'\'itRbl~' laps!'." :'\011' h,'n' is th(' poillt to this qllotatioll: II' dl'\"l'lop. 11l"llt of 1111 thl' fllithflll 1111'11 Oil thl' I' 01'1' iIlI1 fi('ld so thRt Ih,',· "1111 tl'lII'h still othpl's. is thl' Oil'" "If,,(,ti\'!' 11'11\' to "OIl'\'''l't ('hillll IIlId IIl1lill. is not the .ame method nices. :nry to convert unrodly A.merica? This dOl'S Ilot hal" 1l10Ili1." with II'hllt .1. :,\, ,\l'lIlstrllll).!', 11I','sid('llt of a sOllth, "I'll Bihll' ('1"11'g'(', SlIi(!. ,"('III'S IIg'O: "Thl' qlli('kpst WRy hll('k to .ll'l'lIslIlt'lll is to I'stllhlish Biblp ('olll'lt,·s," Rlld hI' 1I11llost pl'1I110UII(,,'d dllllllllltioll 1111 thosl' II'ho I\'ould Ilot 111,1 p I\' h"11 h,' Sll id: "( hll' ('1I111'g'1' Illll,\' lIot dppl'lld 011 ~'ollr dOlllltioll, but ,\'"UI' slIlIl 11111," dpP('IHI 1111 it." Brpthl'ell, I dOll't klllll1' holl' th,' I'Xpl'ripll('!'S of th,'s(' fOl'l'ill1l mis. silllllll'i"s II Ifl'(,t ,"011, bllt it 1'1l('OUl'allps Ill!' \'Pl'y IIIl1ch. It sholl's thllt th .. !CI"'lIt pl'ill('ipl!' of dl'\'l'loPlIIl'llt of "fllithflll 1111'11" til t ..n('h oth",'s. is the olll~' plllll which lI'ill 1lI'('lIl1lplish big' IIlld st'l'iptUl'lI1 thillg's 1'111' Uod. I h.. li,',·" thllt th,' "lIthllsillSIII IIIUOIl).!' tl'III' ('hUl'I'h('s of ('hl'ist IlIdll," hilS "01111' liS II I·..sult Ill' sll,'h dl'\'('lolllIlI'lIt. Ilut II'" hil\'I' 1I111,\' h"g'III1, I'llul lI'I'Ot" til ALL th., bl'l.th. 1"'11 1I1111111g' till' IIl'hl'l'lI's IIlld sllid. "y)o~ ou).!'ht to h.. tl'II(,h. ,........ IlIl'h ..-,,1:!,) 111111' IIUIII," Ill' OUI' l'l'lld,'l's III'" doill).!' 1111 thl',\' ('1111 til spl'''lId till' "",'l'Il1stillg', SIlUI-SlII'illlt ltosp,'1 "I' ('III'ist.' ------- A Mind To Work 'I'h"I'" 111'1' 1111111," ).!'lIl1d 1,'ss1llls 10 Ill' l"III'Il('d h,\' 1'('IHlilllt III,' (lId 'I','stllllll'lI1. III this tillll' of illditT"I'('III'" Oil tlH' 1'111'1 Ill' SII 1111111," 11I'1I1','ss"d 1'1I111111' ..I'S of (,hl'ist, th"I'" 111'1' II\'l' st'I'il'tlll"'S thllt 1 lilld III,\'sl'll' thillkill).!' IIhollt II 1t"l'lIt ,1"111. 'hi" is Ex, :1,-".'" Ii. 111111 thl' IIth"l' is :\I'h, -l :Ii. TUI'II 1111.1 1"'11.1 till'st, I"ISSII).!"'S 111111 Ihilll< Oil th"11I S1'l'iollsly. Th"I·,'ill Ii" th,' 111'11 thilll[s 1I"l'd,'d til 1I('('olllplish th,' 1.III'd's II'lIl'k. 10'1'11111 th,' hl'l[ilillill).!' 1111.1 IIll1h'l'sIlIlId Ihllt th" \'('1'\' 1111. lUI'" Ill' 1111111 I""illil'"d lhllt h" 11111'(' sOllll'lhiu).!' til do'. i'lo hI' l['"'" ,\.111111 111111 EI'I' Ih,' .ioh Ill' dl'l'ssill).!' lIud kl"'pillit ,\I'1t'1' th" 1'1111 hI' phll'l'd oth('r Ih,' l[1I1'd"1I III' )O:d"11. dutil's 1111 th"l1l liS plll!ishllll'lIt 1'111' tlll'il' disoh,'(Ii"Il('I'. But ""I'll t host, hlll'dl'lIs 1"'0"".1 til h" hll'ssill).!'s. It hilS 1""'11 sliid thllt Iil',,'s g'1"'lIt,'st .ill,'·s III'" th,' II Ult'oIII" of lit",'s ).!'1·(·II"'st SIII'I'III1·S. 111111' 11'111' thlll is, ('1111 Ill' t('stitll'd III h,\' ""1'1'," 11111'111111 11'111111111 II'hll hilS hl""l).!'hl II ('hiltl illto th,' 11'111'1.1, \\'hllt 111'1 is ",'(,ollll"islll'd lI'ith 1111," ).!'I'I'lIh'I' pllill IIl1d SIlI'I'III1' Ihllll ('hildhil'th: 111111 II'hllt g'I'''lIlt'I' .io." thlill Ihllt I'xp"I'i"II",'d h," th" 1I1111h"I' II'h"1I shl' holds hl'l' 11"11' hllh,' ill 111'1' .II'1l1S 1'111' IIII' tll'st tillll'.' \\'1' IIft"1I 111'111' I"'oph' 1IIIIII'IIt IIholll th,' til"'SIlIll"III'" of ('1I111illlllll ph,"si"111 IlIhol': hilI I\'hllt II st'lIst' Ill' slltis. I'lIl'1illll 111111 lI'I'II,llI'illg' "III1I1'S liS Ih,' I"'SIIII 111'11 (111\' of hOIl,'sl Illhol' IIl1d st,,'ill).!' lillI' ll1sk 11',,11 dOli,,! 'I'hi~ 1111 Shllll'S l1od's 1Il1'I'('il'ul ).!'lIl1dlll'SS, thlll ,,",'11 ill his pllllish. 1III'IIts th"I'1' is II hl ..ssilll[, ,\11.1 .illsl liS (:lId illll'lId"d 1'01' 1111111 to hll\'I' phpdl'II1 III hili' til .III liS IIIII).!' liS h,' is ('lIpllhl,' of wOI'kill).!', he 11180 illl"llIh'd Ihllt h,' shllllid kl"'p hllsy ill spil'itlllli work, Alit! ,1''''1I1illll'S ill 111'.1"1' III .III spil'itlllli wOl'k 11',' 111118t 01' Ill', ",sil,\' .Ill ph,\'si"111 IlIhlll'. :'\lIl1h's lI'ol'k Ill' hllildill).!' thl' lII'k WIIS both spiritllalaucl ph,,'si'·1I1. ,\11.1 1111 Ih" tillll' h" 'I'IIS huiltlillil th.· ark Iw IIlsl1 1'1'''111'111'.1 tot h,' p"oph'. :\\111' holl' do ~'Oll 8UJ,Ip08I' h,' "\"'1' 1'11111111 tilll" III pl"'II"h II'h"1l h,' hlld to work all Page Six MACEDONIAN CALL the tillle t 1<'rom tlip till\~ of' IIIUII'~ f'ull to thi~ PI'I'~l'lIt Church News !lod hus <lpcrp('d thut 1111111 ~llItil I'UI'II his livillll b~' Anothel' FOI'Ir0tten Scrlptlll'e-"Be ye thankful." With bombs phyHicll1 IHbor Hnd Hhllil ellt his br('IHI ill the ,'W('ut of' his droppinlr on millions of people In Europe, we should from the face. It will be so IIntil th(' end of tinH', Kllowinll thut heut thank God for our freedom from such, and show our fact, God hilS IIlso requirl'd thllt if mlll1 ('vel' rl'instutl's thankfulness by trylnlr to please Him. himself he must Hlso work f'OI' Hilll, We HI'I' tol<l ill II Middletown, Ind.-We are in the midst of a ll'Ood work In Andel'8on, and we believe that Bro, Huddlestun will do us a Tim, 2:1;j to "study" IIl1d in l'hilippilllls 2:1:.! to "work out your own sHlvlltiol1," l'tc, The XCII' Tl'stument is full, lot of Irood, Send 25 copies of the May Issue on the Kinlrdom of the Clel'lrY if you have them.-Frank Summers. of IIllmouitioll~ to wOI'k, stlld,l', PI'l'~~ f'OI'lI'lII'(!. f\llht u Iloo<l Webster Groves, Mo.-I am pleased to say that the work in fight, etc. Webster, which Is a mission point, Is prolrresslnlr nicely. Our IsrHel'~ work of buildillll thl' tllbl'rllHclt' II'U~ hoth spirattendance is very iood and the interest is fine. I am SUI'8 itulli lind physicHI; UII<l ,iu~t. liS XOHh t'ollowl'<I (lO(l's ill- that this point has a splendid future.-E. M, Smith, 518 Mason. ~trllctiollS for th(' IIrk, ~o Isrllel did ill buildillll th(' tllbGlendale, AI'iz,-The chul'ch hel'e wants 200 of the Mission. ,t'rullch', Tho~p who hll\'(' I'I'IHI ubollt the ehildr('u ,)1' ary Number of the M. C, We sUl'ely appreciate the recolfnition Isrllel knoll' thllt. liS II whole they 11'('1'(' lIot II fuithf'ul pl'O. of faithful churches, and hellce their support. We are holding pIe. Uod rl·fcrred to thelll us u rpbellious un<l stiff· our own and gaining ground all the time without compl'Omise,nee ked people. T111'y frl'qU('ntly II'un<lI'I'e<l fro III (l01: C. A. Sanderson. If you would like a copy of Mosheim's Bible History, Fox's lind just liS often 11'1'1'1.' brought bllck b~' !lod's S(,\,l'rP Book of Martyrs, and Josephus, write Mrs. H. N, Baker, rebUkes, But in the bllilding of th(' tllbprulH'h' thl',l' hu<l Cameron, Mo" R. 4, concerning comple,teness, condition and II willing ht'lIrt (Ex, 3;i:22), uud thl'~' g'UI'I' IIntil thl'~' price. hud to be I'cstrllined b,l' Mosl's (Ex, :lli :;i-i), So thl' Carbondale, 1Il.-Would like to see mOl'e reports fl'om con· work WIIS dOlle just liS (lo<l's 1I'0l'k will IIlwu,I'~ 1)(' <lonl' ll'l'egations telling how they conduct their regular Lord's Day whcn Hi~ childrell 11111'1' willillg' hl'ul,ts UII<l "u lIIin<l to morninlr services, I hal'dly think anyone will think they are boasting. It will be an incentive to some of us,-Mrs, R. J, work," (X(,h, 4:li), Hudson. The childl'l'lI of 1~I'upl hll<l hl'l'Olll1' so (It'~p,'rutl'l,I' St. Louis, Mo.-We have again sustained a heavy 108s from wicked thllt Uod ullowe<l th('1II to Ill' tllkl'lI l'uptivl' h,l' II hellthplI IIl1tioll for u pl'riod of ~I'V('lIt~' ~'I'UI'S, Tllt'ir the church in Topeka in the passlna of OU1' beloved brothel', G, W, Case, Jan, 4, He served as Elder in the church at Hart· COUl1tl'y wus illhllbitl'(1 b,l' oth('I' IH'oplp IIl1d tllt'il' bl'IOI'I'<I furd, Kans" for years, We sol'l'ow not as they who have no cit v of ')I'I'USIII"III, II'hl'l'" (10<1 hilt! l'I'('ol'd(,t! lIis 11111111', hope,-Wm, Ketchel'side, WII'~ <ll'~troyc<l, This wus t!UIIC to ('UI'(' tllt'llI of i<loilltl'~', In their rehltions one with anothel', the question amonlt .\1. the elld of thc ~PI'Pllt,l' ,l'I'III'~ (lo<l put it illto thl' h"lIrt disciples is not, Who is the best pl'8acher! who Is the best ot' the killg to 1111011' thl'lII to l'l'tlll'lI IIl1ll rl'buil<l ,J('I'USII- sinlfer? who is the best Bible teacher! who is the best writer! It'nl. Ezrll IIl1d l'l'hl'lIIillh tell us how thi~ WIlS IIl'('Olllp- who is the best pel'sonal worker! I don't think God is interested in this, But with Him I feel sUI'e the question is, Who Is dolnlf Tho~c pl'opll' 1'('tlll'lIl'd to .)I'I'II~1I11'1I1 II IIlueh Iished, the most in saving souls, helplnlf the needy, stl'8nlfthenlng and dlllstellell pl'Oplt' 1111<1 with II g'rellt <lpsil'p to l'l'built! developinlf the disciples accordlnlf to his ability, thl'ir eity IIl1d re·l'stllblish thl'ir worship, Th('I'(' II'IIS 0111,1' St. Louis, Mo,-We started these "Girls' Meetings" in Sept., II smllll IIl1mb('r l'Olllplll'('(! to whllt thl'ir 1I11111bl'l' hilt! and hold them the second TUl'sday in evel'y month. We have hl'PII IIl1d thl' tllsk bef'ol'l' thelll wus vpry 1lI'('lIt, Th,' 1'01'- 14 sinlfle gil'ls at Lillian and usually about ten attend. We meet at 0 :30 for dinner, One Irirl says grace, and after the pilllll'rs of thl' 11111<1 oppo~l'd thl' wol'1, IIl1d ut 011(' tilllt, meeting one of us says the benediction, After dinner we have l'lIl1s('d it to ~top, bllt 1I0t. for 10llg, 1<'iIlUIl,I' thl' wOl'k nil hour's discussion on "Fellowship," "Prayer," "Worldly Pleas. WIIS flllishl'<I UII<l it II'US bl'l'uusl' the Ill'Op11' "11I1t1 II 1I1i1lt! ures," etc. If anything comes up that we can't answer to our to work," entire satisfaction, we wI'ite OUI' questions in a Ictter to the ludies at Lillian, who meet every first and thh'd Thursday fl'Om Uod's hOllsl' (th,' (,hul'eh) i~ ill II bllt! ('olltlitioll 10<111,1' 11 to 2 :30. They thresh them out and wl'lte the answers In a ullli thl' Ill'opll' 111'1' bl'('Olllillg' 1'1'1'.1' wil'\'I'(!. !lot! 11111,1' letter thlll we read lit our next Ifll'ls' meeting, Every girl pal" S('l' fit to ~tl'lIig'ht(,1I us out b,l' sl'lI<1illg' U S('I'I'I'I' "I'bllk,' ticipates, A vcrsI' or topic is assigned her by one of the Il'irls ill thl' 1'01'111 of Will', II' hI' ~("'S fit to <10 ~o th('I'(' is 1111 II'UI' almost a month IIhead of timl', It's workinlf out very 8lItlsfacwe ('1111 pl'l'l'l'lIt it, I'Xl'l'pt thl' IH'op11' hll~tell bu"I, tn Ilil'lI tOl'y so fur, We sing hymns aftel' the discussion.-" " , with "II willillg' hl'urt" Ullt! "II lIIilld to 1I'11I'k", Will II'" Hammond, 1Il.-Am all'ain sending you a list of 18 subllcrip. lions to Macedonian Call, for which you wlll find enclOlled check, <10 it ?-MI'S, Hulph Sill'lIr('r, dll~' The Spade Helps the Immersionists Mllny people 11111'1' borrowl'd tbe HOIllIlI1 Clltbolil"s method of pourillg 1'01' imml'l'sioll, IIl1d try to jll~til',I' themsl'lws; but UI'('UI'dillg' to X('wsrl'e!. .IUII, 22, 1!l40, Mussolini's I'XellvlltOl'S ut thl' mouth of' the Tiher Hi"er hllve eome ueross U "bllsiliell built ~ollle t.illll' in thl' s('I'on<l el'lItury" whil'h ~how~ thllt illllllCl'sioll WII~ pl'lIcti~I'(! thl'lI, Thl' Xewsrl'l'l Sll\'~: "Inside till' bu~iliell' WIIS II 11'1111 hctwI'l'n thl' I'hlll'\'h proper 1I11t1 thl' bllptist('r~', 1\nll it \l'1I~ ill till' bIlJltistl'r~' that Cllllm mlld(' his mllsl intel'estillg' f11H1-u mlll'hle tl1nk with thl' \l'lIter' pipl's still intlll'!, Evidently the Ostia pariahionera were immersionlsts, (Most 1ll0(It'I'1I Sl'l'!,S pl'l'· mit immersion, bllt 1I1ll0nlr hll'llL' ehUI't'hL'~ III1I~' thl' IIlIptists, Christilllls IIIHI UiseiplL's l'l'quil'l' it. ()thl'l'~ think it Huffieient to pOllr (II' slll'inklt, II I'(!W tll'UJlS Oil the IIt'O' phyte'll head.)" The Church at Hammond is now in good worklnll' I' ,ndltion, We hlld a fine meeting with Bro. Cal'l Ketchersid<', The church was both buill up In number and spirit. Our tilble readinlf Is going 011 nicel~' with Il'ood attendance and Intel'8st, BI'O, W. G, Robel·ts as you know conductinlf.-Dal1is M, AI'tis and Wife, Council Bluffs, Iowa-The Chul'ch at Council Bluffs sends Ifl'eetinlfs to all the faithful brethren In the LOI'd, asking your I,,'ayers fOl' us hel'e, that we might continue to build upon that foundation· which Brothel' Paul has spoken of In 1st Cor, 3:10, May God hclp us all to ~tay In that strallfht and narrow way, for we know that althoull'h thcrc be but a fcw, this Is still the Jlreatest way, because God in heaven is with U8, May God bless and keep us all till that IfI'Cat day.-FI'OIIl thc Church at Council Bluft'8, la" by Vel'll HarrlR, Jenninlfs, Mo.-Aftcr reading the December M, C, on ihe sub· ject of duties of pal'8nts towal'd their chlldl'8n, I want to say that i. the best I've cver I'cad and would like to pass that on to othen lind would like to know the cost of about 75 01' 100 copies of De· ccmber Issue if you have them, Also you can count on me for 100 copieR of Missionary No, durinll' 1941.-J. L, Baldwin, BI·ookpol·t, III.-The local congreptlon continues to move along niccly. Thl.' COnlfl'8gatlon at New Liberty Is dollllf fine; MACEDONIAN CALL brethren continue to &0 out there every Lord's day morning and at night service to help them. The brethren here will continue to do this until they are able to cIII'ry on the work. We intend to hold them two mOl'll meetin&s. howevel'~ befol'e we do this-one in the spring and one next fail. the Lonl willinll'.A. T. Kerr. A few days a&o the publisher picked up a NlIIllrene pllper on the stl'eet cal'. read it throu&h. and when he reached honw sent some literature to the subscriber's nllme on the paper. Which reminds us that many of our brethren KO to wOI'k o~ cars. buses. and wait in stations, etc., II &ood place to drop literatut'e. If Cht'istians who travel thus every day would Ket 100 of the January issue of the M. C. llnd would drop one on their sellt a day fOr the tht'ee months tiil next Missionury issue, Ih.·I'l· Is no tellinar how much good they would do. You surely lIr... interested enou&h to hand out. send oVN' 01' d,'op down 15 pieces of litlll'atul'e in three months. The nl\nw of the locill church could be wdtten. 01' printed. on each ,·opy. Lllst niltht when waiting for II bus I s"l\loched around und l'el\d ANYTHING to occupy my mind. numes of tit'es. IIdvertisinlt on calendllrs, signs. etc .• etc., and other 1I,·opl.· lll'" the slime wily. And don', you know. the little elfol't w" lIut forth to dl'OIl 01' send 01' hl\n<! that-neat little pi.lee of lit"l'lltuI'e whel'l' som.· WllY·WOI·n tl'l\\·.·I'·I· mllY be helped. will itself l'l·a,·t on us lind help us keell our minds "on thinll's llbove?" . ,'l'l'uch th,' \VOl'll Thl'oulth th,' Pl'es~.tI "If llny little word of OU1'S cun Illilke One life the bdltht,·I'; If any little sonll' of oUrs "un n",k,' o Ill' h"ul't th.· Ii Ith tl'l' ; God help us speak thut liltle wul'tl. and tllk<- OUI' bit of sinltinll'. And dl'oll it in so III ,. 10lll'Iy Ville. llnd s,·t the e"ho,'s I'inll'inlt." Riverside. Cl\lif.-Th,· nlt,'.ulnn,·e at "hul'd, in West Hiv,'I'side is holding UII us Il'ood liS uSUlI1. huvinlt som,' outsid.· ultelulnnce. We lU'e IInxiously lookinll' fon\'lll'd to Hro. Hiltll'ins' work hel'e.-.:al'l Fistus. A ml\n writes: "I wllnt tu tnk<- the M. t'. if it is still b,·inll' published. I n,'vel' kn.·w this pnp,,1' l'xist"d until II short while 1l1l'0 when I rend two old l'opi,'s (llIst JIIII. lind Feb l. which Cllm,' to me thl'oulth II reluth·,·... If th.· M. t'. SIll'llks th,' truth. you s"e on" WilY of Spl"'Il,linll' th,· truth. A pl'ellChel' w"nt to II d"llli "hul'ch and work,," lind wOl'k"d and prayed with it. but SIlW I\t Illst that h,· ,'oul" ,10 nothinlt with it, So h.· IInnoulll,.·d publidy thllt th,' ,'huI'l'h WIlS d,·,"1 and thllt the next SUIUIIlY niltht h.· WIIS Il'oinll' to pl'l'lIth it's fUnel'll\. There WI\S a bill' cl'Owd th'·l'e. lind th,' Ill'l·l,,·h,·l· hlld a toffin up bcfol'e th.· pulpit. Wh"n h,' hl\d Il'iv"n them th,' truth I'ell'al'dinll' their ,·ondition. he opem'd th,' "ollln Ilml IIsk''l1 th"m ail to pass II1'0und lind vlcw the corpa.·. Th,' l'ollln WIlS ,'mpty. but in the bottom of it WIlS 1\ III I'll'" minor! If every Christian W"I'" just lik<- me, Whllt kind of II Church woul" Christ's Chul'l·h b.·? Of course. monkeys don't "IIl'l' who WNlI' tlwil' hilts. lind potter~' wOl'k('l's don't cal'" if milliners imitllte their Ifl'IlVY bowls lind wom,'n weill' th"m. but Pl\ul SIlYS. "Wom"n IIdol'n themselves in modest 1l,lpal·"I." On Jllnual'~' :!:! Olll'Othy Ilix sllitl thllt with 1111 her ('xperlence she flnds thllt the thinlCs n\l'n most admire in a womlln lire Simplicity IIn,l Sinc,·dty, EI Paso. Texas-You will plells,' flnd $1..00 1I0stolll,'" ,ml.·1' fnr which you ,vill fOI'Wlll'd my sub.<tdption Olll' yenl' to M. C. lind the $5.00 is '0 help you in sendinll' out l'l'lill'ious Iitel'lltuI·'·. for it certainly is ne",I.·d in th.·~.· tin\l's of w~ll·I<lly.min<l,',hll'ss lind llPOStasy of the Church. I lov., to h,·lp In th.· Ifoml wOI'k you a"e doinll.-MI'1<, T. n. P. Bonne Tel'l'e. Mo.• 0",', ll.-I Mill in Illr thi,,1 Ill.·,'tinlf sim'" th•• Nevlldll Mnss M•••,tinll'. W..s llt W.. ukolllis. Okl.... IMst of Octob..... th('n to 0l<1 Antioch, south of FI'ed,·rirktown. th"n to this plac.', Wellthel' h..s hindel'l',1 ~Olll" ..t th,' I..st two plll.''llS. but the intl'I'l'st has bel'll \'eI'Y Itornl lit .. II pllln·s. I b.,hev.· w.' should all be intel'l'~tl'll in pl'l....hinll' th,' Wo"l. not n PI\I·t of it but Mil of it. I b.. ptiae,l .~ull"n,' Bush n,t C'~l'bond\\I ... Ill.; he is II nephew of J. R. Bush (<le""lIs",1I luul In hl~ sixties. You I'ememb..r J. R. nt Sa linn. Knns.• I lUll ~UI'll.-H. L. Ca..lton. Indianllpolis, Ind.-Th.· puhlishl''' nnd 11ll1'1 of his famil~' spent New Yelll"s ••v,. nt New C\\~tl,·. Ind .. lish'ninll to th.· Oc",'lopment pl'OIt..l\m which th,' chuloch hlld. I think thnt a~ut evel'y man and boy In the chuloch took SOIlll' IIllI·t. Th., Ille.·tlllll' last,,,1 thl-ee and II hllif hou..s. That was ~ul"'lr bl,ttel' than belnll at a nillht dub, or drinkinlf 01' ..n.'Ousinll' s~ln~,'wh,'.-e els" I\~ ~h,' "world" do('s. and many pl'Ofess.'<l Christ llUI~. Aftel' which we went to BI'O. FOI'llst Achof!l' hom.· till th,' N.·w Year cam(' Page Seven in. ,Ve ..ejoice at the awakeninK almost everywhere among the b..ethl·en l'eglu-ding putting the membe.. ~ to wo..k. Witness the muny good l-epO..ts in this pape... Let us thllnk God lind take courng.·. I spoke one Sunduy nirht t'ecently at Bddgeport. Ind.. nine Illiles out of Indianllpolis. fOr the smnll and new group thl'..e. About 65 people wel'e pl'esent. I visited every house in the village llnd I think Bl'o. Spdngel' has. too. We are hopeful. I IIlso sr,ent one LOl'd's dny with thl' faithful little g.'Oup at NOl'th Sa em.-O. A. Sommel'. Pt'Cks Mill. W. Va.-A III still on the fll'inll' line of the Kospl'l of Christ. Was clllled on last Lord's Day to attend the funeral of Golden Gillenwatel'. :!O real'S old. of Leet, W. Va.• killed in mines by n slnte filII. 1\ son of one of the Itospel preachel·s. G('neral GiIll'llwat('I'. Very sad ()('ca~ion indeeil,-Melvin White. Thllt Janunl'y issu.· mnkes n hllndy tl'act.-Bill Hensley. . . . W.·II pl.'as('d with the January Missionnl'Y Numbel'. Send me 15 copil's "nch '!UI\I·tel',- Wm. H. Thompson. . . . Just l't'Ceived m~' copy of th.· Jl\nu,"'~' iss,ll'. It i~ ,'xcellent. Send 15 each qual'te...-L. C. Robel·ts, .. , YOUI' last M. C. is vel'y, very Kood. I nm ,'nclo,inll' a dolllll' for II f('\\,.-(1ndillnll eldel') ... Send us :w"nty of the Jllnllal'Y issu,·. W.· think it awful Kood.-Mrs. J, A. Butlel', .. , The Missionul'~' is~u.' of the M. C. was ex· ,·,'ptinonnlly llolltl.-Bt'll Hllddl,·stun ....• 1 lik(' the chunllo in ,ia".-Ml·', J. W. TYIfl'l·lt·.. , . PI"IlS<' send us 200 of the JanulIl'y issu,' It "','ms to Illl' it is If.,ttinll belt.·1' all the tinlt'. Tho .JnnUHI'Y i~~ut! i~ Jluod. I HI~o Hkl' thl :otizl' U:-I it will lw mOl'll ,·onv.'nient to "'"Tr and pnss out.-J. B. Ruth. enlifol'nin. . . . I hllVl' l·.'ad the Jnnlllll'y iss,,,' with rM ..e lind it ~uits Ill~' mst('. --J. M, Ephlnnd, , .. Th,' Jllnunl'r is~u,' of the M. C. is vel'y Ifood. IIn<l I think 'Il'nt in "plll'lIl'lInc.' ns well liS convenient in size. PIl'lls,' send.-O, C. T,·,'. , . , R,'<'ei".,,1 th.· Jnnual'y M. C. Th,'~' nl',· 11'00<1. just th.· riJ:ht siz,' to send in n lettel'. Do you h"PIll'n to hu\'(' about two duzen of th... O,,,,elllber issue on "Fathel's .. nd Moth"I's," It·s a wonde..ful pi.,t,· nnd true lind fnth"I" und 1ll0th'·l's.-1I1l-s. A. OOUKtinlt'ly nnd oUlfht to hiSS. (I hn<l SOIll,' "xt I'n "opies Ill·inll'd. Why not put ....opy into th,' hands of .. II YOUIlIf 01' mill<ll"-IlIC''<l fathe ..s And mothl'l'~ ill th.· ,·hlm·h ?-Pub,) ~lllll" of th., p,·opl., hel'l' think the Jnl1l11Il'~' issu,' is th,' b"st y.'t to distribuh' nl'ound.-Emily B.. ker. TOlwkll. Kilns. III o,'d"r to ,·ons.·I'v" Sl"ll·,'. th,' 111. C, hus not thouKht it lIdvisabl,' to p!'int "xlt'n<l''ll obitu.. des of !ll'ople who are unknown to it~ t'l'udt.'r:-,. n't ~onwtinll'l'\ tht,t"t! al'l' tho~e who arc known to Illllnr, ~ist,·;, Em Bilker. of Top,·k... Knns., was one of th,'s,', She did so Ill" writinlf 1'01' th,' M. C. whi"h WAs comm('lId,·d. Mnd flnnnciall~' .I\l' 1ll'lp"d tl\l' Chul'l·h Illuch. Sh., was ill h,'1' s,·\·enti,·th re..1' and h..d be.'n a f.. ithful Chl'istian fl'Om l'.. l'I~' life. TIll' publish,'r of till' M, C. nn,1 his wife visited in th•• hon'" of the thl"',· Bnhr sish'l's illlme,linh·lv nfll'" th., Nevndll l 11""'''' l\In~:o\ Ml'l'tiHjl, llnet our \'OH\"\'I'.""utiun thl' t~o d.~'~ wn~ prac.. ti,·.. lIy II ItOIf.,tl", ,. nn l·,·lilfious lIlIIIl.,l's. Bro.•'I'l,,·d pl'l·..ched th,' fun(,1'1\1 diSt·oul·St·. lind s"rs. "W., 1111 lIliss h('l' Vl'l'y lIlllch in OUI' ,,·n'ic.·s. but w,· b,'li"\'e our loss is h,·1' Ifllin.'· With BI'O. Will, ",·tl·h"I·sid,·. who lived th,·l'l'. lh,· publish"I' s..ys. "lItl\ny .. heart will b,' s..d ..t this 1"·IHll·t. fOl' 'she hath b""n .. sUrCOOl'llI' of man~'. I\.HI of mys"lf .. Iso·... Soon w,· 1111. if w,· an' f.. ithful. shllil join the Church triumphllnt. wh"I'" w" can enjoy OUI' S,,,'i,,,' nnd OUI' b,·1""''lI ,1l'lId throulthout etl'l'nity.-O. A. SOIll. nWl', Indilln.. polis. Inll.- Whl'll in Indinnapolis. why not worship with us. W" '"'" stri\'inlf h' ple..St· th,' Lo...1 b~' followlnll "Th., Old Pl\ths" whel·,'in is th,' 1C00d w..y. Our m,·.·tinll hou~(' is Illl'llh'(l .. t Bl'illll',·pol't. Ind,. ninl' miles west on th.· old NIItion..1 Road (Route 401. WI' '·xl.....·t to do lIlllch in this lOCAlity. (lUI' ('frOl'ts ah"""b' ha\'" p.·,,,lll"''l1 fl'uit. MllCh intel'l!st is beinll m.. nif,'st",1 b~' th., ~'OUlllf folks in th., Bibl.· d!'ills. BI'Other n. A. SOlllmel is ''ll.opel'lltinll' itl this work. W.· plan a 1lI('et· inlf in the \'l'l'r n.,.. I· fulln..·. I IIll1 doinll llIurh IlCl'llOnal wOl'k in this fl.·hl. L.·t·s wOl'k. h''ethl..'n.-Millllni Spl'inll"l'. l!O31 South Hilth S"hool R,1. Sulliv.. n, 1lI.-Silll'l' m~' Il\st ''l'11ll1'1 I h..ve bl"'n .. t th,' follow· illll' plat'l's: G...·.·I.·~·. GOI"lwlltl'l" Centerville, Mo.. and De~ Moim's, Iowa. Thel'" is no "onltl"'lfation at GI-eelcy. ju~t a comll\llnit~' buildillll. H..d one ..ddltion. who Illa(,('l1 her· mem· bel",hip at West FOI'k. Fi\'l' baptisllls I\t GoodWAter And nIne ,1••linllUl'llts c.. m" blI..k llllli confess('ll their sins. I WAS at West Fork one w",'k. had on(' IIddition. Balltiaed one and on... reo sto.'t'd at Centel'ville. S.'''.'ral ahllo..t persuaded. but for some Clluse th.·y would not Itive llll their worldly life: Md! The ll\el.Unll at Ill's Moin('s was hind(,I..,,1 llIuch by the cold weather and snow, Not ~o llIuch outside attl'llliance, but I feel that mueh Page Eight MACEDONIAN CALL and lasting lI:ood was accomplished by the meetlnll', I belipve that the Word of God, when preached In It's purity wtll accomplish rood and bear fruit in time to come, oven thoulCh we don't see visible reMults at the time, I 11m home for a while now, My next meetlnll: wtll be at Brookport, III,. the Ill8t of February,-C, R, Turner, 824 Blackwood, Cawker City, Kans,-Because of OUI' wet weather lind his crowded scliedule, Bro, Lloyd Rirrins was only with us one week end In December, We trust thllt both these causes (which shot'tened our meetinr) will I'esult In /lood growth, We rejoice that the chuI'ch Is taking Bro, RIII:gins time, for he always puts us all to work, and 1l'Ives us those strong pI'actlcal lessons that make each of us check our lives more closely, In the January, 1940, luue of M, C, Bro, Sommer so beautifully ll'ave expression to "The Love That Lasts Forever," We appreciated his expression, and certainll wc appreciate havlnll' this love; but what do we do about it, We who have this love can in a unltcd eft'ort try to influence othel's to II'rasp it, Just what Is It worth to us in eft'ort, time, and money to preach (by wOI'd and deed) the rospel to our brother's companion who is out of Christ? What Is it worth to us to see the power of Goel workl~ salvation In a home whOl'c it was before unknown? The works of IIrht make manifest the works of darkness, When we leal'n (most of us learn far too little about It) of the flnRncial sacl'lflce which some evangelists are mlikinlC in ordel' to 11'0 on preachinr the WOl'd we reulile how little wc arc doinlC, Our first emotion may be that of pity for the sacl'iflclnlC evanlCellst, but a little thought will make us realize thllt he is more to be admit'ed than pitied, for he is maklnll' this sRcl'iflcc for Christ. Our emotion need never be envy of him, fOl' we too are privileged to make 8acrlflce fOl' Christ, lind if we don't make it, according to our ability, we shall need all our pity for ourselves,-Henl'y lind Mildred Van de Riet. Walnut Bottom, Pa,-Bro, HUl'Old Shllsteen came und held his second meetinlC a. was plunned fOl' November, Thel'e were no additions but t1luch Il'ood WIIS done in the WilY of preachlnll' the gospcl to the peoplc of ShlppensburlC, Attendance was exceptionally 1C00d, unywh,'re from 25 to 40 non-members came each nirht and heard the plells of the Church of Christ ubly pre.ented, and quite a number IIttended l'elCular and were alm08t pcrsullded, The church meetinlC lit 412 E, KlnlC St, feels vel'y much encourlllCed and Is lookinll' forward to a number tllkinlC .heir stand with the body of Christ In the futuI'e, We Ill'" anxious to continue this work by hllvlnlC Bro, Shasteen return next Muy fUI' another muetinll', and ask thut all brethl','n continue their intel'cst in the work at ShipP'lOsbul'lC by Pl'llyinlC, visltinlC lind .endinlC whut they can to aid in these elfol'ts, ShippensbuI'll' is at pl'es,'nt II wonderful mission point, lind needs all the IIsslstllnee that "lin be IClven while this inter,'st Is prevuilinlC,-C, J, Beldel. St, Louis, Mo,-As we meditate upon the ,'vents of the y,'ar 1!l40 we I'eeall occlisions for joy lind occasions for SOI'I'UW, AlmllCht>' God, In hi. Infinite wisdom, saw Ilt on Januul'y 17th to call to his long home our Brothel' R, L, Gliither, He hilS been sadly missed, but we rellllze it Is God's plan IIl1d lin event to be expectcd In the lives of all of us, "Flesh lind Blood cannot entel' the klnl(dom of God," We wcrc made to rejoice by the additions of TWENTY -SEVEN I1l1mes to our 1'011, SIXTEF.N of these by baptism and ELEVF.N membership tl'lInsfers, We eonsidol' thl. a substllntilll lCaln, It required much study und upwllrds of one hUl1ch'ed sermons plus II show of fl'iendship, interest and love on the pllrt of all members to accomplish this, Whether yoU preached II sermon from the pulpit 01' not, you WOI'C partly respol1slble for this ICllln, In falmess to God, Christ lind Chrlstlans cverywhel'" it hilS been OUI' dut~' (2nd Thes, 1l:6, 1st Cor, 5:4, 0) etc" to exel'else discipline in fOUl' Clises, This Is not only fall' to thos,' named above, but 111.0 to slnnel's, By way of explanation: II slnnel', seelnlC ont' professlnlC Chris· tlanlty dolnlC the same thlnlCs thllt he 011 th,' outside docs, will not be able to see the IIdvantllll"s of IlvinlC a Chl'istllln life, Foul' families of th,' conlCl'elClltlon hllve received small bundles of happiness to "bl'ing up in the nUl'ture lind IIdmonltion of the Lord" dUl'inlC the yeal', As has been stlltl'll In lin Issue of I'ecent date, but Is worthy of alCllin mentlonlnlC, the Chul'Ch was set In ordol' by ordlllnlnlC F.lders and Deucons durlnlC 1ll40, And now a bit of prophecy, the year 11141 will bl'inlC us oecuslons for joy lind occasions fOl' sonow, but we hope lind pruy thllt, liS In t 940, OUI' joys will ovel'-bulanc" our 'OI'I'Ows,-Jess Parks, ConlCrelCatlon lit 5:144 Lillian Ave, The Issues of the M, C, in JanulIl'y, April, July and Octobet' are our missionary numbel's, I state this alfilin fOl' the benefit of some new I'eaders, The publishel' Is well pleased with the response~to the proposition to send 15 of each Missionary No to one addreu for each quuter for a year for one dollar, It shows a rising sense of responsjbility In individuals to do mOl'e to Bave othen, We have bourht nice envelopes the size of the paper which we shall now uae to send these to you, We can Il'et SO copies into the envelope, Why not double your eft'ort and hand to younrer disciples to pass on to their friends who mirht be interested? It will help ret the youngel' ones to doinr something, Some one Baid the Church Is like a bank-the more *,e put into It the more we think of it, Many professed Chl'lstlans don't put enough into the Church, don't do enoull'h for Chl'ist to think much of it, Almost evel'y mail bl'inrs us cheel'ful word. like thl": "We I'ead the Macedonian Call and think you ue doing a ll'reat work for Christ," , , , It Improves as you 11'0 along with It, May the Lord bless youI' work Is our pl'ayel',-J, A, Freed, , , , Am sendinr stamps for October i8sue, It'8 wonderful. , , , Mrs, C, C, Clark, (We stiil have a couple hundred left, and they are free for postalCe,-Pub,) , , , I think much good can be done by puttin~ the M, C, into homes,-Mrs, Ben Price, , , , I sure enjoy iearllnlC the M, C, I wish all the bl'otherhood would read it, We sUI'e lire living in perilous times, We need a closer walk with God, and llIay you be encouraged to send out the warninlCs nil alonlC the way,-Mrs, W, S, Cl'ank, , , : I enjoy the paper II lot and It makes the heart rejoice to lCet such encouralCinlC news from the gl'eat battlefield of the Lord,-John W, Rhodes, , , , The M, C, is just what is needed and is doing a ll'reat work, -J, R, Cummings, , , , I read with care and consideration each nrticle IIIHI they lire ail edifying. if we only HEED the warninlCs our faithful brothers rive us,-Mrs, H, R, Mailady, , , , Enclosed find 82,35 for Simplified New Testament and Guige thl'oulCh Bible Histol'f' God bless the M, C, It's II wonderful pnper,Ml's, Samue Osborne, Almartha, Mo,-Bro, R, 0, Webb is conductlnlC a Bible readinlC hel'e three hours in the morninlC lind two and one-half houl's lit nilCht, hllving 1C00d Intel'est and showlnlC improvement, A number of speeches IIl'e made on Fl'iday nllCht, And we are sUl'e the conlCl'ell'ation here will be built up by the study of God'" Word, The congrelCation at Ava is lCettinlC alonlC fine by the help of someone there each Lord's day, At the close of BI'O, Webb's meetlnlC thel'c were 18 members and 2 more came forward to unite with the conlCregation there, Bra, Carl Isham of Almal,tha lind I have been thel'e to help them alonll' until fll'st SundllY Bra, Webb preached there, Glad to have Bra, Al'thur Freemlln and wife with us, May wc ail fllCht the 1C00d IllCht of falth,-Hubcrt M, Jamcs, GI'afton, IlL-Just II few lincs from Jel'seyville, Ill, Thc church here Is progresslnlC nicely with a new church buildlnll' undcr way, Hope to occupy the building in a fcw months, Our IIttendllnCt· has greatly Increased, This mornlnll' our mcetlnll' house was full, There arc mOl'e young folk IIttendinlC our servIces, which indced makes us very happy, The M, C, is very 1C00d each month, This month the wl'itlnlC of Bro, Zen Impressed ll1e V"I'y much on "Home TralninlC," I think this command i. nelClected more than any other commllnd In the Bible by Chri.tlan parents, We look out ovel' the world of sectarianism lind SCI.' how they have turned their young people loose to partake of anythlnlC Satan has to oft'er in the wol'1d, and we see how 8 lot of the sects have broulCht the works of Satan Into the chl:I'Ch to hold their people, You IIsk some of these younlC boys and Il'irl. why they go to church and they will tell you for the social life of the church, Every Christian knows Christ didn't die in order to build the ChUl'ch to be used for a play house, I pray God that every Chl'istlan puent will wake up to the fact that how we tl'aln and brlnlC up our children today is how stronlC the futun' Church Is lI:olnlC to be tomorrow,":'" Mrs, J, D, Plvodll, Hllmll1ond, ilL-Bra, CIIl'i Ketcherside held us one of the best, If not the beHt, meetlnlCs ever held here with 24 additions, Soon aftel' he left there wel'e 5 placed membership and one baptlled, maklnlC 80 added to this cOnlCl'ell:atlon, On Wednesday nilCht lifter the meetinlC closed we secured Bro, W, G, Roberts to teach us II six weeks Bible l'eadlnlC, The Interest has been so 1C00d and the crowds holding up surprlslnlCly 1C00d we have decided to continue the Bible roadlnlC two mOl'e weeks, The Church Is In 1I'00d wOl'klnll: ordel' and at peace, Not a Jar 01' dlscol'(l In this conlCl'ell'atlon, We al'e exchanll:lnlC talents with tho Sulllviln congl'oll'atlon, by one or two of them speaklnll here one Lord's day night and then one 01' two of us 1C0inIC to Sulllvlln lind speaking, This Is creatlnll' Interest, too, Sullivan has a lCood working conlCrelCatlon IIlso, Decatur bt'ethren have MACEDONIAN CALL decided they want a Bible reading, ao they have .ecured Bro. Roberts to Ir0 the I'e and teach a I·eadlng. bejCinnlnjC on Tuesday nllrht dtel' he comes back from MI.aouri. which will be a three weeka' reading. Decatur, Sullivan and Sbelbyville have been attending our reading hel'e quite well and We appreciate having them.-Leader Chlll'le. M. Fleener. Answel'a to Biblical quiz found el.ewhel·e in thi. paper. I. Greek vel'sion of Hebrew Scl'iptul'e.. 2, Antoch. :1, ChanjCe in peraonal appearance in Chriat. 4, DaulI'htel' of Levi. 6. John. O. Paul'a voyage. 7,5,000. 8, Martha. 9, Fal.e. • Brethren often say that they had a "two week.' meetinjC". when they had it over three LOI',I'a day.. And they I'emunemte the preachel' fOI' a "two week.' meetinjC". But .ay. bl·ethren. how do you flgul'e? It took the preacher a day to come, an,1 a day to return home, and the meetinlC la.ted ftfteen daya (that extra day beinll' a Sunday which i, the nHl.t impol·tant day for a preacher who ia devotinjC all hi, time to the work). A nd the preacher is entitled to two 01' thl'ee day. lit home out of that time as a traveling man ia. So when it i, all "fljCul"'d out". has he not devoted about thrl!t' week, of hi. timl' tl'yinll' t" save your children and YOUI' neijChbol"? Con,i,I,·1' thi, ser;, ously and act accordingly. K~ntucky.-I think yoU!' little I'll pel' i. II GREAT pap,· 1'. lind can sincerely recommend it as .uch. Thl' MllY i••ue of thi. year waH the tlrst I had evel' 'el'n of the Macedonian CIIII. 111though I had heard of it befol·e. I think you did II ICreat work in YOUI' crltlcl.m of the one mlln pa.tol· .ysll·lll. I think it i. .applnjC the very heart of the church. Chul'che. in this l'elCion don't aeem to know that the eldel·'. duty i. to feed th,' flock. and the elder. al'e not trllil1l·d to do it. Thc "One Mlln Pa.tol' Sy.tem" is practiced a lot. but not pel'hllp. in thl' .11 Ill" Wily a. in the clti~a. The chuI·che. in thi. part Vl'I'~' .eldolll kl'ep the pa.tol· layllljC al'ound 1111 week. In.tl'lId they havl' him dl'O" in over the week·end and preach fo" them. A. fill' a. th,' "l'inl'ipie i. concel'ned, th"I'e i.n·t any dill'el·l·nce. In illY wOI'k II. an evanlCeli.t I have done all I could to "ncoUI'alCe 'thl' "'del" to fe('(1 the flOl'k, and usc the mOI1l'y thllt they 111'1' "o~'inlC to th,. PII,to,' to .uppOl't thl' evanlCeli,t who i, IlIbol'inlC in thl' 1\(,ld. -Homer Hunt. The publi,hel' WII' in the hOllle of .0 III " di"'i"h'a ,C"e"al yelll'S ajCo in II town of pl'Obllhl~' II thou.llnd 1'1'0"1,,. Th.·y 'aid. "Th,~ Ru••ellite. al'e ,tronl{ hel'l' fl'om the lill'I'atul'e thl'y ,cattel'. And yet we IIfterwards 11'11I'n,'d thllt thl'l'l' wa. ONF: FAMILY of th.'m. Thl'y wel'l' MU"ely h'llinl{ their lilCht ,hin,'. I don't ,uppo.e that th,' Chl'iatilln !;l'ientIMtM lind RUM".lIite, l'Vt'!' heard the eXpl'l'HHion "pl'otI'Hl'h·d l11et·tinfl" in tht· "POl'll' we UHt' it, unci yt.·t thOHC Jo't'('t!'l UI'(1 J(I'owinll. How ('onw? Tht-r hl·li",·e In .catterlnjC IItrrature. If tl'U" belil'vl'l" will "PI'I'ach the Word ThroulCh thl' PI'l"" IllO'·I'. thl'y will jC.·t into thou'and, of hOIll'" thl'y can not I'ell"h with thl' VOil·C. V. M. GILBERT AN!) "BIRLF: COLLF:GF:S"-In lin IInnouncelllent entith·d "Two Workel'M R'·luly". by V. M. Gilb"I·t. IIppell l'inlC in thl' A poatol ic Review of A "1'i1 lilt h. Ifl21. lit plllC" II. he, V. M. Gilbert, hhchly I·ecolllnwnd. both F:ulC"n<' Suddl'th lind B"n Huddle.tun lind, in pal·t. '"y' of thl'lll thllt "they al'" all rijCht on mllttel" of di,l'ipline, and .tand 0pllo.ed to 'Rlhle collejCes,''' Gilbert furthl'l' .ay. of thelll: "Th,·••· )"'ethl'en III'e worthy". Iwd hI' urlCe, the ,·hul·,·hl'. to u.,· th,·m. It i. to b.· noticed that in thnt IInnoun,'emellt wl'lth'n b" Gilbl'l't in 11121 h" con.ld'!I·l'd bl'ethl'l'n a. "wol'thy" who '1','1'•. "~IIIPUMed to 'Rlhle coUPjCt's' ". whll.· In 111:10 GilhCl·t ml"'"ly .tlltl·' that h.· i. "op. 11000..d to the church .uppurtinjC Rlhle cuUrjCe.... Then' i. II ,,"at clllI'el'enc.' bl·tweell the two po.ition.. To bl' UppllMed tu IIIble ColI"Il:CM i. to dl.apPI·ov" .Ul·h II l·olleIC'·' thl' inatitutlon, thl' thinIC it."lf, by whlltev"I' 'lH·an. it i. 'Upl,,"·t,·d 01' flnancl!d; while to be oppu.ed tu thp church .upportlnll: a IIIhle CollpjCe indlcatc" no dl.apPI·oval of the In.titutlon It.l,lf, th,' collelC'" but only cllaappl'oval of it beinlC .uppol't"d hy cOlltl'ibution. from a cel'tain aOUI'Cl', the ,·hun·h. Th,· foliowinlC ,·xllmpl,· will t"ncl to make cleal'el' the clllI"·I·en,·.· in th.· two poaitinn. hel'e Ilointl·d fIllt: One mllY b,' oppo.ecl to ICI'OC"l'y ,tOI·". ke"pinlC open Oil !;unday. without b.'injC 01'1'0.",1 to IfI'O"I'I'y .torl·a. In .uch II ca'l' It I. not the in.tltutioll', jCl'OC"I'y sture•• that al'e oppo'ed. but only the pl'lIl'ticl' of OP"I'lItinlC them on !;unday.-O. C. TN'. St. Loui •. Mu.-The Blbl" r"lIdinjC lit Almlll'thll, MI.Moul'i, ,·lo8('cI th., nll{ht of Dec. 20th with h.·twl,pn 150 to 175 per.on. Tl1'('!'4l'nt-f"('v(,l'ul ('onjll'eJlutiom- WtH'(' "Clu'('l4ent(·<! that nhcht llhm. F:"el'vone Who attendl'd .eemed "'I'll pl..asP<! with the study "lid th" ,.I<It"" IIffirmed the development of talent waM IIPpl'eci. ated and fllIl'd II nl'ed in beinjC the mo.t needecl and be8t con· Page Nine duct..1 all'all' in the hi.tol'Y of that church; and. no doubt. the the .tl·cnlCth for the cause of Chrl.t there i. hlll'd to be e8ti· mated. Fh·.t public pI'ayel', and apeeches wel'e made by .ev· el'lIl younlC men and co.operatlon of all WII. a noticeable fact and wu appreciated by the teacher. I wa. lI.ked to l'etul'n for more Bible RcadlnlC and meetinjC at Almartha thia filII and to thllt end I 11m here at St. Louis preplll'illjC for them. I never l'njoyed any work more and hope I may have the pl'ivilejCe to conduct more I·('ading. in the futuI·e. May we all be "atirl'ed" to OUI' duty mol'c i. m;.' pl'ayel'.-R. O. Wl·bb. Secor. III. !;now Shoe. Pa.-MeetinjC hen' lit Snow !;hoe c1o.ed III.t ev('. ninl{. I came herc from Shippen.burg. Pa .. whel'e I ajCaln wOI'ked with the faithful little band of dl.c1pll'. ml·l·tlnl{ lit that place. We had 1C00d intel','at from th,' bejClnninjC. It ha. thu. fill' been a ha"d .tI'UICICII' fnl' the tl'uth then'. but I b"lle"I' the doOl' of oppol'tunity I. now openilll{. I am to ICO back next MIlY fot· my thil'd nll'.·tinlC thl·l·e. BI'll. Mllckl'Y 1I •• i.ll·d much ill the ml'l·tlnjC hl'I'e at Snow Sho.· by hi • •0njC It'lllllnlC, lhl'ht 1I"d fll'" flxinjC IIbility, I'k Thit·teen wel'., added to th., "hurch whll" WI' wel'e hl·I·". !;nll1l' very cllpllbl,' ynUlI1C timh"I' hel'" fOI' " ICI'nwinjC conlCl·"lClltinll. N"xt June, thl' LOl'd wiliinIC. we will ""'lIluct II mnnth·. Biblt' "I'llllinlC (01' thi. COIIICI"'IC8tlnn in Vll'W of ,'.tabli.hinlC them Oil a mon' .nlld bll.i.. W" outlined a ,,1'OjCl'lIlll for them to follow IIl1d .inCl'I·,·I.. helil'"'' II foundlltlon iM b"inlC laid for II workinlC "hul'l'h of th., New Te.tllllll'nt, Much wOI'k to be clOIH' in thl' l'a.t. lind God jCivinIC m.· .tl'enjCth I am tl'~'inlC to do my bit.-HIII·old Sh'l.h'l'n. St. Lnui •. MO.-Aft'·I· IwinlC with BI·n. Cal'l in thl' wOI'k lit Hllmmolld. III .. I (,(lIlIlu('ted a two week.' .inlCinll' 1'111.. fOI' th •• "hul"'h in P"OI·ia. Not II II,,·IC'· ICl'oUp thel'e but they .hnw mUl'h illt"I'e,t in th,· work lind, I )wlit·v.·, hllVI' II ICood oppnl'tunity to ICI'OW. Blick ill th,' 01.al'k, in tillll' for the clu.inlC 1I1jCht of thl' B;bl,' R"llllinlC lit Almlll'thll. Mo.• conduch'd by Bro. Webb. ','II,loyed the Mpee('h,'. V"I'y mu,·h. With my home cnnjCl'ejCation lit Brix,,~', Mo" fnl' II f"w nilCht.' sonjC in.tl'uctinn. PI·I'1I1·hed th"I'" two 1.000d', dll~": III,n 0111' Lor,I·. da~' lit AVII. Mn. Am now Ilttl'lulinl( th" ""adinlC "OIul""I<'d by Bl'n. CIII'I K,.tch"I·.id,'.l/ay II111Tia, Rl'ix,·y. Mo. ('edal' RII"id •. lowlI-Fini.h,·d wOI'k lit Uninllvilll·. MI••oul·i, and f",'1 thllt II bl'ilCht full"'I' i. ill .ilCht fOI' l·olll(l'elClltion. III thllt .",·tOl·. Thl'I'" al',· ""'I'll ,·onICI·ejCation. 1I1ont, in Putnllm ('nunt~· that II PIWII I' "IIIC"I' to IllO",· fonval'd in th.· wurk of the Lonl. While in the wOl'k with the bn'thl"'n lit Unlonvllll' II hu,ine'M nll'elinlC WII. ('1I11t·d with ahout lIinl' 01' It'n cnnjCl'l'ICIIli"II' 1'I·"I'I'.enl<·d. with 1·ld,·I·M lind It·adl'l·. pl'l'.,·nt. A III'oICI'lIm of wOI'k WIIM outiitwd for th.· Mpel'ifled pUI·PO.'· of d,." •• lol,lnjC 1'lJ('h "OIlICI'('lClltinll in ,u"h II WII~' Mn that it woultl b.· bettel' f11t,·d to "IIITy Oil it. nwn wlII'k. About thl·.·.· nl' (nul' month. will he M,·t lI.ide to b"lCill thiM wOlk Th,' It'IIICth nf COUI·.I' lll.inl{ ddel'll1ined hy the numh.,,· d "onlCl'I'jClltlon, "nopel'atlnlC In thi. CI"'at ef1'nl't. All bl·l·thl'l·n 1"1'1'" Inlt·I'".It·d, IIl1d , und"r.tllnd that Bl'othPl' Wilbul' Storm of W.'.t Riv'·I·.I,I.·. CIIII(ol·nlll. con. ,·I·elClltion. haM hl"'11 .elel'ted to cnnduct th" wnl'k. H., will b"l{ln ill thiM tliMtl'i,·t IIhout AIH'il lind without II dnuht w•• wll! .oon tWill' of !'lW'('lIM'" 1I1l10nll thl l b,,(·thl'pn. MIlY muny ntht.'I' br(,thl'cn '''I' the ,,"luI' nf thl' 1C1"'lIt .Ioh nf d.'vl·lnplnjC all II VII HII bll' tlll"nt in thl'it, ('onJlI'~JlHtioll1'l. Rt'nwmbt'I' OUI' ¥I'l'uhl,.t 81'jlUnwnt 1Iv'lIin,t th,' ,'oll.·IC" lind JUI.tol· My.h·llI. I. II livllllC .'xlIllIJlle or 8 "oIlICI'elClltion thllt ,,"nllot only do th,' Lord'. work. hut "'Il' thllt "lIn do It "flIl'lently, My l'l'y II. 1".,11 a. th,' l'I'y or IlIl1ny oth"I'S i.: Build th,· Chlll'l'h u:lIIn thl' in.I,I., IIflll it will II ill a hun,h·...I. f..td h~' ,'onv'·I·tinlC .innel·. to Chl'i.t. My 1l"('elllhl'I' wOI'k with th,' brethl·.'n lit Sw,·,·t Hill (11"11" Mllnkllto. Klln.II.) hlld to Ill' cuncl,lt·d. II. blld WI'lIthl'I' "ondltion, 111 lid., Illl'.·tlnjf 1'1'1I"tlcall" illlp"•• lbl,·, I plan to .J1en,1 mo.t of AJlI'1I with tho.,' hl·••thrlln. who only nUlllbcl' .·Ieven. but Ill'" a ICI'OUJl thllt It·t th.· w""ld know that th"y Ill'" Chri.tian.. At 11I·.·••·nt I 11111 h01l1l' IIn,1 11111 "onductinlC ,levl'ioJlllll'nt of tall'nt ..IllS.". In Ill" hOllle ClllljCl·e. JlHtion. W«.' hnvl' a "n(1 ~I'OUP of )lounJl 1)('opl~1 hl'I'l' who ICloinlnlC l.elll. AjCain it i. th.· .11111,' old k.·., u••·d: PUttl1l1l' I'VOI·Y. onl' to wllrk op,·n. th., ICI'I'lIt door to va.t lIppOI·tllllltlt... Will h'·.lrln n1\' work In F.·b,·UIII'Y with the hl·"thl·'·11 lit Coullcll Blu"•. IOWR. F:xl'ect to dl'vote fl'OIll ~'"b"ullrv to ,Iune ill R s"atcl11atlc '""'Il'I'1I1l1 ,,( wOI'k with R"d Cloud Rn,1 Fail'hury III N,.bi·a.ka and S"'I'I'I Hill ill KSII.II •. -BIII Hen.I,'y. . ".'(1 F:dwa,·,f_J1ol·t. Ind.-W.· hl'1d OUI' IIl1llual watl'h .1'1"'1"" N"w Yent'·. nllfht lind w.· hlld II fine 1lI1'etin,ll' with .pllakers 8S fol. low", B,·o. HUICh H"dl'ic nnd BI'o. C. F. WilIlllm. from Vln. "elln.··: Bro. Lel'oy Inman fl'om William.: BI·o. Cla .....,cl' Owen. RI'O. Cl'i ••• Bro. Crumb fl'ol11 Lyona; Bro, Colman. Oakland Cit,,' Bro. Brewel·. BI·o. Homer Harvey, from Bloomlnll'tan; Bro, C. b: Page Ten MACEDONIAN CALL Riley, A, E, McClaflin, here, We 111.0 had viRitors from Bailo, A vory fine meeting and a good way to welcome the New Year, Our cl'owd wasn't quite a. large aR In former year., becau.e of .0 much .Ickno••, but It'. wonderful to be at theMo meetinll'M; and one of my I'e.olution. waR to Mond the M, C, to a. many 1111 I clln thlM yeal', So I'll enclo.e II doilar to .end to , , ,-Ann Mundy, SOdlllht, Mo,-I do bollove the M, C, get. better evol'y month; combat. the eITOI" that hurt the cau.e of pure ChrlMtlanlty In an untold degree today In .uch .t1'ong convlnclnll way, The NovembCl' I..ue' I. a real powel', "The Octopu. of the Church" I. a ma.terploce, YCH, and I would lovo to cla.p Bl'o, Zel'l'" hand on hi. "home tl'alnlng" article, with a Il'reat bill "amen," Thllt has beon dealt with too lightly too IonIC, both in tho homc, pulpit and pl'CMM, It MCOmR to me we should Wilke up to the fact that what we let be dovelopod In the mind. and IIvo. of tho young today will not only likely .hapo thell' oternal deRtiny but will al.o .hapo the ehul'ch of tomonow, Why parent. are .0 100Re and cal'eloR. towllrd thoir chlldl'en'. good I. beyond my conception, Such pal'entM want to claim Prov, 22:6 to be untl'ue thoMe day., but I bellove with all my heal't the tl'uth of It, and preach It with all tho eal'ne.tno.. in me, Stili I .oe pIIl'entM ICO to wor.blp on Lord'. day, and lot the denomination. lind the wOl'ld w'1'th all theil' ehal'm' and fanclo. teach and develop their chlld,'on, Oh what a .In to faco In judllment, I hllve .1u.t retUl'ned homo fl'om a vl.lt with the brothren at 1115 N, National Blvd" Spl'lnllfleld, Mo, I .poko for them Lord'. day, Ooc, 22, at both mOl'nlnll and evenln(( 'eI'viee, , , , I found no hettor ho.pltllble, true dl.clnl,'. of Chrl.t anywhero than In Spl'inll'fleld, Mo, Bro, Kenneth Morllan of Davenport, Okla...toppml with the chul'ch hel'e the ,"m" dllv I WII' In Spl'inllfleld ond .poke both mornlnll' and cvenlnll on hiM WilY home from thl' Chillicothe Bible R"'HlInll' and hi. le.Mon. were IIPPl'eciatl'd,-J, O.cal' Pal." I,'y, 501 N, PI'O.pect, "We never ,lid thllt WilY bl'fol'e," Thl. I. th,' expl',,""lon 'OInt' ut.tel' when wide-awakl' nl'eal'hel" or othol" tl'y tn .tll' bl'(,thron, Il'Pt them to U.e th,' curd .y.tem In member.hip, .n that they will koep t"ael< of delinquent membel'. bett"I', 01' ,Ievelon theil' ~"l,'nt 0101'0, Ye., lind whon we Inok bllck 25 Yl'lll'" We rcmembl'I' a ll'reat letharlCY amonll' di.clploM .0 f,u' "' ml""lnnlll'y wOl'k I. con('ol'ned, lind a(,tlvltr In lI'enel'aL Don't bo too hll.ty in ('ondemnln(( .nme of the l'ffol't. of .oml' of th,' pl'eachel'M to III'ou.e u. to Il'l'ellter lIetlvltv, A.k ynUI'.elf If th"I'" I. IInythlnll' un.crlptul'al In It, not Wh,·th,'r you "neVl'I' did It that way befnl'e," Send a .tamp fOl' tract on Chrl.tllln Liberty whloh after y"al'. "f expel'ionee and thoull'ht wa. pl'epal'ed to hl'lp .how UM how fal' we clln 1C0, It mllY help keep u. out of innovlltlonl.m on the nne hllnd and undue rl,.tl'ictlon on the other, WII.hlnllton, 0, C,-Wl' of tho B"ontwood Chu1'('h of Chl'i.t (Brentwood, Md,) d".lrc to make It known, throullh tho ml'lilum of the Mllcmlonlan Call that WI' .tand .'1ual'ely upon the Word of Go,l; thllt we 00 ondOl'.e HI. word and none othol'; that We ,10 not endor.e, tacitly 01' othel'wiHC, IIny tellrhlnll'M of IInv mlln; thllt we do not ondol'.e nor enCOUI'IIICe ANY MAN-MAOF. INSTITUTION to do the work of tho 1.01',1; thllt WI' Invite any OOl'.on, l'e((III',lIe•• of hi. rollll'lou. affiliation, to IIttend OUI' .OI'VIcoM for the PUI'po"e of hoarlnll' the truth and for thllt PUl'POMl' only, It I. our fCl'vpnt pl'ay('r thllt tho Grace nf Gnd hI' upon HII who hellr lind obey only HI. Word, You I" In HI. nllme,E, L, Keo.lInll, 1400 Decatur St" N, W, Ander.on, Ind .. ,Jan, 15th, 1l141-Wl' alTlvl'd In NelV CII.tlO Jlln, 2nd to a.MI.t the churchoM In thlM .ectlon nf Indlanll, At pre."nt we are comfortably locllted In IIpartlnt'l1t. lit 02/\ South 14th St.. N"w CII.tle, Tho work 1I •• t~ned u. by chul'eh.,. here con.l.t" of Bible In.tl'uctlon, PeI'.onlll Development work, Hou.e-to-hou.p call. IIn,1 Proachlnll" Will labol' with the conII'I'oll'atlon. at New CR.tle, Mld'lIctown, RIII'dnn Rn,1 Andel'Mon, al.o II fow othl'I' nelll'by churche. thl'oulfhout th,' entll'e year with the exception of .Ix monthM which wo hllve l'eMerved for proml.ed mpet,ln~., La.t week we were at Middletown; had Mervlc". every nlll'ht, Hlld bu.lnoM. meotlnll' MondllY nlll'ht lind 10.mlnute .peeche. by thl'l'e bl'ethl'en on WednCHday nlll'ht; tho other nlll'ht. we .pent .tudyinlC Old Te.tament Bible characterM mentlonl'll In Gene.i. dpIIlInll' ('.peclally with their "hal'acterl.tlc. and leM.on. lellrncd by u. In the .tudy of tholt' IIVCM, We al'e now at Andel'.on, a city of over 41,000 population, Havc II pre.ent ml'mbcl,.hlp In the chul'ch here of ncal'ly 110, Thcy havc had lot. of tl'lalR In the pa.t. but al'e II lelliou. buneh of wllllng worklol'., From theil' card flle. wc hllVl' .ecul'e,1 II IiMt of dcllnquont. which are the next to vl.lt IIftel' vlsltlnll' the Rick, Have announced for RCI'vico. here oach evenln~, LuI. nlgbt here we hlld II Pel'.onlll Development cla." of "Ix brethren for 6-mlnute talk. on .ubject. of theil' own .election, The .pellkel'•• howed willingne." to u.e the talent. they poue••, and It iM vel'y encouraging when brethren have a mind to work, The only pl'ellchlnlC I wlll do here 1M Lord'. Day momlnlC and evenlnlC, We plan to labor all next week lit RllCdon not far from Elwood, We appreciate effol't. of brethren In trylnlC to make u. welcome lind lit home among them, Theil' klndne••, hospitality and gift. hRve been very encourllglnlC to UM, The New Ca.tie bl'other. lind .1.ter8 gave us a Mhower of ICrocerle8 the flr.t 'f.eek with them, We II.MUI'e them that thl. con.lderlltlon wlll 1Ilway. remain Il'l'een .pot. In our lCal'den of memol'ie.,-Ben F, Huddle.tun, Topeka, Klln,,-Slnce my IIIMt report on Clilifol'l1la work I .pent three week. at oach of tho followlnll' polntH: 11th and Lemon St." church In RlvCl'Mldo; Glondalo, Arizona; Redondo Beach, Clllif" alld Home Gllrden., neal' Corona, I preached Mix nlghtH to .ome colored bl'ethren In Phoenix dul'inlC my work lit Glendale, I .pont a few day. at Cottonwood, Al'iz" Spokane, Wa.h" and Lamllr, Colo" lind anlved home just .Ix month. from 'he day I ieft for the We.t, I had fail' health dUl'lnlC thiN time, ftml wa. mllde to rejoice Ill. .eelnll' Home baptlzod Into Chl'i.t, lind .ome tllke their Mtllnd with tho faithful by relation at dltf"I'ent plllCOM, A man fl'om the Chl'i.tlan church and hi. wife from tho Baptl.t. placed mombol'.hlp at Lainal', Thl. church wa. betrayod Into the hand. of II bunch of fanatical extreml.t. Momo 1.1010 alCo, lind WII. finally .hut out of tho II; bulldlnlC they hlld .lIcl'lflced .0 much to own, but they lire couralCeou., and fliithful, lind will .oon have another building completed In which to wor.hip unmole.ted, They al'o In tho dust-bowl area, and I'olilly need help of othel'M but lire too couralCeou. to a8k for It, Spokllne haM .uffered a like fate, Such tria 1M really tOllt out the .pll'itulIl .tronll'th of the brethren, lind bl'inlC out 1111 that there I. In u. thllt I. worth while, At Home Garden. I WIIS a.slstod hy BI'O, Jllme. Stol·;m, a hllCh .chool student, who !favo vocal In.tl'uotlon, lind lod .0nlC' through m08t of the meetinlC, The chul'che. In Califol'l1ll1 are MeolnlC "tho dawn of a better day," Ilrothol" Jllme. Storm, Earl FI.cus, Wilbur Stol'm, Phillip Hohln.on, Jewel Ga.tlneau and Stanley Barron are rapidly developlnll' Into fllithful and fo,'ceful preachers of the 1C0spe!. Some lire now IIble to take up IJI'otractod work, and .hould be encoul'alCod to do '0, I will IInMwor any quory I can to tho.o wl.hlnlC to know about their ability, Bro, Phtllip Hintz, of Spokllne, will IIlso be ready for the field In the neal' future, I cllnnot oXlll'e•• In word. tho IImount of ploa8ure It afforded me to wOl'k with the brothren In the We.t, They are developinll' .tl'onlC proachlnll' talent amonlC the oldel' brethron also, who will do 10cIII work, and look after ml.810n polnh, etc, They lire delld .et all'aln.t the .alarlod "mlnl.ter" .ystem that hll. pro.tltuted the churche. throughout the country, May God help UM 1111 to be falthfu!.-Wm, KetcherMide, 2010 E, 11th St, Spokane, WaMh,-Slnee my III.t repol't, I WII. with the bl'ethren of the Eureka conlCrell'lItion thl'oulCh a two woek.' meetInil', Bud wl'athel' Il'l'eatly hindered the meetlnll', .0 we confined OUI' effort. mo.tly to 1I'0ttinIC the brethl'en to work, We loft a pl'Oll'l'am on tho bOil I'd, a••ull'lCe.tlon. fo" them and explained .omo Il'ood wayM to /lUt memberM to work, Word from Brothor W, R. SlIlIol' .ays t I. 1l'0inIC Il'ood, Bl'othor Harvey, of the Chl1l1cothl' congrogatlon, led the .Inglng and did his part wei!. Brothor Harvey i. held In hlll'h eMteem by brethl'on who know him, From Eureka conll're~atlon I went to be with the Green Mound con~l'oll'ation near Beloit, Kan., I am glad to report that COnll'l'Oll'lItion on thc upward trend, Foul' people were burled with their Lord In baptlRm, One thlnlC that I. vOl'y commendIIble for the Grl'en Mound congl'oll'atlon I. they are wlllln~ to lellrn, So lon~ a. a peoplo manlfeMt a wlllini dlspoMltlon, there 1M hope fOl' that congl'elCatlon, From Groen Mound I went to Dentonlll, where a little band of dl.clple. 1M holdln~ forth. This conll'l'e~atlon hIlS boen eRtabliMhed about two YOal'M and 1M relllly an eXllmplo of falthfulno ••, Brother and SIRtel' Henl'y Van de Relt are .urely set for the defen.o of tho !fospel. Just before loavlnll' Dentonla I received a call to come to Green Mound fOl' the funcral of SIRtcl' Halol Gentry, onc of the faithful membel'. of that l:on~I'e~atlon, Sho left a husband and two Iittlc bOyR, al.o a great number of fl'iendM, A funeral train nne mile In len~th followod her remain. to the cemetery, '1'hIM ll'ood woman will be ml.Med In the homo, church and community, I I'eturned homo and Rpent thc thlt'd Lord'. day with the conlrl'e~lItlon at A ndel'Mon Ind, ThlM con~reratlon, like many others, hIlS had ItH tria 1M, But tho.e tria 1M have Mtrenjl'thened the church thel'c and It Is growing In numbers and faith. My Page Eleven MACEDONIAN CALL work there haN been to the end that they mhl'ht be developed and e.tabll.hed, They have had addltiono throulI'h th,' year at their rell'ular meellnll'o, We rell'l'et vel'y much to have hlld to bid them 1I'00d bye, but a. our wOI'k call. u. to othel' plll't., there WItO nothing e1.e to do, The tourth LOI'd'. da)<, tOll'ethcl' with my family, we .pent with thc chul'ch lit New CII.tle, Ind, We have enjoyed the work very much with theMe conll'rell'lItlon. In Indillna. They oeem to be aWllkencd to II Krelltel' .,'n.e of duty and IU'e planning tal' II'reatel' thing. by putllnll' Brothel' Ben Huddluton to wOI'k In that PIII'l ot thc country. Blddlnll' my family farewell Dtlc, BOth, I tUl'ned my fuce towul'd th,' "tar Weot," I .topptld two nlll'ht. with the chul'ch lu BI'uymel', Mo, They have taken on new lite and are puttinll' thell' mcmb"I'. to work undel' the leader.hlp at Bl·tlthl'en Omel' and Gcol'lI'e Phillip. and iKom, a. elder. at the conll'l·eKatlon. I 11111 now with the bl'ethren In Spokane, WII.hlnll'ton. Thcy UI'C mcetinll' in an "upper room" atter they have been locked out of the church building by dlll'l'e•• lng brethl'en. Another exam 1'1,' of the ".weet oplrlt" advocated by the .pon.ol·. ot thc R. D. Trub' the leopard never ehanll'e. ItA .pot.. F.x/JCct to be h"I'e another week and then thl'oulI'h Ol'ell'0n Into CII Itol'nla to lie with th,' brethl'en at Reedley. A bu.y yell I' I. uhead at me It' Ill',' lIud health permlh and we uk pl'ayer. ot talthful lll'cthl'eu "V"I'ywhel'e !n our behalr.-Lloyd RllI'lI'ln., :lIlB CooP"1' St.. Chul'l,·.ton, Ill. IN there anyone who hll. cal'crully I'elld thl. Chul'ch N,,\I'. that hao not been .lIl'I'ed with u d".ll'e to do mOI'c 1'01' Chl·i.t '! Well, If It thu. ulfect. u., will It not holp IIIl'ect ALL di.c1ph'. '! Would It not help tho Church then If .uch Chu1'('h Ne\l'. w,'nt Into EVERY home at tho ChUI'ch of Chrl.t '! How mnny w,'lIkel' brethren have you helped by tllkinll' thell' .ub."I'lptlon 01' donating to them? Only 501' II yeul' to ne\l' .ub.crlb"I'•. "PI"'II,'h the Word Thl'oulI'h the Pre•• ," MI.celianeou.,-It you lire holdinll' II pl'otl'II,'tod ll11'olinll', und the weather Intedere., why not turn tho llud nlll'ht into u Bible drill 01' development meetlnll'? ... Onc of tho chlhll"'n of BI'o. Lloyd Rlll'lI'ln., :lIJa Cooper St., Chlll'l,·.ton, III .. lll'oh It. al'm which mean. an uddod expen.o to him with hi. IUI'II'" fnmIly. He .tal·h out on U tl'lp ot .Ix month. to build the chlll'l'h,·., und hi. wlte who ha. had much .Ickne•• , nUI.t tllk,' "ntln' chal·lI'e. Why not, .1.tl'l·., .end h,'\' II donlltlon to h"h' hll·,· .ome one to help hor? , .. Robcrt Mol'I'ow, "Idol' in St. Loulo, tell trom a .clllfoid and lliittel'ed hlm.elf 11I','lly lladly, hut trom la.t I·OpOl·t. he wu. 1I'0ttlnll' ilionII' vOl'y woll. . . . I know a man who rocently made .cvel'ul of hi. ,'hlldl·,'n u pl·,'.ent I'nl'h ot Smith Bible Dlctlonlll'Y. We ,'lin fUl'l\i.h thl. VIIIUllbl,' book at '2. . . . State YOUI' no,'d. to U. of FR~:E IItol'lItUI'" In a new or weak field lind w" .hall "'0 whut WI' ,'un do. Mllny thouoand. at Illece. III'" .ent out VIU:E "II,'h y"III', und IlIl~' one can help, a that thut will. , . , In YOUI' .tud~' of A,·t., do you know that the Slmpllfl"d New T".tament hll. un nnal~,.I. ot Act. on which we wOl'k,·d mlln~' dlly.? AI.o it hu. u h,·lpful analy.l. at evel'y book in the N,·w T".tnnl<'nt \l'hh'h would hel/l In the .tudy at book. II. book•.... Thl'l'" III'C many thlnll' wh ch boy. and men .hould know whi"h III',· found in II 1"""'I"'nlIal wa'! In the book. "Thc Way of u Mun With u Mul,I." PI'i,'" '1 at the M. C, office, ... God .lIy' hi. WOI'd \l'ill not 1'<'lul'n to Him void, '0 it I. up to u. to .PI'ClIII It amonll' th,' peopl,·. , .. The encoul'all'lnll' thlnll' ubout thl. llev,·lopnl<'nt \l'ol'k i. thut It lI'0eo on lind on lind on ufter thc prelll'h"I' hu. I"ft the ,·llIn· munlty, whet·eu. oftl'n an cxl'ltinll' PI·otllll'l,·d nl<'ctlllll' dll'. down and I. loot. . . . A bl'oth"I' .uy. thllt th,' MIlY i•• u,' lin th" Clol'II'Y .hould bo put in pel'malll'nt tl'lIl'l flll'm lind thllt hI' will pay hllit of th,' oxpon.,'. Howevol', w" hlld lin "xtl'lI numb"I' pl'lntod lind we .tlll have .evcl'lIl hundl'od. Th,'y III'" ~'R~;F: tOI' the poolll11'", Sond fill' them lind k,',·p thcm 1I'01nll'. Mill'" thlln foul'teon thou.and ,'opl,'. 111'0 lIiI"'lIdy In dn'uilltilln, Sullivan I11.-Ju.t do.cd II two w",'k. ml •• lon n1\'<'llnll' at 81'UOO, III.: Jlln, 24th. Thlo WII. the fll'.t tlmo th,' "I'UI'" (io.,,,,I" waN CVOI' pl'eached thol'e. Had 1I'00d IIth'nd"IlI'e lind int'·I·,·.t throuKhout In oplte ot tho min. "\II\\' lind foll'lI'Y w'·lIth,'I'. EIlI'ht pl'eelou••oul" w,'I'e IIdd"d to the body, flv,' by pl'imlll'y ol",dl"IlI'" and two tl'om the Chrl.tl"n "hul'\'h 111,,1 lilli' fl'om th,' BIIIltl.t. Six woro mlll'l'lod poopl,·. Th,'y will nl<','t with tl1\' Sill Il'an conll'l'ell'atlon. I hllvo "on1\' lim" opon fOI' PI'otl'III'l"d work thl" yell I', trom tho middle ot Apl'lI to ,Iun,' Il\th, 111.0 fmm IIhout October Il\th to end of thc y"III·. Tho..' d".ll'Inll' my ."I·vl,','. .hou1d wl'lto me at olll'e.-C. R. TUI·I1\'I·. In,lIanapollo, Ind.-Tho publl.hol· .p,·nt .Jan, ~(\th with th,' churoh at Hartford. 111. They have mllny 1I'00d "peuk"I'" th"I"', lind .ome pl·ellchel·. who al'e 1I'0lnll' out and dolnll' mu"h II'llllll el.ewhere, and who pUl'po.e to do mOl'o of It thl. y'·III'. The~' huv,' hou,ed J"I·.cyvlll,' much, at which plllc,' I .poke that Sun· e!1I~ IIttOl'nOon, They wlll .oon be In th,·It· new hou"o at Jel'"e~' ville lind IIl'e VOl')' hopeful. I .pok,· "'vl'l'lIl tllno. to tho .tudont. In CIII'I·. Bible RO'HlInll' III St. Luul., 1I1111 thl'eo nhl'ht" tu the thl"'" 1I••cmbh·d "hul'che. thel'o, who .comod to IIppl'oclale th,' tea,'hlnll' und IIdmonltlon we pl'esonted, He hilS thll·ty.two .tudont.; ljulto II numbcl' of fino younll' mcn who 11'111 become u.etul to th,' Chul'ch wc bcll,'ve, II" PI'cllche... lind teach"I'" Th" tOllchel' I. not only teuchlllll' lh,'m thc Blbl,' but d"veloplnll' them In pl'Ilctlcally evcl'~' pha.o of chul'ch work. Thl. I" 1I'00e!. J<nowledll'e without th" do..II'o and ubility to Impul·t, IIIUI act of 1mpIIl'linll' to othel'", will II'lvo vel'y little Impetu. to tho II'I'Ollt F:1'Il ot' T"lIchlnll' lind D"velopnll'nt ane! Advllnccll\"nt which I. 1I0W 1I'"ttlnll' Into "wlnll' In th,· tl'UC Chul'I,h ot Chd.t. R"lId dosoll' th,· quotation. In tho III·tlde In thl. I•• u,' on "Th,' Se,'t. Lelll'n It by EX/lel'l,.m'o". "Commit thou to FAITHFUL nll'n \l'ho .hllll be ab e to teach oth,·I·....-I1. A. Somnll'l'. IODTHING DIrrIlRIlNT-A BIBLII RIIADING IN SUMDR MONTHS Th,' Church of Chl·l.t. B04 North 14th Stl·",'t. Noll' CU"tl", I••pon,ol·lnll' II Blbl,' Relldlnll' of tho "ntll'" Blbl,·. of \\'hl"h II .,·hedul,· 18 onclo."d. Th,' !'I'adlng condu'·h·d by ~:. M. ;'."1'1' will .tlll·t JUI1\' 2. 11141. lind do.,' AUII'Wlt 22, 1\141. Thl. i" II 1'1I"lItlon Bible ,'OUI'''', IIld thoo" \\'hu III'" of .,'hool 1111"'. 01 tCIll'hl'l'. ot' publl,' .,·hool., mllY IItt,'nd lind Itct thl'oullh In "h'ntv of tillll' fUI' th,' fall !l'I'm, AI.o tho"o of 1111 \\,nlk. of Ill','. who hnvl' 011\' wl,('k nt' mOl'..' Vnt'aUo1\. c.'un ('OIl14UIt thl' l\tll'loM('d .,'h,'duh' lind 1I1"'lInll'e tlll'll' 1'1lI'lItion '0 II. to .tlldy IlIl~' PUl't ot th,' Bllll,' thut th,'~' d,·.It·" 01' 1II',·d mo.t, PI·'·II,·h"I·. who hal'<' a ft'w Idl,' \\,,·,·k. may b,' IIhh· to 1I1'1·unlt'· th,'11' \l'ol'k to .tudy l'III·t. of till' Blhl,' mo.t d,·.It·,·d, hy ,·on.ulI· Inll' thiN .,·h,·dul,' II'llI'n plllnnlllll' th,·11' wot'k, Work towal',1 N,·w ('IlKtl,·. 11I"'I\I'h"I'" lind dl'oll In .onll' time In thl. t\\',·II"· w,·,'k. nnd 1"""'11'" h,'II' fl'om 131'11. Z,'\"'. Wll, Uw hUllH' l'OHill'\'llutiull of Bl'O. Zl'I'I\ WiMh to 1'\'t'lHllIlW1UI him to th,' hl'oth"I'hood II. II !l'II,'h"I' ot 1111 tin1\', H,' haM b"oll pl"'II,'hlllll' rOI' fnt'ly-thl','" y'·II'·•. hllo ,'ondu"!l'd t\\"'nt~'-t\l'O Blbl,' ""I"lInll'" ha. 1'('a,1 fOl't~· thllll.lIlld pllll"·. or Anl'l"nt HI.tot'y ill "lInlll",tlon with Bibl,' .lIbj",·t mllll"I·. C<lInIHl.,·,1 l\l','nty.flv,. \ hou.and qll".tlon. fol' Rihh' .tlllh'nt. II. 11',,11 II. muklnll' II .tudy ,>I' th,' 1I1'111'Inui (il·l'I'k. Thl'ollll'h th,·..· .,'01'". of ~·'·III'. BI·o. Zel'l' j .,..!tllnll, hul't bl' l'll h'l'th·d unci tl'll'd, IWI·~l'C.·\Ih\d, and ('Vlln f"h'l'b' IU,'('\I"('('I, but hll. 11111'11)'•• tood fll'm on till' Bihl,' lInd till' Blbl,' IIlnt\\' lit IIny (·II.t. With hi. II f"tIIl1" .)wnl in till' .tud~' nf ('od·. wlll~l, with tIll' "XIll'I'I"III'" thllt hll. "lllll<' to him III till' flltht fOI' th,· l'ill'htlll Illlll\~' tl'~'11\1I' till"'. ill tIll' IlIt.t ~"·III·., 11',' wl.h tll illl\lI"'"' 011 till' milld. of' th,' hl'utlll'l'h,,,,, till' impul·!tllll'" uf .tu, ylllll' lIndl'l' till' h'lId"I·.hlll of .",'h II "IIIUllbl,' mllll, Th,' thllllt. hl' hll. 1"III'III'd Ill' I. "umm ttlllll' tu utlll'l·. whu h,,"· (iutl IIlltl \l'1.h to 1It1\'1111"" till' (;u.\1l'1 tll Ih,' \l'ul'ltl. thllt th,'\' In tU1'1l mllY h'llI'h uth,"'. III.u. A. PUll loltl Tlmuth~' tu Ilu. 1\ Tim. 2:2, Null' bl'l'thl"'n of fll\thrlll "UIlII'I'Oll'lItlull uf Th,' (,hul·,'h ut ('hl'i.t, 11'" ,.,." uut 1111'11111.1 RIlll<' ('ull,·It"., 111,,1 ,'ullh'llti tu .,wuk \l'hl'l'" th,' Blbl" 'I","k. IIlltl tn h,· .ih'llt wh"I'" It I•• Ih·nl. Alltl 1""'II,'h IIlltl h'II"h to 11'11'<' (:lltl till' Idu,'~' III tIll' CllllI·,'h, ~;Ilh. :1:21. Rut ",hut ttl'P Wt' doinll to th.l\'\llop h,""'h"'I'!'C nud Ill'lllu'lwn~ nf t h,' TI'u,' (;u.,,,,1 of Chd.l·! It I. b"('lIu.,' thl. 10 II .1'1'1 1'1 ul'IIl \I'll)' tu ('lll'l'~' out thl" w'lI'k thllt thl' ('hlll'l'h lit N,'w t'lI.tl<, I. ,)"'Il.UI·lnll' thiN 1·",,,11 nil'. Thl. 1"'4 frt't' to "\'PI'Y OIH-~ who wil'4tw!'C ttl ('C\llll', "Xt't'llt I'oum Hntl h~u·tl: thllt 11'111 Ill' 1I1'1·lInll',·tI III II minimum ,·u.1. Th"I'" I. IlU tulliun ,'hlll'II','tI lilly UIII'. Thi. I. Ulll' I'"l·t lit tl\\' N,·w ('1l.tI,· ,'unit"'" 1I'II11ull but ll1'uth"I", SI.h·I·. UI' "Onll'l"'lI'lItiun whllt Ill',· YOU 11'011111' tu tlu? AI'" )"HI lI'ulllll tu "'Ild UI' h,·11' ."1ll1 .011'" \l'ol,th y ,-ounll' Il\lln 01' wumlln tu thl. 1"'lId Inil' '~ BI'"thl"'Il, think thl. ;'1'1'1'. Will WI' h·t th,' LOl'tI·. 1'11111 fltll? If thl'l'" i. IIny nlll' who 1',·lIti. thl. 1,'th'l' IInti wl.Ill" 10 h"hl, nt' if VIlU Ill'l' 1\ \VOI,thy 1",)'!'Cnn nnd wnnt to "Olll\' and art' not t1nlllll'lllll~' IIhl,·, whllt ,·v,..' ~'OUI' ,h,.I1·," mll~' Ill', 11',. 11\1 111'111 to yOU tu wl'ilt' U. lit onr,', WI' will )HII th,' twn I'1I1·th·. n tOllch \l'lth "II,'h uthl'l' '0 "1lI1 mll~' wUl'k tllI",,·tly, 01' "UII l\lll~' wOl'k thl'ollll'h ",. W" 11'111 Ill' 11'11,,1 t.o ,'u.ulwl·lIh· with buth 1IlII'th'~ In any wa~' w" CIIIl. Rut Wrlh' lit Onrt" Thi. Blbl,· Hl!Iltllnll' \1'111 h" llf 1I'1"'lIt IWI",flt tu th,' N,'\I' CII.tlt, ('hUl'ch. but \1'" tin nut hili'" uUI·."lv,·. 111m", III mlntl. It III f'I, nH' IIlul YOr lind YOI·. W,· Ill',· lIt1vl·l'tl.lnll' thl. "nUl'''' ot .lutly 1111 UV"I' th,' lInlh·tI Stllh'. 1I11t1 Cllnll,llt. In 1It1,lItlon to Ih,· 1"'11'111111' 1"'I"lInll' lit nlltht. It I. 1,lanm..t to hllv,' II VIl"lItlon Blbl,· S"huul fol' "hllclt'on of thl. conunllnlly tllldnll' the tillY. Bl'o, Z"I'I' .tah·, h,' I. wllllnil to II'lvc In.true- MACEDONIAN CALL Page Twelve tlon" in public speaking 01' anything else provided we have interest shown. These dllY chlsses wfll not interfl'l'e in any WilY with the I'elfular night sessions. Bro. Zen will do his part. wlll WE do OUI'S? SO sacdlke a little fOI' the LOI'f( and come. We Ill'e countinll on "yOU, Brothel' and Sister. We Know You wlll be greatly beneftted by studylnjf under Bro. Zen. Addl'eu Ilny cOITespondence to Tilden Law. Hon, loa South 14th St.• New Castle, Indiana. The Church of Christ, 304 North 14th Street. New Castle. Indiana. Elden: Nathan Ridlfway, huc Koons and Walter Huse. Deacona: Harry Flinn. Ol'vlli Vaughn, Tilden Lawson and Dallas Huddle, P. S. Please I'ead this befol'e YOUI' congrellation and put It on YOUI' bulletin bolll'd 01' where it can always be before th,' brethl'en. SCHEDULE FOR TW.~LVJo~ WEEKS BIBLE READING Conducted b)' E. M. Zerr. New Castle. Indiana This course consists of sixty night sessions. two and II half hours pel' session. No s<'ssions SatuI'f(ay nor Sunday. OLD TESTAMENT Weeks Days I Genesis 1-11. 2 Genesis 12·24. 3 Gene"is 25·36. 4 Genesis 37·50. 5 Exodus 1-12. NEW TESTAMENT Weeks Days 1 Matthew 1-11. 2 Matthew 10·17. 3 Matthew 18·25. 4 Matt. 26-Luke 8. 5 Luke 9-24. 1 2 3 4 5 John John John Acts Act.. 1-9. 10-19. 20-Acts 7. 8-18. 19-28. 1 2 3 4 5 Exodus 13-27. Ex. 28-Lev. 16. Lev. 17-Num. 12. Num. 13-Deut. 12. Deut. 13.34. 1 2 3 4 5 Joshua. Judll'Cs.Ruth. I Samuel. 2 Samu,·!. I Klnlls. 4 I COl'. 10- Itl. 5 2 Cor. 1·13. 4 I 2 3 4 5 2 Kinlls. Eara-Neh.-Est. Isaiah 1-27. Isaiah 28-53. Isaiah 54-61l. 1 GallltiallM. 2 Eph.-Phllippillns. :J Co!. 2·Thess. 4 1 Timothy. 5 2 Tim.-Phil,·mon. Ii 1 Jel'emiah 1.20. 2 Jeremiah 21-52. a Lam.-Eaekiel 21. 4 Elekiel 22·48. 5 Daniel 1-5. r. I 2 3 4 5 Daniel 6-9. Dllniel 10-\2. Hosea-Joel-Amos. Obadiah-Zephllniah. Halflfai.Malachi. I Romans 1·8. l! Romllns ll-Ill. a I Cor. I-ll. 1 Hl'brews 1·6. 2 Heb"ews 7-13. a Jllmes-1 Peter 3. 4 I Pet...· 4-1 John :1. 5 I John 4-Jud... I 2 1l:1 4 Reveilltion 1·10. Reveilltion 11-15. Rl'vellltion 16-lll. Revelation 20·22. Ii Recitations.Questions. Whill' abovl' shows body of the work. there will b.. also many othol' features such as questions. map and chart wOI·k. and marklnjfs on various passajfes not otherw!so covered. Also "ach Fl'lday evening shol·t recitlltions on subjects previously assillne.!. This will 00 fOI' pI'lIctice lind developinlf of talent. Let it be noted that while this schedule is fOI' complet.. couI·se. yet verl satisfadol'y subdivisions come. First. two equal divisions 0 time for the two Testaments. Likewise. the two·w,oek periods stop at appl'Opriate places. FOl' Instanco. the ftl'llt two weeks cover the Pentateuch. Next jfet the history and 18Iliah. while the next get all the followinjf O. T. prophecies. And in the New Testanwnt. ftl'st two weeks get the Gospels and Al'ts. next the epistles to Philemon. last jfet fl'Om Hebl'ews to end. And so while it is always Ildvlsable to take the entire course. congl'ejfations that cannot do so may choose that part of the coul·se. from one week up. that is consid"l'ed most needed 01' most desirable at the time. What One Tract Accompliahed A 1111111 b.l· Ih,' 1111111" nf Hi.·lllll·d (lihhs l\Tnl" II 11'111'1 ,'1\. litll'" "'1'h,' Bruis"d H,·",I." A till p,·.I1I1,·r 11'111',· II enp,l' tn II bn.l· 1111111"" Hiclull'd ""xtl'r. whnlll 110" us,," ill II lIIill'ht.l· wily. Hh~hllrtl 1\lIx- 1"1' l'I'nll'lI tl'IICt .. lItilh·.1. ",\ ('1111 In lilt' l'Ill'nIlY"I'"'I\''' ,\1I101I1!' th .. th.lllslllllls lI·d tn ('Ill'ist thl'lllllI'h I'('llllilll!' ",\ ('1111 tn th .. 1'lIenlll"'I'''''''' WIIS Philip »l\Iltlrhlll't·. whn 111"'1' lI'I'n'" "'1'h,' Hisl' 1III1II'rnll'rl·s.~ nf ('III·istillllit~·." This hook f,'11 illto thl' hlllllis of \\'illilllll \\'ilb"I'fnt·c,,, 111111 WllS th,' 1I11'IIl1S nf 1I'lIllillll' hilll to ('hrist. As II l'l'sult hI' 1'.. ,·,·tI 1111 Ih,' slll\"'s of th,' Bl'itish ('nlnllit·s. \\'ilb"I'f'II"'" 11"'0'" "Th .. 1',·I·fl'l·t \'i,·w of l'hl'istillilitl·... whit'll fir",l Ih,' h'·III·t of IWjllh jHt'lIIlHlllll. whn lI'I'o'h' "Th,' Dlllry1lI1111'S UIIlIl!'hlt'r," whi"h WIIS 11I·llIlt·tI ill 1lI01'1' thllll flft,\' 11I1Ig-UIII!"'s. Milliolls of "opil's of this littl,' bnnkh·t hili'" b""11 .·j"l·ulllted. IIl11l (lml is still usillg it. ,\11 this 1'l'cUI'd nf 1','sUlts "111111' hOIll nlll' it'llI'I ll'il'l'lI to II ho.l· hy II till p"tltlh·I·. ,\11.1 thllt oltl till p,·tldh'l· will shill'" ill th,' ""\\'III'ds of Bllxh·... Uod,lt·itlj... .•. \\'ilb,'rfnl·"". !(i,·hIllOIl'!. 111111 1111 th,' oth,"'s \l'ho will IH' 1",1 tn ('III'isl liS II I'psull nl' tlll·i .. Ii\'l's 111111 llIillistl·y.-Mnml,\' Mnllthl,\'. Science and Suppoeition '1'00 1lI1111y p,'opl,' hili',· th,' i,lI'lI tllllt I'I"'I'~-thillg thllt I!'n"s Ulltl,·.. thl' 1Illlllt' 'of sl·il'lICI' is s,'it'Ill'" Itllh·'·11. wh"l1 '1uilt' II 1!'00,1 (h'lIl of it is pUl'" suppositinll. 1\1"11 hili'" SP"('lIl1,I,'tI 11I\II·h liS to Ihl' orlll'ill of 01\1' snhll' S~'stl'lII. 1.11 pili"" (It'I'plnp''d thl' ";\"bllhll' lIypoth,'sis." whit'll liS· Sllllll·tI thllt OUI' SUII WIIS II Il'rt'llt whil'lillll' IlIIISS. 11lId Ihl'pII' olf IIII'I!'C I!'obs of hot sUII·stuff. 1111 thllt thl's,' \\'hil'lillj.( I!'ohs flllllll~' dl'\'I'lopcd illto 0111' "III·th II till thl' olh .... pllllll'tS. !"Ol' ,It"'lI,h's thi thl'lll'~' WIIS told liS if il 11"'1',· IrOSpl') t ..uth, IIl1d it milde milliolls of l!ishl'li"\"'rs ill th,' Bihh' IIl·,'nulIt nf th,' ol'ill'ill nf our S~'llt(,lII. 1,1IIt'I' IIst ..nIlOl\ll'..S lIbnlllloll('d this th,'or" 1I11t1 d,'1·l'lop(,.1 IIl1nth"I' "1111",1 thl' "EIICOUllh'I' '1'III";I'~·." whit'll IISSIllIl('tI Ihllt th"I'" lIIust hili',· b""11 SOIlIl' outsi,lt, illflu,'lIco su.·h liS IIl10thl'I' stili' whi,'h "111111' III'nr our SUII 111111 tlrew off the pllllll'tS. '1'h"I'(' WIIS mlll·h disal!'rt'l'llll'lIt 011 this th,'o .. ~·. hilt it SI"'llIl'd j... .'lII·rllll,\' 1I"I'I~ph·11. nut ill Tilll" 11111 1!'11 Id 11(', 1\I1I1"'h II. l!l~O, 11'" hll\'(' this: "Ill spih' nf this 11Il'k of 1I1!'1'i"'IlII'lIt OIl forms of tIll' "II,·nllllh'.. th""'·I·. 1lI0d,'rll nstrolloml'rs hllv,' fllyor('\i th,' Ih(,nt,~· ill 1!'1'1I"I'I;1. Bu\ 1.., week i\ looked .. Utoarh Ute encounkr \heory wu abou' ready for Ute lICll'ap heap. &lOll( wi\h \he nebular hypoUteaia of LaPlace.. , . ""lItl'ly 01'. I"ymllll 8pitll,·r. Jr" II Nlltiolllll U"S,'lIl'1'h !,'(·lInw lit JIll 1'\'11 I'll. IlIl1th,'mllticlIlI~' 111I1I1~'llt'll t.he ,·oll,li· I inlls wllieh wnuhl ,'xist ill thl' Il'ob of hot SIllH..tUft'. Be showed \ha\, even under Ute mOl' favorable OOIldiUOIlI, expansion would \aU place more Utan 100 u... u fan as cooUnr-Uterefore Ula\ a plane' would ne... haft a chance \0 form. III t.h,· 8l'i"lItifl,' AIlI('ril'lIl1 Illst w,'\'k his \\'nrk WIIS I'X plllilll'll by PI'illl'etoll's Ill'l'~-, ~1It11' Hellry ~nl'l'is HlIss,'II. II 1!'1't'llt 1I11thorit~' 011 th,' solllr S~'llt'·lII. 1I1I1h· .. th,' I!'lnnlll~' titll" '.\ !"lImous '1'hl'or~' \\','akl'lls.' "A fl'w IIslt'OIlOllll'I'S 11011' flll'or th,' 1l0tiOll thllt th,' pllllll'ls 11"'1'" bnt'll of I'xplosioll-thllt th,' SUII 11III',' fllll'l'\l lip liS II IInl'lI nt· '111'11' stal',' S,'OI'l'S of which hllYIl b ~II spntt"11 ill th,' 1'111' sk~·. NOVllt· thl'llw oft' sht·lls of gas. pOtt'lItilll pllllll·tllr~· mllh'rilli. Bu\ Dr, cleoland a....u \ha' even Uti. idea offered DO UOIope from Ute lpiuer ma\hemaUca, Thl' shl'lIs of Il'IIS would still be hot. tlll'~' lI'nulIl still I'Xpllllll too fllst to \X'rmit )lllllll'tlll'~' forlllll· tioll. ""list w""k, ill shnrt. S,'il'III'e mill'hl hll\'" bl'l'lI rilld to lI'I'ilt' nff th,' solllr s~'sh'llI liS 1111 opticlIl iIIusioll." It is 1"'III1~' "lIsil'r tn b,·lil'\·1) what th(' Rible Sl\~'ll about this thlill whllt tllesl' spl'cllllltors Sl\~'. So WI' shall wait fl\'l' UI' six hllllllr"d ~"'lIrs to S\"\' whether their gUl'.'ll-'t'S ,'onll' nut 1111 rillht bl'fore we shllll lIeeE-pt them.
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