How to deflect ILL requests for items in your WorldCat knowledge base collections where you have set ILL to “No” in the properties tab 1. Log into the Policies Directory, and click on the “Policies” tab. 2. From the Policies Directory, click the “Add” button on the right side of the page. This opens up a work form. a. Add a policy name, and select the Request type. We recommend using ‘Copy or Loan’ as the type. Not all requesting libraries pay attention to format when building their lending strings. b. Select the Deflection type. Choosing ‘Enable Real Time Deflection’ ensures that this policy will be applied as requests come to your library. c. Most libraries do not enter in Fees or Borrowers for this type of deflection rule. 1 3. Scroll down to the “Items” section to select the formats for this policy. Remember that the material type ‘article’ is not a format supported by the policies directory. 4. Next look at the E-License Terms. If you select the “Include” radio button, then you should checkmark the “No” box. This means that in Service Config / WorldCat knowledge base, for any collection where the ILL radio button in the Properties tab is set to “No” any ILL requests for items in that collection will automatically be deflected. If you select the “Exclude” button in the policies directory, you will want to checkmark the “Yes” box. The result will be to exclude from deflection any knowledge base collections where the ILL button is set to “Yes.” 5. You can safely ignore the Material Age section. If desired, enter in any notes in the “Notes:” text box. 6. Finally, scroll down to the green “Save” button. Click it to save your policy. 2 Look at the top of the web page for a confirmation message that your new deflection policy was added. Scroll through your deflection policies to see your newly-added deflection rule. Here is the newly-created collection in the Policies Directory. It can be modified by clicking the “Edit” link, or deleted from the “Delete” link. When an ILL request is received from another library, regardless of whether the lending library is requesting a copy or a loan, and the item is one of these formats, and is in a knowledge base collection where the radio button is set to “no,” the request will be deflected. The exception is if the item is in another collection where the radio button is set to “yes.” 3
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