HUMANE SOCIETY OF UVALDE WHY DIDN’T YOU HELP? Humane Society of Uvalde April 2010 HSU Board Officers Pres Don Smith, PhD Vice Tracy Colvin, DVM Secretary Renee Rimkus Treasurer Vicky Nelson Board Members Jeff Nelson Emaciated and chained dog, a common sight in and around Uvalde George Ann Maixner Darla Finney The Humane Society of Uvalde frequently receives phone calls and emails reporting animal abuse in and around Uvalde. At this point, it is not within HSU’s power to respond to, investigate or enforce Texas Animal Cruelty Laws. The Humane Society of Uvalde is an independent group, not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States, or any other organization. As such, if you witness a pet being abused, not receiving adequate food, water, shelter, or being subjected to any other violation of Texas Animal Cruelty Laws, please contact your local authorities. For complaints within the city of Uvalde, contact Animal Control at 278-9147. For complaints outside of the city limits, contact the local sheriffs department. If you continue to have concerns, the next step would be contacting national associations such as ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). For more helpful tips visit WHAT HSU CAN DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE CONTACT US **** HSU P.O. Box 1650 Uvalde, TX 78802 830 275-1744 **** Website Join us on FACEBOOK The Humane Society of Uvalde is a very active and involved group, comprised completely of volunteers. The primary goal of HSU is to reduce the number of unwanted pets through a vigorous spay/neuter program. Our volunteers educate the community as to the importance of having their pets “fixed” and are able to offer low-income families a coupon to make it more affordable. Our adoption program rescues impounded pets from the Uvalde Pound. These pets are owner surrendered pets or strays who without HSU’s involvement, would otherwise be put to sleep. We have families who foster these pets in their home until a permanent home is found. HSU is able to provide foster pets with all medical and basic needs, thanks to donations from within the community. The Rescue Program is in need of food, monetary donations, crates, kennels, toys & potty pads. Donations can be left at our office located behind HEB Tues, Wed & Thurs Monetary Donations can be made at Adopt Sonnie today! PARTY 3rd Annual FUR BALL The 2010 Fur Ball was a BLAST! Supporters from all around joined HSU at the Uvalde Country Club on February 13th to help raise money-and have a lot of fun while doing it. The Fur Ball has quickly gained a reputation for being the nicest evening out in Uvalde-one of the rare events where ladies can show off their mink coats and cocktail dresses. The 2010 theme was “They Call it Puppy Love”, with crystal trees, mink table runners, candles and flowers, it was definitely an evening to celebrate love and life. With a limited number of tickets available and selling out three years in a row, be sure to mark your calendars for the 2011 Fur Ball, ticket available in January. Volunteer of the Year Kendall Ganong has been actively involved with HSU since its very beginning when it was a small group of people deciding how they could make a difference in Uvalde. That small group of people decided that the community needed more than a band-aide to make a difference-not just another place to drop off unwanted pets-but a solution to solve the problem of there being unwanted pets to begin with. As such, the spay/neuter voucher program was implemented and supported with a foster-home only adoption program. Kendall is actively involved as a foster parent and foster/adopt coordinator, as well as volunteering her time to coordinate monthly adoption drives in the community. Kendall and her family have dedicated their lives and their home to making Uvalde a better community. Curtis & Kendall Ganong, Kendall was announced as the 2009 Volunteer of the Year! We invite you to find a way to get involved in your community and be inspired by Kendall and the entire Ganong Family! Save a life today… neuter or spay DONATION FORM Your tax deductible donation toward HSU will enable HSU’s continued growth in 2010. Please complete the donation form below and send this page along with your check or money order to the following address: Humane Society of Uvalde Your Information P.O. Box 1650 ___________________________________________________________ Uvalde, TX 78802 Your name I would like to donate: ___________________________________________________________ _____ $ 25 Membership Donation Address _____ $10 Junior Member (under 18) ___________________________________________________________ _____ $100 Patron Donation City State Zip _____ $250 Gold Patron _______________________ _____ $350 Life Time Membership Phone _____ $500 Diamond Patron _________________________________ _____ $1000 Man’s Best Friend Email All Donations are Tax-Deductible under our 501-C3 Status _____ $2000 Top Dog Join for FREE and earn money for _____Other Amount Donations of $25 or more include a one-year membership to the Humane Society of Uvalde - an independent rescue group, not affiliated with any national or state organizations. HSU every time you shop online. It’s Free and Easy! All Donations are Tax-Deductible under our 501-C3 Status What Does My Donation Support? Donations go directly to HSU’s animal rescue program and toward low cost vouchers, making spaying/neutering more affordable for low income families. HSU is all volunteer. Your donations go directly to the animals. Donations can be made online at HSU-an independent rescue group, not affiliated with the Humane Society of the US or any national or state organizations. ______________________________________________________________________ MEMORIAL OR HONORARIUM DONATION This gift to the Humane Society of Uvalde provides a lasting memory for a loved one. It can also be a thoughtful way to honor a special occasion. In memory of ____________________________________ or in honor of ____________________________________________ (Sample...beloved pet Jake) ( Sample teacher, etc in appreciation of service rendered) Please send Memory Card notification to : Name_______________________________________ Address, city , state, zip ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Memorials & Honorariums January 2010-March 2010 March 2010 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In loving memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial donation was presented to HSU by Michael, Bridget, Derick & Gretchen Wolfe of Rowlett, Texas In memory of the life of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial donation was given to HSU by the SWTVMC of Uvalde, Texas. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial gift was presented to HSU by Michelle Parker. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation to HSU was given by Ginny Flanders of Uvalde. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE a donation to HSU was given by Kendall and Curtis Ganong of Uvalde. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation to HSU was presented by Craig and Melissa Garnett of Uvalde. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE , a gift was presented to HSU by Connie and Charles Miller In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a gift was presented to HSU by Emmett & Paulette Harris. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a gift was presented to HSU by Russell & Jama Brown In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial gift was presented to HSU by The First State Bank of Uvalde. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial gift was presented to HSU by Tom, Lexie and “Sandy” Petty. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a memorial gift was presented to HSU by Bob & Carolyn Reagan. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a gift was presented to HSU by George W. Carroll. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a gift was presented to HSU by Esther Trevino. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by O’Neil & Rita Stout. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by the LTW FLYING SERVICE, Inc. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a gift was presented to HSU by Lisa Mumme. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Alice W. Southerland. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Greenwalt Construction of Uvalde, TX. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Margie Haegelin of LaPryor, Texas. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Carl & Carolyn Hilderbran of Uvalde Texas. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by George & Sharon Verdon of Uvalde, Texas. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Frank & Barbara Abbott of Uvalde, TX. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Betty Hayden of Uvalde, TX In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Nancy Rutledge of Uvalde Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by LEINWEBER SERVICE LLC of Uvalde, Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Steve & Vicky Parker of Uvalde, TX. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Brenda Romans of Uvalde, Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Joanne & Frank Cannella of Tucson, AZ. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Ray & Margaret Messinger of Uvalde, TX. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Joyce E. Bennett of Uvalde, Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mattie of Uvalde, Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Janece & Scott McClung of Uvalde, TX. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Jimmi & Burhl McClung of Uvalde Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Steve & Molly Turner of Uvalde, Tx. In memory of BRIAN FAGLIE, a donation was presented to HSU by Jeff & Vicky Nelson of Uvalde, TX. In memory of SCOTCH, beloved pet of Martha and Don Smith of Uvalde, a donation was received from Kendall and Curtis Ganong. In memory of SCOTCH, longtime pet loved by Don and Martha Smith was presented by Ginny Flanders. FEBRUARY 2010 A memorial donation for TOBY, yorkie loved by Vicky and Steve Parker of Uvalde, Tx, was presented by Gay and Brian Faglie In memory of 16 yr.old lab PLUTO, loved and owned by Marlene and Paul Mattie of Uvalde, TX , a donation to HSU was received from Gay and Brian Faglie of Uvalde. In memory of Anita Herndon’s 17 yr old little mix breed dog, a donation to HSU was received from Gay and Brian Faglie of Uvalde In Memory of Shasta, a dog loved by the Carter Family of Uvalde, a donation was given to HSU by Gay and Brian Faglie In Memory of Phoebe, a family pet, a donation was made by Renee Rimkus JANUARY 2010 A birthday donation honoring our daughter SHARON BALKE with love from Mom and Dad , was presented to HSU by Steve & Ellen Balke. A memorial honoring pet cat CASEY , sadly missed by Sharon Balke, was presented to HSU by Steve and Ellen Balke.· A memorial honoring CHICO, pet of Kelly and Ken Garrett of Uvalde, was presented to HSU from Gay and Brian Faglie. A memorial honoring pet dog WATKINS, of Linda and Rocky Rocchio of ConCan, was presented to HSU by Brian and Gay Faglie of Uvalde. Humane Society of Uvalde Page 5 Girl Scout Troop 3034 Saved Ringers Life! Pet Personals Ringer– a Dalmatian rescued by the Humane Society from the Uvalde pound, where he faced being put to sleep because his owner never claimed him. He was initially going to be denied by the adoption program due to an expensive eye surgery he required. Thankfully, Julissa Rizo and Girl Scout troop #3034 stepped in to help. The girl scouts donated baked items and set up a table at the March Rabies drive in Uvalde. With help from the girl scouts and other donations, Ringer received his surgery and has since been adopted and is living the life of luxury. Thank you so much to Troop 3034 and their families for baking and selling Ringers way to a new life! Romans Male seeking human family. K-9’s accepted, but not preferred! Spencer Julissa Rizo, Co-leader, takes a snap shot of the girls Girl Scout Troop #3034 steps up to help raise money for Ringer-a Dalmatian in need of eye surgery. The most adorable puppy on the planet! Happy Tails Continue in 2010 Benji is one of HSU;s favorite Happy Tail stories. He went from a Charlie mange infested, hairless dog, scabbed over with sores and A roly-poly bear of a infection to the gorgeous white fluff ball pictured to the right. pup-super cuddly This March, Benji’s mom, Suki Aguilar felt it was time to adopt a and well trained! “sibling” for Benji. Brandi is the lucky girl who was chosen to join the Aguilar household. Here is the most recent Happy Tail written in an email from Suki... Benji & Brandi adopted by Suki Aguilar “Just thought I'd let you know what wonderful pet's I have. I had been ill last week for a couple of days, and on Fri. @ 2:00 am I got up to go to bathroom. I got light headed & fell. To my amazement Brandi came to my side while I was laid out on the floor, laid by my side licking my face. Then Benji followed until I was able to catch my breath & get up. My arm is broken in 2 different places but I'm doing alright. When a co-worker's said, "oh you must have felt all Cowboy alone" I told her “no I wasn't alone” and told them my story. They were all amazed. As I told them and my family, if my baby's could have helped me get up I am sure they would have. Again 3-way tie on the thanks to you and all the wonderful people in the HSU for all the wonderful pets you save and cutest puppy in the world! Heeler/boxer find homes for. Make sure you tell Renee and the rest of the girls.” 3 mths old “P.S. Brandi does not leave my side now. Its as if she is looking after me!” Save a life today...neuter or spay W W W . H S U VA L D E . C O M
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