Honours Programme Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Department of Statistics
Postgraduate study
“I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be
statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve
guessed that computer engineers would’ve been the sexy job
of the 1990s? The ability to take data - to be able to understand
it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to
communicate it - that’s going to be a hugely important skill in
the next decades, not only at the professional level but even
at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high
school kids, for college kids. Because now we really do have
essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary
scarce factor is the ability to understand that data and extract
value from it.”
- Hal Varian, professor of Information Sciences, Business, and
Economics at the University of California at Berkeley, and Google’s
chief economist, in The McKinsley Quarterly, January 2009
Why do postgraduate studies in Statistics?
A career in Statistics is a highly rewarding one. Statisticians’ skills are
applied in actuarial science, atmospheric science, bioinformatics,
biomathematics, biostatistics, environmental sciences, financial
engineering, government service, industrial statistics, medicine,
meteorology, operations research, pharmaceutical research,
public health, quality improvement, reliability, risk analysis, risk
management and insurance, social statistics and survey research,
amongst others.
A master’s degree or PhD/DCom is very helpful and often
recommended or required for higher level positions in industry.
The Department of Statistics at the University of Pretoria offers
an extensive and flexible range of postgraduate programmes.
The following postgraduate programmes and disciplines are
presented (in collaboration with other departments):
of Natural and
of Economic
and Management
of Human
The honours degree is presented in Mathematical Statistics and
Statistics. Apart from the modules presented by the Department
of Statistics, it is also possible to include postgraduate modules
from other departments e.g. Mathematics, Economics, etc.. The
honours degree consists of a total of 8 semester modules. Normally
a module is only presented in one semester per year. A candidate
must compile his/her programme in consultation with the Head of
the Department of Statistics or his representative.
Requirements for admission:
a. A Bachelor’s degree with Mathematical Statistics or Statistics on
the 300 level (in the case of the BCom (Hons) degree in Statistics
specialising in Economic Statistics, Economics on the 300 level
is also required).
b. Satisfactory performance in the relevant modules on the 300
c. In the case of students from other universities, additional
requirements and conditions may be prescribed by the Dean
on the recommendation of the supervisors and the head of the
Programme Composition
The following programmes with their compositions are given below:
BSc(Hons) in Mathematical Statistics
BCom(Hons) in Mathematical Statistics
Requirements for admission:
An average mark of 60% or more in Mathematical Statistics on
the 300 level or an equivalent statistical module at an accredited
institution is required.
Module name
Compulsory modules (First semester)
LMO 710
Linear Models
MVA 710
Multivariate Analysis
SFT 720
Sampling Techniques
VMT 710
Distribution-free Methods
Optional modules (any four) (Second semester)
LMO 720
Linear Models
MVA 720
Multivariate Analysis
PNP 720
Parametric and Nonparametric Stochastic Processes
SPC 780
Statistical Process Control
WST 795
EKT 720
Master’s Programme
Doctoral Programme
This programme allows two options namely: Economic Statistics
and Survey Statistics.
The Master’s degree is presented in the following disciplines:
Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics and Statistics.
Requirements for admission:
Requirements for admission:
The Doctor’s degree is presented in the following disciplines:
Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics and Statistics. The study
is performed under the supervision of a promoter. The topic is
determined and the promoter is appointed in consultation with and
subject to the approval of the head of the department. The topic
of the thesis to be submitted must be approved by the Dean on
recommendation of the head of the department.
BCom(Hons) in Statistics
An average mark of 65% or more in Statistics on the 300 level or an
equivalent statistical module at an accredited institution is required.
In the case of the option Economic Statistics, a minimum average
mark of 60% in Economics on the 300 level is also required.
Economic Statistics option:
Module name
Compulsory modules (First semester)
MET 720
Multivariate Techniques
RAL 780
Regression Analysis
MIE 780
Micro Economics
MEK 780
Macro Economics
Compulsory modules (Second semester)
MET 710
Multivariate Techniques
EKT 720
TRA 720
Time Series Analysis
Elective modules (select at least one )
SVS 710
Statistical Forecasting
STK 795
SFT 720
Sampling Techniques
SPC 780
Statistical Process Control
Survey Statistics option:
Module name
Compulsory modules (First semester)
MET 720
Multivariate Techniques
RAL 780
Regression Analysis
SFT 720
Sampling Techniques
SVS 710
Statistical Forecasting
Compulsory modules (Second semester)
MET 710
Multivariate Techniques
SPC 780
Statistical Process Control
TRA 720
Time Series Analysis
Elective modules (select at least one )
STK 795
EKT 720
Any other additional module approved by the head of the
department can be selected as an elective.
An appropriate honours degree is required. In the case of students
from other universities, additional requirements and conditions
may be prescribed by the Dean on the recommendation of the
supervisors and the head of the department. The research proposal
of applicants should be in line with the research focus of the
Programme Composition
The master’s degree is awarded on the grounds of a dissertation
and additional module work that may be prescribed. A pass mark
must be obtained in the dissertation as well as in the additional
module work. The following degrees are offered:
MSc: Mathematical Statistics and MSc: Applied Statistics
The Mathematical Statistics option involves theoretical research
work with applications and the Applied Statistics option involves
more application based research with some theoretical work. The
most appropriate option for the dissertation must be discussed with
the head of the department.
Requirements for admission:
A minimum average mark of 60% or more in BSc (Hons)
Mathematical Statistics or an applicable Honours degree at an
accredited institution is required.
MCom: Mathematical Statistics option
Requirements for admission:
Same as for the MSc but with the respective BCom (Hons) degree.
Dissertation (07250341)
EBW 801 Research
WST 890 Dissertation Course work (07250342)
EBW 801 Research
WST 895 Essay
MCom: Statistics option
Requirements for admission:
An appropriate master’s degree is required. In the case of students
from other universities, additional requirements and conditions may
be prescribed by the Dean on the recommendation of the supervisors
and the head of the department. The research proposal of applicants
should be in line with the research focus of the department.
Master’s and Doctoral degree research
focus areas:
Statistical Process Control
Beyond Known Distributions
Data Mining
Generalised Linear Models
Optimal Design for Linear Mixed Models
Image Processing
Categorical Data Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Statistics Education
Official Statistics
Structural Equation Models
For any further information please refer to our
Postgraduate Study Brochure, available on the web:
www.up.ac.za under the Department of Statistics link.
There are wonderful opportunities for postgraduate bursaries.
Please contact us for more information on the bursaries.
Requirements for admission:
A minimum average mark of 65% or more in BCom (Hons) Statistics
or an applicable Honours degree at an accredited institution is
Dissertation (07250061) Course work (07250062)
EBW 801 Research OR Methodology STK 890 Dissertation
EBW 801 Research
STK 895 Essay
Modules offered (MCom and MSc): Applied Regression
Analysis (TRG 880), Capita Selecta: Statistical Process Control
(STK 880), Time Series Analysis (TRA 880) and Data Mining
(MVA 880).
Contact details
Department of Statistics
University of Pretoria
+27 12 420-3774 or +27 12 420-3450
Website: Department of Statistics at http://up.ac.za/