"Molecular Photochemistry - how to study mechanisms of photochemical reactions ?" Bronislaw Marciniak Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland 2012/2013 - lecture 8 5. Examples illustrating the investigation of photoreaction mechanisms: - photoinduced electron transfer and energy transfer processes Kinetic of quenching rate hn A(S0) A(S1) Ia (einstein dm-3 s-1) A(S1) A(S0) + hnf kf [A(S1)] A(S1) A(S0) + heat kIC [A(S1)] A(S1) A(T1) kISC [A(S1)] A(S1) B + C kr [A(S1)] A(S1) + Q quenching kq [A(S1)] [Q] A(T1) A(S0) + hnp kp [A(T1)] A(T1) A(S0) + heat k'ISC [A(T1)] A(T1) B' + C' k'r [A(T1)] A(T1) + Q quenching k'q [A(T1)] [Q] Kinetic of quenching Energy transfer rate A(T1) + Q A + Q* k'q [A(T1)] [Q] Q* Q + hne k”e [Q*] Q* Q + heat k”d [Q*] Q* products k”r [Q*] Stern-Volmer equation 0 p p for T1 1 kq' 0T [Q] '0R 1 k q' 0T [Q] 'R 0T 1 k q' 0T [Q] T 1 1 0 k q' [Q] T T kobs k 0 + kq' [Q] 1 ' k p + k ISC + kr' 0 T T 1 ' k p + k ISC + kr' + kq' [Q] Stern-Volmer equation Sensitized emission of Q 1 1 1 1 ' 0 Q Q k q T [Q] modified Stern-Volmer equation Q = k”e/(k”e + k”d + k”r) (observation of any process from Q* gives a direct evidence for the participation of energy transfer) Quenching of triplet states of organic compoundes by lanthanide 1,3-diketonate chelates in solutions 1. B. Marciniak, M. Elbanowski, S. Lis, Monatsh. Chem. , 119, 669-676 (1988) "Quenching of Triplet State of Benzophenone by Lanthanide 1,3Diketonate Chelates in Solutions" 2. B. Marciniak, G. L. Hug J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 78, 7-13 (1994) "Energy Transfer Process in the Quenching Triplet States of Organic Compunds by 1,3-Diketonates of Lanthanides(III) and Magnesium(II) in Acetonitrile Solution. Laser Flash Photolysis Studies" 3. B. Marciniak, G. L. Hug Coord. Chem. Rev. , 159, 55-74 (1997) "Quenching of Triplet States of Organic Compounds by 1,3-Diketonate Transition-Metal Chelates in Solution. Energy and/or Electron Transfer" R2 R1 R3 O M O n M = Ln (III) or Mg(II) acac hfac R1= R3= CH3 R1= R3= CF3 R2= H R2= H Benzophenone phoshorescence in the presence of Eu(acac)3 (ph = 455 nm) Stern-Volmer plot for quenching of BP phosphorescence by Eu(acac)3 in benzene 1.0 ph = 455 nm 0 I p/Ip -1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 3 -1 K = kq T = (1.93 +- 0.16) x 10 M 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 4 [Eu(acac)3] x 10 (M) 5 Modified Stern-Volmer plot for emission of Eu(acac)3 in benzene 0.25 em = 618 nm 0.20 1/Iem 0.15 0.10 0 3 -1 K = kq T = (2.3 +- 0.6) x 10 M ) 0.05 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -3 -1 1/[Eu(acac)3] x10 M 18 20 22 Results for Eu(acac)3: quenching: K = kq 0T = (1.93 0.16) 103 M-1 sensitization: K = kq 0T = (2.3 0.6) 103 M-1 for Tb(acac)3: quenching: K = kq0T = (1.70 0.15) 103 M-1 sensitization: K = kq 0T = 1.4 103 M-1 Kquenching = Ksensitization 0T = constant kq (from quenching) = kq (from sensitized emission) Conclusions 1. BP phosphorescence is quenched by Ln(acac)3 (Ln= Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) and Mg(acac)2 with the rate constants kq 9 108 M-1s -1 (in acetonitrile). 2. kq for quenching by Eu+3 and Tb +3 (perchlorates) are at least 5 times lower. 3. kq 4 109 M-1s -1 for quenching by Eu(hfac)3 4. Similar kq values obtained from the quenching and sensitization indicate the energy transfer process: A(T1) + Q A + Q* 5. Similar kq values for all Ln(acac)3 and Mg(acac)2 used indicate the energy transfer from BP tiplet state to the ligand localized triplet state. 3D* + Q D + 3Q* Energy transfer from BP tiplet state to the ligand localized triplet state Sandros relation: kq/kdyf = [1 + exp -(ET(D) - ET(Q))/RT]-1 Rates of energy transfer vs donor-aceeptor energy differences kq/kdyf = [1 + exp - ET/RT]-1 Quenching of triplet states of organic compoundes by lanthanide 1,3-diketonate chelates in solutions. Laser flash photolysis studies Decay of BP triplet (TT= 530 nm) and rise of Tb(III) emission (e = 550 nm) ([BP] = 1 mM, [Tbacac)3 = 0.19 mM in MeCN) kdecay=2.2105 s-1 3D* krise=2.7105 s-1 + Q D + Q* Dependence of kq on ET skd 3D* + mQ ken n(D*...Q) k-d k-d n(D...Q*) 1D* + nQ* k-en s = n/3m (spin statistical factor) - (3D*) - -n (nQ*) ] Gen = - Nhc [n 0-0 0-0 Gen and Gel - the standarg free-energy changes for energyand electron transfer processes Gen and Gel - thre free energy of activation for energyand electron transfer processes kd - the diffusion rate constant k-d - the dissociation rate constant for the encounter complex en and el - transmission coefficients k0en and k0en - preexponential factors Limiting value of kq (plateau value): k pl q s k d k 0en ( el ) k 0en ( el ) k -d kd is the diffusion rate constant kd = 8000RT/3 (Debye equation) k-d is the dissociation rate constant for the encounter complex k-d = 3000kd/4r3N0 (Eigen equation) for CH3CN at room temperature: kd =1.9 1010 M-1 s-1 k-d = 2.2 1010 s-1 (r = 7A) Energy transfer to ligand-localized triplet states of Tb(acac)3’ Gd(acac)3, Mg(acac)2,and Mg(hfac)3 taking: kqpl = (3-7) 109 M-1 s -1 (for energy transfer to acac or hfac triplet states) s=1 (1Q and 3Q*) k0en 5 109 s -1 en 1 10-3 Energy transfer to ff* level of Tb(acac)3 taking: kqpl = 3 106 M-1 s -1 (for energy transfer to Tb(III) 5D4 level) s= 5/21 (Q and Q* are 7F6 and 5D4 level) k0en = 1.5 107 s -1 en = 2.4 10-6 (three order of magnitude lower than for energy transfer to ligand-localized triplet states) Dependence of kq on ET Conclusions 1. Quenching of the triplet states of organic compounds by by lanthanide(III) and magnesium(II) 1,3-diketonates in MeCN is adequately described by energy transfer to the excited ff states of lanthanide complexes or by energy transer to the ligand-localized triplet states. 2. The values of transmission coefficients for energy transfer to the ff* states are in the range of 10-6, and are three order of magnitude lower than those for energy transfer to ligand-localized triplets. 3. In the case of BP derivatives, an additional quenching process, i.e. electron transfer from acac ligand to the BP triplet may occur.
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