Document 251308

The How-to Guide for
CAP Public Affairs
The PAO’s Best Friend
Maj. Al Pabon
National PA Team Leader
Julie DeBardelaben
Deputy Director of Public Affairs, NHQ
Replacement for old, two-volume CAPR 190-1
Tons of great information that needed updating
Needed a new PAO correspondence course,
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
The Committee
Maj. Steven Solomon
Col. Stan Skrabut
Maj. Patricia Mitcham
Maj. Arthur Woodgate
Maj. James Ridley
Capt. Donald Penven
Capt. Kimberly Bennett
Capt. Jeanne Stone-Hunter
Capt. Mark Swanson
Maj. Steven Solomon
Committee Chairman
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
A comprehensive guide built on the guidance of
CAPR 190-1
Living document
Easily downloadable
Supports PIO function
Supports new CAPP 201
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
So what’s in the Guide?
The Public Affairs mission
PAO objectives
of the PAO
and responsibilities
Public Affairs support
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
Functions of the PAO
New PAO checklist
Media relations
Public awareness
PA crisis policy
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
Functions of the PAO
Community relations
Media kits
PA plans
Marketing guidebook
Seals and emblems
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
Even More Goodness
NHQ publications
Multimedia and emerging
Electronic communications
New media addresses
Mission PIO
Reporting (continuity book)
PAO recognition programs
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
Next Steps
Organize new project team
Make regular updates
to guide
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
PAO Course Replacement
Aligned with current PA Technician Rating
Member studies the guide
Member takes an open-book, online test
25 questions
Old course retired
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
When New CAPP 201 Arrives
Tests and
Tech and Senior Rating
will be based on the guide!
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes
Making the Guide Better
Your ideas and suggestions
New best practices
Oldies but goodies
E-mail your ideas to:
Hometown Citizens - Homeland Heroes