Ysabel Cuerva Stonehill College Alexa Rodriguez Hometown: Bronx, NY

Alexa Rodriguez
Wellesley College
Hometown: Compton, CA
Dallas Sims
University of Virginia
Hometown: Cape Charles, VA
Michael Faikes
College of Charleston
Hometown: Irmo, SC
Samuel Hayes
Northern Arizona University
Hometown: Chandler, AZ
Ysabel Cuerva
Stonehill College
Hometown: Bronx, NY
College Partner Campus
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first-generation college students make their college dreams a reality
College Access Provider
Dallas Sims
University of Virginia
Hometown: Cape Charles, VA
Ivania Zepeda
Brown University
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Omawatie Beharry
Wellesley College
Hometown: Bronx, NY
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college students
College Partner Campus
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Promotion in e-newsletters and social media
Khalil Johnson
Pitzer College
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Your institution and special programs for first-generation college students will be
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reaching tens of thousands of students, counselors, and college access providers.
Maggie Acosta
Bowdoin College
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
College Partner Exchange
Powered by Google Groups, the College Partner Exchange is an outlet to share
questions, ideas, and best-practices with peers and together strengthen outreach,
recruitment, and retention efforts on behalf of first-generation college students.
Ese Uwhuba
University of Pennsylvania
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
College Partner Learning Community
Stay on the cutting edge of recruitment and retention best-practices for
first-generation college students by participating in webinars and receiving
white papers on important topics and strategies.
Recommended Partnership Contribution per year
College Partner Students
Brenda Angulo Barrios
Trinity Washington University
Hometown: Washington, DC