Wellness Presentation March 15, 2007 Wellness Committee Members: Karen Slack Kathy Horan Lori Desjardin Margaret Heigl Susan Robichaud Heidi Zimmerman Brian Herr Leigh Tappen Liz Bishop Components of Wellness COUNSELING, PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES PHYSICAL EDUCATION SAFE/HEALTHFUL SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT HEALTH EDUCATION COORDINATED SCHOOL HEALTH FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES PARENT & COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT HEALTH SERVICES HEALTH PROMOTION FOR STAFF Wellness Presentation: Agenda Historical Perspective Committee Accomplishments Future Plans National School Lunch Program School Lunch in Carlisle Health & Physical Education Wellness Policy: A Historical Perspective Why the Federal Government Mandated a Wellness Policy Health Effects Adult obesity has doubled from 1990 to 2003, with rates jumping in every state in nation Increases in illness such as Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension, sleep disturbances, and breathing problems Estimated increase in hospital costs due to obesity in youth: In 1979 was $35 million. In 1999 was $127 million Why the Federal Government Mandated a Wellness Policy Social & Academic Effects MA youth with a 30+ BMI were more likely than those with 25 - BMI to have been bullied at school, to have skipped school because they felt unsafe, and less likely to have decent grades MA youth who had regular aerobic exercise were more likely to get decent grades than those who didn’t exercise Child Nutrition &WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Section 204 Generally speaking every school participating programs under the Federal School Lunch program or Children Nutrition Act of 1996 shall establish a local school wellness policy Wellness Policy Minimum Requirements Establishes goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school based activities designed to promote student wellness Sets forth nutrition guidelines for all foods available on campus with the objectives of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity Establishes a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy Involves parents, students, and representatives of the food services, the school committee, school administrators, and the public on the development of the school wellness policy Wellness Policy Development: 2005/06 Wellness Committee established: Original members - Linda Stapp, Kathy Horan, Jenn Foundas, Margaret Heigl, Leigh Tappan, Liz Bishop, and Brian Herr Team of teachers and a parent attended DOE training Needs assessment conducted Grade level curriculum reviewed In-school and after-school programs reviewed Practices and traditions examined Committee met throughout the year to research, draft and write policy S.C. approved Wellness Policy Our Accomplishments: Policy Awareness Wellness Policy was sent to all faculty and staff and reviewed on the first staff day of school Healthy Snack List sent to all teachers and many teachers include this in their parent newsletters Policy and Healthy Snack List is incorporated into Health classes and posted on the school website Our Accomplishments: Health Information Parents informed of health information through the Buzz Health Office works closely with Food Services to address individual student needs as well as programmatic needs Health office meets consistently with grade level teams to discuss nutritional needs of students Health Office consults with teachers around classroom traditions and celebrations to incorporate the Wellness Policy Ongoing Implementation: Plan additional strategies to implement Wellness Policy Review, examine and discuss wellness policies and implementation in similar communities Continue practice of having celebratory foods that reflect suggested healthy items Hold regular Wellness Committee meetings Ongoing plans to continue education of staff, parents and students Future Plans Seek speakers to continue to educate community on wellness Continue development of Wellness website Continue to develop a coordinated school health model to meet student wellness needs Improve quality of food selections in cafeteria National School Lunch Program (NSLP) NSLP History Pres. Truman passed National School Lunch Act – 6/4/46 NSLP established as “a measure of national security” in response to malnourished WWII enlistees USDA granted authority to define/maintain USDA conflicted by responsibility to farmers Regulations almost 30 yrs old Sen. Harkin introduced bill on 3/6/06 to update food standards NSLP Nutrition Requirements Based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans Average of lunches offered over a full week ≤30% calories from fat ≤10% calories from saturated fat 33% of recommended dietary allowances Protein Vitamins A & C Iron Calcium Calories Limited USDA Food Restrictions Meals/foods mostly chosen by school USDA Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) restricted during meal in cafeteria Seltzer water Popsicles USDA Commodity Program USDA buys food commodities to maintain price/market stability USDA allocates and Massachusetts prorates our commodity entitlement based on the number of lunches served in the previous year Commodity foods (Meat, eggs, cheese, canned fruits, frozen and canned vegetables, beans, juice, oils, rice, flour, pasta, grains) are offered at greatly reduced prices Commodities tend to be lower grade: full fat cheese, refined grains, high fat meats, processed fruits & vegetables but recently the USDA has reduced the fat, sugar and salt contents of it offerings and is increasing the amount of fresh and frozen produce available Economic incentive for schools to take reimbursement in commodities over cash NSLP Reimbursement Free lunch Families at or below 130% of poverty level USDA reimburses $2.40 / meal Reduced-price lunch Families between 130% & 185% of poverty level USDA reimburses $2.00 / meal Students pay no more than $0.40 / meal Other USDA reimbursement $0.23 / paid meal $0.1675 per meal served Reimbursement requires complying with NSLP program and submitting forms to government * For a family of four, 130% of poverty is $26K (185% is $37K) How I determine what is to be served daily Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning The traditional food-based menu planning system which requires 5 different food group components in specific amounts for specific age groups has been used by most schools since the National School Lunch program was established in 1946. The 5 food components consist of: PROTEIN VEGETABLE GRAIN FRUIT DAIRY Elementary Lunch Each student gets a tray Each student is offered a protein, grain vegetable a milk(1% milk or a 1/2 % chocolate milk) a fresh fruit (i.e. apple, orange, banana) Each student has the option to obtain more fruit from the fruit bar (i.e. canned fruit either natural juices or light syrup) Middle School Lunch (5-8) Traditional Lunch A larger portioned version of the meal described above Alternate Lunch Each tray contains protein and grain (i.e. fresh salad w/tuna or meat, subs, mozzarella sticks, yogurt, bagels, pretzels, ) Student may select fresh cut vegetables ( rotating assortment of 3 vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, celery, cauliflower, cucumbers and peppers) and fruit The “A” list & Ala-Carte The John Stalker institute of Food and Nutrition has created a list of “A-cceptable” foods that meet the Massachusetts a-la-carte food and beverage standards to promote a healthier school environment “A” list foods have size calorie, fat and sugar requirements WWW.JOHNSTALKERINSTITUTE.ORG We recently started selling ala-carte foods to all grades. Currently we offer Izzie’s sparkling fruit juices and fresh-popped popcorn. In the future we would like to incorporate more “A” list approved items to sell. (i.e. granola bars, yogurt, pretzels, crackers, frozen low yogurt and low fat ice cream.) Students must use cash to purchase ala-carte items Recent Changes Pizza dough is whole grain Whole wheat rolls on pasta day More homemade offerings (i.e. vegetable and chicken soup, cookies, meatballs) All “A” list items for ala-carte food and beverages Automated point-of sale system with ability to charge on-line Working to Improve Time for lunch More varied offerings Better quality food Serving line configuration Possible new items: hummus, salsa, baked potatoes, chili, less breaded meats and more grilled or baked More fresh fruit Nutritional Disclosure of meals on website to begin next year Increase awareness of students/parents Enhance ability for students/parents to make healthy choices Constraints Financial Lunch fees Cost of labor, supplies, food Varying grades (K-8) Facility Kitchen space and equipment Cafeteria line and space Financial Constraints On a typical day: 400 meals x $2.00 = $800 Daily milk cost = $60 Daily Labor costs = $550 $190 daily for 400 meals, paper, cleaning, gloves, soap, maintenance Sample Monthly Menu: Commodity Food Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 PASTA WITH MEAT SAUCE WHOLE WHEAT ROLL FRESH GARDEN SALAD FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRUIT BAR 5 6 7 8 SOFT SHELL TURKEY TACO CHICKEN NUGGETS HAMBURGER/CHEESEBURGER PASTA WITH MEATBALLS LETTUCE TOMATOES PRETZELS OVEN BAKED FRIES GARLIC BREAD SALSA / CORN FROZEN GREEN PEAS FROZEN GREEN BEANS FRESH GARDEN SALAD BROWN RICE FRESH FRUIT BASKET SOUP OF THE DAY FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRESH FRUIT / FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR FRUIT BASKET / FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR 12 13 14 15 LUCKY TRAY DAY HOTDOG ON A BUN OVEN BAKED CHICKEN AMERICAN CHOP SUEY CHICKEN PATTY SANDWICH VEGETARIAN BAKED BEANS PRETZELS WHOLE WHEAT ROLL SEASONED PASTA FRESH FROZEN CORN MIXED FROZEN VEGGIES FRESH GARDEN SALAD FROZEN CARROTS FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRESH FRUIT / FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR 19 20 21 22 CHICKEN FAJITA WRAPS TOASTED CHEESE SANDWICH BREAKFAST FOR LUNCH PASTA WITH MEATBALLS NACHO CHIPS OVEN BAKED FRIES SCRAMBLED EGGS GARLIC BREAD FROZEN CORN TOMATO SOUP SAUSAGE FRESH GARDEN SALAD FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRESH FRUIT BASKET ORANGE JUICE FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRUIT BAR FRUIT BAR APPLESAUCE FRUIT BAR 26 27 28 29 CAESAR SALAD OR EARLY RELEASE PROFESSIONAL PASTA WITH MEAT SAUCE SLOPPY JOE SANDWICH NO LUNCH DAY WHOLE WHEAT ROLL STEAK & CHEESE SANDWICH SERVED NO SCHOOL FRESH GARDEN SALAD MIXED VEGGIES FRESH FRUIT BASKET FRUIT BAR / FRESH FRUIT FRUIT BAR Friday 2 PICK A PIZZA ON WHOLE WHEAT CHICKEN VEGGIE SOUP SPECIAL DESSERT FRESH FRUIT BASKET 8 PICK A PIZZA ON WHOLE WHEAT FRESH TOSSED SALAD SPECIAL DESSERT FRESH FRUIT BASKET 16 PICK A PIZZA ON WHOLE WHEAT CHICKEN VEGGIE SOUP SPECIAL DESSERT FRESH FRUIT BASKET 23 PICK A PIZZA ON WHOLE WHEAT FRESH VEGGIES SPECIAL DESSERT FRESH FRUIT BASKET 30 PICK A PIZZA ON WHOLE WHEAT FRESH TOSSED SALAD SPECIAL DESSERT FRESH FRUIT BASKET Positive Changes If Prices Increased $.10…Milk in plastic containers instead of cartons $.20…More whole wheat and a fresh garden salad daily on the line $.30….More variety of fresh fruits and vegetables $.40….Better quality chicken not breaded, but flamed broiled $.50….All of the above Lunch Prices from Other Districts District Elementary Middle District Elementary Middle Amesbury (Proposed) $ 2.00 $ 2.25 Methuen $ 1.75 $ Arlington $ 2.00 $ 2.50 Middleton $ 1.75 $ Belmont $ 1.75 $ 2.25 Millis $ 2.00 $ 2.25 Beverly $ 2.25 $ 2.50 Newburyport (Proposed) $ 2.25 $ 2.50 Boxford/ Topsfield $ 2.00 $ North Reading $ 2.25 $ 2.50 Carlisle $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Peabody $ 2.00 $ 2.25 Carver $ 1.75 $ 2.25 Danvers $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Pentucket $ 1.75 $ 2.25 Georgetown $ 2.25 $ 2.50 Reading $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Gloucester $ 2.00 $ 2.25 Rockport $ 1.75 $ 2.25 Hamilton - Wenham $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Saugus $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Lynnfield $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Stoneham $ 2.75 $ 2.75 Manchester-Essex $ 2.00 $ 2.50 Wakefield $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Melrose (proposed) $ 2.25 $ 2.50 Winchester $ 2.75 $ 2.75 - 2.00 - A Physically Educated Person: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities Participates regularly in physical activity Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/or social interaction What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is “the capacity of individual to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services, and the competence to use such information and services in ways that enhance health.” CARLISLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - MIDDLE SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION MATRIX PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH SAFETY AND PREVENTION Consumer and Research Management/ Community and Public Health Safety and Disease Prevention Injury and control Prevention Violence Prevention Nutrition labels, Advertising, Citizenship Current Events, Citizenship, Advertising Ecological Health Mental Health Interpersonal Relationships/Famil y Life Current Events Self esteem Attitudes Goal setting Health triangle Stress Management Water Pollution Communication Self esteem Peer relationships Decision Making (+/-)Peer Pressure Health Triangle First Impressions Current Community Service Events Advertising Eco Fair Decision Making Goal Setting Self Concept/ identity Communication Social skills Peer relationships (+/ -) Peer Pressure Disabilities Communication Social interaction Personal Relationships Characteristics of relationships Hepatitis B Communicable Disease Non-communicable disease Asthma Immunization Illness Prevention Hygiene Food Preparation Home Safety Hazard Tobacco Prevention Alcohol (seatbelt/ Medication helmet) First Aid Illness and Disease Exercise Prevention Responsible Sun Exposure conduct CPR Modes of Transmission substance Prevention CPR Emergency Intervention Harassment Sexual Harassment Healthy relationships Second Step Marijuana Second Step Sexual Harassment STDM Alcohol Tobacco Other Second Step Harassment Sexual Harassment Healthy Lifelong Learning: Some Examples Elementary School Open Circle Digi-Walkers ( CSA gift) - 4th Grade Social Studies Hop Scotch – Children Around the World – 1st Grade Middle School Second Step: Violence Prevention Community Service Systems Thinking, Dynamic Modeling - Fatal Vision Goggles ( CSA Gift) Ideas, Questions, Concerns… Wellness Policy: Contact Karen Slack [email protected] Food Service: Contact Susan Robichaud srobichaud@carlisle,mec.edu
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