How to make the most of your Academic Relationships

How to make the most of your
Academic Relationships
Presented by Jennifer Duncan
In association with the Academic
Advisement Center
Make the most of the relationship
you have with your Advisor.
Many people will have an impact on
your academic career. However, out of
everyone on campus who will
influence you academically, few will be
as helpful as your academic adviser.
A successful academic advising session
includes more than just finding out
what classes are offered and whether
you are taking the right classes to
When to visit your Advisor
Missouri State students are required to meet
with their advisors prior to registration each
semester until they have earned 75 hours.
Juniors or Seniors on academic probations must
also have advisor approval.
 This does not mean that is the only time you
should meet with them. This is the BARE
Understand the role of an
Academic Advisor
Your academic advisor is invested in
your successes and persistence in
Advisors have a wealth of information!
They can help with:
◦ Course selection
◦ Staying on track toward graduation
◦ Answer questions regarding university
◦ Provide guidance if you experience
academic difficulties
Establish a positive relationship
with your Advisor
Get to know your advisor!
He or she can be a great
asset throughout your
college experience.
Don’t just see your advisor
for course scheduling.
The better you know your
advisor, the more likely you
will be to turn to them
when in need of assistance.
There are different types of Advisors…
Academic Advisement Center
◦ Advisors for student with less than 60 credit hours
and undecided in their major.
•Department Advisement Centers
•Certain departments have their own advisement
centers located inside an academic building. i.e.
Business, Education, and Adult Student Services
•Faculty Advisors
•Most departments assign students to faculty
members within their department who act as both
teacher and advisor.
Be prepared for Advising
Create a few class schedules
that include the courses you
wish to take.
Have a list of questions for
your advisor written down so
you won’t forget them once
you arrive.
Be on time for your advising
appointment to make the most
of you limited time together.
More on How to Prepare
Check out your degree audit.
Degree audits are designed to assist the student, advisor, and University in
tracking student progress toward completion of all applicable degree
Look into transfer equivalents for summer school.
How to use a Degree Audit
Courses in a Degree Audit
are grouped not by semester
of completion, but by
categories. (Ex. General
Education Requirements)
+ equals completed
- equals requirement not
completed yet
Know where you are in
completion of your
requirements before you
meet with your advisor.
Ask questions too!
Look into Transfer Courses
•Are you interested in
taking a course at
another school over
the summer or in
addition to your
current course load?
•Find out what
courses are offered at
other institutions and
how they will transfer
to Missouri State.
Keep all of your advisement
materials organized and on hand.
Create an advisement folder or binder. Each semester, be
sure to include your advisement information in this folder.
Keep your university bulletin/catalog and class schedule
guide with this information.
This will serve as a great reference to you throughout
your tenure at the university.
Make the most of the relationship
you have with your Professors.
Talking to a professor–out of
genuine curiosity, a genuine
interest in learning, a genuine
desire to improve–is one of
the smartest things a college
student can do.
Professors are people, just
like everyone else, and many
are happy to talk to students.
Questions to Consider:
Put Yourself in a Professor’s Shoes
What student behaviors
would annoy you?
What student behaviors
would you appreciate?
When to visit your Professor
Make an appointment with a
specific subject for
discussion in mind.
Stop by during office hours
just to say hello.
Discuss questions about the
course or an assignment
you may be struggling with.
Talk about potential careers
in their field of expertise.
Establish a positive relationship
with your Professors
Be Polite &
Show Initiative
Pay Social Calls
Be Clear & Concise
13 Things You Should
Never Say to Your
1) “I’m ready to take the test I missed last week.
Where do you want me to take it?”
2) “I’m going to miss class tomorrow. Will I be missing anything
3) “I missed class yesterday. Can you go over anything important with me
that I missed?”
4)“I worked too hard on that paper to get a “C”. Can you look at it
5) Why did I get a “C”? I was in class everyday and took notes.”
6)“Why do I need to worry so much about spelling, grammar, and
punctuation? I’ll have a secretary to take care of that.”
13 Things Continued…
7) “If you had read it like I meant it, you’d understand.”
8) “Why do we have to learn this stuff? They don’t use this in the real world.”
9) “Is this important?” Or “Will this be on the test?”
10) “You know, some of us have to work and we have other classes beside this one.”
11) “Can I schedule to take the test on a different day? I have another test that day
that’s a lot harder.”
12) “I’m sorry this assignment is late, but I had to work so I can pay for my new car
and I can’t quit work or I’d have to drive a piece of junk.”
13) “I don’t understand.” “What don’t you understand?” “Everything!”
Along with the 13 things…
College professors are people who like to
be treated civilly and with respect.
Other things you shouldn’t do:
◦ Talk while they are talking
◦ Pack up your materials to leave while they are
◦ Sleep during their lectures
◦ Text on your phone
◦ Play games or look at Facebook on your
Thank you for your time!
Leddy, M. (2005). How to talk to a professor. Retrieved April 6, 2010, from
Michigan State University (2007). How to make the most of your academic
advisor. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from
Wax, D. (2007). Advice for students: how to talk to professors. Retrieved
April 6, 2010, from