ENGINUITY 2014 Learning How To Play Copyright Virtual Management Simulations Navigation Navigate through the presentation by using :buttons to load specific topics buttons for movement to specific points Demo Hotspot The mouse, buttons for self-paced demonstrations of topics hotspots to display further information. and not the keyboard, should be used at all times. Introduction The following sections will guide you through learning how to play ENGINUITY, covering the key points you need to know, such as : How to use the Participants’ Module Getting the most out of the Tutorial Practising, or trialling, the key to success The Participants’ Module is the software used by participants to take part in an ENGINUITY competition. It enables : Decisions to be made for each period relating to the key managerial functions Company performance to be measured and assessed The global economic outlook in which the company is operating to be analysed Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Company information is held in a company database, which is unique to each team. The company database is selected using the Select Company Database button. Contents The Participants’ Module Selecting The Company Database The Main Menu Making Decisions Submitting Decisions Learning Tools The Tutorial Trialling Exit Selecting The Company Database Participants’ Module Thethe All company information database a team used needs to learn toOnce manage how to their play connection ENGINUITY businesshad is been held depends in the upon company the nature database, of the a successful made to the required company database the Main Menu is displayed, which is in Access format. competition. and decisions can be made for the current period. Every For the company annualdatabase competition follow forthe industry same the naming trial convention company database of “ccc_t?p?.dat” “trial2014_t1p5.dat” where :- is used. This can be downloaded from the Participants‘ Area of the website. ccc is the competition id Fort all is the other team’s competitions unique number the trial data normally used will be the live data for the competition. This p is will the have current beenperiod sent to all team contacts by the competition controller when the team registers for a competition. Whichever database is used :- It should be placed in appropriate local folder. The name of the company database should“trial2014_t1p5.dat” not be altered. The trial database, is downloaded from the Participants‘ Area of the website, and placed in a folder structure setup specifically for the competition. the trial data is placed in the “default” folder. As an example we will use Initially the first scenario, where the trial database being used is for the annual competition for industry. Further sub folders are created to hold different trials, and their results. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key Point(s) The name of the company database does not need to be changed, since the folder structure separates the different trials. The Select Company Database button from the opening screen of the software is used to browse The database is highlighted by clicking on it, and then the Open for, and connect to, the company database. button used to connect to it. Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit The Main Menu Participants’ Module The Main Menu displays relevant information about the company being managed : Company database; The location of the company database being used. The Industry information menu has options that describe the conditions of bothname the local and global economy in which the Team details; team number, and(UK) the management structure. The Miscellaneous menu has additional Using ‘housekeeping’ a pull-down menu options structure, the Main Menu The Assessing performance menu has options that enable company is operating. The decisions menu has options that enable decisions Current status; The current key indicator score of thetocompany, and is theMaking gateway to managing theperformance company. company performance to be measured and assessed. entered each they period to the key functions of the business. thebe period in which arerelating operating. Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit Making Decisions Participants’ Module Rather The Help than menu going is back split into to the two Main sections. Menu, The thereveals Guide Relevant options company give aninformation overview of options key features Clicking on the Making decisions option the four decision screens relating toprovide All the Change decision period screens can have be some used to common display the menu decisions options. made related a short to cutthe toOverheads, company current decisions, information with links the Industry to the current information where and appropriate. which can help Finance, Procurement andtodirectly Job Progression. in related previous periods, denoted asdecisions, ‘Completed’. in making effective decisions. Change decisions can be used to move between decision screens. On all the decision screens :- but we will take a closer Each decision screen is described in detail in the Tutorial, look at some of the important features thatare aredenoted common themtext all. on a white background Input fields bytoblack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The default mode when opening Key Point(s) Read-only information is shown in different coloured any of the decision screens is to We will use the Financial decisions as the example. Only one decision screen canyellow, be opened at grey. once. backgrounds, normally pink or enable decisions to be made for the current period. Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit Submitting Decisions Participants’ Module In the Trialling section we will look in more detail at how the email feedback and the period 6 processes the trial decisions Having made some decisions the Participants’ Module database can be used to review The theCompetition quality of Controller trial decisions made for periodfor 5. 5, and emails back the database the next period, ishave closed down, and the trial database isfor emailed to the Decisionsperiod been made using the trial database “trial2014_t1p5.dat”, whichfor contains the results for period 5. Competition Controller processing anddata\attempt1. feedback. which aretrial2014_t1p6,dat, stored in the folder c:\enginuity2014\trial The database for period 6 is placed in the sub folder attempt 1, where the original decisions were stored. Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit The Tutorial Learning Tools The Glossary lotsabout of Let us suppose that information is needed aboutand how to bidFirst, for a Thekey Although tutorial the tutorial atutorial detailed key slideshow, concepts, the the best first way source tojob. learn ofthe help about for contains learning Enginuity is the to The slide in is the isintroduces the powerpoint contents the slide, click on Procurement button in Clicking on a hotspot will reveal useful information that elaborates which isathe gateway to all the other information.is discussed in another section. Making Decisions section. how to have go, play and ENGINUITY. practising (trialling) further information. in more detail on selected topics. Then, click on the Bidding Decisions button to learn how to bid for a job. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key Point(s) The green buttons are self-paced demonstrations of specific topics. Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit Trialling Learning Tools The Company Performance Summary provide a detailed set performance statistics relating to Detailed feedback Trialling is email very flexible, and trials can be either :-of they Using the feedback and the period 6submitted database apossible thorough review be carried out of the Key After performance opening the indicators period 6particular database, Trial the assessment Main Menu provides a number of tools for assessing performance. For Trial The teams 3 decisions areas to that manage are are sent their by email company useful to the as are Competition effectively :as Controller for processing. needcan to spend time learning Management Consultants Report Updated trial database Detailed feedback is also(MCR)is provided the email forstrengths each of the four decision all of during theindicators company’s activities, and can be used to identify andstart weaknesses, 10 aspects key performance are used Key to performance measure theReport indicators overall success (KPIs) ofon are the used company. to measure the progress oftrial the company, and The Management Consultants athe detailed review carried out each period by an performance period 5. about ENGINUITY, and there is the opportunity to trial software prior to the of a external The email feedback will provide a initial assessment of the quality of the decisions. screens, and concentrates on areas that could be improved. Measuring performance initially total 1,000 points at the start of period 5. and explain the rise and fall of particular key performance indicators. consultant, and canController be a valuable aid inperformance. managing thetrial company successfully, especially As athe group/team effort competition The The email Key returned Performance usingmanagement some from Indicators trial the Competition data. for measuring overall containing the results consists ofand twoin From of the results changes can then be made to theHistory. period 5 decisions, The The indicators Key assessment performance are weighted indicators according are to their used variability, to determine totalling how a well 1,000 a company at the end is performing of the overall. addressing areas of concern. However, for a is more detailedThe analysis the period database shouldtoto be opened in Individually elements :- submitted. top section ofhelp, the6 summary relates the state ofthe the The feedback accompanied by supporting and references the another trial The Performance summary provide The detailed total KPI information score at the that end can of period be used 5 is to shown, assess and how is well a measure particular of areas the quality of the of the Participants’ Module, after firstreal saving itthe to an appropriate folder. Past The experience Performance has Summary shown for that analysing trialling performance is the key in key to areas success, since and the can History. make all company at end of the History. tutorial for further information. As business time progresses are performing, the weighting and can of each decisions help indicator to explain submitted, will the change, success and is highlighting based or failure upon of improvements reviewing particular all performance the or deteriorations decisions. indicators. in that area, but For the trial the results the MCR can beconsiderably, filtered for :After a few trials performance should improve and it should not be long before the the Detailed difference feedback thestarting email itself a competition or notisso well. the overall total will between be theon measure by which the ultimate progress well, of the company determined. Period 5 will only be team, and performance its members, well prepared forgraded the in competition ahead. Analysing In----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------addition, the for results are somewhere between the lowest possible, "Some major The Management Consultants Report reviewing detail performance by period, and in Where the nature is “N”, representing the negative comments, and areas that may need addressing Key Points(s) The updated Management consultants report problems", iscontaining a detailed through review to the highest carried out possible, eachfor period "Excellent". by of an5how external consultant, During The particular the trial areas period phase of concern. 6a database team is able to gain all a good the results understanding period tomanagement manage their The email feedback is only provided during trialling, and not during the live and can be a valuable aid in managing the company successfully, in addressing areas concern. company effectively, learning about the decisions andespecially concepts involved. Asofthe saying goes, competition The Financial analysis displays detailed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------financial information for previous periods. ‘practice We will take now makes take a closer perfect’. a closer look look at detailed each at each one. one. The Overhead analysis displaysKey Point(s) overhead information for previous periods, relating to the key overhead departments. Even with a grading of "excellent" it may beThe possible to section improveofthe numerical bottom theoverall summary relatesscore to the The Procurement analysis displays with detailed some subtle bidding tweaks analysis to the fordecisions. previous periods. performance of the company since the History. The JobMake analysis displays detailed job information. Submit Review The Personnel analysis displays detailed personnel information for previous periods, relating to clients, project managers decisions results for decisions and consultants. Feedback Further for period 5 Use the Participants‘ Module to enter decisions into the trial company database for period 5. for processing E-mail the trial company database to the competition controller for processing. returned Trial results are returned, along with detailed feedback. period 5 Review the results for period 5, and determine changes required to previous decisions. trialling Change the previous decisions, and have another go Keep clicking anywhere on the screen to advance Quit
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