FUGRO CONSULTANTS, INC. GEOTECHNICAL STUDY VENTURA COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRICT NO. 19 NEAR TERM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: PHOENIX CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. May 2013 Fugro Job No. 04.62120071 FUGRO CONSULTANTS, INC. 4820 McGrath Street, Suite 100 Ventura, California 93003-7778 Tel: (805) 650-7000 Fax: (805) 650-7010 May 2, 2013 Project No. 04.62120071 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. 4532 Telephone Road, Suite 113 Ventura, California 93003 Attention: Mr. Jon Turner, PE Subject: Geotechnical Study, Ventura County Waterworks District No. 19, Near Term Capital Improvement Project, Ventura County, California Dear Mr. Turner: This report describes the findings and conclusions of a geotechnical study performed for Ventura County Waterworks District No. 19, Water Pipeline Upgrade Project, in Ventura County, California. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the subsurface conditions along the proposed alignments, and to aid in developing geotechnical opinions and recommendations concerning construction and improvements to the proposed pipeline segments. The field exploration program for this study consisted of six hollow-stem-auger drill holes, and two handauger explorations. A summary of the exploration program is provided in the text, on Plates 1 through 3, and supporting documentation attached as appendices to this report. The work was performed in general accordance with our proposal dated January 26, 2012. We appreciate the opportunity to work with Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. on this project. Please contact the project manager, Ms. Lori Prentice, if you have any questions regarding the information in this report or require additional geotechnical input for the Waterworks District No. 19 Water Pipeline Upgrade Project. Sincerely, FUGRO CONSULTANTS, INC. Loree A. Berry, PE Project Engineer Copies Submitted: Lori E. Prentice, PG, CEG Principal Engineering Geologist (1) Addressee and Pdf A member of the Fugro group of companies with offices throughout the world. Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Project Description........................................................................................... Purpose ........................................................................................................... Scope of Work ................................................................................................. 1.3.1 Data Review, Pre-Field Planning, and Permitting ................................. 1.3.2 Subsurface Exploration ........................................................................ 1.3.3 Laboratory Testing ............................................................................... 1.3.4 Geotechnical Evaluation and Report Preparation ................................. 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 2.2 Geologic Setting .............................................................................................. Site Conditions and Local Setting .................................................................... 2.2.1 Site Conditions ..................................................................................... 2.2.2 Local Setting ........................................................................................ Subsurface Conditions ..................................................................................... 2.3.1 Earth Materials ..................................................................................... 2.3.2 Engineering Properties of Selected Earth Materials ............................. 2.3.3 Groundwater ........................................................................................ Geohazards and Seismicity ............................................................................. 2.4.1 Faults ................................................................................................... 2.4.2 Strong Ground Motion .......................................................................... 2.4.3 Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading ...................................................... 2.4.4 Seismically Induced Settlement ........................................................... 2.4.5 Landsliding/Slope Instability ................................................................. 2.4.6 Flooding ............................................................................................... 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................... 9 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 General............................................................................................................ Pipeline Construction ....................................................................................... 3.2.1 Temporary Excavations and Shoring ................................................... 3.2.2 Operations ........................................................................................... 3.2.3 Existing Utilities/Pipelines .................................................................... Pipeline Design ................................................................................................ 3.3.1 Pipe Zone Materials ............................................................................. 3.3.2 Trench Backfill Materials ...................................................................... 3.3.3 External Pipeline Loads ....................................................................... 3.3.4 Modulus of Soil Reaction ..................................................................... 3.3.5 Thrust Resistance ................................................................................ 3.3.6 Frictional Resistance ............................................................................ Corrosivity ....................................................................................................... Dewatering ...................................................................................................... Replacement of Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement ..................................... M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC i 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) CONTENTS Page 3.7 4.0 5.0 Field Observation and Testing ......................................................................... 13 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................... 14 4.1 4.2 4.3 Potential Variations in Subsurface Conditions.................................................. Local Practice .................................................................................................. Report Use ...................................................................................................... 14 14 14 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 16 TABLES Page 1 2 Exploration Locations ............................................................................................ Summary of Chemical Test Results ....................................................................... 3 12 PLATES Plate Vicinity Map ...................................................................................................................... Drill Hole Location Plan ..................................................................................................... Regional Geologic Map ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 APPENDICES APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION Log of Drill Hole ........................................................................................ Plates A-1 through A-8 Key to Terms & Symbols Used on Logs ........................................................................ Plate A-9 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Summary of Laboratory Test Results ............................................................................ Plate B-1 Grain Size/Percent Passing No.200 Results ................................................................. Plate B-2 Plasticity Chart .............................................................................................................. Plate B-3 Compaction Test Results .............................................................................................. Plate B-4 Corrosivity Test Results ................................................................................ Plates B-5a and 5b M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC ii Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical study performed for Ventura County Waterworks District (VCWWD) No. 19 Water Pipeline Upgrade Project in the Somis area of Ventura County. The location of the project alignments relative to nearby streets and landmarks is shown on Plate 1 - Vicinity Map. 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed water pipeline upgrade project consists of replacement of older, undersized, and deteriorating water pipelines, and abandonment and replacement of selected service lines within the VCWD jurisdiction near the Somis area of Ventura County. We understand that VCWD has designated a total of 12 upgrade/repair locations (Project No. 1 through 12) that have been divided into two contracts. The scope of work for this contract consists of Project Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5b, 6, 7, and 12. The project alignments included in this work scope consist of installation of 2-inch diameter customer service lines and replacement of existing 4- to 8-inch-diameter distribution lines with 12- to 14-inch-diameter pipelines. The pipelines likely will be installed using cut and cover and possibly pipe bursting construction techniques. Pipe inverts are anticipated to be about 3 to 5 feet deep. The pipeline upgrade locations within this contract are shown on Plate 2 - Drill Hole Location Plan and consist of: • Project No. 1. Installation of about 560 feet of 14-inch-diameter waterline within the Bradley Road right-of-way (ROW), north of Well No. 2 to a tie-in at Berylwood Road. • Project No. 3. Replace about 1,320 feet of 8-inch-diameter water pipeline with a 12inch-diameter pipeline along Donlon Road near McBean Road. • Project No. 4. Replace about 920 feet of 8-inch-diameter water pipeline with a 12inch pipeline along Kingsgrove Drive from Faircrest Drive northwest to the Well No. 3 access road. • Project No. 5b. Installation of two 2-inch-diameter waterlines near Bell Ranch Road in Somis about 2,600 feet westerly along an agricultural access road. • Project No. 6. Relocate three water meters to within public ROW on Posita Road east of Balcom Canyon Road and install two 2-inch-diameter waterlines that extend from Posita Road north along a private drive about 1,360 feet. • Project No. 7. Replace about 1,360 feet of 4-inch-diameter waterline with an 8-inchdiameter waterline in West Street alley in Somis. • Project No. 12. Replace about 1,810 feet of 4-inch-diameter waterline and 800 feet of 6-inch-diameter waterline with 12-inch-diameter waterline along Balcom Canyon Road from SR118 to an existing pressure reducing station; relocate pressure reducing station to near intersection of SR 118 and Balcom Canyon Road. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 1 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 1.2 PURPOSE The purpose of this geotechnical engineering study is to evaluate subsurface conditions along the project alignments and to develop geotechnical opinions and recommendations concerning construction and improvements for the pipeline project. 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK Our scope of work consisted of data review, permitting, subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, geotechnical evaluation, and reporting. The work was performed in general accordance with our proposal dated January 26, 2012. 1.3.1 Data Review, Pre-Field Planning, and Permitting Fugro reviewed relevant existing geologic and geotechnical data available in our files. We performed a site reconnaissance to observe existing site conditions and to locate the drill holes. Prior to initiating subsurface exploration, we obtained encroachment permits for exploration work in the County of Ventura (County) roadway right-of-way and contacted Underground Service Alert for utility clearance. 1.3.2 Subsurface Exploration We advanced six hollow-stem-auger drill holes and two hand-auger drill holes near the project upgrade alignment locations between May 31 and June 23, 2012. Table 1 provides a summary of the exploration locations performed for this study. The drill holes were generally advanced in shoulder areas of County roadways near the locations indicated on Plate 2. The hollow-stem-auger drill holes were advanced by S&G Drilling of Lompoc, California at locations accessible by the truck-mounted drill rig. Hand-auger drill holes were advanced in locations inaccessible by the truck-mounted equipment due to space limitations within the roadway shoulder and/or existing utilities. Drill locations originally proposed within private property were not performed for this study as access to those locations was not granted by the property owners at the time we performed our field exploration. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 2 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) Table 1. Exploration Locations Project No. Location (approx. alignment length) Drill Hole Number* Depth Material Type DH-01 10.0 CL 1 Bradley Road (560 feet) 3 Donlon Road (1,320 feet) DH-03A 10.0 CL/ML/SC 3 Donlon Road (1,320 feet) DH-03B 11.5 CL/ML/SC 4 Kingsgrove Drive (920 feet) HA-04 6.0 CL/SC 5 Somis Rd near Bell Ranch Road (2,600 feet) DH-05A 11.5 CL 6 Posita Road/Private Drive (1,360 feet) DH-06 11.5 CL/SC 7 West Street alley (1,360 feet) DH-07 10.0 CL 12 Balcom Canyon Road (1,810 feet) HA-12B 6.0 ML Notes:*A prefix of "DH" indicates the exploration was advanced using a drill rig equipped with hollow stem augers. "HA" indicates hand auger Drilling. The drill holes were advanced using a Central Mining Equipment CME-75, truck-mounted hollow-stem-auger drill rig, to depths of about 10 to 11.5 feet, and were sampled at about 2.5-foot intervals. A description of the subsurface conditions encountered is presented on the drill-hole logs in Appendix A - Field Exploration. Sampling. The drill holes were sampled using a 2-3/8-inch-inside-diameter (ID) Modified California Sampler or a 1-3/8-inch-ID Standard Penetration Test sampler. Samplers were driven using a 140-pound CME automatic-trip hammer free falling from a height of 30 inches. Bulk samples were collected during the course of drilling by taking cuttings obtained from the auger flights. The bulk samples were selected for classification and testing purposes and may represent a mixture of soils within the noted depths. Hand Auger holes were excavated with a 3-inch diameter barrel hand auger with a 5-foot extension pole. Bulk bag samples were collected from the cuttings retained within the hand auger barrel. 1.3.3 Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed on selected samples obtained from the field exploration program to assist in our characterization of the geotechnical engineering properties of the materials encountered. Tests performed for this study were based on the findings from the field exploration and consisted of moisture content, soil classification (grain-size, plasticity, expansion index), strength, corrosion potential, sand equivalent, and compaction. The results of the laboratory testing are presented in Appendix B - Laboratory Testing. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 3 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 1.3.4 Geotechnical Evaluation and Report Preparation Subsurface exploration and laboratory test data were evaluated to develop geotechnical design recommendations for the pipeline project. This report was prepared to present the findings, conclusions, and recommendations developed for this study. The report includes the following: • Summary of soil and groundwater conditions at exploration locations; • Discussion of site geology, faulting, and seismicity; • Potential for geologic hazards to impact the project (such as seismic shaking, liquefaction, and slope instability); • Geotechnical pipeline design criteria; • Summary of encountered); • Discussion of excavation conditions and temporary support considerations; • Suitability of onsite soil for use as fill and select fill material; and • Suggested specifications for on-site and imported materials used as fill. existing pavement sections at exploration locations (where 2.0 FINDINGS 2.1 GEOLOGIC SETTING The proposed pipeline upgrade project is located within the Transverse Ranges geologic/geomorphic province of California. That province is characterized by generally eastwest-trending mountain ranges composed of sedimentary and volcanic rocks ranging in age from Cretaceous to Recent. Major east-trending folds, reverse faults, and left-lateral strike-slip faults reflect regional north-south compression and are characteristic of the Transverse Ranges. 2.2 SITE CONDITIONS AND LOCAL SETTING The scope of work for the project consisted of evaluation of subsurface conditions for seven project alignments as summarized in Table 1. The approximate drill hole locations are indicated on Plate 2. 2.2.1 Site Conditions The project alignments are located in rural areas of Ventura County. Projects 1, 3, 4, and 12 are located adjacent to County roadways that are typically narrow, have narrow shoulders, and overhead and underground utilities adjacent to the roadways. Projects 5 and 6 are located within earthen access/agricultural roads and Project 7 is located within a paved alleyway in Somis consisting of older asphalt pavement in very poor condition. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 4 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 2.2.2 Local Setting Regional geologic conditions as mapped by Dibblee (1992a and 1992b) are shown on Plate 3 - Regional Geology Map. Projects 1, 3, 4, and 6 are located south of the southwarddipping limb of the Long Canyon Anticline. Projects 5 and 7 are located southeast of the southward-dipping limb of the Camarillo Hills Anticline and Project 12 is located west of the western nose of the Moorpark Anticline. Dibblee indicates that Projects 1, 4, 5, 7, and 12 are underlain by alluvial sediments consisting of sand, silt, and gravel in valley and floodplain areas. Projects 3 and 6 are underlain by older alluvial sediments consisting of weakly consolidated alluvial sediments of gravel, sand, sand/clay as mapped by Dibblee. The proposed alignments in the upgrade project are generally located within publicrights-of way in shoulder areas of rural roadways in Ventura County. Topography is generally gently sloping to the south and southeast with elevations (el.) that range from about el. 600 feet above mean sea level (MSL) near Project 6 north of Posita Drive to about el. 225 feet MSL near Project 5 near Bell Ranch Road in the southern portion of the project area (Plate 2). 2.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2.3.1 Earth Materials Earth materials exposed along the proposed alignment segments and encountered by the drill holes advanced for this study generally consist of artificial fill underlain by alluvial or older alluvial deposits to the depths explored. The majority of the artificial fill materials appear to be related to roadway construction, existing utility construction, and agricultural activity. Project No. 1. The Project No. 1 alignment along Bradley Road near Ventura County Water Well No.2 was explored by drill hole DH-01. The earth materials encountered by the drill hole consist of about 2 feet of sandy gravelly clay fill materials overlying medium stiff lean clay with sand alluvial sediments to the depth explored (10 feet). Project No. 3. The Project No. 3 alignment along Donlon Road was explored by drill holes DH-03A and DH-03B. The earth materials encountered at DH-03A consist of about 2 feet of sandy clay artificial fill materials overlying hard silty clay and medium dense to dense clayey sand alluvial sediments to the depths explored (10 feet). The materials encountered at DH-03B consist of about 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 4 inches of granular base materials pavement section underlain by alluvial sediments. The sediments consist of medium stiff sandy silt, very stiff sandy clay, and loose to medium dense clayey sand alluvial sediments with fine to medium gravel to the depth explored (11.5 feet). Project No. 4. The Project No. 4 alignment along Kingsgrove Drive east of Heatherton Drive was explored by hand auger hole HA-04 due to space limitations that precluded using the drilling rig. At the location explored, the subsurface conditions appear to consist of about 6 inches of sandy clay artificial fill materials overlying clayey sand alluvial sediments to the depths explored (6 feet). M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 5 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) Project No. 5. Project No. 5 alignment along Bell Ranch Road was explored by drill hole DH-05. The earth materials encountered by the drill hole consist of about 2.5 feet of clayey artificial fill materials overlying medium stiff lean clay with sand alluvial sediments to the depths explored (11.5 feet). Project No. 6. The Project No. 6 alignment extending north of Posita Road within private property was evaluated by drill hole DH-06. Because access onto the private property was not available, DH-06 was advanced on the southern shoulder of Posita Drive near the location indicated on Plate 2. Earth materials encountered by the drill hole consist of approximately 6 feet of medium stiff artificial fill soils underlain by very stiff sandy clay and medium dense clayey sand alluvium to the depths explored (11.5 feet). Project No. 7. The Project No. 7 alignment along the West Street alley in Somis was explored by drill hole DH-07. At the location explored, the subsurface conditions appear to consist of approximately 3.5 feet of medium stiff sandy lean clay underlain by medium stiff to stiff lean clay with sand to the depths explored (10 feet). Project No. 12. The Project No. 12 alignment along Balcom Canyon Road north of Los Angeles Avenue was explored by hand auger holes due to the narrow shoulders and underground and overhead utilities that precluded use of the truck mounted drilling equipment. HA-12A was attempted twice and abandoned at depths of approximately 2 feet due to the presence of sandy, gravelly artificial fill materials and caving of the hole. HA-12B was advanced to about 6 feet. The materials encountered at HA-12B consist of medium stiff silt with sand to the depth explored. 2.3.2 Engineering Properties of Selected Earth Materials Laboratory tests were performed on selected samples recovered from our field exploration programs to characterize the engineering properties of the soils at the locations explored. The results of the laboratory tests are presented in Appendix B. Soil Unit Weight. In-place soil dry density measurements for selected soil samples ranged from about 71 to 120 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) and moisture contents ranged from 5 to 39 percent. Grainsize. Selected samples of granular material were tested to evaluate the grainsize distribution of the soils encountered in our explorations. The laboratory analyses indicate that the tested materials are lean clay with sand and gravel, silt with sand, and clayey sand with gravel. Additionally, tests to evaluate the fines content were performed on selected samples. Measured fines content within the granular materials ranged from about 29 to 47 percent. Tests on samples of sandy clay and clay with sand indicated fines contents of 80 and 91 percent, respectively. Atterberg Limits Tests. Atterberg limits tests were performed on selected samples of cohesive materials. The results suggest liquid limits ranging from 24 to 48 and plasticity indices ranging from 7 to 24, indicating that the tested materials are lean clay. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 6 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) Shear Strength. Shear strength of the encountered soils was evaluated using SPT-N value correlations and results of torvane tests performed on selected ring samples. Torvane results suggest the cohesive soils have an average undrained shear strength of about 700 psf. Expansion Index Tests. The results of four expansion index (EI) tests performed on selected samples of near surface soil materials suggest EIs. ranging from 1 to 122 feet. Table 1809.7 of the 2010 Ventura County Building Code defines that range to be classified as having very low (0-20) to high (91-130) expansion potential. Summary of Expansion Index Results Sample Segment Depth (ft) Material Expansion Index DH-3A Donlon Rd. 0-4 Sandy Lean CLAY (L) 54 DH-3B Donlon Rd. 1-4 Sandy SILT (ML) 1 DH-06 Positas Rd. 6 Lean CLAY w/sand (CL) 87 DH-07 West St. Alley 0-5 Lean CLAY w/sand (CL) 122 Corrosion Tests. Five samples were selected for corrosivity testing and the results are summarized in Section 3.2.1. 2.3.3 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any of the explorations performed for this study to the depths explored (about 11.5 feet). Groundwater conditions may vary due to precipitation, irrigation practices, or other factors. There is also a potential for groundwater to be encountered during construction at areas not explored during our study. 2.4 GEOHAZARDS AND SEISMICITY The project area is located in a seismically active portion of California. The project improvements will most likely be subject to earthquake-related strong ground shaking during their design life, potentially resulting in damage to improvements. 2.4.1 Faults The site is proximal to a number of faults that are considered active or potentially active including the Springville, Camarillo, Simi-Santa Rosa, Anacapa-Dume, Malibu Coast, Ventura/Pitas Point, Oak Ridge, and San Cayetano. There are no faults considered active or potentially active by the State of California that cross any of the project alignments. However, the eastern portion of the Springville fault (zoned active by the State of California) is located within about 2,000 to 4,000 feet of the Projects 5 and 7 alignments. The potential for fault rupture along the alignments is considered to be low. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 7 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 2.4.2 Strong Ground Motion Site-specific analyses of anticipated strong ground motion were not included as part of the scope of services for this study. However, review of the interactive USGS website suggests peak horizontal ground accelerations range from about 0.52 to about 0.67 (10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years) for the various alignment segments. 2.4.3 Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading Liquefaction is described as the sudden loss of soil strength because of a rapid increase in soil pore water pressures due to cyclic loading during a seismic event. Liquefaction has been linked to granular soils with low standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts such as could be expected within the alluvial sediments in the project area. However, groundwater was not encountered in any of the shallow drill holes advanced for this study and is anticipated to be in excess of 40 feet below the ground surface based on review of California Division of Mines and Geology ([CDMG] 2000, 2002a, and 2002b). On that basis, the potential for liquefaction to occur in the alluvial valleys is considered low. Liquefaction is less likely to occur in areas underlain by older alluvial sediments. Lateral spreading is the phenomena where earth materials move laterally toward a free face or in the direction of sloping ground in response to strong ground shaking. Occurrence of lateral spreading is related to liquefaction and the alignments are not located proximal to free faces that would be impacted by lateral spreading. On that basis, the potential for lateral spreading to affect the project alignments is considered to be low. 2.4.4 Seismically Induced Settlement Seismically induced settlement or collapse can occur in "dry" soils that are loose, soft, or moderately dense, but weakly cemented. Because groundwater is anticipated to be in excess of about 40 feet below the ground surface and the encountered soils are primarily granular, the potential exists for seismically induced settlement from "dry" soils above the groundwater level to impact the project alignments. 2.4.5 Landsliding/Slope Instability The pipeline alignments addressed in this study are not located proximal to slopes and therefore would not be expected to be impacted by slope instability. 2.4.6 Flooding The proposed alignments are not located within areas that are anticipated to be affected by flooding. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 8 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 GENERAL Conclusions and recommendations for this study are based on the results of our exploration and testing programs, and on our understanding of the project. The geotechnical conditions in the project area should be considered in the design and construction of the proposed project elements. 3.2 PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 Temporary Excavations and Shoring Excavations more than 4 feet deep should be excavated, shored, or shielded in accordance with federal and state standards, project specifications, and safe construction practices. The contractor should be responsible for the safety of temporary excavations. As guidance for design, the onsite soils appear to meet the OSHA criteria for Type C Soils. Temporary excavations should be monitored for stability during construction and be modified if necessary. Shoring and bracing of the trench sidewalls may be required and should be designed in accordance with OSHA regulations. Unconsolidated sand with varying amounts of silt, clay, and gravel were encountered in the drill holes above and below more clayey layers. Sloughing of the granular materials could occur unless the trench walls are shored or shielded. The contractor should be responsible for design and implementation of shoring systems and safe working conditions. The use of metal, plywood, and/or timber sheeting will likely be necessary between shores or pipe jacks to minimize sloughing of the soils. Trench walls lacking sheeting and/or adequate sidewall support could move or be unstable and result in damage to existing improvements and adjacent utilities. Continuous support should be anticipated to minimize potential sloughing of the existing soils in large part because of the presence of existing utilities and improvements near the proposed pipeline alignment. Conventional trench shields provide only for worker safety and do not provide continuous support unless the shield is installed tight against the sidewalls. 3.2.2 Operations On pipeline projects, the contractor typically places the excavated soils adjacent to the trench and spreads those soils so that a sideboom, welding trucks, and other vehicles can drive adjacent to the trench on the excavated soils. To help reduce the potential for caving/sloughing of the trench sidewalls from traffic vibration, we suggest that the contractor maintain a vehicle setback equal to depth of trench. However, if local soil conditions create a trench-sidewallstability hazard, a geotechnical engineer should be consulted to evaluate alternative minimum distances needed between the edge of the trench and stored excavated soils and vehicle traffic, so that the potential for trench instabilities can be minimized. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 9 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) Similarly, heavy equipment should be operated in a safe manner and should be kept an adequate distance from vertical trench sidewalls to prevent a trench-sidewall-stability hazard. The width of that heavy equipment exclusionary zone will vary based on underlying earth materials, depth of trench excavation, the presence or absence of groundwater, and the configuration of the excavated trench. As a general guideline, heavy equipment should be excluded from a zone located between the top of the trench excavation and a 1h:1v projection from the bottom of the adjacent trench sidewall. This is a general guideline and may need to be modified in the field for specific geotechnical conditions. The contractor should consult a qualified geotechnical engineer regarding his excavation procedures. 3.2.3 Existing Utilities/Pipelines Trenches should be excavated no closer than a 1h:1v projection up from the bottom of the excavation in areas where an existing utility/pipeline parallels or subparallels the trench excavation. The minimum clear distance between an existing utility and the trench should be evaluated by the contractor. We recommend that existing utility/pipelines be supported/ protected or that the trench be shored to prevent loss of lateral support for existing utility/pipelines when: 1) the trench is closer than a 1h:1v projection to the existing utility, 2) the stability of the existing utility is in question, or 3) there is a potential for sloughing of the trench sidewalls adjacent to the existing utility. 3.3 PIPELINE DESIGN Compacted fill materials for the proposed pipeline will consist of pipe zone materials and trench backfill materials. The following subsections describe each of those materials. The recommendations for characteristics and placement of those materials are largely derived from the "Greenbook" (2012), Section 306. 3.3.1 Pipe Zone Materials Pipe zone materials are defined, herein, as those select earth materials used as pipeline bedding and shading. The pipe zone materials should extend from at least 6 inches below the pipe to 12 inches above the crown. The pipe zone materials also should extend at least 24 inches out from the sides of the pipeline. Pipe zone materials should consist of clean sand or crushed angular gravel with a minimum SE of 30 to facilitate placement and achieve uniform support for the improvements. Gravel should conform to the gradation for ¾-inch, crushed rock in Table 200-1.2, of the "Greenbook" (2012). On the basis of our observations, the soils encountered during subsurface exploration for the project appear unlikely to comply with the recommendations presented above for pipe zone backfill materials. Selected soil samples from the drill holes advanced along the pipeline alignments have fines contents ranging from about 29 to 91 percent and SE values between about 4 and 16. Some of the onsite soils may satisfy the requirements for pipe zone material. However, the potential quantity of those materials is unknown and it will be difficult to identify and segregate those materials. Therefore, in our opinion, most, if not all, of the pipe zone backfill materials will likely need to be imported to the project site. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 10 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) Pipe zone materials should be properly placed and mechanically compacted in order to achieve a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction as determined by standard test method ASTM D1557. Sand backfill should be placed in loose lift thicknesses no greater than 8 inches and mechanically compacted with a vibratory compactor. If crushed gravel is used as bedding material, the gravel bedding should be placed in loose lift thicknesses no greater than 8 inches and should be mechanically compacted using a minimum of 3 passes of a vibrating mechanical compactor. The trench width should be sufficient to allow compaction equipment to operate between the pipe springline and trench wall. Jetting or flooding of pipe zone materials should not be allowed. 3.3.2 Trench Backfill Materials Trench backfill materials are defined herein, as those materials placed above the pipe zone. Onsite soils should be suitable for use as trench backfill. Trench backfill should be spread in loose lifts not to exceed 8 inches in thickness, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined from ASTM D1557. The upper 1 foot of the subgrade beneath paved areas should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density ASTM D1557. Particles larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension should be excluded. 3.3.3 External Pipeline Loads External loads on the pipes will consist of loads due to the overlying earth materials, loads due to construction activities, and loads related to traffic, agricultural operations, or other post-construction land uses. We recommend that the pipes be designed to resist the imposed loads with a factor of safety and an amount of deflection, as recommended by the pipeline manufacturer. Loads on the pipe due to the overlying soil will be dependent upon the depth of placement, the type and method of backfill, the type of pipe, the configuration of the trench, and whether or not any fill will be placed above the ground surface. The pipe may be subject to surcharge pressures due to construction activities and traffic. Those surcharge pressures should be considered in the design of the pipe. 3.3.4 Modulus of Soil Reaction Flexible and semi-rigid pipes are typically designed to withstand a certain amount of deflection from the applied earth loads. Those deflections can be estimated with the aid of equations developed by Howard (1995). We suggest an E'-value of 1,500 pounds per square inch for project design. The E'-value is for a combined trench/pipeline system that includes a minimum of 12 inches of compacted pipe zone material around the pipeline. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 11 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 3.3.5 Thrust Resistance Where the proposed pipeline changes direction abruptly, resistance to thrust forces can be provided by mobilizing frictional resistance between the pipe and the surrounding soil, by use of a thrust-block, or by a combination of the two. Thrust-blocks can be designed on the potential applied lateral stress imparted by the pipeline. For thrust-blocks bearing directly against undisturbed native soils, the ultimate lateral pressure may be computed using an equivalent fluid weight of 250 pcf up to an ultimate value of 1,5000 pounds per square foot (psf). Where the thrust block is submerged, the equivalent fluid weight should be reduced to 125 pcf. The estimated lateral displacement needed to develop the ultimate passive pressure for a 5-foot high thrust-block is about one-half inch (about 1 percent of the block height). Lateral bearing should be neglected from the ground surface to a depth of 1 foot below the lowest adjacent grade. 3.3.6 Frictional Resistance Thrust resistance can also be developed from soil friction on the pipeline. Frictional resistance from the proposed backfill materials will vary with embedment depth, groundwater levels, and trench conditions. Assuming normal trench conditions and compacted backfill around the pipe, the ultimate soil friction can be estimated using a friction coefficient of 0.25. The recommended values assume a coefficient of friction between the soil and the PVC pipe of at least 15 degrees. A factor of safety of at least 1.5 should be used to estimate the allowable resistance. 3.4 CORROSIVITY Corrosivity tests were performed on selected samples from the field program. The results from the testing laboratory are presented in Appendix B and are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Summary of Chemical Test Results 1 Sample Depth (ft) Material Description Sulfates (ppm) Resistivity (ohm-cm) pH Chlorides (ppm)1 DH-03B 1 Sandy SILT (ML) 130 2809 7.2 <2 HA-04 2 Clayey SAND (SC) <5 2586 8.1 13 DH-05 1 Lean CLAY with sand (CL) 241 332 7.0 33 DH-06 1 Sandy lean CLAY (CL) 52 1699 7.2 20 HA-12B 3.5 SILT with sand (ML) <5 1614 7.9 16 ppm - parts per million M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 12 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) The resistivity values suggest that the existing near surface onsite soils at 4 of the 5 locations tested are moderately to fairly corrosive to metals. The soils tested from DH-05 indicate the soils at alignment No. 5 may be very corrosive to metals. If buried metal structures are incorporated into the project they should be protected against corrosion. Buried metal shall be wrapped in polyethylene to provide corrosion protection in accordance with standard industry practice." Soluble sulfate and chloride concentrations tested within the near surface onsite soils suggest the tested soils have negligible to moderate corrosive properties relative to concrete. Based on the preliminary testing performed for this study, Type II cement should be acceptable. In accordance with the 2010 California Building Code (CBC), concrete and reinforcing steel should conform to the requirements of Sections 4.3 and 4.4 of ACI 318. 3.5 DEWATERING Groundwater was not encountered in any of the drill holes advanced for this study and dewatering is not anticipated for the project. However, the potential exists for water to occur during construction at locations not explored for the study. If groundwater is encountered, it likely can be handled by sumping and pumping of free water from open excavations. Although not anticipated to be required for this project, dewatering efforts should maintain water levels at least 3 feet below any point on the excavated surface (including the bottom of overexcavations) and should provide trench sidewalls free of groundwater seepage. Dewatering operations may require permitting in accordance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations and possibly other local permits. 3.6 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT The field explorations for areas 1, 4, 5 and 12 were advanced in the unpaved shoulder areas, and asphalt concrete or other paving materials associated with current road surfaces were not encountered. Asphalt concrete was encountered at exploration location DH-03B as indicated on the drill hole log. The asphalt pavement in the alleyway along Project No. 7 where DH-07 was advanced is in very poor condition to nonexistent; as such, DH-07 did not encounter asphalt concrete. Where pavements are encountered during project construction, at a minimum, we suggest that the replacement pavements match the existing asphalt section thickness plus 1 inch. Granular base materials should be replaced with an equal thickness of base material conforming to Section 200-2.2 (Crushed Aggregate Base) or 200-2.4 (Crushed Miscellaneous Base) in the 2012 Greenbook. 3.7 FIELD OBSERVATION AND TESTING The construction process is an integral part of the design with respect to geotechnical aspects of a project. Some of the conclusions and recommendations presented herein are based on assumptions made during our geotechnical studies and evaluations. To verify or disprove those assumptions, a representative of our firm should be present during construction M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 13 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) to observe subsurface geotechnical conditions as they are exposed. Therefore, we recommend that Fugro be retained during grading and construction of the proposed pipelines to observe compliance with the design concepts and geotechnical recommendations, and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions or methods of construction differ from those anticipated. Our representative should test and/or observe excavations, fill and backfill placement and compaction, and the construction of foundation systems. In addition, in geologically sensitive areas, an engineering geologist from our firm should observe and map exposures to verify the presence or absence of geohazards. If a firm other than Fugro provides construction-phase geotechnical services, they should assume full responsibility for all geotechnical aspects of the project, including taking over as Geotechnical Engineer of Record. 4.0 LIMITATIONS 4.1 POTENTIAL VARIATIONS IN SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions for the project elements were evaluated by a limited number of explorations. There is a potential for variation in the consistency, densities, and strength/hardness of the materials. There is also potential for oversized materials (greater than 8 inches in diameter), perched water, zones of poorly consolidated soils, or other conditions not indicated in the drill-hole logs. If significant variation in the geologic conditions is observed during grading, we recommend that the geotechnical engineer, in conjunction with the project designer evaluate the impact of those variations on the project design. 4.2 LOCAL PRACTICE Fugro prepared the findings, conclusions, recommendations and professional opinions presented in this report according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices at the time and location this report was prepared. This statement is in lieu of all warranties, express or implied. 4.3 REPORT USE This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Phoenix Civil Engineering for the County of Ventura Waterworks District No. 19 Water Pipeline Upgrade Project. If any changes are made to the project that differ from those described in this report, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report may become invalid. Fugro should review any changes to the project, and provide modifications as necessary to the recommendations presented in this report. This report and the drawings contained in this report are intended for design-input purposes; they are not intended to act as construction drawings or specifications. The scope of our services presented in this report did not include any environmental site assessment for the presence or absence of hazardous/toxic materials in the soil, groundwater, surface water, or the presence of wetlands. The scope also did not include site assessments for the presence or absence of biological pollutants, mold, and/or mildew. Any statements or lack of statements regarding odors noted or unusual or suspicious items or conditions observed M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 14 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) during this study are strictly for descriptive purposes and are not intended to convey engineering judgment regarding potential hazardous/toxic assessment. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 15 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. May 2, 2013 (Project No. 04.62120071) 5.0 REFERENCES California Building Code (CBC, 2010), California Building Standards Commission California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) (2000), Seismic Hazard Evaluation of the Moorpark 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Ventura County, California, Open-File Report 2000007. ______ (2002a), Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Santa Paula 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Ventura County, California, Seismic Hazard Zone Report 061. ______ (2002b), Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Camarillo 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Ventura County, California, Seismic Hazard Zone Report 054. ______ (1998a), Earthquake Fault Zones, Santa Paula Quadrangle. ______ (1998b), Earthquake Fault Zones, Camarillo Quadrangle. ______ (1999), Earthquake Fault Zones, Moorpark Quadrangle. Dibblee, T.W., Jr.. (1990), Geologic Map of the Camarillo and Newbury Park Quadrangles, Ventura County, California, Map No. DF-28. ______ (1992), Geologic Map of the Moorpark Quadrangle, Ventura County, California, Map DF-40. ______ (1992), Geologic Map of the Santa Paula Quadrangle, Ventura County, California, Map DF-41. Greenbook (2012), "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction." Howard, A.K., et al. (1995), "Prediction of Flexible Pipe Deflection," prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado, January 31. M:\WP\2013\04.62120071\04.62120071_5-2-13.DOC 16 PLATES Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 6 LEGEND Approximate location of pipeline alignment 4 3 1 M:\Drafting\JOBFILES\2012\04.62120071\Drawings\B04.62120071-01 Vicn Map.dwg 07-18-2012 - 4:20pm 12 5 7 NORTH 0 2400 4800 FEET VICINITY MAP Ventura County Water Works District 19 Pipeline Upgrade Project Ventura County, California BASE MAP SOURCE: Thomas Guide 2007, Ventura County (p. 474, 475, 494, & 495). PLATE 1 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 DH-6 HA-4 LEGEND DH-12b DH-3a Approximate Drill Hole/ Hand Auger location DH-1 M:\Drafting\JOBFILES\2012\04.62120071\Drawings\B04.62120071-02 DH Loc.dwg 07-18-2012 - 4:22pm DH-3b Approximate pipeline alignment location HA-12b DH-7 NORTH 0 2400 4800 FEET DH-5 DRILL HOLE LOCATION PLAN Ventura County Water Works District 19 Pipeline Upgrade Project Ventura County, California BASE MAP SOURCE: Aerial photograph provided by Google Earth Pro, 2012. PLATE 2 Phoenix Civil Engineering Project No. 04.62120071 LEGEND DH-12b DH-6 HA-4 Approximate Drill Hole/ Hand Auger location Approximate pipeline alignment location Qa Alluvium Qls Landslide debris Qoa Older Alluvial Sediments QTs Saugus Formation QTlp Las Posas Sand Tcvb Conjeo Volcanics DH-3a DH-1 DH-3b HA-12b Tls Topanga Sandstone Tsp Sespe Formation M:\Drafting\JOBFILES\2012\04.62120071\Drawings\B04.62120071-03 geo map.dwg 07-18-2012 - 4:22pm Formation Contact - dashed where inferred or indefinite Fault - dashed where indefinite or inferred, dotted where concealed, relative vertical movement shown by U/D (U = upthrown side, D = downthrown side), short arrow indicates dip of fault plane, sawteeth are on upper plate of low angle thrust fault Anticline - dashed where inferred or indefinite Syncline - dashed where inferred or indefinite Strike and dip of beds: Inclined DH-7 Inclined, approximate NORTH 0 2400 4800 FEET DH-5 BASE MAP SOURCE: * Geologic Map of the Camarillo and Newbury Park Quadrangles, Ventura County, California (Dibblee & Ehrenspeck, 1990). * Geologic Map of the Moorpark Quadrangle, Ventura County, California (Dibblee, 1992). * Geologic Map of the Santa Paula Quadrangle, Ventura County, California (Dibblee, 1992). REGIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP Ventura County Water Works District 19 Pipeline Upgrade Project Ventura County, California PLATE 3 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION BB 2 (7) 3 5 4 (21) 6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Sandy Lean CLAY with gravel (CL): medium stiff, brown, dry to moist ALLUVIUM (Qal) Lean CLAY with sand (CL): medium stiff, dark brown, moist 32 - with trace very fine gravel, at 6 feet UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf 39 PLASTICITY INDEX, % 71 LIQUID LIMIT, % 99 % PASSING #200 SIEVE WATER CONTENT, % SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS 7 SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf 4 1 LOCATION: Bradley Road See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf 2 SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 t 1.3 91 48 24 8 - very stiff, with some caliche, at 8.5 feet 119 10 100 19 t 1.5 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 10.0 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: May 31, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-01 Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-1 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf 12 PLASTICITY INDEX, % 115 LIQUID LIMIT, % 128 % PASSING #200 SIEVE WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: Donlon Road North of McBean See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 24 7 t 0.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium stiff, dark brown, moist 2 1 4 BB 2 6 ALLUVIUM (Qal) Lean CLAY with sand (CL)/Silty CLAY with sand (CL-ML): hard, reddish brown, moist (50/5") - dry to moist, at 3.5 feet 6 3 30 Clayey SAND (SC): medium dense to dense, reddish brown, dry to moist 4 (45) - with some fine gravel and some clay pockets, at 8.5 feet 8 29 8 10 126 118 7 t 0.0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 10.0 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: May 31, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-03A Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-2 2 4 1 BB (20) 6 2 23 3 (41) 4 7 8 10 Clayey SAND (SC): dense, reddish brown, moist - with fine to medium subrounded gravel and caliche, at 7.5 feet PLASTICITY INDEX, % LIQUID LIMIT, % % PASSING #200 SIEVE UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) 4 inches asphalt / 4 inches base ALLUVIUM (Qal) Sandy SILT (ML): medium stiff, dark brown to reddish brown, moist Clayey SAND (SC): medium dense, dark brown to reddish brown, moist Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): very stiff, dark brown to reddish brown, moist, with some fine gravel and caliche WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: Donlon Road See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 8 132 116 14 t 0.6 30 133 120 11 18 t 0.2 34 - loose, with fine sand, at 10 feet 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 11.5 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cutting / Asphalt Patch DRILLING DATE: June 22, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-03B Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-3 2 B1 PLASTICITY INDEX, % LIQUID LIMIT, % % PASSING #200 SIEVE 12 8 4 6 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, moist ALLUVIUM (Qal) Clayey SAND (SC): loose to medium dense, dark brown, moist WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: Kingsgrove Road See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 47 B2 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 6.0 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: May 31, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 3-inch-dia. Hand Auger DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. HA-04 Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-4 PLASTICITY INDEX, % LIQUID LIMIT, % % PASSING #200 SIEVE UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Lean CLAY with sand (CL): dark brown WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: West Side of Somis Rd, near Bell Ranch Rd See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 18 2 4 6 8 1 BB 6 2 (12) ALLUVIUM (Qal) Lean CLAY with sand (CL): medium stiff, dark brown, dry to moist - brown, moist, below 6 feet 3 6 4 (13) 115 93 23 t 0.2 112 91 24 t 0.6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 11.5 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: June 22, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-05 Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-5 PLASTICITY INDEX, % LIQUID LIMIT, % % PASSING #200 SIEVE UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, dry WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: Positas Rd See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 12 2 1 7 4 BB 6 2 (26) 3 20 4 (23) 8 10 ALLUVIUM (Qal) Lean CLAY with sand (CL): very stiff, light brown, moist - with trace roots and caliche, at 6 feet - very stiff, with caliche, at 7.5 feet Clayey SAND with gravel (SC): medium dense, moist, fine to medium subrounded gravel 119 104 14 113 107 6 t 1.3 83 t 0.0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 11.5 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: June 22, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-06 Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-6 3 7 4 (18) UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf 6 PLASTICITY INDEX, % (12) LIQUID LIMIT, % 2 BB % PASSING #200 SIEVE 4 WATER CONTENT, % 8 SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf 1 2 LOCATION: Alley between Rice/Bell See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 115 96 20 80 37 20 t 0.1 111 96 16 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL): medium stiff, dark brown, dry to moist ALLUVIUM (Qal) Lean CLAY with sand (CL): medium stiff to stiff, brown, dry to moist - with some caliche, at 3.5 feet 8 10 - with trace subrounded gravel to 0.5", at 8.5 feet t 0.4 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 10.0 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Bentonite Grout / Asphalt Patch DRILLING DATE: May 31, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 8-inch-dia. Hollow Stem Auger HAMMER TYPE: Automatic Trip DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. DH-07 Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-7 2 B1 PLASTICITY INDEX, % LIQUID LIMIT, % % PASSING #200 SIEVE UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su, ksf MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) SILT with sand (ML): medium stiff, dark brown to medium brown, moist WATER CONTENT, % SURFACE EL: ft +/- (rel. MSL datum) UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf LOCATION: Balcom Canyon See Plate 2. UNIT WET WEIGHT, pcf SAMPLER BLOW COUNT SAMPLERS SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL SYMBOL DEPTH, ft ELEVATION, ft Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 5 12 81 4 6 B2 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the time of drilling at the drilled location. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. COMPLETION DEPTH: 6.0 ft DEPTH TO WATER: Not Encountered BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings DRILLING DATE: May 31, 2012 DRILLING METHOD: 3-inch-dia. Hand Auger DRILLED BY: S/G Testing LOGGED BY: T. Ferro CHECKED BY: L. Prentice LOG OF DRILL HOLE NO. HA-12B Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California DRILL HOLE LOG VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:34 p PLATE A-8 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING 0.0 4.5 6.0 9.5 0.0 4.5 6.0 9.5 1.0 3.5 5.0 8.5 0.5 3.5 1.0 6.0 10.5 1.0 6.0 11.0 0.0 4.5 9.5 0.0 2.0 DH-01 DH-01 DH-01 DH-03A DH-03A DH-03A DH-03A DH-03B DH-03B DH-03B DH-03B HA-04 HA-04 DH-05 DH-05 DH-05 DH-06 DH-06 DH-06 DH-07 DH-07 DH-07 HA-12B HA-12B DEPTH, ft DH-01 DRILL HOLE SAMPLE NUMBER B2 B1 4 2 BB 4 2 BB 4 2 BB B2 B1 3 2 1 BB 4 3 2 BB 4 3 2 BB SILT with sand (ML) SILT with sand (ML) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Clayey SAND with gravel (SC) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Clayey SAND (SC) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Clayey SAND (SC) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Clayey SAND (SC) Sandy SILT (ML) Clayey SAND (SC) Clayey SAND (SC) LAB SUMMARY TABLE VENTURA _N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ_ 7/20/12 01:38 PM-cab 71 32 39 8 7 8 91 93 12 24 23 18 111 115 96 96 113 107 12 5 16 20 6 119 104 14 112 115 8 12 133 120 11 132 116 14 126 118 128 115 12 119 100 19 99 81 80 83 47 34 29 91 UWW UDW MC FINES % pcf % pcf ATTERBERG LIMITS 7 37 20 30 18 24 48 24 LL PI 116.0 13.8 OPT MC % COMPACTION TEST MAX DD pcf C ksf PHI deg DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California Lean CLAY with sand (CL)/Silty CLAY with sand (CL-ML) Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) Sandy Lean CLAY with gravel (CL) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION S COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS U Qu, (Cell Prs.) ksf ksf 1614 1699 332 2586 2809 R 7.90 7.20 7.00 8.10 7.20 pH 16 20 33 13 <2 Cl <5 52 241 <5 130 So4 (ppm) CORROSIVITY TESTS EXPANSION INDEX 122 87 1 54 SAND EQUIVALENT (SE) 16 4 6 6 9 9 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 PLATE B-1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY R-VALUE Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 US STD SIEVE SIZE INCHES 3 1.5 3/4 US STD SIEVE SIZE NUMBERS 3/8 4 10 20 40 HYDROMETER ANALYSIS 200 100 100 90 80 PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL Coarse SAND Fine Coarse LEGEND Medium Fine CLASSIFICATION (location) (depth,ft) DH-03B HA-04 DH-06 HA-12B 8.5 3.5 6.0 2.0 SILT or CLAY Cc Cu Clayey SAND (SC) Clayey SAND (SC) Lean CLAY with sand (CL) SILT with sand (ML) GRAIN SIZE CURVES Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California GRAIN SIZE CURVES VENTURA (N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ) 7/20/12 01:36 p-sz PLATE B-2 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 100 90 80 PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) 70 60 CH or OH 50 40 30 CL or OL MH or OH 20 10 CL-ML 0 0 10 20 ML or OL 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS LEGEND location depth, ft CLASSIFICATION LIQUID LIMIT(LL) PLASTIC LIMIT(PL) PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) 24 DH-01 6.0 Lean CLAY with sand (CL) 48 24 DH-03A 4.5 Lean CLAY with sand (CL)/Silty CLAY with sand (CL-ML) 24 17 7 DH-03B 5.0 Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) 30 12 18 DH-07 4.5 Lean CLAY with sand (CL) 37 17 20 PLASTICITY CHART Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California PLASTICITY CHART VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:36 p PLATE B-3 Phoenix Civil Engineering, Inc. Project No. 04.62120071 135 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES (Gs = 2.65 to 2.75) Test Method: ASTM D1557 130 UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf 125 120 115 110 105 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 MOISTURE CONTENT, % LEGEND (location) depth, ft DH-05 1.0 CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM UNIT DRY WEIGHT, pcf OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT, % Lean CLAY with sand (CL) 116.0 13.8 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Ventura County Water Pipeline Rehabiliation Somis, California COMPACTION TEST VENTURA N:\PROJECTS\04_2012\04_6212_0071_CNTY_VTA_WATER_PIPELINE\EXPLORATIONS\GINT\2012\04-6212_VR12B.GPJ 7/20/12 01:37 p PLATE B-4 446-137 Fugro Consultants Inc. - - - DH-3B DH-5 DH-6 DH 6 1 1 1 Sample Location or ID Boring Sample, No. Depth, ft. CTL # Client: Remarks: PLATE B-5a - - - 1699 332 2809 Cal 643 - - - ASTM G57 Sulfate mg/kg % Dry Wt. Dry Wt. PJ 20 33 <2 52 241 130 0.0052 0.0241 0.0130 Cal 422-mod. Cal 417-mod. Cal 417-mod. Chloride mg/kg Dry Wt. Resistivity @ 15.5 oC (Ohm-cm) As Rec. Minimum Saturated ASTM G57 Tested By: 7/12/2012 VCWW Pipeline Date: Project: Corrosivity Test Summary 7.2 7.0 7.2 Cal 643 pH - - - 11.6 17.5 8.3 ASTM D2216 % mv SM 2580B Moisture At Test (Redox) ORP Checked: PJ Proj. No: 04.62120071 Brown Silty y SAND Brown Clayey SAND Brown Silty SAND Soil Visual Description 446-135 Fugro Consultants - - HA-4 HA-12B 2-6 3.5-6 Sample Location or ID Boring Sample, No. Depth, ft. CTL # Client: Remarks: PLATE B-5b - - ASTM G57 1614 2586 Cal 643 - - ASTM G57 Sulfate mg/kg % Dry Wt. Dry Wt. PJ 16 13 <5 <5 <0.0005 <0.0005 Cal 422-mod. Cal 417-mod. Cal 417-mod. Chloride mg/kg Dry Wt. 6/15/2012 Tested By: Ventura County WW Pipeline Resistivity @ 15.5 oC (Ohm-cm) As Rec. Minimum Saturated Date: Project: Corrosivity Test Summary 7.9 8.1 Cal 643 pH - - 12.6 7.6 ASTM D2216 % mv SM 2580B Moisture At Test (Redox) ORP Checked: PJ Proj. No: 04.62120071 Light Brown SAND w/ Silt Brown Silty SAND Soil Visual Description
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