2014 Postgraduate and Honours Cancer Research Projects 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 1 Contents Cancer Research Overview The following pages highlight some of the projects available for future students in 2014. If you are interested in a particular project, use the contact details to follow up with the listed supervisors to learn more about the project. Peter Mac’s commitment to research is based on the belief that treatment informed by research, and research informed by treatment, is the key to progressing better cancer care. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS BY RESEARCH PROGRAM Tumour Angiogenesis Program page 5 Oncogenic Signalling and Growth Control Program page 7 Cancer Genomics and Genetics Program page 9 Cancer Therapeutics Program page 15 Cancer Immunology Program page 18 Cancer Cell Biology Program page 20 Familial Cancer Centre page 25 Research Education Program page 26 For over 60 years, Peter Mac has been providing high quality treatment and multidisciplinary care for cancer patients and their families. It houses Australia’s largest and most progressive cancer research group, one of only a handful of sites outside the United States where scientists and clinicians work side-by-side. Cancer is a complex set of diseases, and modern cancer research institutes such as Peter Mac conduct research that covers a diversity of topics that range from laboratory-based studies into the fundamental mechanisms of cell growth, translational studies that seek more accurate cancer diagnosis, clinical trials with novel treatments, and research aimed to improve supportive care. The proximity and strong collaborative links of clinicians and scientists provides unique opportunities for medical advances to be moved from the ‘bench to the bedside’ and for clinically orientated questions to guide our research agenda. As such, our research programs are having a profound impact on the understanding of cancer biology and are leading to more effective and individualised patient care. Why study at Peter Mac? Collaborative interaction with national and international peers is a lynchpin of any vibrant program. Peter Mac is continually seeking to work with the best worldwide and the world’s best are increasingly seeking out Peter Mac researchers to interact with. In speaking to current and past researchers and students, it is immediately evident that the two factors most strongly influencing their decision to join and stay at Peter Mac are firstly, the opportunity to be mentored by a strong and collegiate group of senior researchers and secondly, the superb research infrastructure that enables them to perform virtually any type of experiment they require at affordable cost. This is a strong vindication of our strategy of identifying, seeding and supporting the growth of an enabling environment, both in terms of talented senior personnel and first-class research infrastructure. Research Structure Cancer Research Division The Cancer Research Division at Peter Mac is home to over 400 laboratory-based scientists and support staff, including approximately 100 higher degree (mainly PhD) and Honours students. Supported by nine core technology platforms, our research laboratories are organized into six programs of laboratory-based research and translational research: • Cancer Cell Biology • Cancer Therapeutics • Oncogenic Signalling and Growth Control • Cancer Genetics & Genomics • Cancer Immunology • Tumour Angiogenesis Our core facilities and platform technologies are the backbone of the division and ensure that the researchers are outfitted with the equipment and expertise needed to facilitate their research. An important role of the Platform Technologies Core Groups is to also identify, import, and develop new technologies. Clinical Research Peter Mac is proud of its long history of involvement in clinical research. The structure of clinical services at Peter Mac fosters an environment in which clinicians from various specialties can work together with allied health and supportive care staff on clinical research projects with a disease-specific focus. Research in the clinical services are structured into the following areas: Cancer Medicine Prof. John Zalcberg [email protected] Radiation Oncology Assoc Prof Trevor Leong [email protected] 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 2 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Cancer Surgery Assoc. Prof. Alexander Heriot [email protected] Breast Assoc. Prof. Boon Chua [email protected] Colorectal Assoc. Prof. Craig Lynch [email protected] Gynae-oncology Assoc. Prof. Kailash Narayan [email protected] Haematology Prof. John Seymour [email protected] Head and Neck Assoc. Prof. June Corry [email protected] Lung Prof. David Ball [email protected] Medical Oncology Assoc Prof Danny Rischin [email protected] Melanoma and Skin Assoc. Prof. Michael Henderson & Prof Grant McArthur [email protected] & [email protected] Paediatric, and Late Effects Dr Greg Wheeler [email protected] Sarcoma Prof. Peter Choong [email protected] Upper Gastrointestinal Assoc. Prof. Michael Michael [email protected] Uro-oncology Dr Farshad Foroudi [email protected] Cancer Imaging Prof Rod Hicks [email protected] Familial Cancer Research Dr Gilian Mitchell [email protected] Page 3 TUMOUR ANGIOGENESIS PROGRAM Platform Technologies Peter Mac has platform technologies that underpin our research and allow Peter Mac researchers to be internationally competitive in an increasingly technology-driven environment. Peter Mac’s core technologies and expertise are also made available to external researchers on a collaborative or costrecovery basis, thereby increasing research output in the wider bioscience community. Key technologies at Peter Mac include: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting This facility provides researchers with access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise that enables isolation, separation and analysis of cell populations based on their biological and therapeutic properties. The facility offers multi-parameter flow cytometric analysis for identifying rare populations of cells within complex mixtures such as human bone marrow, and two fully supported fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) instruments for isolating cells such as blood progenitor cells under sterile conditions. Molecular Genomics: Peter Mac has been the leading site in Australia in the application of gene microarray technology for predicting outcomes of human cancer or an individual’s likely response to a given therapy. The facility operates three major platforms; Illumina HiSeq 2500 (next-generation sequencer), Nanostring nCounter Analysis System (digital analyser) and Affymetrix GeneChip System (microarray). Functional Genomics: The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (VCFG) is the leading functional genomics facility within Australia, enabling researchers to perform high throughput genome-scale gene knockdown screens to identify novel targets regulating cancer biology. The facility offers biomedical researchers Australia-wide the ability to perform genome-wide or custom boutique screens using multiple platforms: short hairpin RNA (shRNA), small interfering RNA (siRNA), micro RNA (miRNA) and, commencing in 2014, long non coding RNA (lncRNA). Microscopy Imaging and Research. The facility provides sophisticated microscopy equipment and software supported by technical expertise to facilitate laboratory research integral to a wide range of cancer research projects. This is a worldclass facility encompassing all aspects of microscopy such as immunofluorescence, laser capture, confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Transgenic and SPF Facility. We currently breed and maintain approximately 20,000 mice, representing over 130 different strains of transgenic and gene-targeted mice. Peter Mac’s Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) has an important role in overseeing the ethical conduct of any work involving the use of animals for scientific purposes, conforming to the NHMRC Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. Molecular Pathology is a central platform to successful translational research by providing robust Diagnostic molecular analyses of tumours. Molecular Pathology at Peter Mac provides diagnostic testing for familial breast and colorectal cancer, and is a national reference centre for testing for specific mutations in cancer samples. Molecular Imaging. The Centre for Cancer Imaging is a world leader in the clinical use of PET scanning in cancer. The facility includes three chemists, contains a cyclotron, two small animal PET scanners for translational research and automated production facilities for a number of novel tracers. These tracers provide the capacity to image diverse biological processes including hypoxia, lipid synthesis, cell proliferation and amino acid transport. Biostatistics at Peter Mac is the leading biostatistical centre focusing on cancer clinical trials in Australia. The centre provides statistical expertise for national cancer trials groups including the Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) and the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Study Group (ALLG). Clinical research nurse core. Peter Mac currently has a team of research nurses to support a sophisticated clinical and translational research program. These nurses provide necessary skills to coordinate phase I first-in-man clinical trials involving complex procedures such as tumor biopsies for evaluation of molecular targets, serial PET scans and complex pharmacokinetic sampling. Heads: Associate Professor Marc Achen & Associate Professor Steven Stacker A tumor establishes a blood supply by secreting proteins that attract the growth of blood vessels (angiogenesis) from surrounding tissue. This allows the tumor to grow more rapidly and to spread to distant sites in the body via the blood vasculature. This spread of tumor cells is known as metastasis and is the most lethal aspect of cancer. We and others have shown that tumors also attract the growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) which facilitates metastatic spread via the lymphatics. We seek to identify and characterize the signalling pathways which control tumor angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, with a view to targeting them in the clinic to restrict the growth and spread of cancer. These pathways include those triggered by the vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and VEGF receptors on blood vessels and lymphatics. This approach to cancer therapeutics has previously given rise to therapeutic agents, including a neutralizing antibody targeting VEGF-A, known as Avastin (or bevacizumab). Another focus of the laboratory is an alternative molecular signaling pathway involving the Wnt ligands and the Ryk receptor that is thought to be important in cancer biology. This intriguing pathway is essential for embryonic development and may play a role in the proliferation of cancer cells and tumor metastasis. A deeper understanding of this pathway will facilitate attempts to inhibit Wnt/Ryk signaling in the setting of cancer. Our studies of signaling for tumor growth and metastasis involve technologies relating to molecular biology, cell biology, protein chemistry, developmental biology and genetic models of disease. DEFINING SIGNALLING PATHWAYS THAT CONTROL THE RESPONSE OF ENDOTHELIUM TO CANCER THERAPY Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker, Dr. Michael Halford The formation and alteration of blood and lymphatic vessels are important for the growth and spread of spread of cancer. Targeting the process of angiogenesis by blocking the action of vascular growth factors with agents such as Avastin has already shown promise for cancer therapy. To understand the response of endothelial cells to cancer therapy, including biologicals, radiotherapy and chemotherapy we are establishing screening systems using human endothelial cells of blood vascular and lymphatic origin. These screens will involve the introduction of a library of shRNAs followed by selection for endothelial cell phenotypes with relevance to \various anti-cancer therapeutic regimes.. Such screens will give insight into the signalling pathways determining sensitivity and resistance to general anti-cancer therapeutics and current anti-angiogenesis approaches. This project will investigate a specific endothelial subset in combination with a suitable anti-cancer treatment protocol, and rescue using a library of shRNA from the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics. The student would identify and characterise specific genes, which when perturbed, are involved in the rescue and these would be further characterised using in vitro and in vivo assays of angiogenesis and/ or lymphangiogenesis that are established in the laboratory. This information would form the basis for developing an understanding of the complex signalling networks present in endothelial cells and how these may be targeted in cancer. During this project the student will develop skills including culture of primary cells, in vitro cell and molecular biology assays, use of RNAi to enable gene knockdown, and bioinformatics analysis. The project is designed to isolate key molecules that control the response of blood and lymphatic vessels to anti-cancer therapy. Further, the work is intended to define molecules which may be developed as the targets for biomarker assays with appropriate biotechnology collaborators. Bioinformatics. The Bioinformatics facility at Peter Mac crunches the huge volumes of data produced by the Molecular Genomics facility and the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics through the provision of state-of-the-art open-source software, as well as custom-made computational algorithms, analysis pipelines and web interfaces designed specifically for cancer research. The Bioinformatics facility is a complex processing unit, turning vast masses of biological data into interpretable information. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker, Tel: +61 3 9656 5263, Email: [email protected] UNDERSTANDING THE SIGNALING OF THE RYK GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR IN CANCER Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker Tissue Bank. Peter Mac has been a leader in the development of sophisticated biospecimen and clinically annotated cancer samples collection. We are the host institute for the Australian Biospecimen Bank a federally funded project to enable national cancer sample collection and facilitated access to tissue resources. The Tissue bank provides researchers with ethically collected, high quality human tissue, blood and data samples for their investigative projects; it also supports clinical trials at Peter Mac by processing and storing blood and tissue specimens in accordance with trial-specific protocols 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/tumour-angiogenesis Ryk is a member of the growth factor receptor family which is critically involved in signaling for correct mammalian development. Members of this family are known to be key regulators of mammalian cell proliferation, differentiation and migration and are therapeutic targets for many human cancers. Ryk is a receptor for members of the Wnt family of morphogens, and therefore provides a pivotal link between the Wnts and cellular regulation. We have recently demonstrated the key role that Ryk plays in non-canonical Wnt signaling via the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway (Macheda et al., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012). This project will investigate the role of Ryk in human cancer by identifying and characterising the biochemical signaling mechanisms Page 4 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects used to signal via the Ryk receptor and further characterising the identity of extracellular liagnds for Ryk. The study will integrate the use of a loxP-flanked Ryk knockin allele which allows for the inducible deletion of the cytoplasmic domain in a mouse model. Further, a human monoclonal antibody, developed in our laboratory, which blocks Wnt binding by Ryk,, will be evaluated for activity against known ligands and its efficacy in appropriate tumor models. During the project the student will develop skills in analysis of in vivo models, advanced cell and molecular biology techniques and development of a humanized antibody suitable for pre-clinical testing. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker, Tel: +61 3 9656 5263, Email: [email protected] ROLE OF PROSTAGLANDINS IN TUMOR METASTASIS Supervisors: Dr. Tara Karnezis, Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen and Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker Lymphatic metastasis is a critical initial step in the spread of cancer. Powerful lymphangiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-D and VEGF-C are secreted by some primary tumors and are capable of altering existing lymphatic vessels, generating new vessels in a process known as lymphangiogenesia, facilitating tumor metastasis. We have recently shown the critical role that VEGF-D plays in metastasis via the collecting lymphatic vessels (Karnezis et al., Cancer Cell 2012), and that this process is dependent on the prostaglandin signaling pathway which is sensitive to inhibition by the group of drugs known as the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). The project will investigate the role of VEGF-D and VEGF-C in the promotion of tumor metastasis and explore the biochemical and biological mechanisms involved in this process. The student will use a combination of in vitro and in vivo tumor models and further define the regulation of metastasis. Furthermore, they will examine the effects of a range of NSAIDs on tumor metastasis, and determine those most effective at preventing tumor spread. During the project, the student will develop a broad range of molecular and cell biology techniques, including in vitro endothelial assays and in vivo tumor experiments and evaluation of anti-cancer drugs by animal imaging. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker, Tel: +61 3 9656 5263, Email: [email protected] ROLE OF “WOUND HEALING PROTEINS” IN CANCER Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen and Dr. Sophie Paquet-Fifield Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are secreted glycoproteins which promote growth of bloods vessels (angiogenesis) and lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) in cancer, and thereby drive tumor growth and spread. VEGFs and their receptors are targets for various recentlyapproved anti-cancer therapeutics, including the antibody Avastin (also known as Bevacizumab). VEGF-D is a member of the VEGF family that promotes angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, and its expression in human cancers can correlate with metastatic spread and poor patient Page 5 outcome (see Achen et al., Cancer Cell 2005). Based on our studies of VEGF-D function in cancer, we recently discovered that certain proteins which regulate wound healing (“wound healing proteins”) also play key roles in promoting the metastatic spread of cancer. The aim of this project is to determine how these “wound healing proteins” modulate the growth and spread of cancer, with a view to developing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies based on targeting these molecules. This project will provide experience in genetics, molecular biology, microscopy, histology and physiology. It will lay the foundation for translational studies designed to restrict the metastatic spread of cancer. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen; Tel: 61-3-9656-5264; Email: [email protected] TARGETING GROWTH FACTOR ACTIVATION IN CANCER Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen Angiogenesis, growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis), immune suppression and recruitment of tumor stroma are important features of cancer biology that are in part driven by protein growth factors. Many of these growth factors are secreted from tumor cells in inactive forms which require activation by proteases. For example, we have shown that proteolytic activation of members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family of proteins is an important step in promoting tumor angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in cancer which in turn facilitates tumor growth and spread. We have shown that the proteases involved are members of the proprotein convertase (PC) family of enzymes which also activate a range of other growth factors with roles in cancer biology. These findings suggest that targeting members of the PC family may be useful for restricting the growth and spread of cancer. This project will explore the effect of targeting individual members of the PC family on tumor growth and spread in animal models. PCs in tumor cells or tumor stroma will be targeted by siRNAs, small molecule inhibitors or other technologies and effects on primary tumor growth and metastatic spread will be monitored. During this project the student will develop skills in cell biology, biochemistry, tissue culture and animal models of disease. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen; Tel: 61-3-9656-5264; Email: [email protected] MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF LYMPHOEDEMA, A COMMON COMPLICATION OF SURGERY FOR BREAST CANCER Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen, Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker and Dr. Sophie Paquet-Fifield Lymphoedema is a problematic disease that arises from damage to lymphatic vessels leading to swelling and dysfunction of limbs. It often occurs after surgery for cancer involving removal of lymph nodes – an example is the dramatic swelling of the arm in some women who have undergone surgery for treatment of breast cancer. Lymphoedema can be chronic and debilitating, and there is no effective treatment. Hence there is a great need to understand the anatomical and molecular features of lymphoedema to inform novel approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of this condition. We have therefore developed novel surgical approaches to model lymphoedema, from which we can access tissues allowing us to identify key anatomical events and molecular pathways causing the disease. ONCOGENIC SIGNALLING AND GROWTH CONTROL PROGRAM The project involves analysis of these models at the histological and molecular levels using histology, immunohistochemistry, microarray and bioinformatics. Potential molecular targets for prognosis and treatment will be validated in samples of human lymphoedema, and approaches tested for efficacy in the animal models. This strategy will provide an ideal platform for future translational work to develop these approaches for the clinic. The project will provide experience in a broad range of highly relevant techniques in biomedical research. The Oncogenic Signalling and Growth Control Program consists of three groups (Pearson, Hannan and McArthur) with extensive and complementary expertise in areas ranging from proteomics and protein chemistry, through signal transduction and cell biology to the regulation of gene transcription and protein translation. A major focus of our work is in understanding the mechanisms of regulation of ribosome biogenesis, and protein translation, and how these processes impact on differentiation and are corrupted in tumour cells. A number of current projects employ state-of-the-art biochemistry, molecular and cell biology to characterize the basis of the regulation of these fundamental processes. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen; Tel: 61-3-9656-5264; Email: [email protected] AKT DRIVEN SENESCENCE AND CANCER http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/oncogenic-signalling-and-growth-control Heads: Associate Professor Ross Hannan, Associate Professor Rick Pearson, Professor Grant McArthur Supervisors: Dr. Kate Hannan, Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson UNDERSTANDING THE SIGNALING NETWORKS WITHIN LYMPHATIC ENDOTHELIAL CELLS Supervisors: Dr. Tara Karnezis, Assoc. Prof. Marc Achen and Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker Lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) line lymphatic vessels and are essential control points for interaction with immune cells and proteins contained within the lymphatic fluid that fills these vessels. LECs also participate in the generation of new lymphatic vessels and remodeling of preexisting vessels that occur during embryogenesis and in various pathologies. To gain a detailed understanding of how LECs receive and integrate signals from their environment, we have performed a genomewide siRNA screen to map their signaling networks. This project will provide key biological and biochemical validation of candidate genes identified during a genome-wide siRNA screen for modifiers of LEC migration. Further, the project will allow the detailed analysis of high content morphological data acquired during the screen and provide a key comparison between functional data and morphological changes seen with individual LEC or LEC monolayers. The project will provide the unique opportunity to assess both novel regulators of LEC activity and structure-function analysis within the LEC. The student will develop skills in advanced cell and molecular biology, including developing assay systems to study primary LEC. The project will also integrate bioinformatics and cell morphometric analysis to allow the correlation of functional data and cell morphology changes. Further, collaborations within the Pathology Department of Peter Mac (Prof Stephen Fox) will allow validation of these findings in human tissue. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Steven Stacker, Tel: +61 3 9656 5263, Email: [email protected] The PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signalling pathway is a key regulator of both senescence (irreversible cell cycle arrest) and the development of cancer. We, and others, have shown that hyperactivation of the pathway in normal cells leads to cellular senescence which effectively acts as a “brake” on the progression to malignancy. We hypothesise that specific genetic changes overcome this brake and permit the increased cell proliferation and transformation required for cancer development. We will utilize our well established model of AKT-induced senescence in normal human cells mediated via a p53 and mTORC1-dependent mechanism (Astle et al, 2011, Oncogene). Our data suggests that AKT: i) activates mTORC1 to enhance p53 translation and stability; and ii) results in nucleolar sequestration of MDM2 via an unknown mechanism. Understanding the basis of oncogene-induced senescence in normal cells and how this is subverted in cancer cells will provide insight into the mechanism of malignant transformation and how it can be effectively targeted. This project aims to: (1) Define the mechanism underlying AKT-induced senescence in normal cells. (2) Determine the genetic changes required to overcome AKT-induced senescence. This project will utilize cell culture, and techniques such as ribosome profiling, immunoprecipitation, RT-PCR, siRNA screening, tandem mass spectrometry, proteomics, transcription assays, IHC and western analysis. The siRNA screen will use SMARTpool reagents in a 96 well format platform which will be quantitated using a high throughput, high content microscopy platform (Cellomics). Cell proliferation will be assessed using DAPI and senescence using SAβGAL staining. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Kate Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1247, Email: [email protected] BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR DISSECTION OF THE MECHANISMS CONTROLLING RIBOSOME BIOGENESIS BY THE PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 NETWORK. Supervisors: Dr. Kate Hannan, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson Dysregulation of the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signaling pathway occurs in a wide variety of cancers and is thought to play an essential role in malignant transformation. The downstream actions of this pathway to regulate ribosome biogenesis and translation are essential for its oncogenic effects. The oncogene MYC, which is dysregulated in 1520% of human malignancy, interacts with PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 pathway to form a super signalling network in malignancy. We hypothesize that PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 and MYC cooperate during malignancy to ensure ribosome biogenesis remains hard wired in tumour cells. Our Science Signalling paper (Chan et al 2011) illustrated MYC and PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 co-operation in the regulation of rDNA transcription and ribosome biogenesis, thus the next step is to elucidate the mechanism(s) involved which forms the basis for this project. This project aims: (1)To determine how the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 module and MYC cooperate and/or redundantly modulate rDNA transcription by Pol I. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 6 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects (2) To identify mechanisms by which PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 and MYC pathways modulate Pol I elongation by candidate analysis and high throughput functiona l genomics screens. (3) To define the interactions between PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 and MYC required for control of rDNA transcription in Em-MYC lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo. This project will utilize cell culture and animal models of cancer, and techniques such as RT-PCR, siRNA screening, proteomics, transcription assays and western analysis. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Kate Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1247, Email: rick.pearson@petermac. org METABOLIC CONTROL OF RIBOSOME BIOGENESIS BY PI3K/AKT/ MTOR AND MYC IN CANCER Supervisors: Dr. Kate Hannan, Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson Ribosome biogenesis is the major energy consuming process in proliferating cells and is rate limiting for the protein synthesis required for cell growth and division. Consequently cells need to respond efficiently and quickly to even subtle changes in nutrient levels, which is highlighted by the metabolic switch observed in cancer cells thus facilitating the elevated ribosome biogenesis required for increased growth and proliferation. We hypothesize that the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 pathway and c-MYC are critical for nutrient regulation of ribosome biogenesis. This is based on three observations; i) glutaminolysis plays a critical role in nutrient dependent control of mTORC1 activity and cell growth; ii) MYC plays a critical role in controlling glutamine metabolism; and iii) MYC and PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signalling cooperate in controlling growth factor dependent ribosome biogenesis. The following aims will investigate this hypothesis (1) Determine the effects of manipulating nutrient levels on the synthesis of functional ribosomes and cell growth. (2) Define the mechanism(s) of control of ribosome biogenesis in response to changes in nutrient (and energy) levels. (3) Define the requirement for nutrient signalling and/or glutaminolysis in the regulation of ribosome biogenesis, cell growth and survival in EmMYC lymphoma cells in vitro an in vivo. This project will utilize cell culture and animal models, and techniques such as glucose/glutamine uptake assays, RT-PCR, apoptosis assays, transfections, shRNA, metabolic labelling, PET image of whole mouse, transcription assays, IHC and western analysis For more information about this project contact: Dr. Kate Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1247, Email: rick.pearson@petermac. org ROLE OF AP-1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS IN CANCER PROGRESSION Supervisors: Dr Amardeep Dhillon, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan The spread of tumours by invasion and metastasis is the major cause of mortality in many types of cancers. These complex processes require tumour cells to modify gene expression in order to adapt to new environments and overcome physiological barriers maintaining tissue homeostasis. The orchestration of these events is mediated by Page 7 transcription factors embedded within specific oncogene or tumour suppressor networks operating in the cell. One such factor is the Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) complex, which regulates gene expression in response to numerous physiological (e.g. growth factors, cytokines) and pathological (e.g. oncogenes, stresses) stimuli. AP-1 is also a key point of convergence for many cancer-associated signaling networks. This project will investigate the mechanism of action of a number of the candidates identified from the siRNA screen. We will use techniques including but not limited to: cell culture, RNA interference, SDSPAGE and western blotting, real-time qRT-PCR, FACS analysis and immunofluorescence to validate their role in blocking cancer cell growth, and overcoming perturbations in ribosome biogenesis. This project aims to identify transcriptional targets and gene expression programs regulated by AP-1 in cancer cells. In addition the project will also aims to identify signaling pathways and transcription factors that cooperate with Fra-1 to control pro-malignant gene expression programs. The work will involve a combination of genomic analyses, bioinformatics, cell biological approaches and analysis of patient tissue specimens. This research is expected to provide new insights into how the expression of genes required for the spread of cancers is orchestrated, and identify new therapeutic targets to impede the progression of aggressive cancers. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Amee George, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: ross.hannan@petermac. org For more information about this project contact: Dr Amardeep Dhillon, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: ross.hannan@ petermac.org HOW THE FRA-1/AP-1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR CONTROLS GENE EXPRESSION IN CANCER CELLS Supervisors: Dr Amardeep Dhillon, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan The epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process essential for vertebrate development, involving concomitant loss of epithelial homeostasis and appearance of mesenchymal traits in cells. Acquisition of these traits can endow cancer cells with the ability to invade, metastasize, self-renew, and become drug resistant. Understanding, and subsequently disrupting, the mechanisms preserving cancer cells in a mesenchymal state may therefore provide a potential strategy to target aggressive cancers. We recently discovered that the transcription factor Fra-1/AP-1 is required to preserve mesenchymal traits in colorectal cancer cells (CRCs), by directly binding and regulating expression of a clinicallyrelevant cohort of genes mediating EMT. This project aims to understand how these actions of Fra-1 are mediated at the molecular level. Specifically, we will test if binding of Fra-1 is required to maintain chromatin environments that are permissive for transcription of EMTassociated genes. In addition, we will characterise the nature of Fra-1/ AP-1-associated chromatin remodelling factors involved in target gene transcription. These studies will provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms controlling cellular traits associated with aggressive forms of CRC, and potentially other high-grade malignancies featuring Fra-1/ AP-1 overexpression. For more information about this project contact: Dr Amardeep Dhillon, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: ross.hannan@ petermac.org INVESTIGATING HOW PERTUBATIONS IN RIBOSOME BIOGENESIS INHIBIT CELLULAR GROWTH Supervisors: Dr. Amee George, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan Ribosome biogenesis is a key component in the synthesis of cellular proteins, and is an absolute requirement for cellular growth and proliferation. Perturbations in ribosome biogenesis, either by inhibiting Pol I transcription (involved in ribosomal RNA synthesis), or defective or absence of ribosomal proteins, leads to the activation of the ‘nucleolar surveillance pathway’, where HDM2/MDM2 is sequestered by free ribosomal proteins, allowing p53 to become stabilised and transcription of p53 target genes that cause cell cycle arrest, apoptosis or senescence responses (Hein et al., Trends Mol Med 2013). We have demonstrated that cancer cells are associated with dysregulated ribosome biogenesis, and that targeting Pol I transcription with a small molecule inhibitor (CX-5461) leads to p53-mediated apoptosis of cancer cells, whilst having no effect on normal cells (Bywater et al., Cancer Cell 2012). We have also demonstrated that knockdown of ribosomal proteins, such as RPS19 (mutated in Diamond-Blackfan anaemia) leads to p53-mediated cell cycle arrest. We believe that the mechanism underlying both of these observations is similar, i.e. due to nucleolar stress. However, much detail about this process is still lacking. As such, we are currently performing a genome-wide short interfering RNA (siRNA) (loss of function) screen that is currently being performed in the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics at Petermac to identify candidates that when absent (i) increase the activation of p53 and (ii) bypass the activation of p53 when ribosome biogenesis is disturbed with RPS19 knockdown. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects REGULATION OF CHROMATIN REMODELING OF THE rRNA GENES IN MOUSE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan and Dr. Nadine Hein EPIGENETIC REGULATION OF POL I TRANSCRIPTION BY UBF Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan and Dr. Elaine Sanij Transcription of the 200 copies of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) is a fundamental rate-limiting step for growth and proliferation. The Pol-1 specific nucleolar transcription factor UBF is essential for maintaining the active chromatin state of ribosomal genes (Sanij and Hannan, 2009). We have begun studies to examine the following: (1) Epigenetic mechanisms of UBF action: To define the effect of decreased UBF expression on the chromatin status and Pol I transcription. We will undertake a detailed structure function analysis of UBF to differentiate the domains in this factor required for gene activation and chromatin remodeling etc. In somatic mammalian cells over 50% of the ~200 copies of the rRNA genes are silenced though CpG methylation. Given that rRNA gene transcription is limiting for growth silencing of half the rRNA gene capacity seems counter intuitive. Interestingly there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that rDNA silencing is critical not only for suppressing unwanted recombination within the rDNA repeat and general nucleolar organization but also for controlling, to some extent, general heterochromatin of the nucleus. For example, in Drosophila mutants that are defective in the histone H3 Lys 9 (H3K9) methyltransferase Su(var)3-9 and other factors involved in heterochromatin formation exhibit increased nucleolar fragmentation and accumulation of extrachromosomal rDNA circles. In addition to suppression of recombination, it appears that the perinucleolar heterochromatin might serve as a distinct nuclear space with a primary function in maintaining repressive chromatin states. Thus the reason for the silencing of over 50% of the rRNA genes repeats in mammalian cells is not clear. In our view it seems unlikely it is to simply to limit rRNA synthesis rates and growth. (2) Epigenetic regulation of Pol I transcription during differentiation and development: To determine whether the decreased expression of UBF is a prerequisite for loss of rDNA transcription during cellular differentiation. We will examine if the loss of UBF during differentiation also leads to a decreased number of active genes. We will determine whether enforced expression of UBF can delay or block the down regulation of rDNA transcription and differentiation. We will look at the consequences of manipulating UBF levels and number of active genes during development, in genetic mouse models of cancer and in embryonic stem cells. This project will use mouse embryonic stems (ES) cells to explore the biological function of rRNA gene silencing by manipulating levels of the Pol I transcription factor UBF and levels of the methyltransferase DNMT1. Supervisors: Dr. Elaine Sanij, Dr. Gretchen Poortinga and Assoc. Prof Ross Hannan For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Nadine Hein, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: [email protected] RNA POLYMERASE I INHIBITORS AS THERAPEUITICS FOR CANCER: TESTING COMBINATION THERAPIES FOR HEAMTOLOGIC MALIGNANCIES Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Dr. Nadine Hein, Dr. Gretchen Poortinga Dysregulation of Pol I transcription of the rRNA genes is an almost universal feature of cell transformation and cancer, and work from our laboratory has shown that targeting this process is a promising new approach for cancer therapy. We have shown recently used the small molecule inhibitor of Pol-1 transcription CX-5461 to selectively kill B-lymphoma cells in a genetic model of spontaneous lymphoma while maintaining a viable wild type B-cell population. The therapeutic effect is a direct consequence of rapid activation of p53-dependent apoptotic signaling (Bywater et al., Cancer Cell 2012). We are currently commencing the first clinical trial in humans with CX-5461 to treat patients with heamatologic malignancies. This project will test if we can increase the therapeutic potential of Pol I inhibitors, we will test CX-5461 in combination with standard therapies (eg. cytarabine and/or anthracylines for AML). As CX-5461 induces tumour-specific activation of ATM/CHK2 independent of p53, we will test whether the combination of CX-5461 and CHK2 inhibitors can induce death of p53 null tumour cells via mitotic catastrophe. As we hypothesise that MYC expression predicts sensitivity to CX-5461 we will also test combination therapies with BRD4 inhibitors and PIM kinase inhibitors both of which have been shown to inhibit MYC expression and reduce MYC dependence in. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Nadine Hein, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: nadine.hein@petermac. org; Dr. Gretchen Poortinga, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: gretchen. [email protected] Page 8 For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Elaine Sanij, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected] A NOVEL ROLE FOR THE POL I TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR UBF IN THE REGULATION OF EXPRESSION OF HISTONE GENE CLUSTERS AND CELLULAR DNA DAMAGE RESPONSES Transcription of the 200 copies of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) is one of the most energy consuming processes and its dysregulation is a consistent feature of cancer. One of the most important ongoing questions is understanding how Pol I is coupled to distinct Pol II transcription programs in normal and tumour cells. We have recently identified novel roles for the Pol I chromatin remodelling factor UBF. We demonstrated using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) sequencing that UBF is enriched at 1700 genes. Analysis of the genes bound by UBF and are differentially expressed following UBF knockdown suggests that UBF regulates genes associated with chromatin assembly including histone genes. In silico Motif analysis suggest that the oncogene c-MYC may cooperate with UBF to regulate histone gene expression. This project aims to explore this hypothesis by performing ChIP assays to confirm that c-MYC is bound at the sites of UBF enrichment in histone genes. Further, this project aims to examine a model of spontaneous MYC driven lymphomas (Eμ-Myc) in which MYC is overexpressed in lymphocytes to explore the dependencies between UBF regulation of histone gene expression and tumour progression. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Elaine Sanij, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: elaine.sanij@petermac. org; Dr. Gretchen Poortinga, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: gretchen. [email protected] RNA POLYMERASE I INHIBITORS AS THERAPEUITICS FOR CANCER: ANALYSIS OF p53 -DEPENDENT AND – INDEPENDENT CELL CYCLE CHECKPOINTS Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Dr. Nadine Hein and Dr. Elaine Sanij The transcription of the 45S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) is a major rate limiting step for ribosomal biogenesis, and consequently for cell growth and proliferation. Dysregulation of Pol I transcription of the rRNA genes is an almost universal feature of cell transformation and cancer, and work from our laboratory has shown that targeting this process is a promising new approach for cancer therapy. We have shown recently used the small molecule inhibitor of Pol-1 transcription CX-5461 to selectively kill B-lymphoma cells in a genetic model of spontaneous lymphoma while maintaining a viable wild type B-cell population. The therapeutic effect is a direct consequence of rapid activation of p53-dependent apoptotic signaling (Bywater et al., Cancer Cell 2012). We are currently commencing the first clinical trial in humans with CX-5461 to treat patients with heamatologic malignancies. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects In addition, we have recently identified a novel p53-independent cell cycle checkpoint in response to inhibition of Pol I transcription in human primary fibroblasts, which display a proliferation defect arising from both G1 and G2 cell cycle arrest. These phenotypes are associated with a DNA damage – like response. This project aims to identify the key mechanisms by which cells respond to acute inhibition of Pol I transcription, which will enable us to predict which malignancies will respond to this novel treatment strategy. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Nadine Hein, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Elaine Sanij, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected] DROSOPHILA MODELS FOR LEUKAEMIA Supervisors: Dr Leonie Quinn, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan Ribosomal proteins (Rps) are essential for functional ribosomes, protein synthesis, and proliferative cell growth. Paradoxically, mutation of Rps can actually promote growth and proliferation and in some cases bestow predisposition to cancer. Our work provided the first rationale to explain the counter-intuitive organ overgrowth phenotypes observed for Drosophila Rp mutants by revealing that Rp mutants can drive tissue overgrowth cell extrinsically, whereby reduced Rps in the hormonesecreting gland of the larvae decreases activity of the steroid hormone ecdysone, extending the growth phase of development and causing tissue overgrowth (Lin et al., PLoS Genetics 2011). This project aims to extend these studies to better understand how Rp mutations cause the hypoplastic anemia associated with the human leukemia. Thus we have developed Drosophila models to specifically reduce Rps in the hematopoietic system to gain novel insights into how Rp mutations can promote leukemia (see lymph gland overgrowth above) in humans. Thus we will gain further insights into the processes linking reduced levels of Rps to over proliferation of the hematopoietic system and predisposition to cancer. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Leonie Quinn, Email: [email protected] ASSESSING THE LINK BETWEEN PHENOTYPE SWITCHING AND DRUG RESISTANCE TO MAPK TARGETED THERAPEUTICS IN BRAF MUTANT CANCERS Supervisors: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Dr Amardeep Dhillon Vemurafenib (Zelboraf®, previously PLX4032) has been approved for treatment of metastatic melanoma expressing mutant BRAF V600E and other BRAF targeted therapeutics are under clinical evaluation for other BRAF mutant cancers. Dramatic responses are observed in over 60% of melanoma patients, but unfortunately the majority of patients acquire specific resistance to the drug within a year. Using various approaches we have determined that drug adaptation and cell survival is associated with phenotypic switching. It isn’t yet clear how this altered phenotype contributes to drug resistance in mutant BRAF V600E cancers. This project will assess the link between drug adaptation and changes in cell phenotype. Established models will be utilized to assess the functional characteristics of cancer cells governed by these phenotypic changes including proliferation, invasion and migration in vitro, as well as metastases in vivo. The role of specific transcription factors known to be regulators of this process will also be determined. The results of this research project will determine whether phenotype switching contributes directly to drug resistance and/or progression of disease, and whether targeting certain modulators to achieve phenotype reversal may be a beneficial therapeutic strategy. For more information about this project contact: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: [email protected]; Dr Amardeep Dhillon, Tel: +61 3 9656 1279, Email: [email protected] OVERCOMING CHEMORESISTANCE IN AML WITH CHK INHIBITORS Supervisors: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Prof. Grant McArthur Several specific inhibitors of the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk1 are currently in clinical development. Some subtypes of AML are inherently resistant to conventional chemotherapeutics. Our recent studies have demonstrated that Chk inhibitors are effective in sensitizing these subtypes of AML to cytotoxic agents. Page 9 The project will utilize various human AML lines and a murine model of AML to assess and compare the efficacy of various combinations of CHK inhibitors with cytotoxics or other targeted therapies. The results from this project could reveal the underlying mechanisms of chemoresistance in some subtypes of AML, and will determine the potential of utilizing selective targeted therapeutics to achieve better treatment responses in patients. For more information about this project contact: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Grant McArthur, Tel: +61 3 9656 1954, Email: [email protected] COMPARING THE EFFICACY OF VARIOUS BRAF AND MEK TARGETED THERAPUTICS IN BRAF MUTANT THYROID CANCERS Supervisors: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Prof. Grant McArthur Vemurafenib (Zelboraf®, previously PLX4032) has been approved for treatment of metastatic melanoma expressing mutant BRAF V600E. Dramatic responses are consistently observed in over 60% of BRAFmutant melanoma patients, but unfortunately BRAF-mutant colorectal patients do not display the same responses. Currently there are several other BRAF and MEK targeted therapeutics in clinical evaluation. Although thyroid cancers are rare, they commonly carry the BRAF V600E mutation. At this stage it is unknown whether thyroid cancer patients would respond to MAPK targeted therapeutics. Due to a large panel of currently available therapeutics, it would be beneficial to assess and compare the available drugs in pre-clinical models. This project will assess a number of various BRAF and MEK inhibitor drugs across a panel of BRAF mutant thyroid cell lines. The signaling and feedback responses in the BRAF-mutant thyroid cell lines will also be compared to responses in representative BRAF-mutant melanoma, colorectal and lung cancer cell lines to determine tumour type differences and similarities. This project will reveal the best MAPK pathway targeted therapeutic strategy for clinical evaluation in patients with BRAF-mutant thyroid cancer. For more information about this project contact: Dr Petranel Ferrao, Tel: +61 3 9656 1806, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Grant McArthur, Tel: +61 3 9656 1954, Email: [email protected] INHIBITING rDNA TRANSCRIPTION IN MELANOMA Supervisors: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan and Prof. Grant McArthur Increased transcription of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) by RNA Polymerase I is a common feature of human cancer. Recently we demonstrated that inhibition of rDNA transcription with a small molecule CX-5461, was effective at reducing rDNA transcription in human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines and this effect was dependent on p53 mutational status. Furthermore, in vivo CX-5461 specifically killed B-lymphoma cells while leaving a viable wild-type B cell population. These results identify selective inhibition of rDNA transcription as a therapeutic strategy for cancer specific activation of p53 and treatment of hematologic malignancies. We will extend these studies to determine if inhibiting rDNA transcription with CX-5461 is a novel therapeutic for the treatment of melanoma. To address this we have assembled an extensive panel of melanoma cell lines, established their p53 mutational status and performed gene expression profiles of these cells. Fundamental questions we will address include: (1) Are melanoma cell lines sensitive to CX-5461 and is this p53 dependent? (2) Does CX-5461 effectively inhibit rDNA transcription in CX-5461 and resistant cells? CANCER GENOMICS & GENETICS RESEARCH PROGRAM EVALUATION OF A CDK4 INHIBITOR IN MELANOMA Supervisors: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Prof. Grant McArthur CDK4 and CDK6 are serine/threonine kinases that are central regulators of the G1-S transition of the cell cycle and are dysregulated in most cancers including melanoma. In a recent screen of a melanoma cell line panel we discovered that a small molecule inhibitor of CDK4 was very effective at inhibiting cell proliferation, suggesting that this may be a novel treatment for this disease. Preliminary data indicates that CDK4 inhibitor treatment of cells, in addition to decreasing cell proliferation, causes a senescent response that is reliant on the tumour suppressor p53. This project aims to further explore the mechanism by which the CDK4 inhibitor modulates cell proliferation, death and senescence in melanoma cells. This will also incorporate, via genetic manipulation, evaluating the role of p53 in the CDK4 inhibitor mediated response. http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/cancer-genomics Laboratory Heads: Prof. David Bowtell Prof. Ian Campbell, Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips, Assoc. Prof. David Thomas The Cancer Genomics and Genetics program (CGG) seeks to use sophisticated high throughput genomic technologies to improve our understanding of the biology of cancer and to progress the clinical management of cancer patients through the development of individualized approaches to treatment. Research in the program focuses primarily on breast, upper gastrointestinal and ovarian cancers and sarcoma, and involves some of the largest familial and population-based cancer cohorts in the world. These studies address questions of general importance to solid cancers, including inherited susceptibility to cancer and genome-wide changes in gene expression, as well as more specific questions such as prediction of response to therapy and the use of gene expression profiling for accurate cancer diagnosis. The student will gain experience in many techniques including cell culture, Western blot, FACS, qRT-PCR, senescence assays and genetic manipulation via viral transduction. CANCER GENETICS AND GENOMICS For more information about this project contact: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Grant McArthur, Tel: +61 3 9656 1954, Email: grant.mcarthur@ petermac.org Supervisors: Prof. David Bowtell, Dr Dariush Etemadmoghadam IDENTIFICATION OF NOVEL TREATMENTS FOR OVARIAN CANCER USING PHARMACO-GENOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMIC APPROACHES Supervisors: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson and Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan Ovarian cancer (OVCA) is the major cause of death from gynecological malignancy with low survival rates (~30%) being primarily due to drug resistance. Thus, the identification and validation of new therapeutic targets is critical for improving patient outcome. Recent genomic and biochemical analysis of OVCA have identified a subset of pathway disruptions that provide potential therapeutic options for this disease; these include retinoblastoma/Cyclin E (67%) and PI3K/RAS (47%) pathways, and the c-MYC oncogene (20%). It is now clear that OVCA is a diverse disease that will require individual characterization of genetic changes to appropriately select treatment approaches for patients. Thus, our goal is to assess the efficacy of targeting these dysregulated pathways individually and in combination to identify new therapeutic approaches to improving patient outcome. The Project Aims: (1) To define the contribution of specific pathways dysregulated in primary tumours to OVCA cell growth and survival and define genomic biomarkers/signatures associated with response to pathway inhibitors. (2) To undertake functional analysis of the key pathways implicated in resistance to standard and targeted therapies and test the efficacy of rationally designed combination therapies in OvCa cell lines and animal models (3) To identify novel targets to improve responses to standard and targeted therapies using a functional genome-wide RNAi screen. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Rick Pearson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1247, Email: rick.pearson@ petermac.org; Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: [email protected] MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF PLATINUM RESISTANCE IN OVARIAN CANCER Ovarian cancer is the 5th most common cancer in women, and most lethal gynaecologic malignancy. Despite aggressive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy, the majority of women experience recurrence and ~70% will succumb to the disease. Resistance to chemotherapy, or platinum resistance, is the major barrier to long-term remissions, however the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. We are part of the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study (AOCS), one of the largest ovarian cancer cohort studies in the world. We are also one of the two Australian projects funded through a $27 million NHMRC grant to participate in the International Cancer Genomics Consortium (ICGC). The ICGC has been established to generate a comprehensive catalogue of genomic abnormalities, including somatic mutations, alterations in gene expression and epigenetic modifications, from 50 different cancer types to improve our understanding of the causes of cancer and identify new methods for treatment and prevention. Our laboratory is performing whole genome sequencing, RNA-Seq and methylation arrays on 100 high grade serous cancer samples. These samples have been carefully selected based on the patients’ response to platinum based chemotherapy and will provide insights into the genetic and epigenetic events leading to platinum resistance. Molecular and functional exploration into mechanisms of platinum resistance in ovarian cancer will form the basis of the project. The student will learn key molecular biological techniques and will be exposed to large-scale human genetic studies that are making use of the emerging technologies, including microarrays and next generation sequencing. The Bowtell lab has a very strong reputation in cancer genetics and genomics, and in fundamental studies in cancer cell biology. He/she will have the opportunity to contribute insights into one of the most clinically significant questions in ovarian cancer, platinum resistance. For more information about this project contact: Prof. David Bowtell, Tel: +61 3 9656 1356, E-mail: [email protected] VALIDATION OF CANDIDATE GENES INVOLVED IN THE PROGRESSION OF GASTRIC CANCER Supervisors: Assoc Prof Alex Boussioutas, Dr. Rita Busuttil This study will utilize many techniques including cell culture, qRT-PCR, FACS, western analysis and assays to determine cell proliferation rates. Bioinformatic analysis of gene expression data coupled with sensitivity profiles will be used to determine predictors of sensitivity. Gastric cancer (GC) is the fourth most common cancer globally and in many western countries is usually only diagnosed at advanced stage giving patients a 5-year survival rate of less than 20%. GC has distinct premalignant stages that have significant propensity to progress. The premalignant cascade consists of easily identifiable histological stages from chronic atrophic gastritis (ChG), intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia. The progression through these stages, particularly IM, takes years, offering a large window of opportunity to intervene. Not all patients with IM will progress and selection of patients for high-risk surveillance would reduce the burden of unnecessary screening, patient anxiety and improve outcomes due to early detection of disease. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Karen Sheppard, Tel: +61 3 9656 3758, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Ross Hannan, Tel: +61 3 9656 1747, Email: ross.hannan@ petermac.org; Prof. Grant McArthur, Tel: +61 3 9656 1954, Email: [email protected] Relatively little is known about the key genetic events leading to IM. Our laboratory is currently in the process of completing the first comprehensive analysis of IM in the world and seeks to identify candidate genes involved in the progression of IM to GC that can be used to reliably predict the progression to GC in humans by using (3) Does CX-5461 induce cell cycle arrest and/or cell death in these cells and is this p53 dependent? (4) Are there other predictors of CX-5461 sensitivity? 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 10 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects a genomics based approach. Identification of such genes offers an opportunity to study the molecular mechanisms involved and pinpoint targets for prevention and therapy. The aim of this project is validate these candidate genes using an independent data set and then characterizing these genes using functional assays and animal models. We are looking for motivated students (both Honours and PhD students) to strengthen our group. The project will use broad range techniques including bioinformatics, cell culture, animal models and molecular biology. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Alex Boussioutas, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: alex.boussioutas@ petermac.org; Dr. Rita Busuttil, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: rita. [email protected] ROLE OF THE TUMOUR MICROENVIRONMENT IN GASTRIC CANCER Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Alex Boussioutas, Dr. Rita Busuttil Gastric cancer (GC) is the fourth most common cancer globally and 7th in incidence in Australia. It has a poor survival rate which can be attributed to the advanced stage at diagnosis in most patients. The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the development of GC are not well described. Traditionally cancer research involved studying the cancer cell itself. More recently, there has been growing interest in studying the normal cells and molecules which surround the cancer cell. This tumour microenvironment consists of a variety of stromal cell types including cells such as fibroblasts. It is believed that the dynamic communication between tumour cells and the surrounding cell types may play a major role in cancer initiation, progression and establishment of metastatic disease. The aim of this project is to investigate tumour-stromal interactions in gastric cancer utilizing established and primary cell lines. Once the molecular pathways by which a tumour cell progresses has been elucidated it is possible that these processes could be exploited in the development of novel therapeutics. This project will use a broad range of techniques such as live cell microscopy, cell culture techniques and siRNA to interrogate the function of gene products that influence tumour-stroma communication. Our previous genomic experiments have provided us with a number of exciting candidate genes that may be involved in this interaction. This is novel research that may have a major benefit to our understanding of cancer and improve patient outcomes. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Alex Boussioutas, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: alex.boussioutas@ petermac.org; Dr. Rita Busuttil, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: rita. [email protected] TWIST AS A REGULATOR OF EMT IN GASTRIC CANCER AND ITS ROLE IN INVASION Supervisors: Assoc Prof Alex Boussioutas, Dr. Rita Busuttil Gastric cancer (GC) is often diagnosed at advanced stages, giving patients a 5-year survival of less than 20%. Advanced stage GC is directly correlated with increased local invasion of the cancer through the gastric wall and, at more advanced stages into adjacent structures. Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is one mechanism which has been proposed as a modulator of invasion in GC as well as other cancer types. This project seeks to expand on previous work in our Page 11 laboratory exploring the role of TWIST, a master regulator of EMT, in gastric cancer. We have previously shown that TWIST is more highly expressed at the invasive front of the tumor compared to its core indicating that EMT is occurring in this area. It is conceivable that reducing TWIST expression could be used as a means to decrease the invasive capacity of a cancer. This project will aim to further explore the role of TWIST in the invasion of GC and its potential utility as a therapeutic target. A broad range of techniques including bioinformatics, cell culture, shRNA lentivirus mediated gene knockdown, and molecular biology will be applied. We are looking for motivated students (both Honours and PhD students) to strengthen our group. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Alex Boussioutas, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: alex.boussioutas@ petermac.org; Dr. Rita Busuttil, Tel: +61 3 9656 1287, Email: rita. [email protected] DEVELOPING PERSONALISED TARGETED THERAPIES FOR OESOPHAGEAL CANCER IDENTIFICATION OF HIGHLY PENETRANT GENES IN FAMILIAL BREAST CANCER USING NEXT-GENERATION SEQUENCING Supervisors: Dr Nicholas Clemons, Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Ian Campbell, Dr. Ella Thompson and Dr. Alison Trainer The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) is rising faster than any other cancer and patients with OAC have very poor outcomes. There are few treatments for OAC, and many patients do not respond to the chemotherapy commonly given as part of standard treatment to those with “curable” disease. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new treatments for OAC. However, progress has been hindered by a lack of appropriate pre-clinical models. We have developed a novel patient derived tumour xenograft (PDTX) model for OAC in which tumour pieces from patients are implanted and grown in mice. This aim of this project will be to utilize this model to evaluate novel therapies for OAC by identifying and testing appropriate molecularly targeted therapies and biomarkers that predict therapeutic response that can then be applied on an individual basis to patients. SURGICAL ONCOLOGY For more information about this project contact: Dr Nicholas Clemons, Tel: +61 3 9656 1849; Email: [email protected] IN VITRO STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF PIK3CA MUTATIONS IN BREAST CANCER THE INTERACTION OF P53 AND PIK3CA MUTATIONS IN BREAST CANCER Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips, Dr. Sue Haupt, Prof. Ygal Haupt The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signalling pathway controls a range of fundamental cellular processes which, when de-regulated, are considered hallmarks of cancer. It is now well established that somatic mutations in PIK3CA, the gene coding for the p110α catalytic subunit of PI3K, are one of the most common, and thus potentially one of the most important, genetic abnormalities in many human tumours including breast cancer. However, it remains unclear how these mutations drive tumourigenesis. We have recently generated a novel mutant mouse with which to study the role of the common tumour-associated PI3K mutation, PIK3CAH1047R. Our strategy of making the mutation inducible allows us to target the expression of the mutant to specific tissues. We can also induce the expression of the mutation in cells growing in culture allowing us to examine the effects of PIK3CAH1047R mutation in vitro under defined conditions. The student will isolate and culture mammary epithelial cells from our PIK3CAH1047R mouse and use these to examine the signalling pathways by which PIK3CAH1047R induces tumourigenesis and regulates the growth and differentiation of mammary epithelial cells. Techniques to be used will include tissue culture, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, confocal microscopy and western blotting, as well as in vitro and in vivo assays to assess functional activity such as proliferation, apoptosis, and tumourigenesis. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips, Tel: +61 3 9656 1842; Email: [email protected]. USING HIGH-THROUGHPUT FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS SCREENS TO IDENTIFY GENES AND PATHWAYS THAT COOPERATE WITH PIK3CA MUTATIONS Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips Mutations in the PI3K pathway are one of the most important genetic abnormalities in human cancer. Thus, the clinical development of PI3K pathway inhibitors is currently one of the most active oncologyrelated endeavours within the pharmaceutical industry. Early human clinical trials have been disappointing in that PI3K inhibition appears to induce tumour stasis at best indicating that combination therapies will be essential. However, candidate-based approaches to identifying combination therapies have met with limited success and there is now a critical need for innovative new targets for developing the next generation of anti-cancer therapeutics. In this project the student will undertake high-throughput, in vivo, functional genomics screens in our unique mouse model to identify novel pathways that functionally cooperate with Pik3ca mutation to initiate tumourigenesis in the mammary gland. They will use a genome-wide shRNA library and/or the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ transposon mutagenesis system to conduct unbiased forward genetic screens in vivo to identify novel genes and pathways that cooperate with Pik3ca mutation to induce mammary tumourigenesis. They will then go on use in vitro and in vivo model systems to confirm and validate the functional interactions identified and explore their potential as novel therapeutic targets. The p53 tumour suppressor gene and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signalling pathways both independently control a range of fundamental cellular processes which, when de-regulated, are considered hallmarks of cancer. We have recently used a novel mutant mouse to study the in vivo interaction of these two pathways in breast cancer and demonstrated a significant synergy between p53 and Pik3ca mutations in the induction of breast cancer. The student will use this mouse model to further explore the interaction of p53 and Pik3ca. This will involve both in vivo mouse work and also in vitro studies on cultured mammary epithelial cells. The student will examine the signalling pathways by which p53 and pik3ca interact to regulate the growth and differentiation of mammary epithelial cells and induce tumourigenesis. Techniques to be used will include tissue culture, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, confocal microscopy, and western blotting, as well as in vitro and in vivo assays to assess functional activity such as proliferation, apoptosis, and tumourigenesis. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips, Tel: +61 3 9656 1842; Email: [email protected]; Prof. Ygal Haupt, Tel: +61 3 9656 5871; Email: ygal.haupt@petermac. org; Dr. Sue Haupt, Email: [email protected] VBCRC CANCER GENETICS IMPROVING OUTCOMES FOR WOMEN DIAGNOSED WITH MUCINOUS OVARIAN CANCER Supervisors: Prof. Ian Campbell, Dr. Kylie Gorringe Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) differs in appearance and behavior from the other common epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes. MOC is frequently confused with metastases from organs such as the appendix, but it is not known if this resemblance extends to similarities in genetic alterations. Advanced MOC does not respond well to conventional ovarian cancer chemotherapies, indicating that there is a need for more subtype-specific therapies. We hypothesise that genomic aberrations found in MOC will be similar to those in mucinous cancers from other organs. Consequently, MOC may be better treated with chemotherapeutics that show success with other mucinous tumours. This project will obtain genomic data from primary MOC and compare this with data from metastases to the ovary from extra-ovarian sites (initially presenting as ovarian), appendiceal tumours, gastric tumours, mucinous colorectal tumours and pancreatic tumours. Techniques used will include copy number arrays and next-generation sequencing (exome and RNAseq). This NHMRC-funded project is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with clinical and research staff at WEHI and Royal Melbourne Hospital with a high likelihood of changing clinical practice and improving health outcomes for women. For more information about this project contact: Prof. Ian Campbell, Tel +61 3 9656 1803 Email: ian.campbell@ petermac.org; Dr Kylie Gorringe, Tel +61 3 9656 1131 Email: kylie. [email protected] For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Wayne Phillips, Tel: +61 3 9656 1842; Email: [email protected]. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 12 The ability to identify disease-causing mutations in high-risk cancer families has broad implications for those affected in terms of risk assessment and management as well as treatment. A major initiative over the last year has been the application of next generation sequencing (NGS) to identify cancer predisposition genes. We are performing whole exome sequence analysis of germline DNA from multiple affected relatives from over 75 high risk non-BRCA1/nonBRCA2 breast cancer families with the aim of identifying segregating, rare, non-synonymous variants that are likely to include novel predisposing mutations. This project will perform and analyse NGS data to identify candidate gene variants identified and validate these variants in the family in which the variant was found including segregation analysis. After validation, the gene will be further analysed for mutations in other families and individuals with the same cancer type through boutique exon capture and NGS. Techniques used will include DNA sequencing (NGS and Sanger), bioinformatics, PCR, high resolution melting and potentially assays of gene transcription or function. For more information about this project contact: Prof. Ian Campbell, Tel +61 3 9656 1803 Email: [email protected] UNDERSTANDING THE GENETIC PREDISPOSITION TO MALE BREAST CANCER USING A WHOLE EXOME SEQUENCING APPROACH Supervisors: Prof. Ian Campbell, Dr. Alison Trainer and Dr. Ella Thompson Despite a higher mortality rate associated with male breast cancer (MBC) compared to its female counterpart, MBC is still disproportionately underrepresented in all forms of breast cancer research. MBC show a significant overlap with FBC in terms of epidemiology, morphology and inheritance patterns, yet the majority of families with a familial male breast cancer risk are not attributable to BRCA1/2 mutations and are of unknown aetiology. This project brings together familial cancer clinics across Australia to form a national cohort of familial MBC cases with well- described clinical data and links directly to other ongoing breast cancer genomic studies within the group. The successful candidate on this project will join a well–established genomics research group and use whole exome capture and next generation sequencing technology to identify novel causative genes underlying the predisposition to male breast cancer. Significantly, as male breast cancers are overwhelmingly oestrogen receptor positive, completion of this project should not only identify genes predisposing to MBC but also has the potential to provide genetic and biological insight into the large proportion of sporadic FBC, which are also oestrogen receptor positive on histopathology For more information about this project contact: Dr. Alison Trainer, Tel +61 468575700 Email: [email protected] COMBINATORIAL GENE KNOCKDOWN FOR FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISATION OF GENE AMPLICONS IN OVARIAN CANCER Supervisors: Dr Kylie Gorringe, Dr Kaylene Simpson, Prof Ian Campbell Current treatment for ovarian cancer includes surgery and chemotherapy, but therapy resistance is common. High-grade carcinomas with high-level copy number amplification of 19q have increased resistance to treatment and reduced survival. These patients represent an area of particular need for new therapeutic agents. The discovery of molecular targeted agents towards genes affected by amplification, such as Herceptin for ERBB2 is a key area of research with the potential to improve the survival outcomes of patients. This study will characterise key genes and their interactions within two common amplification events in ovarian cancer. Our previous high-throughput siRNA screen identified 5 genes in 2 amplicons on chromosome 19q that individually invoke strong viability phenotypes when knocked down. Simultaneous knockdown of these genes may have a synergistic effect on cell phenotype and the strength of this effect will have implications for treatment using molecular agents against the gene products. Such agents are available for two of the genes to be targeted and will be included in combination with each other and siRNAs. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects This project will involve cell culture, treatment with siRNAs and small molecule inhibitors utilizing the high-throughput screening robotics system of the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (VCFG), and downstream assays including assessment of cell viability, RTPCR and Western blotting. For more information about this project contact: Prof. Ian Campbell, Tel +61 3 9656 1803 Email: [email protected]; Dr Kylie Gorringe, Tel +61 3 9656 1131 Email: [email protected] SARCOMA GENOMICS & GENETICS GENETIC AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS DRIVING THE EVOLUTION OF DRUG RESISTANCE IN A HUMAN LIPOSARCOMA CELL LINE Supervisors: Dr. Arcadi Cipponi, Assoc. Prof. David Thomas The major cause of cancer therapy failure is either primary drug resistance in cancer cells, or the development of secondary resistance mechanisms against chemotherapeutic or molecular targeted drugs. The phenomenon of drug resistance is seen across a broad spectrum of cancers and affects most patients. Although the mechanisms leading to acquisition of drug resistance in tumours have been the subject of intense study, effective strategies to prevent this phenomenon remain elusive. We have established an in vitro model system in which the human welldifferentiated liposarcoma (WDLPS) cell line (778) is used to study the evolution of resistance to Nutlin-3, a clinically approved small molecule antagonist of MDM2. Nutlin-3 inhibits the p53-MDM2 interaction, and activates p53-dependent pro-apoptotic pathways in cancer cells. The main goals of the project are to investigate the (epi)genetic factors and the molecular pathways that contribute to the development of resistance to Nutlin-3. Preliminary results obtained analysing the gene expression profile associated with drug resistance show a reduction of the expression of genes involved in DNA repair processes, as well as an increased level of genetic instability revealed by the presence of a higher number of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). We are focusing our studies on both the role of genetic instability and on functional studies of candidate genes implicated in the acquisition of drug resistance. The results may provide clinically relevant insights into the acquisition of drug resistance in tumours, paving a way to identify genes and/or molecular pathways that could be targeted to prevent tumours from developing drug resistance in the clinic. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Arcadi Cipponi, Tel: +61 432 474437; Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. David Thomas. Tel +61 3 9656 1238 Email david.thomas@petermac. org ROLE OF IMMUNOMODULATORS IN THE IN VIVO DEVELOPMENT & PROGRESSION OF OSTEOSARCOMA Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. David Thomas, Dr. Maya Kansara The Sarcoma Genetics and Genomics laboratory studies tumours of soft tissue and bone. Osteosarcoma is the most common cancer of bone. These tumours are highly metastatic and often metastasise to lung via the hematogenous route. Treatment involves aggressive surgery with intensive adjuvant chemotherapy. Although these measures have improved prognosis, a third of those diagnosed will die from this disease. Understanding how osteosarcoma arises and persists will enable the development of targeted therapies. The skeleton and the immune system share a number of cytokines and transcription factors and therefore may mutually influence each other; the study of these cells and their interactions has been termed osteoimmunology. In this project we will investigate the interaction between the immune system and bone cancer in an in vivo mouse model of osteosarcoma. The project will use broad range techniques including mouse models of cancer, histology, cell culture, flow cytometry, and molecular profiling. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. David Thomas. Tel +61 3 9656 1238 Email: [email protected]; Dr. Maya Kansara Tel +61 3 9656 1618 Email: maya.kansara@petermac. org Page 13 MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS AND TRANSLATIONAL GENOMICS Supervisor: Dr Sarah-Jane Dawson Overview: The molecular biomarkers and translational genomics laboratory aims to develop improved biological markers for early cancer detection, risk stratification and disease monitoring. Our group will apply cutting-edge molecular approaches in translational studies to study and develop novel biomarkers for clinical application. Advances in next-generation sequencing technologies are currently leading to an expansion of our knowledge of the genetic mechanisms underpinning various cancers. Our laboratory is focussed on the integration of this knowledge into the clinical arena and the development of personalised biomarkers to improve clinical care and patient outcomes. The use of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) as a non-invasive molecular biomarker represents a key advance in this area. Cell-free circulating DNA containing tumour-specific sequences can be identified in the plasma of cancer patients. Serial analysis of ctDNA can allow the evolving genomic landscape of a cancer to be assessed, with many potential clinical applications including the early detection of disease recurrence, the assessment of prognosis and the monitoring of response to treatment. Analysis of ctDNA is challenging and requires highly sensitive techniques due to the small fraction of tumour specific DNA present in the circulation amidst background levels of DNA from healthy cells. The application of next-generation sequencing technologies is now providing new opportunities to develop ctDNA as a non-invasive ‘liquid biopsy’ alternative to tissue biopsies for use in cancer diagnostics and management. Broad research aims: • The application of next-generation sequencing technologies to study tumour-specific genomic alterations, and guide diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic decisions in the clinic. • The use of non-invasive molecular biomarkers (such as circulating tumour DNA and circulating tumour cells), to study disease progression, tumour evolution and therapeutic resistance in cancer. BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS IDENTIFYING INTRA-TUMOURAL HETEROGENEITY IN CANCER – OMICS DATA Supervisors: Dr Tony Papenfuss, Dr Mark Shackleton Bioinformatics is the application of mathematics, statistics and computational methods to the analysis of -omics data. Our research is focused on developing new bioinformatics methods and applying new and existing methods to analyze and make sense of complex cancer datasets. Much of our efforts are focused on next generation sequencing data and we have particular interest in methods to analyze structural variation, heterogeneity and evolution in cancer. There is a growing awareness of the importance of intra-tumour heterogeneity (ITH) in determining outcomes of cancer patients. The ideal data for assessing ITH is likely to be derived from multiregional sampling of tumours, but this is difficult to attain. Another approach is to examine single tumor samples for signs of heterogeneity. A few bioinformatics methods exist to do this, but there remain many challenges. This project will involve understanding existing approaches and developing and applying new methods to identify ITH and to evaluate its relationship to and effect on cancer biology outcomes, including patient survival and therapy response. Project references: 1. Carter et al., Absolute quantification of somatic DNA alterations in human cancer, Nat Biotechnol. 2012 May;30(5):413-21 2. Nik-Zainal et al., The life history of 21 breast cancers, Cell. 2012 May 25;149(5):994-1007 3. Oesper et al., THetA: Inferring intra-tumor heterogeneity from highthroughput DNA sequencing data, Genome Biology 2013, 14:R80 For more information about this project contact: Dr Tony Papenfuss, Email: [email protected] Dr. Mark Shackleton, Tel: +61 3 9656 5235; Email: [email protected] http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/cancer-therapeutics Laboratory Heads: Professor Ricky Johnstone, Professor Grant McArthur, Dr Mark Shackkleton, Dr Sherene Loi, Dr Mark Dawson, Dr Ben Solomon The Cancer Therapeutics program, together with the Molecular Imaging and Translational Medicine Program, is designed to integrate various basic research activities, platform technologies, and pre-clinical model systems available within the Peter Mac to discover, develop, characterise and refine novel cancer therapeutics for clinical use. Basic research within the program is focused on increased understanding of the biological basis of disease patterns and treatment outcomes observed in the clinic, preclinical testing of novel therapeutics, development of imaging methods and biomarker assays to follow treatment efficacy and investigation of cellular pathways involved in response to anticancer therapies. GENE REGULATION BASIC AND PRE-CLINICAL RESEARCH AIMED AT DEFINING THE MOLECULAR PROCESSES REQUIRED FOR ANTI-CANCER DRUG ACTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE. Our research focus includes: • Discovering and analysing epigenetic enzymes important for the growth and survival of haematological tumours including B- and T-cell leukaemia and lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and multiple myeloma (MM). • Conducting basic and pre-clinical characterisation of novel apoptosisinducing therapeutic agents used alone and in combination. Cancer is a genomic disease and tumour specific genomic alterations are increasingly being used to guide the management of cancer patients. Cancer cells release DNA into the blood and the measurement of cell-free circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) offers a unique opportunity to non-invasively study the evolving genomic landscape of the underlying tumour. The analysis of ctDNA is challenging and requires highly sensitive techniques due to the small fraction of tumour specific DNA present in the circulation amidst high background levels of DNA from normal cells. The application of next generation sequencing technologies is now providing new opportunities to develop ctDNA as a ‘liquid biopsy’ alternative to tissue biopsies for use in cancer diagnostics and management. Through recent advances, it is now possible to characterise specific DNA mutations in a patient’s tumour, design assays to identify these mutations, and then apply these assays to plasma to accurately measure the amount of ctDNA. The potential clinical applications of this new technology are far-reaching (Dawson et al, NEJM, 2013). • Developing use of genetically engineered mouse models of haematological malignancies and solid cancers for pre-clinical studies. Radiotherapy (RT) is effective for local tumor control but against metastases, arising outside the field of radiation treatment, its curative capacity is limited, despite the reported ability of RT to stimulate antitumor immune responses. To enhance the systemic effects of RT we have looked to use this important anti-cancer therapy together with antibodies designed to promote the tumor-specific immune responses evoked by the “vaccine-like” effects of radiation-induced cell death. 1. SJ. Dawson et al. (2013) New England Journal of Medicine. 368(13): 1199209. 2. M. Murtaza et al. (2013) Nature. 497(7447): 108-12. For more information about this project contact: Dr Sarah-Jane Dawson [Currently based at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, UK Ph: +44 1223769747 Email: [email protected] Page 14 (i) Characterize the mechanisms by which RT can alter the susceptibility of primary and metastatic tumors to rejection by immune-modulatory antibodies. TRACKING CLONAL EVOLUTION IN MURINE CANCERS BY CELLULAR BARCODING AND MASSIVELY-PARALLEL SEQUENCING The more we learn about the mechanism(s) of action of RT and its impact on various immune parameters and tumor microenvironments, this will ensure that its full therapeutic potential can be harnessed against metastatic breast cancer. This exciting project area has recently attracted funding support from the Cancer Council of Victoria and Susan G Komen. Genetically engineered mouse models are a powerful research tools to study cancer evolution. Using massively-parallel sequencing in combination with mouse cancer models our lab has been able to catalogue and track mutations arising in spontaneous lymphomas and leukemias. We have done this by sequencing the genomes of cancer cells at end stage disease and then by using deep sequencing 3. SJ. Dawson et al. (2013) EMBO Journal. 32(5): 617-28. This project aims to use preclinical mouse models of breast cancer to: (ii) Identify the tumor-associated factors that permit and/or restrict the effectiveness of anti-tumor responses to RT. The prevailing view of cancer is that neoplastic transformation results from the acquisition of somatic mutations leading to evasion of the body’s intrinsic anti-cancer mechanisms. The process by which this occurs is thought to closely mimic that of species evolution, but in this instance a tumor cell sequentially acquires a number of mutations that provides a selective growth advantage to the cell. Evidence for clonal evolution in cancer has been known for some time, but only recently with the advent of new technologies like massively-parallel (next-generation) sequencing have we been able to fully appreciate how integral this process is to cancer development. Understanding cancer evolution is important as it provides an insight into early processes of neoplasia, for example, what genes are implicated in cancer initiation versus those that are more important later in disease development. It also has implications for treatment as cancer evolution can result in acquired resistance to therapy. References: Supervisor: Dr Nicole Haynes For more information about potential projects contact: Prof Ricky Johnstone, Tel: +61 3 9656 3727; Email: ricky.johnstone@petermac. org; Dr Geoff Matthews, Tel: +61 3 9656 3724; Email: geoff. [email protected]; Dr Jake Shortt, Tel: +61 3 9656 3724; Email: [email protected]; Dr Michaela Waibel, Tel: +61 3 9656 3725; Email: [email protected] Supervisors: Dr Richard Tothill and Prof. Ricky Johnstone This project will utilise ctDNA to study how breast cancers evolve when they progress and become resistant to treatment. It will evaluate if ctDNA can be used as a form of ‘liquid biopsy’ to serially follow patients and individualise treatment decisions in breast cancer. The project will utilise next generation sequencing techniques, digital PCR and bioinformatic approaches to quantify ctDNA in clinical samples and correlate these findings with clinical features. The ultimate aim of this research is to develop ctDNA as a personalised biomarker to provide the opportunity for molecular disease monitoring in breast cancer. For more information about this project contact: Prof Ricky Johnstone, Tel: +61 3 9656 3727; Email: [email protected]; Dr Richard Tothill, Tel: +61 3 9656 1752; Email: Richard.tothill@petermac. org RADIO-IMMUNOTHERAPY AND BREAST CANCER Research in the laboratory falls under two major themes: defining the molecular events underpinning anti-cancer drug action and resistance and using this information in pre-clinical studies to design and test novel therapeutics alone and in combination, and dissecting the role of altered epigenetics in tumour onset and progression, targeting epigenetic enzymes to treat cancer. Supervisor: Dr Sarah-Jane Dawson searched for the same mutations in early stage pre-cancerous cells taken from the circulating peripheral blood of the animal at time points during disease progression. Another way to monitor clonal evolution is to introduce unique cellular DNA barcodes to the genomes of cells through viral transduction. Using massively-parallel sequencing, cellular barcodes can be used to monitor clonal expansion in the absence of known somatic mutations. These methods will be useful for understanding the mechanism of resistance to drug treatment and will be integrated with the preclinical testing of novel therapeutic agents currently underway in the lab. • Determining the effects of combining novel agents designed to specifically kill breast cancer cells with other agents that stimulate a host anti-tumour immune response. • Functional genomics-based screens to identify novel tumour suppressor genes and genes that regulate the apoptotic response to new anti-cancer agents. CIRCULATING TUMOUR DNA AS A PERSONALISED BIOMARKER IN BREAST CANCER 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects CANCER THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH PROGRAM 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects (iii) Develop new radio-immunotherapy combinations, based on the findings from the above aims and test their therapeutic activity in experimental and spontaneous mouse models of breast cancer. We are looking for a highly motivated PhD or Honours student to take on this project with an interest in immunology and applied/translational academic science. For more information about this project contact: Dr Nicole Haynes, Tel +61-3-9656 1752, Email: [email protected] THE THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY AND MECHANISMS OF ANTIBODYBASED THERAPIES IN BREAST CANCER Antibodies are now considered key therapeutic drugs for the treatment of cancer. Trastuzumab is one such prototypic antibody designed to block the growth promoting activity of the breast cancer associated receptor HER2; expressed on 12-25% of invasive breast cancer. Its use as a mainstay therapy has seen the risk of breast cancer relapse decrease by 50% and the rate of death by a third. However, there are a group of patients that do not respond or develop resistance to Trastuzumab and thus there remains an unmet medical need for new antibody-based HER2 targeted combination strategies. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising class of anti-cancer Page 15 drugs that have the capacity to promote and/or reengage the therapeutic activity of Trastuzumab via multiple mechanisms. This project is aimed at examining the therapeutic efficacy and mechanisms underpinning the capacity of antibody-based HER2targeted therapies and HDACi to synergistically evoke durable antitumour responses in preclinical mouse models of human and mouse HER2+ breast cancer. Identification of the genes and/or immune signatures predictive of therapeutic outcome will ultimately help with the development of more personalized treatment strategies for HER2+ breast cancer. We are looking for a highly motivated Honours student to take on this project with an interest in immunology and applied/translational academic science. For more information about this project contact: Dr Nicole Haynes, Tel +61-3-9656 1752, Email: [email protected]; Dr Ricky Johnstone, Tel +61-3-9656 3727, Email: [email protected] MELANOMA RESEARCH Melanoma is a common cancer and a source of significant morbidity and mortality in our community, particularly among 20-40 year-olds where it is the most common cause of cancer death. As a result, melanoma causes the second/third most years of lost productive life of all cancers in males/females. Disturbingly, the incidence of melanoma is increasing in Australia and deaths attributable to the disease are projected to increase accordingly. Compounding the increasing disease and economic burden imposed by melanoma in our community is the lack of effective therapies for patients with advanced disease. Our research program seeks to address the problem of melanoma using two approaches. First, through improving understanding of normal melanocyte development, we aim to identify mechanisms of melanomagenesis and thereby develop strategies for improved disease prevention. Second, through use of a highly efficient model of human melanoma progression that replicates closely the biology of this disease in patients, we aim to identify mechanisms of melanoma propagation and metastasis. Our close links with the clinical research activities of the Peter Mac Melanoma Unit enable rapid clinical translation of our lab discoveries in order to help patients. IDENTIFICATION OF DETERMINANTS OF MELANOMA PROGRESSION Supervisors: Dr. Mark Shackleton and Assoc. Prof. Grant McArthur This project will use a novel human melanoma tumorigenesis assay (Nature 456:593) to study how melanomas progress once they have formed. This assay offers a unique opportunity to study human cancer biology, genetics and epigenetics at the clonal level. By comparing the malignant and molecular properties of sister clonal tumors, this approach enables direct correlation of tumor phenotype and genotype/ epigenotype in a way that is likely to reveal those molecular aberrations that are functionally relevant to malignant progression and potentially target-able by modern therapeutic approaches. Multiple projects within this framework are planned, involving a wide range of techniques: working with fresh human tumor specimens and analyzing clinical data, mouse handing and surgery, immunostaining and flow cytometry, and molecular studies such as SNP genotyping, DNA methylation analysis, NextGen sequencing and functional genomics. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Mark Shackleton, Tel: +61 3 9656 5235; Email: [email protected] THE FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF MELANOMA CELL PIGMENTATION Supervisors: Dr Mark Shackleton and Dr Clare Fedele Melanoma is the commonest cancer affecting young Australians and has a disproportionately high socioeconomic impact in this country. Unravelling the complex biology of this disease is expected to lead to improved treatment of patients. Although most melanomas contain melanin pigment, pigmented melanomas are usually comprised of heterogeneously pigmented cells. In the context of the stem cell model of cancer progression, this raises the question of whether differences in melanin pigment content, which may be a marker of the differentiation status of melanoma cells, are associated with differences in the potentials of these cells to propagate disease. Moreover, it is not known whether the relationships between pigmented and non-pigmented melanoma cells are hierarchical (and thus consistent with a CSC model) or plastic. This project will address these questions using melanoma cell lines, patient-derived melanomas, flow cytometry, cell culture, animal tumorigenesis studies and molecular profiling. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects For more information about this project contact: Dr. Mark Shackleton, Tel: +61 3 9656 5235; Email: [email protected]; Dr Clare Fedele, Email: [email protected] CHARACTERIZATION OF NORMAL MELANOCYTE DEVELOPMENT Supervisors: Dr. Mark Shackleton, Assoc. Prof. Grant McArthur This project will adapt classical stem cell biology techniques developed in other solid organ systems (Nature 439:84) to the study of normal melanocyte development. Using sophisticated mouse models, melanocytes at different stages of development will be conditionally tagged, isolated and functionally characterized. The oncogenic effects of various genetic and environmental stimuli on melanocyte lineage subpopulations will then be studied, and strategies explored to prevent oncogenesis in different contexts. Complementary studies of human melanocyte development will also be performed. Techniques used will include working with mouse models, cell culture, flow cytometry and cell sorting, microarray-based gene expression studies, and qPCR. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Mark Shackleton, Tel: +61 3 9656 5235; Email: [email protected] TRANSLATIONAL BREAST CANCER GENOMICS The Translational Breast Cancer Genomics Lab focuses on the translation of scientific findings into treatment approaches for breast cancer patients. Its main focus is breast cancer biology, mechanisms of resistance and response to current breast cancer therapies and the development of novel therapeutic approaches. CLINICAL RELEVANCE OF CO-EXISTENT MUTATIONS WITH PIK3CA MUTATIONS IN BREAST CANCER Supervisor: Dr Sherene Loi Somatic mutations in PIK3CA, the gene coding for the p110α catalytic subunit of PI3K, are present in up to 40% of estrogen receptor (ER-) positive breast cancer. The main stay of such treatment is endocrine therapy. We have reported that ER-positive breast cancers with a PIK3CA mutation can have quite good clinical outcomes compared with their wild-type counterparts. However, we have found in metastatic breast cancer samples a high frequency of mutations co-existent with PIK3CA- KRAS, BRAF, ERBB2. We hypothesize that these mutations may cooperative with PIK3CA and be associated with resistance to endocrine therapy. We have recently generated a novel mutant mouse with which to study the role of the common tumour-associated PI3K mutation, PIK3CAH1047R. We can also induce the expression of the mutation in cells growing in culture allowing us to examine the effects of PIK3CAH1047R mutation in vitro with and without other mutations under defined conditions. results can be devastating and may culminate in the development of cancer. Importantly, recent efforts to annotate various cancer genomes have brought into focus a new central theme in cancer biology: recurrent mutations in epigenetic regulators, which are especially prevalent in the haematopoietic cancers. Our laboratory is focussed on understanding the molecular mechanisms governed by epigenetic pathways in normal and malignant haematopoiesis. In particular we explore how abnormal regulation of certain epigenetic regulators can result in the initiation and maintenance of haematological malignancies. We aim to use some of these insights to develop and characterise novel epigenetic therapies for various haematopoietic cancers. Our broad research aims include: broad range of genomic, molecular biology and biochemical techniques including RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, molecular cloning, quantitative realtime PCR, western blotting and biochemical purification of chromatin complexes. Finally as our aim is to develop novel therapeutics for AML we will also perform a range of in vivo studies using sophisticated murine models of AML. References: 1. MA Dawson et al. (2009) Nature. 461(7265): 819-22. 2. MA Dawson et al. (2011) Nature. 478(7370): 529-33. 3. MA Dawson et al. (2012) Cell. 150(1):12-27. • Therapeutic targeting of epigenetic proteins in haematological malignancies. 4. MA Dawson et al. (2012) New England Journal of Medicine. 367(7):647-57. • Functional characterisation of the role that epigenetic regulators play in normal haematopoietic stem cell renewal and in leukaemia stem cell renewal. For more information about potential projects contact: Dr Mark Dawson. [Currently based at the University of Cambridge, UK] Tel: +44 1223334111, Email: [email protected] • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms by which epigenetic regulators direct cell fate decisions in haematopoiesis. MOLECULAR THERAPEUTIC AND BIOMARKERS TARGETING EPIGENETIC READERS IN ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA Supervisor: Dr Mark Dawson Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease at the clinical, biological and molecular level, however unifying pathogenic themes exist. It is characterised by transcriptional dysregulation leading to a block in differentiation and increased self-renewal. Knowledge of the molecular lesions associated with specific subtypes of AML has led to the introduction of targeted therapeutics. However, despite some progress, the management of AML remains an unmet clinical need, with over 70% of patients still succumbing to the disease. Recently, our evolving knowledge of the cancer genome has brought into focus a central theme, that of recurrent mutations in epigenetic regulators, which are especially prevalent in AML. Epigenetics is a term broadly used to describe the study of chromatin biology. The dynamic plasticity of the epigenome lends itself well to therapeutic manipulation. This project aims to exploit this, by extending our recent discovery of the therapeutic efficacy of BET (Bromodomain and extra terminal protein) inhibitors in MLL-leukaemias (Dawson et al, Nature 2011) to other forms of AML. The project will involve a diverse range of cell biology techniques including cell culture and clonogenic assays with cell lines and primary human / murine leukaemia cells, modulation of these cells with shRNAs and small molecule inhibitors. We will also employ a In the Molecular Therapeutics and Biomarkers Laboratory we perform preclinical and translational studies aiming to develop and evaluate new treatment strategies and predictive markers for cancer patients with a focus on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Our group works at the interface between the clinic and laboratory to • develop novel treatment strategies involving molecularly targeted therapies that can be evaluated in clinical trials and • conduct biomarker analyses on tissue samples collected from clinical trials and archival sources to find better ways to select patients for optimal treatment with conventional or novel oncology agents The laboratory collaborates with the Tumour Suppression Laboratory, under Professor Ygal Haupt, sharing an interest in investigating the molecular mechanisms at work when the powerful tumour suppressor gene, p53, is switched off in cancer; efforts to reverse this process represent a promising new avenue for possible therapeutic intervention We currently have several projects based around these themes that we would like to discuss with students. For more information about these projects contact: Assoc. Prof. Ben Solomon, Tel: +61 3 96561118 , Email: [email protected] The student will isolate and culture mammary epithelial cells from our PIK3CAH1047R mouse and use these to examine how other mutations cooperative with PIK3CA and if they can induce endocrine therapy resistance. A broad range of techniques may be used: including tissue culture, cloning and retroviral transduction, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and western blotting, in vitro and in vivo assays to assess functional activity such as proliferation, apoptosis, and tumourigenesis, as well as analyses of human breast cancer samples (DNA extractions and genomics techniques ie next generation sequencing) and understanding of the management of breast cancer patients. For more information about this project contact: Dr Sherene Loi, Tel: +61 3 9656 3642; Email: [email protected] CANCER EPIGENETICS Epigenetics is a term that is most commonly used to describe chromatin-based events. Chromatin is a macromolecular complex of DNA and histone proteins that exists in eukaryotic cells. The basic functional unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, which consists of a histone octamer around which DNA is wrapped. Chemical modification of both histones and DNA occurs through highly conserved enzymes, and these modifications are in turn “read” by epigenetic reader proteins. The information conveyed by epigenetic modifications plays a critical role in the regulation of all DNA-based processes, such as transcription, DNA repair, and replication. Epigenetic pathways such as DNA methylation, histone modification, nucleosome remodeling, and non-coding RNA-mediated targeting regulate many biological processes that are fundamental for normal development. When these highly conserved epigenetic pathways are corrupted by somatic mutations or abnormal gene expression the Page 16 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 17 CANCER IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAM http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/cancer-immunology Laboratory Heads: Professor Joe Trapani, Assoc. Prof. Michael Kershaw, Assoc. Prof. Phil Darcy, Assoc. Prof. David Ritchie and Dr Paul Neeson, Dr Sarah Russell The Cancer Immunology Program is identifying ways in which the immune system can be harnessed to prevent and control cancer. We are interested in the very early stages of how immune cells can pick up and respond to the presence of cancer cells. We have demonstrated that specific toxins made by “killer T cells” can prevent the onset of certain cancers (immune surveillance), and are developing genetic technologies to modify and expand the activity of these cells to treat established malignancies. In addition, we are defining the molecular means by which new classes of anti-cancer drugs kill cancer cells, so that rational choices can be made on the most appropriate cancer chemotherapy for a patient. CANCER CELL DEATH & KILLER CELL BIOLOGY REGULATION AND FUNCTION OF CYTOTOXIC LYMPHOCYTES Supervisors: Prof. Joe Trapani, Dr. Ilia Voskoboinik, Dr. Misty Jenkins and Dr. Jamie Lopez Cytotoxic lymphocytes recognize and kill cancerous and virus-infected cells through cytotoxic granule exocytosis pathway. Cytotoxic granules store a pore-forming protein, perforin, and serine proteases, granzymes. Once released, perforin transiently disrupts a target cell membrane thus permitting the delivery of granzymes into the cytosol, where they initiate various apoptotic death pathways. This is a fundamental homoeostatic process and, when disrupted, has catastrophic consequences: it either leads to fatal hyperinflammation or, in milder cases, results in haematological malignancies in childhood or adolescence. We investigate: (i) the regulation of cytotoxic granule exocytosis, (ii) the structural bases of perforin pore formation, (iii) the biology of granzymes, (iv) the molecular bases of congenital immune deficiency Familial Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, (v) the genetic predisposition to haematological malignancies. We offer project(s) in each of these areas, and a specific topic will be selected to cater for the interests and skills of a candidate. A prospective student will be a part of a successful multidisciplinary research team of immunologists, biochemists, cell biologists, geneticists and clinical scientists, and will gain experience in immunology, cell biology (including various microscopy techniques), molecular biology and biochemistry. For more information about projects contact: Dr. Ilia Voskoboinik, Tel: +61 3 9656 1657 or +61 3 9656 3725, Email: ilia.voskoboinik@ petermac.org IMMUNE INNOVATION TURNING CANCER AGAINST CANCER Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Michael Kershaw Tumours are a mass of cancer cells in association with other cells, termed stroma. Cancer cells are in close contact with each other in tumours, and they tolerate each others presence and indeed can benefit from each other. At the forefront of a tumour, cancer cells interact with normal tissues and this interaction leads to invasion and destruction of normal tissue. While metabolic competition, enzymes and inflammatory molecules have been identified as potential contributors to tissue invasion, the character and extent of tumour cell responses against other cells is not well characterized. Nevertheless, cancer cells express a variety of cell surface molecules and intracellular adaptor/ linker molecules that are able to mediate biological responses if triggered appropriately. In this project, we want to see what happens when these molecules in some cancer cells are specifically triggered against the breast cancer molecule Her2 on neighbouring cancer cells. Essentially, we want to try and turn cancer against itself. This will initially involve making a gene encoding a chimeric cancer-subverting molecule (CCSM) and inserting this gene into a proportion of cancer cells. These cancer cells would then express the CCSM on their surface and could respond against neighbouring Her2-positive cancer cells. This approach could promote an attack on cancer from within its own ranks. Conceivably, the effect on neighbouring cancer cells could be direct, via cell contact or by secretion of specific molecules, or indirect through disruption of tumour architecture and nutrient supply. In the clinical application of this approach, two approaches are possible. Firstly, a gene could be delivered to a proportion of cancer cells. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Secondly, a bispecific reagent could be developed that links the cancer subverting molecule to the target molecule (e.g. Her2). In this research proposal we aim to test proof-of-principle using model systems in vitro and in mice. Molecular biology techniques will be used to make a series of genes encoding CCSMs. Lines of breast cancer cells will be genetically modified in vitro to express CCSMs. Another line of the same breast cancer cells will be established expressing Her2. The effect of CCSM cells on Her2 cells will be determined in vitro using flow cytometry and microscopy for Honours projects, which would extend to studies in mice for higher degree studies. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Michael Kershaw, Tel: +61 3 9656 1177; Email: [email protected] SENSORY NEURONS AS CONDUITS FOR DELIVERING THERAPY FOR PROSTATE CANCER. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Michael Kershaw Since prostate tumors and metastases are neurotropic and innervated, we wish to test the hypothesis that neurons can be modified to express molecules that can exert antitumor activity against prostate cancer. This proof-of-principle study would involve genetically modifying neurons isolated from mouse dorsal root ganglion cells using adeno-associated virus vectors (AAV). DRG cells most faithfully replicate the structure and morphology of primary neurons, which originate in the DRG and have axons extending to tissues and ending in neurites that monitor tissues. Genes with anti-tumor potential including Fas ligand and TRAIL, cell surface cell death-inducing molecules, and interferon-gamma, a secreted molecule with apoptotic and immune-stimulating properties, will be used. We will firstly determine the expression of these genes at the subcellular level, particularly in neurites, since it is neurites that infiltrate tumors most extensively. Confocal microscopy and flow cytometry will be used to detect expression. Secondly, we will determine the ability of gene-modified DRG cells to impact on Fas-positive prostate cancer cells in vitro. 2-D cultures and 3-D collagen matrix cultures, together with microscopy, flow cytometry and apoptosis assays, will be used to determine the effect of gene-modified neurons on cancer cells. For higher degree studies, a mouse model of prostate cancer bone tumors will be used to determine the in vivo effect of genetically modifying neurons for cancer treatment. DRG supplying the femurs of mice will be injected with AAV vectors encoding Fas-L and/or IFN-gamma. Expression and function of transgenes in neurons will be determined, and the effect on tumor growth and normal tissues monitored. Previous gene modification studies of neurons have focused on pain-related issues. However, the proposed studies into using neurons as a means of delivering cancer therapy are entirely novel. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Michael Kershaw, Tel: +61 3 9656 1177; Email: [email protected] IMMUNOTHERAPY NOVEL COMBINATION IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER Supervisors: Dr. Paul Beavis, Assoc. Prof. Phil Darcy It is now accepted that the immune system plays a fundamental role in the elimination of cancer. Moreover, conventional therapies such as radiotherapy and some chemotherapies are efficacious, in part, due to their induction of immune responses. However, tumors utilize mechanisms to evade the immune response. Significant therapeutic opportunity exists in targeting these pathways thereby modifying the Page 18 tumor environment from immunosuppressive to immune-activating. The potential of this strategy is underlined by the recent FDA approval of ipilimumab (anti-CTLA-4 mAb) to treat metastatic melanoma. multicolour flow cytometry, cell culture and molecular biology techniques, mice that are genetically modified to alter asymmetric cell division, and tumour models to address these questions. One such immunosuppressive mechanism is the generation of adenosine by CD73, an enzyme expressed on the cell surface of tumor cells. Our preliminary data indicates that blockade of adenosine receptors using a small molecule inhibitor can enhance the anti-tumor T cell response generated by the chemotherapeutic doxorubicin, leading to prolonged survival of mice. We propose to extend this study to investigate whether blockade of adenosine receptors can act synergistically with other immunotherapies such as anti-41BB mAb, anti-PD1 mAb and adoptive T cell transfer. The project will therefore seek to identify novel combination therapies that may have clinical relevance and consequently investigate the mechanism by which the anti-tumor immune response is enhanced. For more information about this project contact: The project will involve a number of molecular and biochemical methods including flow cytometry, ELISA and ex vivo stimulation of isolated immune subsets. The student will become competent in tissue culture and the handling of mice. We are looking for a highly motivated student with an interest in immunology and the development of cancer therapeutics. For more information about these project contact: Dr Paul Beavis, Email: [email protected]; Assoc. Prof. Phil Darcy, Email: phil. [email protected] GENERATION OF A TRIPARTITE CHIMERIC SINGLE CHAIN RECEPTOR FOR ENHANCING ADOPTIVE T CELL IMMUNOTHERAPY Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Phil Darcy Adoptive immunotherapy involving genetic modification of T cells with TCR genes or single-chain (scFv) chimeric receptors is emerging as a promising approach to specifically direct their activity toward tumour cells1,2. Recently we have shown that chimeric receptors comprising the co-stimulatory CD28 signalling domain linked in tandem with the CD3- domain (scFv-CD28-) could optimally trigger T cell function in vitro and in vivo. Nevertheless, these gene-engineered T cells were less effective against established subcutaneous disease. A potential approach to improve anti-tumour function of adoptively transferred gene-engineered T cells is to increase their survival and persistence. Signalling molecules from TNF receptor family that include OX-40, CD27 and 4-1BB, play an important role in both survival of T cells following activation and generation of an effective memory response. Hence, in this project, we propose to test whether incorporation of these various signalling molecules from the TNF receptor family into our existing chimeric receptor design (tripartite receptor) can enhance survival and anti-tumour activity of gene-modified T cells. The project will involve a number of molecular and biochemical methods including DNA cloning, sequencing, flow cytometry, ELISA, cytokine and proliferation assays. The student will also become competent in tissue culture (retroviral transduction of T cells and tumour cells) and handling of mice. We are looking for a highly motivated student who is interested in developing effective treatments for cancer. References 1. Morgan RA, Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR, et al. Cancer regression in patients after transfer of genetically engineered lymphocytes. Science 2006;314:126-9. Dr. Sarah Russell, Tel: +61 3 9656 3727, Email: sarah.russell@ petermac.org SUPER-RESOLUTION MICROSCOPY TO DISSECT CANCER SIGNALING PATHWAYS Supervisors: Dr Sarah Russell, Dr Ye Chen Cancer therapies operate by disrupting signaling pathways that allow the cancer cells to survive and proliferate. Recent advances in our understanding of cancer cell signaling has led to dramatically improved therapies, setting a paradigm to guide further research. New imaging technologies: ‘super-resolution imaging’, have recently been developed which have transformed the research on signaling pathways. In a collaboration between biologists at Peter Mac and physicists at Swinburne University, we have developed a super-resolution imaging approach to determining the signaling pathways of a tumour suppressor protein, Scribble. The student will apply these approaches to understanding how this recently discovered tumour suppressor interacts with oncogenic signaling molecules. This multidisciplinary project will pave the way for development of new therapeutic modalities to treat cancer. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Sarah Russell, Tel: +61 3 9656 3727, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Ye Chen, Tel: +61 3 9214 5649, Email: [email protected] INVESTIGATING THE IMMUNOLOGICAL SYNAPSE AND THE ROLE OF EFFECTOR/MEMORY T LYMPHOCYTES IN ANTI-TUMOUR IMMUNITY Supervisor: Dr Jane Oliaro Our laboratory studies the role of signaling and polarity proteins in T lymphocyte biology. Polarity - or the compartmentalisation of proteins within a cell - is critical for T lymphocyte functions such as migration, immunological synapse formation and cytotoxic activity during an immune response. More recently, we have shown that that asymmetric cell division of T lymphocytes in response to antigen presentation may be used to generate effector and memory T lymphocytes - a process regulated by polarity proteins in other cell types. A project is available to investigate the role of proteins involved in immunological synapse formation in the regulation of anti-tumour responses by the adaptive immune system. The immunological synapse is critical for the activation of T lymphocytes, and for cytotoxic activity against infected and cancerous cells. The project will utilise knock out mouse models and in vitro culture systems to elucidate the role of the immunological synapse in effector/memory T lymphocyte responses, and how this impacts on anti-tumour immunity. The project will involve some animal experimentation, immunological techniques such as tissue culture and flow cytometry, and both fixed and live imaging of cells using our state of the art microscopy facilities. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Jane Oliaro, Tel: +61 3 9656 1657, Email: [email protected] 2 Kershaw MH, Westwood JA, Darcy PK. Gene-engineered T cells for cancer therapy. Nat Rev Can 2013 Aug;13(8):525-41. IMMUNE SIGNALLING A NEW MECHANISM FOR ONSET OF LEUKEMIA Supervisors: Dr Sarah Russell, Dr Sarah Ellis Cancer can arise when the balance between differentiation and proliferation is disturbed, and understanding how this balance is normally maintained is essential to combat cancer. In epithelial tumours it is now clear that disruptions in asymmetric cell division (the differential distribution of molecular cell fate determinants into the two daughters of a dividing cell) can lead to cancer by altering this balance. We have recently found that blood cells also undergo asymmetric cell division, and that asymmetric cell division is altered in mice that are predisposed to leukemia. An Honours and a PhD project are available to determine how alterations in asymmetric cell division impact upon cell fate decisions such as self-renewal, proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation, and how this predisposes to cancer. You will use state of the art time lapse imaging approaches, 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 19 CELL BIOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAM Grzeschik et al. (2010) Cell Cycle 9(16):3202-12. Parsons et al. (2010) Fly Oct; 4(4):288-93. http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/cancer-cell-biology Laboratory Heads: Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Assoc. Prof. Kieran Harvey, Dr Louise Cheng, Dr Patrick Humbert, Assoc. Prof. Robin Anderson, Assoc. Prof. Pritinder Kaur, Prof Roger Martin, Prof. Ygal Haupt, Prof. Rob Ramsay Diverse areas of cellular and molecular biology important in cancer are being explored within the Cell Biology program. We are looking at regulation of the cell cycle, the signalling pathways within tumour cells and host cells adjacent to tumours that drive tumour growth and metastasis and the importance of the aberrant regulation of apoptosis in tumour cells. Since radiotherapy is a major treatment modality for cancer, we are investigating how radiation kills cells and ways to improve the application of this therapy to patients. CELL CYCLE AND DEVELOPMENT The cell cycle and development lab uses sophisticated genetic and cell biological analysis of the animal model system, the vinegar fly Drosophila, to address fundamental questions in cancer biology. ANALYSIS OF COOPERATING TUMOURIGENESIS USING DROSOPHILA Supervisors: Dr Kirsten Allan, Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson This project will address the fundamental cancer questions of how cell shape regulators affect cell proliferation, survival and tumour progression. Our lab is a dynamic lab, with researchers at all stages of their careers. The project will be supervised by Dr Kirsten Allan who has extensive experience in working in Drosophila and in supervising students. This project will suit those who enjoy working on model systems that can be readily manipulated. The project will focus on addressing the functional importance of Rho-family proteins and effectors in cell polarity mutant mediated tumourigenesis. We have already shown that activation of Rho and the effectors Rok and MyoII cooperate with oncogenic Ras in Drosophila neural-epithelial cells, but now seek to determine their requirement in tumourigenesis with mutants in cell polarity regulators, such as Lgl, Scribbled, Dlg, aPKC and Crumbs. The project will involve genetic, biochemical and cell biological approaches. References: Khoo et al (2013) Disease Models & Mechanisms May; 6(3):661-78. Brumby, et al (2011) Genetics May, 188(1):105-25. Brumby & Richardson (2003) EMBO J. 22:5769-79. Brumby & Richardson (2005) Nature Reviews Cancer, 5: 626-39. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1466, Email: helena.richardson@ petermac.org COOPERATIVE TUMOURIGENESIS: ANAYSIS OF NOVEL TUMOUR SUPPRESSORS IN RAS ONCOGENE DRIVEN EPITHELIAL TUMOURS Supervisors: Dr Jan Manent, Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Dr Patrick Humbert and Dr Kaylene Simpson This project will suit those who are interested in a holistic understanding of cancer and with an interest in modeling cancer. The project will encompass a wide range of cell biology (microscopy), biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology techniques. The project will be supervised by Dr Jan Manent, who has extensive experience in Drosophila and mammalian molecular genetics, biochemistry and cell biology. We have carried out a genetic screen in flies for novel tumour suppressors that cooperate with the Ras oncogene to promote invasive overgrowth of neural-epithelial tissue. This project will use sophisticated Drosophila genetics, and molecular, cell biology and biochemical approaches to determine how one of these novel tumour suppressors affects the hallmarks of cancer in vivo in Drosophila. The project will extend into the analysis of the mammalian homolog of this gene in tumourigenesis in mammalian epithelial cells, in collaboration with Drs Patrick Humbert and Kaylene Simpson. References: Turkel et al (2013) PLoS Genetics Brumby, et al (2011) Genetics May, 188(1):105-25. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Brumby & Richardson (2003) EMBO J. 22:5769-79. Brumby & Richardson (2005) Nature Reviews Cancer, 5: 626-39. Humbert et al., (2010) Oncogene, 27:6888-6907. Cheng et al. (2013) Enc Life Science March 15 For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1466, Email: helena.richardson@ petermac.org; Dr Jan Manent, Email: [email protected] ANALYSIS OF DROSOPHILA MODELS OF BRAIN CANCER Supervisors: Dr Kirsten Allan, Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson We are using genetic and cell biological approaches to model human brain cancers in Drosophila. In particular we are interested in understanding the importance of regulators of cellular architecture, including the actin cytoskeleton, in the tumourigenic properties of these cancers. The project will involve the use of transgenic over-expression or RNAi Drosophila lines and small molecule inhibitors to assess the importance of cytoskeletal regulators in brain tumour models. The project will be supervised by Dr Kirsten Allan who has extensive experience in Drosophila and supervising students. The project will suit those who are interested in a holistic understanding of cancer and enjoy working on genetically tractable model organisms. The project will encompass a wide range of cell biology (microscopy), biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology techniques. References: Brumby, A.M. et al (2011) Genetics May, 188(1):105-25. Brumby & Richardson (2005) Nature Reviews Cancer, 5: 626-39. Cheng et al. (2013) Enc Life Science March 15 For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1466, Email: helena.richardson@ petermac.org Humbert et al. (2010) Oncogene, 27:6888-6907. • How does diet and nutrition affect tumour growth? Elsum et al (2012) Essays in Biochemistry. Aug 10; 53(1):141-68. • What are the metabolic changes that take place in the tumours? For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1466, Email: helena.richardson@ petermac.org • What are the metabolic changes that take place within the host in response to tumour growth? CELL GROWTH & PROLIFERATION For more information about this project contact: Dr Louise Cheng, Tel: +61 3 9656 5285, Email: [email protected] THE HIPPO PATHWAY, REGENERATION AND CANCER CELL CYCLE AND CANCER GENETICS Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Kieran Harvey INVESTIGATING THE MOLECULAR LINK BETWEEN BRCA2 LOSS AND PROSTATE CANCER In the Cell Growth and Proliferation laboratory we are interested in how tissue growth is controlled during development and regeneration. We are also interested in how deregulation of signalling pathways that control tissue growth contributes to the genesis of human cancer. We utilise the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster (vinegar fly), mouse models and mammalian cell culture to discover and investigate genes involved in tissue growth and cancer. Our approach is to identify genes involved in cancerous-like growth in flies and then use human and mouse models to determine whether the human counterparts of these fly cancer genes have a role in human cancer. Approximately 70% of human disease genes are conserved in flies, making it an excellent model for these studies. One newly identified signaling pathway that our laboratory helped to discover and actively studies is the Salvador-Warts-Hippo (Hippo) pathway, which controls organ size during development. This pathway controls organ size by restricting cells from growing and dividing excessively, properties central to the formation of cancer. The Hippo pathway is conserved in humans and several studies from our laboratory and others have implicated this pathway in the genesis of human cancer (eg. Reference 4, below). By studying various aspects of this pathway we aim to understand how organ size is correctly specified during development, and how deregulation of this pathway contributes to human cancer. Broad research questions: • How does the Hippo pathway control organ size. • How does the Hippo pathway control human cancer. We currently have several projects based around these aims that we would like to discuss with students. For more information about these projects contact: Assoc. Prof. Kieran Harvey, Tel: +61 3 9656 1291, Email: [email protected] References from our laboratory relevant to the project: 1. C. Poon et al., Current Biology. 17, 1587-1594. 2. C. Poon et al., Developmental Cell. 5, 896-906. 3. F. Grusche et al. (2011). Developmental Biology. 3550, 255-266. 4. X. Zhang et al. (2011). Oncogene. 30, 2810-2822. HOW CELL POLARITY REGULATORS AFFECT SIGNALLING PATHWAYS 5 F. Grusche et al. (2010). Current Biology. 20, r574-582. Supervisors: Dr Linda Parsons, Dr Marta Portela, Assoc. Prof. Helena Richardson and Dr Patrick Humbert 6. C. Milton et al. (2010). Development. 137, 735-43. This project focuses on how signaling pathways are affected by the cell polarity (shape) regulators, Lgl and aPKC in mediating their effects on cell proliferation and survival. The project will be supervised by Drs Linda Parsons and Marta Portela, who have extensive experience in working with Drosophila, mammalian cells and supervising students. The project will suit those who enjoy working on genetically tractable model organisms and are interested in a holistic understanding of cancer. The project will encompass a wide range of cell biology (microscopy), biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology techniques. 8. F. Bennett and K.F. Harvey (2006). Current Biol. 16, 2101-2110. Our previous research has shown that Lgl knockdown perturbs the Hippo and Notch signaling pathways and suggests that Lgl may regulate protein trafficking. The project will investigate the question of how Lgl or aPKC affects the Notch signaling pathway and protein trafficking in Drosophila. The project will include the analysis of Lgl or aPKC protein interactors, determined by Mass Spec analysis by our collaborator Dr Veraksa (Boston), in Drosophila and in mammalian cells in collaboration with Dr Patrick Humbert. Supervisor: Dr. Louise Cheng 7. X. Zhang et al. (2009). Cancer Research. 69, 6033-6041. 9. K.F. Harvey et al. (2003). Cell 114, 457-467. 10. N. Tapon et al. (2002). Cell 110, 467-478. STEM CELL GROWTH REGULATION METABOLIC REGULATION OF TUMOUR GROWTH References: Studies of neural stem cell biology in model organisms have revealed many similarities in the regulation of self-renewal, multipotency and cell-fate determination between vertebrate and invertebrates. We use the fruit fly Drosophila as a model system to study the processes that regulate proliferation in the central nervous system. When these processes are disrupted, uncontrolled growth and proliferation result in neural tumours. Grzeschik et al. (2010) Curr Biol. 20 (7): 573-81. Some of the questions we hope to address are: Page 20 • What are the signals (cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous) that drive the growth of the neural tumours? 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Supervisors: Dr Helen Pearson, Dr Patrick Humbert The ability of cells to repair DNA damage is fundamental to retaining genomic integrity as defects in the repair machinery can lead to genetic instability and carcinogenesis. Breast Cancer Type 2 susceptibility protein (termed BRCA2) is a component of a DNA repair mechanism that fixes double-stranded breaks in DNA. Loss of BRCA2 function results in reduced stability of genetic material, increasing the risk of tumour-initiating mutations. BRCA2 is commonly mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancers and has recently been identified as a familial/hereditary prostate cancer gene. Men who inherit a mutation in the BRCA2 gene are at a greater risk of developing prostate cancer with their tumours displaying loss-of heterozygosity at the BRCA2 locus. These tumours are associated with a highly aggressive subtype of the disease, with the vast majority of patients showing metastatic disease at presentation. Aided by molecular information from patients, you will utilize genetically engineered mice to analyze a pre-clinical mouse model carrying a BRCA2 mutation. In addition, you will also use patient tumours themselves through transplantation into mice to generate personalized pre-clinical models for these patients. These models will allow testing of new therapies as well as providing molecular insights into the tumourigenic mechanisms instigated by BRCA2 loss and prostate cancer more broadly. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Helen Pearson, Tel: +61 3 9656 1358, Email: [email protected]; Dr. Patrick Humbert, Tel: +61 3 9656 3526, Email: [email protected] SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ANALYSIS OF THE CELL POLARITY NETWORK IN BREAST CANCER Supervisors: Dr Patrick Humbert, Dr Kaylene Simpson, Pr Edmund Crampin (University of Melbourne) Loss of the proper orientation of cells within a tissue, known as cell polarity, is one of the hallmarks of epithelial cancer, and is correlated with more aggressive and invasive cancers. However how loss of cell polarity occurs and how it contributes at the molecular level to tumour formation remains unknown. This project aims to identify the cellular and molecular mechanism by which the Cell Polarity gene network controls breast tumorigenesis. In order to achieve this, our laboratory has carried out a variety of large scale RNAi screens, as well as expression analysis in 3D organotypic culture models and genetically engineered mouse models of cancer, and accessed through our collaboration with Dr Helena Richardson at the Peter Mac an extensive set of complementary genetic screens and expression data focused on cell polarity and cancer in Drosophila. Together with publically available proteomics and clinical genomics information, these datasets provide a powerful base to build a topological model of the gene network that regulate the tumour suppressive functions of cell polarity genes. In this project, you will use computational approaches to analyze and characterize the network of genetic and physical interactions underlying loss of polarity driven breast cancer with the ultimate aim of identifying therapeutically targetable network nodes for these diseases. To test, validate and elaborate this predictive model, you will use high content RNAi screening approaches in conjunction with a suite of functional assays set up in our laboratory. A better understanding of this pathway and how loss of tissue architecture can occur and impact on cancer progression will lead to the discovery of novel prognostic factors, novel chemotherapeutic targets and fundamental insights into epithelial tumour biology and cancer progression. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Patrick Humbert, Tel: +61 3 9656 3526, Email: [email protected]; Dr Page 21 Kaylene Simpson. Tel: +61 3 9656 1790; Email: kaylene.simpson@ petremac.org STRUCTURAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF POLARITY COMPLEXES IN CANCER Supervisors: Dr Patrick Humbert, Dr Marc Kvansakul (La Trobe University) Every cell in our body has an intrinsic orientation (or polarity) that is controlled by a universal set of genes known as polarity genes. Loss of this orientation is a defining early feature in cancers, and has been linked to cancer spread or metastasis. Our team has previously identified the gene Scribble as a new human polarity gene that controls cell orientation and whose levels appeared reduced in certain tumours such as prostate tumours. Using mouse models and samples from tumour patients we have shown that Scribble acts as a suppressor of tumours. In particular, we have shown that lowering levels of Scribble in normal cells increases the risk of cancer by disorganizing the tissue and by increasing the speed at which cells grow within the tissue. We now need to establish how Scribble and its biochemical partners contribute to tumour formation and metastasis and clarify their molecular mechanism of action, to enable targeting of these proteins for therapeutic purposes. To achieve this, you will biochemically characterize the interactions between Scribble and known and novel biochemical partners using a variety of biochemical, high-resolution imaging techniques and functional assays. Using X-ray crystallography, you will show in atomic detail how they perform their function. Gaining deeper insight into the nature of the interactions that allow Scribble and its partners to perform its function will be critical to formulate novel anti-cancer compounds that aim to exploit the loss of polarity in cancer cells. All structural and biochemical information will be validated for their functional relevance in our well established mouse and cellular models, and therefore rapidly translated into biological information directly relevant to human cancer patients and their outcome. These studies investigating the mechanism of how the Scribble complexes are formed will lead to the discovery of new prognosis factors and new chemotherapeutic targets, as well as a better understanding of cancer biology and cancer progression. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Patrick Humbert, Tel: +61 3 9656 3526, Email: [email protected] HOW DO RED BLOOD CELLS ENUCLEATE? Supervisor: Dr Patrick Humbert Erythropoiesis involves the gradual progression of a hematopoietic stem cell into a mature red blood cell. During terminal differentiation, the proerythroblasts undergo several differentiation-linked cell divisions with the erythroid cells finally exiting from the cell cycle and extruding their nuclei in a process termed erythroid enucleation. The enucleation event involves multiple pathways and shares some similarities with cytokinesis and apoptosis. Indeed, this terminal differentiation of erythroid cells may provide an extreme example of asymmetric division where the final division gives rise to one daughter cell containing all of the genetic material whilst the other daughter cell, the “enucleated” daughter cell, will give rise to the functional erythrocyte population required to provide oxygen to the organism. We have set up a powerful in vitro erythroid differentiation system, high throughput chemical genetics screening platform and in vivo genetic mouse models for the analysis of enucleation. You will utilize these experimental systems to perform systematic genetic and chemical screens to identify the key stages and factors involved in the enucleation of erythrocytes. These studies will provide fundamental insights into the regulation of erythroid differentiation as well as identify factors that will facilitate the production of de novo red blood cells critical for blood transfusion. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Patrick Humbert, Tel: +61 3 9656 3526, Email: [email protected] FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISATION OF NOVEL POLARITY AND TUMOUR SUPPRESSOR GENES IN BREAST CANCER Supervisors: Dr Nathan Godde, Dr Patrick Humbert Loss of the proper orientation of cells within a tissue, known as cell polarity, is one of the hallmarks of epithelial cancer, and is correlated with more aggressive and invasive cancers. However how loss of cell polarity occurs and how it contributes at the molecular level to tumour formation remains unknown. Our laboratory has investigated polarity regulators, such as Scribble, that act as tumour suppressor genes. We have used a number of approaches such as RNAi screening and have now identified a network of genes that mediate the tumour suppressive functions of 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Scribble. The top candidate hits of these screens therefore represent novel regulators of cell polarity, Ras signaling and/or novel tumour suppressors. This project aims to identify the cellular and molecular mechanism by which these novel polarity and tumour suppressor genes regulate breast tumorigenesis. In this project, you will characterize these top key candidate hits using a variety of biochemical, cell biological and functional assays set up in our laboratory. These include gene knockdown studies in 3D mammary organoid cultures, use and analysis of genetically engineered mouse models of breast cancer, and mammary gland reconstitution experiments involving the surgical transplantation of RNAi modified mammary stem cells into isogenic recipient mice. The above experiments will provide essential information as to the requirement for intact polarity signaling in breast cancer development and the molecular pathways regulated by Scribble to suppress invasion and tumour growth. These studies will complement the systems biology approaches used to map the network of interactions of polarity regulators in our laboratory and allow the functional assessment of the critical nodes in vivo that regulate cell polarity and breast cancer progression. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Nathan Godde, Tel: +61 3 9656 1358, Email: Nathan [email protected]; Dr. Patrick Humbert, Tel: +61 3 9656 3526, Email: [email protected] METASTASIS RESEARCH CHARACTERISATION AND VALIDATION OF A NEW MOUSE MODEL OF SPONTANEOUS HER2+VE METASTATIC BREAST CANCER Supervisor: Dr. Normand Pouliot Breast cancer can be divided into several molecular subtypes, each with a distinct metastatic propensity. The “HER2 subtype” overexpresses the human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) due to gene amplification. HER2 tumours are very aggressive, often spread to brain and do not respond to standard hormone-targeted therapies as they lack expression of hormone [estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR)] receptors. Novel therapies specifically targeting HER2 have been developed but their efficacy against metastatic disease is often compromised by the development of resistance. Animal models are essential to investigate the mechanisms regulating the metastatic spread of HER2 tumours and the development of drug resistance. However clinically relevant HER2 mouse models that replicate the biology and metastatic abilities of HER2 tumours are lacking. We recently isolated a spontaneous mammary tumour in an immune competent Balb/c mouse that phenotypically fits the HER2 subtype. Most importantly recent work in our laboratory has led to the development of highly metastatic HER2 tumour variants. To our knowledge, these HER2+ve sublines are the first ever described that aggressively metastasise to multiple organs from the mammary gland in immune competent mice. They are therefore ideally suited for mechanistic studies as well as for testing of novel therapies against HER2 tumours in vivo. This project aims to: 1. Further characterise our novel metastatic HER2 mouse model phenotypically and functionally and 2. Test the anti-metastatic efficacy of HER2-targeted therapies alone or in combination with chemotherapy in vivo. The project is suitable for both Honours and PhD students and will make use of a variety of techniques ranging from basic cell culture, in vitro functional assays (proliferation, migration, invasion, survival), immunohistochemistry, fluorescence imaging, molecular techniques and in vivo metastasis assays in mice. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Normand Pouliot, Tel: +61 3 9656 1285; Email: [email protected] EPITHELIAL STEM CELL BIOLOGY EPIDERMAL STEM CELLS AND THEIR MICROENVIRONMENT: INVESTIGATION OF THE MOLECULAR REGULATORS OF NORMAL SKIN REPLACEMENT, WOUND HEALING AND CANCER IN HUMAN SKIN Supervisors: Dr. Pritinder Kaur Human skin epidermis is a constantly renewing tissue, where the combined action of relatively quiescent keratinocyte stem cells and their committed progeny undergo tightly regulated proliferation to replace normal skin tissue. A hallmark of stem cells is the capacity to regenerate Page 22 the tissue of origin for a prolonged period of time and to constantly selfrenew. Our lab recently demonstrated in long-term tissue reconstitution assays that the greatest capability of tissue reconstitution resides within the candidate keratinocyte stem cells. However, it is also clear that stem cell properties such as self-renewal and tissue replacement can be enhanced by cellular and molecular regulators found in the microenvironment, although this remains poorly characterized. A dermal cell type i.e. pericytes, isolated using specific antibodies and flow cytometry can enhance the proliferative capacity of human keratinocyte stem cells and their committed progeny independent of angiogenesis. In epithelial cancers, pericyte involvement can predict cancer progression and disease-free survival in patients despite treatment with current cancer therapies. Two projects are available for PhD students with the following aims: 1. Investigate the role of specific candidate molecules synthesised and secreted by pericytes identified in our laboratory, that will improve the growth of skin cells. 2. Investigate the role of the same molecules secreted by pericytes that promote tumour growth in models of skin, ovarian and breast cancer. Both projects use techniques routinely employed in our laboratory such as tissue culture of primary cells, cell sorting using a fluorescenceactivated cell sorter, standard molecular and cell biological methods like cloning or SDS-PAGE, as well as microscopy (light and electron) and mouse models of tissue regeneration, cancer and wound healing. The results of these studies will have the following impact on human skin biology: 1. Increase understanding of how stem cells and their environment manage to routinely replace skin cells 2. Understand how stem cells escape from regulatory mechanisms that prevent cancer development 3. Understand the role of stem cells and their environment in promoting wound healing 4. Improve current methods for expanding skin cells for transplantion onto patients with large skin deficits e.g. burns patients. 5. Improve diagnosis of patients with aggressive epithelial cancers e.g. ovarian & breast For more information about this project contact: Dr. Pritinder Kaur, Tel: +61 3 9656 3714; Email: [email protected] MOLECULAR RADIATION BIOLOGY RADIOPROTECTION OF MOUSE ORAL MUCOSA BY METHYLPROAMINE ANALOGUES – EVALUATION OF 2-PYRIDYL HOECHST PRODRUGS Supervisor: Prof. Roger Martin, Dr Pavel Lobachevsky, Dr Andrea Smith The normal tissue damage associated with radiotherapy has motivated the development at Peter Mac of a new class of DNA-binding radioprotecting drugs that could protect normal tissues at risk (eg oral mucosa) when applied topically. The properties of DNA-binding radioprotectors, however, impose severe handicaps for topical delivery, mainly due to their positive charge and the presence of H-bond donors and acceptors that affect penetration of drugs through the superficial barrier of the target tissue. These properties can be modified by derivatisation of the radioprotector molecule by addition of labile promoieties that are released after penetration of the tissue barrier, to produce the parent drugs in the vicinity of the target cells (eg basal cells). The rate of production of the parent drug is a critical parameter since on one hand, the prodrug should be relatively stable to penetrate the superficial tissue barrier, and on other hand, labile enough for timely release of the parent drug. The aim of the project is to synthesise a collection of prodrugs of the methylproamine analogue 2-pyridyl Hoechst, and investigate the rates of hydrolysis to the parent drug and its uptake into basal cells of mouse oral mucosa following topical application of the prodrug. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Pavel Lobachevsky, Tel: +61 3 9656 1290; Email: [email protected] NEW DNA BINDING RADIOPROTECTORS: INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS THAT AFFECT RADIOPROTECTIVE EFFICIENCY Supervisors: Dr. Pavel Lobachevsky, Prof. Roger Martin The normal tissue damage associated with radiotherapy has motivated the development at Peter Mac of a new class of DNA-binding 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects radioprotecting drugs to protect normal tissues at risk. Methylproamine, the lead compound, decreases radiation induced cell death apparently by reducing radiation-induced DNA damage. The screening of the library of methylproamine analogues, aimed at improving their radioprotective efficiency and reducing cytotoxicity, revealed a few pairs of interesting compounds. These pairs are characterised by a minor change in the chemical structure of the molecule, which however results in almost complete loss of radioprotection in cell culture. A few hypotheses have been suggested to account for such change in radiobiological properties of these chemically closely related compounds, such as the loss of the ligand’s ability to reduce radiationinduced DNA damage, the change in the ligand’s DNA binding affinity/ specificity, the change in the cellular and nuclear uptake of the ligand. The aim of the project is to investigate these hypotheses. The project involves studies of DNA binding affinity by spectrophotometric titration, and measurement of the kinetics and concentration dependance of the nuclear uptake of ligands, using both drug extraction and HPLC, and fluorescent microscopy. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Pavel Lobachevsky, Tel: +61 3 9656 1290; Email: [email protected] EVALUATION OF RADIOSENSITIVITY IN CANCER PATIENTS TREATED WITH RADIOTHERAPY Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Olga Martin, Prof. Roger Martin and Dr. Pavel Lobachevsky Radiotherapy (RT) is a major treatment modality for more than half of cancer patients. The RT doses, although tolerated by the vast majority of patients, result in serious side effects for about 5% of patients. Numerous attempts have been undertaken to develop effective predictive assays to identify prospective RT patients with high radiosensitivity (RS) by using normal tissues from RT patients, however so far their clinical applicability is limited. We propose application of gH2AX assay which reflects induction and processing of DNA damage as a measure of RS. It has been established that RS is determined to a large extent by the ability of cells to repair DNA double strand breaks that is reflected in turn in the kinetics of the disappearance of gH2AX foci. This kinetics pattern has been found to be altered in lymphocytes of RS patients with deficient DNA damage repair systems, however further validation of the assay is required and constitutes the major aim of the proposed project. The project involves microscopical investigation of gH2AX foci kinetics in irradiated blood lymphocytes from retrospective RT patients and establishment of correlation between the shape of the kinetics curve and the radiosensitivity status of a patient. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Olga Martin, Tel: +61 3 9656 1357; Email: [email protected] INVESTIGATION OF MECHANISMS OF THE RADIATION-INDUCED BYSTANDER EFFECT Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Olga Martin, Dr Pavel Lobachevsky The discovery of the radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE) has challenged the central dogma of radiation biology; that biological effects of ionising radiation is proportional to radiation dose and therefore limited to directly irradiated cells. Now, the RIBE is a well-established consequence of radiation and is manifested as increased genomic abnormalities and loss of viability of unirradiated (“bystander”) cells associated with the targeted cells. A similar phenomenon, reported by cancer radiotherapists, defined as a change in an organ or tissue distant from the irradiated region, was termed the abscopal effect. Since these non-targeted effects include malignant transformation, the RIBE represents a serious risk factor in radiotherapy, which is part of the treatment of about half of all cancer patients. In vitro studies indicate that the signalling molecules include pro-inflammatory cytokines and longer-lived free radicals. It has been suggested that the activation of inflammatory macrophages through the cytokine CCL2 can be a major mechanism of the RIBE in vivo. We can test this hypothesis using CCL2 knock-out (KO) mice. If the hypothesis is supported by experimental data, then CCL2 would represent a potential “risk marker” for radiotherapy planning. The proposed project, sponsored by an NHMRC project grant, will use tissues collected from mice locally irradiated at the Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) at the Australian Synchrotron. This facility is one of only three in the world configured for a wide range of biomedical research studies including both humans and small animals. This includes the capability to investigate a promising new RT modality, microbeam radiotherapy (MRT), in which the X-ray beam is split into an array of planar parallel microbeams, only achievable in synchrotron facilities. MRT has been shown to induce less pronounced effects in irradiated normal tissues compared to tumours. We will compare MRT with normal, broad beam (BB) synchrotron X-rays, with respect Page 23 to induction of RIBE in mice, to establish whether MRT also induces a long-range RIBE. A thorough study of RIBE as a function of irradiated tissue volume, radiation dose, beam configuration and time has never been performed to date. We will extend the investigation of the RIBE by determining the influence of these parameters on the RIBE, and tracking the kinetics of its appearance in wild-type and CCL2 KO mice. The results could prompt a similar study with conventional radiation, and if confirmed in that setting, would have a profound effect on the planning of cancer radiotherapy regimes, so as to minimize the RIBE. For more information about this project contact: Assoc. Prof. . Olga Martin, Tel: +61 3 9656 1357; Email: [email protected] PRODRUGS OF DNA BINDING RADIOPROTECTORS – WHY THEY RETAIN RADIOPROTECTIVE PROPERTIES IN CULTURED CELLS Supervisors: Dr Pavel Lobachevsky, Prof. Roger Martin, Dr Andrea Smith The normal tissue damage associated with radiotherapy has motivated the development at Peter Mac of a new class of DNA-binding radioprotecting drugs that could protect normal tissues at risk (eg oral mucosa) when applied topically. DNA-binding radioprotectors, however, show limited ability to penetrate the superficial barrier of the target tissue. The efficient topical delivery is achieved therefore by derivatisation of the radioprotector molecule (parent drug) by addition of labile promoieties that enable penetration of the tissue barrier. Since the derivatised molecule (prodrug) lacks DNA binding and therefore radioprotecting ability, the promoieties have to be released following tissue penetration to release the parent drugs in the vicinity of the target cells (eg basal cells). Radiobiological studies with prodrugs using cultured cells have demonstrated that some of the relatively stable prodrugs unexpectedly retain the radioprotection ability that even exceeds the extent of radioprotection by their counterpart parent drugs. Investigation of the mechanism of this phenomenon that is not yet understood represents the main aim of the proposed project. The project will include studies of radioprotection using clonogenic cell survival end point; kinetics of the uptake and the chemical form of (pro) drugs in cells and nuclei using fluorescence microscopy and isolation of drugs from cells and nuclei followed by HPLC analysis; DNA binding by spectrophotometric titration; chemical stability of prodrugs in various environments such as solutions of different pH and cell culture medium and the role of biological enzymes in the release of parent drug using HPLC analysis. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Pavel Lobachevsky, Tel: +61 3 9656 1290; Email: [email protected] TUMOUR SUPPRESSION The major goal of our research is to define the critical regulatory nodes in tumour suppression, and to translate this information to design new approaches to anti-cancer treatments. The work in our lab focuses on the regulation of two key tumour suppressors, p53 and PML (promyelocytic leukemia protein), following our discovery of how they are destroyed (Haupt et al., 1997 Nature; Luoria-Hayon et al., 2009, CDD). We are using this information to manipulate these tumour suppressors in order to restore their activities to achieve selective killing of cancer cells. We use a variety of in vitro and vivo experimental systems and advanced technologies in our research. We are seeking Honours and PhD students to undertake exciting research projects addressing these areas of research. EXPLORATION OF NOVEL APPROACHES TO ANTI-CANCER TREATMENT: MANIPULATION OF MUTANT P53 Supervisors: Dr. Sue Haupt, Prof. Ygal Haupt We have recently identified novel regulators of mutant p53. In this project the PhD candidate will study key regulators of mutant p53 to which cancer cell have become “addicted”. The candidate will explore the efficacy of manipulating these regulators as a novel approach to treating cancer cells bearing mutant p53 (majority of human cancers). The project will involve work with cancer cell lines and transgenic mouse models. In addition the project will expose students to a variety of molecular, cellular and biochemical techniques. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects For more information about this project contact: Dr. Sue Haupt, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Ygal Haupt, Tel: +61 3 9656 5871; Email: [email protected] INVOLVEMENT OF MDMX IN HUMAN CANCER: THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS Supervisors: Dr. Sue Haupt, Prof. Ygal Haupt Mdmx is a key and independent inhibitor of the tumour suppressor p53. While Mdmx acts together with Mdm2 (the E3 ligase of p53) to promote p53 degradation, it acts as a powerful inhibitor of p53 activity without promoting it for degradation. Mdmx expression is elevated in various sarcomas and other solid tumours by amplification and other mechanism. However, recent findings shows that it can be elevated at the protein level as well in melanoma (Nature Medicine 2012). We have recently extended this finding to other cancer types. In this project the candidate will determine whether targeting Mdmx is a valuable approach to reactive p53 in specific cancer types. The project will involve work with cancer cell lines and mouse models, and employ a variety of molecular, cellular and biochemical techniques. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Sue Haupt, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Ygal Haupt, Tel: +61 3 9656 5871; Email: [email protected] RESTORATION OF TUMOUR SUPPRESSION BY USING THE UBIQUITIN PROTEASOMAL SYSTEM AS AN ANTI-CANCER APPROACH Supervisors: Dr Kamil Wolyniec, Prof. Ygal Haupt A link between proteasomal degradation of proteins and cancer has been firmly established. Specifically, the degradation of tumour suppressors by oncogenic E3 ligases is a key step during cancer development. This suggests an attractive therapeutic opportunity to protect the tumour suppressors from degradation. We have recently discovered that E6AP is the major regulator of the stability of the tumour suppressor PML, by acting as its E3 ubiquitin ligase (Luoria-Hayon et al., 2009 CDD; Wolyniec et al., 2012, Blood). PML is frequently downregulated or lost in many cancers; we hypothesize that this is due to upregulation of E6AP. The overall aim of the PhD candidate will be to explore the involvement of the E6AP-PML axis in different human cancers and to test whether restoration of PML by interference with E6AP, either alone or in combination with chemotherapy and/ or manipulation of PI3K/p53 pathways, is an effective anti-cancer treatment. The project will involve a variety of molecular and biochemical assays, as well as cell culture, mouse models and a screen of human cancer samples. FAMILIAL CANCER RESEARCH http://www.petermac.org/research/conducting-research/familial-cancer-research Head: Dr Gillian Mitchell Familial cancer research at Peter Mac combines laboratory and clinical research with genetic counselling practice to identify new hereditary cancer predisposition genes and better identify people with hereditary cancer syndromes, in order to develop new strategies for cancer risk management and personalise cancer treatments. Familial cancer researchers also investigate the wider impact of these syndromes and their management on the psycho-social well-being of individuals and their families. LIVING WITH A BRCA1 MUTATION IN THE GREEK COMMUNITY OF AUSTRALIA Supervisors: Ms Lucinda Hossack, Dr Laura Forrest and Ms Mary-Anne Young Within the Greek population, there are a number of specific BRCA1 mutations which are prevalent in families with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. This founder effect is also observed in the Australian Greek population who receive genetic counselling and testing at familial cancer centres such as the centre at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Inheriting a BRCA1 mutation confers high risks of breast and ovarian cancer for female carriers. There are many options available to carriers to manage these risks and increase early detection and/or prevention of breast and ovarian cancer. Greek Australians who have a positive family history of breast and ovarian cancer, who choose to have genetic testing and subsequently learn that they carry a BRCA1 mutation, are encouraged through the genetic counselling process to talk to their family members about this genetic information. Communicating genetic information is important to ensure that family members who are at-risk of also having inherited the BRCA1 mutation can make a decision about whether they too will pursue genetic testing to determine their carrier status, informing their cancer risk. For many Greek Australians, this includes trying to pass information on to family members who are living in Greece. However, Greek Australians face various challenges and difficulties when communicating information about inherited cancer due to cultural taboos surrounding cancer within the Greek community, the geographical distance between Australia and Greece, and language barriers. These cultural implications may also impact the ability of individuals to discuss the outcome of their genetic test and receive support from their family members. Furthermore, access to genetic and health services in Greece is limited compounding the challenges families experience to act on the genetic information. The aim of this project is to explore the experience of Greek Australians in learning about their positive BRCA1 carrier status and communicating this genetic information about BRCA to family members in Australia and Greece. We are looking for a motivated student who will undertake qualitative methodology to collect and analyse data which will be used to ensure Greek Australians are receiving appropriate support when attending for genetic counselling. For more information about this project contact: Dr Laura Forrest, Tel: +61 3 9656 2014; Email: laura.forrest@petermac. org For more information about this project contact: Dr. Kamil Wolyniec, Email: [email protected]; Prof. Ygal Haupt, Tel: +61 3 9656 5871; Email: [email protected] EXPLORING A NEW REGULATORY PATHWAY OF CELLULAR AGING (SENESCENCE): IMPLICATION TO CANCER DEVELOPMENT Supervisors: Dr Christina Gamell, Dr. Kamil Wolyniec, Assoc. Prof. Ygal Haupt Published work from our lab and others link E6AP to cell cycle regulation. Our recent findings revealed a new role for E6AP in the regulation of cellular senescence and apoptosis. The aim of this project is to explore these novel regulatory pathways of growth inhibition and define their involvement in cancer. In this project the PhD candidate will use a proteomic approach to identify novel regulators of cellular senescence. The candidate will validate the best hits from this screen, and characterize their role in the regulation of cell death and cellular senescence. This project will involve proteomic techniques, bioinformatic analysis, a variety of molecular and biochemical assays and cell culture. The candidate will be exposed to work with mouse models and human cancer samples. For more information about this project contact: Dr. Cristina Gamell: [email protected]; Dr. Kamil Wolyniec, Email: kamil. [email protected]; Prof. Ygal Haupt, Tel: +61 3 9656 5871; Email: [email protected] Page 24 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 25 RESEARCH EDUCATION PROGRAM http://www.petermac.org/education/laboratory-research-education The Peter Mac Graduate Research Education program provides excellence in research training and support for all laboratory and clinician research students as they develop expertise in new technologies, and help drive new discoveries that lead to changes in research and clinical practice. Research Education Officer: Dr Caroline Owen; Phone: +61 3 9656 1930; Email: [email protected] Peter Mac is home to approximately 100 students undertaking Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philiosphy, Doctor of Medical Science (DMedSci), Master of Surgery and Honours research programs. In 2013, the program was formalised to allow students to develop a record of achievements in their research skills development during their candidature, incorporating the following aspects of their development. The majority of students completing projects at Peter Mac are enrolled through the University of Melbourne and other Victorian universities. However, we welcome inquiries from students from all Universities throughout Australia and overseas. • Induction and Orientation program Peter Mac also provides research placements for international postgraduate students, for undergraduate students associated with the Summer Vacation Research Program, undergraduate work experience and Biomedical Science (Pathology major) research projects undertaken in the laboratories. The Cancer Research team at Peter Mac also offers opportunities to TAFE and secondary school students to undertake short-term work placements in our laboratories. SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP PROGRAM The Student Program in conjunction with the Student Society runs seminars and workshops during the year. The program for these seminars or workshops is determined in response to requests and feedback from the student group. • Hub, Lab meetings & Journal clubs • The weekly Research Seminar Series provides opportunities to hear about advances in cancer research at Peter Mac and external organisations. • Seminar and workshop programs • Student Advisory Committee progress reviews • Staff and students participate in weekly laboratory meetings and research hub seminars. These seminars provide Peter Mac researchers with the opportunity to discuss their research with broad and expert audiences, while also assisting them in developing presentation and discussion skills and increasing their breadth of science knowledge and confidence. • Mentor program • Peter Mac Student Society and Annual Retreat • Research and travel support • Onsite education support Postgraduate research students based in clinical settings are supported by the Cancer Research Education program in addition to the support offered by their clinical service teams. • Outreach and community activities The development of a greater awareness of the recent advances and the rapidly changing technologies used in medical research is an important aspect of our education program, designed to has been designed to ensure all students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills. The Research Postgraduate Student Society is a student-run organisation that coordinates educational and social events for research students throughout the year. The main goal of the Student Society is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for students during their undergraduate and/or 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects postgraduate studies at Peter Mac. In this regard, the student society not only supports scientific achievement at Peter Mac but also builds a strong social and interactive network. The students organise and facilitate several professional development workshops to support graduate study, including a student journal club, technical and career workshops. The Student Society committee coordinates the annual student retreat, which serves as a forum for undergraduate and postgraduate students to discuss scientific ideas, career opportunities and develop professional skills, as well as allowing students to interact in a relaxed environment. PETER MAC POSTGRADUATE STUDENT SOCIETY Page 26 • We hold professional development seminars and workshops for our scientists and students, including introductions to software packages (such as Endnote, Prism and InDesign), statistics sessions, or career discussions. • The annual Topics in Cancer Seminar series provides an opportunity for students and scientists to expand their understanding of key aspects of cancer research. Each year, a different theme is developed for this seminar program. 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects • Community Outreach Research Activities: all students are encouraged to participate in our range of community outreach activities, to provide opportunities to gain experience in communicating their research to a broad range of audiences. Students are invited to assist with activities including assisting with school and donor visits and tours, fundraising events, school visits, Research Open House tours, school and undergraduate student supervision and mentoring. FUNDING SUPPORT FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Peter Mac has a policy that all graduate research students be supported by an awarded scholarship. Supervisors and the Grants team at Peter Mac assist studnets in applying for relvant scholarships. All graduate research students at Peter Mac are supported by $5,000 assigned to support the purchase of a computer, software and conference travel costs during their research candidature. Students apply to access the travel funds for conference and laboratory research visits during their candidature. Students are expected to be presenting a poster or oral presentation at the conference they attend, and to engage in additional activities (presentations, laboratory visits etc) related to their studies during their travel in order to gain the most benefit from this trip and funding support. Students are encouraged to use the travel funds in the latter part of their candidature, however requests for earlier travel are considered on a case-by-case basis. FURTHER INFORMATION: Research Education Officer: Dr Caroline Owen; Phone: +61 3 9656 1930; Email: [email protected] Page 27 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre St Andrews Place, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Phone: (+61 3) 9656 1930 Fax: (+61 3) 9656 1411 Email: research [email protected] Visit us on the web for information about our research, facilities and our student program: www.petermac.org/research http://www.petermac.org/education/laboratory-research-education 2014 Peter Mac Student Projects Page 28
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