COVER SHEET FOR ELA/ELD STANDARDS CORRELATION MATRIX FOR SUPPLEMENTAL ELD MATERIALS (SB 1113 – BUDGET ACT 2004-05) SB 1113 requires that “the department shall develop a correlation matrix that shall be used to determine if the instructional materials correlate to the standards adopted by the State Board of Education. The contents of the matrix will be divided into the English language development levels of proficiency, and indicate how the English language development standards will be used to provide a path to obtaining grade level skills in reading, writing, and speaking.” Publisher: Hampton-Brown Program Title: ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) Grade Level(s): 6-12 Program Description: High-interest, classic, contemporary, and expository texts–with supports designed especially for English learners–help your students become independent readers. Abbreviation code: (Please indicate the code you will use in the publishers citations, e.g. TE = teachers’ edition, WB = workbook, etc.) OLTG = Online Teacher’s Guide 1 On this page, please list the components of the instructional materials addressed on the attached matrix, including the ISBN number for each component. A separate International Standard Book Number (ISBN) facilitates the identification of each program or separate component satisfying the ISBN evaluation criteria. For information regarding assignment and use of ISBNs, contact: U.S. ISBN Agency 630 Central Avenue New Providence, NJ 07974 Tel: 877-310-7333 Fax: 908-219-0188 [email protected] Programs or separate program components that do not meet ISBN evaluation criteria and/or have not been assigned ISBNs should be identified by some other unique number/letter combination. Publishers are asked to limit this identifier to no more than 13 characters. COMPONENT TITLE CA SB1113 Pack 4.3 Online Teacher’s Guide ISBN NUMBER OLTG_4_3 This is an online component. To view this item online, please visit: 2 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards ELA Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced Word Analysis Word Analysis Word Analysis Word Analysis Word Analysis Reading B1. Recognize and correctly pronounce most English phonemes while reading aloud. EI1. Produce most English phonemes comprehensibly while reading aloud one’s own writing, simple sentences, or simple texts. I1. Apply knowledge of common English morphemes in oral and silent reading to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas. EA1. Apply knowledge of word relationships, such as roots and affixes, to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas (e.g., remove, extend). A1. Apply knowledge of word relationships, such as roots and affixes, to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas. 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Grades 11-12 Students apply their knowledge of word origins to determine the EI2. Use common meaning of new words A2. Apply English morphemes I2. Identify encountered in reading knowledge of in oral and silent cognates (e.g., EA2. Distinguish materials and use those cognates and false reading. agonía, agony) and between cognates words accurately. cognates to derive false cognates and false cognates meaning from Vocabulary and EI3. Recognize (e.g., éxito, exit) in in literature and literature and texts Concept Development obvious cognates literature and texts texts in content 1.1 Trace the etymology in content areas. (e.g., education, in content areas. areas. of significant terms used educación; in political science and Fluency and university, history. Fluency and Fluency and Systematic universidad) in Fluency and 1.2 Apply knowledge of Systematic Systematic Vocabulary phrases, simple Systematic Greek, Latin, and AngloVocabulary Vocabulary Development sentences, Vocabulary Saxon roots and affixes Development Development literature, and Development to draw inferences A3. Recognize that content area texts. I3. Use a standard EA3. Use concerning the meaning some words have *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at B2. Recognize the most common English morphemes in phrases and simple sentences (e.g., basic syllabication rules, phonics, regular and irregular plurals). 3/8/2005 Primary Citation Supporting Citation I11-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard I11-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard Online Teacher’s Guide (OLTG), Collection B, Theme 3, Book 2, Any Small Goodness Pattern repeats in the OLTG for each of 3 books in Themes 1-5 (15 books, total) EA10-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard EA10-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard OLTG, Collection B, Theme 3, Book 2, Any Small Goodness Pattern repeats in the OLTG for each of 3 books in Themes 1-5 (15 books, total) A7-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard A7-ELD & 2.0 ELA Standard OLTG, Collection Pattern repeats in 1 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning B3. Recognize simple affixes (e.g., educate, education), prefixes (e.g., dislike), synonyms (e.g., big, large), and antonyms (e.g., hot, B4. Read aloud simple words presented in literature and subject-matter texts; demonstrate comprehension by using one to two words or simplesentence responses. Early Intermediate Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development Intermediate dictionary to derive the meaning of unknown vocabulary. EI4. Begin to use knowledge of simple affixes, prefixes, synonyms, and antonyms to interpret the meaning of unknown words. I4. Identify variations of the same word that are found in a text and know with some accuracy how affixes change the meaning of those words. EI5. Recognize simple idioms, analogies, and figures of speech (e.g., “the last word”) in literature and subject-matter texts. I5. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of English syntax to interpret the meaning of idioms, analogies, and metaphors. ELA Standards Early Advanced knowledge of English morphemes, phonics, and syntax to decode and interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words. EA4. Recognize that some words have multiple meanings and apply this knowledge to understand texts. Advanced multiple meanings and apply this knowledge consistently in reading literature and texts in content areas A4. Apply knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to achieve independent reading. Grades 11-12 of scientific and mathematical terminology. 1.3 Discern the meaning of analogies encountered, analyzing specific comparisons as well as relationships and inferences. Supporting Citation B, Theme 3, Book 2, Any Small Goodness the OLTG for each of 3 books in Themes 1-5 (15 books, total) 2.0 Reading Comprehension (Focus on Informational Materials) A5. Use common Students read and EA5. Use idioms and some understand gradeknowledge of analogies (e.g., level-appropriate affixes, root words, “shine like a star,” material. They analyze and increased “let the cat out of the organizational vocabulary to the bag”) and patterns, arguments, interpret the metaphors. and positions meaning of words B5. Respond with advanced. The in literature and appropriate short EI6. Read simple I6. Demonstrate A6. Use a standard selections in content area texts. phrases or paragraphs and internalization of dictionary to Recommended *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 Primary Citation 2 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning sentences in various social and academic settings (e.g., answer simple questions). Early Intermediate passages independently. Intermediate English grammar, usage, and word choice by recognizing and correcting errors when speaking or reading aloud. ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 3/8/2005 Supporting Citation determine the meaning of unknown words. Readings in Literature, Grades Nine Through Twelve illustrate the EI7. Recognize that quality and complexity some words have of the materials to be multiple meanings Reading read by students. In B6. Use an English and apply this Comprehension addition, by grade dictionary to find knowledge to texts. twelve, students read the meaning of I7. Use decoding two million words A7. Apply simple known EI8. Demonstrate skills and annually on their own, knowledge of vocabulary. internalization of EA7. Use decoding knowledge of both including a wide language to English grammar, skills and academic and variety of classic and achieve B7. Produce simple usage, and word knowledge of social vocabulary to comprehension of contemporary vocabulary (single choice by academic and read independently. informational literature, magazines, words or short recognizing and social vocabulary materials, literacy newspapers, and phrases) to correcting some to achieve I8. Apply text, and text in online information. communicate basic errors when independent knowledge of text content areas. Structural Features of needs in social and speaking or reading reading. connectors to make Informational Materials academic settings 2.1 Analyze both the A8. Analyze the aloud. inferences. (e.g., locations, features and the features and EA8. Recognize greetings, rhetorical devices of rhetorical devices EI9. Read aloud idioms, analogies, Reading classroom objects). different types of public of different types of with appropriate and metaphors Comprehension documents (e.g., policy public documents pacing, intonation, used in literature statements, speeches, and the way and expression and texts in content I9. In detailed Reading authors use those debates, platforms) and one’s own writing of areas. sentences identify Comprehension the way in which features and narrative and orally two to three *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at EA6. Use a standard dictionary to determine the meaning of unknown words (e.g., idioms and words with multiple meanings). Primary Citation 3 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning B8. Understand and follow simple multiple-step oral directions for classroom or workrelated activities. Early Intermediate expository texts. Intermediate ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 3/8/2005 EA9. Read aloud with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression increasingly complex narrative and expository texts. Supporting Citation devices. authors use those features and devices. A9. Analyze how EI10. Use a Comprehension and clarity is affected standard dictionary Analysis of Grade-Level by patterns of to find the meaning Appropriate Text organization, of unknown 2.2 Analyze the way in hierarchical vocabulary. which clarity of meaning structures, B9. Recognize a is affected by the I10. Present a brief repetition of key few specific facts in EI11. Use patterns of organization, report that verifies ideas, syntax, and familiar expository appropriate hierarchical structures, and clarifies facts in Reading word choice in texts, such as connectors (e.g., repetition of the main two to three forms Comprehension texts across consumer ideas, syntax, and word of expository text. first, then, after content areas. publications, that, finally) to choice in the text. EA10. Apply workplace sequence written 2.3 Verify and clarify I11. Read text and knowledge of A10. Prepare oral documents, and text. facts presented in other use detailed language to and written reports content area texts. types of expository texts sentences to achieve that evaluate the by using a variety of Reading identify orally the comprehension of credibility of an B10. Orally identify consumer, workplace, Comprehension main ideas and informational author’s argument the main ideas and and public documents. use them to make materials, literary or defense of a some details of EI12. Read and 2.4 Make warranted and predictions about texts, and texts in claim by critiquing familiar literature orally respond to reasonable assertions informational text, content areas. the relationship and informational simple literary texts about the author’s literary text, and between materials/public and texts in content arguments by using EA11. Analyze the text in content generalizations and documents (e.g., areas by using elements of the text to structure and areas. evidence. Prepare newspaper, simple sentences to defend and clarify format of workplace a bibliography for brochure) by using answer factual interpretations. I12. Understand documents and the *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at examples of how clarity of text is affected by the repetition of important ideas and by syntax. Primary Citation 4 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate key words or phrases. comprehension questions. B11. Point out text features, such as the title, table of contents, and chapter headings. EI13. Identify and follow some multiple-step directions for using simple mechanical devices and filling out basic forms. B12. Identify the vocabulary, syntax, and grammar used in public and workplace documents (e.g., speeches, debates, manuals, and contracts). EI14. Orally identify the features of simple excerpts of public documents by using key words or phrases. Intermediate and orally explain most multiple-step directions for using a simple mechanical device and filling out simple applications. I13. Listen to an excerpt from a brief political speech and give an oral critique of the author’s evidence by using simple sentences. ELA Standards Early Advanced way in which authors use structure and format to achieve their purposes. EA12. Prepare oral and written reports that evaluate the credibility of an author’s argument or defense of a claim (include a bibliography). Advanced the report. A11. Prepare a brief research or synthesizing paper in a content area and analyze ideas from several sources to present a coherent argument or conclusion arranged in the proper format, including a bibliography. Grades 11-12 Supporting Citation 2.5 Analyze an author’s implicit and explicit philosophical assumptions and beliefs about a subject. Expository Critique 2.6 Critique the power, validity, and truthfulness of arguments set forth in public documents; their appeal to both friendly and hostile audiences; and the extent to which the arguments anticipate and address reader concerns and counterclaims (e.g., appeal to reason, to authority, to pathos and emotion). EA13. Read I14. Read material and workplace analyze how clarity Literary Response documents and EI15. Read and is affected by and Analysis Literary Response orally identify the orally identify a few patterns of and Analysis structure and specific facts in organization, A12. Describe the format (e.g., simple expository repetition of key B13. Identify orally functions of 3.0 Literary Response graphics and text, such as ideas, syntax, and the beginning, dialogue, scene and Analysis headers) and give consumer and word choice. middle, and end of design, asides, and one brief example workplace a simple literary soliloquies in Students read and of how the author documents and EA14. Analyze the text. drama. respond to historically or *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 Primary Citation 5 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate content area text. Intermediate ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 culturally significant works of literature that EI16. In simple reflect and enhance sentences orally their studies of history identify the and social science. I15. Read and use structure and They conduct in-depth simple sentences to format of workplace analyses of recurrent identify orally the B15. Role-play a documents (e.g., themes. The selections features and the character from a format, graphics, in Recommended rhetorical devices familiar piece of and headers). of simple excerpts literature by using Readings in Literature, A14. Compare and of public and workphrases or simple Grades Nine Through EI17. Read a Twelve illustrate the contrast a similar place documents sentences. Literary Response consumer or quality and complexity theme or topic and content area and Analysis workplace of the materials to be across genres and texts. B16. Create document in a read by students. explain how the pictures, lists, EA15. Identify group activity and genre shapes the charts, and tables several literary Structural Features of Literary Response present a brief oral theme or topic. to identify the elements and Literature and Analysis report, 3.1 Analyze sequence of events techniques (e.g., demonstrating characteristics of A15. Analyze the I16. Use expanded in simple literary figurative language, three or four simple subgenres (e.g., satire, interaction between vocabulary and texts. imagery, and steps necessary to parody, allegory, characters and descriptive words in symbolism). achieve a specific pastoral) that are used subordinate paraphrasing oral B17. Recognize the goal or obtain a in poetry, prose, plays, characters in and written difference in points EA16. Read and product. novels, short stories, literary texts (e.g., responses to texts. of view between identify ways in essays, and other basic motivations and first person and which poets use genres. reactions). I17. Read text and third person by personification, Literary Response *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at B14. Read a simple selection and orally identify the speaker or narrator. 3/8/2005 uses the feature to achieve his or her purpose. features and rhetorical devices of at least two types of documents intended for the general public (e.g., warranties, contracts, manuals, magazines, and textbooks). Primary Citation Supporting Citation A13. Explain the significance of several literary elements and techniques (e.g., figurative language, imagery, allegory, and symbolism). 6 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning using phrases or simple sentences. Early Intermediate and Analysis Intermediate use detailed sentences to respond orally to factual comprehension questions about three forms of literature. ELA Standards Early Advanced figures of speech, imagery, and the “sound” of language. Advanced Grades 11-12 Narrative Analysis of Grade-LevelEI18. Respond Appropriate Text orally in simple B18. Recite simple 3.2 Analyze the way in sentences to poems. which the theme or factual EA17. Identify the meaning of a selection comprehension functions of represents a view or questions about dialogue, scene comment on life, using two forms of design, and asides textural evidence to A17. Relate the literature (brief in dramatic support the claim. I18. Read literary literary works of excerpts from a literature. 3.3 Analyze the ways in texts and use authors to the comedy and which irony, tone, mood, detailed sentences major themes and tragedy). EA18. Compare the author’s style, and to describe orally issues of their eras. and contrast orally the “sound” of language the sequence of EI19. Read literary and in writing a achieve specific events. texts and orally similar theme or rhetorical or aesthetic identify the main topic across purposes or both. I19. Apply events of the plot several genres by 3.4 Analyze ways in knowledge of by using simple using detailed which poets use language to sentences. sentences. imagery, personification, analyze and derive figures of speech, and meaning from EI20. Identify orally EA19. Identify sounds to evoke literary texts and the theme, plot, recognized works readers’ emotions. comprehend them. setting, and of American 3.5 Analyze recognized characters of a literature and the works of American I20. Use detailed literary selection by genre to which they literature representing a sentences to *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 Primary Citation Supporting Citation A16. Analyze recognized works of American literature and identify their genre to contrast major periods and trends. 7 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate using simple sentences. Intermediate compare and contrast orally a similar theme or topic across three genres. ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 Supporting Citation belong to contrast major periods, themes, and trends. variety of genres and traditions: a, Trace the EI21. Distinguish development of the characteristics American literature from EA20. Identify of different forms of the colonial period I21. Read a literary recognized works dramatic literature forward. selection and use of world literature (e.g., comedy and b. Contrast the major detailed sentences and contrast the tragedy) by using periods, themes, styles, to explain orally the major literary forms simple sentences, and trends and describe elements of theme, and techniques. pictures, lists, how works by members plot, setting, and charts, and tables. of different cultures characters. EA21. Identify the relate to one another in characteristics of EI22. Describe each period. I22. Read a literary subgenres (e.g., briefly in simple c. Evaluate the selection and use satire, pastoral, sentences a philosophical, political, detailed sentences allegory) that are character according religious, ethical, and to describe orally a used in various to what he or she social influences of the character according genres. does in a familiar historical period that to what he or she narration, dialogue, shaped the characters, does in a narration, EA22. Identify or drama. plots, and settings. dialogue, or techniques that 3.6 Analyze the way in dramatic have specific EI23. Use which authors through monologue. rhetorical or expanded the centuries have used aesthetic purposes vocabulary and archetypes drawn from I23. Use detailed in literary texts some descriptive myth and tradition in *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 Primary Citation 8 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 literature, film, political speeches, and religious writings (e.g., how the archetypes of banishment from an ideal world may be used to interpret Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth). 3.7 Analyze recognized works of world literature from a variety of authors: a. Contrast the major literary forms, techniques, and characteristics of the major literary periods (e.g., Homeric Greece, medieval, romantic, neoclassic, modern). b. Relate literary works and authors to the major themes and issues of their eras. c. Evaluate the *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at words in oral responses to familiar literature. 3/8/2005 sentences to orally identify at least two ways in which poets use personification, figures of speech, and sound. Primary Citation Supporting Citation (e.g., irony, tone, mood, “sound” of language). 9 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 philosophical, political, religious, ethical, and social influences of the historical period that shaped the characters, plots, and settings. Literary Criticism 3.8 Analyze the clarity and consistency of political assumptions in a selection of literary works or essays on a topic (e.g., suffrage, women’s role in organized labor). (Political approach) 3.9 Analyze the philosophical arguments presented in literary works to determine whether the author’s positions have contributed to the quality of each work and the credibility of the characters. *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 Primary Citation Supporting Citation 10 Publisher: Program Title: Hampton-Brown ELD Leveled Libraries (Pack 4.3 – ISBN 07362-27075) FOR LEA USE ONLY Designated Standards ELD and ELA #’s ELD Proficiency Levels: X Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) X X Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) ELD / ELA Standards Correlation Matrix for Supplemental ELD Materials (SB1113 – Budget Act 2004-2005) Grades 9-12 ELD Reading Standards Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate ELA Standards Early Advanced Advanced Grades 11-12 Primary Citation Supporting Citation (Philosophical approach) *English Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted December 1997). English Language Development Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (State Board Adopted July 1999). Both documents are available on-line at 3/8/2005 11
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