Networking Groups How to embed sustainability in your business BQF Sustainable Development Networking Group Thursday 12 April 2012, Rickmansworth Overview Embedding sustainability can be a challenging process as it requires a significant level of commitment and engagement across all areas of the business. At this event we will hear from a company that has successfully transformed their own organisation by incorporating sustainability into their business planning and strategy resulting in awards and recognition for having made their business more sustainable. We will also take a wider view of the drivers for change within organisations and the approaches used to successfully and thoroughly implement sustainability. This combination of presentations and structured networking will enable delegates to gain ideas of how to implement such programmes themselves. Programme 0930 Registration with refreshments 1000 1010 Introduction Helen Jenkins, Senior Sustainability Manager, Skanska Helen will provide an overview of Skanska's award winning sustainability initiatives. 1030 Simon Graham, Environmental Strategist, Commercial Group Simon will describe the development and implementation of the sustainability strategy at Commercial Group, a company that has received many accolades for its sustainability programme. They have grown rapidly in recent years through strong partnerships with customers and a distinctly innovative and sustainable approach to all areas of their business. 1110 Refreshment Break 1130 Tony Juniper, Campaigner, Writer, Sustainability Adviser ‘Drivers for sustainability – the forces that move companies to act?’ Tony will discuss the wide range of factors that are moving companies to adopt more sustainable practices. But what are the key shapers of corporate behaviour change? And as countries in Europe focus more on short-term economic circumstances, what might we expect in the near future? 1215 Facilitated Group Discussions 1245 1300 Summary & Close Lunch You can also find us on Twitter #BQFNetworking Venue: Skanska UK, Maple Cross House, Denham Way, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth, WD3 9SW BQF Sustainable Development Networking Group How to embed sustainability in your business 12 April 2012, Rickmansworth Delegate booking form Delegate fees Delegate details (please tick) Name Position Organisation £30.00 + VAT BQF members £55.00 + VAT CQI members £100.00 + VAT Non-members Invoice address Town County Postcode Telephone Conditions Mobile By returning this form, you confirm that you will be attending and an invoice will be sent to you. Fax Email Confirmed bookings cannot be cancelled after 28 March 2012 and remain payable in full. However, substitution of delegates may be made at any time – please advise Annabelle Flower on 020 7654 5006 or [email protected] before the date of the event. Special requirements Payment options £ 1. Cheque. I enclose a cheque for payable to ‘The British Quality Foundation’. 2. Invoice (members only). The PO number, if applicable, is Please invoice me for £ 3. Credit / debit card. Either complete the details below or call our accounts team on 020 7654 5008. Please debit my Mastercard Visa Switch card for this amount Cardholder’s name Card expiry date £ Card number MM / YY Issue number (Switch only) Statement address Postcode Signature Date Return this form to: Annabelle Flower The British Quality Foundation 32-34 Great Peter Street London SW1P 2QX 3 digit security code T 020 7654 5006 F 020 7654 5001 E [email protected] DD / MM / YY
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