COVER SHEET Employer or other Responsible Person: FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Person(s) Consulted: University of Kent Vice Chancellor; Director of Kent Hospitality Park Wood Flats (Bossenden, Kemsdale, Nickle & Stock Courts) University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7WS / 7WW / 7WU / 7WT Karen Keen, David Reason, Jenny Fuller, Nigel Futter, Housekeeping Staff Assessor: Andrew Briggs, TechIFSM, MIIRSM Date of Fire Risk Assessment: 14th - 29th August 2007 Date of Previous Fire Risk Assessment: N/A Suggested Date for Review: August 2009, or as per UoK SHEU official schedule, or in event of significant change Address of Property: Fire Risk Assessment in accordance with Publicly Available Standard PAS 79 (British Standards Institute): Fire Risk Assessment - Guidance and a recommended methodology GENERAL BUILDING DESCRIPTION FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 1.0 The Building 1.1 Number of floors 3 1.2 Approximate floor area: Kemsdale total 1757 sq m per storey; Nickle 1722; Bossenden 973; Stock 665 (top floor Stock only 288) Predominantly concrete & brick 1.3 Construction Details: 1.4 Occupancy etc: 4 to 6 students per flat; in each core, 2 or 3 flats per storey Small social area; small housekeeping storage area; small detached laundry facility 2.0 The Occupants 2.1 Approximate maximum number: As above 2.2 Maximum number of staff at any one time: N/A 2.3 Maximum number of members of public: Unknown visitors 3.0 Occupants at Special Risk 3.1 Sleeping occupants: All occupants 3.2 Occupants with disabilities: 3.3 Occupants in remote areas: Hearing disabled in some rooms e.g. B7A, B8A, B14E; some disabled on ground floors; wheelchair users' accommodation in Kemsdale 1 - 6 N/A 3.4 Others: N/A 4.0 Fire Loss Experience 4.1 Fires in past 10 years: 10 Fire Accident reports since March 2006 (6 in last 12 months), all cooking related GENERAL BUILDING DESCRIPTION 4.2 Cost of fire losses: FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Minor - minimal repairs etc to cookers, microwaves and décor 5.0 Other Relevant Information 5.1 Detail: Considerable abuse of firefighting equipment noted - water extinguishers frequently discharged, and occasionally thrown down stairwells 6.0 Relevant Fire Safety Legislation 6.1 Statutory provisions: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 FIRE HAZARDS INDEX DETAIL 7.0 Electrical Sources of Ignition 7.1 Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires of electrical origin? 7.2 Fixed installation periodically inspected and tested? PATesting carried out? FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT YES NO N/A 1 1 8.0 Smoking 8.1 Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking? 1 9.0 Arson 9.1 Does basic security against arson by outsiders appear reasonable? 1 10.0 Cooking 10.1 Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking? 10.2 Are filters changed and ductwork cleaned regularly? 10.3 Are suitable extinguishing appliances available? CONTROL MEASURES 1 All appliances inspected were lacking evidence of PAT testing. Introduce a programme of Portable Appliance Testing by a competent electrician (should include appliances provided in accommodation, and appliances used by Housekeeping). Recommendation to consider PAT testing of student-owned appliances. Ensure University smoking policy is implemented, communicated and enforced. Ensure ban on additional cooking and other appliances is implemented, communicated and enforced. 1 1 11.0 Lightning 11.1 Does the building have a lightning protection system? 1 12.0 Other Significant Ignition Sources 12.1 Are there other significant ignition sources present? 1 Ensure ban on candles, joss sticks etc is implemented, communicated and enforced. FIRE HAZARDS 13.0 Housekeeping 13.1 Is the standard of housekeeping adequate? FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 1 13.2 Are combustible materials separated from ignition sources? 1 13.3 Is there an avoidance of unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials or waste? 1 13.4 Is there appropriate storage of combustible materials? 13.5 Is there avoidance of inappropriate storage of combustibles materials? 1 14.0 Outside Contractor and Building Works Hazards 14.1 Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the building by outside contractors? 14.2 Are adequate fire safety conditions imposed on outside contractors? 15.0 Dangerous Substances 15.1 Have the hazardous properties of dangerous substances been considered? 15.2 Is there adequate information on safety provided by the supplier on any relevant safety data sheet? 15.3 Has account been taken regarding: ● the special, technical and organisational measures and the substances used and their possible interactions. ● the amount of the substance involved ● where the work will involve more than one dangerous substance, the risk presented by such substances in combination Ensure that housekeeping programme continues to include prompt removal of combustible materials and waste. Combustible items stored in corridor of Housekeeping area in Nickle Core K (below N1 to N4) are within 0.5m of light fitting and should be removed (also obstructing escape route). 1 See 13.1 above - obstructions and combustible items must not be present in escape routes, and should be removed. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIRE HAZARDS FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT ● the arrangements for the safe handling, storage and transport of dangerous substances and of waste containing dangerous substances 1 ● any other measures introduced as a result of the RRO 15.4 Are there safe systems of work for maintenance, where there is the potential for a high level of risk? 15.5 Are sufficient control measures in place to counter the likelihood that an explosive atmosphere will occur and its persistence including adjacent areas? 15.6 Are sufficient control measures in place to counter the likelihood that ignition sources, including electrostatic discharges, will be present and become active and effective 15.7 Has account been taken regarding the scale of the anticipated effects? 15.8 Is sufficient additional safety information available to enable the assessment to be completed? 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIRE PROTECTION INDEX DETAIL 16.0 Means of Escape 16.1 Is it considered that the building is provided with reasonable means of escape in case of fire? FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT YES NO N/A 1 CONTROL MEASURES Assembly point locations are not ideal in that they are relatively close to the buildings, and are in areas where Emergency Services vehicles will pass (building occupants are likely to stand in roadways) - should consider relocating. 16.2 Is there adequate provision of exits? 16.3 Are exits easily and immediately openable where necessary? 16.4 Do escape exits open in the direction of escape where necessary? 16.5 Are there satisfactory means for securing exits? 1 1 Acceptable in view of numbers present and familiarity 1 Acceptable in view of numbers present and familiarity 16.6 Are there reasonable travel distances where there is a single direction of travel? 16.7 Are there reasonable travel distances where there is an alternative means of escape? 16.8 Is there suitable protection of escape routes? 16.9 Are all escape routes unobstructed? 16.10 Is the building provided with reasonable arrangements for means of escape for occupants with disabilities? 1 1 1 1 1 1 See 13.5, otherwise OK throughout accommodation Emergency egress through Kemsdale 1 & 2 bedroom, kitchen and flat doors is difficult for wheelchair users due to strength of self closers and current layout of kitchens (positioning of refrigerators and fire extinguishers - minor adjustments necessary). Ensure appropriate allocation of rooms to persons with hearing disabilities (only certain rooms are fitted with flashing beacons). NB Kemsdale 1 & 2 (wheelchair users') final exit doorway is only marginally over guidance width at 830mm. 17.0 Fire Spread and Development Limitation 17.1 Is it considered that there is compartmentation of a reasonable standard? 17.2 Is it considered that there is reasonable limitation of linings that may promote fire spread? 1 1 Designated fire doors must not be propped or wedged open at any time. FIRE PROTECTION 17.0 Escape Lighting 17.1 Is a reasonable standard of escape lighting provided? FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 1 18.0 Fire Safety Signs and Notices 18.1 Does the building have a reasonable standard of fire safety signs and notices? 19.0 Fire Warning Arrangements 19.1 Is a reasonable manually operated electrical fire alarm system provided? 19.2 Is automatic fire detection provided in building? 19.3 Is the fire alarm system audible or perceptible throughout the building? 19.4 Is there a remote transmission of alarm signal? 20.0 Portable Fire Extinguishing Appliances 1 1 Various signs are missing, mostly fire action notices (e.g. Bossenden Court appears to have none at all), and one "do not use lift in event of fire" sign (Kemsdale 1-6) - all to be replaced. Some existing fire action notices do not fully specify assembly points (e.g. reading "car park" only) - to be marked. Staircases/landings/lobbies are lacking directional fire escape signs - to be provided. Some final exits (including Nickle Core K social area) are lacking fire exit signs - to be provided. All final exits are missing "fire exit - keep clear" signs outside - to be provided. Locations are not marked on K3-6 disabled refuge point action signs - to be marked. Alarm call points are considerably over-provided. If malicious activations escalate further, covering and/or reducing call points should be considered. 1 1 1 Note: CO2 extinguishers are provided in all landings/lobbies to cover IT equipment risks). FIRE PROTECTION FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 20.1 Is the provision of portable fire extinguishers reasonable? 1 20.2 Are hose reels provided? 1 21.0 Automatic Fixed Systems 21.1 Is there a suitable sprinkler or water based system that is adequate for the risk present? 21.2 Is there a suitable gaseous local application or total flooding provided that is adequate for the risk? 22.0 Other Fixed Systems 22.1 Are there suitable smoke control facilities for the risk present? 23.0 Luminous Discharge Tubes 23.1 Has notice been given notice to the fire and rescue authority regarding luminous discharge tubes cut-off switch, its colouring and marking. CO2 extinguishers in some kitchens should be moved nearer to the risks present, or adjacent to the kitchen doorway (but not obstructing wheelchair users' egress as at present in K1 & K2). Relative to official guidance, Class A fire extinguishers are considerably under-provided by floor area throughout the premises. Nickle Core K social area: CO2 extinguisher to be wall-mounted or a fire point providing; and according to guidance, Class A extinguishers should be provided as above. Laundry: CO2 extinguishers should be moved to a position adjacent to fire exit; and according to guidance, Class A extinguishers should be provided as above. NOTE: re additional Class A extinguishers variousy referred to above, existing units are frequently abused and there are no persons present who are trained in their safe use; provision of further water extinguishers would therefore appear inappropriate, and with careful consideration it may be desirable to reduce the provision still further. However, such decisions require enforcing body approval - dialogue to be taken up with local FRS. 1 1 Y 1 MANAGING FIRE SAFETY INDEX FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT DETAIL YES NO N/A 24.0 Procedures and Arrangements 24.1 Appropriate fire procedures in place (including calling the fire service)? 25.0 Training and drills 25.1 Are all staff given instruction on induction? 25.2 Are all staff given periodic “refresher training” at suitable intervals? 26.0 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance 26.1 Adequate maintenance and checking of workplace and fire safety features? 26.2 Weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection and alarm system? 26.3 Monthly, six-monthly and annual testing routines for emergency lighting? 26.4 Annual maintenance of fire extinguishing appliances? 26.6 Weekly testing and periodic inspection of sprinkler installations? 26.7 Other relevant inspections or tests: Provide a comprehensive fire emergency plan covering all appropriate procedures, responsibilities and features of the building. 1 1 Various (& increasing) fire safety awareness inputs (ref. activities of Fire Safety Steering Group) - & in particular, Kent Hospitality "Student Life" handbook. Further specific training would be highly desirable (almost essential) but extremely difficult to provide & enforce etc. 1 Yearly evacuation drills held. Brief records kept by SHEU. Ensure that housekeeping programme continues to include regular checks & inspections of fire safety provisions. 1 Records inspected. 1 Records verified but not yet inspected - AB will follow up. 1 Records inspected. 1 1 N.B. very few records of "training", limited to fire drill observation notes only (due to "training" limitations noted above). 27.0 Records 27.1 Are appropriate records kept for fire training? CONTROL MEASURES 1 MANAGING FIRE SAFETY FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 27.2 Are appropriate records kept for fire alarm tests? 1 27.3 Are appropriate records kept for escape lighting tests? 27.4 Are appropriate records kept for the maintenance and testing of other fire protection systems? 1 1 28.0 Young Persons 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 Have the following matters been taken into particular account in risk assessment in respect of young persons: the inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of young persons the fitting-out and layout of the premises the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical and chemical agents the form, range, and use of work equipment and the way in which it is handled; the organisation of processes and activities the extent of the safety training provided or to be provided to young persons risks from agents, processes and work listed in the Annex to Council Directive 94/33/EC on the protection of young people at work 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT This simple risk level estimator is based on a more general health and safety risk level estimator in BS 8800: Potential consequences of fire ► Slight harm Moderate harm Extreme harm Trivial risk Tolerable risk Moderate risk Tolerable risk Moderate risk Substantial risk Moderate risk Substantial risk Intolerable risk Fire hazard ▼ Low Medium High Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the hazard from fire (probability of ignition) at this building is: Low / highly unlikely Medium / unlikely * High / likely Taking into account the nature of the building and the occupants, as well as the fire protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of fire would be: Slight harm * Moderate harm Extreme harm In this context, a definition of the above terms is as follows: Slight harm: Moderate harm: Extreme harm: Outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant (other than an occupant sleeping in a bedroom in which a fire occurs). Outbreak of fire could result in injury of one or more occupants, but it is unlikely to involve multiple fatalities. Significant potential for serious injury or death of one or more occupants. FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Accordingly, it is considered that the risk to life from fire at this building is: Trivial Tolerable * Moderate Substantial Intolerable A suitable risk-based control plan should involve effort and urgency that is proportional to risk. The following risk-based control plan is based on one advocated by BS 8800 for general health and safety risks: Risk Level Trivial Tolerable Moderate Action and Timescale No action is required and no additional detailed records need be kept. No major additional controls required. However, there may be a need for consideration of improvements that involve minor or limited cost, and various corrective actions may be required. It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period. Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment may be required to establish more precisely the likelihood of harm as a basis for determining the priority for improved control measures. Substantial Considerable resources may have to be allocated to reduce the risk. If the building is unoccupied, it should not be occupied until the risk has been reduced. If the building is occupied, urgent action should be taken. Intolerable Building (or relevant area) should not be occupied until the risk is reduced. ACTION PLAN FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT University of Kent Park Wood Flats (Bossenden, Kemsdale, Nickle & Stock Courts) Canterbury Kent Andrew Briggs, TechIFSM, MIIRSM 16th - 29th August 2007 It is considered that the following recommendations should be implemented in order to reduce fire risk to, or maintain it at, the following level: TOLERABLE ACTION REQUIRED TO ELIMINATE OR CONTROL SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS Electrical Sources of Ignition All appliances inspected were lacking evidence of PAT testing. Introduce a programme of Portable Appliance Testing by a competent electrician (should include appliances provided in accommodation, and appliances used by Housekeeping). Recommendation to consider PAT testing of student-owned appliances. Smoking Ensure University smoking policy is implemented, communicated and enforced. Cooking Ensure ban on additional cooking and other appliances is implemented, communicated and enforced. Other Significant Ignition Sources Ensure ban on candles, joss sticks etc is implemented, communicated and enforced. Housekeeping PRIORITY * RESPONSIBILITY TARGET DATE COMPLETED 2A Estates 2A Kent Hospitality N/A 2A Kent Hospitality N/A 2A Kent Hospitality N/A ACTION PLAN FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Ensure that housekeeping programme continues to include prompt removal of combustible materials and waste. Combustible items stored in corridor of Housekeeping area in Nickle Core K (below N1 to N4) are within 0.5m of light fitting and should be removed (also obstructing escape route). Means of Escape Assembly point locations are not ideal in that they are relatively close to the buildings, and are in areas where Emergency Services vehicles will pass (building occupants are likely to stand in roadways) - should consider relocating. Emergency egress through Kemsdale 1 & 2 bedroom, kitchen and flat doors is difficult for wheelchair users due to strength of self closers and current layout of kitchens (positioning of refrigerators and fire extinguishers - minor adjustments necessary). Ensure appropriate allocation of rooms to persons with hearing disabilities (only certain rooms are fitted with flashing beacons). Fire Spread and Development Limitation Designated fire doors must not be propped or wedged open at any time. Fire Safety Signs and Notices Various signs are missing, mostly fire action notices (e.g. Bossenden Court appears to have none at all), and one "do not use lift in event of fire" sign (Kemsdale 1-6) - all to be replaced. Some existing fire action notices do not fully specify assembly points (e.g. reading "car park" only) - to be marked. Staircases/landings/lobbies are lacking directional fire escape signs - to be provided. Some final exits (including Nickle Core K social area) are lacking fire exit signs - to be provided. All final exits are missing "fire exit - keep clear" signs outside - to be provided. Locations are not marked on K3-6 disabled refuge point action signs - to be marked. Fire Warning Arrangements Alarm call points are considerably over-provided. If malicious activations escalate further, covering and/or reducing call points should be considered. 2A Kent Hospitality 2A Kent Hospitality 4A Estates 3A Estates / Kent Hospitality 2A Kent Hospitality 2A Estates N/A, comment N/A N/A 30/09/2007 12/09/2007 decided not to change see correspondence in SHEU FRA file First item to general spreadsheet (common) Nov 08 N/A N/A N/A ACTION PLAN FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Portable Fire Extinguishing Appliances CO2 extinguishers in some kitchens should be moved nearer to the risks present, or adjacent to the kitchen doorway (but not obstructing wheelchair users' egress as at present in K1 & K2). Relative to official guidance, Class A fire extinguishers are considerably under-provided by floor area throughout the premises. Nickle Core K social area: CO2 extinguisher to be wall-mounted or a fire point providing; and according to guidance, Class A extinguishers should be provided as above. Laundry: CO2 extinguishers should be moved to a position adjacent to fire exit; and according to guidance, Class A extinguishers should be provided as above. NOTE: re additional Class A extinguishers variousy referred to above, existing units are frequently abused and there are no persons present who are trained in their safe use; provision of further water extinguishers would therefore appear inappropriate, and with careful consideration it may be desirable to reduce the provision still further. However, such decisions require enforcing body approval - dialogue to be taken up with local FRS. FIRE EXTINGUISHER ACTION FOLLOWING LIAISON & AGREEMENT WITH FRS 14/09/2007: Disregard 20.1 actions above except those for laundry and Nickle Core K social area - both STET as follows, but no water extinguishers necessary (since available nearby, ref (A) below): (1) Nickle social area: CO2 extinguisher to be wall-mounted or a fire point provided. (2) Laundry: CO2 extinguishers should be moved to a position adjacent to fire exit. REVISED ACTIONS: (A) move all three 13A water extinguishers in each Core of flats (currently one on each storey landing) to a readily openable cabinet just outside the final exit. (B) remove the CO2 extinguisher currently provided next to each water extinguisher as above. (C) move all kitchen CO2 extinguishers outside the kitchen, to just inside each flat exit (mounted under manual alarm call point) and add extinguisher covers. (D) move all fire blankets to more suitable position, between cooker & kitchen exit. Procedures and Arrangements Provide a comprehensive fire emergency plan covering all appropriate procedures, responsibilities and features of the building. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance 2A Liaison with FRS - Liaison with FRS FRS liaison & A Briggs; 14/09/2007 agreement changes to 14/09/2007, extinguisher see row provisions - SEE below for ROW BELOW revised action 2A Estates 2A A Briggs / Kent Hospitality 12/10/2007 ACTION PLAN FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Ensure that housekeeping programme continues to include regular checks & inspections of fire safety provisions. 2A Kent Hospitality N/A * PRIORITY (N.B. to Fire Service College Fire Safety Engineering Division scale, not PAS 79) Category A. Fire Risk to Persons: 1A - A serious life safety risk and/or a [possible] major contravention of current fire safety legislation. This matter requires immediate attention and must be given high priority. 2A - An important life safety issue and/or a [possible] contravention of current fire safety legislation & guidance that may lead to enforcement action if not addressed. This matter requires attention with the minimum of delay. 3A - A significant life safety issue which, in combination with other significant findings, may result in an increased risk to persons. Advised to implement programme of work or action in accordance with good fire safety practice. 4A - A life safety issue recommended for consideration in accordance with good fire safety practice. Advised to implement action or programme of work as appropriate. Category B. Fire Risk to Property, Business Continuity, Environment, Amenity, Heritage etc. 1B - A serious risk of damage by fire (with possible legal implications, depending on the enforcing authority involved). This matter requires immediate attention and must be given high priority. 2B - An important potential fire damage issue (with possible legal implications, depending on the enforcing authority involved). This matter requires attention with the minimum of delay. 3B - A significant potential fire damage issue which, in combination with other significant findings,may result in an increased risk to the property. Advised to implement programme of work or action in accordance with good fire protection/prevention practice.
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