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Hung-wen Liu
University of Texas, Austin
Erick M. Carreira
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
William D. Lubell
Université de Montréal
Janine Cossy
ESPCI, Paris
Gary A. Molander
University of Pennsylvania
Kuiling Ding
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Jeffrey D. Winkler
University of Pennsylvania
Karl J. Hale
Queen’s University Belfast
Zhenfeng Xi
Peking University
Andrew B. Holmes
University of Melbourne
Shigehiro Yamaguchi
Nagoya University
Carol Carr
University of Pennsylvania
Jacqueline K. Barton
California Institute of Technology
David A. Evans
Harvard University
K. C. Nicolaou
Rice University
Robert G. Bergman
University of California, Berkeley
William Fenical
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Ryoji Noyori
Donna G. Blackmond
The Scripps Research Institute
Marye Anne Fox
University of California, San Diego
George A. Olah
University of Southern California
Carsten Bolm
RWTH Aachen University
Neil Garg
University of California, Los Angeles
Larry E. Overman
University of California, Irvine
John I. Brauman
Stanford University
Clayton H. Heathcock
University of California, Berkeley
Ian Paterson
University of Cambridge
Ronald C. D. Breslow
Columbia University
Kendall N. Houk
University of California, Los Angeles
C. Dale Poulter
University of Utah
Maurice S. Brookhart
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thomas R. Hoye
University of Minnesota
Kavirayani R. Prasad
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Cynthia J. Burrows
University of Utah
Donna M. Huryn
University of Pennsylvania
Sarah E. Reisman
California Institute of Technology
Charles P. Casey
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Eric N. Jacobsen
Harvard University
William R. Roush
The Scripps Research Institute
Tushar K. Chakraborty
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
Carl R. Johnson
Wayne State University
K. Barry Sharpless
The Scripps Research Institute
Sherry R. Chemler
The State University of New York at Buffalo
Katrina A. Jolliffe
The University of Sydney
Peter J. Stang
University of Utah
Cheon-Gyu Cho
Hanyang University
Markus Kalesse
Leibniz Universitat Hannover
J. Fraser Stoddart
Northwestern University
Elias J. Corey
Harvard University
Paul Knochel
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Gilbert Stork
Columbia University
Rick L. Danheiser
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Koichi Komatsu
Kyoto University
Keisuke Suzuki
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Franklin A. Davis
Temple University
Robert D. Larsen
Alcon Research, Ltd.
Kohei Tamao
Scott E. Denmark
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jean-Marie Lehn
ISIS - Université de Strasbourg
Barry M. Trost
Stanford University
Peter B. Dervan
California Institute of Technology
Yanmei Li
Tsinghua University
Jianbo Wang
Peking University
Vy M. Dong
University of California at Irvine
Frank B. Mallory
Bryn Mawr College
Hisashi Yamamoto
University of Chicago
Michael P. Doyle
University of Maryland
Bradley S. Moore
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Dan Yang
The University of Hong Kong
Eiichi Nakamura
Antonio M. Echavarren
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) The University of Tokyo
Samir Zard
CNRS-École Polytechnique