26 JULY 2009 July 25th 8:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. July 26th 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WEEKLY MIRACLE This week marks the beginning of a kind of "liturgical detour." We have been listening to Saint Mark's Gospel during this liturgical year (Year B). Today we begin to hear a long section from John's Gospel, starting with the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. This miracle story is a prelude to the Lord's statements that we will begin hearing in a few weeks, where Jesus refers to himself as the "bread of life." Each week we witness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a multiplication of loaves before us. What our eyes of faith allow us to see is the miracle of the transformation of common elements--bread and wine--into the Lord's body and blood. Once we have received the Lord, the multiplication begins, for in the Eucharist we are strengthened to multiply our efforts to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the despairing. SPECIAL INTENTION ROSES St. Joseph Altar In Memory of: Bill Tobin From: Sons Bill, John, Jim &Family BVM Altar In Memory of: Bill Tobin From: Wife Theresa The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season. -- Psalm 145:15 JULY 18TH & 19TH, 2009 First collection $3,838.00 Parish Maintenance $ 752.00 Human Development $ 174.00 Thank you for generously supporting your parish!! Your extra sacrifices are greatly appreciated Saturday Sunday July 27th 8:00 A.M. July 28th 6:00 P.M. July 29th 8:00 A.M. July 30th 8:00 A.M. July 31st 8:00 A.M. August 1st 8:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. July 19th 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Kathleen Zappone Michael Layman Doris Paradiso Joan Voli Robert Kinsler Laura Gerdes Karen Vasko Bert Hillock Laura Dunfee Kitty George Anna Endres Dyer David Vetri Shelia Kendall Helene Spicer Richard Kline Matthew Barna Connie Boyle Nancy McCafferty John Vasko Francis A. Ford Sr. Adele D. Speck Pratt Family People of Divine Mercy Parish Increase in Vocations Franklin E. Cubbage James Walden Elvira Norton Daniel Mason Phaolo Rung Pham Justin & Rose Rapinesi James Walter Worby 4th Anniversary John Zierle Fr. James Creedon Karen Milano Mary Parisi Matteo Fiore Sean Thomas Rita Gamble Jill Tumola Anne Fera Amelia Scott Joseph Cella Connie Pappas Esther Botta Kathy Gallagher Elwood Smith John O’Shea James Bracy Gloria Vennitti Michael O’Shea Emily Whiteman The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. (Psalm 145). WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The next couples experience will be August 7th – 9th, 2009. For more information, call 1-800-456-8330. SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TRIP TO THE SAN GENNARO FESTIVAL In conjunction with Saint Denis Parish in Havertown (where my friend Father Marrone is the assistant pastor), we will be sponsoring a trip to the San Gennaro Festival in the Little Italy section of Manhattan, New York City. The festival is the largest Italian festival in the country, and is celebrated every year on or near the feast of San Gennaro, who is the patron saint of Naples. The day of our trip is Saturday, September 19th (which is the actual feast day). We will leave from the front of our parish church at approximately 9:00 A.M., to meet the Saint Denis busses at their parish. We will then travel to NYC for a day filled with shopping, unbelievable food, and even some sightseeing. We will return at approximately 7:00 P.M. (Those who are not able to walk are encouraged NOT to join us; there will be a good bit of walking during the day.) The cost for the is $35.00. Please call our rectory ASAP and let Agnes know if you would like to attend 215-727-8300. SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY Is God calling you to a deeper knowledge of Himself? Take a theology class at one of the best seminaries in the country, right here in our own Archdiocese of Philadelphia. This fall, consider a class on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture in the Liturgy, The Life and Thought of Benedict XVI, the History of Black Catholics in the United States, or Spiritual Gifts of African Americans. Can’t travel to the Seminary each week? Consider an online course on An Introduction to Catholic Theology, The Psalms, or the History of Black Catholics in the United States. Classes start August 31. Register today at www.StudyCatholicTheology.com 26TH ANNUAL NATIONAL NIGHT OUT AT DIVINE MERCY WORSHIP SITE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 ParkWatch #9015 Town Watch and the Philadelphia Fire Department will be distributing shelter-in-place kits and smoke alarms donated by Sunoco Philadelphia Refinery at our 26th Annual National Night Out event at Divine Mercy's Worship Site parking lot, 7200 Grovers Avenue on Tuesday evening, August 4. The event will take place from 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM. No rain date has been scheduled. The 12th Police District's Captain Daniel MacDonald and the Philadelphia Fire Department's Pipeline 40 have been invited to attend. This is your opportunity to meet Police, Fire, and Town Watch concerning neighborhood crime and safety issues. HALLAHAN SUMMER SAT PROGRAM When: August 3, 2009 – August 21, 2009 English: 8:30 A.M.-10:15 A.M. Math: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Where: John Hallahan Catholic Girls’ High School 311 N. 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 Price: Critical Reading - $100.00, Math -$100.00, Both - $175.00 Registration after July 25ath, 2009 will be subject to a late fee. Contact Ms. Melvin at Hallahan 215-563-8930 ext. 258 or by email [email protected] PRIESTS FOR LIFE WWW.PRAYERCAMPAIGN.ORG Health care reform should not include coverage for abortion on demand. Please communicate with Congress and join our National Prayer Campaign. For details see www.PrayerCampaign.org. QUO VADIS DAYS 2009 What: Quo Vadis Days 2009 is a five day camp experience from August 16th – 20th, for young men ages 14 – 17. Sponsored by the Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood, this summer camp provides a time for fun, prayer, and talks to help young men explore the themes of the camp: Teambuilding for Christ, Forgiveness and Conversion, and Vocation. Activities Include: Liturgy of the Hours, Mass, Adoration, movies, ropes course focused on team building, BBQ’s sports and other games, discussion groups, and talks by religious and civic leaders. Where: Quo Vadis Days 2009 will be held at beautiful, lakefront, Camp Diamond Ridge in Jamison, Pa, in central Bucks County. The location allows for a perfect blend between rugged outdoor activities, sports, and the modern comfort of quality residence halls. Cost: The cost for the camp is $100 per participant. Application: For more information, please call Bobby Murphy at 610-667-5778 or email: [email protected] PRE-CANA WORKSHOP IN AVONDALE Avondale will have a Pre Cana Workshop on August 22-23, 2009. This workshop is for couples in the preparation for the sacrament of marriage. For more information, please contact Mision Santa Maria 610-268-5064. DIVINE MERCY PARISH WINDOW PROJECT You still have time to purchase your ticket for the “Lunch Cruise” aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia on August 15 th, 2009. The Ladies and Knights of St. John have pledged to raise money in support of this project. Please consider joining us. Cost: $60.00 per person. For tickets or more information contact Anna Taylor at 610-664-8764 or 267-239-7732, Agnes Currie 215-727-8300. ROMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESENTS THE 15TH ANNUAL DAY AT THE BAY! Sunday, August 2, 2009 2:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Keenan’s Irish Pub 113 Old New Jersey Avenue North Wildwood, New Jersey Dance to the Music of “Masquerade” and “Paddy’s Well” Price: $30 in advance, $35 at the door Includes: Beer – Wine – Buffet - Discounted Drinks To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact Bernadine Mahon, Coordinator of Development Services (215)-627-5487 or [email protected] ONE FAMILY, ONE PEOPLE SAINT JOHN VIANNEY PATRON SAINT OF PRIESTS Feast Day: August 4th Dear Lord, You gave Saint John Vianney the strength to pursue a priestly vocation amid trials and adversity. As a faithful servant he became an instrument of Your love and compassion. Please give me that same strength and faith as I face my daily challenges, I also pray that more people answer Your call for vocations throughout the world. Amen DIVINE MERCY MEMORIAL SANCTUARY FUND The Divine Mercy Memorial Sanctuary Fund is a way for us to purchase much needed vestments, altar cloths, sacred vessels, and other items to be used in the sacred liturgy. We encourage all of our parishioners to contribute to this much-needed sanctuary fund, especially at the time of death of a loved one. When at least $100 is contributed to this fund, a leaf will be engraved and placed on the board in the back of the Church with whatever inscription the donor chooses. As the fund increases, we will purchase the liturgical items we need with the monies contained within it. This Sanctuary Fund is a wonderful way to memorialize those you love who have passed away as well as to assist us in the beautification of our church and the celebration of the liturgy. Anyone wishing to make contributions may do so at any time, making your check payable to “Divine Mercy Memorial Sanctuary Fund.” FROM TODAY'S GOSPEL READING: John 6: 1-15 Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted. REFLECTION: After Jesus multiplies the food, he himself distributes it. He is our host, the one whom we can trust to feed our hungers. He will be with us to nourish us at each stage of life’s journey until; at last, we arrive safely home for the everlasting banquet with him and each other. We ask ourselves: What hungers are we experiencing today as we gather around the Eucharistic table? Who are the hungry we are called by Christ to feed? Where? How? "Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished." Bumper Sticker: "Help stamp out and eradicate superfluous redundancy." "Parishes that neglect evangelization tend to stagnate or decline in America." (Vinson Synan) PRESSURE A diamond is a chunk of coal that has made good under pressure. --Anonymous UNITED IN FAITH FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, We announced several weeks ago that our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed this the Year of the Priest. In our many reflections on the holy priesthood throughout this year, we certainly need to give thanks for the priests who have touched our lives and our hearts through their faithful and caring ministry. Each day I pray for those very men who labored throughout the years at the parishes which now make up Divine Mercy: Saint Clement, Good Shepherd, Saint Irenaeus, and Saint Raphael. Many of these priests have gone to their eternal reward, and it certainly is right and fitting that we remember them in our prayers, especially as we gather at the altar to offer the supreme sacrifice to the Father in the celebration of the Eucharist. The Church of Philadelphia this week has a unique opportunity to reflect on the many wonderful priests who have served here, as we lovingly send forth one of our auxiliary bishops to head his own diocese and ordain another of our priests to take his place here as auxiliary bishop. Bishop Joseph Cistone has been appointed by the Holy Father as Bishop of the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan. Bishop Cistone will be installed as Bishop of Saginaw this Tuesday, July 28 th. Bishop Cistone has been a faithful priest of our Archdiocese since his ordination in 1975, and has served in a variety of ministries throughout those years. During two of my years in the seminary, Bishop (then Father) Cistone was our dean. He has been our regional bishop here in Southwest since his ordination as bishop in 2004. Bishop Cistone has not only been a good and zealous priest, but has become a caring, talented bishop, and through it all, has been a good friend to many of his brother priests, myself included. I ask you to pray for Bishop Cistone as he moves to another part of the country to begin his ministry to the people of Saginaw. Pray also for his parents, brothers, family members and friends, as the reality of separation takes root in everyone’s lives. Bishop-elect Timothy Senior will be ordained a bishop this coming Friday, July 31st, in the Cathedral-Basilica, by Cardinal Rigali. Bishop Senior will assume Bishop Cistone’s duties as Vicar for Administration for the Archdiocese. Like Bishop Cistone, Bishop Senior has worked in a variety of ministries since his priestly ordination in 1985, including, most recently, Secretary for Clergy, within which he cared for all the priests and deacons of this local church. Please remember in your prayers Bishop Senior as he begins a new phase of his priestly ministry and serves the Church in the role of shepherd, that he may do so in imitation of the Good Shepherd himself, who willingly gives his life for the sheep. On behalf of all the priests who have served this parish of the Divine Mercy and all the parishes from which it was formed, I thank you for your generosity, goodness, loyalty, and love. You are truly the best! Know that you and those you love are daily remembered in my Mass and my prayers. Love and prayers, Father Olivere
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