Dear Friends in Christ,

Dear Friends in Christ,
Today the Church celebrates the Feast the “Dedication of
the Lateran Basilica in Rome.” The Lateran Basilica is the
Church of the Pope where he presides as the Bishop of
Rome and of the whole world. This is like Saint Patrick’s
Cathedral in our Diocese which is the Church of Bishop
Jugis where he presides as the Bishop of our Diocese.
This Feast reminds us of the authority of the Bishop of
Rome over the whole Church as the Pope - the Vicar of
Christ - who is the successor of Saint Peter, the first Pope. I
had the privilege of visiting this Basilica twice seeing its
“solemn” beauty, the “Chair of Saint Peter”, which signifies
the authority of the Pope.
This Feast also reminds us that our body is God’s temple
where the Spirit of God dwells. Saint Paul says in the
second reading in his first letter to the Corinthians: “If
anyone DESTROYS God’s temple, God will DESTROY that
person; for the temple of God, which you are, is HOLY” (1
Cor 3:17). God is the one who has the power to give life
and the authority to take life away.
Our body should be respected from the moment of
conception to the moment even after death. Regarding
respect to our body after death, those who are cremated
should be buried at the cemetery or interned into the
columbarium which is located at Woodlawn Cemetery and
not scattered over the mountains, seas, grounds or sky.
Our body, even in the form of ashes, must be respected.
We should take care of the body that God has entrusted to
each of us. Whatever we do that may harm our body
should be considered and stopped such as over-exercise,
over-eating, over-drinking, using drug, suicide, torture,
killing and so forth.
Sunday – Faith Formation – 10:00 to 11:00 am
Monday – R.C.I.A. Classes – 7:00 to 8:30 pm
1st & 3rd Tuesday – Craft & Sewing Group – 10:00 am
Wednesday – Confirmation Classes – 6:30 pm
Wednesday – First Communion Classes – 6:30 pm
Thursday – Choir Practice – 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Thursday – Adult Faith Formation – 6:30 pm
Friday – Men’s Group – 7 am
Unfortunately, we now live in a world that promotes: Do
whatever you want with your body! Or life is short, play
harder. Many of our young people and even many adults
are influenced and live with these promotions. That is not
only dangerous for their bodies but also for their souls, and
it may lead them to commit others sins or be involved in
crimes. Then, chaos comes into place. And guess what
happens next? We complain to God!
Today let us also pray for the UNITY of the Mystical Body
of Christ and particularly the unity in loving our beautiful
Church in Franklin: Saint Francis of Assisi Church. We
should care for and respect this Sacred Building. It has been
consecrated for Sacred Liturgy where we gather as a family
under the patronage of Saint Francis of
Eucharist/the Holy Mass. The miracle of
miracles happens here, our faith will be
nurtured, our hope will be assured, and
our charity will increase.
May God unite us by the bond of His love and continue to
grant us His forgiveness, and gather us into the Heavenly
Jerusalem Temple praising Him forever. Amen.
May all the Holy Souls in Purgatory receive the fullness of
God's love in heaven through God's mercy. Amen.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Tien
The Sanctuary Lamp this week is in memory of
Theodore Waneski by Helen Waneski.
November 1-2, 2014
Envelopes and Cash
Online Giving
$ 100.00
Saturday 4:00 p.m. 144
Sunday 9:00 a.m. 198
11:30 a.m. 389
$ 309.00
Thank you to all who faithfully contribute
and are so generous to our parish.
Our condolences to Dominic Sarno and family on the death
of his mother last week. May her soul and all the souls of
the faithful departed rest in peace.
The Women’s Guild will meet this Monday morning,
November 10th from 10-12 in the Family Life Center.
All women of the Parish are invited!
Thanksgiving is coming soon and the Pantry will
distribute food on November 19th. A poster indicating
food that is still needed is located in the foyer. We can
also use help with food distribution on the 19th anytime
between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.
Please call Pat
Tuscany at 349-0731 if you can assist.
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank everyone
who donated to The Wounded Warrier drive. Because
of your generousity many of our service men & women
will be reunited with their families for Christmas!
The Registry of the Deceased is placed on the left side of the church
below the altar for the month of November. You
are invited to write the names of deceased family
members or loved ones, especially those who have
died during the past year, whom you wish
remembered with special prayers.
Faith Formation (excluding Kindergarten) will be
extended 45 minutes to include the practice time
needed for the Children’s Christmas Choir and
Christmas Pageant music. This will continue
through the month of December.
for everyone who seeks healing: Shirley Allegretti, Betty &
Paul Annulis, George Barlow, Monica Beattie, Louise Bernards, Randy
Bernards, Dean Birchard, Lonnie Bishop, Clyde Blue, Jim Broadwell, Ralph
Brown, Jeannie Burrows, Bill Chambless, Mary Ellen Chestnut, Orfeo
Cicchetti, Ed Cope, Juanita Cox, Richard Crow, Ashley Cuthbertson,
Lillianne Duong Davis, Richard DeBetta, Matthew Demond, Nadine
Denis, Dorothy Dodge, Pat Dziurgot, Jim Dzurus, Irma Ebbes, J. D.
Gibson, A. J. Golon, Lou Golon, Marti Golon, Eugene Gonzalez, Casper
Erb, Dorothy Gordon, Elmer Gover, Thomas Grogan, Michael Gruber,
Joyce Ann Hillard, Bill Himschoot, Charles Hoefeyzers, Peggy Holcomb,
Kevin Holland, Terry Holland, Carl Huebler, Liz Hutchinson, Richard
Kantner, Rachel Kay, Betsy Kendrick, Jack Lammers, Greg Langston,
Mary Ann Malloy, Christopher Marinari, Debbie Matthews, Fred
Matthews, Riley Maynard, Gail McGrath, Joseph Mezera, Lad Mezera, Bill
Moffitt, Nancy Montgomery, Thelma Niolet, Alicia Pack, Jane Putka,
Giovanna “Laura” Rizzo, Terra Schear, Taylor Stacy, Richard Stodghill,
Junior Stoudemire, Ed Tisdale, Kennedi Vondryk, Ed Taber, Sam
Waldroop, Shy Warren, Bertha Watson, Caleb Watson, Teresa Williams,
Marlene Woods, Marilyn Zagorski.
Our elderly & shut-in parishioners: Katherine Baumann, Frances
DiMarchiso, Margaret Driscoll, Barbara Elliot, Marilyn Elman, Nicole
Meher, Reenie Modlin, Bertha Zalapa.
For parishioners and all serving in our armed forces: Aaron
Brooks, Patrick Debo, Jeremiah Elam, Joseph Hagge, Gregory Himschoot,
Christian Houston, Ben Hunter, Carol Hysell, Thomas Hysell, Raymond
Hysell, Amy Hysell, and Stephen Karcher. Pray especially for all those who
are stationed in areas of conflict.
Mass Schedule and Intentions
Saturday, November 8
First Saturday
Thanksgiving on Wedding Anniversary
by Bang Nguyen
4:00 P.M.  Russell Ernst by Dolores Ernst
8:45 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Sunday, November 9
9:00 A.M.  The Holy Souls in Purgatory
11:30 A.M.
Parish People’s Mass
Monday, November 10
9:00 A.M.  Rita Compton by Marilyn Ricke
Tuesday, November 11
8:00 A.M.  Theodore Waneski by Helen Waneski
Wednesday, November 12
5:30 P.M.  Dolores Marie Pataky
by Joe & Winnie Uebelher
Thursday, November 13
9:00 A.M.  Donna Iadimarco
by Pat & Carl Stickney
8:30 A.M.
Friday, November 14
Michael Keith Kelly
by Sharon Leuzinger
Saturday, November 15
4:00 P.M.  Deceased members of the
Knights of Columbus Council 8363
Sunday, November 16
9:00 A.M.  Theodore Waneski by Helen Waneski
11:30 A.M.
Parish People’s Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday from 3:00 to 3:45 P.M.
Wednesday at 6:15 P.M.
Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet
The Rosary is recited everyday one half hour
before each Mass except for first Saturday.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited
every Friday at 3 P.M.
DSA Assessment - $26,625.00
Paid/Pledged from 76 families - $19,466.55
Amount needed for assessment - $7,158.45