Administrator Manual Updated Summer 2012

Administrator Manual
Updated Summer 2012
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PDAS Management
Roles and Rights
Appraise Staff
View Appraisals
View All Appraisals
Campus Walkthrough Viewer
District Walkthrough Viewer
District Walkthrough Appraiser
Campus Walkthrough Appraiser
District Appraiser
Appraise All Staff
Vice Principal/Limited Appraiser
District Appraisal Viewer
Appraisal Administrator
Create Walkthrough Templates
Create Appraisal Templates
Create District-Wide Comments
Conduct Campus Walkthroughs
Conduct District Walkthroughs
View District Walkthrough Evaluations
View Campus Walkthrough Evaluations
Upload Documents to Blank Documents Report
Create Group Evaluations
Assign Group Evaluations to Appraisers
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General Options
The general options allow Appraisal Administrators to customize and set district level options for PDAS. Go to the
Manage Tab > General Options.
Message Options Tab
Evaluation Available Message: Use this to
customize email messages that are sent once an
evaluation is available to view. This affects every
evaluation in the district.
Principal Confirmation Emails: Check here to send
a confirmation email to the primary appraiser when
evaluations are completed by a different appraiser.
Notification Email Sender: Click here to send
emails as "NOREPLY" instead of emulating the
evaluator or using the appraiser’s email address who
created the evaluation.
Appraiser Status Emails: Select this option to give
appraisers the ability to set up status email
Staff Reminder Emails: Select this option to send
weekly reminders to staff members that have not
viewed or signed evaluations.
PDAS Exempt Options
Self Report Option: Choose whether or not your
district requires the self-report to be completed by
every teacher.
Exemption Tracking: Enable PDAS Exemption
tracking for principals by checking this option. If
checked, principals will be able to choose the next
available school year that the staff member will need
a full evaluation.
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Appraisal Options
Appraisal Attachments: Give appraisers the option
to attach external documents (file attachments) by
checking this. In addition, checking the box gives
staff members the option to attach external
Appraisal Comments: Enable evaluator and staff
comments to be added to evaluations using this
Evaluation Locking: Check this box to lock
evaluations once teachers have viewed them.
Locking prevents any changes and deletion.
Report Logo
District Report Logo: Use the Browse button to
locate a file to upload. Click Upload to set that file as
the logo for reports. This logo will appear on all
reports, walkthroughs, and custom evaluations.
Make sure the image has a white or transparent
background and 1 inch by 1 inch dimensions.
Image File: The uploaded logo will display here to
show which file you have uploaded.
Document Removal
The document removal utility will allow you to remove
documents for a given user. Removed documents
cannot be recovered.
This utility is only active for users with the PDAS
Appraisal Administrator security role.
1. Click the Select User button.
2. Search for a user by entering a first or last name.
3. Highlight the selected user’s name and click Select
User button.
4. Select a document and then click Remove
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Electronic Signatures
Enabling Electronic Signatures in System Management
The first step to enabling electronic signatures is to choose the option in System Management. Only System
Administrators have the capability to enable or disable electronic signatures. First, check the box “I have read and accept
the above agreement.” Then toggle the Enable Electronic Signatures button.
This is the acceptable use agreement text:
The electronic signature feature enables the district to implement a substantial paperless process in participating
SchoolObjects applications. The process is outlined below, although eduphoria! strongly advises that the district consult
with their legal counsel regarding the appropriateness of using electronic signatures.
The electronic signature process:
1. Electronic signatures are enabled under SchoolObjects management by a person granted administrative access rights.
2. A person granted administrative access rights for that application then enables the feature in applicable SchoolObjects
3. Staff members must select a security question and provide an answer, which is encrypted and stored in the district’s
SchoolObjects database. Staff members should not share this information with other staff members.
4. To sign a document, a staff member must authenticate against Active Directory, eDirectory or using SchoolObjects
authentication, as well as provide the answer to the security question.
5. Electronic signatures are stored in an archive table, which does not allow updates or deletions. A complete removal of
the database table will cause the electronic signatures to be erased. A solid backup solution should be implemented by
the district.
The district is responsible and indemnifies and holds eduphoria! harmless for any and all losses, liability, or damages
arising out of, or incurred in connection with, the district’s use of SchoolObjects electronic signatures.
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Once enabled and used, system administrators can view PDFs of specific signed documents. Search by signature ID,
staff member name and/or start and end dates. Then click Search. All documents meeting the search criteria will appear
in the list. Double-click on a document to open the PDF version.
Note: Enabling electronic signatures in System Management will make the feature available in PDAS and FormSpace.
However, just like in PDAS, electronic signatures have to be enabled within the specific FormSpace application.
Enabling Electronic Signatures in PDAS
Once Electronic Signatures are enabled in System Management, they can then be made available within
Electronic Signatures: Use the first option to enable or disable electronic signatures for evaluation documents. If
enabled, you can then select which types of evaluation documents can be electronically signed.
Signature Refusal: Enabling these options will allow staff members and evaluators to indicate a refusal to sign. The first
option allows a staff member to refuse to sign a document. The second option allows an evaluator to indicate that the
staff member has refused to sign. Essentially the evaluator is signing a refusal for the staff member.
NOTE: Electronic signatures must be enabled by a system manager for the above options to appear. An agent of your
district must enable this feature for you.
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Using Electronic Signatures in PDAS
Once evaluation documents have been created and marked viewable, the electronically sign icon will appear for both
evaluators and staff members being appraised.
This icon allows both the evaluator and the teacher to sign the document electronically.
Either party can sign the document first.
Click on the icon to electronically sign the document.
A pop-up box will appear with the names of the two
parties who need to sign the document.
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Each party needs to provide the following data:
1. SchoolObjects UserName
2. SchoolObjects Password
3. Unique Security Question Answer
Click Electronically Sign Document to submit data.
Report Alert – In the Reports Tab for Administrators and Principals, an Unsigned Documents Report can be
created. The unsigned documents report lists appraisals that have not been electronically signed and have been
marked viewable by the appraiser.
Preset Evaluation Comments
Preset Evaluation Comments are district-wide comments
that allow appraisers to automatically add text to
Comment sections within PDAS observations and
To create preset evaluation comments for observations
and summatives, go to the Manage Tab > Preset
Evaluation Comments.
To enter comments:
Expand a domain to show the three areas: Comments, Strengths, and Areas to Address.
Click on one of the three areas to create comments for that area.
Enter a comment in the top text box and click Add Comment.
Select a comment in the bottom list to edit or remove that comment.
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Note: Comments can be copied and pasted from other electronic documents.
Within observations and summatives,
administrators can click on the dialog bubble
icon to view and then add these pre-loaded
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Upload Documents
Upload documents enables you to load blank
appraisal documents to the Blank Reports for
Appraisers. This is a storage location for
documents related to appraisals. Examples of
documents might include a waiver form, scoring
guide, etc.
1. Give the document a title.
2. Check whether this document should show on
the Blank Documents Report.
3. Click Upload New Document and browse for
the file.
NOTE: These documents are not available for
teachers to download within SchoolObjects:pdas.
eduphoria! Community
The eduphoria! Community is a shared space that allows
school districts to share their templates with other
This refreshes the most current templates
shared from the server.
Browse the templates and if you want to use one in your
district, click the Import Template button.
Once imported, edits and changes can be made for your
own document.
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Manage Appraiser Alerts
PDAS enables you to send a mass email to district
appraisers regarding appraisal deadlines or other
You should not enter new alerts for dates that have
already occurred.
To Add a New Alert:
1. Click New Alert under Appraiser Alert Options.
2. Enter the Subject of the alert.
3. Select the Alert Date, or date the alert will be
4. Enter the Alert Text.
5. Click Save, and the alert will appear under
'Upcoming Alerts.'
6. Once an alert has been sent, it will appear under
'Past Alerts.'
NOTE: This is only an email for appraisers. Appraisers
then can forward the reminder email to their staff as
Archiving Appraisals & Summer Actions
Archive Appraisals allows you to reset self reports and archive evaluation documents. This is an important
maintenance item after ending a school year and before starting a school year. The evaluations will be converted to PDF,
and they will not be able to be modified. The archived documents will stay connected to each teacher. These
documents can be viewed alongside documents for the current year under separate headers that will be labeled with the
previous school year.
Caution: Documents converted to PDF cannot be changed once the archive process runs.
Before your Archive:
In the System Management Application, create a
new school calendar for the upcoming year. This can be
completed by any system administrator.
School Calendars > Create a New Calendar
The most important information to enter in the calendar is
the first instructional day and the last instructional day for
the upcoming school year.
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To Archive Evaluations or Reset Self Reports:
1. Select the Items to Reset. **See note below.**
2. Select the Items to Archive.
3. Choose the correct start and end dates to
include documents you would like to archive.
NOTE: When you reset the Teacher Self Report
submit dates, it will return all self reports to teachers
and the information they filled in will remain. If you
reset the Teacher Self Report Content, the
information on the self reports will be erased and
the teacher will need to fill out the report again.
Click the Schedule Archive Process button in the top toolbar.
NOTE: The process will run overnight, to save your server connection time. To cancel the process, click the Cancel
Archive Process before the next day.
To run the process immediately, you can click the Run Nightly Process Now button and the items chosen will
immediately be archived.
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Walkthrough and Evaluation Templates
PDAS allows districts to create multiple walkthrough templates for staff members, custom evaluation forms for classified
personnel, and group evaluations for staff to evaluate administrators or programs anonymously.
Building Walkthrough Templates
The district can create two types of walkthrough templates:
1. Simple templates that are not scored. These walkthroughs include basic data collection of check boxes, matrix
ratings and text boxes.
2. Advanced templates with calculations. These walkthroughs include data collection where values are associated
with a rating and scores can be calculated.
Simple Walkthrough Templates
Creating a new template:
1. Click Manage Tab > Walkthrough Templates.
2. Click on New Template under Walkthrough Options.
3. When the wizard appears, type a title for the new
template, and click Next.
4. Choose whether or not to copy an existing template. If
you decide to copy from an existing one, select it from
the list. Otherwise click Next without selecting one.
5. Click Finish to create the new template.
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Select the template from the Walkthrough
Templates list.
Three tabs appear:
Template Information – Edit the title.
Change the template icon by clicking on
the image to open a window of icon
options. Change template scoring options.
Edit Template – Build the walkthrough
Preview – View the template as appraisers
will see it.
Edit Templates Tab
1. Add a New Group – A group is like a section.
Items exist within a group, so you have to create a
group first. Give the group a title. Select the title to
edit it as needed.
Add a New Matrix Group – This type of group will
include a title, rows, and columns.
Add a New Item – These are items to be added to
a New Group only, not a Matrix Group.
Delete – select a group or item to remove it.
2. Up and Down arrows – Use these to change the
group order. Select the group. (The title will
become bold.) Move up or down in the list.
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1. First, add a New Group. Name it and click
2. Add a New Item – These are items to be added
to a New Group only, not a Matrix Group.
Items include:
Check Box - allows the appraiser to make selections
by clicking the box
Check Box with Text - allows the appraiser to type
text next to the Check Box. A common example would
be when you have an 'Other' option and the appraiser
needs to enter text.
Comment Box - allows the appraiser to enter text
Instructions – non-interactive, general instructions
(The appraiser does not enter any information.)
3. Select the group to add items.
4. Choose New from the drop-down list and choose New
5. Type the name of the new item under Item Name and
choose the type of item from the drop-down list.
6. Enter the appropriate text and make sure to click Update
after each change.
Matrix Group
1. Add a New Matrix Group.
2. Enter the name and instructions
which are optional.
3. Click on Columns button. Add the
titles. There can be a maximum of
five (5) columns. Click Update.
4. Click on the Rows button. Type the
item in the text box, and then click
Add Row. There can be any
number of rows added. Use the Edit
Row and Remove buttons to modify
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Preview Tab
Once you have added all of the
necessary groups and items for the
template, click on the Preview tab to view
the appraisal as apprasiers will see it.
Save changes to the template.
Print - view a PDF version of the template.
Delete Template - delete the entire walkthrough template including all groups and items.
If you edit a template, you can click Update Existing Walkthroughs to update any walkthrough templates
already completed.
Note: Use caution when updating an existing template, as any additions/changes will be automatically
added to previously created templates that are active and not archived.
Weighted Walkthrough Templates
Weighted Templates work best when using Matrix Groups and Check boxes in a walkthrough. There are several options
when choosing scoring, such as averaging and totaling groups and the entire template. Setting up the calculations takes
some trial and error. Before deploying a template, it is best to test your scored template out on a practice staff member to
confirm that it is built correctly.
In order to assign weights to a template, first create a new template and add groups and items to the template as
described in the Simple Walkthrough Templates section.
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Template Information Tab:
1. Choose advanced, with
2. Select the score method you would
like to use on the walkthrough
Edit Template Tab:
On this tab, you can edit the Walkthrough Scale and assign weights to each item. Once you change a template from
simple to Advanced with Calculations, the Walkthrough Scale will appear in the Edit Template tab.
The Walkthrough Scale allows you to generate a value (either number or text) for the entire walkthrough template if you
choose to calculate a score for the evaluation (in Template Scoring.) This feature is optional.
1. Click on Walkthrough Scale.
2. Enter the Scale Items, Lower Number, and Upper Number.
3. Click Update.
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21. Assign weights to items (check
boxes) within a group:
Click on the group name.
Click on the item.
Enter the item value.
Click Update.
Repeat the process for each item
in each group.
Assign weights to columns in a
matrix group:
1. Click on the matrix group name.
2. Click on Columns.
3. Enter the value for each item in
the list of columns.
4. Click Update.
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Building Custom Evaluations
Custom Evaluations can be created to evaluate non-PDAS staff and classified personnel, such as paraprofessionals,
counselors, nurses, librarians, administrators, and almost any other position in the district. Custom evaluations can be
built with two sections: one for the evaluator to complete and one for the staff member to complete.
The key is to make sure all staff members have SchoolObjects accounts to be able to access their evaluations
electronically. If you are transferring a paper document to this electronic format, remember you may have to make some
adjustments to the template when creating it in SchoolObjects:pdas.
To create a custom evaluation form:
1. Click Manage Tab > Custom Evaluation
2. Click New Form.
3. Type the form title.
4. Select whether to create a new form or copy
an existing form.
Classic editor - gives more question
templates to use when creating the form.
Advanced editor - uses the same
walkthrough interface form editor and
allows the evaluation form to contain
Click Next, then Finish.
The form editing process is divided into three main views.
You can change between these views using the Form View
button on the left side of the toolbar.
Publish View is the default view. Use this view to
Save the form for future editing
Publish or Un-Publish the form to finalize it and make it
available for appraisers to use, or
Delete Form to permanently remove this form.
Staff Form View is used to create the evaluation section the staff
member will complete.
Evaluator Form View is used to create the evaluation section the
appraiser will complete.
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Classic Editor
Creating and editing questions:
1. Click on Add Question to create a new question, and then
choose the type of question.
2. To begin editing the new question, select the "Click to edit
question" text.
3. Depending on the type of question, fill out the necessary
options such as the question text and options text.
Click Save to complete the question. Use this
whenever any changes are made to a question.
The new question will appear in the list exactly as it will appear
in the form. This is your Preview. You can create as many
questions as needed.
Delete Question – removes question from template.
Up and Down Arrows – change the order of the
Repeat the same process for the Evaluation Form View.
If both the staff member and evaluator are to complete the
same questions, use the Copy Questions to Evaluator
Section or Copy Questions to Staff Section rather than
recreating the questions.
When completely satisfied with the form, return to the Publish View and Save the form.
When the form is ready for use, click Publish to make it available for appraisers to access. If you need to make
changes, you can click Un-Publish to return the form to its un-published state.
Advanced Editor
The advanced editor uses the same interface as described in the Building Walkthrough Templates section. To create,
edit, and score evaluation documents, please refer to the instructions on building simple or weighted walkthroughs in this
section of the manual.
The same views and functions apply as the classic editor.
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Group Evaluations
Group evaluations can be created in the Manage Tab by Appraisal Administrators. The templates are created using the
same editor as Walkthrough templates. These evaluations are then assigned to specific staff or appraisers. Group
evaluations can be used to evaluate administrators based on who they appraise (Reciprocal/360) and to evaluate
programs or specific staff. These evaluations are completely anonymous; the software only calculates totals and
percentages of the evaluations submitted. Only the total number of people that completed the evaluation will be tracked –
not individuals.
Create New Group Evaluation
1. Manage Tab > Group Evaluation Templates
2. New Group Template > Complete Wizard
3. The same options are available here as when creating
and editing a Walkthrough template. (Please refer to
the Building Walkthrough Templates section for
instructions on how to create the evaluation.)
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Assign Group Evaluations
1. Click Manage Tab > Assign Group
2. Select New Group Evaluation > Select type of
Both group evaluation types provide the options of
naming the group evaluation, choosing an
evaluation template, and setting the beginning and
ending dates for the evaluation time period. The
differences between the two include:
Mass Evaluation of Appraisers – All
appraisers will be listed and can be selected
based on who needs to be evaluated.
Appraisees will be able to evaluate their
formal appraiser.
Selected Staff Member – This will give the
option of choosing a staff member to be
evaluated by searching for and selecting
their SchoolObjects account.
3. Give the Group Evaluation a title and optional
4. Select the template first created in Group
Evaluation Templates.
5. Select start and end dates for the evaluation
period. This limits staff to complete the
evaluation within the time period set.
6. Select the user(s) as the target for the group
7. Select any other options in the wizard.
8. Complete by clicking Finish.
General Information Tab
1. Select the Group Evaluation you want
to edit.
2. Edit the title, description, and start/end
3. Use the check box to send a daily
reminder email to staff members who
have not completed the evaluation.
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Participants Tab
The orange banner displays the total number of
staff members who could complete the evaluation
and the number of staff members who have
completed the evaluation.
You can choose who participates in the group
evaluation based on everyone who is appraised
by the target evaluator or you can select staff
based on their profile criteria.
Force Complete – Click to automatically
end the time period for completing group
evaluations. Staff members who haven’t
completed the form will not be able to
access or complete it.
Refresh Participants – Click to refresh
the participant list according to the
selected criteria.
Email – Send an email notice that a
group evaluation is available for possible
Participants to complete.
Completing a Group Evaluation
All staff, including appraisers, will have a tab called My Evaluations (if using group evaluations.) Simply click on
Documents to Complete to access, complete and submit the group evaluation.
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Results of Group Evaluations
The results of group evaluations are only available to the
administrator and are completely anonymous.
Go to My Evaluations Tab > My Evaluations > Current
Results of group evaluations can be viewed by the
administrator being evaluated once the evaluation end
date has occurred or an Appraisal Administrator has
chosen to “Force Complete.”
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Walkthrough Analysis
The Walkthrough Analysis report will give you a summary of which items are most commonly observed based on a
particular walkthrough template. The report interface will require you to select one specific template. It cannot compare
data across different walkthrough templates.
Choose a walkthrough template from the Document
To filter the report:
Use Campus to select a single campus or
group of campuses. Note: If you do not
choose anything to filter, you will get all
campuses available.
Use Staff to narrow the report down to one
particular staff member. You can search for
that staff member using their email address or last
name. You can also limit the report to staff groups.
The District Groups option will allow you to
narrow the report down to one or more
district wide user groups.
Use Appraisal Dates to limit the report to a
specific date range. If no dates are set, the
report will stay within the current school year.
Lastly, you can narrow the report down to
specific questions. Every option you select
from Questions must be flagged in order for
the walkthrough to be included in the report.
Click Print in the upper right to view the
three print options.
Print Document will generate a cumulative report
regardless of appraiser. For instance, across all
walkthroughs that were included, the first item may
have been checked 10 times.
Print Document (Percentages by Group) will
generate pie charts representing the percentages by
Print Document with Appraisers will break down
the total by appraiser.
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Observation & Summative Analysis
The Observation & Summative Analysis report will show a total for each domain item denoting how many staff members
were scored a particular way for all eight domains. This report will be a district or campus wide cumulative report unless
filtered down.
Use Campus to limit the report down to one or
more campuses.
Use Staff to filter based on staff positions, grade
level, etc.
Use Appraisal Dates to limit the report to a specific
date range.
Use Domains to limit the report to staff that scored a
certain way on a certain domain. The logic statement
will allow you to filter based on domain score for one or
all domains.
Use District Groups to view one or more
specific district wide groups.
Click Print to generate the report.
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Evaluation Status
Evaluation Status Reports give administrators a variety of options to choose from in order to see the status of appraisals
on their campus or in their district.
Choose a report type, start and end dates, and
campus (if appropriate).
All reports can be exported to Excel
Report Types
Evaluation Totals by Appraiser – This report
will show what evaluations a particular
appraiser has completed.
Evaluation Log by Appraiser – This report
will show a detailed log of each appraisal
including the type, date created, date sent to
staff, and date viewed by staff member.
Evaluation Totals by Week – This report will
show all evaluations created for staff
members regardless of who the appraiser was
with totals each week.
Evaluation Totals by Month - This report will
show all evaluations created for staff
members regardless of who the appraiser was
with totals each month.
Staff Evaluation Totals by Appraiser – This
report will show a total number of evaluations
that have been completed for each staff
member, sorted by appraiser. This report
includes custom evaluations as well as PDAS
Appraiser Totals by Staff Member – This
report actually shows the data flipped from the
Staff Member’s perspective. This will show
you which appraiser created each evaluation
by staff member.
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Blank Forms
The Blank Forms option is not really a report, but it will allow you to print any walkthrough template, PDAS form, or
custom evaluation form that is currently in the system.
To print a blank form:
Choose the evaluation type.
Select the form.
Click Submit Report.
Portable PDAS
Currently, eduphoria! supports a variety of handheld devices for Portable PDAS. As we make further developments with
the changing markets of devices available, check the online Help found in all of our applications for even more current
information and links on Portable PDAS.
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