IODP Proposal Cover Sheet 845 - Apl Agulhas LGM Density Title Proponents Keywords The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. J. Adkins, Area LGM deep circulation, density profile Agulhas Current Contact Information Contact Person: Department: Organization: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Jess Adkins Geological and Planetary Sciences Caltech MS 131-24; 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena 91125 Fax: 6263958550 [email protected] Abstract The circulation of the deep ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is a crucial piece of the puzzle to understand past variations in CO2 and glacial-to-interglacial cycles more generally. In the modern ocean, we use the patterns of temperature and salinity to map the distribution of deep-water masses. In addition, these values inform the balance of air-sea exchange processes that are required to form deep water in the first place. They are an integrated record of climate at high latitudes. For the LGM a full T-S plot has remained elusive. However, sampling deep ocean sediments for their interstitial fluids, and then measuring 18O and [Cl] on the water, can provide a record of these tracers that has been advectively and diffusively altered since the LGM. With local benthic 18O data, the pore water information can be turned into a single point on the LGM T-S diagram for a single profile. The current version of this plot, from sampling IODP material, contains only four points, but they are very interesting. Most of the ocean lies close to the freezing point at the LGM and there seems to be a larger deep stratification that is salinity driven. Most surprisingly, the salt gradient in the modern Atlantic of fresh southern sourced waters and salty northern sourced waters, seems to have flipped at the LGM. The saltiest waters were formed around Antarctica. In the years since this early work, we have improved the analytical measurement of [Cl], attempted several new sampling strategies aimed at increasing throughput, and improved the data analysis tools we use to model the data. The next most important step in constraining the temperature, salinity, and density structure of the LGM deep ocean is to obtain depth transects of these properties. Samples taken from the same region of the ocean, but spanning from the bottom of the ocean to the base of the main thermocline would greatly constrain the processes that could fill the LGM deep ocean and control its circulation. To this end, we propose to add 150 meter deep holes to several of the proposed sites in the SAFARI cruise to the Agullas Current system. This work would extend the total time of the cruise by less than 10% and represent a significant value added to both the specific cruise objectives and the wider paleo community. Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:22 2013 by if340_pdf / 2007 - 2013 (user 0.4098) 845 - Apl Scientific Objectives We hope to drill an extra 150 meter hole for dedicated pore water sampling at four of the primary sites proposed in the SAFARI cruise to the Agullas Current system. If time allows 2 of the deeper secondary sites are also desirable. Non-standard measurements technology needed to achieve the proposed scientific objectives. Our procedures follow standard IODP protocol for cutting whole rounds and squeezing pore fluids. However, we are interested in high-resolution samples, with a point every 1.5 meters, or every 1 meter if possible. Our plan is to measure [Cl] and d18O back on shore, but we are happy to have some of this water used for the regular IODP interstitial fluid analysis. Proposed Sites Site Name MZC-01B LIM-01B NV-02B APT-01B Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:22 2013 by if340_pdf / 2007 - 2013 (user 0.4098) Position (Lat, Lon) -15.816667, 41.7333 -25.65, 34.7666 -31.216667, 31.5333 -41.433333, 25.266667 Water Depth (m) 2050 450 3040 2671 Penetration (m) Sed 150 150 150 150 Bsm Total 0 0 0 0 Brief Site-specific Objectives 150 150 150 150 I am NOT proposing any new sites. The goal is to drill an extra 150 meter deep hole at a few of the sites that SAFARI is already occupying. The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. Temperature and Salinity of the Deep Ocean The temperature and salinity distributions in the modern deep ocean are not homogeneous, but are instead organized into differnent water masses. For all depths below 2000m that fall between the σ2 density class of 37.0-‐37.235 there are large temperature and salinity differences (Figure 1). Deep-‐water mixing trends develop from the surface boundary fluxes of heat and fresh water at high latitudes. North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is salty because a component of the sinking water around Greenland comes from lower latitudes waters of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift current systems. In contrast, around Antarctica the presence of the Drake Passage isolates the southern deep-‐ water formation regions from saltier lower latitude waters in the gyres. In addition, the large, land based ice sheet on the Antarctic continent calves and melts into the very regions where deep water is forming, leaving it fresher than NADW. The modern deep T-‐S plot is a direct view into the surface boundary fluxes, and therefore climate, of the deep-‐water formation regions. Measuring the T-‐S plot for the past ocean would give us a direct view into the workings of the deep ocean circulation. As the locus of nearly all the carbon in the ocean-‐ atmosphere system, the circulation pattern and ventilation rate of the deep is crucial for understanding how climate cycles between glacial and interglacial states [Hain et al., 2010; Sarmiento and Toggweiler, 1984; Toggweiler, 1999]. Constructing a T-‐S plot for the LGM from sediment proxy data is easier for temperature Figure 1: T/S plot for the modern deep ocean. Data are filtered from than for salinity. There the Glodap database for σ2 values between 37.0 and 37.235. are a variety of promising temperature tracers in Mg/Ca [Elderfield et al., 2006], clumped isotopes [Ghosh et al., 2006], and the combination of δ18O in foraminifera and sea level [Chappell and Shackleton, 1986; Cutler et al., 2003]. However, there are no viable salinity tracers in the modern geochemical toolbox. Dinoflagelate transfer functions show some promise for surface waters where there are relatively large signals [de Vernal et al., 2001], but the deep ocean has no proxies as of yet. Using Pore Water Profiles to Get T and S at the LGM Following the pioneering work of Russ McDuff [McDuff, 1985], we can use the modern profiles of δ18Ow and [Cl] in sediment pore fluid, and a vertical diffusion-‐advection equation, to measure LGM values of both tracers (Figure 2). Recognizing that better data was needed, Figure 2: Two of our previously published Atlantic pore water profiles for [Cl]. The percent change should be viewed relative to a global mean value of ~3.5%. Both cores show good agreement at the sediment-‐water interface and at the remnant LGM peak. One hope in this proposal is to reduce the scatter and increase the depth resolution of these plots. Schrag et al. measured δ18O at high precision and high depth resolution in the Equatorial Atlantic [Schrag et al., 1996]. These data suggested a much smaller change in δ18O due to continental ice sheets than previously thought [Fairbanks and Matthews, 1978], and thus implied a larger role for bottom water temperature changes in the benthic foram δ18O from the same cores. These results have been confirmed with more cores and indicate that deep ocean temperatures were near the freezing point at the LGM. With a core collection that spanned much of the modern deep ocean salinity gradient, we then made the first T-‐S plot for the LGM deep ocean [Adkins et al., 2002] (Figure 3). Getting the samples to add more points to this plot is one principle goal of the current proposal. While limited in the total number of points, the geographical spread in the T-‐S plot reveals several interesting features. Points at the LGM that were largely separated by their Figure 3: T/S plot for the LGM. Based on the type of pore water data we propose to collect here, this plot shows several differences with the modern (described in the text). Yellow dots are the location of modern bottom waters where the cores for the blue LGM points were collected. The ODP site numbers and gray isopycnals provide context. temperature differences in the modern are now spread apart by their salinity differences. As most of the ocean seems to be at or near the freezing point, salinity is the dominant control on deep-‐water density. In addition, the salt gradient in the Atlantic flipped at the LGM. Southern source waters are the saltiest in the ocean, while northern source waters appear to be the freshest. This drastic rearrangement of the deep water T/S implies some very different surface water forcing functions in the LGM deep-‐water formation zones. Exploring the implications of this T-‐S diagram has been a thrust of the Adkins research group for the last several years [Adkins, 2013; Lund et al., 2011; Miller et al., 2012], but what is most important in the near future is to gather more data. To date, we have used the standard methods of the Ocean Drilling Program [Gieskes et al., 1991] to recover pore fluids from sediments. We have tested Rhizon sampling on Leg XXXX and found a systematic increase in the δ18O and [Cl] compared to conventionally squeezed samples. Recently at Caltech we have improved the titration method for [Cl] analysis to be fully digital and have begun to use more sophisticated data analysis tools to explore the range of bottom water histories that the 1-‐D model will allow given the pore water data. This Baysian Markov Chain/Monte Carlo approach has been part of the thesis work of Madeline Miller, for which she recently won the best poster award at ICP 11. The key is that we can relax the constraint of following the shape of the global mean sea level curve for our bottom water forcing function. The data collection and data analysis are both poised to greatly improve our understanding of the information content contained in pore water profiles. Depth Organized Samping; The Importance of Profiles Figure 4. Holocene and LGM depth transects of benthic foraminifera δ18O at the Blake Ridge, ~30°N in the Western Atlantic (from [Keigwin, 2004]). Circles are Cibicidoides sp. and triangles are Uvigerina, adjusted for their species offset. Notice the distinct kink at ~2,000m in both species at the LGM, but not in the Holocene. In the modern ocean, oceanographers use the buoyancy flux at the surface where deep isopycnals outcrop to analyze circulation rates. However, most paleo data is more easily structured in depth coordinates than in density space. In the 1960s Walter Munk presented a solution to this problem in a 1-‐D balance of vertical diffusion and advection he called ‘Abyssal Recipes’ [Munk, 1966]. In this work, a profile of a conservative tracer constrains the ratio of upwelling to vertical diffusion at that site. The Δ14C profile adds a second constraint with no new unknowns and allows for the separation of the upwelling/diffusion ratio into its component parts. The key is an assumption that the ocean behaves as a one-‐dimensional fluid, something we clearly know is not the case today. However, Munk’s numbers of 1x10-‐4 m2/s and ~4 meters/yr, for vertical diffusivity and a global upwelling rate respectively, have stood the test of time. Our proposed pore water sampling can collect the T and S information a Munk like analysis needs to constrain the past circulation. As a proof-‐of-‐concept, we have shown how the δ18O of benthic forams themselves are a conservative tracer, even without separation into temperature and δ18O w/salinity/ice volume components [Lund et al., 2011]. Several profiles of benthic δ18O in the LGM Atlantic [Curry and Oppo, 2005; Keigwin, 2004] and Indian [Kallel et al., 1988] have a distinct kink at ~ 2000 meters water depth (Figure 4). For a conservative tracer this sharp vertical gradient represents a water mass boundary. We constructed a whole water mass conservative tracer mass balance, rather than just a 1-‐D balance as in ‘Abyssal Recipes’, using this demarcation for the upper lid of northward flowing southern source water [Lund et al., 2011]. The amount of δ18Obenthic in the water mass north of 30°S can only change via transport of tracer into the volume (equivalent to the physical oceanographer’s overturning stream function) and the diffusion of tracer across the water mass boundary defined by the vertical δ18O benthic kink. The difference from Munk’s approach is that now we are constraining the ratio of tracer transport to tracer diffusion across the whole water mass, rather than assuming a local 1-‐D balance. Comparing the modern and LGM tracer balances in this way, we found that the ratio of transport to diffusion increased at the LGM by a factor of ~8, with a minimum change (given the errors involved) of a factor of 2. As it is hard to imagine the circulation of the deep-‐sea having the energy to spin eight times faster [Ferrari and Wunsch, 2009], we interpret this result as a dramatic drop in the vertical diffusivity of tracer between the northern and southern LGM deep-‐water masses. A major open question from this work is whether there is a deep pycnocline corresponding to this water mass boundary seen in benthic δ18O. Vertical profiles of T and S from the pore water method would clearly test this idea. Proposal We propose to combine the power of pore water sampling for δ18O and [Cl], with the inherent advantages of organizing these samples into a depth transect. The next most important step for the LGM T-‐S plot is to collect a profile of cores from similar locations. The SAFARI cruise to the Agulhas Current system represents an opportunity to fulfill these goals. With present water column depths of 380, 2050, 2671, and 3040 meters in the primary cores, and possibly 2700-‐2800 and 3600 meters in the secondary cores (Table 1), this cruise is an excellent opportunity to move the LGM distribution of heat and salt forward. We propose to add an extra hole at each of the primary sites listed below and 1-‐2 of the secondary sites depending on which ones get drilled. These holes would be for dedicated pore water sampling and only require 150 meters of sediment. At each location we only propose 150 meters of drilling for the pore water dedicated holes. This approach should save time, but still provide ample material to squeeze samples for [Cl] and δ18O at 1-‐1.5 meter resolution. The depth transect covers the lower half of the proposed LGM density gradient and one point in the main thermocline. While not exactly a full transect over the entire ‘kink’ in the benthic δ18O profiles, these will be an important step forward in the filling out of the LGM depth profile of temperature and salinity. Primary Site Lat APT-‐01B 41°25.53’S NV-‐02B 31°12.77'S LIM-‐01B 25°49.26'S Long 25°16.035’E 31°32.271'E 34°46.159'E 41°43.989'E MZC-‐01B 15°49.358’S Secondary Site Lat CAPE-‐02A CAPE-‐03A 35°03.97'S 35°03.69'S APT-‐04A APT-‐05A 41°23.14'S 41°26.86'S Long 17°12.527'E 17°18.20'E 25°31.718'E 25°8.439'E Water Depth Sed Depth 2671 300 3040 350 450 180 2050 300 Water Depth Sed Depth 2780 2700 270 350 2814 3623 480 430 References Adkins, J. F. (2013), The role of deep ocean circulation in setting glacial climates., Paleoceanography, 28, doi:10.1002/palo.20046. Adkins, J. F., K. McIntyre, and D. P. Schrag (2002), The salinity, temperature, and d18O of the glacial deep ocean., Science, 298, 1769-‐1773. Chappell, J., and N. J. Shackleton (1986), Oxygen isotopes and sea level, Nature, 324, 137-‐ 140. Curry, W. B., and D. Oppo (2005), Glacial Water Mass Geometry and the Distribution of d13C of Total CO2 in the Western Atlantic Ocean., Paleoceanography, 20(PA1017), doi:10.1029/2004PA001021. Cutler, K. B., R. L. Edwards, F. W. Taylor, H. Cheng, J. Adkins, C. D. Gallup, P. M. Cutler, G. S. Burr, J. Chappell, and A. L. Bloom (2003), Rapid sea-‐level fall and deep-‐ocean temperature change since the last interglacial, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 206, 253-‐271. de Vernal, A., et al. (2001), Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as tracers of sea-‐surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic, Arctic and sub-‐ Arctic seas: the new 'n=677' data base and its application for quantitative palaeoceanographic reconstruction, J. Quat. Sci., 16(7), 681-‐698. Elderfield, H., J. Yu, P. Anand, T. Kiefer, and B. Nyland (2006), Calibrations for benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry and the carbonate ion hypothesis., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 250, 633-‐649. Fairbanks, R. G., and R. K. Matthews (1978), The marine oxygen isotope record in Pleistocene coral, Barbados, West Indies, Quaternary Research, 10, 181-‐196. Ferrari, R., and C. Wunsch (2009), Ocean Circulation Kinetic Energy: Reservoirs, Sources, and Sinks., Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 41, 253-‐282. Ghosh, P., J. F. Adkins, H. Affek, B. Balta, W. Guo, E. A. Schauble, D. P. Schrag, and J. M. Eiler (2006), 13C-‐18O bonds in carbonate minerals: A new kind of paleothermometer., Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta, 70, 1439-‐1456. Gieskes, J. M., T. Gamo, and H. Brumsack (1991), Chemical methods for interstitial water analysis aboard JOIDES Resolution., ODP Technical Note, 15. Hain, M., D. M. Sigman, and G. H. Haug (2010), Carbon dioxide effects of Antarctic stratification, North Atlantic Intermediate Water formation, and subantarctic nutrient drawdown during the last ice age: Diagnosis and synthesis in a geochemical box model., Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, doi:10.1029/2010GB003790. Kallel, N., L. D. Labeyrie, A. Juillet-‐Laclerc, and J. C. Duplessy (1988), A deep hydrological front between intermediate and deep water masses in the glacial Indian Ocean, Nature, 333, 651-‐655. Keigwin, L. (2004), Radiocarbon and stable isotope constraints on Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas ventilation in the Western North Atlantic., Paleoceanography, 19, Art. No. PA4012 Nov 4013 2004. Lund, D., J. F. Adkins, and R. Ferrari (2011), Abyssal Atlantic circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum: Constraining the ratio between transport and vertical mixing., Paleoceanography, 26, doi:10.1029/2010PA001938. McDuff, R. E. (1985), The chemistry of interstitial waters, deep sea drilling project leg 86, Init. Rept. of the DSDP, 86, 675-‐687. Miller, M., J. F. Adkins, D. Menemenlis, and M. P. Schodlok (2012), The role of ice shelves in setting glacial ocean bottom water salinity., Paleoceanography, 27, doi:10.1029/2012PA002297. Munk, W. (1966), Abyssal Recipies, Deep-‐Sea Research, 13, 707-‐730. Sarmiento, J. L., and J. R. Toggweiler (1984), A new model for the role of the oceans in determining atmospheric pCO2, Nature, 308, 621-‐624. Schrag, D. P., G. Hampt, and D. W. Murry (1996), Pore fluid constraints on the temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of the Glacial ocean, Science, 272, 1930-‐1932. Toggweiler, J. R. (1999), Variation of atmospheric CO2 by ventilation of the ocean's deepest water, Paleoceanography, 14, 571. Proponent List: Jess Adkins, MS131-‐24, Caltech, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 21125 [email protected] List of Suggested Reviewers: 1. Ian Hall, Co-‐chief of SAFARI cruise 2. Rainer Zhan, Co-‐dhief of SAFARI cruise 3. David Hodell, Cambridge U. 4. Art Spivak, U of Rhode Island 5. Jean Lynch-‐Stieglitz, Georgia Tech IODP Site Summary Forms: 845 - Apl Form 1 – General Site Information Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Site Specific Objectives with Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: MZC-01B Area or Location: Jurisdiction: If site is a reoccupation of an old DSDP/ODP Site, Please include former Site# Latitude: Deg: -15.816667 Longitude: Deg: 41.7333 Coordinate System: Priority of Site: Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:26 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2436) Distance to Land: (km) WGS 84 Primary: Alt: Water Depth (m): 2050 Section C: Operational Information Sediments Basement 150 0 Proposed Penetration (m): Total Sediment Thickness (m) 300 Total Penetration (m): 150 General Lithologies: Coring Plan: (Specify or check) Coring Plan: APC VPC APC Wireline Logging Standard Measurements Plan: WL XCB MDCB PCS RCB Re-entry Special Tools Magnetic Susceptibility LWD Magnetic Field Formation Image (Acoustic) Porosity Borehole Temperature Formation Fluid Sampling Density Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Formation Temperature & Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical VSP Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others: Sonic (∆t) Formation Image (Res) Check-shot (upon request) Max. Borehole Temp.: °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m m intervals from m to m m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals:5m Estimated Days: Drilling/Coring: Logging: Total On-site: Observatory Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Potential Hazards/ Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Seabed Condition Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Currents Gas Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Fracture Zone Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fault High Temperature H2S High Dip Angle Ice Conditions CO2 Sensitive marine habitat (e.g., reefs, (e.g., sea-floor cables, dump sites) vents) Other: Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:26 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2436) Preferred weather window Form 2 - Site Survey Detail IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Site #: 845 MZC-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 * Key to SSP Requirements X=required; X*=may be required for specific sites; Y=recommended; Y*=may be recommended for specific sites; R=required for re-entry sites; T=required for high temperature environments; † Accurate velocity information is required for holes deeper than 400m. SSP Require- Exists ments * in DB 1 High resolution Primary Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Data Type In SSDB SSP Req. seismic reflection Details of available data and data that are still to be collected 1a High resolution seismic reflection 2 Deep Penetration (primary) Location: Crossing Line(s) Primary Line(s) 1b Highseismic reflection resolution seismic reflection (crossing) Location: 2a Deep 3 Seismic Velocity penetration seismic reflection (primary) 4 Seismic Grid Location: 2b Deep penetration seismic 5a Refraction (surface) reflection (crossing) Location: Crossing Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 3 Seismic Velocity 5b Refraction (near bottom) 4 Seismic Grid 5a Refraction 6 3.5 kHz (surface) 5b Refraction (bottom) 7 Swath bathymetry 6 3.5 kHz 8a Side-looking 7 Swath bathymetry sonar (surface) 8a8b SideSide-looking looking sonar (surface) sonar (bottom) 8b Side looking 9 (bottom) sonar Photography or Video 9 Photography or 10 videoHeat Flow 10 Heat Flow 11a Magnetics 11a Magnetics 11b Gravity 11b Gravity 12 Sediment cores 12 Sediment cores 13 Rock sampling 13 Rock sampling 14a Water current data 14a 14b IceWater current data Conditions 14b 15 OBSIce Conditions microseismicity OBS microseismicity 1615 Navigation 17 Other 16 Navigation 17 Other Page 1 of 1 - Site Survey Details generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:27 2013 by if352_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.4528) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Form 3 – Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 Site #: MZC-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Water Depth (m): 2050 Sed. Penetration (m): 150 Basement Penetration (m): 0 Are high temperatures or other special requirements (e.g., unstable formations), anticipated for logging at this site? Estimated total logging time for this site: Relevance Measurement Type (1=high, 3=low) Scientific Objective Check Shot Survey 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 0 Geochemical 0 Side-wall Core Sample 0 Formation Fluid Sampling 0 Borehole Temperature 0 Magnetic Susceptibility 0 Magnetic Field 0 VSP 0 Formation Image (Acoustic) 0 Formation Pressure & Temperature 0 Other (SET, SETP, ...) 0 Page 1 of 1 - Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:30 2013 by if353_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2117) IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 1 Summary OperationsHazard at site: Pollution &ofSafety (Example: to refusal, XCB 10 1. Summary ofTriple-APC Operations at site. m into basement, log as shown on form 3); 2. All hydrocarbon include # of holesoccurrences for APC/XCB, # of basedtemperature on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP deployments) drilling. 3. All commercial drilling in this area that or yielded significant 2 produced Based onshows. previous DSDP/ODP/IODP hydrocarbon drilling, list all hydrocarbon 4. Indications of gas hydrates occurrences of greater than at this location. background levels. Give nature of and depth of rock. 5. Are show, thereage reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? From available information, list all 6.3What "special" precautions will be commercial drilling in this area that taken during drilling? produced or yielded significant 7. What abandonment hydrocarbon shows.procedures Give depths and need to beoffollowed? ages hydrocarbon - bearing deposits. 8. Natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations. 9. Summary: What do you consider the risks in drilling at this site? 4 major Are there any indications of gas hydrates at this location? Give details. 5 Are there reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? Please give details. 6 What “special” precautions need to be taken during drilling? 7 What abandonment procedures need to be followed: 8 Please list other natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations: (e.g. ice, currents, cables) 9 Summary: What do you consider the major risk in drilling at this site? Page 1 of 1 - Environmental Protection generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:32 2013 by if354_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2605) Site #: Comment Form 4 – Environmental Protection MZC-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Subbottom depth (m) 845 Key reflectors, Unconformities, faults, etc Page 1 of 1 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:34 2013 by if355_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2460) - Form 5 – Lithologies Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) MZC-01B Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:59:36 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 - Subbottom Site depth (m) Apl Form 5 – Lithologies Form 6 - Site Summary Figure Site #: MZC-01B Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:59:36 Key reflectors,This information Age Assumed Lithology Paleo-environment Summary is already part of the SAFARI proposal. Unconformities, velocity Figure Comment faults, etc (km/sec) Page 1 of 1 - Site Summary Figure generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:37 2013 by if356_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2012 (user 0.2092) Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: 845 - Apl Form 1 – General Site Information Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Site Specific Objectives with Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: LIM-01B Area or Location: If site is a reoccupation of an old DSDP/ODP Site, Please include former Site# Latitude: Deg: -25.65 Longitude: Deg: 34.7666 Coordinate System: Priority of Site: Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:39 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2410) Jurisdiction: Distance to Land: (km) WGS 84 Primary: Alt: Water Depth (m): 450 Section C: Operational Information Sediments Basement 150 0 Proposed Penetration (m): Total Sediment Thickness (m) 180 Total Penetration (m): 150 General Lithologies: Coring Plan: (Specify or check) Coring Plan: APC VPC APC Wireline Logging Standard Measurements Plan: WL XCB MDCB PCS RCB Re-entry Special Tools Magnetic Susceptibility LWD Magnetic Field Formation Image (Acoustic) Porosity Borehole Temperature Formation Fluid Sampling Density Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Formation Temperature & Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical VSP Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others: Sonic (∆t) Formation Image (Res) Check-shot (upon request) Max. Borehole Temp.: °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m m intervals from m to m m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals:5m Estimated Days: Drilling/Coring: Logging: Total On-site: Observatory Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Potential Hazards/ Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Seabed Condition Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Currents Gas Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Fracture Zone Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fault High Temperature H2S High Dip Angle Ice Conditions CO2 Sensitive marine habitat (e.g., reefs, (e.g., sea-floor cables, dump sites) vents) Other: Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:39 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2410) Preferred weather window Form 2 - Site Survey Detail IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Site #: 845 LIM-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 * Key to SSP Requirements X=required; X*=may be required for specific sites; Y=recommended; Y*=may be recommended for specific sites; R=required for re-entry sites; T=required for high temperature environments; † Accurate velocity information is required for holes deeper than 400m. SSP Require- Exists ments * in DB 1 High resolution Primary Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Data Type In SSDB SSP Req. seismic reflection Details of available data and data that are still to be collected 1a High resolution seismic reflection 2 Deep Penetration (primary) Location: Crossing Line(s) Primary Line(s) 1b Highseismic reflection resolution seismic reflection (crossing) Location: 2a Deep 3 Seismic Velocity penetration seismic reflection (primary) 4 Seismic Grid Location: 2b Deep penetration seismic 5a Refraction (surface) reflection (crossing) Location: Crossing Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 3 Seismic Velocity 5b Refraction (near bottom) 4 Seismic Grid 5a Refraction 6 3.5 kHz (surface) 5b Refraction (bottom) 7 Swath bathymetry 6 3.5 kHz 8a Side-looking 7 Swath bathymetry sonar (surface) 8a8b SideSide-looking looking sonar (surface) sonar (bottom) 8b Side looking 9 (bottom) sonar Photography or Video 9 Photography or 10 videoHeat Flow 10 Heat Flow 11a Magnetics 11a Magnetics 11b Gravity 11b Gravity 12 Sediment cores 12 Sediment cores 13 Rock sampling 13 Rock sampling 14a Water current data 14a 14b IceWater current data Conditions 14b 15 OBSIce Conditions microseismicity OBS microseismicity 1615 Navigation 17 Other 16 Navigation 17 Other Page 1 of 1 - Site Survey Details generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:40 2013 by if352_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.4551) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Form 3 – Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 Site #: LIM-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Water Depth (m): 450 Sed. Penetration (m): 150 Basement Penetration (m): 0 Are high temperatures or other special requirements (e.g., unstable formations), anticipated for logging at this site? Estimated total logging time for this site: Relevance Measurement Type (1=high, 3=low) Scientific Objective Check Shot Survey 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 0 Geochemical 0 Side-wall Core Sample 0 Formation Fluid Sampling 0 Borehole Temperature 0 Magnetic Susceptibility 0 Magnetic Field 0 VSP 0 Formation Image (Acoustic) 0 Formation Pressure & Temperature 0 Other (SET, SETP, ...) 0 Page 1 of 1 - Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:43 2013 by if353_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2123) IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 1 Summary OperationsHazard at site: Pollution &ofSafety (Example: to refusal, XCB 10 1. Summary ofTriple-APC Operations at site. m into basement, log as shown on form 3); 2. All hydrocarbon include # of holesoccurrences for APC/XCB, # of basedtemperature on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP deployments) drilling. 3. All commercial drilling in this area that or yielded significant 2 produced Based onshows. previous DSDP/ODP/IODP hydrocarbon drilling, list all hydrocarbon 4. Indications of gas hydrates occurrences of greater than at this location. background levels. Give nature of and depth of rock. 5. Are show, thereage reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? From available information, list all 6.3What "special" precautions will be commercial drilling in this area that taken during drilling? produced or yielded significant 7. What abandonment hydrocarbon shows.procedures Give depths and need to beoffollowed? ages hydrocarbon - bearing deposits. 8. Natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations. 9. Summary: What do you consider the risks in drilling at this site? 4 major Are there any indications of gas hydrates at this location? Give details. 5 Are there reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? Please give details. 6 What “special” precautions need to be taken during drilling? 7 What abandonment procedures need to be followed: 8 Please list other natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations: (e.g. ice, currents, cables) 9 Summary: What do you consider the major risk in drilling at this site? Page 1 of 1 - Environmental Protection generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:45 2013 by if354_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2710) Site #: Comment Form 4 – Environmental Protection LIM-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Subbottom depth (m) 845 Key reflectors, Unconformities, faults, etc Page 1 of 1 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:47 2013 by if355_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2364) - Form 5 – Lithologies Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) LIM-01B Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:57:58 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 - Subbottom Site depth (m) Apl Form 5 – Lithologies Form 6 - Site Summary Figure Site #: LIM-01B Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:57:58 Key reflectors,This information Age Assumed Lithology Paleo-environment Summary is already part of the SAFARI proposal. Unconformities, velocity Figure Comment faults, etc (km/sec) Page 1 of 1 - Site Summary Figure generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:50 2013 by if356_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2012 (user 0.2095) Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: 845 - Apl Form 1 – General Site Information Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Site Specific Objectives with Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: NV-02B Area or Location: If site is a reoccupation of an old DSDP/ODP Site, Please include former Site# Latitude: Deg: -31.216667 Longitude: Deg: 31.5333 Coordinate System: Priority of Site: Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:52 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2404) Jurisdiction: Distance to Land: (km) WGS 84 Primary: Alt: Water Depth (m): 3040 Section C: Operational Information Sediments Basement 150 0 Proposed Penetration (m): Total Sediment Thickness (m) 350 Total Penetration (m): 150 General Lithologies: Coring Plan: (Specify or check) Coring Plan: APC VPC APC Wireline Logging Standard Measurements Plan: WL XCB MDCB PCS RCB Re-entry Special Tools Magnetic Susceptibility LWD Magnetic Field Formation Image (Acoustic) Porosity Borehole Temperature Formation Fluid Sampling Density Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Formation Temperature & Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical VSP Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others: Sonic (∆t) Formation Image (Res) Check-shot (upon request) Max. Borehole Temp.: °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m m intervals from m to m m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals:5m Estimated Days: Drilling/Coring: Logging: Total On-site: Observatory Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Potential Hazards/ Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Seabed Condition Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Currents Gas Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Fracture Zone Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fault High Temperature H2S High Dip Angle Ice Conditions CO2 Sensitive marine habitat (e.g., reefs, (e.g., sea-floor cables, dump sites) vents) Other: Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:52 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2404) Preferred weather window Form 2 - Site Survey Detail IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Site #: 845 NV-02B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 * Key to SSP Requirements X=required; X*=may be required for specific sites; Y=recommended; Y*=may be recommended for specific sites; R=required for re-entry sites; T=required for high temperature environments; † Accurate velocity information is required for holes deeper than 400m. SSP Require- Exists ments * in DB 1 High resolution Primary Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Data Type In SSDB SSP Req. seismic reflection Details of available data and data that are still to be collected 1a High resolution seismic reflection 2 Deep Penetration (primary) Location: Crossing Line(s) Primary Line(s) 1b Highseismic reflection resolution seismic reflection (crossing) Location: 2a Deep 3 Seismic Velocity penetration seismic reflection (primary) 4 Seismic Grid Location: 2b Deep penetration seismic 5a Refraction (surface) reflection (crossing) Location: Crossing Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 3 Seismic Velocity 5b Refraction (near bottom) 4 Seismic Grid 5a Refraction 6 3.5 kHz (surface) 5b Refraction (bottom) 7 Swath bathymetry 6 3.5 kHz 8a Side-looking 7 Swath bathymetry sonar (surface) 8a8b SideSide-looking looking sonar (surface) sonar (bottom) 8b Side looking 9 (bottom) sonar Photography or Video 9 Photography or 10 videoHeat Flow 10 Heat Flow 11a Magnetics 11a Magnetics 11b Gravity 11b Gravity 12 Sediment cores 12 Sediment cores 13 Rock sampling 13 Rock sampling 14a Water current data 14a 14b IceWater current data Conditions 14b 15 OBSIce Conditions microseismicity OBS microseismicity 1615 Navigation 17 Other 16 Navigation 17 Other Page 1 of 1 - Site Survey Details generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:54 2013 by if352_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.4541) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Form 3 – Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 Site #: NV-02B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Water Depth (m): 3040 Sed. Penetration (m): 150 Basement Penetration (m): 0 Are high temperatures or other special requirements (e.g., unstable formations), anticipated for logging at this site? Estimated total logging time for this site: Relevance Measurement Type (1=high, 3=low) Scientific Objective Check Shot Survey 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 0 Geochemical 0 Side-wall Core Sample 0 Formation Fluid Sampling 0 Borehole Temperature 0 Magnetic Susceptibility 0 Magnetic Field 0 VSP 0 Formation Image (Acoustic) 0 Formation Pressure & Temperature 0 Other (SET, SETP, ...) 0 Page 1 of 1 - Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:56 2013 by if353_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2117) IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 1 Summary OperationsHazard at site: Pollution &ofSafety (Example: to refusal, XCB 10 1. Summary ofTriple-APC Operations at site. m into basement, log as shown on form 3); 2. All hydrocarbon include # of holesoccurrences for APC/XCB, # of basedtemperature on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP deployments) drilling. 3. All commercial drilling in this area that or yielded significant 2 produced Based onshows. previous DSDP/ODP/IODP hydrocarbon drilling, list all hydrocarbon 4. Indications of gas hydrates occurrences of greater than at this location. background levels. Give nature of and depth of rock. 5. Are show, thereage reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? From available information, list all 6.3What "special" precautions will be commercial drilling in this area that taken during drilling? produced or yielded significant 7. What abandonment hydrocarbon shows.procedures Give depths and need to beoffollowed? ages hydrocarbon - bearing deposits. 8. Natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations. 9. Summary: What do you consider the risks in drilling at this site? 4 major Are there any indications of gas hydrates at this location? Give details. 5 Are there reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? Please give details. 6 What “special” precautions need to be taken during drilling? 7 What abandonment procedures need to be followed: 8 Please list other natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations: (e.g. ice, currents, cables) 9 Summary: What do you consider the major risk in drilling at this site? Page 1 of 1 - Environmental Protection generated: Wed Oct 9 00:02:58 2013 by if354_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2602) Site #: Comment Form 4 – Environmental Protection NV-02B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Subbottom depth (m) 845 Key reflectors, Unconformities, faults, etc Page 1 of 1 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:00 2013 by if355_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2363) - Form 5 – Lithologies Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) NV-02B Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:55:52 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 - Subbottom Site depth (m) Apl Form 5 – Lithologies Form 6 - Site Summary Figure Site #: NV-02B Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:55:52 Key reflectors,This information Age Assumed Lithology Paleo-environment Summary is already part of the SAFARI proposal. Unconformities, velocity Figure Comment faults, etc (km/sec) Page 1 of 1 - Site Summary Figure generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:03 2013 by if356_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2012 (user 0.2089) Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: 845 - Apl Form 1 – General Site Information Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: The Density profile of the LGM Ocean from a range of depths in the Agulhas Current system. Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Site Specific I am NOT proposing any new sites. The goal is to drill an extra 150 meter deep hole at a few of the sites Objectives with that SAFARI is already occupying. Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: APT-01B Area or Location: If site is a reoccupation of an old DSDP/ODP Site, Please include former Site# Latitude: Deg: -41.433333 Jurisdiction: Longitude: Deg: 25.266667 Distance to Land: (km) Coordinate System: Priority of Site: Page 1 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:05 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2418) WGS 84 Primary: Alt: Water Depth (m): 2671 Section C: Operational Information Sediments Basement 150 0 Proposed Penetration (m): Total Sediment Thickness (m) 350 Total Penetration (m): 150 General Lithologies: Coring Plan: (Specify or check) Coring Plan: APC VPC APC Wireline Logging Standard Measurements Plan: WL XCB MDCB PCS RCB Re-entry Special Tools Magnetic Susceptibility LWD Magnetic Field Formation Image (Acoustic) Porosity Borehole Temperature Formation Fluid Sampling Density Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Formation Temperature & Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical VSP Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others: Sonic (∆t) Formation Image (Res) Check-shot (upon request) Max. Borehole Temp.: °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m m intervals from m to m m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals:5m Estimated Days: Drilling/Coring: Logging: Total On-site: Observatory Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Potential Hazards/ Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Seabed Condition Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Currents Gas Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Fracture Zone Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fault High Temperature H2S High Dip Angle Ice Conditions CO2 Sensitive marine habitat (e.g., reefs, (e.g., sea-floor cables, dump sites) vents) Other: Page 2 of 2 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:05 2013 by if351_pdf / planiglobe 2007 - 2013 (user 0.2418) Preferred weather window Form 2 - Site Survey Detail IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Site #: 845 APT-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 * Key to SSP Requirements X=required; X*=may be required for specific sites; Y=recommended; Y*=may be recommended for specific sites; R=required for re-entry sites; T=required for high temperature environments; † Accurate velocity information is required for holes deeper than 400m. SSP Require- Exists ments * in DB 1 High resolution Primary Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Data Type In SSDB SSP Req. seismic reflection Details of available data and data that are still to be collected 1a High resolution seismic reflection 2 Deep Penetration (primary) Location: Crossing Line(s) Primary Line(s) 1b Highseismic reflection resolution seismic reflection (crossing) Location: 2a Deep 3 Seismic Velocity penetration seismic reflection (primary) 4 Seismic Grid Location: 2b Deep penetration seismic 5a Refraction (surface) reflection (crossing) Location: Crossing Line(s) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) 3 Seismic Velocity 5b Refraction (near bottom) 4 Seismic Grid 5a Refraction 6 3.5 kHz (surface) 5b Refraction (bottom) 7 Swath bathymetry 6 3.5 kHz 8a Side-looking 7 Swath bathymetry sonar (surface) 8a8b SideSide-looking looking sonar (surface) sonar (bottom) 8b Side looking 9 (bottom) sonar Photography or Video 9 Photography or 10 videoHeat Flow 10 Heat Flow 11a Magnetics 11a Magnetics 11b Gravity 11b Gravity 12 Sediment cores 12 Sediment cores 13 Rock sampling 13 Rock sampling 14a Water current data 14a 14b IceWater current data Conditions 14b 15 OBSIce Conditions microseismicity OBS microseismicity 1615 Navigation 17 Other 16 Navigation 17 Other Page 1 of 1 - Site Survey Details generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:07 2013 by if352_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.4580) Location of Site on line (SP or Time only) Form 3 – Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 Site #: APT-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 Water Depth (m): 2671 Sed. Penetration (m): 150 Basement Penetration (m): 0 Are high temperatures or other special requirements (e.g., unstable formations), anticipated for logging at this site? Estimated total logging time for this site: Relevance Measurement Type (1=high, 3=low) Scientific Objective Check Shot Survey 0 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 0 Geochemical 0 Side-wall Core Sample 0 Formation Fluid Sampling 0 Borehole Temperature 0 Magnetic Susceptibility 0 Magnetic Field 0 VSP 0 Formation Image (Acoustic) 0 Formation Pressure & Temperature 0 Other (SET, SETP, ...) 0 Page 1 of 1 - Detailed Logging and Downhole Measurement Plan generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:09 2013 by if353_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2126) IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 1 Summary OperationsHazard at site: Pollution &ofSafety (Example: to refusal, XCB 10 1. Summary ofTriple-APC Operations at site. m into basement, log as shown on form 3); 2. All hydrocarbon include # of holesoccurrences for APC/XCB, # of basedtemperature on previous DSDP/ODP/IODP deployments) drilling. 3. All commercial drilling in this area that or yielded significant 2 produced Based onshows. previous DSDP/ODP/IODP hydrocarbon drilling, list all hydrocarbon 4. Indications of gas hydrates occurrences of greater than at this location. background levels. Give nature of and depth of rock. 5. Are show, thereage reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? From available information, list all 6.3What "special" precautions will be commercial drilling in this area that taken during drilling? produced or yielded significant 7. What abandonment hydrocarbon shows.procedures Give depths and need to beoffollowed? ages hydrocarbon - bearing deposits. 8. Natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations. 9. Summary: What do you consider the risks in drilling at this site? 4 major Are there any indications of gas hydrates at this location? Give details. 5 Are there reasons to expect hydrocarbon accumulations at this site? Please give details. 6 What “special” precautions need to be taken during drilling? 7 What abandonment procedures need to be followed: 8 Please list other natural or manmade hazards which may effect ship's operations: (e.g. ice, currents, cables) 9 Summary: What do you consider the major risk in drilling at this site? Page 1 of 1 - Environmental Protection generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:12 2013 by if354_t_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2602) Site #: Comment Form 4 – Environmental Protection APT-01B Date Form Submitted: 2013-10-03 16:52:48 IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: Subbottom depth (m) 845 Key reflectors, Unconformities, faults, etc Page 1 of 1 generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:14 2013 by if355_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2011 (user 0.2361) - Form 5 – Lithologies Site #: Apl Age Assumed velocity (km/sec) APT-01B Lithology Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:48:34 Paleo-environment Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments IODP Site Summary Forms: Proposal #: 845 - Subbottom Site depth (m) Apl Form 5 – Lithologies Form 6 - Site Summary Figure Site #: APT-01B Date Form Subm.: 2013-10-01 22:48:34 Key reflectors,This information Age Assumed Lithology Paleo-environment Summary is already part of the SAFARI proposal. Unconformities, velocity Figure Comment faults, etc (km/sec) Page 1 of 1 - Site Summary Figure generated: Wed Oct 9 00:03:17 2013 by if356_pdf / kk+w 2007 - 2012 (user 0.2090) Avg. rate of sed. accum. (m/My) Comments
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