AT KWOKWEHALA Fax cover sheet To: Arne Zabell FVRD 1 -604.792-%84 From: Othdlo Neighbourhood Associatian (ONA) Date; February 1, 2007 Re: Letters of support (5) for community projects to be applied-far by F W D on our behalf 6 pages including this fax cover sheet AT KWOKWEHALA PAGE 02 OtheLlo Neighbourhood Association (ONA) c/o Graham Zillwood, President 67700 Othello Road Hope, BC VOX 1L l 604-860-4300 January 31, 2007 Arne Zabell, Director, Area B Fraser Valley Regional Distrfct 45950 Cheam Ave. Chilliwack, BC via fax: 604-792-9684 Dear Director Zabell, Further to our communications, please accept this Letter of support for a grant opportunity under the Local Motion or Towns for Tomorrow programmes. Our community concept is for: 1) construction of a water drainage "filtering" system to reduce polluted water enterfng the Coqulhalla Rfver from road runoff 2) construction of a physical barrier for noise reduction, for vehicle emissions reduction, and for reduction of the number of vehicles crashing into the river along the section of the Coquihalla River across from our community of Othello. As you are aware there is slgnfficantly-growingnumbers of vehicles using the Coquihalla Freeway. This is affecting: 1) river water quality from road run-off so close to the river 2 ) steelhead fish stocks from run-off and exhaust pollution 3) pollution due to increased noise and traffic levels negatively affecting local residents social well-being 4) increased noise and traffic levels to local businesses (campground, healer, ecoretreat,dq kennel) We are hopeful you wlll assist N t h developing an estimate of cost. , Graham ~ i l w p r e s i d e n t ONA Sue VandeVelde-5avola,Treasorer, ONA AT KWOKWEHALA PAGE 03 Othello Nei~hbourhoodAssociation (ONA) c/o Graham Zillwwd, President 67700 Othello Road Hope, BC vox I LI 604-860-4300 January 31, 2007 Arne Zabell, Director, Area B Fraser Valley Regional District 45950 Cheam Ave. Chilliwack, BC via fax: 604-792-9684 Dear Director Zabell, Further to our communications, please accept this letter of support for a grant opportunity under the Local Motlon programme. Our community concept is for imflementation of a pedestrian and bike pathway along Othello Rmd, As you are well aware there are significant traffic safety issues due to this road being a small country road, Less than regulation wdth, trying to accommodate: 1) 240 semi-truck trips daily between the Coquihalla Freeway and the Nestle's plant 2) fnnumerable tandem dump t r u c k between the Ministry of Highways gravel pit and the Coquihalla Freeway 3) 250,000 tourists and innumerable tour buses annually driving to the Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park, mostly during peak tourism season 4) innumerable local and visiting walkers (including lots of baby prams), hikers, cyclists (Provincially-designated bike route) walking the corridor, especially along the section from the Othello Tunnels Campground to the Coqufhalla Canyon Provincial Park. 5) Regular traffic between the Coquihalla Freeway and the District of Hope We would also like to explore the opportunity for amending the traffic flow via a traffic circle at the intersection of Tunnels Road, Othello Road, and Fishcamp Road in order to provide traffic calming and traffic safety due t o the above factors. We are hopeful you will assist with developing an estimate of cost. Thank you for-cons ion. ~ i l l f i ~ r e s i d e n t , ONA Sue VandeVelde-Savola,Treasurer,ONA AT KWOKWEHALA PAGE 04 Othello Neighbourhood Association (ONA) c/o Graham fillwood, President 677W Othello Road Hope, BC VOX 1L1 604-860-4300 January 31, 2007 Arne Zabell, Director, Area 6 Fraser Valley Regional District 45950 Cheam Ave. Chilliwack, BC via fax: 604-792-9684 Dear Director Zabell, Further to our communicatlo~s,please accept tMs letter of support for a grant opportunity under the T o w s for Tomorrow programme. Our community concept is for improved dyking to accommodate high water and flooding of the CoquShalla River. While we do not have an estimate of cost as yet, we believe it w i l l be in the $450.000 range. The benefits of improving the dykes in our area are: 1) Bank safety 2) Tourist safety 3) Road safety 4) Resident safety 5) Downriver safety We are also waiting to hear from the Provincial Emergency Programme on this matter. Sue VandeVelde-Savola,Treasurer, ONA AT KWOKWEHALA PAGE 05 Othello Neighbourhood Association (ONA) C/O Graham Zillwood, President 67700 Othdlo Road Hope, BC VOX 1L1 604-860-4300 January 31, 2007 Arne ZabelL, Director, Area B Fraser Valley Regionat District 45950 Cheam Ave, Chilliwack, BC via fax: 604-792-9684 Dear Director Zabell, Further to our communications, please accept this letter of support for a grant opportunity under the Towns for Tomorrow programme. O w community square concept i s for a log structure to accommodate the following: A) A Lock-up section for: 1) School bus shelter 2) Children's safe bike storage, at the school bus stop, while children are at school 3) Canada Post boxes t o stop the frequent break-ins 4) Recycle "free" store/erchange to reuse items within the community B) A covered open-air section for: 1) a bench for children to wait for the school bus shelter 2) a tourist information map directing some 250,000 tourists annually to the Othello Tunnels/local hiking trails, and provision of local emergency contact numbers 3) a community bulletin board We have preliminary figures for an appropriate log structure from a Local log home builder a t 18,000, including solar lighting and foundation. Landxaping is estimated at 52,000. We are waiting to hear from private corporations to share in top-up funding. Thank you for your consideration. AT KWOKWEHALA PAGE 06 Othello NeighbourRoodAssociation (ONA) c/o Graham Zillwood, President 67700 Othello Road Hope, BC VOX 1L1 604-860-4300 January 31, 2007 Arne Zabell, Director, Area B Fraser Valley Regional District 45950 Cheam Ave. Chilliwack, BC via fax: 604-792-9684 Dear Director Zabell, Further to our communications, please accept this letter of support for a grant opportunity under the Splrtt Squares programme. Our community square concept i s for a 1% structure to accommodate the following: A) A lock-up section for: 1) School bus shelter 2) Children's safe bike storage, a t the school bus stop, while children are at school 3) Canada Post boxes to stop the frequent break-ins 4) Recycle "free" storelexchange to reuse items within the community B) A covered open-air section for: 1) a bench for children to wait for the school bus shelter 2) a tourist information map directing some 250,000 tourists annually to the Othello Tunnels/Local hiking trails, and provision of local emergency contact numbers 3) a community bulletin board We have preliminary figures for an appropriate log structure from a local lq home builder a t 18,000, including solar lighting and foundation. Landszapins is estimated at S2,ODO. We are waitlng to hear from private corporations to share in top-up funding. Thank you for your:sonsideration. Graham , President, ONA Sue VandeVelde-Savda Treasurer, ONA
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