Minnesota State University Moorhead Assessment Report Cover Sheet (An electronic version of this form can be accessed at http://www.mnstate.edu/assess) Note: All non-accredited programs are required to complete this form. Include Assessment Reporting Forms for each learning outcome assessed. Academic Program: B.S. Physics Department: Physics and Astronomy College: College of Social and Natural Sciences Date: 4/6/2011 1. Name(s) of Department Assessment Coordinator and/or Assessment Committee Members Linda Winkler, Steve Lindaas, Matthew Craig 2. List of All Student Learning Outcomes. (List all outcomes, placing an asterisk (*) by the outcomes you are assessing this year.) 1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of experimental and theoretical physics. 2. Apply analytical thinking, mathematical analysis, and computational techniques to the solution of problems. 3. Reach both quantitative and qualitative conclusions from experimental and observational data. 4. Apply analytical thinking, instrumentation skills, and computer techniques to perform experiments. 5.* Design and carry out independent research. 3. Describe how your program has addressed the comments from the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee during the past two academic years? (If you have made changes to your plan, file a revised Assessment Plan Cover Sheet and Assessment Planning Form(s).) We will re-evaluate our goals for learning outcome #1, evaluated using the Major Field Test with a goal of 80th percentile scores for our seniors after the next time we administer the test in May 2011. We have begun offering the test every 18 months rather than every year to ensure large enough cohorts that we can get more detailed comparative statistics between our students and others taking the test from ETS. 4. If you have received an Instructional Improvement Grant in the past two years, identify the outcomes on which the grant was based and provide a summary here of the results from your grant. NA 5. Signatures Department Chair or Program Director Dean or Director Required Attachments: 1. Assessment Reporting Forms 2. Records of department meetings when Assessment Report was discussed and approved. Minnesota State University Moorhead Assessment Reporting Form (An electronic version of this form can be accessed at http://www.mnstate.edu/assess) Instructions: Include this form for each student learning outcome assessed during the previous year. Include Assessment Report Cover Sheet. Academic Program: B.S. Physics 1. Learning outcome assessed (please include the number of the outcome to correspond with the list on the cover sheet). 5.* Design and carry out independent research. 2. Describe assessment measure used for this learning outcome (attach instrument or rubric) Senior Project Rubric, used to evaluate oral presentations of senior projects. 3. Expected/satisfactory student results (from assessment plan) All students will receive an Acceptable (3) or higher rating in each category of the rubric. 4. Actual results from the past year (attach additional information, if necessary) Detailed results are attached. Averages ranged from 3.66 to 4.15. The data set includes all senior projects since the last assessment report, a total of 10 senior projects. 5. Describe and explain available trend data for student performance on this outcome over the past several years. In other words, describe how the results of this measure have changed over the past several years. Performance on the senior project continues to improve. It is reassuring to see that improvement in a cohort larger than all of the previous cohorts combined (10 in this report, 3 in the 2009 report and 2 in the 2007 report). In addition to an increase in the average performance, most of the projects in this reporting period scored 4 (Very Good) or higher in each category rated. The 2010 group includes strong projects from students with a wide range of GPAs, indicating that the continued improvement is in a skill distinct from what we grade in our other courses. 6. Proposed action in response to results. (Please note if improvements can be made with existing department resources. If improvements cannot be made with existing department resources, consider applying for an Instructional Improvement Grant.) It might be possible to further improve outcomes by making the senior project more structured and providing formal feedback to the student during project from several faculty members. We have recently changed the senior project to require a committee of faculty to regularly review projects and give feedback, and anticipate being able to discuss impacts of that in future reports. Department of Physics and Astronomy Senior Project Assessment Summary Data Average of score Column Labels Row Labels Background Conclusion Methods Results Understanding Grand Total F2009_1 3.33 3.00 4.50 3.13 3.67 3.53 Sp2010_1 4.20 3.42 4.17 3.50 3.33 3.71 Sp2010_2 4.40 4.00 4.00 4.10 3.70 4.04 Sp2010_3 4.50 4.13 4.63 4.38 4.50 4.43 Sp2010_4 4.50 4.58 4.33 4.67 4.58 4.53 Sp2010_5 4.20 3.30 4.30 3.90 4.30 4.00 Sp2010_6 4.10 3.00 3.40 3.00 3.30 3.36 Sp2010_7 3.75 3.92 4.42 3.92 4.08 4.02 Sp2010_8 3.13 2.25 2.88 2.38 3.00 2.73 F2010_1 4.83 4.33 4.42 4.58 4.17 4.47 Grand Total 4.15 3.66 4.13 3.81 3.89 3.93 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:F2009_1 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 3.33 Comments Certainly could have had more background; Good understanding of details of alternate methods of potential calculation that he mentioned but many omitted clear statement of hypothesis; Not present for this Methods 4.50 Seemed appropriate if unrealized; Seemed to understand the method fairly well; Well organized, though not super detailed Results 3.13 Handled questions about accuracy. Presentation of main graph is unclear. Did better with some prompting; He should have used the scale on his graph that showed the most clear relationship. Current graph looks like line was sketched in rather randomly; It would be nice to see this applied beyond testing the algorithm. But algorithm looks well tested.; Not much physics here. Better if solving a physics problem Conclusion 3.00 Good enough based on insufficient data; It would be nice to see this applied beyond testing the algorithm. But algorithm looks well tested.; Seemed ok Understanding 3.67 Clear explanation fo low end and overhead. Well, depends on what you mean- no real grasp; He did a clear presentation of a nasty concept. Honest about "lack of physics"; Would like to have seen more physics understanding, but knowledge of computational methods seemed fine ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:F2010_1 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.83 Comments Excellent background on nanotubes and on broader applications; Good motivation for replacing ITO w/SWCNT; Nice pictures- motivation (InSnO2) - Good!; Presented the background well, good delivery, although how much was known vs. read?; Very good understanding of project and significance. Better research than most Methods 4.42 Image needed to show approach; Method is good, explanation of filtered/unfiltered graphs; Seemed reasonable; Very clear explanation, stuck on a hard question on stress vx. Strain; Very good here. Wasn't sure on stress and strain and how it relates to Young's mod Results 4.58 Clearly presented, understands the underlying relationship; Cool video too; Good explanation fo data. Error bars on theory; Good lcear plots to illustrate theoretical vs. observed. Good answer to metal vs. semi question; Seemed reasonable for a work in progress with little theory yet to guide analysis of shy equations were wrong, etc. Conclusion 4.33 Could relate back to motivation; Good understanding of limits on his understanding of his results; Interesting interpretation of swelling of film Understanding 4.17 Clear- able to address issues that were brought up concerning the project; Good here. Maybe more materials science. More understanding than most. Didn't understand some of the techniques used too- like Ftransform. Really good project on "cutting edge"; Seems to clearly know what he knows and doesn't know yet; Some trouble w/defs of stress & strain ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_1 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.20 Comments Good practicle use. Could use an actual interferometer from optics lab; I missed some of this, so can't comment; Ok, didn't stand out. Did have wide. Many slides hard to read (black letters on blue blackground); Partially reflective mirrors. Good list of uses. Thin film deposit goes beyond just mirrors. Black on blue is hard to read; seemed good Methods 4.17 Again, this was an engineering project that seemed to be success. He was making progress.; Good description; Good explanation of pump (even if slides were a bit rushed); Nice schematic of process Results 3.50 Good explanation. Needs to analyze (change existing data) then take more data or change exp variable; How much? Doesn't have his equation yet; Kinda used graphs (AFM) without knowing about them. Didn't see quantitative results about mirror; Needs to understand AFM data. Collect more data related to his own question; Not great understanding of AFM results and real data on reflectivity; One slide we get a mirror…ah no, more analysis, good. Results of AFM not clear…needs to quanify/clarify Conclusion 3.42 But made a nice mirror; Don't present results unless you understand them. Show results (mirrors); kinda hard to tell what conclusion was; Needs stronger conclusion. Made a claim based on your data; Same weakness as results; Very brief, "we got this working" Understanding 3.33 Admitted he didn't understand AFM results (helped him with results). He knows the experiment; AFM piece was weak; Don't put up the AFM slide of the smoothness of the surface if you don't know what it means; Good. Some points to work on, but strong overall; Torr? Roughness ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_2 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.40 Comments Good- would like to have seem nore background on solid state; Great qualitative of quantitative explanation; Reasonable description of quantum tunneling. A little unclear on "spatroscopy" aspect, but I think I understood what he meant; Schematic- small one is good. (larger new would be helpful). What does WKB stand for? Quantum tunneling wave function does not look right Methods 4.00 A bit tense, but covers the basics; Good; Good image of graphite, nice discussion of noise; Unclear on what I vs V means in terms of spectra of object. Nice disucssion of I vs V in questions Results 4.10 Need to describe IV curve- good job. Not clear about how IV curve details (good to note that this is averaged line); Nice spectrum, not clear on significance; Not clear how much "variance" there is in spectra- what is noise level?; Very curt results. But that was good, I suppose Conclusion 4.00 Band gaps- has basic understanding. Might not have complete understanding but went ahead and completeed a nice derivation; No conclusion drawn; No errors that I can see, but curt; Not entirely clear why no spikes pos and neg in spectrum (expected has definite sign) Understanding 3.70 A bit fuzzy on significance of results; Band gaps and density of stats needs work; Having difficulty interpreting his ; Only weakness was understanding of d(ln(I))/d(ln(V)) and LDOS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_3 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.50 Comments Clear and as far as I know, correct; Good, would have been better to say more about goals; Need a picture of F=grad( m dot B), nice pictures for magnetization Methods 4.63 Good description of e/m theory; Model-description perhaps too much math w/o visual connection. How small a magnetization (m) can be ignored? Is aluminum diamagnetic or paramagnetic?; Very clear explanation for derivation of current in his "loops" Results 4.38 Good experimental description. Nice to see he figured out how much current needed; Good- how to make useful? Compare to mass of ball (real force). Good choice of units. Analysis (check); Theory equation. Good to do units check Conclusion 4.13 Final product is <F>, tried unknown values; Nice consideration fo options; What is R+X=? How could you increase H? Understanding 4.50 Answered questions reasonably well; Good work with equation and understanding; Much improvedtheoretically- still retained connection to concepts ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_4 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.50 Comments Acronyms- all defined/explained good. Project described completely; Clear explanation of motivation fro study and of techniques; Good; Nice discussion of why you might expect variability; The intro seemed to emphasize the goal of the variable star, but the whole rest of the presentation was calibration; Wold have been nice to see more bg on young stars, why they might vary Methods 4.33 Detailed step-by-step explanation. What was Heather's role (plots not coutesy of someone else); Discussion of data reduction used for light curve was a bit unclear at points (rushed); Light curve- process nicely explained (position read brightness determination clearly explained - complete). (Multiple methods described) Results 4.67 Good error based on plot; Good presentation of results, with errors; Graphs clear and explained. Calibration process clear. Error included! Conclusion 4.58 Could show a "typical" variable star light curve with magnitude expected. Clear conclusion. Work on conclusion.; Not "linear"… flat. Sensible conclusion based on data; Rushed, but reasonable Understanding 4.58 A few "misused" technical terms, but you understood what you meant; Excellent; Good use of examples. Good description of error and limits; Hard to assess, not a lot of time for questions but seemed well versed. More emphasis on methodology/calibration than on the results of light curve itself, maybe I missed the point?; Seems to hafve been independent here, good ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_5 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.20 Comments Good; Good here; I think she understood it, but I was a bit confused with how hologram is viewable (why we can see 3D image. Otherwise, very good; Tolerance for path length difference. Temporal vx. Spatial adherence needs to be defined. Parallax vx whole field (need to phase problem (twin image) Methods 4.30 Good here; Seemed ok, but rainbow perhaps too ambitious? For available setup; The film interference not as clear. Good schematics; Very clear method. Easy to follow Results 3.90 Good description of why it might have failed; Good on transmission; Hard to assess as rainbow. Was getting rushed by constraints; Process described nicely. Able to explain results completely Conclusion 3.30 Hologramm did not work; Was a copy (w/o slit) tried? Was there any success Understanding 4.30 Admitted she didn't kow proper slit width or proper distance to place hologram plate; Good here. Questionsgood answers; Needs more of theoretical (Hyguns Principle, etc). Grounding; Seemed ok, but no time for many questions, so… A lot of handwaving, could use more slices to "visualize" how they are made, work such as the transmissions vs. reflection or maybe reorder your 2 more detailed slides even better than either comparison slides ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_6 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 4.10 Comments Good overview of lenses and good discussion of lensing eq & how used; Good, motivation somewhat weak; Nice images- perhaps relate to simple lens situation. Good lens equation; Not sure if it is a language proficiency limit, but slides were clear and as far as I know, correct Methods 3.40 Described limitations of packages used; Not clear on how gravlens and lens model different. Limitations slide unclear; Ok, derivation fo point mass somewhat unclear; Solid here. A little unclear on how X^2 was used- look for lowest ? Results 3.00 Did have mass and position X^2; I was unclear on how she was getting real data with lens model.; Not clear if there is complete understanding of scale (might be a bad question); Not good understanding of X^2 Conclusion 3.00 Didn't really get at how calc. compares to simulation gravlens; Uncertainty- need to know tolerance X^2 meaning (more basic theory just get it to 0). No error Understanding 3.30 A bit fuzzy on how to compare numbers; I am not certain what knowledge she had outside of fravlens/lens model. She did know what the lens was; Not a deep understanding of complicated systems, but not bad on point mass; Simulation needs to confirm the methods so confidence in end result can be believed ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_7 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 3.75 Comments Good here; Graphic of jet engine vx. Pulse jet need more harmonic types [(open/closed)] not just [open/open]. Acoustic graph/description good; I was confused. 2 cycle chainsaw role in rocket? This could have been clearer; Nice illustrations, represents clear effort in carrying out project; What kind of wave? Sound! Methods 4.42 Good experiment; Good presentation of data, including linerization and error; Impressed with set up! Creative!; Nice discussion of rocket; Seemed to make a few methadological errors early and limited ability; Why do you expect resonances? What will they tell you? Schematic of system- matched to picture would be good Results 3.92 Check units; length = cm; Data was limited by methods. Not sure what can be drawn from 3 points?; Kinda not clear on what the plots show. F vs 1/2 seems to be, with slope = velocity?; Model needs to be explaned. Pitch vs. length graph- needs better explanation; Nice- actually looked at standard dev to get at significance; Plots a bit unclear, but ok explanation Conclusion 3.92 I was unclear on which acoustics model you used; Limited by results; More careful analysis of possible errors would be good; Simple approach - not clear how or where assumptions were made Understanding 4.08 Not many questions. Was it supposed to be compared to a driven tone? Could you for that specific type?; Very decent answers to questions; Very good ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Senior Project Presenter:Sp2010_8 Rater: Title: Date: Scoring SCORE 5 SIMPLE DESCRIPTOR Excellent 4 Very good 3 Acceptable 2 Unacceptable 1 Failing DESCRIPTOR Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place, exhibits depth Shows conceptual understanding, all essential elements in place Shows conceptual understanding, but quantitative analysis is incomplete or incorrect Misunderstands key concepts and quantitative analysis is incorrect or incomplete Missing key elements, incomplete or incorrect on a large scale Components scored, oral presentation: Component Background Score 3.13 Comments Good intro; Ok explanation of background; Picture or schematic of what you are describing would help Methods 2.88 Followed outline of original papers pretty well; Not clear. Certainly can't see why w and v have same units. He indicated r is missing; Theory- hard to understand limits- better to show the limits for velocity and rotation. Could describe variables more completely Results 2.38 Missing variables- fix slides from SAC! What assumptions are you making. I=2/5 mr^2 (hollow ball). Did you try a simulation (vpython)?; Not actually literally like a harmonic oscillator; These came from demo? Or analysis? Results were really descriptions of eq. Nothing evaluated Conclusion 2.25 Again, are these from demo?; Good- looked at special cases. Does ball escape or not?; Really didn't conclude anything new though he did correctly fill in details Understanding 3.00 Does ball come exactly back to the hand? Simulation; Understands underlying derivation but broader results not well understood From: Subject: Date: To: Ananda Shastri <[email protected]> assessment April 19, 2011 3:06:26 PM CDT Matthew Craig <[email protected]> Matt, I approve the assessment report. --Ananda Ananda Shastri, Ph. D. Department of Physics and Astronomy Minnesota State University Moorhead Moorhead, MN, 56563 218 477 2448 [email protected] From: Subject: Date: To: "Dr. Juan E Cabanela Ph.D." <[email protected]> Re: [Physfac] Assessment report April 19, 2011 12:30:07 PM CDT Physfac Listserve <[email protected]> I approve both the Annual Report and the Assessment Report. Juan On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Matthew Craig wrote: Hi all, The assessment report is attached. It is somewhat brief because we are not administering the MFT until later this semester in order to pool our students into larger cohorts. Please respond by email to indicate whether you accept the report or not, or with any comments/suggestions. Matt Craig <PHYS_ASSESSMENT_APR_2011.pdf> Office hours/schedule at: http://physics.mnstate.edu/craig -Dr. Juan Cabanela 218-477-2453 (V) 218-477-2290 (F) Minnesota State University Moorhead WWW: http://www.cabanela.com/ Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Twitter: Juan_Kinda_Guy 1104 Seventh Ave South, Hagen 307B IM: AstroJuanCab (AIM) Moorhead, MN 56563 [email protected] (MSN) [email protected] (GTalk) Public PGP Key available at: http://www.cabanela.com/juan_public.asc _______________________________________________ Physfac mailing list [email protected] To unsubscribe http://lists.mnstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physfac From: Subject: Date: To: Linda Winkler <[email protected]> Re: [Physfac] Assessment report April 18, 2011 1:35:20 PM CDT Physfac Listserve <[email protected]> Hi Matt: I approve of assessment On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Matthew Craig wrote: Hi all, The assessment report is attached. It is somewhat brief because we are not administering the MFT until later this semester in order to pool our students into larger cohorts. Please respond by email to indicate whether you accept the report or not, or with any comments/suggestions. Matt Craig <PHYS_ASSESSMENT_APR_2011.pdf> Office hours/schedule at: http://physics.mnstate.edu/craig ---Professor and Chair Department of Physics and Astronomy Minnesota State University Moorhead 1104 7th Ave S, Moorhead MN 56563 phone: (218) 477-2439 fax: (218) 477-2290 _______________________________________________ Physfac mailing list [email protected] To unsubscribe http://lists.mnstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physfac _______________________________________________ Physfac mailing list [email protected] To unsubscribe http://lists.mnstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physfac From: Subject: Date: To: Steve Lindaas <[email protected]> Re: [Physfac] Assessment report April 19, 2011 1:27:07 AM CDT Physfac Listserve <[email protected]> Hi Matt, I approve both the Annual Report and the Assessment Report. The assessment report has a bunch of typos. Did you already fix them? - Steve On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Matthew Craig wrote: Hi all, The assessment report is attached. It is somewhat brief because we are not administering the MFT until later this semester in order to pool our students into larger cohorts. Please respond by email to indicate whether you accept the report or not, or with any comments/suggestions. Matt Craig <PHYS_ASSESSMENT_APR_2011.pdf> Office hours/schedule at: http://physics.mnstate.edu/craig ---Professor and Chair Department of Physics and Astronomy Minnesota State University Moorhead 1104 7th Ave S, Moorhead MN 56563 phone: (218) 477-2439 fax: (218) 477-2290 _______________________________________________ Physfac mailing list [email protected] To unsubscribe http://lists.mnstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physfac _______________________________________________ Physfac mailing list [email protected] To unsubscribe http://lists.mnstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physfac Department Annual Report Due: May 3, 2013 Department: Physics and Astronomy Chair/Director: Matt Craig Phone: x2439 Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Joy Lindell Phone: x2141 Email: [email protected] General Instructions 1. Complete the top portion of this sheet and attach it as the Cover Sheet with all other forms, including a record of department/program approval of the Department Annual Report. Submit the final document to your Dean. Assessment Reporting 2. Complete an Assessment Reporting Form for each student learning outcome you have assessed during the past year and submit the form(s) to your Dean and the University Assessment Committee. See the Program Outcomes Assessment web site at http://web.mnstate.edu/assess/poa for instructions and forms. Reporting 3. Progress Reporting: Describe progress made toward department/program goals since your last plan was submitted. Use Part A of the Department Annual Report Form (form is required). 4. Data and Information Reporting: Provide the following information, which will be necessary for the President’s final report to the Chancellor. A. Provide the number of students (majors and/or minors) who participated in internships or other professional experiences during the past year (e.g., undergraduate research, student teaching, clinical experiences, assistantships). B. Describe any advisory board activity for your department/program. C. Report on your department’s external activities, including external partnerships, community service or service learning, and/or community outreach. D. Describe any curricular revision or innovation undertaken by your department/program in the past year. In particular, please describe your department’s progress in implementing (a) high-impact initiatives and/or (b) curriculum revisions or innovations that are designed to achieve the System’s goal of meeting local and regional workforce needs. E. For possible inclusion in the Great Grads publication: Identify students who have received noteworthy jobs or internships. How many of your majors have been accepted to graduate and professional school programs? Note those students who have received a scholarship or assistantship. F. Describe any other significant departmental accomplishments during the past year. Planning 5. Provide a two-year course offering schedule. Identify and justify staffing needs you anticipate for FY2014 and FY2015. Please consider the impact of anticipated sabbatical leaves and/or retirements. 6. Attach a record of departmental approval of all items submitted. Minnesota State University Moorhead Assessment Report Cover Sheet (An electronic version of this form can be accessed at http://web.mnstate.edu/assess) Note: All non-accredited programs are required to complete this form. Include Assessment Reporting Forms for each learning outcome assessed. Academic Program: B.S. Physics Department: Physics and Astronomy College: CSNS Date: 5/02/2013 1. Name(s) of Department Assessment Coordinator and/or Assessment Committee Members Richard Lahti, Mathew Craig, Linda Winkler 2. List of All Student Learning Outcomes. (List all outcomes, placing an asterisk (*) by the outcomes you are assessing this year.) *1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of experimental and theoretical physics. 2. Apply analytical thinking, mathematical analysis, and computational techniques to the solution of problems. 3. Reach both quantitative and qualitative conclusions from experimental and observational data. 4. Apply analytical thinking, instrumentation skills, and computer techniques to perform experiments. *5. Design and carry out an independent research. 3. Describe how your program has addressed the comments from the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee during the past two academic years? (If you have made changes to your plan, file a revised Assessment Plan Cover Sheet and Assessment Planning Form(s).) We received no feedback on our 2011 report (because we sent it to Dean Malott and did not CC [email protected]). We have not formally addressed the concerns of the 2007 report (the last on record at the assessment website) as of this report. We expect those changes to be submitted in a modified assessment plan this summer. We are looking at ways to implement more objective measurements across more levels, rather than relying primarily on the more subjective senior project rubric that only measures outcomes during the final semester of the senior year. We are also planning on revising the rubrics (senior project as well as rubrics used in individual classes) to align exactly with student learning outcomes as was suggested in the feedback from 2007, and simplify the rubric to a 3 point (Meets, Exceeds, or Below Expectations) as Dr. Anderson has suggested to other departments on several occasions. Finally, we will establish a regular procedure for the major field test so that we are not comparing apples to oranges. One reason we have not made these changes yet is that a large bubble of majors (potentially ~24) is entering its second year in the program. Some feedback on the 2007 report concerned the low numbers of graduates harming the analysis, but if 24 students per class becomes the new normal, this will help that concern. The larger reason we have not modified our plan yet is that we are in the middle of a curricular reform, starting with freshman curriculum during 2012-2013, and moving on to sophomore classes in 2013-2014. It makes sense to start the new plan (particularly if it continues with the assessment of SLO 3 in the sophomore class PHYS 306) once the new 306 format has been finalized. 4. If you have received an Instructional Improvement Grant in the past two years, identify the outcomes on which the grant was based and provide a summary here of the results from your grant. NA 5. Signatures Department Chair or Program Director Dean or Director Required Attachments: 1. Assessment Reporting Forms 2. Records of department meetings when Assessment Report was discussed and approved. Minnesota State University Moorhead Assessment Reporting Form (An electronic version of this form can be accessed at http://www.mnstate.edu/assess) Instructions: Include this form for each student learning outcome assessed during the previous year. Include Assessment Report Cover Sheet. Academic Program: B.S. Physics 1. Learning outcome assessed (please include the number of the outcome to correspond with the list on the cover sheet). 1.* Demonstrate basic knowledge of experimental and theoretical physics. 2. Describe assessment measure used for this learning outcome (attach instrument or rubric) The primary assessment measure used for SLO #1 is the Major Field Test (MFT) in physics, data from the May, 2011 exam. Results from this exam (created by Educational Testing Services), as well as information about interpreting the scores, will be attached. Eight students took this test. 3. Expected/satisfactory student results (from assessment plan) Our assessment plan stated "Each student will achieve 80% or better in each subtopic tested." Since only raw scores and percentile scores are reported, when we write the new plan this summer, we will rewrite the student results in terms of percentile. As for now, however, this is the language from the current plan. 4. Actual results from the past year (attach additional information, if necessary) The results of the 2011 Major Field Test are clearly bimodal. Recognizing that a sample of 8 students is pretty small to draw any grand conclusions, it is clear that the MSUM physics and Astronomy department turns out some good majors (58th-73rd percentile on either the total test or a particular subscore) but that a number of our majors failed to perform well on the 2011 MFT (with 1/2 of students scoring 16th percentile or below overall). In particular, our students performed very poorly on the Introductory Topics subscore, with 5 of 8 scoring 15th percentile or below). In contrast, only 1 of 8 students scored below the 19th percentile on the Advanced Topics subscore. As an institution, MSUM was in the 12th percentile overall, with a 10th percentile performance in Introductory Topics and a 23rd percentile performance in Advanced Topics. 5. Describe and explain available trend data for student performance on this outcome over the past several years. In other words, describe how the results of this measure have changed over the past several years. We have noted that students have performed more poorly on the introductory topics compared to the advanced topics each year we have given the MFT. With such small numbers of students, any movement has to be taken with a grain of salt. Too make matters worse, the samples were not equivalent. Some of the graduating seniors in the 2009 sample represented the best majors we have had in the program in a decade. The 2011 data set, on the other hand, represents a combination of some weak seniors as well as some sophomores and juniors. The underclasspeople are disadvantaged because they have not yet completed all of the coursework for the degree (as can be illustrated by the fact that one of these students was the only MSUM student to score higher on his/her introductory topics subscore than the advanced topics subscore). That being said. results from the 2011 MFT were weaker than either previous cohort across every category. See attached. 6. Proposed action in response to results. (Please note if improvements can be made with existing department resources. If improvements cannot be made with existing department resources, consider applying for an Instructional Improvement Grant.) We encourage physics students to work as paid teaching assistants in classes that they have already taken. While there are numerous benefits that we hope to reap from this practice (increased sense of community, an additional person that students can ask questions of to speed up feedback during lab, etc.) the benefit relevant to this report is that in revisiting introductory topics during later semesters as a teaching assistant, student mastery of these topics will hopefully increase. While we had begun using students as TA's by 2011, none of the students in the 2011 cohort had extensive experience as a TA. Minnesota State University Moorhead Assessment Reporting Form (An electronic version of this form can be accessed at http://www.mnstate.edu/assess) Instructions: Include this form for each student learning outcome assessed during the previous year. Include Assessment Report Cover Sheet. Academic Program: B.S. Physics 1. Learning outcome assessed (please include the number of the outcome to correspond with the list on the cover sheet). 5.* Design and carry out independent research. (Yes, we are aware this is the same SLO assessed in our last report in 2011). 2. Describe assessment measure used for this learning outcome (attach instrument or rubric) Senior Project Rubric (attached), used to evaluate oral presentations of senior projects. 3. Expected/satisfactory student results (from assessment plan) All students will receive an Acceptable (3) or higher rating in each category of the rubric. 4. Actual results from the past year (attach additional information, if necessary) Detailed results are attached. Average scores (across raters) on each of the 5 subscores ranged from 3.49 to 3.92. These results were slighly lower for 4 of the 5 subscores, but slightly higher for the subscore Understanding (see attached). The data set includes all senior projects since the last assessment report, a total of 7 senior projects. Of the 7 senior projects, 6/7 exceeded level 3 (Acceptable) overall, with the last missing it by 0.07. Of the subscores used on the senior project rubric, Background, Methods and Understanding met or exceeded Acceptable for all students, with 6/7 meeting or exceeding Acceptable for Results and 5/7 meeting or exceeding Acceptable for Conclusion. Their were fewer very low scores on the recent projects (below 2.5), as the graph attached shows. 5. Describe and explain available trend data for student performance on this outcome over the past several years. In other words, describe how the results of this measure have changed over the past several years. Performance on the senior project continues to improve. While the scores show a slight decrease, it is the consensus of the department that as the quality of our students and their projects improve, we have graded more stringently and recalibrated what is currently "Acceptable" (i.e. projects that scored a 3.0 8 years ago might only score a 1.0 or 2.0 today). Unfortunately, we realize that this approach is not consistent with assessment best practices as it negates the point of trying to be quantitative about observing change over time. We have discussed the idea of trying to calibrate our scoring of senior projects to improve interrater reliability, but have not implemented this yet. 6. Proposed action in response to results. (Please note if improvements can be made with existing department resources. If improvements cannot be made with existing department resources, consider applying for an Instructional Improvement Grant.) We have restructured our senior project and have been implementing a more supportive structure with more checkpoints, which seems to have improved the quality of the projects (numbers aside). We will propose a new assessment plan consistent with our new curriculum in the near future. Senior'Project'Rubric:' ' ' ' Comparing'the'rubric'scores'on'the'final'project'from'the'2011'report'to'the'current'(2013)'report.'' Overall'there'was'little'change.''Although'4'of'the'5'scores'decreased'from'the'2011'report'to'the'2013' report'and'only'1'improved,'there'were'no'sub'2.5'scores'in'among'the'most'recent'senior'projects.' ' Rubric' Background' Methods' Results' Conclusion' Understanding' ' 2011'report' 4.09' 3.59' 4.10' 3.75' 3.86' 2013'report' 3.73' 3.49' 3.82' 3.60' 3.92' ' ' ' ' Results'of'2011'Major'Field'Test.' Cohort/Sessio n PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 PhysicsMajors 2011 INSTITUTIONALA MEAN Total/Raw/ Score Total/ percentile/ score Raw/Score,/ introductary/ topics Percentile/ score,/ introductory/ topics Raw/Score,/ advanced/ topics Percentile/ Score,/ advanced/ topics 124 2nd 26 4th 25 3rd 135 16th 34 15th 37 19th 144 38th 34 15th 55 61st 132 11th 26 4th 40 25th 132 11th 21 1st 46 39th 160 73rd 60 73rd 58 67th 157 67th 55 63rd 58 67th 139 27th 52 58th 37 19th 140.4 12th 38.5 10th 44.5 23rd Historical'Results'of'Major'Field'Test' number@of@ students Total Pre/2009 10 38%/tile 2009 6 52%/tile 2011 8 12%/tile Percentile Intro 30%/tile 37%/tile 10%/tile Advanced 52.5%/tile 64%/tile 23%/tile ' Information'on'interpreting'the'major'field'test'scores'and'subUscores'can'be'found'at:' http://www.ets.org/s/mft/pdf/physics4amf.pdf' ' ' ' Department/Program Annual Report Form Parts A&B Department/Program: Physics and Astronomy Part A: Progress Report (based on 2012-2013): Departmental/Programmatic Goal Investigate*offering*a*less*technical*version*of*physics* degree Build*the*Sustainability*Program*through*increased* undergraduate*research*opportunities*and*the*continued* development*and*implementation*of*the*sustainability* house*project.* Progress Report (describe status of department/program actions with respect to each goal) Action deferred until 2013-14 because of unexpected demand for our traditional physics curriculum. Spring and Summer 2012, two students worked with Dr. Shastri on developing a pulsed field gradient NMR system for fuel-related research. Dr. Shastri published a paper studying the fundamental science of proton conducting materials. WILL PUT UPDATES FROM LINDAAS AND JACOBS HERE In Fall 2012, Dr. Cabanela re-wrote operating instructions for the telescope. Continue*developing*a*strong*Astronomy*program*by* In Spring 2013 Dr. Craig and Dr. Cabanela continued development of a providing*research*and*outreach*opportunities. reduction pipeline for observatory data and delivered a course on astronomical image analysis. An articulation agreement with NDSU for mechanical engineering was Expand*and*enhance*the*dual*degree*program submitted to the Dean’s office in spring 2013. Dr. Lindaas developed a set of course materials based on the textbook Matter Implement*first*year*of*curricular*changes.* and Interactions that integrate computer modeling of physical systems into lab. Develop*plan*for*assessing*impact*of*changes*to*curriculum.* A revised assessment plan is being developed. Develop*detailed*implementation*plan*for*2nd*year* curriculum,*submit*for*approval*to*college*curriculum* committee.* Revisions to many of our courses, including the second year, were submitted to the college curriculum committee in the fall and received final approval in Spring 2013. In addition to changes in the course outlines for the 2nd year curriculum, pre-requisite requirements were updated for all courses and numerous small errors in course descriptions and outlines were corrected. rd Develop*detailed*proposal*for*expanding*lab*offerings*in*3 * Deferred until 2013-14. and*4th*year.* Continue*collaboration*with*the*Society*of*Physics*Students* (SPS)*and*area*schools*to*deliver*outreach*experiences*that* enhance*retention*and*serve*as*a*catalyst*for*future* student*recruitment.* Increase*variety*and*types*of*programming*in*the* planetarium*and*further*develop*infrastructure*for*small* telescope*observing*at*the*RSC,*and*increase*participation* of*majors*in*astronomy*programming.* Formally*revise*curriculum*for*physics*major*with* astronomy*emphasis.* SPS added new outreach events this year (Halloween hands-on night with planetarium) and continued for a second year outreach events it began last year (Science Demo Show, hands-on demo room at Ellen Hopkins Family Fun Night) and participated in several other outreach events. Some SPS members acted as mentors for the FIRST robotics team at Moorhead High School. Several students have been trained to deliver public programs; some of those students are graduating so a new group of students , freshman and sophomore majors with an astronomy emphasis is being trained to deliver public programming and administer the constellation test that is part of the intro astro course. Several new programs have been purchased/developed for the planetarium and the planetarium director has trained one faculty member to assist in delivering shows to school groups. A curriculum revision was prepared and went through the academic governance approval process, with final approval in Feb 2013. Provide the number of students (majors and/or minors) who participated in internships or other professional experiences during the past year (e.g., undergraduate research, student teaching, clinical experiences, assistantships). A. Number: ____59_(students are counted once for each activity in which they participate) List of students/activities: ● Undergraduate research: ○ Hollee Johnson, variable star photometry ○ Uche Ogbonnaya, physics of the high jump ○ Shouvik Bhattacharya, variable star photometry ○ Wes Teo, solar panel efficiency ○ Nick Weir, building and testing an a data acquisition system ○ Ishan Subedi, building and testing a Tesla coil ○ Nathan Walker, crystal radio lab for physics of music class ○ Andrew Larson, crystal radio lab for physics of music class ○ Daniel Houk, pulsed field gradient NMR probe construction ○ Taffeny Gladney, building a filter for an ECG device ○ Pragalv Karki, building a helmholtz coil ● Participation in outreach (NOTE: Outreach activities will be described in more detail below): ○ Hands-on Light and Sound at Ellen Hopkins Elementary School: Abel Tilahun, Hollee Johnson, Beau Scheving, Laura Herzog, Tyler Lane, Johnson Anya, Elizabeth Overboe, Wyatt Davis, Aaron Peterson ○ Lead mentors for the Moorhead High School FIRST robotics team: LeAnn Washenberger, Anthony Woltman. Additional student mentors: Tom Brennan, Sri Kadimatsky, James Diem mentors. ○ STEM Marketplace for Kids: KG, Loza, TJ Rydeen, Brett Brunsvold ○ Expanding Your Horizons: Loza, Susan, Laura Herzog ● Student assistantships: ○ Wesley Teo, Nick Weir, Hollee Johnson, Shouvik Bhattacharya, Meredith McLinn, Ashan Perera, TJ Rydeen, Aaron Peterson, Scott Froehle, Andrew Larson, Pragalv Karki, Sarah Berg, Christine M, Saralynn Dobler, Tyler Lane, Laura Herzog, Nathan Heidt, Iwnetim Abate ● Student presentations at conferences: ○ Hollee Johnson and Meredith McLinn, 6th Annual Midwest Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, January 2013 ○ Iwnetim Abate, National Collegiate Research Conference, Harvard University, January 2013; Awarded “People’s Choice Award” for poster presentation ○ Shouvik Bhattacharya, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2013 ○ Iwnetim Abate, NCUR Conference, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, April 2013 ○ Jordan Pienneke and Hollee Johnson, State SAC held at MSU-Mankato, Feb 2013 ○ Andrew Larson, Pragalv Karki attended the Σ Π Σ Quadrennial Congress ○ In addition, 17 students presented 12 projects at the Student Academic Conference at MSUM. B. Describe any advisory board activity for your department/program. We are in the early stages of forming an advisory board for the Academic Sustainability Program. C. Report on your department’s external activities, including external partnerships, community service or service learning, and/or community outreach External professional activities (community service listed separately) Faculty Member Organization/activity Additional description Dr. Linda Winkler American Journal of Physics Reviewer Dr. Linda Winkler Advisory Board for American Journal of Physics Serving three year term Dr. Linda Winkler Co-author on publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research "Sounding of the plasmasphere by Midcontinent Magnetoseismic Chair (McMAC) magnetometers", accepted April, 2013 Dr. Linda Winkler Co-presenter of poster at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting "Global-mode Pc 5 pulsations: Ground distribution and correlation with energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere", NH51A-1798, Dec. 2012 Dr. Linda Winkler Lead author of poster at American Association of Physics Teachers Beyond the First Year Conference "Developing Professionalism in a Sophomore-level Experimental Physics Class", July 2012 Dr. Steve Lindaas American Association of Physics Teachers Past-Chair, Committee on Apparatus Dr. Steve Lindaas American Association of Physics Teachers Member and Chair, Committee for Science Education for Public Dr. Steve Lindaas Semi-Annual Meetings American Association of Physics Teachers, Summer 2011 and January 2012 Organized and presided at sessions. Presented workshop. Dr. Steve Lindaas Southwest Center for Microsystems Education and North Dakota State College of Science Creating workshop material for selected microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices Dr. Steve Lindaas Sustainability across the curriculum, 2nd annual meeting Part of faculty team attending MnSCU workshop Dr. Steve Lindaas PKAL/ Sustainability Improves Student Learning (SISL) in STEM Member of collaboration Dr. Juan Cabanela National Science Foundation Reviewer for the BIGDATA Proposals related to Astronomy. Dave Weinrich International Planetarium Society Past President Dr. Richard Lahti Fergus Falls District Curriculum Committee (ongoing) Advise on k-12 curriculum Dr. Ananda Shastri Journal of the Electrochemical Society Reviewer Dr. Ananda Shastri Iowa State University, Washington University in St. Louis, Chalmers University of Technology Scientific collaboration Dr. Ananda Shastri Solid State Ionics Published paper Dr. Ananda Shastri Minnesota American Association of Physics Teachers Spring conference presenter Dr. John Buncher American Journal of Physics Reviewer Dr. John Buncher Astrophysics & Space Science Published paper Dr. John Buncher Purdue University Scientific Collaboration Sara Schultz Proposal to the Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation to fund purchase of planetarium show One World, One Sky Written in consultation with Dave Weinrich Sara Schultz Proposal to Honda Foundation to fund development of new planetarium programming for public schools Written in collaboration with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Moorhead School District, Dave Weinrich and Matt Craig. Community service and outreach The department has committed over 1200 person-hours to outreach over the last year Activity Description People involved Time commitment (person-hours) Science Olympiad 2-1-2013 Set up and judged the Science Olympiad event “Boomilever” Matt Craig and 2 students. 4 hours Science Olympiad, 2-1-2013 Set up and judged “Gravity Vehicle” Olympiad event. Matt Craig and 2 students. 4 hours Science Olympiad, 2-1-2013 Set up and judge “Circuit Lab” Olympiad event Dr. Craig and one student. 4 hours Science Olympiad, 2-1-2013 Set up and judge “Technical Problem Solving” Olympiad event Dr. Craig and one student. 4 hours Science Olympiad, 2-1-2013 Set up and judged the Science Olympiad event “Material Science” Richard Lahti 4 hours Expanding Your Horizons, April 6 2013 Water rockets, Physics of Music Drs. Lindaas and Shastri 4 hours FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Mentored/Coached a high school robotics team for FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) competition Dr Lindaas, Dr. Craig and 4 students 670 hours BEST Robotics Competition Mentored a middle school robotics team for the BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology) competition Dr Lindaas, and 1 student 80 hours Discovery Middle School, Fargo Delivered hands-on presentation to Dr. Craig 2 hours complement planetarium visits Physics Demo Show Free public show attended by over 150 members of the community. 10 student 40 hours members of the Society of Physics Students, advised by all faculty Science Room for Ellen Hopkins Elementary School Family Fun Night Provided free, hands-on science activities for over 250 hundred children during the 2.5 hour event. 6 students and Dr. 20 hours Craig La Sistema Solar (May 2012) A talk on the solar system aimed at 3rd graders in Ellen Hopkins Spanish Immersion. Dr. Juan Cabanela 2 hours Physics Demos for 2nd and 3rd grade (April 2013) Worked with several students to do interactive activities with several 2nd and 3rd grade classes at Ellen Hopkins Dr. Juan 70 hours Cabanela, Dr. Steve Lindaas, Dr. Matt Craig, 9 students Regional Science Fair Judged middle and high school science fair projects. Dr. Richard Lahti 4 hours College for Kids Will teach “Science of Music” and “Science of Food” at 2013 College for Kids Dr. Richard Lahti 20 hours Toothpick Bridge Organized the annual Toothpick Bridge competition in collaboration with the FM Engineering Club Drs. Craig and Shastri, two students 8 hours STEM Marketplace Use a thermos construction project to teach engineering design to 5th-6th grade students. Drs. Richard Lahti 40 hours and Steve Lindaas and 4 students Halloween Planetarium and Physics Demos Hands-on science activities offered in conjunction with a special Halloween planetarium show. Society of Physics 20 hours Students STEM Camp Camp co-director, instructor of robotics course Steve Lindaas 80 hours Horizon Middle School Physics activities for family fun night Dr. Ananda Shastri, Dr. Steve Lindaas, Nick Weir, Wes Teo, Tyler Lane, Brett Brunsvold 24 hours College For Kids Assistant Director Sara Schultz 20 hours College For Kids Developing and teaching LEGO Robotics Summer 2013 Sara Schultz & Juan Cabanela 40 hours Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Hosted annual meeting Dave Weinrich, 20 hours Planetarium Society (WIMPS) Sara Schultz Astronomy Lesson at Cleveland Elementary School (Fergus Falls) Presented Stellarium and Celestia to a 3rd grade class and provided professional development to 1 teacher. Dr. Richard Lahti 4 hours www.ContactingTheCongress.org over 5000 unique visitors a day seeking congressional contact information Dr. Juan Cabanela 10 hours Solar Eclipse and Venus Transit Public Observing Public outreach events held in conjunction with the solar eclipse in May 2012 and the transit of Venus in June 2012 Dr. Juan Cabanela, Dave Weinrich Media interviews A total of 11 interviews with local TV and Newspapers during the last year related to the Supermoon, Fireball over the Red River Valley, Transit of Venus, Curiosity landing on Mars, close call by Asteroid 2012 DA14, and Russian Meteor impact. Dr. Juan Cabanela 5 hours 40 hours D. Describe any curricular revision or innovation undertaken by your department/program in the past year. In particular, please describe your department’s progress in implementing (a) high-impact initiatives and/or (b) curriculum revisions or innovations that are designed to achieve the System’s goal of meeting local and regional workforce needs. The department’s efforts in implementing high-impact initiatives were focused on Initiative 4, Enhancing Course Pedagogy. The changes made in calculus-based introductory courses PHYS 200 and 201 were motivated both by weaknesses we perceived in our program and a desire to build skills useful to potential employers of our students. One important change was to review the prerequisite/corequisite requirements for all of the courses in our department. It had been several years since the last such review and at the time of the last review the Records Office discouraged the use of restrictive prerequisites or corequisites. All requirements for our courses are now restrictive. We anticipate this will reduce the DFW rate of our courses by ensuring that students only enroll when their preparation is adequate. While DFW rates for our courses have never been exceptionally high there are at least two courses for majors taught in Spring 2013 in which the DFW rate will be higher than usual in part because several students enrolled for the courses without having the necessary prerequisites. The introductory calculus-based physics sequence, PHYS 200-201 has been revised to include a significant amount of computer-based modeling of physical systems using the language vpython. The change was made for several reasons: ○ Our upper division students have demonstrated limited understanding of the process of modeling physical systems. ○ Graduates of our program--those looking for work and those who go on to graduate school--have indicated they need stronger programming skills. ○ At a meeting for physics department chairs in summer 2012, several chairs from Ph.D.-granting institutions indicated that graduate students entering their program had no programming experience. ○ Practical programming experience is a highly desirable skill for future employers. E. For possible inclusion in the Great Grads publication: Identify students who have received noteworthy jobs or internships. How many of your majors have been accepted to graduate and professional school programs? Note those students who have received a scholarship or assistantship. Hollee Johnson (University of North Dakota, Masters program, teaching assistantship, full support) ● Nick Weir (University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ph.D. program, teaching assistantship, full support) ● Shouvik Bhattacharya (internship at the American Association of Variable Star Observers in Boston for Summer 2013) ● F. Describe any other significant departmental accomplishments during the past year. The department has taken on significant new responsibilities and dealt with a tremendous increase in the number of majors enrolled in our program. The department is now the administrative home for both the Planetarium, including scheduling, and College for Kids. The department has taken on an extensive supporting role in launching a FIRST robotics team at Moorhead High School and continues to work with teachers at Horizon Middle School to support their FIRST Lego League robotics team. Administering the Planetarium and College for Kids has added to the workload for both our office manager and our lab technician. The office manager is the primary contact for planetarium reservations, handles the budget and billing for the planetarium, coordinates College for Kids registrations and administration of short term contracts and reimbursements. The lab technician is deeply involved in supporting the College for Kids courses offered through our department by assisting with setup and purchasing. Several of the faculty in the department are teaching College for Kids courses this summer, and one member of the department is currently assistant director of College for Kids. That same faculty member has also started delivering some public school shows in the planetarium. Robotics mentoring involved two faculty members working closely with students and administrators from Moorhead High School, volunteer mentors from John Deere, and MSUM students to coach the robotics team. The time commitment was extraordinary but the department views it as an investment that will pay off in future enrollment while providing networking opportunities for our faculty and students with local engineers. Those relationships will help us better understand the local job market for our majors and, we hope, lead to internship opportunities in the future. We are currently working with Horizon Middle School to revitalize their LEGO robotics team. In the past our majors have provided extensive support to the team and we plan to continue that relationship in the coming academic year. A successful team at the middle school level feeds into the high school team, which in turn feeds into the science programs at MSUM. The number of incoming majors this past year was huge: 30 new entering freshman or transfer physics majors. If enrollment continues at that level we will be one of the largest undergraduate-only departments in the country. The increase in enrollment has caused challenges for the department. It has meant overload teaching duties and will cause a strain on department resources next year: more space, lab equipment and personnel than we currently have. Our$two(year$course$plan$assumes$that$the$position$currently$held$by$Dennis$Jacobs,$ who$is$entering$his$last$year$of$phased$retirement,$will$be$filled$and$that$we$will$be$ able$to$hire$at$least$an$additional$0.5$FTE$fixed$term$or$adjunct.$The$department$ recognizes$the$potential$for$joint$appointments,$strengthening$interdisciplinary$ collaboration$while$simultaneously$addressing$instructor$load$needs.$ $ Known%staffing%changes:% • Dr.$Dennis$Jacobs$will$transition$from$phased$retirement$at$0.5$FTE$to$full$ retirement$at$the$end$of$Fall$2013.$ • No$sabbatical$leaves$or$other$leaves$of$absence$are$anticipated.$ $ Staffing%needs% During$the$recently$concluded$academic$year$the$department$was$asked$to$prepare$ a$course$plan$for$AY$2013(2014$that$assumed$only$sabbatical$replacement$for$one$ person$and$no$replacement$for$Dr.$Jacobs$in$the$spring.$That$exercise$was$useful$in$ helping$us$articulate$what$the$impact$would$be$of$not$filling$the$position$currently$ held$by$Dr.$Jacobs.$They$include$all$of$these:$ $ • Reduction$of$the$capacity$in$our$algebra(based$introductory$physics$ sequence$to$a$capacity$we$have$exceeded$every$year$since$2007.$$ • Elimination$of$Analog$Electronics$as$a$course$offered$every$year.$It$is$ required$or$is$a$restricted$elective$for$several$of$our$areas$of$emphasis$and$ for$the$major.$Due$to$equipment$and$space$restrictions$the$enrollment$is$ limited$and$hence$offering$a$larger$section$less$often$is$not$a$viable$option.$ • Reduction$in$an$additional$core$upper$division$course.$$These$courses$are$ offered$on$a$regular$bi(annual$schedule$and$so$a$reduction$will$impact$the$ Astronomy$emphasis,$Medical$Physics$emphasis$or$the$major.$ $ Current%practices%that%minimize%staffing%requirements% Following$our$last$external$review$in$2005$the$department$made$significant$changes$ to$our$emphases$to$allow$students$maximum$flexibility$while$maintaining$a$realistic$ level$of$staffing.$Our$program$is$modeled$on$that$of$the$University$of$Wisconsin$ LaCrosse,$one$of$the$most$successful$undergraduate(only$physics$departments$in$ the$country.$These$practices$place$us$in$the$minority$of$physics$departments$ nationwide;$most$choose$to$offer$a$very$traditional$two(course$sequence$in$every$ core$subject$and$are$unable$to$offer$any$emphases.$Our$emphasis$options$have$been$ crucial,$we$believe,$in$building$interest$in$our$programs.$We$currently:$ • Require$all$students$take$a$common$core$of$classes$regardless$of$emphasis.$ The$freshman$and$sophomore$courses$are$offered$every$year;$most$of$the$ upper$division$courses$are$offered$only$every$other$year.$Impact:%By$ requiring$a$common$core$we$ensure$those$courses$have$reasonably$high$ enrollments$while$offering$a$diverse$range$of$emphasis$options.$ • Offer$the$courses$required$only$for$an$emphasis$every$other$year.$Impact:$A$ predictable$bi(annual$schedule$makes$advising$considerably$easier;$in$the$ past$these$courses$were$offered$on$an$as(needed$basis.$By$offering$the$ • • $ $ courses$every$other$year$we$ensure$higher$enrollment$than$we$would$ otherwise$be$able$to$achieve.$ Offer$core$upper(division$courses$every$other$year,$with$one$exception:$ junior(level$Mechanics$is$offered$every$year.$Mechanics$uses$almost$the$full$ range$of$mathematical$techniques$students$will$need$in$their$upper$division$ course$work.$Impact:%By$choosing$to$offer$this$course$every$year$we$are$able$ to$identify$at(risk$students$before$they$take$other$upper$division$courses$and$ intervene$with$them$if$necessary.$Offering$the$other$courses$every$other$year$ is$a$compromise$between$staffing$level$and$student$needs.$Those$students$ who$go$on$to$graduate$school$would$clearly$benefit$from$having$these$ courses$every$year$but$until$recently$we$have$not$had$sufficient$number$of$ majors$to$justify$more$frequent$offerings.$ Ensure$all$elective$courses$are$required$for$one$or$more$of$our$emphases.$Put$ differently,$each$emphasis$has$a$small$number$of$courses$that$are$required$ only$for$that$emphasis.$These$courses$are$also$available$to$students$who$have$ no$emphasis$to$fulfill$their$elective$requirement$in$the$major.$Impact:% Enrollment$in$courses$required$for$an$emphasis$almost$always$includes$ students$who$have$decided$to$not$pursue$that$emphasis,$which$ensures$good$ enrollment$for$those$courses$even$when$the$number$of$students$in$the$ emphasis$happens$to$be$low.$ Two'Year'Course'Schedule'(FY14,'FY15) Department'Name:'Physics'and'Astronomy' Rubric'&'Number AST 102/L AST 104/L AST 190 AST 361 AST 362 AST 365 AST 366 ENG 243 PHYS 105 PHYS 140 PHYS 160/L PHYS 161/L PHYS 200/L PHYS 201/L PHYS 202 PHYS 300 PHYS 302 PHYS 305 PHYS 306 PHYS 312 PHYS 315 PHYS 318 PHYS 322 PHYS 325 PHYS 330 PHYS 342 PHYS 350 PHYS 370 PHYS 399 PHYS 430 PHYS 455 PHYS 469 PSCI 170 PSCI 378 Course'Title Solar system Astronomy Stellar Astronomy Special projects in Astronomy Stellar Astronomy Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy Cosmology Observational Astronomy Statics Physics of Music Introduction to Sustainability College Physics I and Lab College Physics II and Lab General Physics I and Lab General Physics II and Lab Introduction to 20th Century Physics Physics Research Energy/Sustain Experimental Physics I Experimental Physics II Electronics Seminar Biophysics and Medical Imaging Elementary Modern Physics Optics Intermediate Mechanics Introduction to Research Computational Methods for Physical Science Electromagnetic Theory Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics Senior Project Internship Physical Science I Energy and the Environment Fall'2013 X Spring'2014 Fall'2014 X X Spring'2015 As'Needed X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X InstrucKons:' 1)$Please$list$ALL$departmental$courses.$ 2)$Place$an$X$in$the$semester/s$you$plan$to$offer$the$ course.$ $ COURSE F2013 Projected Worst -19 -13 Deficit S2014 Projected Worst -35 -12 Actual -19 Actual -23 Deficit is the difference between total offered credits in the column and the tenured/tenure-track load available to the department. All reassigned time is explicitly accounted for as part of the offered credits. AST 102/L AST 104/L AST 190 AST 365 AST 380 AST 366 AST 362 AST 361 PHYS 140 PHYS 105 PHYS 160/L Solar system Astronomy AST$102/L Stellar Astronomy AST$104/L Special projects in Astronomy AST$190 Cosmology AST$365 Celestial Mechanics (dropped) AST$380 Observational Astronomy AST$366 Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy AST$362 Stellar Astronomy AST$361 Introduction to Sustainability PHYS$140 Physics of Music PHYS$105 College Physics I and Lab PHYS$160/L Projected 12 PHYS 160Trailer College Physics I and Lab PHYS 161/L College Physics II and Lab PHYS$160Trailer PHYS$161/L PHYS 200/L General Physics I and Lab PHYS$200/L PHYS 201/L PHYS 202 PHYS 300 PHYS 302 PHYS 305 PHYS 306 PHYS 312 General Physics II and Lab PHYS$201/L Introduction to 20th Century Physics PHYS$202 Physics Research PHYS$300 Energy/Sustain PHYS$302 Experimental Physics I PHYS$305 Experimental Physics II PHYS$306 Electronics PHYS$312 PHYS 315 PHYS 318 PHYS 322 PHYS 325 PHYS 330 PHYS 342 Seminar Biophysics and Medical Imaging Elementary Modern Physics Optics Intermediate Mechanics Introduction to Research PHYS 350 Computational Methods for Physical PHYS$350 Science PHYS 370 Electromagnetic Theory PHYS$370 PHYS 399 PHYS 430 Thermodynamics Quantum Mechanics PHYS$399 PHYS$430 PHYS$315 PHYS$318 PHYS$322 PHYS$325 PHYS$330 PHYS$342 Worst 12 Actual Projected 12 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 12 15 9 9 4 0 3 5 4 0 3 5 4 12 3 3 3 4 4 4 0 3 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 0 9 9 9 0 0 5 5 Redution$from$4$labs$to$3IINOT$REALISTIC;$the$last$time$there$was$only$demand$for$3$lab$ sections$was$prior$to$Fall$2007.$The$last$time$there$was$demond$for$only$FOUR$full$lab$ sections$of$24$was$Fall$2008,$so$it$is$not$clear$that$a$reduction$from$5$labs$to$4$is$even$ realistic.$ No$trailer$section;$this$has$worked$in$the$past. 12 Reduction$from$3$labs$to$2:$NOT$REALISTICIIlowest$demand$since$Fall$2007$is$64$students,$ which$cannot$be$accommodated$in$2$labs This$level$of$staffing$has$been$adequate$by$allowing$labs$to$be$overenrolled$and$in$one$case$ creatively$utilizing$two$labs$and$multiple$TAs.$$Fall$2012,$saw$demand$by$physics$majors$ explode$which$necessitated$adding$a$third$lab$section.$Whether$demand$in$Fall$2013$falls$ 9 This$level$of$staffing$has$been$stable$by$utilizing$overenrollment$in$lab$sections$as$needed$ 3 5 3 3 Actual 12 6 12 9 Worst 3 $ 5 We$had$planned$to$skip$offering$this$one$year$in$favor$of$offering$PHYS$350$every$year. 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 Had$been$offered$every$other$year$in$the$past;$see$notes$on$PHYS$455$(Senior$Project)$for$ more$detail.$Paying$for$this$by$not$giving$load$for$Senior$Project$in$fall. 4 0 4 We$had$hoped$to$switch$toffering$this$every$year$(up$form$every$other$year),$covering$most$ of$the$cost$by$offering$electronics$every$other$year$instead$of$every$year. 4 0 4 PREVENTS$STUDENTS$FROM$GRADUATINGIIthis$was$last$offered$in$Spring$2012$and$is$on$ schedule$again$in$Spring$2014 COURSE F2013 Projected Worst -19 -13 Deficit S2014 Projected Worst -35 -12 Actual -19 Actual -23 Deficit is the difference between total offered credits in the column and the tenured/tenure-track load available to the department. All reassigned time is explicitly accounted for as part of the offered credits. PHYS$455 0 0 0 PHYS 469 Internship PSCI 378 Energy and the Environment PSCI 170 Physical Science I HON XXX ENG 243 Statics Sust dir Observatory dir Chair PHYS$469 PSCI$378 PSCI$170 HON$XXX ENG$243 Sust$dir Observatory$dir Chair 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 Load Staffing Actual$tenure(d)$faculty Richard Phased$ret Fixed$(sabb) Fixed$(addl) Overload Total Load 79 Staffing Actual$tenure(d)$faculty48 Richard Phased$ret 12 Fixed$(sabb) 12 Fixed$(addl) 6 Overload 0 Total 78 PHYS 455 Senior Project 1 Giving$load$for$senior$project$began$roughly$two$years$ago;$though$it$was$2$credits$in$Spring$ 2013,$it$has$been$scaled$back$to$0$credits$in$the$fall$and$1$credit$in$the$spring.$For$fall,$we$ will$offer$PHYS$342,$Intro$to$Research,$as$a$way$of$formalizing$it$as$a$preIseniorIproject$ course,$and$part$of$the$load$for$that$will$be$organizing$senior$project$proposals. 1 1 3 3 4 0 6 6 0 0 3 3 4 0 0 6 0 0 3 3 4 73 79 89 66 77 48 48 12 12 0 0 72 12 12 6 0 78 48 6 0 12 12 0 78 48 6 0 12 0 0 66 48 6 0 12 12 0 78 Substantial$reduction$of$number$of$LASC10$offerings 6 Assume$that$Statics$will$NOT$be$offered$in$the$2013I14 3 3 4 Physics'&'Astronomy' Department'Meeting' 4630613' ' Present:!!Matt!Craig,!Ananda!Shastri,!Richard!Lahti,!Steve!Lindaas,!Juan!Cabanela,!Sara!Schultz,! Joy!Lindell! ! Absent:!!Dave!Weinrich,!John!Buncher!! ! Sabbatical:!Linda!Winkler! ! ! ! 1.) Department'Meeting'Minutes:' • 4-23-13 o Steve moved to approve o Ananda 2nd motion o All approved • 2-26-13 o Steve moved to approve o Ananda 2nd motion o All approved 2.) Assessment: • Richard will update assessment plan—due Friday • We generate our data from: major field test, CSEM, FCI o Our report will be based on old goals o 2007 comments we got back talk about too much emphasis on what happens senior year and low number of majors o would like multiple areas to test to make our numbers more conclusive • Discussion • Rubric didn’t align well w/learning outcomes • Therefore, a 3 point rubric (above, at, below standards) was suggested • In Summary: o Department is ok with outcomes o Department is ok with 3 point rubric • Possible to make major field test a part of senior project course or quantum or E&M • Need to talk about expanding labs in 3rd & 4th year 3.) • • • Work Plan: Reviewed Part B Goals Most items done Joy will add submitted items to #2 4.) Miscellaneous: • SPS election results: o Tyler Lane—President o Dana Koczur—VP o Kyle Salk—Treasurer o Tony Woltman—Historian • Phys305 o For fall—enrollment currently full at 12 o 5 needing overrides o possible 24 enrollment o Matt will send email to student listserv o Steve will ask students in Phys201 about interest/intent • Michelle coming to department meeting next week to discuss/vote on chair for next year Joy Lindell Recorder Approved 5-7-13 Physics'&'Astronomy' Department'Meeting' 567612' ' Present:!!Matt!Craig,!Ananda!Shastri,!Richard!Lahti,!Steve!Lindaas,!!John!Buncher,!Juan! Cabanela,!Sara!Schultz,!Dana!Carlson,!Joy!Lindell! ! Guest:!Dean!Michelle!Malott! ! Absent:!!Dave!Weinrich! ! Sabbatical:!Linda!Winkler! ! ! ! 1.) Minutes:' • Steve moved to approve with few corrections • John 2nd • All in favor 2.) Dean Malott: • Reminded us to abide by department policies and procedures when recommending a new/interim department chair • College meeting on Thursday. The intention is to get everyone together from new college realignment 3.) New Chair: • Discussion o Options: ! Matt resign ! Steve chair 3 years ! Matt return as faculty ! Steve may resign after next year and department may vote again ! This scenario creates more flexibility ! Matt will email Linda to explain scenario and ask if she’d like to vote ! Linda should email vote to Joy ! Joy will tabulate votes and email results to Michelle ! Final recommendation goes to Michelle accompanied by Matt’s resignation memo 4.) • • • • • • • Assessment Report: Part of annual reporting process but is separate report from department report Draft was sent out over weekend Each year supposed to change what data you report on Recommendation: Phys305/306—choose a common question to collect data from Possible to identify a couple questions from exams to “measure” data When we reuse plan we need to identify specific questions, specific rubric and specific data and then be sure to report on it May try to meet again to further discuss assessment plan 5.) Department Report: • Reporting on goals we listed last year • Joy will pull time to get together to meet on Thursday or Friday of this week to discuss 6.) • • • • Miscellaneous: Ishan should dismantle senior project Remind seniors to clean up HA302 Remember to vote for new chair Graduation: o Matt, Ananda, Steve, Richard attending o 12:30 luncheon potluck Joy Lindell Recorder
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