CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY REPORT t be used as a cover sheetfor the hearing officer's decision ng and submitted to the Department of Education before b PUBLIC SCHOOLS , School Division Name of Parents JULY 5, Name of Child CAReL'S. Date of Decision or Dismissal .MCCOSKR!E,' ESQ. HOWARDD. DEINER, Counsel Representing LEA SCHOOL DIVISION Party Initiating Hearing Prevailing Party Hearing Officer's Determination ofIssue(s): Whether the school superintendent's property Whether ESQ. Counsel Representing Parent/Child PARENTS on school 2004 is there reviewable expelling by the was any connection hearing between her illegal actions in selling drugs Whether student was provided F.A.P.E. of student foE selling-d-"Jrug: officer. student's disability on school property. during her expulsion (ADD) and from school. action of Hearing Officer's Orders and Outcome of Hearing: That Hearing Scheol That her That Officer does Superintendent there actions student in not expelling was no Connection in selling was given have banned F.A.P.E. authority of to review the student. between student's drugs on school by the school disability (ADD) and property. during her expulsion. This certifies that I have completed this hearing in accordancewith regulations and have advisedthe parties of their appealrights in writing. The written decision from this hearing is attached in which I have also advised the LEA of its responsibility to submit an implementation plan to the parties, the hearing officer, and the SEA within 45 calendar days. _Printed EDWARD Name R. JOHNSON of Hearing Officer ~~~~~~~= Signature ~"h--k"""1-8'-\ IJ VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF DISPUTERESOLUTIONAND ADMNISTRATIVE SERVICES PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND Parents , Student , PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SchoolDivision I FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONSOF LAW This mattercameon for a Due ProcessHearing in .Virginia before Edward R Johnson,duly appointedhearingofficer, on June 16, 2004,under the authorizationof the Individuals with Disabilities EducationAct (IDEA) at 20 U.S.C.Section1400et. Seq.and implementing StateRegulations. Appearances: , Assistant Attorney , Assistant Attorney " Esq. Attorney for parents , Intern Dr ) Director SpecialEducation , SupervisorSpecialPrograms , mother .father is 16yearsof ageand a studentin the ( Public Schools. PS.)During the 2003-2004schoolyear shewasenrolledin the 11thgrade at High School( HS). had beendiagnosedwith attentiondeficit disorder(ADD) and had beenprescribed Adderall,a prescriptiondrug, for this condition. On March 5, 2004,anotherstudentreportedto High School,that meetingwith ) (), an assistantprincipal at wasselling her Adderall to otherstudents. Mr. , and .an arrangeda Police Officer on duty at High School.At this meeting studentsat .High readily admittedto selling the drug to other Schoolon about20 different occasions. As a result of this finding was expelledby the Superintendentof schoolsfor a period of ten dayson March 5, 2004and could not return to schooluntil March 17,2004. A "casual" hearingwas held on March 19, 2004and it was determinedthat therewas no connectionbetween's disability and her illegal actionsin selling the drug Adderall. The questionhas arisenasto whetherthe schoolsuperintendent'sexpelling of for sellingdrugsis reviewableby the hearingofficer. It seemsto be the law in Virginia and many other jurisdictions that a hearingofficer doesnot have authorityto review a schoolboard's expulsiondecision. If reviewedit must bedoneby the schoolsuperintendent. 20 USC /Sect. 1415(b)(6)spellsour the issueswhich may be raised in a specialeducation hearing.They are to providethe parentsand studentswith "an opportunityto presentcomplaintswith respectto any matter regardingrelatingto identification, evaluationof educationalplacementof the child, or the provision of a free appropriatepublic educationto suchchild." The partiesare not without remedies.They may appealto the circuit court havingjurisdiction to reviewthe action of the schoolboard.Va. CodeAnn. Section22.1-87(Michie2003). Thereforethe hearing officer will not review the decisionof the schoolsuperintendent. Thereis a questionof whether was givenF.A.P.E. during her expulsion.The hearing officer believesthat shewasprovided F.A.P.E. Shewas provided with appropriatestudyaidsby PS personnelduring this time. From the time of her first suspension beginning on March 8, 2004 ..the Student'scounselorat HS, and workedto get 's specialeducationmonitor, ,'s schoolwork senthome for her to do. Sometimes 's friends would pick up the work, but oftenpackagesof work werepicked up by her friends and family membersfrom the counselingoffice at HS. RIGHT OF APPEAL. Right of Appealis governedby 8VAC 20-76.0.This regulationprovides that "a decisionby the hearingofficer in anyhearing, including an expeditedhearing, shall be final and binding unlessthe decisionis appealedby a party in a statecircuit court within oneyear of the issuanceof the decisionor in a federaldistrict court. Datedthis 5thday of July, 2004. U /\(i-;>/}Y Ed~~ JO-:::_v~~ ~ Hearin~ Officer Copiesfurnishedto: , Ed. D., Director SpecialEducation Esq., Counselfor studentand parents .Esq. Counselfor Public Schools " Esq. Counselfor Public Schools Virginia Departmentof Education,Officeof Dispute Resolutionand Administrative Services I " II
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