LASER-COM. COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS: ST. BERNARDINE OF SIENA #513956 24410 Calvert St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CONTACTS: Peggy Pryor 818-426-6539 (c) or Dorothy Kramer 818-888-8200 (office) EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows XP PRINTER HP Laser Jet P2055dn TRANSMISSION TIME: OCTOBER 1, 5:25 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 6, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Saint Bernardine of Siena Parish 24410 Calvert Street, Woodland Hills, California 91367 Rev. Msgr. Robert J. McNamara, Pastor Rev. Daniel Fox, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard Murray, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Jerry Cellner Deacon Steven Ellms Schedule of Masses: Saturday: 8:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; 12:00 noon & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. (Monday –Friday) First Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m . (also 11:30 a.m. October - June) Holy Days: Schedule to be Announced Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 pm and anytime by appointment Website: Deacon Jesus Pasos Deacon Dale Taufer Parish Center: School: Pre-School: Religious Education: R.C.I.A./Adult Education: Youth Ministry: Library: Gift Shop: 888-8200 340-2130 716-4730 340-1440 340-2087 710-1662 884-2736 888-7073 Marriages: 6 months prior notice requested Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month Call for an appointment Classes 1st Thursday of the month Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Times St. Bernardine of Siena October 6, 2013 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, 2013 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. Dear Parishioners: — Psalm 95:6 Banners on the telephone poles around Woodland Hills are proclaiming the good news of St. Bernardine’s Fall Festival next weekend – October 11, 12 & 13. Our Festival committee began their planning as soon as last years festival was over! The building of the team, the negotiations with ride vendors, decisions of where to place the booths and rides, the buying of prizes, advertising, manning the booths, signing up the entertainment, arranging of security, acquiring silent auction items etc. etc. is a gigantic task. I have a debt of gratitude to the committee and all the volunteers who give so much to make a success of our special weekend. Be sure to plan your weekend meals around the festival – it will take the whole weekend to properly sample all the delicious foods! Bringing your friends and neighbors contributes greatly to its success. And to all our regular parishioners, thank you for your patience with parking next weekend and your understanding of our need for such a community builder and fundraiser. See you at the Festival, God bless you all. Father McNamara St. Bernardine of Siena’s Annual Fall Festival is next weekend Oct 11, 12 & 13 this year and several committees are looking for VOLUNTEERS!!! We are still looking for help with the silent auction, food booths and man power. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact Donna Cote at [email protected] or 818-744-0232. Serving on the committees is a great way to meet new people and have fun while helping our parish community raise funds. Silent Auction Booth Fall Festival Our 17th Annual Fall Festival is next weekend and the Silent Auction Committee is in need of New Item Donations and Medium to Large Size Baskets for the Silent Auction Booth. You may drop off any donations in the Parish Office or contact Valorie Snyder at 818-347-0986 for any questions or pick-ups. Thank you for your support! FOOD SIGN UPS Interested in volunteering, sign up to work in one of our many food booths. You may call the PreSchool anytime during the week to sign up for a food booth (818) 716-4730. Thanks for your support! DESSERTS WANTED! St. Bernardine Children's Center will be hosting the Dessert Booth at the Fall Festival and is looking for more dessert donations. Please bring your dessert to the preschool by Friday, OCT 11 by 3pm or directly to the Dessert Booth anytime during Festival hours. Please include an index card stating the ingredients and use only disposable containers. For any questions, please call 818-716-4730. Thank you for your support. Page Three St. Bernardine of Siena October 6, 2013 ARE YOU THE ONE GOD IS CALLING? IMPORTANT DATES Oct 5/6 Oct 19/20 Sandwich Sunday. Bagged meals (sandwich, chips, dessert, fruit), water, socks and blankets will be collected at all the Masses for distribution to those in need. Food gathering for Guadalupe Center and Loaves and Fishes Pantry San Fernando Valley. Save the Date ANNUAL PULPIT EXCHANGE St. Bernardine’s parishioners are invited to the Shabbat Service at Temple Aliyah, Friday, October 18th, at 8:15 pm, when Monsignor McNamara will speak about this year’s Pulpit Exchange topic “The Role of Clergy: Walking the Line Between Comforting the Afflicted and Afflicting the Comfortable.” Please plan to attend. Would you be willing to be an assistant in our Religious Education classes on Wednesday? Requirements are: to be faith-filled, love God, and enjoy working with children. We are in need of adults to help in the classroom. We invite you to join us on this Faith Journey. We meet from 4:00 to 5:30 pm on Wednesday. Contact Eileen at 818-340-1440 to volunteer. The Magnificat Intercessory Prayer Group will meet in the Veranda Room at 10 A.M. on Thursday, October 10th BOOK CLUB "The Widow's Wars" by Sally Gunning, a book about the wives of whalers (fishermen of whales) in old New England, is the book club's selection for October. Come discuss it in the Parish Library, October 28, at 9:15 am. All book lovers are welcome. A message from our Associate Pastor, Fr. Dan Fox: We Are All Connected Jesus’ core message - that we are one - is surely one of the great mysteries of existence. This truth is so hard to accept because our senses tell a different story: We are separate, different and alone. We need an image to help us realize what our senses cannot. Picture the giant redwood trees of California: They only grow in groves. Moreover, each tree’s roots extend and grasp the roots of the surrounding trees, forming a strong and interconnecting network that serves to nourish and sustain all of them equally. Remember the redwood trees and their invisible, interlocking roots as you discern your vocation. You are not alone and never will be on your chosen path to Christ. -Ann Lang Parish Service Opportunity The festival weekend is a good time to work your volunteer hours. Call Bob Nicholas at 818 710-1662 or email [email protected] to sign up for service. Some time slots are still available. First come first served. Wednesday Youth Night 7-8:30 pm in the Parish Center St. Francis of Assisi , the original founder of PETA? Join us as we search and discuss the amazing person of Francis. Guaranteed to challenge! All High School youth are invited. Page Four St. Bernardine of Siena October 6, 2013 Jr. Hi Religious Education We’ll see all you 7th and 8th graders at 4:00-5:30 pm in the Parish Center Save the Date The Sacred Ordinary: Participating in the Liturgy of Life A Day of Prayer & Reflection for Women Presenter: Dan Miller, Ph.D. Saturday, November 23rd, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm St. Bernardine of Siena Parish Hall Cost $40 - Lunch & Morning Coffee -Don’t miss this Day!! Bring a Friend!!- Knights of Columbus BINGO Come support the Knights of Columbus of Canoga Park, 21433 Strathern St., every Monday at 6:30 pm. For more information, Jim Lopez, 818-312-6438 In your charity please pray for the sick of the parish: Michael Gelinas; Ernie Nargolis; Ruthie Marek; Pamela Shuken; Ellen La Frieda, sister of John Erlinger; Bradford Dawson; Stephen Dombrowski, Sr; Anne Baldocchi; Ralph Oliva; Marcel Tardif; Jessica Barres; Winston Bowman; Chloe Humes; Damian Giammatteo; Laurie Pearson; Jessica Barres Please pray for the happy repose of all souls: James McCloskey, brother of Theresa Kennedy; Dorothy Lillback, mother of Chris; Catherine Orr, sister of Pat Alvarez; Scott Muston, friend of Michael Gelinas; Leokadia Grabarek, mother of Aldona Piaskowski, grandmother of Kevin & Roxanna October 7 thru October 13, 2013 MONDAY 6:30 am Anselmo Remolena+ 8:30 am Barbara Kramer+ TUESDAY 6:30 am Catherine Orr+ 8:30 am William Seals+ WEDNESDAY 6:30 am Catherine Orr+ 8:30 am Dorothy Lillback+ THURSDAY 6:30 am Peggy & Tom Pryor 8:30 am Bradford Dawson FRIDAY 6:30 am Parish Staff 8:30 am Anne Baldocchi SATURDAY 8:30 am Sr. Eugenia McInerney, SSL 5:00 pm Refugio Martinez+ SUNDAY 7:00 am Pro Populo 8:30 Tom Convey+ 10:00 am Janice Moloney+ 12:00 noon Milagros Pascual+ 5:30 pm Anne Pickett+ ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE Saturday, October 12, 5:00 pm: Jonathan Conrad, Madeleine Kilroy, Vincent Paradise, Leah Scrantom Sunday, October 13, 7:00 am: Chris Olson, Marie Olson 8:30 am: Grace Gillespie, Henry Glover, Joey Spindler, Amber Willig 10:00 am: Emma Calderone, Beth Clackett, Siena Garcia, Emiko Hayashida 12:00 pm: Golden Gonzales-Palmer, David McCormick, Jimmy McCormick, Alexandra Sataloff 5:30 pm: Theron Bruno, Tristan Bruno, Ivan Gobencion, Dani Valdecantos Page Five St. Bernardine of Siena October 6, 2013 St. Bernardine of Siena Sun 6 SANDWICH SUNDAY Mon RCIC CYM–YR1-Parent Meeting-7pmParish Hall 27 Nursery Care-10am RCIC CYM–YR1-Parent Meeting-7pmParish Hall Thu Fri Sat 3 4 1st Friday Mass/ Luncheon-11:30Chapel/Hall Blessing of the Animals-12:00 Noon-Grass area 5 8 Euch. Adoration 7am Chapel Bible Study-9:15am -Parish Library Rel Ed 4pm Parish Council Mtg7-9pm-Staff Conference Rm 9 Parish Festival SET-UPRel Ed 4pm Rel Ed Jr High 4pm-Parish Hall CYM Mtg-7pm-Hall RCIA 7:30 pm Veranda Rm 10 Parish Festival SET-UP- 11 Parish Festival 12 Parish Festival 15 Euch. Adoration 7am Chapel Catholic/Jewish Womens Mtg.10am-12pm-Hall Rel Ed 4pm Bible Study-9:15am -Parish Library 16 Rel Ed 4pm Rel Ed Jr High 4pm-Parish Hall CYM Mtg-7pm-Hall RCIA 7:30 pm Veranda Rm 17 18 19 21 Senior Exercise Class 9:30amVeranda Rm Bible Study-7:15pm -Parish Library Justice & Peace Mtg-7:30pm-Hall 22 Euch. Adoration 7am Chapel 23 Rel Ed 4pm Rel Ed Jr High 4pm-Parish Hall RCIA 7:30 pm Veranda Rm 24 Adult Faith Enrichment-”Vatican IIOut of the Blue”Fr. Leon-7:30pmHall 25 26 28 Sr Exercise Class 9:30amVeranda Book Club-9:15amPrsh Lib. Strong Catholic Fam. -7pm-Hall Bible Study-7:15pm -Parish Lib 29 Euch. Adoration 7am Chapel 30 Rel Ed 4pm Rel Ed Jr High 4pm-Parish Hall CYM Mtg-7pm RCIA 7:30 pm Veranda Rm 31 7 Senior Exercise Class 9:30amVeranda Rm 14 Senior Exercise Class 9:30amVeranda Rm Bible Study-7:15pm -Parish Library 20 FOOD GATHERING Nursery Care-10am Wed 2 Rel Ed 4pm Rel Ed Jr High 4pm-Parish Hall CYM-7-9pm-Hall RCIA 7:30 pm Veranda Rm Bible Study-7:15pm -Parish Library Nursery Care-10am Tue 1 Euch. Adoration 7am Chapel Bible Study-9:15am -Parish Library Rel Ed 4pm Facilities Meet7pm-PC Plaza Nursery Care-10am 13 Parish Festival October 2013 Bible Study-9:15am -Parish Library Rel Ed 4pm Bible Study-9:15am -Parish Library Rel Ed 4pm ALTAR CARE - October 11, 2013 Will & Ann Gartland, Chris Schehr, Fran Van Buskirk, Sue Vigo and Jan Wheatman EUCHARISTIC ADORATION every Tuesday in the Chapel, beginning at 7:00 am and ending with Benediction at noon. Page Eight St. Bernardine of Siena ST. BERNARDINE’S PARISH LEADERS Parish Council Odile Swift 613-0595 Altar Care Lucy Kerecman 998-6701 Altar Servers Dcn Jesse & Eloisa Pasos 805-777-7105 Baptism Prep. Dcn. Jesse Pasos 805-777-7105 Caregiver Support Group Charlotte Fuchs 884-3935 Christian Service Lesley Hawes-Hearn 590-3649 Coffee & Donuts Veronica & Paul Arce 339-4995 Cross Bearers Dave Goracke 347-0192 Detention Ministry Joyce Wright 884-4305 Eucharistic Ministers Robert Nicholas 346-8244 EM’s for Homebound Dcn. Dale Taufer 888-8200 Facilities John Erlinger 883-4345 Festival Chairpersons Michelle Sjolander 999-6169 Todd Borowski 348-5650 Finance Committee Priscilla Brehm 591-6201 1st Friday Mass/Lunch Karen Brown 591-1520 Funeral Buffet Shirley Grochalski 347-6228 Gift Shop Jean Sampson 888-7073 Justice & Peace Maryanne Malzone Miller 618-1467 Lectors Jack Maranto 887-6310 Library Volunteers 884-2736 Magnificat Pat Dunlap 346-5460 Mary & Martha’s (Reach Out) Ella Haney 888-1423 Marriage Encounter Jeanie & Russ Walker 805-648-4244 Mommy & Me Megan French 205-6062 Nursery Care Program Carole Williamson/10am 999-3764 OASIS Monica Goudis 340-5100 Parent/Teacher Assoc. Cheryl Divitale 618-3972 Pre-School Charlene Barkes 716-4730 RCIA Dcn.Steve & Sharron Ellms 340-2087 Religious Education Eileen Fewless 340-1440 Respect Life Alise Sue 310-283-2804 Retreats (Men’s) Jim Birkhead 348-4616 Safeguard the Children Ray Barkes 888-0833 Silverado Music Ministry Jo & Rudy Vlasak 347-7144 School Carol Ward 340-2130 Scouting (Boy Scouts) Gary Bishop 998-7917 (Cub Scouts) Dru Morgan 943-1968 (Girl Scouts) Donna Cote 703-8035 Social Activities Janet Barnett 929-1692 Tithing Frank Loffa 880-8101 Ushers Donna Forrester 648-4461 Webmaster (St. B’s) Odile Swift 613-0595 Welcoming Committee Dharma Trafecanty 515-2039 Women on the Journey Jean Sampson 888-7073 Youth Ministry Bob Nicholas 710-1662 October 6, 2013 OASIS - Needs Volunteers Would you like to help seniors in need in your own parish and make a difference? Become an OASIS (Older Adult Services and Intervention System) Volunteer! OASIS is a Catholic Charities Program operating through the Guadalupe Community Center, 21600 Hart St, Canoga Park. We offer services to parishes in the West San Fernando Valley. We help seniors and their caregivers in your own parish by providing free 2-4 hours per week a wide variety of the following services: • Friendly home visits • Shopping escorts • Transportation to MD or Dental appointments • Minor home repairs • Light yard work The next Training Session, along with complimentary continental breakfast and lunch, will be held on Saturdays-October 5 & 13, 8:45am - 1:00 pm. Please join us and make a difference! Please contact our OASIS Volunteer program office at 818-340-5100 or 818-340-2050 to RSVP or more for info [email protected] NEXT WEEKEND OCT 11, 12 & 13TH DON’T MISS OUT! Magnificat Abortion Recovery Help (877)467-3463 & Angels Way Maternity Home 818-346-2229 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline (800)973-7334 Holy Family Adoption Services (800) 464-2367 Childrens Assistance Ministry 213-637-7650 Rosario Rodriguez Young Actress shot point-blank miraculous healing. MAGNIFICAT - A Ministry to Catholic Women Prayer Meal Saturday, November 2 @ 10:00 am Odyssey Restaurant, 15600 Odyssey Dr., Granada Hills Mail “Magnificat” check for $26 by October 21st to Magnificat, 17836 Oakrock Ct., Granada Hills, CA 91344. After deadline $30. Questions? Pat Dunlap 818-346-5460. On-line reservations
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