LASER-COM. COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS: ST. BERNARDINE OF SIENA #513956 24410 Calvert St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CONTACTS: Peggy Pryor 818-426-6539 (c) or Dorothy Kramer 818-888-8200 (office) EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows XP PRINTER HP Laser Jet P2055dn TRANSMISSION TIME: SEPTEMBER 3, 5:20 pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Saint Bernardine of Siena Parish 24410 Calvert Street, Woodland Hills, California 91367 Rev. Msgr. Robert J. McNamara, Pastor Rev. Daniel Fox, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard Murray, Pastor Deacon Jerry Cellner Deacon Steven Ellms Schedule of Masses: Saturday: 8:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.; 12:00 noon & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. (Monday –Friday) First Friday: 6:30 & 8:30 a.m . (also 11:30 a.m. October - June) Holy Days: Schedule to be Announced Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 pm and anytime by appointment Website: Deacon Jesus Pasos Deacon Dale Taufer Parish Center: School: Pre-School: Religious Education: R.C.I.A./Adult Education: Youth Ministry: Library: Gift Shop: 888-8200 340-2130 716-4730 340-1440 340-2087 710-1662 884-2736 888-7073 Marriages: 6 months prior notice requested Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month Call for an appointment Classes 1st Thursday of the month Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Times St. Bernardine of Siena September 8, 2013 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 8, 2013 Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days. — Psalm 90:14 Dear Parishioners: Labor Day is a memory, schools have now reopened, and many of us settle back into our normal routine. There are certain things that need to be in our normal routine – and I’m not talking about brushing your teeth, annual checkups, eating a good diet and getting enough sleep. You guessed it – the concerns of the body are very important but I want to bring up the concerns of the soul. There are routines we need, in order to nourish and care for our spiritual side, our souls. Many of us have the time and ability to do extraordinary things. Some come to Mass daily either at the 6:30 or 8:30 am. Others spend hours volunteering at Guadalupe Center or other charitable and helpful organizations. Some will say the rosary or read the Scriptures. Most of us however have busy days with little time left over. Busy or not, I am very convinced that no matter what our days are like, there is one spiritual exercise that must occur every single day. It can take many forms and can be as long or as short as we wish. The time of day does not matter. What matters is that it happens and, I’m sure you will agree with me, that every day needs a moment with the Lord. We call it prayer. It can be one moment or a thousand. And that moment, in our daily routine can transform us. It will ground us and place us squarely in our relationships to our Lord and others. It will comfort us and guide us. It’s the moment we know we are not alone. So create the good habit if you don’t have it already and make a moment of prayer an essential part of your normal routine. God bless you, Father McNamara A Prayer for Priestly Vocations Lord Jesus, You called chosen men To be with you, to preach the Good news of salvation and to Have authority over the powers Of darkness. Send your Holy Spirit Upon the men you have chosen For the priestly ministry. May they Answer your call and follow you With generous hearts. Amen ALTAR CARE - September 13, 2013 Will & Ann Gartland, Chris Schehr, Fran Van Buskirk, Sue Vigo and Jan Wheatman EUCHARISTIC ADORATION every Tuesday in the Chapel, beginning at 7:00 am and ending with Benediction at noon. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE Saturday, September 14, 5:00 pm: Golden Gonzales-Palmer, Leah Scrantom, Brendan Shaw, Matthew Shaw Sunday, September 15, 7:00 am: Chris Olson, Marie Olson 8:30 am: Emily Barkes, Jack Barkes, Christopher Cassar, Nicole Cassar 10:00 am: Grace Gillespie, Eliza Mason, Katie Mason, Keira Sheets 12:00 pm: Cecilia Hidley, Chloe Hidley, Daphne Hidley, Lucy Hidley 5:30 pm: Theron Bruno, Tristan Burno, Cheyenne Navarro, Giulianna Navarro Page Three St. Bernardine of Siena September 8, 2013 ARE YOU CALLED TO TEACH IMPORTANT DATES Sep 14/15 Oct 5/6 Food gathering for Guadalupe Center and Loaves and Fishes Pantry San Fernando Valley. Sandwich Sunday. Bagged meals (sandwich, chips, dessert, fruit), water, socks and blankets will be collected at all the Masses for distribution to those in need. The next generation will not know Jesus unless we tell His story today. Would you be willing to help tell Jesus’ story and to share your Faith with our fourth grade class on Wednesday? There are also opportunities for assisting on both Tuesday and Wednesday. We work together in teams; lessons plans are all prepared. Requirements are: to be faith-filled, love God, and enjoy working with children. Please volunteer to help us. We meet from 4:00 to 5:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. Contact Eileen at 340-1440 to volunteer. St. Bernardine of Siena Adult Faith Enrichment Bible Study explores Luke's story of Jesus and the early development of Christian communities Two session times, reading the same sections of scripture, to help fit this very important activity of our faith into your busy schedule: Monday evenings: 7:15 - 8:45 pm Tuesday mornings: 9:15 am (following the 8:30 a.m. Mass) First session: Monday, September 9, 7:15 pm or Tuesday, September 10, 9:15 am ~ Please bring your bible ~ Come and share your insights! St. Bernardine of Siena – Parish Library ——————————————————————————————————————————About our Facilitators: John Reeve, Sue Depsky, and Kate Smirnoff are graduates of the three year Los Angeles Archdiocesan Catholic Bible Institute program and have been facilitating bible study at St. B. for over 5 years. Page Four St. Bernardine of Siena All High School youth are invited to the Inaugural Youth Ministry event for this year. The Youth Ministry Barbeque will take place on Wednesday, Sept 25th at 5:30 pm in the pavilion area. At 7:00 pm join us for a youth session, featuring Cooper Ray. Cooper describes himself as a “dynamic and light-hearted speaker and musician who shares his faith with honesty and passion”. MIDDLE SCHOOL/JR. HIGH Middle School/Jr Hi Religious Education program Junior Hi religious education starts on Sept 18th. We will be meeting on Wednesdays again this year . Information and forms are available on the parish website and in the parish center during normal business hours. Have Questions? Please call Bob Nicholas 818-710-1446. The Magnificat Intercessory Prayer Group will meet in the Veranda Room at 10 A.M. on Thursday, Sept. 12th. In your charity please pray for the sick of the parish: Anne Baldocchi, wife of Bob; Ralph Oliva, husband of Marilyn; Marcel Tardif, father of Abbey Gomez; Jessica Barres; Winston Bowman; Chloe Humes; Damian Giammatteo; Barbara Kramer; Betty Birkhead; Edward Hesler; Cecelia Lamson; Dharma Pablos; Damien Alameda; Gene Ligot; A.J. Franco & Dale Giva; Jackie Palmisano; Bob Stox; Maureen Silvin; Fran Van Buskirk; Laurie Pearson Please pray for the happy repose of all souls: Allison Cooper September 8, 2013 September 9 thru September 15, 2013 MONDAY 6:30 am Sr. Myra McPartland SSL 8:30 am Robert Kimball+ TUESDAY 6:30 am Deo Estacio+ 8:30 am Mr. & Mrs. Lockwood WEDNESDAY 6:30 am Maria Jorge+ 8:30 am John Crispo+ THURSDAY 6:30 am Maria Jorge+ 8:30 am Carlito Saludares FRIDAY 6:30 am Maria Jorge+ 8:30 am Mary Erbeznik+ SATURDAY 8:30 am Maria Jorge+ 5:00 pm Cipriano Alambra+ SUNDAY 7:00 am Pro Populo 8:30 Kathleen Nicholas+ 10:00 am Aurora Flores 12:00 noon Joseph, Kathleen & Martin Keith+ 5:30 pm Ramon Melendez+ Year One Year One Parent Meeting this Sunday, Sept 8th in the parish hall from 7-9 pm. Look forward to seeing all first year parents there. Year One Confirmation “Getting to Know YOU” Session, on Sunday Sept 22nd, in the parish hall from 3-5:30 pm followed by the 5:30 pm Mass. Look forward to seeing all of you new Year One candidates then! Year One forms and information are available on the parish website and in the parish center during normal business hours. The Year One program begins Sept 22nd. Year Two YEAR TWO Parent Meeting, next Sunday, Sept 15th in the parish hall From 7-9 pm. We look forward to seeing all year two parents then. Year two confirmation program begins on Wednesday, Sept 25th at the Barbeque and event in the Parish Hall, 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Page Five St. Bernardine of Siena ST. BERNARDINE’S PARISH LEADERS Parish Council Odile Swift 613-0595 Altar Care Lucy Kerecman 998-6701 Altar Servers Dcn Jesse & Eloisa Pasos 805-777-7105 Baptism Prep. Dcn. Jesse Pasos 805-777-7105 Caregiver Support Group Charlotte Fuchs 884-3935 Christian Service Lesley Hawes-Hearn 590-3649 Coffee & Donuts Veronica & Paul Arce 339-4995 Cross Bearers Dave Goracke 347-0192 Detention Ministry Joyce Wright 884-4305 Eucharistic Ministers Robert Nicholas 346-8244 EM’s for Homebound Dcn. Dale Taufer 888-8200 Facilities John Erlinger 883-4345 Festival Chairpersons Michelle Sjolander 999-6169 Todd Borowski 348-5650 Finance Committee Priscilla Brehm 591-6201 1st Friday Mass/Lunch Karen Brown 591-1520 Funeral Buffet Shirley Grochalski 347-6228 Gift Shop Jean Sampson 888-7073 Justice & Peace Maryanne Malzone Miller 618-1467 Lectors Jack Maranto 887-6310 Library Volunteers 884-2736 Magnificat Pat Dunlap 346-5460 Mary & Martha’s (Reach Out) Ella Haney 888-1423 Marriage Encounter Jeanie & Russ Walker 805-648-4244 Mommy & Me Megan French 205-6062 Nursery Care Program Carole Williamson/10am 999-3764 OASIS Monica Goudis 340-5100 Parent/Teacher Assoc. Cheryl Divitale 618-3972 Pre-School Charlene Barkes 716-4730 RCIA Dcn.Steve & Sharron Ellms 340-2087 Religious Education Eileen Fewless 340-1440 Respect Life Alise Sue 310-283-2804 Retreats (Men’s) Jim Birkhead 348-4616 Safeguard the Children Ray Barkes 888-0833 Silverado Music Ministry Jo & Rudy Vlasak 347-7144 School Carol Ward 340-2130 Scouting (Boy Scouts) Gary Bishop 998-7917 (Cub Scouts) Dru Morgan 943-1968 (Girl Scouts) Donna Cote 703-8035 Social Activities Janet Barnett 929-1692 Tithing Frank Loffa 880-8101 Ushers Donna Forrester 648-4461 Webmaster (St. B’s) Odile Swift 613-0595 Welcoming Committee Dharma Trafecanty 515-2039 Women on the Journey Jean Sampson 888-7073 Youth Ministry Bob Nicholas 710-1662 Abortion Recovery Help (877)467-3463 & Angels Way Maternity Home 818-346-2229 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline (800)973-7334 Holy Family Adoption Services (800) 464-2367 Childrens Assistance Ministry 213-637-7650 September 8, 2013 VIRTUS, KEEPING THE PROMISE ALIVE RE-CERTIFICATION A Virtus re-certification session, Keeping the Promise Alive (for those who took the original Safeguard the Children training in 2009) will be offered on Monday, September 9, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Recertification is required every four years for adults who work or have contact with children. To register for the session, call Eileen 818-340-1440. RCIA STARTS ON SEPT. 11, 2013 If you or someone you know is interested in the Catholic Church and you are: An un-baptized person A baptized Christian of another denomination A baptized Catholic never having received Eucharist or need to be Confirmed Or if you are interested in becoming more spiritual and knowledgeable in your faith You are invited to join our RCIA Group that will begin September 11, 2013. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM. in the Veranda Room. For further information, please call Deacon Steve Ellms at 818-340-2087. Someone will call you back. Please spread the word, invite an interested friend to be part of this year’s new RCIA journey towards a closer relationship with God.. Children's Choir Still Accepting New Members! We have openings in the St. Bernardine's Children's Choir for any children of our parish in Grades K-8 who sing or play musical instruments. Rehearsals are held from 3-4 p.m. in the Veranda Room in the Parish Center. Our first Sunday Mass performance will be September 22 at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Come and help us prepare to lead the music in worship! Page Eight St. Bernardine of Siena September 8, 2013 Please help support our Fall Festival by becoming a sponsor. It is a cost effective and fun way to advertise your business or show your Family spirit, all while supporting our Parish and our School. Thank you!!! SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PLEASE CIRCLE ONE EVENT/STAGE SPONSOR Your business banner or custom banner (Max. 3’x20’) on Stage 5 Sheets of Food or Game tickets (pick up at ticket booth) 1 Sheet of Ride Tickets (sponsorship must be received by October 5) 1 free book of raffle tickets (Pick up at raffle booth) Identification of your sponsorship throughout the Festival by the DJ $2,500.00 PAVILION SPONSOR 10’ banner on prime Pavilion edge 3 Sheets of Food or Game tickets (pick up at ticket booth) Identification of your sponsorship throughout the Festival by the DJ $1,000.00 BAND SPONSOR 10’ banner on stage front skirt 2 Sheets of Food or Game tickets (pick up at ticket booth) Identification of your sponsorship by the DJ throughout the Festival $ 500.00 RIDE SPONSOR 10’ banner on ride of choice based on availability 1 Sheet of Food or Game tickets (pick up at ticket booth) Identification of your sponsorship throughout the Festival by the DJ $ 300.00 FOOD/GAME BOOTH SPONSOR 10’ banner on booth of choice based on availability ½ Sheet of Food or Game tickets (pick up at ticket booth) Identification of your sponsorship throughout the Festival by the DJ $ 250.00 BEER SPONSOR 10 Beer Coupons & Name on Plaque on Wall of Honor FRIEND OF ST. B SPONSOR $______________ Enter any amount (Minimum $25.00) Inclusion on the large General Sponsorship Banner $ 125.00 BANNER OPTION (SAMPLE: JOE’S PRODUCE – 123 VENTURA BLVD) (SAMPLE: THE SMITH FAMILY SUPPORTS ST. B’S) Business name_____________________________________________________ Family name_______________________________________________________ Please indicate any preference on booth location or name ___________________ Name ______________________________ Phone Number ____________________ E-mail address ________________________________________________________ Please credit this donation to the following school family: ______________________ Please make checks payable to St. Bernardine of Siena. Receipts will be mailed. 24410 Calvert Street, Woodland Hills, CA 9136 Please mail or turn into Parish or School office – Attn: Cathy Borowski
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