LlNlVERSlTY OF BALTIMORE DOCUMENT N: COURSE AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COVER SHEET Instruction: See Course and Program Development Policy and Procedures SHORT TITLE OF PROPOSAL: Minor Changes to Trace Evidence I Box 1: TYPE OF ACTION Box 2: LEVEL OF ACTION C] C] (XI I I ADD(NEW) Non-Credit Box 3: ITEM OF ACTION (check appropriate boxes) 1 Experimental Course 2 Course Title 3 Course Credits 4 Course Number 5 Course Level 6 Deactivate a Course 7 Pre & Co-Requisite 8 Course Content 9 New Course 10a Certificate Program (uglg) exclusively within existing degree program l o b Certificate Program (uglg) where degree programs do not exist or where courses are selected H President 1 J 1 MODIFY (XI Graduate OTHER OTHER DOCUMENTS REQIJIRED (see box 5 on back) NOP NO NO NO NO NO NO NOP NOPQ a, b a, b a, b a, b ABCDEFHJL NOQ a, b, d ABCDEFHIK I 1 NOSR, 6 1 President:: I Required only if the mission of the University is changed by the action Board of Regents - approval Board of Regents - notification only K MHEC - approval L MHEC - notification only I M Middle States Association notification INFO COPIES (see 2 on back) APPROVAL SEQUENCE (see box 4 below) AC ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCDEF ABCD ABCD ABCDEF Chair: F University Faculty Senate I DEACTIVATE Undergraduate (XI COURSE # FSCS 401 I Box 5: DOCLIMENTATION (check boxes of documents included) Q. Full DescriptionlRationale , N. This Cover Sheet R. Full 5-page MHEC Proposal )( 0. Summary Proposal S. Financial Tables P. Syllabus T. Contract U. Other Approval automatically lapses after two offerings unless permanently approved by Action 9 Codes: a) Director of Library Services (Langsdale or Law) b) College Dean c) Planning Oftice d) EMSA Letter of Intent is required by USM at least 30 days before a full proposal can be submitted. Letter of Intent requires only the approval of the dean and the provost and is forwarded to USM by the Office of the Provost. Onepage letter to include: Program title & degreelcertificate to be awarded; resources requirements; need and demand; similar programs; method of instruction; and oversight and student services One-page letter with description and rational * One or two-page document that describes: centrality to mission; market demand; curriculum design; adequacy of faculty resources; and assurance program will be supported with existing resources. Learning objectives, assessment strategies; fit with UB strategic plan Joint Degree Program or Primary Degree Programs require submission of MOU wl program proposal Temporary suspension of program to examine future direction; time not to exceed two years. No new students admitted during suspension, but currently enrolled students must be given opportunity to satisfy degree requirements. Provide: a. evidence that the action is consistent with UB mission and can be implemented within the existing program resources of the institution. b. proposed date after which no new students will be admitted into the program; c. accommodation of currently enrolled students in the realization of their degree objectives; d. treatment of all tenured and non-tenured faculty and other staff in the affected program; e. reallocation of funds from the budget of the affected program; and f, existence at other state public institutions of programs to which to redirect students who might have enrolled in the program proposed for abolition. University Council review (for a recommendation to the President or back to the Provost) shall be limited to curricular or academic policy issues that may potentially affect the University's mission and strategic planning, or have a significant impact on the generation or allocation of its financial resources. * Required by MHEC DOCUMENT 0 - SUMMARY PROPOSAL 1 / College: YGCLA 1 Cnntact Person: Jarni Grant Department: Criminal Justice, Criminology and Social Policy I Phone: 410-837-5302 I Cost Code: Effective Semester: Fall 2006 0-1: Briefly describe what is requested: Add prerequisite coursework for Trace Evidence I (FSCS 401) to to include Biology I, Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, Physics I and II, Laboratory Safety and Quality Assurance (FSCS 400), Microscopy (FSCS 405), and Instrumental Analysis (FSCS 407). Add notification of course laboratory fees for Trace Evidence I (FSCS 401). Fees have been collected for this course since its inception. For new courses or changes in existing courses (needed by Registrar): New Title: Title #: Credits: 1 Course Abbreviation: Credits: 4 0-2: Set forth the rationale for the proposal: The level of laboratory sophistication and the course content of Trace Evidence I (FSCS 401) require that the student has completed the 7-course science prerequisite sequence and the other FSCS courses mentioned. (Courses in this discipline are, unfortunately, not numbered sequentially.) ~l r 0-3 Resources Needed: A lab fee of $65 will be charged to cover costs of equipment and materials used in this course. , 1 Personnel Equipment 1 1 Start-up First Year $ $ Annual Thereafter $ $ Indicate probable source of additional funds, if needed: Expendables Facility Costs $ $ TOTAL COSTS $ $ $ $ IL 0-4 lmpact including OTS and Library resources (Complete a or b) a) lmpact was reviewed. All impacted units were contacted and understandings worked out. No unit objects to the proposal as currently submitted. The units contacted were: y /i \,A, gte b) k k,r~:b / lmpact was reviewed. All objections were worked out except those documented in attachments. Units contacted were: I1 D e p a r t m e n t g n a t u r e Date
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