20131202c.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2013 OH Researcher(s) Hannah Mathers Ohio State University Affiliation: 248C Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct Columbus OH PhoneNumber: (614) 247-6195 [email protected] Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: 43210-1096 Acetic Acid Crop Safety 13-015 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site 30135 Phytotoxicity Japanese Barberry Weed Pharm 81936-1 Phytotoxicity Berberis thunbergii Acetic acid Pharm Solution Phytotoxicity Fern, Autumn & Wood Weed Pharm 81936-1 Phytotoxicity Dryopteris sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution Phytotoxicity Golden Bells Weed Pharm 81936-1 Phytotoxicity Forsythia sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution 30822 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Mallow, Rose Mallow Hibiscus sp. 30823 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity 30133 30133 Status Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Field Container C Weed Pharm Acetic acid 81936-1 Field Container Pharm Solution C Hosta Weed Pharm 81936-1 Greenhouse C Hosta sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Hydrangea Hydrangea sp. Weed Pharm Acetic acid 81936-1 Greenhouse Pharm Solution C Phytotoxicity Hydrangea Weed Pharm 81936-1 Greenhouse C Phytotoxicity Hydrangea sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution Phytotoxicity Lilyturf, Creeping Weed Pharm 81936-1 Greenhouse C Phytotoxicity Liriope sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution 30132 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Lilac Syringa sp. Weed Pharm Acetic acid 81936-1 Greenhouse Pharm Solution C 30829 Phytotoxicity Arrowwood Weed Pharm 81936-1 C Phytotoxicity Viburnum sp. Acetic acid Pharm Solution 30814 30818 30638 ProjectTitle: Protocol #: Flumioxazin Crop Safety 13-015 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product 30143 Phytotoxicity Japanese Barberry SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Berberis thunbergii Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Boxwood, Japanese SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Buxus microphylla Flumioxazin Valent 30893 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Fern, Autumn & Wood Dryopteris sp. SureGuard 51WDG Flumioxazin 20514 Phytotoxicity Golden Bells Phytotoxicity Forsythia sp. 30810 Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity 30916 30142 30141 Greenhouse EPA Reg. # Production Site Status Greenhouse C Greenhouse C 59639-120 Valent Greenhouse C SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Field Container C Flumioxazin Valent Mallow, Rose Mallow Hibiscus sp. SureGuard 51WDG Flumioxazin 59639-120 Valent Field Container C Phytotoxicity Hosta SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Greenhouse C Phytotoxicity Hosta sp. Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Hydrangea SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Greenhouse C Phytotoxicity Hydrangea sp. Flumioxazin Valent Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Date: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 p1 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 Narrrative Summ mary (Resullts/Discussion) Pleasse keep text to o one page iff possible. p Incllude summaryy of trial resuults and a brieef discussion including how w any changes from the protocol p mayy have affected d results. Ressults for multip iple PRnumbeers can be sum mmarized toggether, but pleasse list all PRN Numbers in th he header and d in the summary data tablle. Flum mioxazin (SureeGuard 51 WDG) W at 4 oz/aac and acetic acid (WeedP harm) at 10% % v/v were applied to seleccted ornam mental cultivaars (see table below) durin ng dormant an nd non-dormaant growth periods to deterrmine phytotooxicity on the cropss and efficacy y to liverwort at three locattions in Michigan and Ohi o. Locations included Sprring Meadow Nursery and Northhland Farms near n Grand Haven, H MI; an nd Decker’s Nursery N near G Groveport, OH H. Flum mioxazin can be b applied as a dormant ap pplication to several s of the species testedd with mimim mal injury, inccluding Syrinnga meyeri ‘P Paliban’ and Syringa S ‘Misss Kim’; Hydra angea panicu lata ‘Limeligght’; Berberiss ‘Orange Roccket’; Buxus ‘Winntergem’; and d Hydrangea ‘Incrediball’. ‘ However, alll of the speci es tested (witth the exception of the Syriinga species becauuse a reappliccation was no ot performed) were injured by a second application of flumioxazinn during activve growth. Forsyythia ‘Showo off Sugar Baby’ and viburn num dentatum m ‘Blue muffinn’ showed soome injury froom flumioxazzin shortly after the first application, which h was primarily in the form m of delayed bud break. WeeddPharm perfo ormed similarr to the flumio oxazin in thatt it can be appplied as a dorm mant applicattion to many sspecies; from m thesee trials it could be sprayed on Hydrangeea ‘Incrediballl’; Hydrangeaa paniculata ‘Limelight’; Hibiscus syriiacus ‘Blue satin’; forsythia ‘S Showoff Sugaar Baby’ and viburnum den ntatum ‘Blue muffin’. However, also juust like flumiioxazin, all speciies tested werre injury by th he 2nd applicaation which occcurred duringg active grow wth. Bothh flumioxazin and WeedPh harm controlleed liverwort; however, h flum mioxazin has more residuaal than WeedP Pharm (see table below) and better b overall control. WeeedPharm willl control liverrwort very weell, but coveraage is essentiaal. Appllications of WeedPharm W du uring active growth g are phy ytotoxic and less efficacioous. Resu ults Table Pleasse insert resu ults table heree. Include PRn numbers for each e treatmennt if multiple P PRnumbers aare included iin this summ mary. Please include produ uct, active ing gredient, and statistics. Tablle 1. Phytotoxicity on selecte ed ornamentals and liverwort control at Sppring Meadow Nursery Hydrrangea paniculata 'Limelightt' Treaatment 1 WATz yx 4 o oz/ac 0.1 0.0 10% % v/v 0.0 ‐‐ 2 WA AT 0.2 0.1 0.2 4 WATT 0.0 1.8 0.0 6 WAT 0.0 0.6 0.0 Hibsscus syriacus 'B Blue Satin' Treaatment Rate R 1 W WAT 2.1 SureeGuard 4 o oz/ac ** 0.1 WeeedPharm 10% % v/v 0.0 Untrreated ‐‐ 2 WA AT 2.1 ** 0.2 0.0 4 WATT 2.1 ** * 0.4 0.2 Forssythia 'Show Offf Sugar Baby' Treaatment Rate R 1 W WAT 3.1 SureeGuard 4 o oz/ac ** 0.0 WeeedPharm 10% % v/v 0.0 Untrreated ‐‐ 2 WA AT 2.1 0.5 1.0 4 WATT 1.9 0.4 1.4 SureeGuard WeeedPharm Untrreated Rate R 9 WAT 5.6 ** 3.4 ** 1.7 10 WAT 4.9 ** 3.6 ** 1.2 12 WAT 2.7 ** 2.5 ** 0.0 6 WAT 8 WAT 1.2 *** 1.5 ** 0.9 1.1 ** 0.0 0.0 9 WAT 3.9 ** 3.1 ** 0.0 10 WAT 4.3 ** 1.5 ** 0.0 12 WAT 5.5 ** 2.5 ** 0.0 6 WAT 2.3 0.3 2.3 9 WAT 5.0 4.2 2.2 10 WAT 5.6 4.2 2.0 12 WAT 5.2 3.9 2.0 8 WAT 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 WAT 2.0 0.0 1.4 Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Liverwort control Treaatment Rate R SureeGuard WeeedPharm Untrreated Date: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 Vibu urnum dentatu um 'Blue Muffin n' Treaatment Rate R 1 W WAT 2.1 ** SureeGuard 4 o oz/ac 0.1 WeeedPharm 10% % v/v 0.0 Untrreated ‐‐ 1 W WAT wv 4 o oz/ac 7.5 b 9.8 10% % v/v a 0.0 ‐‐ e p2 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 2 WA AT 2.5 ** 0.0 0.3 4 WATT 1.5 * * 0.0 0.3 6 WAT 8 WAT 0.8 *** 0.4 1.1 ** 0.1 0.0 0.0 9 WAT 2.8 ** 3.4 ** 0.0 10 WAT 3.9 ** 2.1 ** 0.2 12 WAT 3.3 ** 2.6 ** 0.1 2 WA AT 9.8 a 9.5 a 0.0 d 4 WATT 9.5 a a 8.6 b b 0.0 e e 6 WAT 9.6 a 7.9 b 0.0 e 9 WAT 9.9 a 8.6 b 1.1 e 10 WAT 9.8 a 9.0 a 3.7 c 12 WAT 9.9 a 9.0 a 3.4 c 8 WAT 9.8 a 7.5 b 0.0 e z = w weeks after tre eatment y = P Phytotoxicity R Ratings based o on a 0‐10 scale with 0 being n no phytotoxicitty and 10 deatth with ≤3 com mmercially acceeptable. x = P Phytotoxicity raatings followed d by *,** are significantly diffferent from coontrol based on n Dunnett's t‐ttest (α = 0.10, 0 0.05, resp pectively). w = Liverwort conttrol ratings folllowed by the ssame letter in tthe same colum mn are not sign nificantly different, based on n lsmeans (α 05) = 0.0 v = LLiverwort control ratings base ed on a 0‐10 sccale with 0 being no control and 10 perfectt control with ≥≥7 commercially acceeptable. in ndicates reappllication at this date Tablle 2. Phytotoxicity on selecte ed ornamentals and liverwort control at Noorthland Farmss nga meyeri 'Paaliban' Syrin Rate Treaatment 2 WA AT 4 W WAT 66 WAT 1 WATz SureeGuard 4 oz/ac Untrreated ‐‐ Syrin nga 'Miss Kim' Treaatment Rate ‐‐ ‐‐ 4 oz/ac ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ SureeGuard Untrreated Liverwort control Treaatment Rate SureeGuard 4 oz/ac Untrreated ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ 1 WAT ‐‐ ‐‐ 2 WA AT ‐‐ ‐‐ 0.8 0.0 66 WAT 0.0 0.0 4 W WAT ‐‐ ‐‐ 8 WAT 0.0 0.0 yx 8 WAT 1.8 ** 0.0 1 WAT 7.5wv bc 5.5 d 2 WA AT 7.3 3 ab 2 c 4.2 4 W WAT 7.9 a 44.8 b 66 WAT 7.3 b 5.7 c 8 WAT 6.2 bc 5.0 c z = w weeks after tre eatment y = P Phytotoxicity R Ratings based o on a 0‐10 scale with 0 being n no phytotoxicitty and 10 deatth with ≤3 com mmercially acceeptable. x = P Phytotoxicity raatings followed d by *,** are significantly diffferent from coontrol based on n Dunnett's t‐ttest (α = 0.10 0, 0.05, respecttively). w = Liverwort conttrol ratings folllowed by the ssame letter in tthe same colum mn are not sign nificantly different, based on lssmeans (α = 0.05) Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 Date: p3 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 v = LLiverwort control ratings base ed on a 0‐10 sccale with 0 being no control and 10 perfectt control with ≥≥7 com mmercially acce eptable. Tablle 3. Phytotoxicity on selecte ed ornamentals at Decker's N Nursery Berb beris 'Orange R Rocket' 1 WAT Rate Treaatment 2 WAT 4 WAT SureeGuard WeeedPharm Untrreated 4 oz/ac 10% v/v ‐‐ Buxu us 'Wintergem' Treaatment SureeGuard WeeedPharm Untrreated Rate 4 oz/ac 10% v/v ‐‐ Hydrrangea 'Incred diball' Treaatment Rate 4 oz/ac SureeGuard 10% v/v WeeedPharm ‐‐ Untrreated yx 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 W WAT 1.9 9 ** 0.0 2.0 0 ** 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 9 WA AT 10 WAT 2.6 ** 2.7 ** 8.7 ** 7.7 ** 0.0 0.0 12 WAT 4.0 ** 2.8 0.0 ** 1 WAT 2 WAT 4 WAT 8 W WAT 9 WA AT 10 WAT 0.7 0.6 0.7 3.1 ** 7 0.2 0.9 2.9 ** 6.0 ** 5.2 ** 5.3 ** 5.7 ** 6.4 ** 0.6 0.6 0.7 7 0.00 0.0 0.0 12 WAT 3.0 ** 5.8 ** 0.0 1 WAT 0.0 0.0 0.0 12 WAT 9.9 ** 4.9 5.0 2 WAT 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 WAT 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 8 W WAT 2.0 2.0 0.00 9 WA AT 9.8 ** 7.2 ** 0.0 10 WAT 9.3 ** 8.1 ** 0.0 z = w weeks after tre eatment y = P Phytotoxicity R Ratings based o on a 0‐10 scale with 0 being n no phytotoxicitty and 10 deatth with ≤3 com mmercially acceeptable. x = P Phytotoxicity raatings followed d by *,** are significantly diffferent from coontrol based on n Dunnett's t‐ttest (α = 0.10, 0.05 5, respectively). in ndicates reappllication at this date Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 Date: p4 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 Mate erials & Metthods/Reco ordkeeping Pleasse fill out the information below b or atta ach a separatee document w with comparabble informatioon. See aattached files for all pertineent informatio on. me(s) of Pers sonnel Conducting Rese earch: Dr. Haannah Mathers and Luke Case Nam Loca ation of Trial (city/state): Click here to o enter text. Use Site (greenh house/shade ehouse/field container/etc): Click herre to enter text.. Crop p History Crop Cultiva ar/Variety: Date of See eding: Date of Emergence: Date of Transplanting: Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: s Row spacin ng: Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. Click herre to enter text. duct(s) applie ed prior to sttart of experriment: Prod Appliication Product Rate Type A Add more row ws as needed. D Date of Application A Crop Groowth Stage A Application V Volume Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Date: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 Expe eriment Info ormation E Experimenta al Design: N Number of Reps: R p5 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 Click heere to enter teext. Click heere to enter teext. M Materials & Methods: M IInsert materia als & methodss here only iff information is i not presentted elsewheree. IInclude any ch hanges from protocol. p C Click here to enter e text. A Application Equipment: E t enter text. Click here to P Product(s) applied during g experimen nt (including treatments, fertilizers, e etc): Rate(s) D Date of Product Appliication Crop Groowth Application Type A Stage A Application V Volume flumioxazin WeedPharm 4 oz/ac 10% v/v OTT - liquid OTT - liquid 22/28/13 22/28/13 dormant dormant 100 gal/ac 100 gal/ac flumioxazin WeedPharm 4 oz/ac 10% v/v OTT - liquid OTT - liquid 5/2/13 5/2/13 Active groowth Active groowth 100 gal/ac 100 gal/ac A Add more row ws as needed. Phottos Pleasse embed pho otos here or seend jpg, tiff, or o bmp. Data a Collected Pleasse describe da ata collected and scoring system. s Also include i the daates data werre collected. Clickk here to enterr text. Raw w Data Inserrt raw data beelow or send separate s file containing c ra aw data. Pleasse see other fiiles Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Dr. Hannah Mathers M Liverwort Prroduct Crop Safety S 13-015 Date: p6 11/20/2013 PRnumb bers: 301422, 30134, 301443, 30135, 300895, 30818, 30141, 300133, 30902, 30822, 301400, 30132, 301147, 30829 Environmental conditions c du uring the exp periment: Inserrt temperaturee, precipitatio on and/or irriigation, and relative r humiddity with a miinimum of higgh, low and avverage daily temperatures. Or send separatee file with thiss information n. Incluude a statemen nt about any significant s weeather or envvironmental evvents during the course off the experimeent. Clickk here to enterr text. Liverworrt Study - Michigan Materialss and Methods. Trials were w set up att two nurseri ries which inncluded Sprinng Meadow Nursery and a Northlan nd Farms neear Grand Haaven, MI to ddetermine coontrol of liveerwort and phytotox xicity from seeveral herbiccide treatmen nts. SureGuuard (flumioxxazin, Valennt U.S.A.) att 4 oz/ac, WeedPharm W (P Pharm Soluttions, Inc.) att 10% v/v w were applied with a CO2 bbackpack typpe sprayer set s to deliverr 50 gal/ac with w 8004 Teejet vs nozzlles. Protocool required 100 gal/ac, soo two passes were made to deliver the required r volu ume. Speciees selected foor phytotoxiccity at Sprinng Meadow included Hyydrangea pa aniculata ‘Liimelight’, Hi Hibiscus ‘Satiin blue’, Forrsythia ‘Show w off Sugar Baaby’, and Vib burnum denttatum ‘Blue Muffin’. Alll species at Spring Meaadow were juust coming out o of dormaancy, i.e. bud d swell. All species werre in 4” pots at Spring M Meadow. Speecies selected for f phytotox xicity at Nortthland Farm ms included SSyringa ‘Misss Kim’ and Syringa meyyeri ‘Paliban’’. Both speciies of Syring ga were dorm mant at time of applicatioon. All speccies were in plug trays at Northland N Faarms. Applicatiions were ap pplied on 7 March M 2013 at both sitess. Spring Meeadow is a ppropagation nursery, so the enviro onment was more regulaated than thee environmennt at Northlaand Farms. T The environm ment at Sprin ng Meadow on o the first application a w was approxim mately 60 °F F with high humidity y in a greenhouse. The environment e at Northlandd Farms wass approximaately 45 °F w with high hum midity in a co overed hoop house. SureeGuard at 4 oz/ac and thhe WeedPharrm at 10% vv/v was reapplied on 2 May M 2013 [8 WA1T (weeeks after firsst treatment)] at Spring M Meadow only. Evaluatio ons consisted d of visual raatings of botth weed conttrol and phyytotoxicity too crop speciees. Visual raatings of liveerwort contro ol were baseed on a 0-10 scale with 0 being no coontrol and 100 perfect co ontrol with ≥7 ≥ commerccially acceptaable. Visuall ratings of pphytotoxicityy were basedd on a scale off 0-10 with 0 being no phytotoxicity y and 10 deatth with ≤3 commerciallyy acceptable. Trials weere set up in a completely y randomizeed design forr each speciees. Fig. 11. Hydrangeea paniculataa treated witth SureG Guard at Sprring Meadow w Nursery w were slighttly behind thhe untreated plants; howeever, controol of liverwoort was exceellent at 3 W WAT. Fig. 2.. Hydrangeaa panicula trreated with WeedP Pharm (left) in comparisson to the unntreated controol (right) at 3 WAT at Sppring Meadoow Nurserry. Notice bbreakthroughh of liverworrt. F Fig. 3 Liverrwort controol and damagge on F Forsythia from 2nd (nonn-dormant) appplication oof WeedPhaarm at Springg Meadow N Nursery. Figure 4. 4 SureGuarrd on Syring ga at Northlaand Farms att 8 WAT. A Although therre were no visible signs of inju ury, plants were w slightly behind the uuntreated plaants. Liverworrt study – Oh hio Materialss and Methods. SureGuaard and WeeedPharm werre applied inn the same m manner as abbove at Decker’s Nursery near Grovep port, OH on 28 Februaryy 2013. Speccies selectedd for phytotox xicity includeed Berberis thunbergii t ‘O Orange Rockket’, Buxus m microphylla ‘Wintergem m’, and Hydrrangea arborescens ‘Inccrediball’. All A species w were dormantt and were inn 4” pot/trayys at time of application. a The trial waas set up in a minimum hheat hoop hoouse with tem mperatures around 45-50 °F and high humid dity. Treatmeents were reeapplied 8 W WAT on 25 A April 2013. Evaluatio ons consisted d of visual raatings of botth weed conttrol and phyytotoxicity too crop speciees. Visual raatings of liveerwort contro ol were baseed on a 0-10 scale with 0 being no coontrol and 100 perfect co ontrol with ≥7 ≥ commerccially acceptaable. Visuall ratings of pphytotoxicityy were basedd on a scale off 0-10 with 0 being no phytotoxicity y and 10 deatth with ≤3 commerciallyy acceptable. Trials weere set up in a completely y randomizeed design forr each speciees. Fig. 4 SurreGuard dam mage on Hyddrangea after the seecond appliccation at Deccker’s Nursery. 20131202c.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2013 OH Researcher(s) Hannah Mathers Ohio State University Affiliation: 248C Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct Columbus OH PhoneNumber: (614) 247-6195 [email protected] Email: 30918 30936 19338 30140 30147 43210-1096 Phytotoxicity Lilyturf, Creeping SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Liriope sp. Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Spruce SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Picea sp. Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Lilac SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Syringa sp. Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Lilac SureGuard 51WDG 59639-120 Phytotoxicity Syringa sp. Flumioxazin Valent Phytotoxicity Phytotoxicity Arrowwood Viburnum sp. SureGuard 51WDG Flumioxazin 59639-120 Valent Greenhouse C Greenhouse C Field Container C Greenhouse C Greenhouse C
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