I The A R EATE S T game BRIF' -- I rwy me mglnnlng or a New Era! TRAVELLER, - ihe world's premkr file ple m Sa ltl '', - 1A'. . LER: THE NEW ERA o . .-rs mor opportunity for ---'oration, he L and a c c o r n p l i ~ r . I . tllUII S V G l belvIG; l.,& TRAVELLER Is - ple m Sa file I Space: 1889Il1 This difficult-Main hardware may helptoemgender amorecornplex mleplaying atmosphere in your gaming gmup. By Chud K a l I/ ~ *10 m n ' UPthe Country It's dme to & s t y tho cancer that hse managed btake over Breekenridge County. 60 ImmdOlltI Tabb. An Armor ConstiqYu#Snm Bym~Chrrlstsnsen 20 SpnceRace The delphM b d m a on GItaiaaboUttobupset. ByJlunesL Cambk 26 lasers In Space Combat A I& at some of tha 1eEhnlcal problemswhkh athe *en lama am used smmw gmat distanceam F i a n k ~ a n d lhvollsr w-- 36 Straits ol wellan &-- Sa Help usher HumanM over tha thmlwld of a New Era. m For BrHllant Lafi-8: Stanhtpeombat ~ ple 32 DdgnNotesr ~ file ~ How To flnes 72 Names, Names, l 1 Dark ConspiracyrMI ~ Sometimes,theshadmifawrthe small, tha quiet, and the sneaky. Ey W a d Own 54 Thief- *So you want me In on p u t Job, huh? Can't say I'm suzprid. Seemto meyoucouldu s u s w e one who can do sarnethlng nwre t h kill w p h . " aurnVHPeny a ~ g can help you m i d a Wedme d frmhtbn. l l y h d ~ r n e r Dumdl TheoneramJnlng eyeff Mapen, and you try to jump M, but the b n y arm w h w out and gmba ywr shoulder before you can beg h to react By Dm Sni& ~ 76 Tea and m I i w TJna MacGillh*ays haw a s p d d dlnner phfmlly rounkn d sorts. But w h a in the wodd L JunbR By W L k r g e r I Features ............................................ 4 ......,.....,.. 35 ...................47 km~ ~ ~ ~ Review8 ............................. ".....,...02 Ask Cornmodon Bwana .,..,... 84 F d b a d c FomResul..............,.86 Produd D W h t h .......................8S Cbdtidr ......................... ,......88 Oprnh Tmeller Newar Senriee Submisskn Quiddnes ....... .........a8 , . . Nex&b e .I...IH.m+H+I, em."* e Michelle Sturneon LCONSULTINLoren K. Wiseman Dave NPsen 9, e n ART DIRECTOR m UKArMlCl U C 3 1 U 1 Y AND PRODUCTIOb Sa m ple file INTERIOR ARTIST! Steve Bryant Mark Fullerton Rick Ham's MaIcom Hee Rob Lazarelti Bradely K. McDevitt David Plunkett Susan van Camp Ki& Wescorn Randy Zimmemn . CD Q -m ABOUT THE COVER Doug AMerson (note the rare and prized Scandinavian spelling) shows us a Tmveller: The New Era aerial encounter from somewhere In or near the Regency. This exotic tab leau shows an air raft of typically untuly Vargr who hate beRg I& out of a good scrap (or Is ft that they like a plate full of good scraps to be left out?). The title? "Dog Fight," of course. =- hdng Down tbe Cracks If you live long enough. it will occur to you lhat life is one big crack into which fall all sorts of things that you hadn't wanted to low I r e of. There are many fdk wisdom renditions of his truth, and one of my fav~ritesis, ""Lifeis what happensto yw while you had other ptans." Every once In a whlle, things slow down enough to l a w you to try to clean uo m e o f ~e stuff hat didn't go righi the first tima. In that spirit I 73dsIbr~enbwnh IknowwWywrneanaboutd IjustpEekedupThvllkr:Th.Nm dateddw%Given~atdspw Em and slwlral MmrgIrr; M e r 8and redngthemlorthepastiwobum ~ I h t h e T N E ~ u ~ I h f s I a m h ~ . t M s O B a g I P P f s y ~ m ,a r ~ v f (weibarplyhad and I een hardly wait b play my firat n W l n ~ ~ t ~ h ~ w ~ o r much less W b ) . Howawr, fib game wlth it. J W a CQ@Q d thhgs. First. I wlsh bet we will l releadng the 7NE that a booklet would be prodwed col- ma#prl.swrm,wh1W1w#do~ lecting all the d d a M a one eaay -yw-* W w M b e & h g A o f I ~ a ~ mlerence plaes. 1 really hate h d n g bo butwe s-al r dkne p q e b& and forth through an almost ,-a W or several books, to llptherthanthewrwdeth&anoneswd Idthem. hu did that with the o&lginal ~ a s ~ w u l d b e g ~ ~ t 7knll#,puttingthemInastaphibwk- mu&. 7=, huh? 7%- havebeen kThiiwas~~Iwesablet0 ~ t h e b o o k e v l d p u t t h e p a g m i n akfofseore0m: 7889htwwi41 sheet pramtontn a rhgbinder. Itredly theirpithhwtne&tMssmer. Ifh ~ d ~ k e+,you a p he@ inspeeding upmy reflngthegame. ~ ~ W . The s m n d thing ts that it would be ~ Gwdtohearfromyou,adI@ groatifywwendodoanupdatedAtlm8 of thr Impdmfor the Now Era This we cmti'nwtDjmt@yorwenthuskm. mneetbn of maps hem been gred with Aquwsk Dave N h for mymnpaQnsWTLrvmlkrrrnd UlsgaCommodore Bwana hvollat, but a new one showing uninhabitableo! ddroyud mrlds and h e a would bo e gmrd hob. y -wr We&th~sIt.Keepupthegoodwk Pm Mlngthb nwhouse system isthe leftem. m o p h h s pmsmw do not big secret devebpmont mming HI -remeetfAosedIhemw* zb. ChiMM the right to tat-tsag. Vow bjdclrsbrnw d k t h s . Wtiteto-LeObars, (for a tkne ~ 8 1 ,h h w g h g m POBOX f W , BlwmIL 817EMc1646 USA. mwey ple Sa Assignment: VigiImte contained seven starship designs that represented the work of Rob Dean, for which hewas unfortunatelynot a&ited at the.time.The A: V adventure was b a d on some ideas and settings IntheDiasporaseetorthatwere written by Chuck Gannm, and although I obviously remembered Chuek Gmnon In the YigilmtecredIts, I somehow failed to realize that Rob Dean had produced the starshii In Chuck Gannon's material. Thase designs, which formed the basis of the visuailzatims created by Rick muis!, myself, LaMonl Fullertan, and Stew Bryant, were an obvbusly i w r t a n t part of the adventure. With the appearme8 of Ray Van Tllburg's painting of the Gmd Shlp 'Viggle" on the cover of Challengesg,IunderstandthatRob was again saddened al the oversight, and he was right to feel that way. I hope that this late contxtion can serve as a satisfactory apotogy. With the recent publication of #le -hip design rbles far Traveller: The Hew Era In Brilliant knees. 1 hope wa can b k fbrward to seeing Rob's name anached to many new shp designs. I .alw understand that Rob and his wib have just k r n e the parents of ababy boy, William Stewarl Dean. Congratulations, On a related issue, we have received a gent number of letters in the pastfewmths, partkularlyfrom Travellerfws.Time being vyhat It is (in short supply), I have not been able to respondto as many of these letters as 1 wwld like, and if you ar?. one of those who is still awaiting a r.@y, please accept my apology for the delay, and my assurancethat if I wuldanswerthernall;l would.Thank yw tor your obvious enthusiasm, and I haven't given up ye!, m first d m . The MegaTraveller follo file w~d= nalelyl M I through some crack h e ple m Sa file
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