Std. - 11 (Semester-2) Physics (05a) G) Sample Question Paper (1) Thes an iobr live *dioN All q&diom are compulsory c) symbok usd h thb quetio p) rns bbl€ d rimpledlolrbr on be usedir nR$ary. (a) Bcsin ncw se'ion on a mw pas! and wrib arowcrs or rhc 'ru$tios F) are$bi shourd be ahmph (6) Maiks lor ech sdion m indnded,saitur tr'at 3dion. Ir6l (1) A boy shndjns on he bnne ol10 sopyed buil'lin& dmps Iru sbn6 or ditreqt nd, nde df 2.0 k3 i5,r 9ld fld md a sbre of 1.2 k3 rs ffiched d lsi frmn rhm rt Lid dnq 6e qft nor. oI mds o{ Lh. syshm of roui stu n at (A) 7th (B) 5,h (c) 3d (D) 4th (r) rl'e nmht a or heda or a $lid sphfre or unirom volune ms 'lm ';P.a '8, ;;R'q rc) i;R'g y I an'l Bdius /D) =R< (3) A ny wheel sbrb idbdns r6m re* wiih uniiom indease in ansular sp..d obbin r3r-_ mgxrtu tp.d .n 1 mind6. rhe svm8e.n8!r.r [email protected] ,r .A l idd ,{8 .1r;..d- ,^, ,rtd {.,43- {Dr 2:+ ", (4) Ii rha Eanh b€ appro.rrat€ days wlll be thers in a tca ? Prsmt ym is oI ,65 'laF. A$ume (a) 365 d.y' (E) lre days (c) 3!0 ddy, (D) ?00 days -er{oMr .pr+r' $" d Tr;nuri" or rh. sz..G,ion.. pohtiel .nd sr'niar ons pohr, e .gy ' , (61 A ball raxing in a lare ol dep$ 200i shtrs a deftas. of 0 at 6c borlon. Th. brtk nodures of clasric y ot rfic md&ial of rhe bal n _ (A) 10!i!'n (B) , x roi Nm, (D) a ,10' Nr: ( c ) 3 x 1 0 ,N n , (7) P,e$E rsrde iwo b"bbk a (A) a,1 (B) 1 g (c] 1i26 (D)srl (3J A shiu btt of densnyq is innescd in a liquid of densiryoGg) b . d"prh h 'nd rercased. Th. heishraboveih (j!mP) b _. Negled vi3@urfoB. ,..t" .t B. i-. | , , , e ,' h ,", l.;.'l' (e) rf a hearmsine rbsorbs2 kr he* fron a heatsofte,nd lelea .ord reservo4 rhei fts ctficien.y s ._ . (a) 50% (B) ,i% (c) 75% (D) o.s$ (10) An id6l 3rs hcd cryinc opo*3 in 6rnot .y.le b.Mccn 2f c and 121 c. ri absorbs6 x r0. cr of heat at highe! t.npe,ahft. The anounr of hed convcned (A)1.r,rnar (B) 6.m4ar (c) ,a,m.d (D) 4ax10.or 1= i, rhenrhe dse in kmpentuE c _ . (A) 2EK (B) 375( (D) r75K \c) 4?5K u2) whar is rhe [email protected] ihe pari.te ex(urine rhe sHM sjv.n by y - ,sri lr+01 . . " T ? wheie y r3 h m " . - 1 , , ^ 1 , D , , 1 (r3) rhe anptirudeor ano*irhro, pdrordne dimpedos.irarionsbe-*" ,^;; ' ,1 i ,*" D.+ * (rd rhc ntb of v.'trtty of $!id in hydrqcn and oiyecn ai srP is (D)r:r ( c )4 , 1 ( A )1 6 r ( B )3 r (r5) A G. $"ndis rs ho- * 430Hz movcstowardsa hish w (D) s70rL (c) 5t0 H, (A) 4r0 H" (B) 3,0 H, (16)rhc cquhonY = A 3hr(h tr) reprcfrt a wdc wrthanp'r' ^^.,; '11 'c,A* me in very 6hon, ol1fd!) (17) On whd ceih€ of m6s of nsid bdy depends? ".^i n6l a.' ks i rrn':i* 'hd b ndhcnbd oI cenkc or nass or the sydan (1e) rhe lensrh ol ti,e sRontl hand or a dock h 2cm. what aill be the heenrial (ro) w"ib u"it or '6r v.rdiry. ollng rrcn a nopewiihoutdiPPbg co{Iri.icnr rhe IoPe. d h' i'3 ' _ (?r) whnc thc ulue ot sd"I*bm uaroror at Po1e5 Ir the (hert .nergy ol n satellite ^ 6 | 10't what is jts Plte.tial .nerey ? (22) writc ihc iype of wav* (any two) used fo. s6dyin3 dr druduEs of cr]3hrs (23) whkh i, nora eladiq air or wde' ? l'vhy ? (24) Hydraulic liJt and door ddsers woiks on vhich P.iiciPle ? (2t whd ii typ. or now or waterhavinsvelkiry 10 cn sr througha bbe or ndios p.r.. L."_ ;r wder d.opler on lotus leal srip awry. Do not wd $c lear. cive leason. (261Fo' shich 'enpelatureinren houshlempenture (271wh4 is .'rred rarenrhei ? (23) t{dte the v.ruesot ce,id cv ror a diaiooicEoleuls, tisid nhbr) or 34 h (re) adpr,tudcorm sHo s rod 'ftnc eneBy Jnd pokidrt ene4y bclomes equar l . (30) wh,r wiu b€ nM dne peiiod o. *@nd End;rum t, iA ::i:;$#:*i";i: inc.casins rh. vet@fty of so&d ina.ascs, dRe4c or nhrins '"'L:"'j':::,9::1"*-"rrrcquencvh300Hzwhdwi,,bcrherFquemvor . , PTA l T POFtr : : ' 1lAhI* 'UI -Cr ' " " . * ' s b o h ' k D . , l J' *' -;; :.'$:::""Ti"I :jiT:" ani\\.oo , r3 J;:t"ll"^'*". (16) wll* 6 mo,hr ormah TcNe romutr ror mo6cn,nr f_h" r o"ny Bo ecJlr' sJ--rbit booE " 'i'it-"'--'"-"'" (rs) D.rhe s-qbr onal 13' w*€ mb m o€ror $rd (42) srare.nd exphh taw of ftoaddnh b#r DaiefomllafoipEswedilfe . d , , a n c r . r , n e n , or er J r 1 l l luo* - re | . *ki. * ^Gpadry F{, Dd 5per.i! heir wnk {er /..o1 tn'ro""" r...n"""j" ;;;";;"." ;::,T J::ffi; ;:;:" "^'" untr { {46) witc fomu'! ro' pcdddt timcor.simPl. pcndulumwhm 3u.hdnplc pcndurun obhin diltuEnd;l equationlor I k, skk and dprar pinctpc o @) w'th equdionfor sbt-dy wavcs.u'hs it dclincantinodsa obtain fo'nul, ror sPeedoI hatuver* wave on shekhed strnS s askgdror. Eth qu€don is of rhEe D&k t,c, A .p'sc of -JG : " 1241 o, rrc- . honoseno$ sphen or radi$ R as .enh of nas ot the omaining Pat w h G0) pnre ,hd rhc m@i -o!rd deprn (6oD th. edrh) Ior cver ir 3p€d sere indssed (tr) A dtr blL *rhod slippinswith.oGtrnt velo.i9. what lradion or toial ki.erk endSy of the dn. is in the lorm ot rctational kindic enersy ? (t) Il lhayoms's nodul* or deelis 2 r loh Nnr,.aldlate rhework donejn drd.hins $ sdiodal aFa 0 03cm,when a load or 20ks is applied wirhout rhe elastic lifrii b€ing reched A massot 15 ks n " tan.d pLn" $ih ed ai the edd or a ieel wir dl lensthlm Ir k rhrled in rg,l.r ved( s u6" t r!d (53)w e sbks .r verocity or, smrl snoo'n, spheri.albody havingradiusr andhde up oI ndedal o( decity I ralling withinnialvg|}zeroin$enuidofdensityPo' acndogh€bm'ddu.olthc rhc engine ab6orbs600k rl heat from rh€ soure pcr 1 6e , r r * n e( i , )w o r ra - " * , - a . f r = n ' I l rhpara.Lts ,4d 2 :h il.;::Fi[ * l'-'i,''*' Drc$uF b o 'ind F inJ'p' u c JndLm'.1,'r o' "' tts) A wlrt havinsriner n83dmsi9 0.0s! n skbhed,b€tweentworjgidsuppons with a rsision dr 4m N. Th€ win fsondds { afrequencyof420Hz.Theng*highd rE,tuhcy * whi.h the sne dre rclonarer Ai 0o crnpsntuE a $trd of frequflcy 250H2 .nib G6) whd i' Dopph, crrd ? Dod"" t -,6 -i- = _! '+v. "", .c",.", ,h. r.,'.",,c q,.,,r";a;d; L,I sound wavs of wiverdsth eth nce$a"v fig'rc r"i hch h of rou,n,tu ;"."-.::::::t::-:'"'"Tvfo1'rra-d o r n',",. ,h.s'oDdrhoL..'dpins '''"" ...,". ' ."' . ..;;'; 1,4 ;'.. ;;".;:f"::J..t,:"T,'#T:.:, :;:t',1;:li""t:l*,,H:L,i; ff k,H "', ,-".,''""'"..'" ".[1q!.1 rwo exadrysidrdr rain dmpsra,*" """.,,, " trrlq _u*". " lon a bisse!drop,rind rhenew ",* ",_.u ,"*,," o, ,n" o,*g- ;p "^*, :fll ;: j'.;.|";:l;',ii"i':.""' p''t'*" r' -' '" *'"' ,'",' "a'r'"r g'r
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