Review meeting for ALMA deep survey 2013-010-24 MAHALO sample in CANDELS-SXDF field Tadaki, K., Kodama, T., Tanaka, I., Koyama, Y. (NAOJ), Hayashi, M. (Univ. of Tokyo), Shimakawa, R. (GUAS) 1. Band-3 survey in cycle-1 ALMA field (Kohno et al.) 2. Band-6 high-resolution (<0.2″) observations pointing Hα-selected galaxies at z=1.5-2.5 3. Band-6 low-resolution (0.5″) deep survey in cycle-1 ALMA field 2 Tadaki et al. MAHALO-Subaru project (PI: T. Kodama) 1.0 2.1 2.2 Redshift 2.3 2.4 2.5 NB209 2.6 2.7 TABLE 1 Multi-wavelength data. 2.8 NB2315 K 0.8 Filter u B V Rc i! z! Y Ks J H K 3.6µm 4.5µm Transmission SXDF-UDS-CADELS field 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Wavelength [µm] Fig. 1.— The transmission curves of NB209 and NB2315 filters on MOIRCS (solid line) and the WFCAM K-band filter (dashed line). The labels on the top axis indicate redshifts for Hα emitters. cycle-1 ALMA field (Kohno et al) Instrument CFHT/MegaCam Subaru/Suprime-Cam Subaru/Suprime-Cam Subaru/Suprime-Cam Subaru/Suprime-Cam Subaru/Suprime-Cam VLT/HAWK-I VLT/HAWK-I UKIRT/WFCAM UKIRT/WFCAM UKIRT/WFCAM Spitzer/IRAC Spitzer/IRAC m5σ,AB 27.68 28.38 28.01 27.78 27.69 26.67 26.69 25.92 25.63 24.76 25.39 24.72 24.61 Reference Almaini et a Furusawa et al. Furusawa et al. Furusawa et al. Furusawa et al. Furusawa et al. Fontana et a Fontana et a Lawrence et al. Lawrence et al. Lawrence et al. Ashby et al Ashby et al Transmission 1.0Subaru/XM M –N ewton Deep survey Field (SXDF; sequence galaxies represent 98% of mass-selected starrusawa etNB209 al. 2008). We show the target selection forming galaxies and account for ∼90% of the cosmic Hα emitters in Section 3. In Section 4, their global p K SFR density at z ∼ 2, with the sample detected by 0.8 erties such as SFRs, stellar masses and metallicities PACS 100 µm or 160 µm on-board Herschel as well as derived, andHα輝線 the mass-metallicity relation is presen optical/near-infrared (NIR) color-selected one. Despite 0.6In Section 5, we discuss the main-sequence galaxie its importance, the definition of main sequence is largely (z=2.2) z > 2 and the dustiness of star formation activities. dependent on a sample selection and a SFR indicator summarize our study in Section 6. Throughout this used. In this paper, we present the main sequence of 0.4per, we assume the cosmological parameters of H 0 star-forming galaxies at z > 2, which are selected from −1 −1 km s Mpc , ΩM = 0.3, and ΩΛ = 0.7, and Salp a Hα narrow-band (NB) imaging survey. The advantage of selecting galaxies with a NB imaging is that we can 0.2IMF is adopted for the estimation of stellar masses SFRs (Salpeter 1955). construct a nearly SFR-limited, complete sample of starforming galaxies ~15′ which spans a broader range in stellar 2. DATA 0.0 massinfrom Mstar ∼ 109 M! (e.g. Lyman break galaxies; Tadaki+13a, press 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 11 We have conducted the Hα emitter surveys in LBGs) to Mstar > 10 M! (e.g. submillimeter-selected Wavelength [µm] redshift slices at z = 2.2 and at z = 2.5 in par galaxies; SMGs). Also, a Hα line is one of the best SFR major general field SXDF. Two narrow-band indicators as well asproject a probe oftargets high-z star-forming MAHALO the peakgalaxepoch the of galaxy formation (z~2). ters, namely NB209 (λc = 2.09µm, FWHM=0.027 ies, which has many great advantages: being less affected and NB2315 (λ = 2.315µm, FWHM=0.027µm) MAHALO-Subaru project (PI: T. Kodama) SXDF-UDS-CADELS field Dec. [arcmin] cycle-1 ALMA field (Kohno et al) 0 24µm NB209-6 V606 I814 J125 H160 M 24µm NB209-7 V606 I814 J125 H160 M 24µm NB209-12 V606 I814 J125 H160 M 24µm NB2315-1 V606 I814 J125 H160 M 24µm NB2315-4 V606 I814 J125 H160 M z=2.2 HAE 5 0 -5 Dec. [arcmin] R.A. [arcmin] 0 z=2.5 HAE 5 0 R.A. [arcmin] -5 Tadaki+13b, submitted MAHALO-Subaru project (PI: T. Kodama) SXDF-UDS-CADELS field Dec. [arcmin] VLT/KMOS field (Koyama et al) 22 HAEs will be observed by KMOS. 0 Five KMOS targets (z=2.5 HAEs) are within cycle-1 ALMA field. z=2.2 HAE 5 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] Dec. [arcmin] 4 the kinematic of ionized gas 5 T h e K M O S K i n e Sm o a b t r i ac l S e u t r av le . y o f z ⇠ 1 G a la x ie s 0 z=2.5 HAE 5 0 R.A. [arcmin] -5 Sobral et al., submitted Other emitters in SXDF Dec. [arcmin] Dec. [arcmin] [OII] emitters at z=1.5-1.7 0 0 z=2.2 HAE 5 0 -5 Dec. [arcmin] R.A. [arcmin] 5 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] blue: z=1.47 traced by NB921 (Ouchi+09,10, Sobral+12) green: z=1.62 traced by NB973 (Ota+10, Tadaki+12) red: z=1.69 traced by NB1006 (Shibuya+12, Tadaki+) 0 (z=1.2 traced by NB816,Yuma+13) z=2.5 HAE 5 0 R.A. [arcmin] -5 Other emitters in SXDF Dec. [arcmin] Dec. [arcmin] [OIII] emitters at z=3.2 0 0 z=2.2 HAE 5 0 -5 Dec. [arcmin] R.A. [arcmin] z=2.5 HAE 0 R.A. [arcmin] 0 R.A. [arcmin] 0 5 5 -5 -5 Other emitters in SXDF redshift tracer reference ~1.5 Hα Yabe+12 2.2 Hα Tadaki+13 2.5 Hα Tadaki+13 3.2 [OIII] - 1.2 [OII] Yuma+13 1.5 [OII] - 1.6 [OII] Tadaki+12 1.7 [OII] - 2.2 Lyα Nakajima+12 5.7 Lyα Ouchi+08 6.6 Lyα Ouchi+10 Dec. [arcmin] Summary of Subaru emitters in SXDF 0 5 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] dust continuum [CII] line Band-7 and 6 blue: [OII] emitters at z=1.5-1.7 green: [OIII] emitters at z=3.2 red: Hα emtters at z=2.2, 2.5 complicated! →we focus on Hα emitters or Lyα emitters. dust continuum [CII] line Cycle-2 Survey Extension of cycle-1 SXDF-ALMA survey (Kohno et al.) different band wide frequency 5σ=0.3mJy in cycle-1 survey Band-6, Δν=7.5GHz in cycle-1 survey deep wide field 0.5″ in cycle-1 survey higher resolution 100″×50″ in cycle-1 survey Strategy HUDF is the best field for ALMA deep survey. When the survey area is larger than HUDF, SXDF-CANDELS field would be unique. However, the survey area should be less than 10 arcmin2. We need to add some extra value to cycle-2 survey! how about a survey pointing Hα emitters? Goal 1: detection of dust continuum from Hα emitters at z~2 Goal 2: unbiased survey of [CII] emitters at z~6 Extension to wide field Dec. [arcmin] Patchy survey pointing Subaru emitters 0 5 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] blue: [OII] emitters at z=1.5-1.7 green: [OIII] emitters at z=3.2 red: Hα emtters at z=2.2, 2.5 Extension to frequency range and depth 3.4 hours in cycle 1 survey ↓×3 10.2 hours in cycle 2 survey Dec. [arcmin] Deep survey pointing cycle-1 ALMA field 0 5 cycle-1 data 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] 275GHz 245GHz 1.875 × 2 = 3.75 GHz 3.75 × 8 = 30 GHz 1. dust continuum deeper by a factor of two 5σ=0.3 mJy → 5σ=0.15mJy, corresponding to SFR ~ 50 M◉/yr 2. [CII] emitter survey larger volume by a factor of four → z=5.90-6.74, this corresponds to a survey volume of 3×103Mpc3 Also, this can covers Lyα emitters at z=6.6 [CII] luminosity function ALMA [C II] detections of SMGs in the ECDFS 1071 Swinbank+12c 1. limiting flux of this survey 6.25 min integration → 5σ=2mJy in Δν=200km/s → L[CII]=1.5×108 L◉ at z=6.3 2. number density of [CII] emitter N(>L[CII]) ~ 103 Mpc 3. survey volume z=5.90-6.74 → ΔV= 3×103Mpc3 L[C II] /LFIR ratio as function of the far-infrared are luminosity for our two 4.4detected! ALMA SMGs compared to local star-forming galaxies and Aafew [CII] emitters expected toz = be plot we also include the z = 4.76 LESS SMG from De Breuck et al. (2011; see also Coppin et al. 2009). We also include a number of This is a very challenge observation. rbursts and AGN from previous studies (Carral et al. 1994; Luhman et al. 1998, 2003; Colbert et al. 1999; Unger et al. 2000; Malhotra et al. et al. 2005; Brauher et al. 2008; Stacey et al. 2010; Cox et al. 2011). For the local data, we calculate the median (dashed line) and scatter re shows that the ratio L[C IImore high-redshift ULIRGs is a factor of ∼10as times higher given their far-infrared luminosities compared ] /LFIR for Allofthe reason, we should do this well. 0. Right: the [C II] luminosity function at z = 4.4 from our survey compared to z = 0. For the z = 4.4 luminosity function, we assume that all The main science should be a study of star-forming galaxies at z~2. ting galaxies in the !z = 0.12 volume covered by our observations were detected and so we stress that these calculations yield only a lower me density of high-redshift [C II] emitters. The z = 0 observations are derived from volume density of IRAS sources at z < 0.05 from Brauher e red dotted line shows the predicted [C II] local luminosity function for a constant L[C II] /LFIR = 0.002, whilst the solid line shows the z = 0 Extension to frequency range and depth Advantages in the case of deep survey pointing cycle-1 ALMA field 8 Tadaki et al. M*-SFR diagram for HAEs at z~2 100- Uncorrected Corrected 10 10 2 cycle-1 ALMA data is unique (but the data is not obtained yet...) 10 - HAE sample is unique 1we have the SFG sample with 50<SFR<100 1 10 100required 10001 10 100 1000 deeper data is SFRHα [Msolaryr-1 ] SFRHα [Msolaryr-1 ] Fig. 8.— Lef t: Hα-based SFRs (SFRHα ) versus UV-based SFRs (SFR ) withoutdata dust-correction for the combined sample UV KMOS is unique of HAEs at z = 2.2 and z = 2.5. Right: Same as the left panel, but with the dust correction basedyet...) on the SED fitting. (but theextinction data is not obtained SFRHα [Msolaryr-1 ] SFRUV [Msolaryr-1 ] 1000 3 SFR=100M◉/yr cycle-1 SFR=50 10 cycle-2 1 MIPS source Best fit line Daddi et al. 2007 where m1500 is the interpolated magnitude at the rest0 10 9 10 11 frame wavelength of 1500 ˚ A. 10 10 10 Tadaki+13a The HAE surveys with NB filters allow us to measure M * [Msolar] the Hα fluxes from the flux densities in NB and BB, hence SFRs for all galaxies (Koyama et al. 2010). The Fig. 9.— Star formation rates of the combined sample of HAEs at z = 2.2 (green) and z = 2.5 (blue) plotted against stellar masses. NB flux density can be defined as fNB = fc + Fline /∆NB , dust continuum observations, thisWe field is Hα superior towith HUDF. use the -based SFRs the dust extinction correction where fFor c is the continuum flux density, Fline is the (Section 4.3). The errors in SFRs are estimated from the photoemission-line flux, andwe ∆ can denotes FWHMs an of the filMoreover, conduct unbiased [CII] emitter aslinewell. metric errors (σ = 1). survey The red solid indicates the best fit line 0.94 ters. The BB flux density is also defined as fBB = to our data points (SFR=238M11 ). The dashed line presents the fc + Fline /∆BB . Therefore, the line flux, continuum flux main sequence of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2 defined by Daddi et al. (2007). Magenta squares indicate the MIPS 24 µm-detected Summary 5σ=0.3mJy in cycle-1 survey ↓ 5σ=0.15mJy deep 0.5″ in cycle-1 survey ↓ 0.5″ for consistency’s sake? higher resolution different band wide frequency Band-6, Δν=7.5GHz in cycle-1 survey ↓ Band-6, Δν=30GHz wide field 100″×50″ in cycle-1 survey ↓ same field For my science case, higher resolution is desirable (0.15-0.2″). I will talk about this in ALMA high-z/AGN work shop (28 Oct.) Patchy survey pointing HAEs at z 2 In the case of concentrating on our KMOS targets The KMOS sample consists of 22 HAEs at z=2.2 and at z=2.5. The survey volume is 1.5×103Mpc3 0 z=2.2 HAE 5 0 -5 R.A. [arcmin] Dec. [arcmin] 19 pointings in cycle-1 → 3.4 hours 17 pointings in cycle-2 → ~3 hours (in the same depth as cycle-1 survey) Dec. [arcmin] Five out of 22 HAEs at z=2.5 will be observed by ALMA (cycle-1). We observe 17 HAEs in cycle-2. 0 z=2.5 HAE 5 0 R.A. [arcmin] -5 Patchy survey pointing LAEs at z=6.6 SXDF-CANDELS field or SXDF field ALMA FoV z=6.3 [CII] emitter z=6.6 LAE z=6.1 [CII] emitter 250GHz z=6.6 biased survey 1.875 × 2 = 3.75 GHz 265GHz dc~150Mpc z=6.2 un-biased survey of [CII] emitters We can target a [CII] line from Lyα emitters at z=6.6. Moreover, we can conduct an unbiased [CII] emitter survey as well.
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