Central Board of Secondary Education Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi-92. F.33/CBSE/PRO/SGAI/2013 Date: 24.10.2013 To, All the Heads of Institutions Participating in CBSE-SGAI November-2013 Important Information regarding CBSE SGAI November-2013 Assessment Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings! CBSE-SGAI November-2013 will be held on 16th November, 2013. You are requested to go through this circular carefully and extend your support to conduct SGAI successfully. Sealed parcel containing packet(s) of Question Booklets, OMR Answer Sheets and packing list should reach you shortly. These booklets and OMR Answer Sheets are commensurate to the numbers of students participating in the CBSE-SGAI November-2013 in your institution. However, if material is not received by 12th November 2013, information about non-receipt of material (Question Booklet/OMR sheets) should be given to SGAI Cell, Dr. Baljinder Singh, Email Id: [email protected], Telephone: 01122043635, Tele Fax: 011-22440083. This is the first time that students will mark responses in OMR sheets. Therefore it is appropriate to make students aware of this change beforehand. For this purpose please find enclosed instructions for invigilators and students. These may be Xeroxed and discussed with students appropriately. Pre-assessment Guidelines 1. It is expected that concerned authority after receiving the parcel(s), will arrange proper storage facility for the material till the date of assessment i.e. 16th November, 2013. 2. SGAI Assessment should invariably start on 10:00 am on Saturday, 16 th November, 2013. However, Sealed parcel(s) containing SGAI Question Booklets must be opened by the Principal only 30 minutes before the time fixed for the SGAI assessment. 3. It is Important that these packet(s) should be opened only on 16th November 2013 in the presence of two witnesses including invigilator/teacher-in-charge and duly signed report as given in Annexure A be sent to the Board along with OMR sheets. 4. Facsimile signature stamp of the Principal must be prepared in advance to be put on all OMR answer sheets. 5. Aptitude assessment is not an examination. Psychological tests of this nature are meant for “self assessment” rather than testing knowledge. Therefore, No admit cards, roll number will be issued by the board for SGAI November 2013. Dispatch Procedure Principals are requested to ensure that: a) OMR answer sheets are complete in all respects and packed separately. b) Annexures A and B are filled and packed in separate envelope and labeled. Packing of OMR Sheets 1) OMR Answer Sheets must be serialized, counted and then packed in a plastic envelope which should be stapled and placed between A-4 size pulp board and tied with thread. 2) Utmost care should be taken in the packing of OMR answer sheets and it must not be folded or damaged in the process. 3) This Packet and Envelopes containing Annxure A & B should be packed in a cloth and sealed. 4) Please note that SGAI Question Booklets (used/unused) should not be sent to the Board. 5) The schools should keep record of all students who have opted for CBSE SGAI November-2013. 6) Parcel(s) should not be sent to any Regional Office or other office of the board and sent only To: Rama Sharma, PRO & Project Director (SGAI), Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-92 7) The OMR Answer Sheets with annexure must reach before 30th November 2013. 8) SGAI cell will not be responsible for loss/non-receipt/delay if instructions are not followed. Instructions and sample of OMR Answer Sheet for Invigilator to be shared with students Although, the following instructions have also been mentioned in SGAI Question Booklets, however the Invigilator should reiterate them and familiarize students with specimen of OMR sheet beforehand (Annexure-C) by making Xerox copies as per requirement: a) The question booklet is designed to capture general information about the background, aptitude and interests of the students, which may help them at the time of choosing subjects in class XI. b) The question booklet has been made user friendly, in both Hindi and English languages. The instructions for students are also simple and self explanatory. c) There are 100 Questions in total divided in two parts in questions booklet: Part I contains 75 Multiple Choice Questions each having four options A, B, C and D while part II contains 25 statements having options as Yes/No. d) Students should mark their choices on OMR Answer Sheet with either Blue or Black Ball Point Pen only and must not use pencil. e) CBSE SGAI is not an examination. f) There is no negative marking, no pass or fail. g) OMR Answer Sheets should not be folded. h) CBSE-SGAI November-2013 should invariably start at 10.00 a.m. It takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the assessment. However this should not be taken as fixed limit. i) All parts of the question booklet should be attempted with sincerity. j) Mental preparedness and sincere responses are the pre - requisites for this test as SGAI scores may depend upon students’ environmental stimulus and motivation level. Assessment Reports Scoring, assessment and interpretation of the students will be conducted by the board under the supervision of an expert panel. Schools are required to send OMR Answer Sheets to the address by the date mentioned above. The board will issue assessment reports to individual students school wise after analysis and interpretation and send to the concerned schools. Important Note: CBSE SGAI is optional for schools and students. It has been designed with the aim of helping the larger population including parents, teachers and students to initiate a dialogue on academic choices leading to better career ahead in life. SGAI assessment is not binding on the schools or the students. It should be taken only as an indicator or a facilitator to empower a child with “self knowledge” and enable the child in making informed academic choices. However, the results of SGAI taken together with the student’s assessment from other sources might help students and parents in making informed academic choices. For any further information or clarification please contact:Dr. Baljinder Singh Research Associate (SGAI) Email Id: [email protected] TEL: 011-22043635 Rama Sharma PRO and Project Director (SGAI) Tele Fax: 011-22440083 ANNEXURE - A CBSE-SGAI November-2013 Certificate for Opening Sealed Parcel(s) Name of the School: …...………………………………………………….…………………. Certified that duly sealed Parcel(s) No.(s)……................………containing booklets pertaining to CBSE- SGAI November 2013 has/ have been examined by me and found to be in proper condition with all seal(s) intact. The parcel(s) has/ have been opened in my presence on 16th Novembe r, 2013 at …………… am in the presence of the following witnesses: 1. Name ………………….................. Designation……………………..... Signature …………………………. 2. Name ………………….................. Designation……………………..... Signature …………………………. (Signature of the Principal with Seal) Name….……………………………………….… Date: 16th November, 2013 ANNEXURE - B CBSE–SGAI November-2013 Attendance/Absentee Proforma* Name of the School: .…………………………………………..……………… Affiliation No………………....... * Note: Invigilator should write ‘Absent’ in the Attendance Column in case of absent candidates in RED INK. S. No. Name of the Registered Candidate To be filled by the School: Total Number of Students Registered for CBS E-SGAI November- 2013 ........................................................ Signature of the Principal with seal Date of Birth Attendance (Signature of the Candidate Present) Total Number of Students Appeared Total Number of Absentee Students (Red Ink) .…...................................... Signature of the Invigilator Annexure - C i`”B&1/Side-1 vks-,e-vkj-la0/OMR No. Sample Copy CBSE SGAI-NOVEMBER 2013 OMR Answer Sheet fo|kFkhZ dk uke Name of the S tudent (in capital letters): firk dk uke% Name of the Father (in capital letters): ekrk dk uke Name of the Mother (in capital letters): fo|kFkhZ dh t Ue frfFk% Date of Birth of the S tudent: (DD/MM/YYYY) uksV% mfpr xksys uhys ;k dkys ckWy IokbaV isu ls xgjk djsAa Note: Darken the appropriate circle with Blue / Black Ball Point Pen. firk dk O;olk; Occupation of Father O ;kikj Business ljdkjh Govt. Servant ekrk dk O;olk; Occupation of Mother xzg.kh Housewife dk;Zjr Working fyax % Gender: iq: ”k M ale tUe Øe kad% Birth order: efgyk Female igyh lar ku First Child ifjokj dk izd kj% Family Type: fuTkh Private nwljh lar ku Second Child ,dy Nuclear rhljh larku Third Child vU; Other la;qDr Joint fo|ky; dk izd kj% Type of the S chool: dsoy yM+fd;k¡ Girls only dso y yM+ds Boys Only nksuksa ¼yM+ds ,oa yM+fd;k¡a½s Both (Boys & Girls) ljdkjh Government Lora= Independent ljdkjh lgk;rk iz kIr Government Aided vkoklh; Residential xSj vkoklh; Non-Residential i`”B &2 ij mRrj vafdr djus ds fy, funs’Z k% Instructions for marking answer on side-2: (a) (i) ,lth,vkbZ iz’u&i=koyh esa dqy 100 iz ’u gSa tks nks Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA izF ke Hkkx esa dqy 75 iz ’u gSA d ls M- rd ik¡p Hkkx gaAS izR ;sd Hkkx esa 15 cgqfodYih; iz ’u le fEyr gSa ftuesa d][k]x] ,oa ?k fodYi gSAa The SGAI Question Booklet has a total of 100 questions divided into two parts. There are 75 questions in Part I divided into five sets A to E. In each set, there are 15 M ultiple Choice Questions having four options A, B, C, and D. (ii) f}rh; Hkkx esa gk¡@ugha fodYiksa okys 25 dFku gSAa Part II contains 25 statements having Yes/No options. (b) mRrjksa dks uhys ;k dkys ckWy IokbaV isu ls fpfUgr djsAa iSa fly dk iz; ksx u djs%a M ark the answers with blue/ black ball point pen. Pencil is NOT TO BE USED: (c) mRrj vafdr nsus dh fof/k uhps nh xbZ gS% The method of marking answer is indicated below: izR ;sd iz’u ds uhps (a), (b), (c), (d) or (Y) (N) fodYi fn;s x, gSAa Each question is followed by options as (a), (b), (c), (d) or (Y) (N). uhys ;k dkys ckWy IokbaV isu dk iz; ksx djrs gq, viuk mRrj pqus vkSj dsoy ,d xksys dks xgjk djsAa mnkgj.kr% ;fn iz’u 2 ds fy, vkidk mRrj C gS rks uhps fn;s vuq lkj fpfUgr djs%a Select one answer and darken the circle with blue/black ball point pen. For example, if your answer of question 2 is C, mark as shown below: lgh/Correct xyr/In-correct A (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) B D AA . x vks-,e-vkj- ‘khV ij mRrj ds vykok dksbZ vU; fu’kku u yxk;saA Please do not put any mark on the OMR answer sheet other than responses. vks-,e-vkj- ‘khV dks u eksMAs+ Do not fold the OMR answer sheet. vks-,e-vkj- ‘khV ij fpfgUr ^ckj dksM+* ds lkFk NsM+NkM+ u djsAa Do not temper the ‘Bar Code’ on the OM R sheet. gj iz’u dk ,d gh mRRkj nsAa M ark only one answer for each Question. fdlh Hkh izdkj dk dYdwySVj] eksc kby Qksu vkSj eqfnªr@fyf[kr lkexz h ykus dh vuqefr ugh gSA Use of calculator, mobile phone and printed/written material is not allowed. bl iz’u i=koyh dk fuekZ.k vkidh i`”BHkw fe] vfHk{kerkvks]a :fp;ksa ,oa vknrksa ds ckjs esa lkekU; tkudkjh izkIr djus ds fy, fd;k x;k gSA blfy, vius nksLrksa ;k v/;kidksa ls iwN rkN u djsa ftlls ‘kk;n vkidk okLrfod vkdyu u gks ik,A This Question Booklet has been developed to get general information about YOUR background, aptitudes, interests and hobbies. So, do not discuss or ask your friends or teachers as you may not get your actual assessment. lh-ch-,l-bZ- ,l-th-,-vkbZ- dksbZ ijh{kk ugha gS blesa dksbZ ikl ;k Qsy ugha gSA CBSE SGAI is not an examination, there is no pass or fail. bl iz’ukoyh dks iwjk djus ds fy, dksbZ le;&lhek dh ck/;rk ugha gSA rFkkfi vki bls 1 ls Ms<+ ?kaVs esa vklkuh ls iwjk dj ldrs gSAa There is no time limit to complete this questionnaire. However, you can complete it easily in 1 to 1.5 hours duration. i`”B&2/Side-2 uksV% vks-,e-vkj- ‘khV dks Hkjus ls igys d`I;k fiNys ¼i`”B&1½ ij fn;s funs’Z kksa dks /;ku iwoZd i<+ ysAa Note: Please read the instructions given overleaf (side-1) carefully before filling the OMR answer sheet. izFke Hkkx/Part I Hkkx £ /Set B Hkkx d/Set A 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Hkkx x /Set C Hkkx ?k /Set D Hkkx M+/Set E a a a a a a b b b b b b c 3 c c c c d d d d d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 a a a a a a b b b b b b c c c c c c d d d d d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 a a a a a a b b b b b b c c c c c c d d d d d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 a a a a a a b b b b b b c c c c c c d d d d d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 a a a a a a b b b b b b c c c c c c d d d d d d 7. a 8. a b b c c d d 9. a b c d 7 a 8 a 9 a b b b c c c d d d 7 a 8 a 9 a b b b c c c d d d 7 a 8 a 9 a b b b c c c d d d 7 a 8 a 9 a b b b c c c d d d 10 a b c d 10 a b c d 10 a b c d 10 a b c d 10 a b c d 11 a b c d 11 a b c d 11 a b c d 11 a b c d 11 a b c d 12 a b c d 12 a b c d 12 a b c d 12 a b c d 12 a b c d 13 a b c d 13 a b c d 13 a b c d 13 a b c d 13 a b c d 14 a b c d 14 a b c d 14 a b c d 14 a b c d 14 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d f}rh; Hkkx/Part II 1. Y N 16. Y 2. Y N 17. Y N 3. Y N 18. Y N 4. Y N 19. Y N 5. Y N 20. Y N 6. Y N 21. Y N 7. Y N 22. Y N 8. Y N 23. Y N 9. Y N 24. Y N 10. Y N 25. Y N 11. Y N 12. Y N 13. Y N 14. Y N 15. Y N N fo|ky; dk uke% Name of the School: fo|ky; dh laca/krk la[;k% School Affiliation no.: fo|kFkÊ ds gLrk{kj Signature of the Student fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj Signature of the Invigilator iz/kkukpk;Z ds gLrk{kj eksgj lfgr Signature of the Principal with Seal
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