Industriestr. 11 Postfach 10 3210 Kerzers T +41 (0)31 755 46 66 F +41 (0)31 755 66 16 Email [email protected] URL Kerzers, 22. September 2011 Sample Test Report of a B100 according to DIN E 51835-1:2011-01 To whom it may concern Please find below our sample test report about the oxidation stability testing of a B100 (100% FAME) sample applying Chemiluminescence in accordance to DIN E 51835-1:2011-01. We performed the following work: - determination of the Oxidation Induction Times (OIT) at different isothermal temperature profiles in synthetic air - data analysis and calculation of the activation energies Please contact ACL Instruments AG if you have questions about the given test report. Best regards Fabian Käser Managing Director Direct deposits to ACL Instruments AG: Bank account No.: 0235-109261.01J IBAN: CH15 0023 5235 1092 6101 J Clearing No.: 235 Bank: UBS AG Bern SWIFT (=BIC) : UBSWCHZH80A 110922_ONLINE_SampleReport_DIN E 51835-1_B100 Zip: 3011 City: Bern VAT No.: 703 080 Sample test report No. 1108-1002-a01: service-No. sample report vour reference: our reference: Fabian Käser incoming samples a) Stability tests according to DIN E 51835-1:2011-01 The oxidation stability of a B100 sample (100% FAME, esterified vegetable oil) was tested with the Chemiluminescence (CL) method according the DIN E 51835-1:2011-01 Norm in synthetic air at different isothermal temperature profiles; we analysed the Oxidation Induction Time OIT as a function of the applied temperature profiles. b) Notation of the sample The sample tested is - B100, without specification c) Sample masses and sample preparation/handling 20uL of the sample were pipetted into one-way crucibles, the resulting sample masses were in the range from 21,17 to 22,84mg. Then the crucibles were moved in the centre of the CL instrument’s oven compartment. All the experiments were performed without the use of heat conductive additives (e.g. heat conductive paste) to prevent on the one hand the contamination of the oven compartment and on the other hand the crosscontamination with the sample to be tested. d) Type and size of the crucibles Saucer-shaped crucibles supplied from ACL Instruments AG were used: - glass crucibles: diameter 22mm, borosilicate glass e) Testing conditions and temperature profiles The following testing conditions were applied: method name OIT type of method isothermal, static duration variable temperature profile iso 70..160°C, ðT = 5K temperatur tolerance ± 0.02K heating rate ß* 0K/min sampling interval 1’000 ms, 3/3 gas atmosphere N 2 , air each 30 ml/min Tab. 1: testing conditions Fig. 1: characteristic temperature profile page - 2 - *The samples were ramped from room temperature in 10mins to the required testing temperature in nitrogen atmosphere (non-oxidative condition). The sample was kept for 3mins at the isothermal testing temperature in nitrogen before the reaction gas atmosphere was switched to synthetic air (oxidative condition). f) Type of the instrument The instrument used for the tests is a basic instrument configuration manufactured by ACL Instruments AG, the instruments identification number is 205 ( The characteristics of the instrument are : - photon counting mode - photon detection limit ~0.5 count/s - dynamic of the detection unit: > 6 decades - temperature tolerance: ±0.02K prior to the experimental work, the temperature control of the oven compartment was calibrated to the use of the above specified glass crucibles. g) data analysis procedure The acquired CL intensity (counts/s) were normed to the sample mass (counts/mg/s). The visualisation and analysis of the OIT event was processed with the software tool Calisto Processing V. 1,084 ( h) Amount of experiments and statistical analysis Each testing condition (time/temperature profile) was performed within this test serie once (n = 1). No replicate tests were performed. page - 3 - Fig. 2: CL data acquired at isothermal temperature profiles ranging 105..150°C, ðT = 5K, in synthetic air. The data acquired in the range 70..100°C are not depicted. Obviously the B100 sample undergoes a multi-step oxidation (presence of multiple oxidation reaction Stepps which are at least partially overlaid). i) Oxidation Induction Time Values The resulting OIT values are given in the following tab (no. 2): T (°C) 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 1/T (1/K) 0.00230867 0.00233563 0.00236323 0.00239149 0.00242043 0.00245008 0.00248047 0.00251162 0.00254356 0.00257632 0.00260994 0.00264445 0.00267989 0.00271628 0.00275368 0.00279213 0.00283166 0.00287233 0.00291418 1000/T (1000/K) 2.31 2.34 2.36 2.39 2.42 2.45 2.48 2.51 2.54 2.58 2.61 2.64 2.68 2.72 2.75 2.79 2.83 2.87 2.91 OIT1 0:00:00 0:26:31 0:42:03 1:02:02 2:14:44 4:19:44 7:30:00 10:24:14 25:31:39 OIT 2 0:27:03 0:32:07 0:41:13 0:52:55 1:02:45 1:10:50 1:22:33 1:51:47 2:22:08 3:22:21 4:05:54 6:16:47 8:44:55 12:15:58 18:21:47 26:57:02 35:23:12 54:24:32 78:27:44 Ln[OIT1] -3.99462 -3.53354 -3.14473 -2.36910 -1.71274 -1.16315 -0.83587 0.06170247 Ln[OIT2] -3.97471 -3.80302 -3.55356 -3.30368 -3.13324 -3.01207 -2.85899 -2.55584 -2.31563 -1.96240 -1.76747 -1.34073 -1.00916 -0.67121 -0.26771 0.11595 0.38828 0.81847 1.18456 Tab. 2: OIT values (format hh:mm:ss). The OIT1 (minor oxidation step) occurs spontaneously at temperature profiles above 105°C, the OIT2 represents the onset of the major oxidation reaction step. page - 4 - j) Incidents, which may influenced the results No incidents are known/were reported which may influence the results. k) Modification of the norm DIN E 51835-1:2011-01 - use of synthetic air in place of pure oxygen (O 2 ) - gas flow of 30ml/min in place of 50ml/min - use of saucer-shaped glass crucibles in place of concave aluminium crucibles - no use of heat conductive medium - sample volume of 20uL in place of 5uL l) Date of the tests The tests were performed in Juli and August 2011. m) Arrhenius-Analysis and -Diagram 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 1/T (1/K) 0.00230867 0.00233563 0.00236323 0.00239149 0.00242043 0.00245008 0.00248047 0.00251162 0.00254356 0.00257632 0.00260994 0.00264445 0.00267989 0.00271628 0.00275368 0.00279213 0.00283166 0.00287233 0.00291418 1000/T (1000/K) 2.31 2.34 2.36 2.39 2.42 2.45 2.48 2.51 2.54 2.58 2.61 2.64 2.68 2.72 2.75 2.79 2.83 2.87 2.91 OIT1 OIT 2 0:00:00 0:26:31 0:42:03 1:02:02 2:14:44 4:19:44 7:30:00 10:24:14 25:31:39 Ln[OIT1] 0:27:03 0:32:07 0:41:13 0:52:55 1:02:45 1:10:50 1:22:33 1:51:47 2:22:08 3:22:21 4:05:54 6:16:47 8:44:55 12:15:58 18:21:47 26:57:02 35:23:12 54:24:32 78:27:44 -3.99462 -3.53354 -3.14473 -2.36910 -1.71274 -1.16315 -0.83587 0.06170247 Ln[OIT2] -3.97471 -3.80302 -3.55356 -3.30368 -3.13324 -3.01207 -2.85899 -2.55584 -2.31563 -1.96240 -1.76747 -1.34073 -1.00916 -0.67121 -0.26771 0.11595 0.38828 0.81847 1.18456 2 1 0 Ln[OIT (h)] T (°C) -1 -2 -3 (major) OIT 2 (minor) OIT 1 -4 -5 -6 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.90 1'000/T (1'000/K) Tab. 3: Arrhenius-parameterisation Fig. 3: Arrhenius-Diagram with linear regression lines The green linear regression lines represent Arrhenius behaviour conform to the norm. n) Energy of Activation for the OIT-Events according to Arrhenius The following tab. (no. 4) gives the energies of activation for the two OIT-events analysed. Please mind that the given values are only applicable fort he OIT event (not for the whole oxidation reaction progress). temperature range linear regression line coeff. of correlation R 2 Energy of activation (kJ/mol) (minor) OIT 1 70..160°C y = 14.898x - 43.451 0.993 122.9 (major) OIT 2 70..160°C y = 10.12x - 28.237 0.999 84.1 Tab. 4: Activation energy parameters. The correlation coefficients of both OIT events are conform to the norm DIN E 51835-1:2011-01 and therefore acceptable. page - 5 - Remarks The given test report is a sample report for public dissemination. Nevertheless the content and the results of this document are the sole and exclusive property of ACL Instruments AG. If you want to present and/or publish and/or disseminate the given sample test report and/or parts of it, you require the written authorisation from ACL Instruments AG. Do you have question regarding the given sample test report or do you have questions regarding your specific samples? ACL Instruments AG provides advice! We are an independent service provider to help and support you! Kerzers, 22. September 2011 ACL Instruments Fabian Käser Managing Director page - 6 -
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