SAMPLE FULL VERSION DOWNLOADABLE FROM CATALOGUE 2013 Via Fava, 56 28024 Gozzano (NO) Italy Phone +39.0322.9545 | Fax +39.0322.956556 [email protected] 我们的故事 OUR STORY 2 公司 THE COMPANY 4 设计师 DESIGNERS 8 CRS 工程 CRS ENGINEERING 10 项目 PROJECTS 12 我们的世界 OUR WORLD In one drop of water are found all the secrets of the oceans. - Kahlil Gibran - 16 我们的故事 OUR STORY CRISTINA rubinetterie 的故事就是 Cristina 家族的故事。公司自 1949 年由 Ezio Cristina 始建 以来,已从一个手工艺作坊发展为行业的领导者之一,能够预测设计趋势并推出创新、美好、且对环 境有益的功能性解决方案。70 年代 Alberto 接管公司,凭借高质量标准、创新和多项以产品质量和 生产流程为重点的产品认证不断将品牌形象推向新高。 现在 CRISTINA rubinetterie(仍由 Alberto 掌管,其女儿 Francesca 自 1995 开始协助经营)已 是世界上最著名的水龙头及配件公司之一,并将继续谱写意大利企业的传奇。 2010 1949 2000 1978 1976 2013 2 The story of CRISTINA rubinetterie is the story of the Cristina family. ® rubinetterie Founded in 1949 by Ezio Cristina, over the years the company has grown from an artisanal business to become one of the leaders in the industry, able to anticipate design trends and to launch innovative, beautiful and functional solutions that are also environmentally friendly. During the ‘70s Alberto took over the helm of the company, constantly enhancing the brand image thanks to high-quality standards, innovation and the achievement of several product certifications that emphasize the excellence of the product as well as of the production processes. Today, CRISTINA rubinetterie, still firmly led by Alberto, supported by his daughter Francesca since 1995, is one of the best known tap and fittings companies in the world and continues to write the history of this all Italian entrepreneurial success. 1949 3 公司 THE COMPANY 有 64 年历史的 CRISTINA rubinetterie 在意大利业界有稳定的 基础。从手工艺作坊开始,到现在已有 5 家工厂,生产面积 3.5 万平米,有 260 名员工每天处理 100 多宗发货单。 1970 1980 虽然公司植根于意大利,但目前正在面向国外发展。CRISTINA 的 产品现已在 70 个国家销售,虽以欧洲为主,但也遍及地中海沿 岸的非洲、远东、大洋洲和美洲。 取得最重要的国际产品认证是走向新市场过程中的关键。 1 mil. € 5 mil. € With 64 years of history, CRISTINA rubinetterie is well established in the Italian industrial scene. Started as an artisanal business, Cristina can now count on 4 plants, with a total of 35 thousand square meters of production area and 260 employees to handle more than 100 shipments per day. 1990 10 mil. € 2000 31 mil. € 2010 44 mil. € 2012 47 mil. € 对于 CRISTINA rubinetterie 来说,质量就是 义务。要在整个生产过程中保持最高质量的承 诺,其结果就是得到最重要的国际产品认证。 While deeply rooted in Italy, the look of the company is facing abroad. CRISTINA’s products are currently distributed in 70 countries. In this approach to new markets it is of critical importance the achievement, year after year, of the most important international product certifications. For CRISTINA rubinetterie quality is a true obsession. The result of this commitment to maintain the highest quality standards through the entire production cycle is the achievement of the most important international product certifications. UNI EN ISO 9001 4 5 所有产品线 LINES Water is the driving force of all nature. - Leonardo da Vinci - ESEMPIO RUBINETTO BOLLICINE MODUL KING QUEEN UNI/C UNI/X DIARIO EXCLUSIVE QUADRI TRICOLORE VERDE SELTZ ROUND PICCHE ELITE TRICOLORE RETRÒ FONTANA ART 22 26 30 36 42 46 50 54 58 64 70 76 82 88 92 98 102 106 ART ELITE PARIGI LONDRA CANOVA CANOVA ELITE IMPERO GIUBILEO NEW DAY NEW WAY 110 114 120 126 132 136 142 146 150 Showers Bidet shut off Electronic and push taps Technical drawings 154 166 168 172 MAKIO HASUIKE “如果现在还在使用这种水龙头,这无疑是我的创新,还要感谢那些与我一起 努力工作的人,他们勇于抛开适销性思路,而勇敢地从现有产品中挖掘独特 的个性化因素来创造这个备受喜爱的产品。” - M. Hasuike - 设计效果非常奇妙,水龙头似乎会 随着双手一起运动。 几乎是一尊雕塑,一种视觉享受。 The end result is a form that seems to be designed to follow the movement of the hand on the mixer. Almost a sculpture, certainly a surprise for the eyes. ESEMPIO 视觉享受 “If today this tap exists, it is definitely my initiative but also to the credit of someone who shared my project and had the courage to do something highly individual and different from what already existed, regardless of its marketability.” A surprise for the eyes - M. Hasuike - 全系列产品和附件请见价格表或 网站 The full range and the accessories can be viewed on the price list or on the website 23 MAKIO HASUIKE 视觉享受 | A surprise for the eyes 面盆 BASIN EP 221 EP 321 面盆龙头 坐浴盆龙头 Basin mixer Bidet mixer 浴盆 BATH EP 100 外部 2 路浴盆龙头 External bath mixer 2 way 24 25 MAKIO HASUIKE 简单明快,外形鲜明而不粗糙。 外形经过多次设计,去除了多余的 部分,力求简单实用。这是高度创 新的产品,严谨而柔和,强调比例 和细节。它将成为一种时尚。 Simple and neat, leaves a precise and recognizable mark, without being intrusive. The shape evolves, and sheds the superfluous to aim to the essential. The result is a highly innovative range, rigorous and soft at the same time, emphasized by the great attention to proportions and details; a series that will become a style icon. RUBINETTO 简洁。完美。实用 Simple, pure and essential 全系列产品和附件请见价格表或 网站 The full range and the accessories can be viewed on the price list or on the website 27 MAKIO HASUIKE RUBINETTO 简洁。完美。实用 | Simple, pure and essential 面盆 浴盆 BASIN BATH RU 220 面盆龙头 Basin mixer RU 290 RU 100 落地式面盆龙头 隐藏式 2 路浴盆龙头 Floor mounted basin mixer Concealed bath mixer 2 way RU 190 RU 224 落地式浴盆龙头 面盆龙头 Floor mounted bath mixer Basin mixer 淋浴 SHOWER RU 229 中型面盆龙头 Medium size basin mixer RU 232 隐藏式面盆龙头 Concealed basin mixer RU 616 RU 619 隐藏式淋浴龙头 隐藏式 2 路淋浴龙头 (PD 435) Concealed shower mixer (PD 435) (PD 435) Concealed shower mixer 2 way (PD 435) PD 014 RU 228 PD 071 高型面盆龙头 PD 475 Tall size basin mixer RU 320 坐浴盆龙头 Bidet mixer 28 29 强劲有力的圆柱体上面是突出的控 制杆,该龙头无疑会为现代浴室带 来典雅而严谨的气息。从其独特的 梯形出水口流出的瀑布流会给人留 下难以忘却的视觉冲击。 With a powerful cylindrical body, towering up to the control lever, the mixer gives undisputed class and rigorous style to the contemporary bathroom. From its particular mouth, which expands into a trapezoidal shape, comes a waterfall of remarkable emotional impact. BOLLICINE 典雅而独特 Class and unique style 全系列产品和附件请见价格表或 网站 The full range and the accessories can be viewed on the price list or on the website 31 BOLLICINE 典雅而独特 | Class and unique style 面盆 BASIN BO 232 BO 330 隐藏式面盆龙头 坐浴盆龙头 Concealed basin mixer Bidet mixer BO 224 迷你面盆龙头 Mini size basin mixer BO 228 高型面盆龙头 Tall size basin mixer BO 220 隐藏式面盆龙头 面盆龙头 Basin mixer BO 266 BO 205 面盆龙头 Basin mixer (PD 237) Concealed basin mixer (PD 237) BO 320 坐浴盆龙头 Bidet mixer BO 227 中型面盆龙头 Medium size basin mixer 32 33 BOLLICINE 典雅而独特 | Class and unique style 浴盆 淋浴 BATH SHOWER BO 112 PD 476 隐藏式 2 路浴盆龙头 (AC 454) Concealed bath mixer 2 way (AC 454) BO 616 隐藏式淋浴龙头 (PD 435) Concealed shower mixer (PD 435) PD 082 BO 111 隐藏式 2 路浴盆龙头 Concealed bath mixer 2 way BO 113 隐藏式 3 路浴盆/淋浴龙头 Concealed bath/shower mixer 3 way BO 619 隐藏式 2 路淋浴龙头 BO 121 BO 126 台装 2 路浴盆龙头 台装 2 路浴盆龙头 (PD 435) Concealed shower mixer 2 way (PD 435) PD 014 Deck mounted bath mixer 2 way Deck mounted bath mixer 2 way BO 190 落地式浴盆龙头 PD 476 Floor mounted bath mixer 34 35 Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. - W. H. Auden - SHOWER systems GIANLUIGI LANDONI 这些花洒将精巧设计、尖端技术、休闲舒适融为一体。 Sandwich Colours 将淋浴这项日常活动变成了独特的享受。 SANDWICH Under these showers, where sophisticated design meets cutting edge technology, relaxation and well-being are the protagonists. Sandwich Colours goes beyond the concept of shower and transforms a daily activity into a unique event. colours PD 020 直径 40 cm 头顶花洒, 带有 13 色光选择程序 PD 022 Ø 40 cm overhead shower with 13 light programs selection 直径 24 cm 的单色头顶花洒 Single color Ø 24 cm overhead shower PD 026 单色 27x27 cm 的头顶花洒 PD 021 Single color 27x27 cm squared overhead shower 直径 24 cm 的抗水垢花洒, 带有 13 色光选择程序 156 全系列产品和附件请见价格表或 网站 The full range and the accessories can be viewed on the price list or on the website Ø 24 cm lamp for anti-limescale shower with 13 light programs selection 157 这些花洒由双层薄钢板制成,整体厚度超过 4 mm,确保洗浴时能节约用水。 花洒规格多样,形状不一,再加上超薄时尚的设计,是高雅现代居家环境的完美选择。 Made of thin steel sheets, placed one on top of the other, with an overall thickness of 4 mm, these showers ensures a normal spray while saving water. Thanks to the rich choice of sizes and shapes and to the slim and stylish design, these showers fits perfectly with elegant and contemporary environments. round AC 680 Ø 20 cm PD 048 Ø 25 cm PD 001 Ø 30 cm PD 002 Ø 40 cm PD 003 Ø 50 cm PD 004 Ø 60 cm 圆形抗水垢头顶花洒 Anti-limescale overhead shower SANDWICH square rectangular 方形抗水垢头顶花洒 Anti-limescale overhead shower 158 全系列产品和附件请见价格表或 网站 The full range and the accessories can be viewed on the price list or on the website PD 037 Ø 25 cm PD 005 Ø 30 cm PD 006 Ø 40 cm PD 007 Ø 50 cm PD 008 Ø 60 cm 矩形抗水垢头顶花洒 Anti-limescale overhead shower PD 009 30x40 cm PD 025 40x50 cm 159 Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it. - Lao Tzu - TECHNICAL drawings 172 173 ESEMPIO 22 RUBINETTO RU 220 RU 224 RU 229 RU 228 26 160 160 125 130 115 235 ø47 ø33 55 max.40 ø64 370 5-55 ø33 ø41 ø50 max.40 5-55 ø41 ø50 ø48 ø33 G1"1/4 G3/8 ø48 max.40 5-55 G1"1/4 G3/8 160 ø33 ø64 360 RU 290 250 180 ø64 360 G1"1/4 G3/8 450 380 60 ø48 max.40 ø64 360 ø41 ø50 5-55 RU 232 RU 320 50 120 90 min.35-max.65 EP 221 EP 321 ø64 G1/2 5-55 177 90 77 ø33 360 58 41 62 max 40 ø33 ø63 35-55 G3/8 G1"1/4 360 max 40 35-55 ø40 G3/8 G1"1/4 ø64 5-55 G3/8 G1"1/4 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 ø38 68 65 34 max.40 370 ø41 ø50 230 G1/2 177 ø47 ø33 max.880 min.850 122 132 115 195 max.1080 EP 100 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 G3/8 cm.150 ø63 191 ø40 52 233 max.122 min.92 ø59 70 G3/4 G1/2 150+15 -15 RU 190 ø64 100 G3/4 5-55 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 90 153 RU 100 cm.150 max.1000 max.800 min.770 90 195 cm.150 G1/2 x 2 ingressi min.54-max.77 G1/2 100 max.122 min.92 min.35-max.65 G3/4 G3/4 255 RU 616 RU 619 120 180 180 min.75-max.105 174 120 min.75-max.105 175 BOLLICINE 30 BO 224 BO 220 100 BO 227 165 BO 228 165 MD 220 MD 227 130 90 90 ø50 max.40 ø33 360 5-55 G1"1/4 ø64 5-55 ø41 ø50 ø50 ø33 max.40 G3/8 max.40 ø50 ø33 ø64 360 ø41 ø50 5-55 G1"1/4 G3/8 220 ø41 ø50 210 120 120 45 ø35 ø64 5-55 G3/8 ø64 5-55 G3/8 G1"1/4 180 max 40 360 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 285 45 ø35 max 40 max.40 360 175 90 210 280 150 360 ø64 G3/8 210 146 80 36 MD 223 175 130 122 ø50 ø33 MODUL G1"1/4 ø41 ø50 5-55 45 360 ø64 ø33 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 max.40 G3/8 360 ø64 BO 205 BO 232 130 ø50 90 ø44 ø27 ø33 max.40 G1/2 200 92 min.40-max.55 170 ø41 ø50 5-55 102 BO 112 max.40 170 5-55 G1"1/4 5-55 ø41 ø50 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 G3/8 BO 190 max 40 ø33 360 ø64 MD 290 185 5-55 ø41 ø50 G3/8 G1"1/4 132 190 354 G3/8 140 cm.150 ø64 ø41 ø50 45 ø64 5-55 ø44 max.40 360 360 ø64 G1"1/4 G1/2 5-55 220 250 ø41 ø50 BO 111 max.40 ø33 ø33 ø64 250 360 MD 229 45 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 67 ø50 ø33 354 250 45 ø64 5-55 97 114 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 G3/8 100 100 285 180 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 G1"1/4 BO 320 G3/8 G1/2 ø64 ø64 G3/8 MD 222 220 87 ø44 ø27 G3/8 360 G1/2 5-55 ø50 MD 228 5-55 220 67 ø33 max.40 248 G3/8 360 BO 266 100 G1/2 125 BO 330 175 90 G1/2 G1"1/4 G3/8 70 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 min.30-max.55 284 BO 113 max.860 440 350 G1/2 G1/2 45 MD 320 cm.150 110 90 max.810 min.780 188 196 105 100 ø53 BO 126 ø192 140 242 ø50 150 cm.150 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 max.1105 BO 616 MD 327 Flex 1750mm G1/2 min.30-max.55 G1/2 ø41 ø50 G1"1/4 360 max.1007 5-55 ø45 ø35.5 400 G1/2 max.110 min.80 ø64 max.40 G3/8 ø44 ø27 132 G1/2 G1/2 G3/4 G3/4 120 ø60 ø35 max.40 45 ø35 ø100 284 155 168 440 195 105 G1/2 188 BO 121 109 45 ø35 min.77-max.112 ø64 140 5-55 242 172 120 ø45 ø60 ø35 ø35.5 G1"1/4 BO 619 125 ø41 ø50 max.40 110 360 ø64 max.100 min.70 5-55 G3/4 G3/4 G1"1/4 ø41 ø50 G3/8 max.45 450 168 G1/2 Flex 1750mm 109 176 min.77-max.112 177 Graphic Design ROCK communications Photographs TEIXEIRA INFRAROSSI MORA Render ARCHSYSTEM Print TESTORI TIPOLITOGRAFIA Special thanks to ANTONIO LUPI CERAMICA CATALANO DEVON & DEVON TEUCO GUZZINI 本公司为完善产品功能和设计有权作出任何适当的修改,恕不另行通知。 The company reserves the right to make any appropriate modifications to improve functionality and design of its products without notice.
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