"I If ron want to y day's Notts, yon can find It In TUB TAU to-da- i VOLUME ST A THE SECOND lEDlTlON K tV !. Report on Equitable Society Begins ToDay HAWAII. HONOLULU, XIII. THURSDAY, JUNE 29l No. 1005. 4i4r AT ANDREWSI BAD FIVES AND TENS SAID TO HAVE BEEN MADE OUT THERE o oo 3. H LEAD THE METAL USED WAS GILDED. if. , . , POLICE APPOINTMENTS FOR OAHT WILL APPARENTLY HAVE TO). BE AGREED ON BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AND THE COUNTY SHERIFF ANDREWS DENIES THAT HE WILL MAKE ANYi PRO FORMA APPROVALS OF APPOINTMENTS. M UTINY RIFEi LIBAU, Juno 23. Tho Russian sallora here are In a state ot mutiny. T!ey attacked the government stores, seized arms and fired Into the officers quarters. Troops aro being sent to tho scene. . Douthltt places tho power of approval of Brown's appointments with Andrews hence Sheriff Drown and Andrews will apparently have to get together; on the appointment matter. Since tho news of Andrews' power In tho matter became known ho has been besieged with pollco applications and "knocks," tho latter Coming front parties anxious to prevent appointments of some who are reported to ba likely to be chosen by Brown. EAVKHEy DOLLAR O RUSSIAN CRUISER SINKS VESSEL. Java, June 29. The D.uv.sh steamer Princess Maria was over hauled and sunk on June 22 by the Russian auxiliary cruiser Terek. The Russians declared her cargo to be contraband of war. BATAVIA, o the Twenty-eight- h arrested yester- were Artillery Coast day afternoon by United States Marshal Hendry, on charges connected with the operation of a counterfeiting plant at the camp, which was turning out spurious ten and five dollar pieces. Those who were operating the plant had splendid dies and were making excellent imitations of the gold coins as, far as appearances went, but the coins are light weight and do not ring. They are made of lead and copper, and glided. The gold plating machine was found and Is In the possession of the federal authorities. The investigation was started by tne discovery and rejection last Saturday by a local bank, of one of the bad ten dollar pieces. The fact was reported to U. S. District Attorney Breckons, who at oncd started an investigation. A ten dollar piece was passed on the Transit Company, on the same day. It was found that it had been in by a conductor and passed by - Attorney General Andrews denies tho published statement that ho has decided to approve tho county sheriff's police appointments "pro forma," as (Associated Press Cable to The Star). a matter of legnl necessity. Andrews says that if ho has to approvo the apODESSA, June 29. The terrible rioting here continues. Three hundred pointments at all, he will assume tho rioters have been shot, all the warehouses and several of the Russian steam- full responsibility of doing so, and will ' uso his judgment In making tho apers have been sunk. The crew of a government transport mutinied and seized their oillcers provals. Tho county act as Interpreted by then joining the mutinied crew of the battleship Knlaz Potemkin to whom they turned over the captain and other officers of the transport. both Andrews and County Attorney COMPANY OF COAST FOUn PRIVATES OP THE TWENTY-EIGHTARTILLERY ARRESTED CHARGED WITH MAKING OR "SHOVING THE QUEER" THEIR DIES SAID TO HAVE BEEN EXCELLENT Four privates AND BROWN have used it for Innocent purpose:!, such as plating jewelry, etc. YALE WON THE VARSITY RACE. NEW LONDON, Conn., June 29. The Yale crew won the varsity race here today. THE GAMP o elght-oare- d MAJORITY OF INTENDED PASSIJJ - TfERS VESSEL MANY! LEAVE THREATEN TO INSTITUTjaLIBEL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST TUB STEAMER WHAT CAPTfjrfN BRUCE HER MASTER HAS TO SAYi REGARDING THE CRAFT WANTS AN INSPECTION FOR LICENSE. Tho greater portion of the Japaneso who went aboard the S. S. Stanley that It the agreement was to land the Japanese passengers la Seattle, they will bo taken thero by, an American vessel from Victoria. Hot says that the Stanley Dollar wns formerly tho American transport Egbert nnd is able to aceommoUato tho passengers. Captain Bruce nlso says that a request has been mado of tho Customs for an Inspection in order that a passenger llcenso can be given tho vessel, the former license having expired. Tho vessel did not sail today; and will remain Indefinitely In port until the present trouble will have been settled. sel, says Dollar for transportation to the mainWHOLESALE LYNCHING IN GEORGIA. WATKINSVILLE, Ga., June 29. S even negroes and one white man sus- land, havo left the vessel and many pected of assaulting a woman, were ly nched here today by a mob of citizen. have announced their Intention of libelling the vessel to secure the re 0 turn of their' passago money. The Jap MORE TROUBLE AHEAD. SEBASTOPOL, June 29. A battleahlp'tind cruiser have been sent from aneso claim that they bought - the camp McKinley was greatly stirred tickets under the impression that they by the crests. There are reports of this port to Odessa. wore to be taken to Seattle but they O numerous appearances of bad coins In havo slnco learned hat tho vessel, beIn a poRer Bamo pIayeu PRESIDENT ACCEPTS WALLACE'S RESIGNATION. the camp OYSTER BAY, June 29. Tho resignation of John F. Wallace ns chief en- ing a foreign bottom, can not carry there on th(J ,ast payday tw0 or tnree bogus Jive dollar pieces mjjde their gineer and member of the Panama Ca qnnl Commission, has been accepted by passsengors between American ports, so they were to be landed In Victoria. ,' appcarancei and it appears that there President Roosevelt. Captain Bruce tho mustor of the ves hag been ulscusson among a number of the men ,lbout le bad nioney. Prlvato cooper has made no secret of outfit, hg esslon ot a and Jft fac(. solcItea busnesa for it, offerlng to rcpiate the buttons of fl ctc rho outfit was seized by n Dtatr,ct Attorney Breckons and sha, Hendry together. It was found . soldier. a apparently ready for the (ure' f Ug The four men arrested are Thomas wlth othcrs Jackson Cooper, James Hilson, J. T. Qr(j tQ eave hero sod)crs AUTHORITIES GET ANOTHER GOLD PIECE FROM CAMP and Jim Longley. , t, MASTER OF THE STEAMER HAS NOT PRESENTED ANY LICENSE FEDERAL McKINLEY WHICH IS SHOWN BY ITS DATE TO HAVE BEEN Hilson is the man charged with hav- co,n ed Qn a Rapld TO CARRY PASSENGERS AND ONE WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE MADE FROM A DIFFERENT DIE FROM TflE OTHER TWO SElng parsed pne of the bad ten dollar conductor is in possession of CURED YESTERDAY. PASSE" TO JAPANESE DEPART WITH BOAT WILL BE PERMITTED states Marshal Hendry, also in his possession when arrested. Hil UnIted of one ot posesslon In one the found the NGERS-CUSTOMS CASE. AUTHORITIES IN THE son claims to have borrowed the ten he cast there were At least three different dies were sides tho Both will bo arrested. Is charged with .passing from Cooper. the soldiers used In, making the bad gold coins two fives. Cooper had the gold plater In his posThe new bad coin was brought In by (Continued o.i page eight) session when arrested. He claims lo According to indications this morn- sel under the American laws to carry which have been In circulation In Camp a soldier, who reported finding It at Is passengors out passed McKinley been discussion. under havo and S. ing, the prospects of tho British S. tho camp. He found it on a shelf In a is propised to the vessel1 take from there. This wns discovered this closet at the camp. Apparently It hail Sanloy Dollar departing with her crowd COOIt Japaneso and havo HO FOR THE FOURTH! CABLE CODE BOOKS.. Korean passengers afternoon, when a third coin came In- boon plncod there by someone after the Torpedoes, Torpedo Canes, Caps and of Jnphneso passengers from this port, In addition to about 40 members of the to tho possession ot Marshal Hendry. scare caused by the federal raid, byr Save money by using. a code for your messages. We have in stock the West- -, Cap Pistols, Flags, and a new lot of seemed very remote. The vessel has crew. Tho United Stntes laws re- It Is a piece, and benrs the someone who hnd It In possession and. em Union, Lleber and A. B. C. latest Lunch Sets just received at Arlolgh's. gotten afoul of tho United States na- quire that a vessel must havo a liconso date of 1897. The other wns afraid to Keep It. The finder at vigation laws governing steam vessels to carry passengers tout thus far, there piece is dated 190 J, showing thnt be once brought it to the marshal's office. editions. Wall. Nichols Co. I OIL, CALIFORNIA OLIVE O and unless the master of the craft is has been no liconso of such right proIs considered the best because unadul- - able to comply with tho requirements duced )y tho master of the vessel. No FIRE WORKS. Imported most as of the oils of the American laws his vessel will application has been made by tho ColNOTICE BUSINESS MEN. NEW ANIMALS AT THE ZOO. Assorted In cases from $7.60 up to'teratfd are tampered with. Purlta Olive Oil not be granted clcaranco papers and lector of Customs for such liconso but $50. New England Bakery. You buy yjur magazines at Arleigh The Kaimuki Zoo nas Just received vwl 'lu mmln f rnm vlnn Pnllfni'tili nlli-nmay bo subject to libel proceedings. per S. S. Alameda tne following new & Co's saving 25 per cent why not buy -- ' :il3 a delicious table oil. Sold by Hob- - Tho question of tho right of the ves- Continued from page five.) animals: Wild Cat, Ring Tall Possum, your office supjUs at same saving. 1 i I H.S III tM 1 "" IliVKI iinilU' Storks, Coyoto Crows, etc. Take a trip to the Zoo and see the animals nnd DRY GOODS SALE. Wanted birds and got some fresh, cool breezes, Great dry goods clearing sale at Pa GOVERNOR JACK r, an charge Import of to begin Co. will Saturday, take A cific BEWARE OF A COUGH. easily kept set of books and 'to take juiy ist, ai s:au a. m. e Now is the time to get rid of that office charge general of the affairs. cough, for if you let It hang on no one THEY- ARE SO GOOD. AT Only an active rustler required. VEHYJJBERAL can tell what the end may be. Others Address, P. O. Box 192. Tlllmann's food products are world-fame- d havo been cured of their coughs very for excellence. "Tlllmann" on a label Indicates that the contents of tho DISCUSSES MATTERS OF COUNTY GROUND BROKEN ON THE FED quickly by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Why not you? For sale by can are perfect. J. M. Levy & Co., TREASURER WITH FOR $190,000 all dealers. Benson Smith t& Co., FINANCE ERAL CONTRACT carry a comp e fresh stock. agents for Hawaii. TRENT AND DOUTIIITT." WORTH OF BUILDINGS. Lutted's Hawaiian not In Pound Cans for sale by all druggists and grocers. Acting Governor Atkinson, County Ground was broken today at the resrvatlon, HEALTH A MATTER Treasurer Trent and County Attorney now Kahauikl military Douthltt got together this morning In commencement being mado on the A buildings. $190,000 TO contract for the THE a man Is carolosa In tho bestowal of tho Governor's chambers and had a the Uurreil his valuable documents and the thief heart to heart talk over the relations S. Cantln, representing In the night carries away that which County Officials and Office Men between tho territory and tho county Construction Company, of California, took a gang of men out, and had the may make the lawful owner poor Inon financial matters. deed. Tho conference lasted for two hours honor of breaking ground first on 'the Do you realize the satisfaction, Such unfortunate contingencies may and considerable headway was mado big contract. economy and the advantages The contract calls1 for 25 buildings, bo guarded against by securing a towards tho reaching of a satisfactory including barracks, officers' quarter, there are In using UNDERvault. The box In our understanding. WOOD TYPEWRITERS, and prico Is nominal $5.00 per year and "I found thnt Governor Atkinson Is guardhouses, storerooms, otc. Under E BOOKyou aro furnished with a key. Also thoroughly In earnest In his state the conrnct tlioy are to be finished In CASES and FILES? there is a private room for your benement that ho Intends to give tho coun- about a year. "The work will proceed Patent Colt, Mat Top, Balmoral GoodYour advice that you are Infit when you wish to examine your paties every show that la possible," said from now on. year Walt. terested In those lines will bring pers. Trent Intervlow. the Treasurer after you our catalogs and full inGEORGE ALLEN'S RELEASE. "I submitted the figures prepared as formation. an estimate of tho Income of tho county IF YOU DESIRE FINE WEARING A formal surrender of all the rights QUALITY, GOOD LOOKS AND COMor derived from the county and wo which George Allen may havo In the FORT IN SHO-- ' went thoroughly Into the vital ques S. C. Allen estate Iirb been filed In the PURCHASE THE "PIKE." Hons of how much of this should go to Registrar's office, for a stated considtho county and how It should bo paid eration of $1. This Is the legal carry" 11 u Tho Governor took the greatest pains ing nut of whatever agreement was Llrn'tod to get accurate information and Is reached In connection with hi claim Fort Street, P. O. BOX 784. Absolutely beyond doubt determined to deal with aralnat the eitat. Honolulu PHONE MAIN 317. the greatest liberality lownrdp the ..:x:X":m-w:'X"X":"X":LIMITHD. HQ SUBSTITUTE HONOLULU, T. II. HAS With that spirit the county governments Inception will counties generally. lOil FQRT STREET, behind the exeuutls-- I 14m sure that bo a thorough sucoew." STIRRED goid-plati- id Mar-take- NEW SAMPLE AgainslF ederal Laws OF BAD COIN Stanley Dollar Is Up t , ten-doll- ar five-doll- ar live-doll- ar ... a IRK book-keepe- IS he - Pike Once Too Often OF Pri( e safe-depo- $4 sit fire-pro- GLOBE-WERNICK- liilftriAlU POWDER Pure e Mill 1 THE HAWAIIAN STAR, Oceanic Steamship Company. TIME) 1VA3BIEat The line Passenger Steamers of this U hereunder: from san FRANCISCO. ALAMEDA JUNE 23 JULY 5 ITENTURA ,...JULY 14 ALAMEDA BIERTtA JULY 26 AUGUST 4 ALAMEDA AUGUST AUGUST SONOMA ALAMEDA VENTUHA ALAMEDA BIERRA ALAMEDA S 'PTEMBEA ....SE.PTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 16 25 6 15 27 6 lino will arrive and leave this port FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ALAMEDA SIERRA ALAMEDA SONOMA ALAMEDA 9 15 30 6 20 ...SEPTEMBER I f 1SKW. 1W " 1 8 ' h : 3? S re 3 : V tn sa . a w V f T skiing of the above steamers, the Agent are connection with to Issue to intending passengers coupon 'hrou.Th tickets by any railroad tc all points In the Uu.tL? States, and from New York by SM Ban Fra-cls- co OtMunahlp line to all European Ports. Tor further particulars apply b pre-XR- W. G. Irwin St Co. (LL..ITED) General iLgenta Oceanic S. S. Company, Canadian-Australia- Q n STEAMSHIP COMPANY i ffl. Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN-PACIFI- C RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. W., and calling at Vlcto. a, B .C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. Duo at Honolulu on or about tho dates below atated, tJz: FOR MANUKA AORANGI MIOWERA USTRALIA JUNE JULY JULY 3 1 29 AUG. 26 MOANA SEPT. AORANGI.... MIOWERA... OCT NOV. MOANA 23 21 18 FOR VANCOUVER. .MAY AORANGI... JUNE MIOWERA.. JULY MOANA ......AUG. AORANGI... SEPT. MIOWERA.. MOANA .... OCT DEC. MIOWERA.. 31 28 26 23 20 18 13 a.m. If you can save a little of each of these, to say nothing of comfort and convenience, by using a NEW PROCESS GAS RANGE,, isn't it worth your while? 1.33 1.6 0.01 6.07 8.34 5.20 6.45 2.20 2.07 1.8 0.52 6.49 9.17 5.21 6.46 3.02 2.42 1.9 1.43 7.28 9.52 5.21 6.46 3.46 CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Ltd,, Gen'l Agts. STEAMSHIP COMPANY. AMERICAN HAWAIIAN DIRECT MONTHLY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HONOLULU, VIA PACIFIC COAST. FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. S. S. "OREGONIAN" S. 4.34 5.22 C.46 sots 5.22 0.40 7.49 8.03 10.25 8.3S 11.00 9.17 11.38 5.21 WHEN Times 6t the tide are taken from the U. S. Coast and Oeodetlo Survey tables. The tides at Kahulul and Hllo occur about one hour earlier than at Honolulu, Hawaiian sta dard time Is 10 hours 30 minutes slower than Greenwich time, being that of the meridian of 157 degrees 30 minutes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 p. m., which Is the same as Greenwich, 0 hours, 0 min utes. The Sun and Moon are for local time for the whole group. : ? No Dirt, No Smoke, No Trouble .. :o. :.. a Precipitation (rain.) Average for th month, 0.98 Inches. Average number of days with .01 of an Inch or more, 14. The greatest monthly precipitation was 2.40 inches In 18S5. The least monthly precipitation was .0 1, 1S91. (1877-189- ftul . e Kool Kitchen Little Expense, Happy Home .S .. 0.24 Inches In 1877. DAILY The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any 24 consecutive hours was 0.S1 inches on June 22, 1885. .) Clouds and Weather. Average number of clear days, 13; partly cloudy days 15; cloudy days, 2. DEMONSTRATION (1890-190i- Wnd. (1875-1904- .) The prevailing winds have been from the northeast. Station: Honolulu, T. H. Date of Issue: May 30, 1905. (T. F. D.) July 8th ALEX. McC. ASHLEY, July 25th Section Director, Weather Bureau. Pioneer Gas Range - 53, 55, 57 King Street, CERTIFICATE ISSUED. Secretary Atkinson yesterday Issued the certlilcate of election in the case of S. Kanealli, the Kauai supervisor whose S. nomination papers are alleged to contain forged names. It is held that under the law the secretary has to accent S. the election returns as showing that S. Knnealll was elected, but there will be an Investigation of the matter by the DEPARTING. Kauai grand Jury, and Kanealli's seat . Ss Thursday, June 29. on the board of supervisors may be C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. Agents. Stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, for Kauai contested on the ground of fraud. ports at 5 i. m. Saturday, July 1. S. S. AorangI, Phillips, for tho ColoThe thoughtful Automobilist always nics, probably sail In forenoon. provides a generous supply of sandCo- wiches and . ilnler Beer for his guests, PASSENGERS. when starting on a trip. These tend to Arriving. relieve what otherwise might be a tedi Per stmr. Ke Au Hou, June 29, from ous Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu and leave this port on or about tho dates below men tloned: Kauai ports: Mrs. Marcus M. Bush, pairs.wait while the chaffeur makes re and 3 deck. FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Departing. MAT 1? MONGOLIA COPTIC MAY 19 Per S. S. MIowera, June 28, for VanWant ads In the Star brln.T quick reJUNE 3 CHINA SIBERIA MAY 30 couver and Victoria S. Hughes, Mr. turns. Three lines three times for 25 MONGOLIA JUNE 14 DORIC 13 JUNE and Mrs. Renwlck, Robert Frazlor, JUNE 24 MANCHURIA CHINA JUNE 19 Alexander Frazler, W. J. Hutcheon, cnta. , DORIC JULY 8 KOREA JULY 4 James Henderspji, Mrs. Hoyer, Mrs. WVVWVVN JULY 15 COPTIC MANCHURIA JULY 14 Ball and family, M- J. Campbell, F. J. 29 JULY KOREA SIBERIA JULY 28 Clans, Mr. and Mrs. AV. Chalmers, II. 9 COPTIC AUG. MONGOLIA AUG. 8 Nulmann, Robert Perry. AUG. 23 CHINA SIBERIA AUG. 18 MONGOLIA SEPT. 2 DORIC SEPT. 1 DETECTIVE STORIES. CHINA SEPT. 13 MANCHURIA SEPT. 8 Detective stories find a ready DORIC OCT. 4 KOREA SEPT. 22 and a good one is always suremarket of ti OCT. 17 COPTIC KOREA OCT. 3 wldo circulation. Herbert B. Turner OCT. 28 SIBERIA COPTIC OCT. 17 & Co., announce that "The Quincunx NOV. 11 MONGOLIA SIBERIA OCT. 27 Case" has gone Into its second edition. Co., NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE. "Are you going to Europe this sum- Tor general Information apply to H. Hackfeld & Co Outing Daintie This is the season of the ear for outings and picnics ami we are prepared to supply ou with many choice delicacies in this particular line, all of them fresh and in the best of condition. It doesn't matter if you are going for a picnic of a day or a camping trip of a week's duration, a selection from the following will materially add to the pleasure of the trip: SARDINES, PATE DE FOIES GRAS, PUREE DE FOIES GRAS, GAME PATES SARDELLEN, ANCHOVIES, 131SMARK HERRING, CAVIAR, FANCY IMPORTED CHEESE. (in jars), COOKED PICKLED PIGS FEET (in jars). OLIVES - STUFFED WITH CELERY PIMO-LACRACKERS of all descriptions. IBTotise Honolulu, Hawaii - BOSTON BLOCK TELEPHONES Wholesale mer-" "I don't know," answered Mrs. Cum-ro- j x. " " BAND BEAVER LUNCH ROOM, CONCERT Opposite Wilder Fort Street. H. J. NOLTE, PROP'R. The Territorial Band will play the following program at Thomas Square this evening, beginning at 7:30: PART I. March "The Man Behind the Gun" Sousa Overture "Tell" Rossini March "The Spirit of Liberty".. Sousa Selection "The Prince of Pilsen"... Ludcrs PART II. Vocal Hawaiian Songs. arr. by Berger Mrs. N. Alapal. Intermezzo "Moonlight" (by request) Moret Waltz "The Syrens" Waldteufel Polka "A Good Kiss" Coote "Star Spangled Banner." Want ads cents. in che Sta bring quick Three lines three tlmss for Firsf-cia- & CCk Lunches served with ss te, coffee, soda ?ater, ginger ale or mlllc Smokers Requisites a Specialty. K. UYEDA 102S Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, T. H. ' Between King and Hotel Street. Straw Hat Manufactory. Any Style of Straw Hat made to order. Panama and Felt Hat Cleaned. Purity ITS Rainier Beer. Is unquestionable. Wholesomeness Is remarkable. Flavor is delightful. Strength is Invigorating. ts. 25 Fine Job Printing, Star Office. ' " ' f !' ' Goolngto Europe Isn't what It used to be, you know. When a man travels now a lot of people turn up their noses and wonder whether a grand jury after him." Is Now that Philadelphia Is awakened the grafters will havo to adopt tho methods In use In Michigan and other Statos. The Detroit Freo Press. Admiral Borosford wants tho United Statos and Great Britain to havo one flag. Does that mean ono President, also? Tho Atlanta Constitution. ed NO CO.MPTfIYION. Tho uniform success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the relief and cure of bowel complaints both in children and adults has brought It into almost universal use, so 'that it is practically without a rival, and as everyone who has used It knows, is without an equal. Sold by all deal- ers. Benson Smith Hawaii. & Co., agents for S, Henry May & Co., Ltd., Retail Main 22 V .l:v:. .. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental & Oriental S. S. 1 i : .. on 63 ::: . al Hackfeld V. READY . 22, 1900. was YOU ARE SEE DISPLAY. (1890-1904- June M&5 the gas range is ready; as much heat or as little as you like, no more no less and for as long a time as required. If a hot fire is desired on top and a slow fire in the oven, you may have both sorts, simultaneously. You do not BURN FUEL BEFORE AND AFTER, consequently there Ts no expense incurred except during the actual operation of cooking. : Weather Bureau. Tho following data, covering a period of 30 years, have been compiled from the Weather Bureau and McKlbbln records at Honolulu, T. H. They are Issued to show the conditions that have prevailed, during the month In question for the above period of years, but must not be construed a a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming month. Month June for 30 years; .) Temperature Mean or normal temperature, 77. The warmest month was that of 1900, with an average of 78. The coldest month was that of 189G, with an average of 70. The highest temperature was 88 on The lowest temperature , C.4G , , "AMERICAN" FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU. ARRIVING. July 13th S. "NEVADAN" 29. Thursday, August S. "NEBRASKAN" 3rd Stmr. Ke Au Hou, Tullett, June from lia-uports, at 0:10 a. m. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO. Friday, June 30. 2nd S. "NEBRASKAN" July Stmr. Mauna Loa, SImerson, from S. "NEVADAN" July 23rd Maui and Hawaii ports, due 1.. morn ing. FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. S. S. AorangI, Phillips, from Victoria S. "NEVADAN" July 7th and Vancouver, may arrive In S. 'NEBRASKAN" July 28th S. S. S. 3.18 2.0 2.20 3.53 2.0 3.17 4.32 2.0 4.00 June For Yot 4.45 6.40 5.20 '6.45 1.03 5.25 7.41 5.20 6.45 1.43 U. S. Department of Agriculture. Royal Mail Io MIE GAS Time - Money - Patience 14 26 12.12 1.2 11.02 27 12.54 1.4 1 2 3 CESS Tliejr Will t July ' I 20. WHAT p.m. ft. p.m. a.m. p.m. 28 29 30 1. JUNE TIDES. SUN AND MOON. Now Moon July 2 nt 7:19 n. m. tn ....SEPTEMBER ALAMEDA IB M (For addltlontu and later shipping sec pages 4, 5 or 8.) JUNE 28 JULY 4 ? a ? JULY 19 JULY 25 AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST VENTURA ALAMEDA SIERRA SI THURSDAY, Main 92. V Nature gave an Ideal environment to the homo of Rainier Beer, fields of waving grain, vineyards of perfect hops, streams of puro water and last but not least a knowledge of how to make better beer. Tho best Veer from the best place. 'i Flno Job Printing, Star Omce. '( is THE HAWAIIAN THE HAWAII Bank of Hawaii i LIMITED. Incorporated Under tho Laws of the Territory of Hawaii. $600,000.00 200,000.00 102.C17.80 P CAPITAL SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS PAID-U- OFFICERS. President Charles M. Cooke P. C. Jones P. W. Mncfarlane..nd Cashier C. H. Cooke Assistant Cashier C. Hustace Jr Assistant Cashier P. B. Damon Secretary P. B. Damon DIRECTORS: Chas. M. Cooke, P. C. Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. F. Bishop, B. D. Tennoy, J. A. McCandless, C. H. 'Atherton, C. H. Cooke. nt Vice-Preside- nt p COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS. Strict attention given to all branches of Banking FORT STREET. JUDD BUILDING. "Wm. G. Claus Spreckels. fll nii n (1ha lrnl n Irwin. 0 fl n BANKERS HONOLULU, n. I. --- --- San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON The Nevada NaBAN FRANCISCO tional Ba k of San Francisco. Union of London & Smith's Bank, Ltd. NEW YORK American Exchange National Bank. CHICAGO Corn Exchange National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdner Bank. The HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAof Bank of New Zeu nd, and Bank Australasia. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America. TRANSACT A GEl'ERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received. Lonis .lade on Commercial and Approved Security. ravellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold. PROMPTLY FOR. COLLECTION AC- COUNTED ESTABLISHED IN BISHOP 185S. GET FOURTH OF JULY LABOR CITIZEN THURSDAY, JUtftf tf, CELEBRATION ADSARGENT TERRITORIAL DRESSES NEW BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. COMMISSIONER COMMITTEE MAKING ARRANGE- -' MENTS FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF HOLIDAY NEXT WEEK. BANKERS Frank P. Sargent, Commissioner of Immigration, yesterday afternoon ad- yesterday In the Capitol and arranged dressed the new Territorial Board of for a colebratlon of next weeks' holiImmigration, Sargent thought that tlti day. The organization of last year will Territory should easily be able to get continue, with Col. J. W. Jones as rlenty of citizen labor, or laborers who chairman, A. P. 'laylor secretary, W. would become citizens. In Introducing W. Hall treasurer and L. E. Plnkham Sargent to the Board, Acting Gover- chairman of the finance committee. nor Atkinson said that Hawaii wanted The following were added as immluM to get white laborers, and that the of the general committee: W. It. ParBoard wished to get the commission- tington, Roy Chamberlain, Col. Z'eg- ler, Clarence Crabbe, William Savldge, er's assistance. Sargent said In part: jW. H. Hoogs, E. M. Boyd, C. M. "When I was here two yeurs ago I was Impressed with the belief that here White and Guy Livingston. was a beautiful country for people to Tlie general program will be about as live in. Evidence of the interest tlv: follows: Artillery salute by National Guard Bureau of Immigration has since taken In these Islands Is seen In the fact ' of Hawaii, at daybreak. that we have erected a station which Championship boat races at Poarl Is thoroughly equipped for receiving Harbor, 0 to 11 a. m. National salute by N.C H. at 12 in. aliens at this port. This has been done games (two), 1:S0 to 4:18 at at a cost of about $30,000, and on tliu Baseballpark. fourth of July we shall begin to io baseball Patriotic band concert at Capitol business In the new station, which i3 4:30 to 5 p. m. a credit to the country and to this port. grounds, Literary and musical exercises, with years ago you two some of "I told a,t 5 p. m. that I had no doubt you could get a address, Fireworks and inuslc at Capitol good class of Immigration if you went grounds In the evening. tho right way about it. I differed wUh Dances at the Alexander Young and some of you about having all Asiatics, Hotels in the evening, under as I believed that there was an open- Hawaiian ing here for a thrifty class of Europe- the auspices of the committee. ans. I called attention at that time to the provisions of Section 4 which )) ALABAMA AT had been overlooked, and I suggested to gentlemen that I should not any more overlook It." Mr. Sargent read from the ImmigraTHE OPERA HOUSE tion Act the section Just mentlonol, which forbids assisted Immigration and advertising for immigrants with Inducements of any kind. Then he read FIRST PERFORMANCE FOR THE Section C, which provides that such BENEFIT OF BUILDING FUND prohibition shall not be applicable to states and territories. "I suggested at OF THE KUNALU CLUB. that time," the Commissioner observeJ, "that 'the Terrlory could advertise on The llrst performance of "Alabama" the mulnland or In any foreign coun- under the auspices of the Kunalu Latry for people to come here as settlers dies' Rowing Club takes place at the and laborers. Opera House this evening, the troceeds "Your Legislature has seen fit to pro- toting devoted to the fund for building vide for an Immigration Comniiss.on. new boat house. The play will be This Commission can lay before the apiesented a second time on Saturday people of any country the opportunities night. for employment or settlement In this The cast of characters Is as follows: Territory. That Is within the meaning Colonel Preston, an old- planter of the law. Mr. A. J. Blackmail "I believe that If this Commission should see fit to exert its Inlluence, Colonel Moberly, a relic of the Confederacy Mr. A. E. Murphy either on the mainland or In Europe, there would be found aliens who could Squire Tucker, a Talladega County G. Allison Jordan Justice be Induced to come here and become good citizens of this Territory and o Captain Davenport, a northern rail-- j road man.... Mr. Raymond! C. Brown the Nation. "I believe that if you today should Mr. Armstrong, Capt. Davenport's Mr. Harry Jeffrey select from your Commission one of agent your best men not necessarily tho Lathrop Page, a southern boy Mr. James D. Dougherty most familiar with your sugar Industry, but with the general capabilities Raymond Page, a party of business Mr. A. S. Brown of your country for settlement and send him to Europe, especially to Ita- Decatur, an servant.... ly, he would have no difficulty in proMr. Colman Schwartz curing a desirable class of immigrants. Mrs. Page, a widow who thinks twice "I noticed you decreased your popuMrs. B. S. Wotkyns lation within the last week about 1C00. Mrs. Stockton, a rich young widow.. I understand about 800 are leaving In Miss Irmgard Schaefer the Stanley Dollar and certainly 300 Carey Preston, an Alabama blossom. left in the Alameda. This Is going ro ' Miss Charlotte Hail make a show, taking away people you Atlanta Moberly, Col. Moberly's daughter are depending on for your labor. Mrs. Dougherty "So far as the United States immSYNOPSIS: igration service Is concerned, we stand ready to do everything we can to get Act 1 An evening in May, 18S0, Mrs. Imlgratlon to come here instead of the Page's home In Alabama, mainland. The talk there now was Act 2 The following morning, Col. about restricting, instead of encourag- Preston's premises. ing, Immigration. It would be a great Act 3 Evening, a portion of grounds relief to divert some of the aliens to on uol. Preston s premises. these islands. I sometimes wish, since Act 4 Col. Preston's premises coming here, that we could have turn- (as in ActDawn, 2). ed one of those vessels with 2200 people Instrumental music will be furnished away to Honolulu." by the Hungarian Orchestra and Inmusic by the Dillingham ' cidental quartet. i ' - ante-bellu- BANKINU DEPARTMENT. Exchange "bought and sold. Commercial and Travelers Letters of Credit Issued on the Bank of California and N. M. Rothschilds & Sons, London. Correspondents for the American Express Company, and Thos. Cook & Son. Interest allowed on term and Savings Banl Deposits. TRUST DEPARTMENT. Act as Trustees, collect Rents and Dlvi'lends. Safety Deposit ault. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT, 928 Bethel treet. Auditors and Truttees In Bankruptcy Bcoks exam'ned and reported on. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, 924 N thel Street. Agents lor Fire, Marine, Life, Accident and Employers Liability Insurance Companies. ME ii.i 1880. ta. r. . . . .... 1. .i Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund "King of Bottled Beers" A best ever is always the grand marshal of a parade of "Just as Goods." That's been our experience with h Smart Clothes. They arc the Man on Horseback, and the procession tags after. Mr. Clothes Wearer, are you going to mix with the "i ' m Ann nnn 18,000,000, 9,720,000 HEAD OFFICE. YOKOHAMA. Branches: Honolulu, New York, San Francisco, London, Lyons, Bombay, Hongkongi Newchwang, Pekln, Shanghai, Tientsin, Kobe, Nagasaki, Toklo. The Banks buys and receives for collection Bills of Exchange, Issue Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transacts a genral hanking business. a. FEDERATION. The quarterly meeting of the Civic Federation was held yesterday afternoon at the olllce of Castle & Wlth-ingtoPrincipal Home of Komeha-meh- a School was' made temporary secretary during the absence of the secretary. Reports of the work of the committees during the past quarter were made and adopted. President W. R. Castle submitted a statement of fact relative to the part the Federation took In the county campaign. The resignation of Attorney General Andrews was accepted, it Is stated, on the ground that Iig had opposed to withdraw from the Republican Committee, during the county campaign, while in fact he had not, and .that this was inconsistent with his duty as a member of the Civic Federation. n. SPARKLING peculiar!' its own CLEAR and is the highest grade beer brewed. dearer than other beer its consumption is ever on the increase. H. HACKFELD T. HAYASHI, TAILOR. Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. M7 Beretanla Street. Oprwslte Queen's Hospital. CHEE HOCWKEE, Hotel Street near Maunakea. Plumber TX)UI CHEE, Want ads turns. tents. In MANAGER. the Star brine quick Three lines three times for t'AMtMSiiL re25 Whllo tho Moros were thoroughly pacified some time ngo, they appear not to have hoard nbout It. Tho Chicago Nows. Alas, could Teddy onlv feel, Ho had square men for every deal, He'd havo no need to work ana plan For a squaro deal for every man. LIfo It Is said woman has a groat Influence on the national gamo of baseball. We havo seen the some team when It cortalnly a very womanly The value of a trade mark can be way. Tho pluyed i Republican. Denver readily seen when one has an article of merit. The word "Rainier" Is a guarantor of excellence when applied to Uie prcducts of the Seattle Brewing & Mftltlng Co. P.ulnler Beor Is unsurDo not aooapt the "Just aa good." Inpassed. sist upon trylr Rainier Beer. You will Drink Purity! Drink Health! always order it It never changes. Want ads in the Star bring qulok Three linos three times for cents. tf.Wjiit.... - W4.u)Ibu. fcAtJUUn'...'.!. tali . 3G Fine Job Printing, Mar Office." is & CO., Ltd., AGENTS Come over. The h arc here. nciNERNY, M. aw To Light Your Home Summer Styles Stein-Bloc- USE LTD. INCANDESCENT LIGHT AND SAVE ' TROUBLE AND WORRY. MERCHANT AND FORT STS. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. Date. Name. From. May 2 Sierra Colonies 3 Manuka Colonies 3 Ventura San Francisco C MIowera Victoria, B. C. 9 Siberia Yokohama 10 Korea San Franctsco 12 Alameda San Francisco 19 Nebraskan San Francisco 19 Mongolia Yokohama 19 Coptic San Francisco 23 Sonoma Colonies 24 Sierra San Francisco 30 China Yokohama 31 Aorangl Colonies June 2 'Alameda San Francisco 3 Siberia San Francisco 3 Manuka Victoria, B. C. 9 Nevadan San Francisco 13 Ventura Colonies 13 Manchuria Yokohama 14 Mongolia San Francisco 14 Sonoma San Francisco 20 Doric Yokohama 23 Alameda San Francisco 24 China San Francisco 28 30 MIowera Nebraskan IS BUT LITTLE DEARER THAN KEROSENE AND LIGHT IS NEXT TO DAYLIGHT IN OUALITY. in Tn 9 Siberia Korea Alameda Francisco Yokohama San Francisco San Francisco S in Mongolia Coptic Sonoma Yokohama COUNTY ENDORSEMENTS. The following endorsements for positions under the County government have been made by tho Republican County executive committee: S. L. Aylett, janitor for Emma Squaro; Solomon Mahelona, Auditors' deputy; A. II. Moore, Auditor's deputy; E. Buffan-deaClerk's assistant; E. O. Carrelra, Auditor's deputy; W. R, Combs, clerk, police department; George Washington Nawnnkoa. road supervisor, Ewa. u, There are no "hlnin" In Rnlnlor Tlonr. It is all golden brown, tho crolden brown of the ripened craln. THE. Hrl 223-2- LIU I King Street 27 MUSIC THAT CHARM! WE HAVE RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW MUSIC FOR THE CELEBRATED Angelus Piano Player AND IF YOU OWN ONE OF THESE DELIGHTFUL INSTRUMENTS IT WILL PAY YOU TO INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK. San Francisco Colonlen UUII 10 Colonies STEAMERS TO DEPART. Name. Date. For. May 2 Sierra San Francisco 3 Manuka Victoria, B. C. 3 Ventura Colonies 6 fSan Francisco 10 17 19 19 23 24 EXPENSE, ELECTRICITY FOREIGNSTEflMERTIMETABLE HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD YOUl pi H BUILDING STORE. liny,. CHOICE GOODS Ladles' Silk Kimonos $6.11 Children's Silk Kimonos 2.7S Silk Short Kimonos , 5,2s Japanese Silks (In all colors) per yard eo Silk Cushion Covers with Coat of A rms, Silk Linen and Cotton Hn-- kerchiefs, Japanese Purses for ladles, J apanese Screens and latest styles M Vases at very low prices. ioicxjifcoo, is:, and SS Hotel St. 32 Robinson Block. TI1A1V and over The Only Double-Trac- Chicago. days Railway bewcen the Missouri River and k 4 Jtit VIATrains Daily Tliroo SOUTHERN PACIFIC. UNION PACIFIC AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS. Overland Limited. Vcstlbuled. Leaves San Francisco nt 11:00 a. m. Dally. The most Luxurious Train In the "World. jJlectrlc Lighted Thromfc-ou- t. Sleeping Cars, Composite, Observation, BuffaS Double Drawing-RooSmoking and Library Car. Dining Cars, Meals a 1 Carte. Lesa than tkrM days to Chicago without change. Eastern Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 6:00 p. in. Dally Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleeping Ctrs to Chicago. Dlnlmfl Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Atlantic Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 9:00 a. m. Daily. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. EXCURSIONS PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The best of everything. CHICAGO Chicago or S & &s P Company's Ag nt 4- Nortliwestern Ry. I 617 R. R. RITCHIE, Q. A. P. C, Market St. (Palace Hotel) San Franclsc. Flno Job Printing, Star Ofnce. Fire Insurance! - Honolulu Branch 67 Klnjc Street flavor Security gives men the content- j CIVIC lias a ed face. San Francisco Colonies Sierra 27 Nebraska fSan Francisco 30 China San Francisco 31 Aorangl Victoria, B, C. June 3 Siberia Yokohama 3 Manuka Colonies 7 Alameda San Francisco 13 Ventura San Francisco 13 Manchuria San Francisco 14 Mongolia Yokohama THE BRIG GALILEE 14 Sonoma Colonies 17 Nevadan fSan Francisco ELECTRIC STATION BIDS. 20 Doric San Francisco Bids for a 200 kilowatt generator and 21 China Yokohama COMING HERE lamps were opened nt tho office of th2 28 Alameda San Francisco Superintendent of Public Works yes28 MIowera Victoria, B, C. terday a3 follows: Calling at Manila. F. generator, E. Richardson, $3402. HAS BEEN CHARTERED BY THE t Date of Departure fro... Kahulul. lamps 2035. U. S. A. Transports will leave for San CARNEGIE INSTITUTE TO MAKE Hawaiian Electric Co., generator Francisco and Manila, and will arrive J3420, lamps $2715. MAGNETIC SURVEYS IN PACIFIC ports at Irregular Intervals. Von Ilnmm-Youn- g Co., generator from same SAN FRANCISCO, June 14. Tho brig Galilee has been chartered by tho Carnegie Institute to mnko magnotlc survoys In the North Pacific. The vessel will sail from this port about July 1st and will crulso north, stop-ln- g at Sitka, Dutch Harbor and From there sho will go to Honolulu and then to San Dlecro nnd about November 1st will end her voyage at this port. Tho determination of the variations of the compass on the Pacific ocean will bo of Incalculable assistance to navigators, and this important work has been intrusted to Captain J. F. Pratt, who was for six years commander of the survey steamer Patterson, and is equipped with years of experience in tho service of tho coast survey. It is planned that one observation a day will be token, but only when thero is sun.- Whllo tho observation is being "taken tho vessel will be swung and each variation of tho compasss will be laid off on tho chart. Tho Galilee is now being overhauled for tho voyage. All tho wire rigging Is being taken out of tho vessel and It will be replaced with hemp rigging, which Is now on its way from the East. WHOLESOME PALATABLE Despite the fact that BUDWEISER Stcin-Bloc- m $2415. y Clothes Perfect ' Transact huslnes In all departments : of : nklng. r'niiootlnna car fully attended to. Limited. ESTABLISHED IMS. The Fourth of July committee met ' CO & CAN STAR, REMINGTON Standard Typewriter PAPERS, RIBBONS, CARBONS, LETTER BOOKS, EYELET PRESSES, PENCILS, ERASERS, PAPER FASTENERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Atlas Assurance Company of Londou Phoenix Assurance Conlpany of London. New York Underwriters Agency. Washington Providence Insurance Company. TOE B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., 4 LIMITED Gonoral A"gcnts for Hawaii. Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Building. PK 3 OFFICE SUPPLIES OF ALL DECRIPTION. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J LTD. Esplanade, cor. Allen and Tort St COMPANY, HAWAIIAN OFFICE SPECIALTY COMPANY Tel. Main 15. 72 King St., "Waity Block." Manufacturers of Soda Water, Gla g r Alo, Sarsapnrllla, Root Ber, Ctm Soda, Strawbern, Etc, Eta 4 Taw the Hawaiian BTAit, Thursday, junb , i&or. DAILY AND SEMI - WEEKLY. Classified Ads lin Star. Kablished every afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian Star I Newspaper Association, Limited. To Lease or Kent Wf. NOW SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Eocal, per annum " Foreign, The premises opposite Rapid Transit Office, 1108 Alapal Street, consists of house find 2 cottages and affording good opportunities to start rooming house business. Inquire on premises. $ 8.00 12.00 i Payable in advance. JUNE , 29, 1905 TO DO YOUR The report of the Frick investigating committee signed by H. C. Frick, M. E. Ingalls, 13 ray ton Ives, J The Frick I Report Strayed from Lunalilo street, a young greyhound dog, collar with license tag, Finder please notify this office. IS THE TIME MANAGER Furnished lloom To Lot Planting Cornelius N. Bliss and E. H. and purporting to reveal ifcfc the true condition of affairs of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, M'as one of the most remarkable documents in a most remarkable matter. The disclosures in regard to the Equitable, and the controversies that have raged about these disclosures, have been one of the most remarkable incidents in financial history, and the effect they have already had, and the effects they arc likely still to have, are of the most far reaching, and it is believed the most wholesome kind. Not alone the Equitable but every financial concern will be benefitted, for these disclosures have educated the public in such matters as nothing else has 'done, and they have called attention to certain tendencies in a way that it is to be expected will go far toward correcting them. As it is the Frick report which raised the issues about which the controversies have raged and which threw the first certain light on conditions, The Star today begins the publication of this report, and will continue its publication from day to day until completed. In doing this The Star believes it is fulfilling in an important respect its duties as a journal. No one can fully understand the issues discussed in every important periodical publication without knowing '.what the Frick committee reported. A brief summary of the points of 5c. this report is here given: 9 It is a severe arraignment of the management of the society, ' and condemns unreservedly and in fhe strongest terms all the transactions of the syndicate known as "James H. Hyde and Associates." Other directors who participated in the profits are called upon to make resRetitution. The removal of President Alexander, Hyde, Second Tarbell is recommended. and After reciting the history of the company and the manner in which it is governed, the report tells of the evident reluctance of the officers to come forward with the necessary information to make the investigation successful. On April 8 a letter was addressed to President Alexander asking for specific data embodied in eleven different requests. On April 25 the committee viewed "with surprise and regret that to this date none of the information asked for" had been received Mr. Hyde finally sent a communication revealing all the transactions of "James II. Hyde and Associates" by which he and several other directors made large profits out of securities which were afterward purchased by the company. At the same time Mr. Alexander addressed a letter to the committee in which he accused Mr. Hyde of grave irregularities in his official capacity of first The report shows the great increases that have been made in recent years in the salaries of executive officers and their favored subordinates. Commenting on the syndicate transactions, the report says: "In one case in which the syndicate profit was $30,210.38-- the society now holds the securities purchased, which at present quotations show a loss of about $60,000. 1901, was intentionally "In all other cases the society has cither made a profit, or 'could of February 2, vlpw mntln smnll in nf tho mnn!fpt make a profit by selling the securities at the present market. practicability of supplementing It by a "The net result to the society of the purchase of these syndicate militia force, available In securities has been a very considerable profit. If the society had ac- case of threatened attack. Manning quired the securities by taking allotments in the original underwritings the coast fortifications is constitutional to which the Hyde syndicate was a party, it would have made larger militia work, for it is always to repel invasion. It can be undertaken by citiprofits. The profits would have been greater by $186,107.13. Or, if zens living in the neighborhood of the the society's directors who figured in the syndicate had a'ctcd solely for fortifications with less disturbance and the society the society's profit would have been $167,751.50 greater sacrifice than any other military duty, because it does not take them far away than it was." from their homes and their business. Gage E. Tarbell, second of the society, replied in a "Another very Important function to long written statement to the criticisms of the Frick committee and be performed by militia, and having the same characteristic of not requirmade a number of astonishing disclosures. , ing militiamen to render any service Pie declared that the business of the Equitable had fallen off $8,ooo,-- 1 except for the of their home3, 000 in May, and that another decrease might be expected in the June is the service todefense be rendered by infanbusiness. He pointed out alleged inadequate returns on certain pieces try in the defense of our coast fortifications against attack in reverse by of Equitable real estate. Mrs. Henry B. Hyde, he asserted, is in of a life pension of $25,000 a year from the society's funds. Re-- 1 land. This is a subject which ought to early and earnest attention on suits of a possible demoralization of the agents are suggested, and receive the part of the Federal Government suggestive comments on the degree of truth in the society's advertis-- , It Is of great Importance that an adequate force should be ready to perform ing matter. ' that service, should be ready to take Because the Frick report was rejected by the d'reetors at a stormy places without confusion, and meeting Messrs. Frick, Harriman and Bliss resigned in anger from the their that there should be a perfect g directorate. After their departure, on motion of Jacob H. Schiff, the as to where the force Is to come from, where they are to be postfollowing resolutions were adopted: ed, and how they are to be supplied "First That a chairman nf tlm Im.nvl vntr,i ,..;h and maintained." over all departments and affairs of the society. "Second That a nominating committee, Consisting of D. O. Mills, If High Sheriff Hen John A. Stewart, A. J. Cassatt, T. Jefferson Coolidge, August Belmont, some of the things the Advertiser says, 13. ! organ and Robert T. Lincoln, be requested to repert at a' meet- he says, some of his J. friends ought to ing of the board to be called on Wednesday next, a candidate for remind him that he imm't owto,! sheriff of Oahu County. chairman. "Third That at that meeting of the board the executive committee The Pope Is accused of Pessimism, be reorganized, and that appropriate amendments to the displayed in a recent encydlcal. should be prepared for submission to that meeting for the purpose of less In tolerant days the Popo was accarrying out these resolutions. cused of worse things than that. "Fourth That Mr. James Hazen Hyde be requested, within three months, to divest himself of the control of the stock of the society on Everybody seems nrlvllpn-orf such terms and conditions as shall be satisfactory." Blrbo's name to point a moral and! -- o adorn a tale, and vtt tlm nniu ti,i BIrbo . been accused of are pro-- 1 The War Department has been fanlty, has of which a jury acquitted him, sending out some circulars show- and of winning an election for the ing its views urging the states and .iiepuDiican party. territories to improve their National Guard and from the tone of If the hundred thousand Rockefeller .1' these circulars it is evident that gave the American Board was tainted, million he has promised Yale must Hawaii will appear in a very un the favorable hght if she allows her militia to disband altogether. As long reek. as five years the federal government began a movement to make the organization, equipment and discipline of the militia the same as The spectacle of the trustees of Yale meir noses while they handle m the regular or volunteer army of the United States, and it was in mmimK that million Rockefeller Is going to accordance with this plan that Hawaii was supplied with a lot of valu- give them, might almost be considered able new material for her National Guard. For Hawaii to suddenly a liberal education in itself. disband her National Guard and sent the material back to WashingThe Norwegians deserve that prize ton would be to make a showing little to her credit. A circular of the Secretary of War gives the following reasons for one of their own countrymen establishedor was it a Swede for tho most improving the National Guard, which are especially applicable to Ha- useful invention each year. The waii and show that this Territory is a place where the Department will Norwegians have ofInvented the bloodnaturally hope that the ordinary American duty of providing a nvlif'a less revolution. will not be ignored: JOHN BARRETT. "One of the most valuable services which can be rendered to the country by its militia, and the one which can be made the easiest and The appointment of John Barrett as most natural for it to render, is to supplement the regular force in man- United States Minister to Colombia marks another step both in the rise of ning the coast defenses in time of war. Our present regular force is an ambitious and able young man, and none too large to take care of the guns and machinery of the forti- in the progress of our relations with fications in time of peace. It will be quite sufficient in war. The num. the country from whom we practically tore the Republic of Panama. er of artillerymen for whrch Con jjuiijj .uasrcK was oprn at Grafton, Har-rima- n, FRESH so-call- Flower and Vegetable Seeds in Packages Vice-Preside- Vice-Preside- Just nt nt ceived ex. "Sierra." mm vice-preside- Port Street , well-train- , ' Employment OHico The National Guard ao JEEoe9 1 (The shortage having b:en neutralized, now is the time to utilize.) Uemura 520 King street near Punch Bicycles repaired, clothes clean ed and dyed also employment office. bowl. Foi Sale One first-cla- guitar; almost ss new, nil; office Honolulu Iron Wurks. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, DON'T put off starting that savings BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS anper per pay cent We i'A account. AND LEAD CASTINGS. num and your money is withdrawable on demand. $1.00 to $5,000.00 on one ac count. Further particulars, apply Machinery of Every Description Made PIKENIX SAYINGS, BUILDINGS to order. Particular attention paid to AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Ship's ' lacke'.hinr. Job Wotk Executed on Short Notice. Judd Building, Honolulu. $2,000,000 Guarantee Capital 1,300,000 Paid in Capital Cashier, HENRY E. POCOCK HI. OUEEN STREET Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmith AGENTS FOR THE Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Eng. Alliance Assurance Co., of London, Eng. WHO .H A'" RETAIL. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., of Edlnburg, Scotland. Special Attention Given to Fire Association of Philadelphia. Alliance Insurance Corporation Ltd. ALSO, "WHITE . ND TiOCK SAND. Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Ins. .y DRAYING LORD & Commissi Da Merchants Sugar Factors. GENTS FOB Ewa PIuj tatit Compmy, Walalua Agricultural Co., Lt. K hala Sugar "ompany. Walmea Sugar Mill Company. The, Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, M. '"he Standard Oil Company. The George F. -- .lake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals The New Ensrlard Mutual Life Insui ance Company of Boston. Tho Aetnt File Insurance Company oi Hartford, O nn. Tha Alliance As urance Company ol London. EUROPEAN UAUUEll SHOP 928 Fort, between King and Merchant FIRST CLASS SHOP WITH THREE BARBERS Open Sundays THEY ARE SURELY BY Real Estate, Mortgages, Loans and Investment Securities. Homes built on the Installment plan. 'Home Office: Mclntyre Building., T. H. L. K. KENTWELL, General Manager. YOUR NEGLECT. WHY RUIN YOUR EYES BY LACK OF CARE AND TION. CONSULT ATTEN- US; WE INSGUARANTEE TANT RELIEF. NO CHARGE FOR DR. EXAMINATION. JOHN GODDARD. K. This Time ss THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MATURITY CO. Ltd. With 11. 1 The The The The BELSER, General Contractors and Teaming. Bridges, Steel and Concrete, and Sewer Work. Guarantee first-clawork at . low prices. Also Curbing, Crushed Rod', Black and White Sand, Soil or Filing Material at lowest rates. Office and yards, South and Kawala- bao Street, Telephone Main 198. Eyes, CAUSED HE Mil Company. Those Ltd FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. Is the Thief of Time" "Procrastination Cur, Hardware Will be sold cheap. Apply corner Unl on and Hotel streets in grocery store. Building lot corner King and Kamfr Palama terminus of hameha road. Atiply at Star Rapid Transit road. Delicatessen Light Entrees for the Summer Season. Olives Farcies, Thon a la Bemalse, Quenelles a la Flnancjere, Tunny Fish in La Maitre Sause, Truffle Liver Sausage, Roast Pigeon, Mulsow's Famous Leberwurst Rlz de Veau, Champignons Farcies. The things for light Luncheons and Teas. The Pacific Hotel, n8a under-stapdln- , Garden Wanted A second hand water tank: wooden one preferred. B. Star office. , by-la- BY BUYING A SUPPLY OF Large front room in private family, Address Nuuanu and School streets. "O" this office. vice-preside- nt re-ce- ipt water airaapl Lost FRANK L. HOOGS THURSDAY flTIf Viciimun&lo.,Ll(l THE FOOD SPECIALISTS. ' Meals 35c, Rooms, first-clas- s, or Board $4.00 per Week and Meal Tickets $4.50. LEWIS & CO., LTD, 163 240 In 3 KING STREET. TELEPHONES ; 3 210 Vt November 28, I860. He worked his way through college graduating at 31. PHILLIPS & Darmouth College in 18SU. He has been CO., a newspaper writer in many capacities. Importers Wholesale COA1E AND IT. TRY 1894 was appointed United States he In And Jobbers of Minister to Slam and secured the arbitration of the famous claim of Dr. M. Want ads In the Star bring quick re AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS A. Cheek, against Slam Involving turns. Three lines three times for 25 This was the first clear of the scope of foreign extra- cents. Corner of JTort and Queen SU. territorial jurisdiction in Asia, and he was specially thanked by the President. He was appointed by President McKIn-le- y a delegate to the International Conference of American Republics at the City of Mexico in 1901. He was the Commissioner General to Asia of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and as such passed through" Honolulu in 1902 and remained here for two or three ',:"t weeks. The same year he was offered 'the post of United States Minister to Japan but declined it, and in July, 1903, was appointed Minister to the Argentine, Republic. He remained at that post until after the organization of the Republic of Panama when he was appointed Minister to that Republic In succession to W. I. Buchanan. He now goes to Colombia to succeed Minister Russell, who goes to Venezuela to suc SOLD AT ceed Herbert Bowen, who has just been dropped from the diplomatic service. Best Meal Town inter-pretai- Shipping Receipt Books STAR OFFICE TOPICS IN BRIEF. Negro strike breakers may do tho work in Chicago now, but there'll bo no keeping them In Chicago after the watermelon season opens down this way, The Atlanta Journal. If tho Panama mosquitoes are all they are reported to be, the Government Is making a inistako in not breaking them to harness and employing them In tho work of excavation. Tho Chicago News. 1 Union Street. Oahu Railway & Land Co. Wilder's S. S. Company Inter-Islan- d S. N. Compani ' HAWAIIAN THIS ST AM, TMUtMUAY. JUNK iM. he .ii l he requeat of the Board of Hup erifirn, turn over to the County of (Vilui j g rl . . ., GIGANTIC ANNUAL . . TWO WEEKS ONLY Commencing; Thursday Morning, June 29 THE GREATEST BARGAIN DRY ft. S. SACHS5 GOODS "No" rajrtietl tho County Attornoy "Not the real entate but the uee of it, We do the occupation and control. not nak you for the fee ftlmple of It but simply for the power to use It." "I do not wish to bind myself now" unld the Governor after some thought "I am merely dlscusKing the matter with you now. I can't say as to the electric light works, for Instance, I have not had time to think it all over, but ns to the police I think you should have nbsoluto chnrge and also of the fire department. The garbage matter must be discussed further." He Intimated that ho was getting the heads of tho different territorial departments together for the purpose of going over each Item and In answer to Supervisor Adams said that ho was giving all of his time to tho subject and would be able to give an answer very soon. Then the (talk became desultory. Lucas suggested that If tho Govornor could "got hold of tho Auditor and Treasurer and put some senso In their nuts" there would be no trouble about tho county governmont. "We were promlged $37,000 a month" he said "and thoy say they will only give us $25,000." Tho status of the board of fire commissioners was dlscutised and Hhelr fnto wns left In the hands of County Attorney Douthl who gave no sign of nervousness as he pronounced their pany i :: :.. ar - 9qq, Governor. EVENTS The Entire Stock at Marked Down Prices. From Silk down to Cotton Prints, Real Laces down to Imitation Torchons, Housekeeping Goods, Millinery and Apparel. In fact All GOODS in Every Department will be Sold at CUT PRICES. ALL GOODS WILL BE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND SOLD FOR CASH ONLY, UNVARNISHED FACTS: No matter how ridiculously low our prices may seem, there will be "o misrepresentation. Rcady-to-We- If i SI Clearance 1 the police, electric Until, roud, garbage deportments u.i Hi.' itablet and Implement? What the real Mtate?" nuked the 'Hi'' nnd ot doom. CORNER FORT AND BERETANIA STREETS. LTD. WHY NOT RENT A DEPOSIT SAFE BOX a modern steel vault and feel that your valuIn ables are secure? a FIVE DOLLARS year pays for one. Call and see us about it. .1 J will have a large tract of very fine land, some of which has been used The question of finance was left over for rice. The rice industry Is unprofor further discussion as was that of fitable, however, and this land will Ua a permanent meeting plnce. Attorney turned over to sugar. V COMPANY, iNfUMKlAlMlt., I Douthltt and Treasurer Trent agreed to meet the Governor today nnd the meeting odjourned until 7:30 this even NEW lng. jjjftjg ADVERTISEMENTS. MEETING NOTICE. DAILY STOCK REPORT Love's Freedom GOHOE a Qaii aa GOVERNOR ATKINSON AND THE SUPERVISORS DISCUSS THE INAUGURATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT THE GOVERNOR DECLARES HIMSELF IN FAVOR OF CORDIAL EFFORT ON THE PART OF ALL TO CARRY OUT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE MAN WHO STRUGGLED OUT OF A SPENDTHRIFT GUARDIANNO SHIP APPLIES TO COURT AG AIN DECLARING HIMSELF Once upon a time there were four BETTER OFF A RICH MAN BUT COMPELLED TO LIVE IN kings and ' ere It may be necessary to state that this Is not going to be POVERTY HE SAYS. the story or a poker game. There were four kings, and one was Freldrich Wllhelm III and another was FreUlrlcn Wllhelm IV. The other two wero Frenchmen, Louis Philippe and NaLove says that his former spendJames Love, hero of a long spendpoleon It happened that each thrift trust, shown to have been un- of these III. thrift trust flght, Is once more In the' necessary rulers Imagined himself somewas procured illegal, and courts, and again declaring himself a through the machinations of Annie K. thing of a big man In his time and rich man who Is unable to get money Hart and James Love, Jr. He declares each saw his rule and influence extending to the far ends of the earth. enough to live on. In getting free from that the property Is all the accumula- Builders wero they for all time in apindustry and own personal Love his spendthrift trust of tion Magoon the their own little human minds, builders frybeen always one he economy, has and jumped that from to have peals of empires, so they caused their ing ptn Into another, for he has filed u in the possession of all his faculties portraiits to and bo made and sent to the manage own own competent to his his from and an allowance petition for ends of the erath that mere orestate, in which he says that he s business, though he prefers that the far dinary might looK upon their compelled to live In poverty, and that Waterhouse Trust Company continue features men and be properly awed. Thus though he Is In poor health and his llf? to do it. was that at different tipies there Instead of finding he was free when it Is in danger unless he can take a trip came to tho far-okingdom of Haand pay medical attendance, he can- he got through with Fitch and made waii the portraits of the four monarchs not get any money. Love says he is the new trust deed, which Love says mentioned. over 67 'years of age and has lived in Fitch advised him he could revoke at They hang among other royalties In povehty and run in debt $200 since he any time, Love says that "From the was released from Magoon's guardiantime of the record of said trust deed the throne room of the one tlmo palace ship. hitherto, your petitioner, with ample and last night as the County superThe Love case of three years ago was property and means to supply all his visors met to discuss the formation of a sensational one. It was shown that wants and necessities, has been kept in County Government on this little islhe was quite a wealthy man, but WW actual poverty and deprived of money and. It needed no very great tax on kept under a very small allowance by to defray his legitimate outgoing ex- the Imagination to see a smile on tho his spendthrift trust guardian. Love penses, through the assumption and lips on each of the four departed kings. employed Thomas Fitch as attorney pretense of said Annie T. K. Hart and They were for building empires and has recorded how far from and after a long light he was declared said James Love, Jr., that he has part- history free. Then it was that he stepped into ed with, and they are the owners of, the goal each arrived and last night In says that all and singular his p:operty, real and their presence ten men wrestled with .the other frying pan. Love he made a mortgage to Fitch for $12,-0- personal, except the money derived King John tho First of Hawaii for tho to secure advances and an attor- from rents, out of which a commission purpose of getting as good terms from him for the County of Oahu as the ney's fee of $5,000. Then under the ad- of five per centum Is deducted." vice of Fitch he made a deed of all his Love attempted to revoke the trust Barons did from another King John at property In trust to George A. Davis. deed, and found, as far as the Circuit Runnymedo George W. Smith was in tho chair Davis resigned as trustee on June 3, Court decisions go, that he could not do 1903, and he Henry Waterhouse Trust so. The matter Is pending In the Suand there wero present Supervisors Company was appointed and still holds preme Court, but Love says It cannot Adams, Cox, Lucas, Archer, Paele, the trusteeship. Love says he Is satis-fle- d be decided for months to come, and th'it Treasurer Trent, Clerk Kalauokalanl, with the company's management It Is necessary that he should take the. and Attorney Douthltt. To them camo Acting Governor Atof his affairs, and wants It continued, trip to the coast, owing to Illness which but that the company Is advised by its endangers his life it he remains hero. kinson who attended at the requpst of attorney that under the trust deed it He asks the court to order the Trust the Board of Supervisors In order that cannot pay him anything but money company to pay him the necessary ex- the launching, of tho new governmental derived from rents and this leaves him penses. Henry E. Hlghton Is his venture may be as auspicious ns posin poverty. sible. So for a couplo of hours tho Board lss-"--:. ! ' and the Governor talked and while acof davits on her and some of the "llfo" tual results there were none, it is posshould such license bo produced, sible that a stop was taken towards THE STANLEY DOLLAR oven boats are improvised for the present the reaching of a conclusion satisfactrip. It Is doubtful If all of them could tory to' all parties. One thing at least (Continued froir page one) bo launched safetly in a heavy sea. was ascertained and that was the cerThe Stanley Dollar came hero from tainty of Governor Atkinson's position when tho master appears for clearance the Orient, so it Is not unusual that towards tho fledgling counties. He expapers, the license will bo asked for. In she might not havo any license for pressed himself time and tlmo again case the 1'cense is produced one Im- the carrying of passepgors. She is a being uncompromisingly In favor portant fact will be settled to the satis- British vessel' and such license would as of oxtendlng every possible aid to faction of tho Federal authorities. But naturally be Issued by British Inspec- them In this the period of ther incepthere will be another phase to tho tors. The opinion of the local author- tion. Ho made it ns plnln as words matter. ities seems to be that she has no such can make things that ns far as his The Dollar is not a boat that has license. Inasmuch as there aro no duty would permit; and exercising a been used previiVsly for any extensive such Inspectors in this port, the ves- deu regard for the rights of the Terhauling of passengers and her accom- sel will probably not be able to secure ritory as a whole, ho uso every modations to tako a large number of such license. In the absence of any endeavor lo help the would county of Oahu passengers, will be considered. Tho regular Federal Inspectors, Collector to get started proporly In business. United Stats laws aro fully as explicit Stackable hns to so that the laws aro Beyond the firm fixing of the Idea on this score, as they aro on the neces- onforced. Beforo he could issue any that tho Executive is most amicably sity of a vessel having a license to license for the carrying of passengers, disposed tovynrds tho new order of carry passengers, and if tho quarters the British vessel would have to havo things, last evening's meeting did not that wore designed for the accommo- some license from tho British Inspec- accomplish much. Its proceedings dation of the Japaneso passengers, are tors. In the absence of such British lacked continuity, like Mr, "butBo Inadequate found there will fresh Inspectors, the prospects of no llconso terscotch," nt fitted fromKolb's flower to cause for a delay of tho vessel. being secured by tho vessel, provided flower. In addition to this fcaturo of tho case of course that no bucIi document Is "The Board hns you to bo tho life saving apparatus is another held by her, would be decidedly remote. prosont, Govornor," Invited said Chairman G. con- matter that will. bo. taken .under Tho attornoy United States District W. Smith "to learn from you the status .. aro has tho case under advisement and of tho different officials n is neia mat mere smcraiion. under county not a sufficient number of life boats' will bo ready to act as soon as tho governmont and also to get your views provided and that somo of the boats master of tho vossol applies for clear- os to public buildings, the fire, police that have been put on the vessel are ance. There aro a number of steps to and other departments." unfit for such possible use. Tho ves- be considered fn tho mattor. There The Govornor plunged nt once Into sel is not equipped it Is claimed to seoms little chanco of the vossol get- the mlddlo of things. pasproperly provide for the safety of ting away today with her large crowd "Speaking generally" he said "I think sengers, for thoro are only four sets of Japanese passengers. that It Is incumbent on the Territory ff !:?? ;- .... . SUPERVISORS ink was ah a uream c-- There will be a special meeting of Honolulu Temple No. 1, Rathbone Slaters, on Thursday evening, June 29. Between Boards Sales 100 McBryde GRACE O'BRIEN, $7.50; 52 McBrydo $7.50. M. of R. & C 20.00" Ewa 28.50 Hawaiian Agrl 95.00 M3TICG. Hawaiian Com 85.00 S3. 00 Hawaiian Sugar 34.50 35.00 Honomu 155.00 Wllder's Steamship Company will not Honokaa 17.75 be responsible for any debts contraci-e17.50 d 1C0. 00 Haiku in Its name on or after July 1st, Kahuku 31.00 1905, without written authority from Kihoi 9.75 10.00 its President or Treasurer. Klpahulu 30.00 WILDER'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Koloa 150.00 (Signed) By Its President, W. O. Smith, McBrydo 8.00 (Signed) By 7.50 its Treasurer, S. B. Rose. Oahu Sugar Co 115.00 Dated Honolulu, June 2Sth, 1905. 3G.00 Onomea Ookala 8.00 Notice lo Stockholders. Olaa Sugar Co 5.00 5.125 Pioneer 150.50 157.60 Walalua Agrl 70.00 75.00 Notice Is hereby given that tho stock' Walluku .... 160.00 books of the Honolulu Rapid Transit Walmca 42.50 & Land Company will bo closed to Wilder S. S. Co H0. 00 transfers from the 28th to the 30th daya Hawailnn Electric 103.00 of June, 1903, both dates Inclusive. Hon. R. T. Co. pfd 103.00 101.60 By order of the Board of Directors. Hon. R. T. Co. com.... C7.50 GEO. P. THIELEN, Mutual Telephone 9.50 Secretary Honolulu Rapid Transit & Oahu R. &L. Co S6.00 Land Company. 78.50 Cal. & Haw. Sug. Rof.... 100.00 Hawaiian Com. 5s 102.00 Ewa 6s 100.00 Haiku Cs 102.00 EXECUTIVE NOTICE. Hawaiian Sugar 6s 102.00 . . , J . and on the officials of tho Territory to try and .see that the counties are properly launched and to give them help In every way possible but at the same time It Is our duty to .conserve the rights of tho Territory as" a whole and to regard the position of the Federal government under the now conditions which are to arise. Tho conclusion I havo reached is that the legislature has transferred to the county certain offices. If those offices have to do certain work I think that they should be provided with the tools with which to do it. All of the tools used by the 106.00 Territory should be turned over to the Hon. R. T. Co. 6s 100.00 county except in such caso as those Kahuku 6s 104.50 where the territory hns a partial use Oahu R. & L. Co. 6s 101.00 for them and then the details of such Oahu Sugar 6s 93.00 9S.00 transfer nnd consequent maintenance joina Cs can be arranged. 102.00 103.00 As to the transfer Pala 6s 104.00 of real estate, that Is a different mat- Pioneer Cs ter, one which I have not yet had time AValalua Agrl. 6s 101.25 101.75 to consider In all of thi lights that It presents." The Governor touched casually on HIGH SHERIFF the matter of the title to the different real property of the Territory and hazarded the Idea that no title was BUCK absolutely clear. Tho property had to be transferred frof the Republic of Hawaii to tho Territory of Hawaii somehow or other and In order to do SAYS HE WILL LET THE GOVERthis it hud In his view been placed in AND SUPERINTENDENT the hands of the United States simply NOR in trust fpr the time being. The ReOF PUBLIC WORKS DECIDE. public had turned It over to the United States and the United States had in "I propose," said High Sheriff Henry turn transferred it to tho Territory. Now, he thought, it might be possible this morning, "to pass this entire mat-tof the custody and control of the to have the Territory transfer such property us was required to the county police property and buildings to tha Governor and tho Superintendent of subject to demand. ' "We want to decide on the general Public Works. If It Is decided that the lino of policy," said the Governor "the entire building here shall be devoted matter of considering details can then to the use of the county police department, I will act accordingly. be taken up." "It Is well to bear in mind, however, In answer to a query from Chairman Smith as to whother ho considered the that the county government Is as yet government buildings as part of the untried nnd is In the experimental collateral security for tho bond Issue, stage. It will be some time before th Governor Atkinson replied that by the details of routine of the two govern- Organic Act no real proporty could bo monts become adjusted so that there sold unless the proceeds wero applied will be no misunderstandings and untowards tho reduction of the bonded necessary Inconveniences. "My Idea about the present building Indebtedness. "Tho question of the transfer of ter 'is simply this: I think that as hlgn ritorial property was one of tho argu- sheriff, I will havo considerable work ments used ngalnst tho County Act" to perform and It would be better if I were to retain the present office and remarked Attorney Douthltt. "But it did not hold, did it?" asked several of the cellB In the rear, the latter for 'use of my clerk and for the the Governor. "No," said Douthltt ''the Supreme storing of the police arms and ammunition. While I personally could get Court ruled against tho contention." The discussion veered round to the along as well at the prison as in this detail of tho maintenance of different office on Merchant street, I do not necessaries of the public sorvlce when think that It would be as convenient their uso was divided between both for tho public. I think that there should therefore be an office down town where territory nnd county. ' the public can transact whatever busi"For Instance," said Chairman Smith ness "there are the police patrol wagons, countyIt has, with the high sheriff. The sheriff could, as far as I am High Sheriff Henry thought that tho county might provldo and pay the driv- .concerned, have thq use of the entire of the building. ers while tho Territory might feed remainder "As the details of routine shape and caro for the horses does an ar- themselves, it might be found that I rangements of that sort seom to you would not have to be nt the offico to be a good ono?" here so "Well of course we would not want quarters much but could have smaller and have office hours during to chase round after you any more a brief period of the day." than you would want to after us" began tho Governor when Supervisor Lucas interrupted. A NEW PLANTATION "Wo don't want to chaso round after HI Henry anyhow" he said. "Order" cried tho chair. A new sugar plantation Is to be start"I did not come here to indulge In ed on the Island of Oahu. It is to be In personalities" answered the Governor the neighborhood of Kaneohe and will with somo wnrmth "Wo know what consist of several thousand acres. C. our duties are Mr. Lucas and I hope Bolte and L. L, McCandless are among you will soon know yours." the most heavily interested In the now Chairman Smith then put the direct venture. August Ahrens will be the question to Governor Atkinson, would manager, It Is stated. The new com- I PASSESJE BY AFTTK VRTTY During tho absenco of tho Governor from the Territory, the Secretary of the Territory will act as governor. A. L. C. ATKINSON, Secrotary of Hawaii. Executive Building, Honolulu, June 28, 1905. Office of the Board of Health. Honolulu, Hawaii, Juno Appropriations for the period lapse July 20th, 1905. L. E. PINKHAM, President, Board of Health. 1904-19- 03 ' NOTICE. HOLIDAY er I 28, 1903. All bills against tho Board of Health must be delivered at Its office by July ' 10th. Tuesday, July 4th, being a legal holiday, all offices of the Territorial Government will be closed on that day. G. R. ;arter, Governor. Executive Building, June 10th, 1903. 21, 28, 30. 3ts-J- une ' I Opera House June 29 and July 1 , The successful four-a- ct drama by Augustus Thomas " AI ADA . 11 A nresentari hv the motnhmsi nf ihn ln. nalu Ladles Rowing Club for the Benefit of the new Boathouse Fund. Stage Manager, W. D. Adams.', . ' r PRICES: "C.?,4 ,. Down Stairs Balcony Of-er- $1.50 . iiM J.. y Box Office opens Co. '50 at Wall, Nichols' on the 26th Inst. Fine Job Printing, Star Qfllco. mx Tlt 4 Summer Proposition, Wi'ii. ttw'a the CE QUESTION I Tou know vou il need lc, you know poMlty in hot weather. W telle you are snxloua to get that Ie vkloh will give you satlifaotlon, and 'd like to supply you. Order from hphonc f (SI UN MIH . G. & CO., LTD , Irwin.. President and Manager Snreckels.. First Wm. Q. J&hn D. nt W. M. Gtffard.... Second . M. Whitney Richard I vers 11. C. Lovekln Vice-Preside- Treasurer Secretary Auditor FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS SUGAR FOR AUKNTS Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco, Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran cisco, Cat. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. Pa. Newall Universal Mill Co., Manufac turers of National Cane biireauer, NTbw Vork. N. Y. Pacific Oil Transportation Francisco, Cal. HART Co., San CO., LTD & The Kllte Ice Cream Parlors. Chocolates and Confections Ice Cream and Water Icea Bakery Lunch. I UT FtHESI lit IN "It Is with plca-ur- e that 1 can testify to the great benefit I derived from the use of Ayer's Ssmaparilla. 1 suffered terribly from indigestion, and tried several medicines without avail. I was then persuaded to take Ayer's Sarsapariila and after using a few bottles my indigestion was cured, my appetite came back, This is and I was strong and hearty. some years since, and my old complaint has not returned, but I always keep a bottle in the house, and when I feel at all out of sorts a few dosos put me right again W. SlNKINSON, Mt. in quick order." Torrens, S. A. r"; ,... There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. Be sure you get "AYER'S." Castle & Cooke, Ltd Union Pacific ltal stock was $100,000 divided into 1,000 of tho par value of $100 each, the dividends on the capital stock were limited to 7 per cent per annum, tnat all the net earnings and receipts above tho dividends should be nccumu- lntcd, and that "the corporate powers i me .socieiy snouiu oo vested In the board of directors, and that such board should consist of fifty-tw- o person?. 1,1 was to ue tne proprietor ng- - IIMhUiiTIIHHrirddlill lne uny 01 tl1e annual meeting, the tltlonlng officers of the society had nsk-thea ror three things: (.) That the $5,000 policyholders bo atonce enfranchised. "(2.rrimt i7i7("ti'i,o tnu franchise "all clnsses of beneficiaries." (3.) That Hyde should not be 1 Mm Ivirxxltecl IS Quickest, Finest, Best Train that Supplies All Demands To St. Louis or Chicago DAYS INfrom 3San Francisco. ELECTRIC LIGHT? READING LAMPS, "A.RS ' mm .TINGS Pacific Information Bureau fl3 Market Stret, San Frauclsco. RAILWAY OAHU XXIVIJS G, Wo will now proceed to show, as a part of the history of the case, what lllil iTiTTJMaKnillliJI 1904. CO,, CLAY 17.46 a. m., m., HMO p. m., 10:$8 :1 a. p. m., TOalljr. .:30 m. Mill and 8:S a, m., 4:S1 p. m., 20 per cent. Print LINOLEUMS THIS WEEK & COOKE, th July ; C. FRICK, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE APPOINT liD uv it-ijJIOARD OF DIRECTORS TO "TllOROUGH- L.Y liNVlibnOAiE AND REPORT UPON THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT OF THE (EQUITAI1LE) SOCIE TY." of at least live shares of the capital action was taken by the board of dii ea LEWERS I II. INWARD, drive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal Jua an" Walanae 'S.16 a. m., B:I1 Pearl City June 28, 29, 30, July 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 26 FIREWORKS HENIOT L p. m., $9:30 p m., tU:16 p. m, fbrlre Honolulu from Kwa SEE DATES. s OUTWARD. 9m Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations 17: 30 a. m., 9:15 a. 31. 11:06 a. m., 2:16 p. m., 3:20 p. m. 3 Stopovers allowed cn route. Tickets good for three months. urrah CONN. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-mSugar Compaliy, Honomu Sugar Company. alluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line Shipping Company. Charles Brewer & Co's Line of Boston Packets. LIST OF OFFICERS. President Charles M. Cooke & Mgr. Geo. H. Robertson.. E. Faxon Bishop.... Treas. & Secy. Auditor F. W. Macfarlano Director P. C. Jones.., C. H. Cooke Director Director J. R. Gait All of the above named constitute tho Board of Director". CD'S Wi Walanae, Waialua, Kahuku p.ejd m. Way Stations 9:15 a. m., 3:20 H: One way rate for Round Trip Tickets to all Eastern points. FOR THE TABLE? OCTOBER Mark I Discount on LAND AND Trade Passenger Agent, W. G. Irwin & Co., Office QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, H. T THAT ALL GOOD SLEEPERS DAILY ct Insurance Co Or HARTFORD. Travellers Agree CLUB AND TOURIST ed New England Mutual Lift & A STANDARD CHANGE). Insurance Co., Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Tie (WITHOUT Etna Fire F. Booth, General Agent-- No. San Francisco to Chicago nt OF BOSTON. S. OUR OWN LINE es AGENTS EOF second class to all points. rates take ?fIoct soon. Write VS3 ISOSHIMA . asn Tu ,,, nsuraneB Agents Ulrte trains dally through cars, flrat Trimmed Hats nt ATEB'S PILLS, the beit family laxative. Comfort ilfc. on the 3d Instant the representative To the Hoard of Dliectore of the Kqult- - and owner of r majority or the capital able Life Assuiai.te Society of tlin stock of the society." They then added In this supplemental petition: "Wo United States; deem it proper to add that, In our The undersigned, members of the committee appointed to "thorough- - opinion, after the most careful and ly investigate and report uion the anxious consideration of the subject, of Mr. Hyde as vice-be- g present management of the society," the president president In the acting and following: leave to aulnnlt the On the Sd of February, 1005, James aosence 0i ine presiueni, wun an me W. Alexander, president; Gage E. Tar powers he has exercised, would be George T. most prejudlcal .to the welfare and bell, second Wilson, third William progress of the society and the con- Alexander, secretary, and thirty-fou- r fvation of the trust funds held for other olllcers of the Equitable Life As the benellt of our policyholders. Mr. surance Society of the United States, Hyde's prominence In various ways are sucn presented to the board of directors of H,lu ",a uls HS criticism of the so- iho onniotv n im sniinc frfi, aB tendto to provoke create misgivings as to the "thelr views and opinion regarding the ,ul .ll8 "'imme.uuiu, iiuu future- management of the affairs of . institution the society, the conservation of Its loJ, . UU8'"eff uniformly held out to ,h,as business, and the due administration tlle I1""1'0 ns conducted solely on the an,l i.rntnntlnn nf .ho fn,i0 i in .. mutual plan for tho benefit and pro In this petition it Is also recited that tectlon of Its policyholders." imported Into the petition an the socletv wns nrminizo.i m isr.n ti,ni Its charter expressly provided that its entirely new request to tho board of insurance business should bo conduct- - ulILl-luIAs matters stood on February S, 1003, ed upon the mutunl plan, that Its cap- - CITY SUGGESTS , 1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mats., U. S. A. Railroad Jl'SR The rejiorl of the Frick Committee on the mrtnagement o'. the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, is the key to an understanding' of the most remarkable controversy that has evr meed within a fiimnciul institution of its character. No controversy within such an institution has ever received the widespread interest and discussion that this lias. The keenest interest in it has been manifested' in this community. The Star will therefore publish this report in full, in convenient instalments from day to day. Blue. Poelofnee Dox 008. 1161 THUtWOAY, New Lines of THE FRICK Panama REPORT And Ladies' Suffered Terribly from Indigestion. Cured by Ayar't Sarsapnrllla. I li ve I HAWAIIAN gtPAn. LTD. 177 S. KING STREET fBunday Exceptor, tflunday only. The Jalelwa Limited, a two hour Sriln, 1 ves Honolulu very Sunday at For the midnight lunch. A sandwich 3:22 a-- m. returnlns arrives In Hono-IbI- u right, not too thick nnd not too Just stops p. m. The Limited at 10:10 thin, and a sparkling glass of Rainier Walanae. wily at Pearl City a Beei. Ita a delight you can't afford to miss. . C. SMITH. m. P. DENNISON Fine Job Printing Star Office. Q. P. A. T. '4.. Supt. aled:." (The petition then set out the clause of the charter of the society wherein It is provided that in the elec- lion ot directors every stockholder should be entitled to one vote for every share of stock held by him, and that at any time aiier tne organization or tne society the board of directors might, by a vote of three-fourtof all tho aireciors, proviue mat acn me policy- holder, who shall be Insured for not less than $5,000, shall be entitled to one vote at the annual election of directors, such vote to be given personally and not by proxy. The petition then reclt- ed that the number of policyholders and beneficiaries of tho society now exceeds 500,000, and that the nccumu- iHiiuu.1 i.ciu uy mi? society amount t over $110,000,000. The petitioners then represented that from their practical experience in the conduct of the society's business "we have become convinced that Us continued welfare unj progress and the due administration end protection of the trust funds in its charge render a change necessary, and that it is incompatible with present public opinion ns well ns with tho of the society and its beneficiaries that the policyholders, ns the real parties in interest, should continue .o be without any voice in the administration of these funds, but that the entire power of selecting directors should be vested in and exercised solely by the holdor for the time being of a majority of the society's nominal capital stock." The petitioners then recited that they had consulted counsel ns to their .lutv n moc. , fh as to the powers of the directors nnd were advised as follows: "First, That it Is our duty to acquaint the board of dlrectors with our views and Judgment and to urge the recommendations which wo now submit. Second. That under the charter there is full power vested In the board of .directors to con- fer voting powors upon tho class of pollcyholders mentioned above." The petition concluded with a recommend- atlon that the board of directors "take the necessary action so as to 'provide. that ach policyholder, insured in not less than $5,000, shall be entitled to one vote at the annual election of directors, nnd that the necessary logal steps be taken to secure power to further nro- vide for the extension of this voting riffiu to nil classes of beneflclarlos." Five days later, to wit. on the 7th rof February, 1905, beinsr the day nrlor to the nnnual meeting of the society, which was held on the 8th of February, 1905, these same gentlemen presented a supplemental petition to the board ot directors of the society, In which they recited that, "We deem It proper to state that a copy of such petition (tha original) was furnished to Mr. IIyd rectors unon these PniiR!t ,m t tv,. time of the ' of thp management whose acts are now under Investigation. At the nnnunl meotintr held on Feb ruary 8, 1903, the president of tho so- doty submitted to the board of ill rectors the petition of Februarv 2. mor. and tho supplemental petition of Feb- ruary 7th, 1903, horclnbeforo referred Bel, obtained by the petitioners, rela- ttve to tho legality of the mutuallza- tlon of the society. At this meeting a proposed now chorter nnd declara- tlon for tho soclty was submitted, and a motion made that tho president and secretary of the society be authorized nnd d lectcd to execntn thn nrnnonpfl amended charter and take all necessary steps to validate tho same. This motion was, by the unanimous vote of tho board, laid upon tho table. There- UnOll a COllimlttpn nf Uio linnrrl mna nn. 10tcd to inquire Into tho matters and documents submitted by tho president, nnmoly, the petition of February, 2, 1905 tho amended petition of February 7, 1903, nnd tho opinion of counsel upon tho subject-mattof said petitions, with instructions to report to tho board In ono week. This was the unanimous action of the board. Whereupon the meeting adjourned until February 10, er 1905. In tho meanwhile, and prior to the dato to which tho meeting of tho board was adjourned, to wit, on the 15th of February 1903, James W. Alexander, th0 President of tho socloty, addressed n communication to tho commltttee ap- P"lte,d Vy, "'Oard, in which he dls- lonBth th0 Proposition of mu- ?us!.ed tunllzat'on proposed in tho petitions of February 2 nnd 7, 1905, maintaining as a part of h,s argument for mutuallza- tlon that tho question of mutuallzatlon "nns now b.come doubly acute be- cnuo of the open, aggressive, arid mls- BuldG(J emphasis and outward assertion Blvon to tho fnct of nls stoolc control ,)y Jnrnes H. Hyde, tho of tllu company." Tll,s communication of February 15 I'kowlse sot out at Iqngth tho argu- l"ont of Mr. Alexander for mutuallza- "on based upon his allegations of shortcomings and misdoings upon tho P"rt of Mr. Hydo as nn individual and n8 a onicor or the company, of whom Mr. Alexander said: "I think IiIr or- rors, notwithstanding tholr baneful of- fect upon the society nnd tholr grave menace to Its future prosperity, nrlso from a fundamental wrong condition which I nm hopoful that the board of directors ot this society will, in their wisdom, correct." At the adjournad meeting of tha board ot dlreotors held in the 10th ot nt Wall, NichoJs Company, Ltd February, 1903, tho board adopted a scheme of mutuallzatlon ns detailed In the report of the committee of directors submitted to the meetings and all of the existing olllcers of tho society, including the against whom tho protest had been lodged by tho president and other officers of tho society. At the same meeting the former executive commit tee With tho addition of Mr. H. C. Frick was elected with James H. Hyde as Its chairman; and the former finance committee, with tho ndditlon of Jrx. C. Frick, which consists of the members of the oxecutlvo committee and one additional person. The former members of the other standing committees were also to wit, yie committees on agencies, on insurance, nnd on accounts. Thus tho board of directors of tho socloty disposed of tho three propositions presented In the potltion of tho officers of tho company and In their amended potltion, ns hereinbefore stated, by adopting a scheme of mutuallzatlon, nnd by disposing of the protest against the of Mr. Hydo by him. Tho scheme of mutuallzatlon adopted by the board of directors subsequently underwent changes by the action of tho board. It is not necessary, however, for tho committee to now pursue t' o history of those changes, or to discuss their merits, as this was a matter with which tho board of directors dealt directly, and whose action in rospect thereto is now pending boforo the Insuranco commissioner nnd the court. The charges nga'.ist Mr. nydo were followed by charges made by him n- galnst Mr. Alexander, the president of tho socloty. Those chnrgos and coun- tercharges, in which other officers of the society wero Included, raised serious and radical questions affecting the mnnngement of tho socloty, which resulted In the appointment of this committee by resolution of tho board of directors passed on the 0th of April, 1905, under the terms of which Messrs. miss, Mill, Frick, Hnrriman, Ivos.HUl, nnd Ingalls wero appointed to constitute the commUteo and wero "charged with tho duty of thoroughly Investigating and reporting upon tho present management of .tho socloty; said commlttoo to select its chairman nnd adopt measures of procedure." Messrs. Hill and Mills Immediately nfter their appointment gave notice of their inability to serve upon the and tho dutlos of the committee have been so far performed by the remaining members. ideating The committee held iU com-inltt- irt eo April 7, 1903 and elected a chairman, who was directed to employ a secre- tary. As the committee was appointed to lmestigate the management of tho society, the primary Inquiry Is what constitutes tho management, whore it Is lodged by law, and how It may bo lawfully oxerclsed. Tho charter of tho society contains those words: "The corporato powers of said company shall be vosted In a board of directors and shall bo exercised by them and such olllcers nnd agents as they may appoint and from time to time empower." The exorcise of the corporate powers of the company and the acts incldont thore to constitute Its management and It Is this management that the directors empowered tho committee to Investigate. Referring again to tho charter quoted above, it will bo observed that whllo the corporato powors aro vested In tho directors, tho exerclso of those powors, that is, tho management of the company's affairs, Is committed to the dlroctors and such officers and agents ns they may appoint So that In tho comes to this, that this last analysis committee's duty is to investigate the management by the dlroctors and likewise tho management of tho olllcers. This severance or .".Ivlslon of the committee's duly Is made for many practical reasons besides convenience, and ospeclally for the purpose of locating tho responsibility for wrong-doin- g In specific cases of mismanagement. To Be Continued. When some peoplo spend their time In solf contemplation It looks to others llko tlmo thrown away. BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN During the summer months children aro subject to disorders of the bowels, and should receive tho most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of tho bowels Is noticed, Colic, Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. by For salo all dealers. Benson Smith & Co., agents for Hawaii. Purity and Wholesomeness are the first requirements of a beverage. Tha United States Government reports assure both of these to Rainier Beer. Fine Job Printing, stnr Office. TUB HAWAIIAN CORPORATION 8TAR, TlIUIUrOAT, JUNB , civil WS. NOTICE V. NOTICE. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO., LTD. Notice la hereby given that a new Telephone Directory will shortly be published, nml all portons Intending to lmvo new telephones Installed are requested to make applications nt tin oarly date. Subscribers desiring any changes to bo mado in their names or places of resldonco etc, will please notify tho ofllco beforo July 20th next, after which dato no new names will be added to, or changes mado In tho new book. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO., LTD. Honolulu, June 2Tth, 190S. WALTHAM WATCHES STEM WINDING, LEVER. Thence nlong the Rant bnnk of 'iknlu Stream to high water murk lu'iu'h, Ihn direct azimuth nnd dl-- : i. e being: 13C 06' 44 feet; I. Thence along beach, nlong high nter mark, the direct aslmuth Melntr: 340 00 MS fret; BY A UTHORJTY NOTICE. nnd PAYMENT OF HEWER ATBS. 5. Thence along the foot of bluff, In accordance with Act 6, StMfea the direct Milinuth mid distance being;; Laws, 1KI, rate will be ..Ay WALTHAM WATCHES EXPRESS able from TABLISHING AND MAINTAINING 101 SI' M4 feet: 1905, July and let, after -20' up Hdge IS' to Ml the feet THE OF THEH1ION A HOSPITAL STATION In advance. point of beginning. IS. 9 PUBacres. Area THE WATCHMAKER'S ART. AND LABORATORY OF THE rates between July 1st, 100 and December Hit, IMS, are payaB. HOS AND LIC MARINE HEALTH TWELVE MILLION WALTHAM ble on July let, 1&06. Description ot Spring Site. PITAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED WATCHES NOW IN USE. A failure to pay such advance rates; Situated 011 the Bast side of AValko STATES, FOR THE STUDY OF lu Valley, AValkolu, Molokai, Terri within 1G days after due, renders the ALL GUARANTEED BY tory of Hawaii. rate holder liable to an additional 10. THE METHODS OF TRANSMIS- Solected by Surgeon General AA'yman, per cent. AMERICAN WALTHAM t NOTICE. LepSION, CAUSE AND TREATMENT M. II. S., as portion of Federal ' Rates payable at the olllce of WATCH COMPANY, rosarium. MAKAHA COFFEE CO., LTD. C. M. AA'HITE, Beginning nt a on stone In trail up OF LEPROSY. WALTHAM, MASS., U.S.A. tho East sldo of AValkolu Valley, the The regular annual meeting of tho Chief Clerk. lllIMIIISfc"-"Jl- B from Hawnllan Govern Approved., Maknha Coffee Co., Ltd., will be held Ill BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE TER' ment Survey Trig. Station "Lelnaopa on Friday, Juno 30th, ?905 at 3 o'clock C. S. HOLLOWAY, plo" being South 2178 foet and East p. m. at the ofllco of Jas. F. Morgan, RITORY OF HAWAII, 219 feet, as shown on Government Sur Superintendent ot Public AVorks. Honolulu, vey Registered Map No. 2309, and ' . JAS. A. LOW, Department of Public AA'orks, by true azimuths: Secretary. June 17, 1S05. 264 23' 386 feet up ridge; Honolulu, June 20, 1005. 861 00' 760 feet along Territorial Government AV'ater Reserve: NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING. 117 63' 4C0 feet down rldgo to AVhereas it Is provided by Section 91 A11 outstanding bills for materials on stone In trail. of an Act to Provide a Government for McCABE, HAMILTON & RENNY 4. Thence along East side of trail, furnished and services rendered In tha RUSSIA IN REVOLUTION. CO., LTD. the Territory of Hawaii, passed by the the direct azimuth and distance being: period commencing July 1, 1904, an4 Fifty-sixt- h Congress of the United 215 40' 90 feet: A special meeting of tho StockholdTune 20. The Russian battleship Kniaz Potenikin Tav ODESSA, ending June 30, 1905, must be In my of170 227 62' foot: ers of McCabe, Hamilton & Renny Co., ritchesky is flying a red flag. The captain and most of the officers have States of America on the 27th day of flce properly certified, If on the Island 130 18S point 00' of C feet to the Ltd., will be hold on Saturday, July 1, Light officers have April, A. D., 1900, and approved on the beginning. Oahu, by July 10, 190B, If on the other, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the ofllce been murdered and their bodies thrown overboard. of day of April, A. D. 1900, "That Area 4.5 acres. of the company. No. 20 Queen street, been forced to join the mutineers. Two torpedo boats, accompanied 30th by July 16, 1906. Islands C. Honolulu, for the purpose of consider- by the Potenikin have seized the coal-lade- n Esperanza. The the public property ceded and transsteamer C. M. WHITE, ing a proposed amendment to the arti- remainder of the Baltic fleet, en route from the naval battle, arc cx ferred to tho United States by the Ro' Description of Hospital Site. Chief Clerk. cles of association of said corporation. Kalawao, Molokai, Territory of Ha petted to arrive soon. Reports arc current to the effect that there public of Hawaii, under the Joint resoCHAS. BON, Department of Public AA'orks, Hono7, waii. July ot annexation, approved lution are serious disaffections on other warships. The streets of this citv Secretary. 189S, shall be and remain In the posses Selected by Surgeon General AVnlter lulu, T. II., Maj 31, 1906. are barricaded and tumult reigns. Honolulu, June 23, 1905. AVyman, U. S. M. II. S., as portion of r Territory slon, use of and control the o Federal Leprosarium. PAYMENT OF AA'ATER RATES. maintained, Hawnll, bo of and shall . CITY ABLAZE AND BATTLESHIP FIRES. Beginning nt a on large rock, In NOTICE. managed and cared for by It, at Its stono wall, on edge of bluff overlook sea the true azimuth and dis INTER-ISLANNAVIGASTEAM As provinca for In Chapter 45 of tho LONDON, Tune 20. The quays and the shipping in the harbor of own expense, until otherwise provided lng tance to Hawaiian Government Survey Revised Laws of Hawnll, 1905: TION COMPANY, LIMITED. Odessa, as well as many buildings in the city are ablaze. Incendiaries for by Congress, or taken for tho uses Trig. Station "Kaupiklawa" being 159 nnd purposes of the United States by 03' 6130.8 feet nnd to Hawaiian GoV' All persons holding water privileges Notice Id hereby given that the are interfering with the firemen. The battleship Potenikin fired a shell direction f the President, or the Gov ernment Survey Trig. Station "Lelna' or those paying water rates are hereby; Steam into the city killing four Cossacks and wounding twenty. Stock Books of the Inter-Islan- d opaplo" being 28C 15' 30" 0332.5 feet, as notified that the water rates for tha Navigation Co., Ltd., will be closed to ernor of Hawaii," and o shown on Government Survey Regis- six (6) months ending December 31s, transfers from th 17th to the 30th day by Sen AVhereas was enacted the SAY it REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN. tered Map No. 2209, and running by of June, 1905, .ncluslve. ate and Representatives ot the United truo azimuths: 1905, will be due and payable at tha By order of the Board of Directors. 1. Along edge of bluff overlooking office of Honolulu AVater AVorks on tha ST. PETERSBURG, Tunc 29. The Admiralty admits that the sit States of America in Congress assemC. H. CLAPP, uation in connection with the interior disturbances is crave. Troops bled, by any Act thereof duly approved sea to corner of fence on same, a littlo 1st day of July, 1905. Secretary. Honolulu, June 15th, 1905. On all such rates remaining unpaid are being mobilized to suppress the Odessa mutiny. The radicals de- by the President of the United States AVest ot AVaialela Gulch, tho 333direct 13' azimuth nnd distance being: on July 15th, 1905, an additional charge of America on the 3rd day of March 1893 feet; clare that the revolution has arrived. HOOKS CLOSED. o A. D. 1905, "That when the Territorial 2.- -65 00' 1S5.5 feet to corner ofjstone of 10 per cent will be made. All privileges upon which rates reGovernment of Hawaii shall cedo to wall; 3.- -27 00' 285.5 feet along stone wall main unpaid to August 15th, 1905, (30 the United States In perpetuity a suitWILDER'S S. S. COMPANY. on solid rock: to days after becoming delinquent) ara able tract of land one mllo square, 4.- -14 25' 585.0 feet up small hill to Notice Is hereby given that the stock subject to Immediate shut off, without more on Leper or less, the Reservation largeedge on Steamship on of bluff; rock of Wllder's transfer books t nctlce. Including odgo 3S' esfurther 616.0 Molokai, along of at bluff bo Hawaii, feet u.22 and there shall Co., will be closed from on large rock, the truo azimuth The outside men have been Instructthe 1st day of June, 1905, to and includtablished thereon a hospltnl station and to Kalawao Protestant Church spire ed to shut off all dellnquopt privily 38 ing the 30th day of June, 1905. laboratory of the public health and to being 163 24' and to cross on Catho By order of the Board of Directors. as fast as possible after August iriLh. Marino Hospital Service of the United lic Church being 164 48'; S. B. ROSE, (Signed) 1905. IS'; 6. 31 o States, for tho study of the methods 1013.0 feet along odgo Secretary. Rates are payable at U10 office ot the of transmission, cause nnd treatment bluff and down Into a small gulch and Honolulu, T. H May 31, 1905. nlong In angle center of to same said AVater AA'orks to tho Chlet Honolulu of Leprosy," and . gulch; the Department of Public Clerk of A noToiis "iitpursuance of the forego7.- -99 20' 1150.0 feet along center of NOTICE. ing Act of the Congress of tho United small gulch to point In fame, opposite Works. J. H. HOWLAND, States of America a tract of land situ- tho bottom of pall: Thence following nlong the bottom of Superintendent of the Honolulu AA'atef NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS BWA ated on the Leper Reservation at Mopall, PLANTATION COMPANY. Works. lokai, Hawnll, in area one mllo square, bolncthe direct azimuths and distances In accordance with the terms under Honolulu, T. II., June Sth, 1D05. more or less, has been found suitable 8. -1- 97 40' 810.0 feet: which its bonds were Issued, the Ewa 9. -2- 19 52' 750.0 feet; for the purpose in said last named Act Plantation Co. will pay, with accrued 10. -1- 37 18' 1000.0 feet; contemplated and set forth; Interest, on July 1st, 1905, One HandreJ 11. -2- 62 15' 516.0 feet to a on solid Its ($100,000.00) of Dollars Thousand Now, therofore, I, George R. Carter, rock at point of pall nnd end of stone bonds, this completing the redemption Governor of Territory the of Hawaii, wall, tho truo azimuth and distance to of the entire issue of $500,000 Issued unJ. C. COHEN, Manager. by virtue of tho authority In me vest"Lelnaopaplo" being 270 44' 7015.9 der date of January 1st, 1900. The num-ter- s by Commencing proed fol law, hereby FRIDAY EVENING, do as paid are declare and of the bonds to be feet; to "Kaupiklawa" being 170 23' lows: claim that tho following described 7515.3 feet, and the nzlmuth to Kal:i-wa- o June 23, every evening nnd Saturday; 401 274 1S7 114 7 pieces of land (the Territory reserving Protectant Church Spire being Matinee. FOR ONE AVEEK ONLY 403 275 188 120 9 184 12' nnd to Kalawao Catholic church ownership tho of, right remove to and 404 286 193 123 18 190 41' 30": being jrou M. 8. (NIK KOVEUY XMHIT such buildings as may be on the date 410 291 194 124 22 12. Thence along stitio wall, along hereof upon the granted premises), be Baldwin Home, the direct 413 292 199 132 24 azimuth and M. B. CURTIS, Proprietor and Mgr. ' 421 295 204 137 29 and tho same are hereby taken for tho distance being: 219 10' COO feet; Presenting an entirely new repertoire ' 424 304 212 14$ 32 13. -1- 46 00' 425.0 feet along stone wall uses and purposes of tho United States ' of high class A'nudeville. 426 307 213 145 33 along Homo; Baldwin saving and reserving therefrom a right ' 432 339 219 149 45 14. -200' 1003 feet nlong stone wnll Princess Chlnqullla, an Indian of of way forty (10) feet In width nlong along19 441 340 222 151 46 Baldwin Home; Royal blood In Indian songs and Indian 445 344 240 155 and over tho lino of the present road 4T 20' 05.0 15306 feet nlong stone wall dances. ' 451 352 242 157 69 or trail over the granted premises, for nlong Baldwin Home; ' The Sensation of Four Continents, 454 354 163 254 10.-- 219 74 10' 91.5 foet nlong stono well the purposes of a road, for the excluConjuror. Reno tho tho 455 358 169 257 82 along Baldwin Home to the point ot Great Debonair Presenting in Mnglc sive and Joint use of tho Board of beginning. 463 359 258 174 93 a boquot of mystical novelties culminHealth of the Territory of Hawaii, and 469 360 259 176 96 Area 114.0 acres. ating with the bewildering Illusions 478 361 264 179 97 Its successors, and the United States Katclna the fight thruugn space and 479 363 266 183 100 authorities having the oharge and conLurllne the creation of woman. 493 373 181 270 110 trol of said hospital station nnd labor- Description of Reservation Site. Mnjor A. Edward Newell the Cow494 383 271 185 113 boy Juggler. Newest pictured melodies. atory; granting and to tho United to holders given hereby the Situated In Kalawao and Makannlua Notice Is 's Latest Biographical crazo States a like exclusive right of way Molokai, Territory of Hawaii. of these bonds to present the same for Dilemma. Count's The upon and over that part or portion of payment at the offlce of tho Treasurer Selected by Surgeon General AValter Ernest L. Barbour, Humorist, Mono-logl0 the Ewa Plantation Company In Hotho public lands of the Territory of AAryman, U. S. M. H. S., as portion of Impersonator and Imitator. nolulu on July 1st, 1905, and that inter- DAVID B. HENDERSON, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE Hawaii lying between tho parcels of Federal Leprosarium. est on same will cease on and after Beginning popular Prices: 75, 60. 25c; box seats. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WHO HAS BEEN land hereby separately granted, now Survey Trig. nt Hawnllan Government that date. Station "Knuhako" on tho ji.oo. Reserved seats at Orpheum Box STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. W. A. BOWEN, used as 11 public road or trull, such Southwest rim of Kauhaka Crater near Office, ' Treasurer Ewa Plantation Company. rights of way as are hereby granted trraven. the true azimuth and '"'-"- " DUBUQUE, June 29. Former Speaker Henderson has been and rosorvod being Survey to Trig. Government Hawaiian Honolulu, Hawaii, May 20th, 1D05. upon cerIndicated 45' stricken by paralysis. Station "Kalawuo" being: 175 tain maps of tho United States Leprosy S088.9 feet; to Hawaiian Government o Station Sltos, dated June, 1005, and Survoy Trig. Station "Lelnaopaplo" be- Goniractor and Builder BRITT AND SULLIVAN. House Paintar traced from Government Survey Regis ing 291 16' 9" 14461.6 foot, ns shown on Government Survey Registered Mhp Maps 2309 and 1728. terod Nos -SAX FRANCISCO, June 29, Britt and Sullivan have been matchNo. 128 and running by truo azimuths: rCowalo, Sheridan Street near Klmr. J. P. Cooke, Manager. 1. -1- 37 21' 1092 feet: Honolulu n. I. ed for July 21. A. 2. 287 21' 0912 foet to high water Telephone OFFICURS: Whito 601. Description of Landing Situ. marl: at sea coast: President H. P. Baldwin John Kaloaamalknl and wf to Eni- AVal-koSituated on the Kant sldo of 3. Thenco along sea const, along high First J. B. Castle D mollnu M Magoon Stream AVulkolu, Molokai, Ter- water mark ,tho direct nzlmuth and W. M. Alexander.Second Mary A Kalooamalkal and hsb to J ritory of Hawaii. distance being: 336 10' 3702 feet; REALTY TRANSFERS Third L. T. Peck M Alfred Mngoon 4. -4- 7 21' 360 feet to Hawaiian Govby Surgeon General AVyman, Treasurer J. Waterhouse a O M.Selected D Kaohl to Y Ahln Lep- ernment Survey Trig. Station "Kauportion as S., If. of Federal Secretary G. M. Rolph AND Mm. Virginia Pengelly to Ben Cruse. .D piklawa;" the true azimuth and disrosarium. Auditor W. O. Smith PICTURE FRAMES. Ben Cruz to Mutual Uldg & Loan Entered for Record June 27, 1005. 312 Beginning at an Iron bolt, on rocky tance to "Lelnaopaplo" a being: Socy M Noat and Handsome 12' 7" 11104.6 feet: C. Bolte Tr to Ida Podeyn ot al ....Rel point overlooking sea, an known and Designs made to order. Entered for Record June 28, 1905. 6. 17 21' 6S7S foet to an Iron bolt on Grace D. Merrill and hsb to Lylo A Hawaiian Government Survey Trig. BeretanlA Street, near PunqhbowL Factors and Diokoy PA Hoopala (k) to Bishop of Panopolls.D Station "Lelnaopaplo;" the true azi- the North side of main Government TELEPHONE BLUE 881. Albert N Campbell Tr to Charlotte Albert N Campbell Tr to Mrs Virmuth und dUtanco to Hawaiian Gov- road; Commission D 137 1860 King 21' ot fciet to Rel H point the Hoi ernment Survoy Trig. Station ginia Formally to Notice Notice Herchants br.ng 132 12' J9"H1GI.5 foet; beginning. Koalaula and hsb to Kulanl (w)....M AV A Bowen and-wLoong Choe Chung to Slng,.D Area 602,6 acres. and to Hawaiian Harry Armltngo Tr to R AVm Holt..D Government Surto Cluing See (w) D vey Trig. Station "Mokapu" being 202 Harry Armltage Tr to Annlo Tarrls..D Chung Sing IN TESTIMONY AVHI8RBOF AGEN f S FOR 82' 0" 4266.1 feet; D AVnlter F Dillingham to Hewn Trust Mary Allau to J Alfred Magoon and the azimuth to I have hereunto subscribed Co Ltd D C Achl mid wf tl F AVun- Kalawao Protostant Church Spire bemy nntno, and causod the THE Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar William D Geo C Allen to Geo D Gear.. Rev. P A ing 105 29' and to the cross on Kala- (Seal) denberg Seal of the Territory of HaCompany, wao Cathollo Church being 103 43', as CharloH M Cooke Ltd to W C Achl.P R Geo C Alien to A G Gllson waii to be hereto affixed. Rov. P A nnd Can Assmt shown 011 Government Survey RegisHaiku Sugar Company, Elslo M AVundenberg to J Alfred DONE AT THE CAPITOL, in Alice K Kea'wa at al to RIohnrd H A Map Mngoon 2309, by running P No. tered and Paia Plantation, Honolulu, this 3Sth day of . M Trent Tr J Alfred Magoon to Mary 15 Low....D Rlohard true azimuths; June, A. D. 1905. ICS S. King Street ..I M to MerA Trent Maul Agricultural Company, Tr 13 MaMary Low to Emine'llne M M rill 1. Up to ot A ridge rocky ledge contor By goon D Klliel Plantation Company, the Qovernor, Telephone Main 61 In same, the direct azimuth and disJ Alfred Mngoon Tr to F AVundenHawaiian Sugar Company, G. R. CARTER, 330 1418 being: Sv tance feet; BORN. D berg Governor. Kahuku Plantation Company, 79, 43' 1174 feet down side of ridge FAYE-- At Emmollne M Magoon and hsb to Keknha, Kauai, June 25, Want ads In the Star bring quick reKahului Railroad Company, 1905, to the wifo of II. P. Faye, ft to a D on largo rolld stone on tho East A. L. C. ATKINSON, John Kaloaamalknl turns. Three lines three times for 25 Haleakala Ranch Company. bunk of AValkolu Stream: son. JAlfred Magoon to Mrs. II Lunlng.Rol Secretary of the Territory. cents. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ES HIGHEST STAGE eeml-Mnual- G.- Semi-annual- ly run-nln- A Proclamation FOREIGN NEWS BY GABLE 1.-2.-- 3.-- 5.-- D ormer Speaker Stricken - Orpheum Theatre 1 New-York- st, I OHTA, ll lu nt S. SA1KI, nt Bamboo Furniture nt Sugar 0.-- a" BATH 2.-- J-- f ft Jtovenlr Liithtr f Mil, awcttttv Prortamstion en Honrv May Meeting Notice jmameted Hawaiian Jtwtlrr, flat Bye's Xomr mud Mango Chutney, All Kind of Ciirlo Ll. WOHAN'S lHlfll EXCHANOIS HPfi9Ppk Thai r Arwa ire the III JILL I MMat ML Msia M. WL ft (Continued hingle Stains Itafc UN. URHfiaHssa The conductor Is hf.pt for evidence. IS H. Moevea. According la Reeve mivHte KUoeti ave MM the mower OMaon waa a paaaoafjer oa Hei'vos' oar At Sag katid shUenrsam, ttT Mat Saturday and paid Ma tare by faring s altvor dollar. After reoelvMg JULY Mt ehsns tie adbed the oaMoctor to shaiis a Ave dollar piece, onya Reeve KOON. nvtrfJCK AT ii Beevei and Via given tke ohangf. one. good thomjrtit the on was not a and bhowea it to other paeaewgor. afR kept It ter giving the chang. on Beckl')- - nr t, K alibi. however .though hp took the precau tion of separating It from other money - a. re. fruit. V&T- -l when be turned It in. At the edftoe of and shade ireea.t vegetable Dftf. AUOTOK touts PACi 11 'Irtln V. S, Weather Bureau m Ottoa, S-VL- OiiSATlKIUV, Temperatures 4 a. m. 72; I a. m. TT, 19 a. m. TT; noon, ft. Iteming gti- IWMi ?t. Barometer, 8 a. m., 0M; absolute humidity, I a, m., 7.(7f grains par cable a. ., J! per foot; retatlve hnmldlty, cent; dew point, 8 a, 01., W. a, m., t, MB.; Wind Velocity, m I, UK.; U a. m., t, W.; noon, 11, .. a. Rainfall during U hours sndsd m., trace Indies. Total wind movement during H hours ended at noon. Ml mile. i. I, mb nam's mm Von ssajr fct out of the few who have not Omt we acll StUarte at well a oiker i. We have a brfe atock ol Green k TX Ac Stains and cati fumUh any other JSMilat MWde on short fiotice. The Suiiu we Mil are food, nothing can be made better and the prtae are right, I17 uc . 1- the Rapid Transit company, he told that It was bad. whownon ho took It to starahal Wowdry. lot, chicken 'KKCE- -t atory, Jackson, who had a bad coin in tanais. UbrsjT. given ssaston, It obearvatoT'. t bath claims to have baoa Don't Starve Your liair? In a aaJoea loot Sstnrdsy night AXA.X. McC. and electric hgbtod declares that he aSBnred a tea dollsr gold piece for some drinks to a i mm. 1 carriage V4 and that the barkoeper took It BeU: June 28, 11 to one bad returned and then the kirn i pence; Can arraage for a Loan ea thai last previous gwotatlon Ji i at, 11 aklllhsM him. earing he ceuSd not change a test. property of lt aMa and stimulates Is a natural hair-foo- d Brockocw said this morning that be fke growth wonderfully. "Alabama at the Opera Hmm to- - did not think mock of the ooia had been circulated. "One bad ten dotU Sett br all Druggists and at the night. piece was turned down by one of the A cheese lot obi the Wsdalao Xttm Barber Shop, Telephone Main The open season for doves Saturday. banks here on naturaer." he aaid. "anal ' on a Bastd Transit car am tm strssU. Can The 8. 8. Aorangl is due hero July one was 1. from Victoria and Vancouver. Saturday t. If of MM on tbta lot for A towel window at Pacific Import; sent oat it baa probably among Japanese women and people War ttetber parUcwlar apply to Co. Prices indicate a clearing oate. The steamer Mikahala will depart who do not bank their mosey. Cor it this afternoon on her regular run to has not shown up m bank deposit. If JAS. F. MORGAN, it haa been pissed is that way, it may Kauai ports. AuonomtsR There will be a special meeting of take some time to get Honolulu Temple No. 1 Matwbone 8is- - circ ulatlofl.' ters this evening. J. T. Cooper, known m Put Cooper, Home people order PRIMO at the bar; The steamer Mauna Loa Is due to- the owner of the goi4-plat- r, is well others through the mall. Do whatever Tlie rich ripe Gorgonxola is Use He is a known morrow morning from her run to Haatl here. member of suits you best and everything will be In beloved by gourmets the world Christian Endeavor and baa been em and Hawaii porta. ON FRIDAY, order. We advise, not order, you to JUNE ?A orer. They enjoy its full, pecuway. The steamer Clawdlne Is to depart ployed in Honolulu in a business stand not on the order of your order1 O'CLOCK, liar flavor and the delightful UnA. AT M.. Saturday morning for San Pranoiseo He was solicitor for Arleigfe recently. ing, but to order quickly, In order that letting touch it imparts to a All the four men are in Oatau prison. to be overhauled. At my salesroom, H7 Kaahumann there may be no disorder in your ordinmeal. A bookkeeper is an ted to take ; Breekons questioned thorn further this street. I will sell ary domestic routine. We have Just received a choice charge of set of books and to Lake j morning- - and then sent ttism all back. 1 Xew Leipsic Piano, consignment of this excellent though It Is said that there is little 1 Piano, general charge of the office affair. 3 S cheese which arrived in the best Children's white dresses at your own against Longiey, and he may soon be 1 French Piano, of order and in prime condition. a o 0 e men not aUoW' released. The four price are Import at Co. Pacific Oooda 1 Steel Safe. Alpine combination. The same steamer brought us: marked in plain figures. , See window led to see one another. They will have 1 Key Safe, a good on. . - U.fM norwegia:: a tiaovln smokedI.... lufn.. 1 Mahogany Buffet, sprotsardines, Sachs' gigantic clearance sale is now on Friday. In the meantime efforts are 1 Pair Blue Plush Curtains, from TEN, SPICED SARDINES nd in progress and promises to he the being made to find the dies which did Blue Room Palace: a supply of the celebrated greatest bargain event in the history " h excellent work in making imita- - 2 Pairs Portieres, from the Queen's CRYSTAL SPRINGS BUTTER. is a household necessity. Isn't it time tions of the faces of the coin. of the city. room. Palace; During the dry goods clearing sale' That' there was escftement. real Beds, Bureaus, Washstand. Tables, to order a fresh of Pacific Import Co., every yard of though suppressed, out at Camp Chairs, Rockers, Dry Goods. Sox. has been reduced, the stock Is Kinley this morning whan the rwmors the arrest had passed j regarding clean and fresh. Postmaster Joseph PraH has raroo v- - round nd the interest became intonLimited Case Lots, Assorted. shortly before II o'clock when ed hit residence from 1 flc Heigh U to the Cantain Godfrey nlace at Kuu. U. JS. Marshal Hendry arrived with Also Loosr Quantities. Telephone Alain 45 it wo automobiles and subpoenas for the Canvas Hammocks, Oil Stove, mm avenue and School street. Alexander X. Cedarlof has been gp-- j attendance of seven soMlet who weie Sewing Machines, Crockery, pointed at Kipaliulu atiul as witnesses. The word had Hats, Ktc, etc. plantation. With Mrs. Cedarlof he left evidently been sent along that no In- by the Maui for Ills new home. formation was to be given out regard- - JAAIli5 F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Saturday's games are the last of the in a"y of the men for the present as B22M Hi Bt series of i lie aeasiin. 'riio ttinu u i all of those approached wore decidedly next naiuroay, juiy . a now loum the Honolulu Athleic club will contest uncommunicative. i "HI begin the last week In July 11 was learned from the records, 1 and the ICamehainehas and Maile ' through until The Governor's proclamation in 're- - eor, that Cooper enlisted at Oklaho- - w"lc" ""I to the reservation of land for the Ina "X. O. T., on August si, IMS. and ber- After courtship come the home and cKtubll8hlng and maliitainliiK a hos- - 1 Tying bis first enlistment. Jack-- 1 to make It boautlful,and" cosy ''is a maton, who is also serving his first enlist-- j Plt.il ftatlon apjears in this issue. HAV E We have a vast assortment of im- - ment, joined the army at San Fran-porte- d MYRTLES ter of importance. Consult us and let delicacies, all fresh and good, Jcisco on August , 1MB. us talk it ovor with you. suitable for a day's picnic or an ex- - There are two companies of Coast tended sojourn in the county, Henry Artillery at Camp McKinley the 92nd! BEST PROSPECTS j and the 2Mb and it is to the Utter th tt j May & Co. In trouble belong. There) Great values In Peau de Sole silk. th ,nn Suruh silk and Taffetta silk will be on of ooiirse the usual camp rivalry be- - j sale during the great clearing sale at the two companies and the men ggf-z137 KING STREET. to HAVE STRONGER CREW PHONE 426. FOR THE seem to taxe an unnoiy joy import Co., Silk on sale gut- - ' lw S. S. SIGNS That's all. RACE HUT FOR SENIOR JUNIOR mess In in arm tbe nniteed or money Imck if not satis- that their brothers f.tctory. have run Jnto. BVBNT WILL HE VERY CLOSE. pinched W. a. Ho wen has petitioned the "We bad a couple of fellows Court of Land Registration for a till; for getting drunk a little while ago,'' The crews of the Myrtle and Ilea- to u nurcel of In ml with th imiiiiinv, remarked one of the t2nd this morn- JUST RECEIVED thereon. situate in Maklkl. Honolulu, ln. "and the 28th have been Joshing us lanl Clubs are .rounding Into shape" and observers are in a better position and containing an area of 62.000 suiian. about It ever since but we won't do a INCLUDING now to get a line on the respective tning but talK lo inem now, leet. A the two automobiles with Marshal merits of the crews of the Fourth of J. SI. Webb, who has left for the coast received a liandsome dress suit ' Hendry, the seven soldier witnesses Juy rttc- - The Myrtle Senior Is far n(J, wy the better crew, but in the ! the Star representative, swung out case from his ts be- ra;e l"r w ,,Ke,y 10 D. a very ,fore going. At a meeting of the so - t t'e camp cates the soldiers off duty iun,P rA tum,lf- $2.00 PER DOZEN QUARTS. .3 " fet th "eata'nte ex- olety he was warmly complimented by Indulged in some cheerful remarks re- to w' the Junior race and hope Pastor Wadman. latlve lo the probable destination of to ',tHke ?. showing in the senior event. There will be play In the Halelwa the men in uniform and as to the un- Is thought by many 'e thing which Golf tournament next Sunday. Th likelihood of their return, all of which '0'I'te to ta t,,e against the Haleiwu cui will be contested for. A, the witnesses hud to take In good part. fact that tnB Mahaulu has his name twice on the They were driven rapidly into town ' Myrtf y. They t 'ral""K cup and needs only V net It there once and reported at the Marshal's office. LIQUOR DEALERS. to- -t J"uary work for the more 10 have the cup for good, The fact that Jackson, is one of the H,ul u gom" r!f Today, June 2fl. the day of St. Peter arreoled ones apHrs to alford th UI !f ,8n',r irew. ,ha" 1,e,n goinK MERCHANT AND ALAKEA STREETS. TEL. MAIN 492. .inn 01. noiy nay or obligation of soldiers a good deal of amusement. H! Z"U"y 'i"rl"fr Um1,a?t the Catholic Church of Bt. John th name is obviously an assumed one for t.orSe... tM i, u.t jmiihihi, jvaniu-waenin charge ofi p to r?wln uev. rather Clement, there was high imperfect. a fact which makes him In but 'he are harder than the mass with sermon and collection at :50 a sense a butt of some of his comrades. others. V.'e are also prepared to fur He was out at rifle practice only a lit this morning. The races-- will be conducted as usual Mrs. and Miss Alexander Lyle enter- tle while ago, so one of the soldiers at Pearl Harbor. twin nish New Awnings and Verandah tained a number of friends at their said, and was utterly unable to hit the Zu excursion ZZ U.'" V. ' home. Magazine street, on Tuesday ev- target and this led to an unmreclful W".''eh the Curtains, or r.ecover Your Old ening, In honor of Mr. Lyle's birthday. his ' him Those who attended describe It as a wa Awning frames. c very happy event. Ah a birthday reminder Mr. Lyle was presented with a lam, !u tum following th. conclu- gold watch and Mason's charm. tt,",,. "!.."UMlan. hooU"K' of the races. The crews and oili- . . !lon The members of the Local Grand '"we,.uP w".enLor-a - clals will go In a special car to the Interrogates! by- the Army ioiit called In a body to pay At District - . J htls morning. He spluttered In ai BIIIIUKI. , their respects to Mrs. Anna Wright,' . ..., Th ivrti New luesuay evening. Mrs. Wright's lata Ixture of Ituda and Kngllsh and Pearl Harbor and have e fo the husband, John N. Wright, was an enthusiastic member of the Grand Army, ?yt, ' can ,,'ak lri Honolulu and go to the loch every U',1 yOU "r "Ut 1 am and Mrs. Wright, who was very freAND MANY Practice row and you" quently hostess at Its camp fires, keeps then wturn to jionoUU Tne jfyrtIea 1 up her Interest In it. MAKES OP a "lfln f 1"lelI"fen",ro to the loch m the afternoon arid re- - , .? uiuunn -laui.ui miuui or tain main overnight. Second-han- d BUIJU IVIIgllDII, A PROFITAULB VACATION. To learn how to speak French c German in 6 weeks. . Attend the free It possesses that quality which guarINCREASED DIVIDEND lectures at the Y. M. C, A. next Fri- WILL KEEP antees convenlenee, durability day and Saturday. and AND ALL Brewer & Company have Increased Low Bills. Gas their dividends from 2 per cent a Star Want Ads pay 25 cents. V ARIETIES OP IN mliilm&SamliiiiiH I VALLEY month to three, beginning July 1. Call at St-.and see demonstration. Pepeekeo Plantation Company has CHOICE ALGAR0BA T W Papers and Supplies Increased Its dividends to two per cent GOLF CLUH MAKES AN ARRANGE- a month beginning July 16. 1- -1 Pacheco's Dandruff Killer IE. .0. , Italy's Famous HALL & i Order of the Day Cheese AT AUCTION weli-enjoy- I rimo Lager kieler ) iiiinro. Mc-goo- ds PIKE WORKS l !l To Have To Hold I book-keep- er AND i ; ; how-'"1"- NEW TraiiMs tanley Stephenson wn Coming Season Fresh Bott I Bock Beer i 1 fellow-Methodis- lOOCS ! cw"Kte ; .'"" Rackets b" f'rf wk , fr a, L SllTB 2 TXhif V 'thens" Jttrrtrz "w. r"""'"" Underwood Typewriters - mJSi''W .'Ril'.TIU'.Safss.'im? ,.. THE NEW ."J I""""' !...... ,a. mJZ lmlly tAuTi sssr s In Co., Ltd. 93L 3?ort Street. PROCESS GAS RANGE LIS Mftift Pearson & Potter KSStor1 n F 10 e MENT WITH MICNRY IS. COOPER NEW SI0RII88 OK TOURNAMENT 8TOCKS THIS AFTERNOON. The sales of stock this afternoon were: Between Hoards, 100 MoBryde, 7.0; 50 MoBryde, 17.50; 40 Honokau, $1B2.S0; 30 Pala, 1175. On Board: SS The Manoa, Oolf Club lias made arrangements with Henry E. Cooper for Mcliryde, $7.78, tlie use of the links In Manoa Valley for a further iierlod and until the new HOT WEATHER TONIC. Hot weather. llng on lassitude and DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THR country club Has become an accepted laci me Manoa dub will keep its fatlffUl. Onji MAAjl a ttll rt lladn im CITY, LEAVE ORDERS WITH I courps and ciuo house open normal strength. Royal malt extract A series of tournaments at the Mi-li- s an lnvlaorallna-- . health Kiinrin. & CO. noa Links is to be at once Inaugurated.) tonic' It gives vim and snap. Try It. beginning with a "Bogey Cumin-tltlonAgents for Ifiaet Klu Ranch, , At IJobron's. SAWED AND SPLIT OR IN 4 FEET LENGTHS W. W. DIM0ND " JVLL 11ANGE3 SOLD ON EASY TERMS. W. W. Dimond & Go Pioneer Gas Kan go House Id
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