To my wife Beverly Copyright © 1995 Joe Christian Grand Prairie, Texas All Hebrew Scripture quotations are from the Hebrew New Testament, copyright 1979 by the United Bible Societies, Israel agency, and are used by permission. All English Scripture quotations are from the Good News for Modern Man in Today’s English Version, copyright 1966 by the American Bible Society, and are used by permission. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATS OF AMERICA Other work by Joe Christian; The Modern Hebrew New Testament on cassette, Rivers In The Desert production, recording, compilation, duplication, editing, and world wide distribution. Text used, The Modern Hebrew New Testament, copyright 1976 by the United Bible Societies, Israel agency. Rivers In The Desert 621 Forest Park Pl. Grand Prairie, TX 75052-5051 (972) 264-4038 Joe Christian, founder and president of "Rivers In The Desert" a non-profit corporation dedicated to helping make the Word Of God more accessible in the original languages. Introduction: Learning Modern Hebrew has been the goal of many of my friends and acquaintances. It is not uncommon for the study of Hebrew to become a struggle that causes many to lose heart. To obtain this goal of learning Hebrew has meant, in the past, to leave the study of the scriptures and enter "Ulpan" (Hebrew Language School). I have attended many of these schools and they certainly do help in learning Modern Hebrew. But, the goal of this book and others to follow is to remain within the Word Of God (Bible) and learn the fundamentals of Modern Hebrew. The Word of God is for the renewing of the mind, and thereby, the study of Modern Hebrew using the Word of God facilitates learning. The struggle is reduced due to the Word of God renewing the desire and joy of learning God's Word. This is not a new idea but it is an inspired idea. God has burdened my heart with this work. While producing and editing the Modern Hebrew New Testament on cassette tape, I learned additional Hebrew and received many blessings. I would not have enjoyed these blessings outside the Word Of God. The New Testament has so much to offer in the Hebrew dialect. The New Testament is full of Hebrew idioms used also in the Old Testament and language correlations that give the experience of "God With Us", leading us, guiding us, teaching us. No teacher is as capable and as moving as our own Creator. Learning Modern Hebrew can be a joy and an inspiration. My original goal many years ago was to learn Modern Hebrew well enough to read the Old Testament in Hebrew. You may well ask, why would one spend time in Modern Hebrew when the Old Testament is written in Ancient Hebrew, which is no longer spoken as a colloquial language. Ancient Hebrew is not conversational and therefore is difficult to retain and enjoy the accomplishment of speaking. Modern Hebrew and Ancient Hebrew are so closely intertwined in their root word origins, that learning one equips one to understand the other. The Modern Hebrew New Testament would not exist today if there was not an Ancient Hebrew Old Testament. Modern Hebrew is an adaptation of Ancient Hebrew in modern times, a revised edition of the language of the Prophets. The main focus is to allow God, through His Son, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to renew our minds through the Word Of God, while learning the language derived from the ancients. The Modern Hebrew New Testament format allows each learner to remain close to God's Word, hearing not only the word pronunciation, but a message from above. Page Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Pages 7-8 Pages 9-10 Pages 11-13 Page 14 Pages 15-16 Pages 17-18 Pages 19-20 Pages 21-22 Pages 23-25 Pages 26-27 Pages 28-30 Pages 31-32 Pages 33-34 Pages 35-36 Pages 37-38 Pages 39-40 Pages 41-42 Pages 43-46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Pages 51-54 Page 55 INDEX Lesson Verse Hebrew Verse THE HEBREW ALPHABET HEBREW VOWELS LESSON 1 MARK 14:36 36:מרקוס יד LESSON 2 MATTHEW 4:8 8:מתי ד LESSON 3 LUKE 15:12 12:לוקס טו LESSON 4 JOHN 4:25 25:יוחנן ד LESSON 5 JOHN 4:26 26:יוחנן ד LESSON 6 JOHN 4:27 27:יוחנן ד LESSON 7 JOHN 4:27B ב27:יוחנן ד LESSON 8 JOHN 4:28 28:יוחנן ד LESSON 9 JOHN 4:29 29:יוחנן ד LESSON 10 MATTHEW 1:18 18:מתי א LESSON 11 MATTHEW 1:19 19:מתי א LESSON 12 MATTHEW 1:20A א20:מתי א LESSON 13 MATTHEW 1:20B ב20:מתי א LESSON 14 MATTHEW 1:21 21:מתי א LESSON 15 MATTHEW 1:22 22:מתי א LESSON 16 MATTHEW 1:23 23:מתי א LESSON 17 MATTHEW 1:24 24:מתי א LESSON 18 MATTHEW 1:25 25:מתי א Hebrew Glossary of Scriptures Used, Includes Greek to Hebrew Strong Number Comparison Pronouns Presented Suffixes Presented Verbs Presented, Command (Imperative) Tense Verbs Presented, Future Tense Verbs Presented, Past Tense Verbs Presented Present Tense © 1995 Joe D. Christian The Hebrew Alphabet At the Letter Block Script end of word PHONETIC סֹוִפית א ּב ב ג ד ה ו א ּ ב ב ג ד ה ו א ּב ב ג ד ה ו AH-LEF BET VET GHEE-MEL DAH-LET HAY VAHV HEBREW ָאֶלף ֵּבית ֵבית ִגיֶמל ָדֶלת ֵהא ָוו NUMBER ENGLISH VALUE 1 SILENT 2 ּב ב 3 G 4 D 5 H 6 V The VAHV makes a "V" sound when appearing at the beginning of a word and at other locations is often silent. ז ח ט י ּכ כ ל מ נ ס ע ּפ פ צ ק ר ׁ ש ֹ ש ת ז ח ט י ּ כ כ ל מ נ ס ע ּ פ פ צ ק ר ׁ ש ֹ ש ת ז ח ט ZINE KHET TET YOOD ּכ ךך ך כ ל םםם מ ןןן נ ס ע ּפ ףף ף פ ץ ץץ צ ק ר ׁש ֹש ת CAHF CHAHF LAH-MED MEM NOON TSAH-MEK INE PAY FAY TSAH-DEE KOHF RAYSH SHEEN SEEN TAHV ַזִין ֵחיט ֵטית יֹוד ַּכף ַכף ָלֶמד ֵמם נּון ָסֶמך ַעִין ֵּפא ֵפא ָצִדי קֹוף ׁ ֵרי ש שין ִׁ שין ִׂ ָתו 7 Z 8 KH 9 T 10 Y 20 C CH 30 L 40 M 50 N 60 TS 70 SILENT 80 P F 90 TZ 100 K 200 R 300 SH S 400 T HEBREW VOWELS HEBREW Transliterated Vowel Sound NAME Name Symbol A as in father ָקַמץKAH-MAHTZ ָ ם ַּפָתח ִחיִריק ָקָטן ִחיִריק ָגדֹול ֵציֶרה ֶסגֹול ַנע-שוָוא ְ חֹוָלם ֲחֵסר חֹוָלם ָגדֹול ֻקּבּוץ שּורּוק ָדֵגש PAH-TAHKH A as in father KHEE-REAK KAH-TAHN EE as in bee KHEE-REAK GAH-DOHL EE as in bee TSE-RAY A as in bay TSE-GOAL EH as in bed SHAV-VAH_NAH SILENT KHOH-LAHM KHAH-TZAIR OH as in no KHOH-LAHM GAH-DOHL OH as in no KOO-BOOTZ OO as in pool SHOO-ROOK OO as in pool DAH-GESH ַם ִ ם םי ִ ֵ ם ֶ ם ְ ם ֹ ם םֹו ֻ ם םּו ּ MARK 14:36 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 1 36:מרקוס יד 1. "AH-BAH AH-VEE", AH-MAR YE-SHOO-AH, 2. "AH-TAH COLE YAH-CHOL." ,שּוַע ׁ " ָאָמר ֵי, ָאִבי, "ַאָּבא.1 " "ַאָּתה ֹּכל ָיכֹול.2 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. "FATHER, MY FATHER" SAID (PRAYED) JESUS 2. "YOU ALL (EVERY THING) ABLE (POSSIBLE)." 1. "FATHER!" HE PRAYED, "MY FATHER! 2. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE FOR YOU". Strong's Greek Number 5 Strong's Transliterated Hebrew Vocabulary Number 1 AH-BAH FATHER (DADDY) 3962 1 AH-VEE FATHER (DADDY) 3004 559 AH-MAR MY FATHER (MY DADDY) 2424 3442 YEH-SHOO-AH JESUS 859 AH-TAH YOU (MASCULINE) 3956 3605 COLE ALL (EVERYTHING) 1415 3201 YAH-CHOL ABLE (POSSIBLE) Transliterated Vocabulary AH-MAHR AHM-RAH YAH-CHOL YEH-CHO-LAH YEH-CHO-LEEM YEH-CHO-LOAT English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary ַאָּבא ָאִבי ָאָמר שּוַע ׁ ֵי ַאָּתה ֹּכל ָיכֹול ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָאָּמרHE SAID [masculine, singular, past] ָאְמָרה ָיכֹול ְיכֹוָלה ְיכֹוִלים ְיכֹולֹות SHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] I, YOU, HE: ABLE [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: ABLE [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: ABLE [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: ABLE [feminine, plural, present] MATTHEW 4:8 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 2 8:מתי ד 1. LAH-KAHK OH-TOE HA-SAH-TAHN 2. LAY-HAR GAH-VOH-AH MAY-ODE שָטן ָּׂ ָלַקח אֹותֹו ַה.1 ְלַהר ָּגבֹוַה ְמֹאד.2 HEBREW 1. (HE) TOOK HIM THE DEVIL (SATAN) 2. TO MOUNTAIN HIGH VERY LITERAL TRANSLATION 1. THEN THE DEVIL TOOK JESUS 2. TO A VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN MODERN TRANSLATION Strong's Greek Number 3880 Strong's Transliterated Hebrew Vocabulary Number 3947 LAH-KAHK OH-TOE English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary HE TOOK HIM ָלַקח אֹותֹו שָטן ָּׂ ַה 1228 7854 HA-SAH-TAHN THE DEVIL (SATAN) (In Hebrew "THE" is combined with the following word. Therefore "HA" is equal to "THE" and "SAH-TAHN" is equal to "DEVIL" or "SATAN". There by making "THE DEVIL" one word as in "HA-SAH-TAHN"). For clarity sake in our vocabulary lists we will continue as in Hebrew to list "THE" in combination with the following word. 3735 2022 LAY-HAR TO MOUNTAIN ְלַהר (As in the example above using "THE", "TO" or " "ְלis also combined with the following word. To prevent confusion we will also note at this time that " "ַלPRONOUNCED "LAH" instead of "LAY" (notice the vowel mark change under the letter) means "TO THE" instead of just "TO". This is true when combined with words that are innate objects. I'm sure by this time you have recognized that "HAR" or " "ַהרmeans "MOUNTAIN"). 5308 1364 GAH-VOH-AH HIGH ָּגבֹוַה 3029 3966 Transliterated Vocabulary LAH-KAHKH-TEE LAH-KAHKH-TAH LAH-KAH-KHAHT LAH-KAHKH MAY-ODE VERY ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָלַקְחִתיI TOOK [singular, past] ָָלַקְחת ְ ָלַקַח ת ָלַקח YOU TOOK [masculine, singular, past] YOU TOOK [feminine, singular, past] HE TOOK [masculine, singular, past] ְמֹאד Transliterated Vocabulary LAHK-KAKH ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָלְקָחהSHE TOOK [feminine, singular, past] Jaffa Gate Jerusalem Old City LUKE 15:12 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 3 12:לוקס טו 1. AH-MAHR HAH-TSAH-EAR EL AH-VEEV: 2. AH-BAH, TEN LEE EHT KHEH-LEK HAH-RAY-KOOSH 3. HAH-MAH-GEE-AH LEE : ָאַמר ַהָּצִעיר ֶאל ָאִביו.1 ׁ ֵּתן ִלי ֶאת ֵחֶלק ָהְרכּו, ַאָּבא.2 ש . ַהַּמִּגיַע ִלי.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. SAID THE YOUNGEST TO (HIS) FATHER: 2. FATHER GIVE ME (DIRECT OBJECT) MY PART PROPERTY 3. THAT (IS) COMING (TO) ME. 1. THE YOUNGER ONE SAID TO HIM 2. FATHER, GIVE ME MY SHARE OF THE PROPERTY 3. NOW. Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 2036 559 AH-MAHR English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary SAID 3501 6810 HAH-TSAH-EAR THE YOUNGEST This word is only used to express the age of living beings not innate objects. Since it is in masculine form it is understood that it is referring to a son and not a daughter. 413 EHL TO, UNTO, AT, BY 3962 1 AH-VEEV (HIS) FATHER 3962 1 AH-BAH FATHER 1325 8567 TEN GIVE LEE (TO) ME 853 EHT (DIRECT OBJECT) Unlike English the direct object or sign of the accusative is in word form and not merely understood. 3313 2506 KHEH-LEK PART 3776 1911 7399 HAH-RAY-KOOSH THE PROPERTY, GOODS, WEALTH HAH-MAH-GEE-AH THE (ONE) HAVE COMING ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition AH-MAHR ָאַמרHE SAID [masculine, singular, past] ָאַמר ַהָּצִעיר ֶאל ָאִביו ַאָּבא ֵּתן ִלי ֶאת ֵחֶלק ׁ ָהְרכּו ש ַהַּמִּגיַע ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition AHM-RAH ָאְמָרהSHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] TEN TUH-NEE TUH-NOO TAY-NAH ֵתן תִני ְּ תּנּו ְּ תָּנה ֵּ GIVE [masculine, singular, imperative (command)] GIVE [feminine, singular, imperative (command)] GIVE THEM [masculine, plural, imperative (command)] GIVE THEM [feminine, plural, imperative (command)] Damascus Gate in Jerusalem Old City LESSON 4 25:יוחנן ד 1. AHM-RAH LOW HAH-EE-SHAH: 2. "AH-NEE YO-DAH-AHT SHAY-YAH-VOH MAH-SHEACHK, 3. CUH-SHAY-HOO YAH-VOH, 4. HOO YAH-GEED LAH-NOO EHT HAH-COLE". JOHN 4:25 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION שה ָּׁ ָאְמָרה לֹו ָהִא: .1 "שיַח ִׁ שָּיבֹוא ָמ ֶׁ ֲאִני יֹוַדַעת.2 שהּוא ָיבֹוא ֶׁ ְּכ.3 . "הּוא ַיִּגיד ָלנּו ֶאת ַהֹּכל.4 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. SAID TO HIM THE WOMAN: 2. I KNOW THAT COMING MESSIAH 3. WHEN THAT HE COMES 4. HE TELL TO US (DIRECT OBJECT) THE ALL. 1. THE WOMAN SAID TO HIM, 2. "I KNOW THAT THE MESSIAH WILL COME, 3. AND WHEN HE COMES, 4. HE WILL TELL US EVERYTHING." Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 3004 559 AHM-RAH English Definition SHE SAID Hebrew Vocabulary ָאְמָרה לֹו LOW TO HIM The first letter in this combined word is " "לwhich means "TO", the second half of the word " "ֹוis a derivative of the Hebrew word for "HE or him" or " "הּוא. 1135 802 HAH-EE-SHAH THE WOMAN שה ָּׁ ָהִא 1492 589 AH-NEE I 3045 YOH-DAH-AHT KNOW ֲאִני יֹוַדַעת שָּיבֹוא ֶׁ 2064 935 SHAY-YAH-VOH THAT (IS) COMING The first letter "SHAY" or "ש ֶׁ " means "THAT" and is combined to "YAH-VOH" which means "COMING". 3323 4899 MAH-SHE-ACHK MESSIAH /CHRIST שיַח ִׁ ָמ 3752 1931 CUH-SHAY-HOO WHEN THAT HE שהּוא ֶׁ ְּכ The first letter pronounced "KUH" means "WHEN". The second letter is pronounced "SHA" or "ש ֶׁ " means "THAT". The last three letters are the word "HOU" or " "הּואwhich means "HE or HIM". [Note: the strong number in Greek is for the first portion of the word "SHAY" and the Hebrew strong number is for the last portion of the word "WHO".] Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 2064 935 YAH-VOH 1931 312 English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary COME HOO HE YAH-GEED TELL ָיבֹוא הּוא ַיִּגיד ָלנּו LAH-NOO TO US The first letter "LAH" or "ָל, means "TO". The last half of the word "NOO" is a derivative of the word for "WE" which is "AH-NAHK-NOO" or "ּ "ֲאַנְחנו, The last two letters of the Hebrew pronoun are used {which is common to Hebrew}. EHT (DIRECT OBJECT) ֶאת 2064 3605 Transliterated Vocabulary AH-MAHR-TEE HAH-COLE AH-MAHRT AH-MAHR AHM-RAH YO-DAY-AH YO-DAH-AHT YODE-EEM YODE-OAT AH-VOH TAH-VOH TAH-VOH-EE YAH-VOH TAH-VOH (Not included in audio) AH-GEED TAH-GEE-DEE YAH-GEED ַהֹּכל ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָאַמְרִּתיI SAID [singular, past] AH-MAHR-TAH TAH-GEED ALL ָָּאַמְרת ְּ ָאַמְר ת ָאַמר ָאְמָרה יֹוֵדַע יֹוַדַעת יֹוְדִעים יֹוְדעֹות ָאבֹוא ָּתבֹוא ָּתבֹוִאי ָיבֹוא ָּתבֹוא ַאִּגיד תִּגיד ַּ ַּתִּגיִדי ַיִּגיד YOU SAID [masculine, singular, past] YOU SAID [feminine, singular, past] HE SAID [masculine, singular, past] SHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] I, YOU, HE: KNOW [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: KNOW [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: KNOW [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: KNOW [feminine, plural, present] I WILL COME [singular, future] YOU WILL COME [masculine, singular, future] YOU WILL COME [feminine, singular, future] HE WILL COME [masculine, singular, future] SHE WILL COME [feminine, singular, future] I WILL TELL [singular, future] YOU WILL TELL [masculine, singular, future] YOU WILL TELL [feminine, singular, future] HE WILL TELL [masculine, singular, future] Transliterated Vocabulary TAH-GEED NAH-GEED TAH-GEH-DOO TAH-GEHD-NAH YAH-GEE-DOO TAH-GEHD-NAH ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition תִּגיד ַּ SHE WILL TELL [feminine, singular, future] ַנִּגיד תִּגידּו ַּ ַּתֵּגְדָנה ַיִּגידּו ַּתֵּגְדָנה WE WILL TELL [plural, future] YOU ALL WILL TELL [masculine, plural, future] YOU ALL WILL TELL [feminine, plural, future] THEY WILL TELL [masculine, plural, future] THEY WILL TELL [feminine, plural, future] Pool in Hebron LESSON 5 26:יוחנן ד 1. AH-MAHR LAH YEH-SHOO-AH: 2. "AH-NEE HAHM-DAH-BEAR AY-LAKH, 3. AH-NEE HOO." JOHN 4:26 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION ַשּוע ׁ ָאַמר ָלּה ַי.1 , "ֲאִני ַהְמַדֵּבר ֵאַלִיְך.2 ". ֲאִני הּוא.3 HEBREW 1. SAID TO HER JESUS: 2. "I THE SPEAK TO YOU, 3. I HIM." 1. JESUS ANSWERED, 2. "I AM HE, 3. I WHO AM TALKING WITH YOU." LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION Strong's Greek Number 3004 Strong's Hebrew Number 559 Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition AH-MAHR SAID LAH TO HER 2424 3442 YEH-SHOO-AH JESUS 1510 589 AH-NEE I 2980 1696 HAHM-DAH-BEAR THE SPEAK 413 1510 Hebrew Vocabulary TO YOU 589 AH-NEE I (AM) 1931 HOO HE ָאַמר ָלּה שּוַע ׁ ַי ֲאִני ַהְמַדֵּבר ֵאַלִיְך ֲאִני הּוא ADDITIONAL STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary AH-MAHR AHM-RAH MEH-DAH-BEAR MEH-DAH-BEH-RET MEH-DAH-BREEM MEH-DAH-BROAT Hebrew Vocabulary ָאָּמר ָאְמָרה ְמַדֵּבר ְמַדֶּבֶרת ְמַדְּבִרים ְמַדְּברֹות English Definition HE SAID [masculine, singular, past] SHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] I, YOU, HE: SPEAK [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: SPEAK [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: SPEAK [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: SPEAK [feminine, plural, present] JOHN 4:27 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 6 27:יוחנן ד 1. BAY-OH-TOE RAY-GAH BAH-OO TAHL-ME-DAHV 2. VAY-TAHM-HOO AHL SHAY-HOO MEH-DAH-BEAR 3. EEM EE-SHAH, תְלִמיָדיו ַּ ְּבאֹותֹו ֶרַגע ָּבאּו.1 שהּוא ְמַדֵּבר ֶׁ ְוָתְמהּו ַעל.2 ,שה ָּׁ ִאם ִא.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. IN SAME MINUTE THEY CAME HIS STUDENTS 2. AND THEY AMAZED CONCERNING THAT HE SPEAK 3. WITH WOMAN, 1. AT THAT MOMENT JESUS' DISCIPLES RETURNED,, 2. AND THEY WERE GREATLY SURPRISED TO FIND HIM 3. TALKING WITH A WOMAN. Strong's Strong's Transliterated English Hebrew Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Definition Vocabulary Number Number 5129 225 BAY-OH-TOE IN SAME ְּבאֹותֹו The "BA" or " "ְּבat the beginning of the word "OH-TOH" or "SAME" INDICATES "IN". 7280 RAY-GAH MOMENT (MINUTE) ֶרַגע 2064 935 BAH-OO THEY CAME ָּבאּו The "OUH" or " "ּוat the end of the word "BAH" or "COME" indicates "THEY". 3101 8527 TAHL-ME-DAHV HIS STUDENTS ַּתְלִמיָדיו The "V" or " "ּוat the end of the word "TAHL-MED" or "STUDENT" indicates "HIS". 2296 8539 VAY-TAHM-HOO AND THEY WERE AMAZED ְוָתְמהּו The "VAY" or " "ְוat the beginning of the word "TAH-MAH" or "AMAZED" indicates "AND". Also the "OO" or " "ּוat the end of the word "TAH-MAH" or "AMAZED" indicates "They". 5921 AHL CONCERNING ַעל 1931 SHAY-HOO THAT HE The "SHAY" or "ש ֶּׁ " at the beginning of the word "HOO" or "HE" indicates "THAT". 2980 1696 MEH-DAH-BEAR SPEAK 1135 5973 EEM WITH 802 EE-SHAH WOMAN שהּוא ֶׁ ְמַדֵּבר ִאם שה ָּׁ ִא Transliterated Vocabulary BAH-TEE BAH-TAH BAHT BAH BAH-AH BAH-NOO BAH-TEM BAH-TEN BAH-OO ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition תּי ִ ָּבאI CAME [singular, past] ָָּבאת ָּבאת ָּבא ָּבָאה ָּבאנּו ָּבאֶתם ָּבאֶתן ָּבאּו YOU CAME [masculine, singular, past] YOU CAME [feminine, singular, past] HE CAME [masculine, singular, past] SHE CAME [feminine, singular, past] WE CAME [plural, past] YOU ALL CAME [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL CAME [feminine, plural, past] THEY CAME [plural, past] Jaffa Gate Old City of Jerusalem (from within) LESSON 7 ב27:יוחנן ד 1. AHK ISH LOH AH-MAHR 2. "MAH AH-TAH MEH-VAH-KESH?" 3. OH "LAH-MAH AH-TAH MEH-DAH-BEAR EE-TAH?" JOHN 4:27b HEBREW TRANSLITERATION :ש ֹלא ָאַמר ׁ ַאְך ִאי1 "?ש ׁ "ָמה ַאָּתה ְמַבֵּק2 "?תּה ָּ אֹו "ָּלָּמה ַאָּתה ְמַדֵּבר ִא3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. BUT (ONLY) MAN NO SAID 2. "WHAT YOU SEEK (REQUEST)?" 3. OR "WHY YOU SPEAK WITH HER?" 1. BUT NONE OF THEM SAID TO HER, 2. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" 3. OR ASKED HIM, "WHY ARE YOU TALKING WITH HER?" Strong's Strong's Greek Hebrew Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition Number Number 3305 389 AHK BUT (ONLY) 376 EESH MAN 3762 3808 LOH NO 2036 559 AH-MAR SAID 5101 4100 MAH WHAT 859 AH-TAH YOU 2212 1245 MEH-VAH-KESH SEEK (REQUEST) 2228 176 OH OR 5101 4100 LAH-MAH WHY (TO WHAT END) 859 AH-TAH YOU 1696 MEH-DAH-BEAR SPEAK (TALK) 2980 Hebrew Vocabulary ְַאך ׁ ִאי ש ֹלא ָאַמר ָמה ַאָּתה ׁ ְמַבֵּק ש אֹו ָּלָּמה ַאָּתה ְמַדֵּבר ִאָּתּה 413 859 EE-TAH WITH HER This is a combination of two Hebrew words: "EEM" or " "ִאםwhich means "WITH" and "OHTAH" or " "אֹוָתּהwhich means "HER". Transliterated Vocabulary MEH-VAH-KESH ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary ׁ ְמַבֵּקI, YOU, HE: SEEK [masculine, singular, present] ש Transliterated Vocabulary MEH-VAH-KEHSHET ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary שת ֶׁ ְמַבֶּק I, YOU, SHE: SEEK [feminine, singular, present] MEH-VAHK-SHEEM שים ִׁ ְמַבְּק MEH-VAHK-SHOHT שֹות ׁ ְמַבְּק WE, YOU ALL, THEY: SEEK [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: SEEK [feminine, plural, present] Dead Sea Scroll LESSON 8 JOHN 4:28 28:יוחנן ד 1. AHZ-VAH HAH-EE-SHAH EHT KAH-DAH HEBREW TRANSLITERATION 2. HAHL-KHAH HA-EE-RAH 3. VAY-AHM-RAH LAH-AH-NAH-SHEEM ,שה ֶאת ַּכָּדּה ָּׁ ָעְזָבה ָהִא.1 ָהְלָכה ָהִעיָרה.2 :שים ִ ְוָאְמָרה ָלֲאָנ.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. SHE LEFT THE WOMAN (ACCUSATIVE) WATERJAR 2. SHE WENT THE CITY 3. AND SHE SAID TO THE PEOPLE 1. THEN THE WOMAN LEFT THE WATER JAR, 2. WENT BACK TO THE TOWN, 3. AND SAID TO THE PEOPLE THERE, Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 863 5800 AHZ-VAH 1135 English Definition SHE LEFT (TO LEAVE) 802 HAH-EE-SHAH 853 EHT 5201 3537 KAH-DAH THE WOMAN (WIFE) (MARK OF THE ACCUSATIVE) WATER JAR 565 1980 HAHL-KHAH SHE WENT (WALKED) 4172 5892 HA-EE-RAH THE CITY 3004 559 VAY-AHM-RAH AND SHE SAID 444 582 LAH-AH-NAH-SHEEM TO THE PEOPLE Hebrew Vocabulary ָעְזָבה שה ָּׁ ָהִא ֶאת ַּּכָּדה ָהְלָכה ָהִעיָרה ְוָאְמָרה שים ִ ָלֲאָנ Bethlehem Potter of Dead Sea Stone ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary Hebrew Vocabulary English Definition AH-ZAHV-TEE ָעַזְבִּתיI LEFT [singular, past] AH-ZAHV-TAH AH-ZAHVT AH-ZAHV AHZ-VAH AH-ZAHV-NOO AH-ZAHV-TEM AH-ZAHV-TEN AHZ-VOO ָָּעַזְבת ְּ ָעַזְב ת ָעַזב ָעְזָבה ָעַזְבנּו ֲעַזְבֶּתם ֲעַזְבֶּתן ָעְזבּו YOU LEFT [masculine, singular, past] YOU LEFT [feminine, singular, past] HE LEFT [masculine, singular, past] SHE LEFT [feminine, singular, past] WE LEFT [plural, past] YOU ALL LEFT [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL LEFT [feminine, plural, past] THEY LEFT [plural, past] Garden Tomb (Gordon's Calvery) LESSON 9 JOHN 4:29 29:יוחנן ד 1. BOH-OO OO-ROO ISH HEBREW TRANSLITERATION 2. SHAY-AH-MAR LEE COLE MAH SHAY-AH-SEE-TEE 3. HAH-EEM LOH ZAY-HOO HAH-MAH-SHE-AHCK ׁ "ּבֹואּו ּוְראּו ִאיש.1 ;שיִתי ִׂ שָע ֶּׁ שָאַמר ִלי ָּכל ַמה ֶׁ .2 "?שיַח ִׁ ַהִאם ֹלא ֶזהּו ַהָּמ.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. "COME YOU AND SEE YOU MAN 2. THAT SAID TO ME ALL WHAT THAT DID I; 3. IS IT NOT THIS HIM THE MESSIAH?" 1. "COME AND SEE THE MAN 2. WHO TOLD ME EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER DONE. 3. COULD HE BE THE MESSIAH?" Strong's Strong's Greek Hebrew Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 1205 935 BOH-OO YOU COME ּבֹואּו This word BOH or ּבֹואis the command form or imperative. The letter VAV or ןat the end of the word, (Hebrew is read from right to left), indicates that the individual is speaking to a group of men, (YOU ALL COME), it is not necessary to change the letter if women are present. The dot to the left of the letter is a vowel mark pronounced OUH, sense Hebrew does not use letters to indicate vowels but dots and line symbols that surround the letter, therefore this word is pronounced BOH-OO or ּבֹואּוwhen the ending OUH or ּוis added. 1492 7200 OO-ROO AND YOU SEE ּוְראּו The letter VAV or וat the beginning of the word indicates AND while the letter VAV at the end of the word indicates the command form or imperative form, YOU ALL SEE. 444 376 ISH MAN ׁ ִאי ש 3739 559 SHAY-AH-MAR THAT SAID שָאַמר ֶׁ 2036 The SHAY or שat the beginning of the word stands for THAT, again Hebrew commonly combines words together to create a shortened form, in this case THAT and SAID. 589 LEE TO ME ִלי Again a combination of two Hebrew words TO or לand ME (sometimes I) or אני. The Strong number listed is for ME or I, the TO or לdoes not have a Strong number sense it is always combined with a word. 3956 3605 KOLE ALL ָּכל 3964 CHALD MAH WHAT ַמה Strong's Strong's Greek Hebrew Number Number 3745 6213 4160 518 Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary SHAY-AH-SEE-TEE THAT I DID HAH-EEM IS IT (THE IF) שיִתי ִׂ שָע ֶּׁ ַהִאם ֹלא 3808 LOH NOT (NO) 2088 3778 ZAY-HOO THIS HIM ֶזהּו 1931 Again a combination of two Hebrew words ZAY or זהwhich means THIS and HOO or הואwhich means HIM. 5547 4899 HAH-MAH-SHE-AHCK THE MESSIAH שיַח ִׁ ַהָּמ ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary Hebrew Vocabulary English Definition BOH ּבֹואCOME [masculine, singular, imperative] BOH-EE BOH-OO BOH-NAH RAY-AY RAY-EE RAY-OO RAY-A-NAH AH-SEE-TEE AH-SEE-TAH AH-SEET AH-SAH AHS-TAH AH-SEE-NOO AH-SEE-TEM AH-SEE-TEN AH-SOO ּבֹוִאי ּבֹואּו ֹּבאָנה ְרֵאה ְרִאי ְראּו ְרֶאיָנה שיִתי ִׂ ָע ָ שי ת ִׂ ָע שית ִׂ ָע שה ָׂ ָע שָתה ְׂ ָע שינּו ִׂ ָע שיֶתם ִׂ ֲע שיֶתן ִׂ ֲע שּו ׂ ָע COME [feminine, singular, imperative] COME [masculine, plural, imperative] COME [feminine, plural, imperative] SEE [masculine, singular, imperative] SEE [feminine, singular, imperative] SEE [masculine, plural, imperative] SEE [feminine, plural, imperative] I DID [singular, past] YOU DID [masculine, singular, past] YOU DID [feminine, singular, past] HE DID [masculine, singular, past] SHE DID [feminine, singular, past] WE DID [plural, past] YOU ALL DID [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL DID [feminine, plural, past] THEY DID [plural, past] LESSON 10 MATTHEW 1:18 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION 18:מתי א 1. KAHK HIE-TAH HOE-LEH-DIT YEH-SHOO-AH HAH-MAHSHE-AHK: 2. MIR-YAHM EE-MOH HIE-TAH MEH-OH-REH-SET LEY-YOSEF 3. OOV-TEH-REM HEET-AH-KHAH-DOO 4. NYM-TSE-AH HA-RAH LAY-ROO-AHK HAH-KOH-DESH :שיַח ִׁ שּוַע ַהָּמ ׁ ָּכְך ָהְיָתה ֻהֶּלֶדת ֵי.1 ִמְרָים ִאּמֹו ָהְיָתה ְמֹאֶרֶסת ְליֹוֵסף.2 תַאֲחדּו ְ ּוְבֶטֶרם ִה.3 .ש ׁ ִנְמְצָאה ָהָרה ְלרּוַח ַהֹּקֶד.4 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. (SUCH) AFTER THIS MANNER ACCOMPLISHED BIRTH JESUS THE MESSIAH 2. MARY HIS MOTHER WAS ENGAGED TO JOSEPH 3. AND BEFORE THEY BECAME ONE (COHABIT) 4. FOUND HER TO BE EXPECTING (PREGNANT) BY THE HOLY SPIRIT 1. THIS WAS HOW THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST TOOK PLACE, 2. HIS MOTHER MARY WAS ENGAGED TO JOSEPH, 3. BUT BEFORE THEY WERE MARRIED, 4. SHE FOUND OUT THAT SHE WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 3779 3602 KAHK 1161 1083 2424 English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary 1961 HIYE-TAH ACCOMPLISHED, BECAME, WAS ְָּכך ָהְיָתה 3205 HOE-LEH-DIT BIRTH ֻהֶּלֶדת 3442 JESUS שּוַע ׁ ֵי AFTER THIS MANNER (SUCH) 5547 4899 3137 4813 YEH-SHOO-AH HAH-MAH-SHEAHCK MIR-YAHM 3384 517 EE-MOH HIS MOTHER 1961 HIYE-TAH ACCOMPLISHED, BECAME THE MESSIAH MARY שיַח ִׁ ַהָּמ ִמְרָים ִאּמֹו ָהְיָתה Strong's Strong's Transliterated Hebrew Greek Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary Vocabulary Number Number This word HAH-YAH or ָהָיה, here presented in its root form past tense, has multiple meanings depending on the context of the sentence and the word it is modifying, here are a few of its meanings: to be, exist, happen, come to pass, become, belong to, remain, was, accomplished, became. MEY-OH-REY3423 781 ESPOUSED, ENGAGED ְמֹאֶרֶסת SET 2501 3130 LEY-YO-SEF TO JOSEPH ְליֹוֵסף 4250 2962 OOV-TEH-REM AND (AT) BEFORE ּוְבֶטֶרם As we have related in the past the letter (VAV) or וwhich proceeds a word means AND or AND THE depending on the vowel mark. In this case the letter (BET) or בfollows the (VAV) or וand is a preposition, a sign of relationship. This letter (BET) or בis widely used to establish relationship and can be translated in accordance with the connotation of the word it proceeds, these are some of its uses: in, at, on, among, within, into, with, and by. The word these two letters proceed in this case is (TEH-REM) or ֶטֶרםwhich means BEFORE. The letter (BET) or בproceeds the word (TEH-REM) or ֶטֶרםso commonly that it is many times understood to be one word meaning BEFORE. 259 HEET-AHTHEY BECOME ONE (COME 4905 ִהְתַאֲחדּו 3045 KHAH-DOO TOGETHER), (COHABIT) 2147 4672 NYM-TSE-AH SHE, TO BE FOUND ִנְמְצָאה 1722 2029 HAH-RAH EXPECTING (PREGNANT) ָהָרה This letter (LAH-MED) OR לwe have learned in past lessons can mean TO or TO THE depending on the vowel mark when it proceeds a word, but it can also hold other connotations depending on the word it proceeds or the context of the sentence. Here are some examples of other uses: unto, into, towards, during, for, about, according to, at, by, of with, in, within, each, every, as and belonging to. In this case the letter (LAH-MED) OR לfits the context of BY or BY THE, the word it proceeds is ROO-AHK or רּוַחwhich means SPIRIT. 40 6918 HAH-KOH-DESH THE HOLY ׁ ַהֹּקֶד ש Transliterated Vocabulary HA-EE-TEE HA-EE-TAH HA-EET HAH-YAH HIYE-TAH HAH-EE-NOO Jordan River ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary ָהִייִתיI BECAME, WAS [singular, past] ָָהִיית ָהִיית ָהָיה ָהְיָתה ָהִיינּו HA-EE-TEM ֱהִייֶתם HA-EE-TEN ֱהִייֶתן ָהיּו ִנְמֵצאִתי HAH-YOU NYM-TSAY-TEE NYM-TSAY-AHTAH ָ ִנְמֵצָא ת NYM-TSET ִנְמֵצאת NYM-TSAH ִנְמָצא NYM-TSE-AH ִנְמְצָאה NYM-TSAY-NOO ִנְמֵצאנּו NYM-TSAY-TEM ִנְמֵצאֶתם NYM-TSAY-TEN ִנְמֵצאֶתן NYM-TSE-OO ִנְמְצאּו YOU BECAME, WERE [masculine, singular, past] YOU BECAME, WERE [feminine, singular, past] HE BECAME, WAS [masculine, singular, past] SHE BECAME, WAS [feminine, singular, past] WE BECAME, WERE [plural, past] YOU ALL BECAME, WERE [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL BECAME, WERE [feminine, plural, past] THEY ALL BECAME, WERE [plural, past] I, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [singular, past] YOU, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [masculine, singular, past] YOU, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [feminine, singular, past] HE, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [masculine, singular, past] SHE, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [feminine, singular, past] WE, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [plural, past] YOU ALL, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [feminine, plural, past] THEY, TO BE FOUND (EXIST) [plural, past] Bedouin man and camels in Negev (Southern Israel) LESSON 11 MATTHEW 1:19 19:מתי א 1. YO-SEF BAH-AH-LAH, SHAY-HAH-YAH TSAH-DEEK HEBREW TRANSLITERATION 2. VAY-LOH RAH-TSAH LAY-HAH-TSEEG OH-TAH LAYKHAIR-PAH 3. HEKH-LEET LEH-SHAH-LAY-KHAH OH-TAH BAH-TSETEHR HEBREW שָהָיה ַצִּדיק ֶׁ , יֹוֵסף ַּבֲעָלּה.1 ,תּה ְלֶחְרָּפה ָ ְוֹלא ָרָצה ְלַהִּציג אֹו.2 .תּה ַּבֵּסֶתר ָ שֵּלַח אֹו ַׁ ֶהְחִליט ְל.3 1. JOSEPH HUSBAND THAT WAS (HE) RIGHTEOUS (JUST) 2. AND NOT WANTING TO PRESENT HER TO DISGRACE 3. DECIDED TO SEND HER (AWAY) IN SECRET 1. JOSEPH WAS A MAN WHO ALWAYS DID WHAT WAS RIGHT, 2. BUT HE DID NOT WANT TO DISGRACE MARY MODERN TRANSLATION PUBLICLY; 3. SO HE MADE PLANS TO BREAK THE ENGAGEMENT PRIVATELY. LITERAL TRANSLATION Strong's Strong's Transliterated Hebrew Greek Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary Vocabulary Number Number 1161 3130 YO-SEF JOSEPH יֹוֵסף 2501 You may have noticed that periodically there are two Greek Strong numbers listed for only one Hebrew word, this is due to a sentence structure in Greek that does not correspond exactly to the Hebrew structure. The word listed above in Hebrew is JOSEPH, while in the Greek the two words listed are THEN JOSEPH 435 1166 BAH-AH-LAH HUSBAND ַּבֲעָלּה 5607 1961 SHAY-HAH-YAH THAT WAS (HE), (BEING) 1342 6662 TSAH-DEEK RIGHTEOUS (JUST) 3808 VAY-LOH 5643 BAH-TSE-TEHR שָהָיה ֶׁ ַצִּדיק ְוֹלא AND NO, NOT (DIDN'T) HE WANTING, (WILLING, 2309 7521 RAH-TSAH ָרָצה PLEASED) 3856 LAY-HAH-TSEEG PRESENT (DISPLAY) ְלַהִּציג You may have noticed there are three words in this lesson that do not have Hebrew Strong numbers, these are words that do not appear in the Old Testament in Ancient Hebrew but are commonly used in Modern Hebrew. 859 OH-TAH HER אֹוָתּה TO DISGRACE (PUT TO 3856 LAY-KHAIR-PAH ְלֶחְרָּפה SHAME) 1014 HEKH-LEET DECIDED (SO MINDED) ֶהְחִליט LEY-SHAH-LAH630 7971 TO SEND AWAY שֵּלַח ַׁ ְל KHAH 859 OH-TAH HER אֹוָתּה 2977 Transliterated Vocabulary RAH-TSEE-TEE RAH-TSEE-TAH RAH-TSEET RAH-TSAH RAHTS-TAH IN SECRET ַּבֵּסֶתר ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary ָרִציִתיI WANT (DESIRE) [singular past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [masculine, singular, ָ ָרִציpast] ת ָרִציתYOU WANT (DESIRE) [feminine, singular, past] HE WANTS (DESIRES) [masculine, singular, ָרָצהpast] SHE WANTS (DESIRES) [feminine, singular, ָרְצָתהpast] Transliterated Vocabulary RAH-TSEE-NOO RAH-TSEE-TEM RAH-TSEE-TEN RAH-TSOO SHAH-LAHKH-TEE SHAH-LAHKH-TAH SHAH-LAH-KHAHT SHAH-LAHKH SHAHL-KHAH SHAH-LAHKH-NOO SHAY-LAHKH-TEM SHAY-LAHKH-TEN SHAHL-KHOO ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Definition Vocabulary ָרִצינּוWE WANT (DESIRE) [plural, past] ָרִציֶתם ָרִציֶתן ָרצּו שַלְחִּתי ָׁ ָּ שַלְח ת ָׁ ְּ שַלַח ת ָׁ שַלח ָׁ שְלָחה ָׁ שַלְחנּו ָׁ שַלְחֶּתם ְׁ שַלְחֶּתן ְׁ שְלחּו ָׁ YOU WANT (DESIRE) [masculine, plural, past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [feminine, plural, past] THEY WANT (DESIRE) [plural, past] I SEND [singular past] YOU SEND [masculine, singular, past] YOU SEND [feminine, singular, past] HE SENDS [masculine, singular, past] SHE SENDS [feminine, singular, past] WE SEND [plural, past] YOU ALL SEND [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL SEND [feminine, plural, past] THEY SEND [plural, past] Jerusalem Temple Mount Altar Rock Rock hewn cisterns under Temple Mount Rock MATTHEW 1:20A HEBREW TRANSLITERATION HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION LESSON 12 20א:מתי א 1. BAY-ODE SHAY-HAH-YAH MAY-HAHR-HAIR BAH-ZAY 2. NEAR-AH AY-LAHV MAHL-AHK (A-DOH-NIE) BAHKHAH-LOME 3. VAY-AH-MAHR: "YO-SEF BEN DAH-VEED שָהָיה ְמַהְרֵהר ָּבֶזה ֶׁ ְּבעֹוד.1 ִנְרָאה ֵאָליו ַמְלַאְך יהוה ַּבֲחלֹום.2 , "יֹוֵסף ֶּבן ָּדִוד: ְוָאַמר.3 1. WHILE THAT HE WAS THINKING ON THIS 2. HE APPEARED TO HIM ANGEL (of) JEHOVAH IN (a) DREAM 3. AND SAID: "JOSEPH SON (of) DAVID, 1. WHILE HE WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS, 2. AN ANGEL OF THE LORD APPEARED TO HIM IN A DREAM 3. AND SAID, "JOSEPH, DESCENDANT OF DAVID, Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 5607 1961 SHAY-HAH-YAH English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary THAT WAS (HE), (BEING) שָהָיה ֶׁ ְמַהְרֵהר 1760 2031* MAY-HAHR-HAIR THINKING This word "2031" is Chaldee instead of Hebrew, which is commonly used to mean Biblical Aramaic, and is the closest rendering available. Its closest rendering in the Hebrew is "2029" used to mean THOUGHT or CONCEPTION, and therefore is derived from the word for birth or conception. 5023 2088 BAH-ZAY ON THIS ָּבֶזה As mentioned in lesson ten, the first letter of this word is BET or בand is a separate preposition combined to the word that follows ZAY or ֶזהwhich means THIS or THAT. The preposition BET or בis a sign of relationship and changes meaning depending on the context; examples of uses are: in, at, on, among, within, into, with, by, of, through, when, while, because of, and as. 2400 7200 NEAR-AH HE APPEARED ִנְרָאה 5316 UNTO HIMSELF, TO, AT, 413 AY-LAHV ֵאָליו BY When a VAHV or וis added to the end of a word it can indicate to whom the action is occurring, the VAHV or וis an abbreviation of WHO or הואwhich means HE or HIM and thereby tells us the action is occurring TO HIM. The word this time is AEL or ֵאָלwhich means TO. Don't confuse this word for TO, with the preposition letter LAHMED or לwhich also means TO when combined to another word as a prefix. 32 4397 MAHL-AHK ANGEL ַמְלַאְך 2962 136 AH-DOE-NIE JEHOVAH, GOD, LORD יהוה When this word occurs in any text a substitute word for Jehovah is used, normally the word ADOH-NIE or 136) )ֲאֹדָני, is pronounced to avoid using the Name of God to demonstrate His holiness. In most literature the word Jehovah is abbreviated to again proclaim God's holiness. The word יהוהcomes from (1961, HAH-YAH or ) ָהָיהmeaning the One Who Always Exists or SelfExistent or Eternal. 3677 2472 BAH-KHAH-LOME IN (A) DREAM ַּבֲחלֹום 3004 1161 2501 5207 559 VAY-AH-MAHR AND SAID 3130 YO-SEF JOSEPH 1121 BEN SON 1138 1732 DAH-VEED DAVID Youngest son of Jesse, King David; of the generation of David, Matt. 1:6. Note: The "*" is used to indicate that the Strong number is the closest rendering, usually demonstrating that the prefix or the suffix was not used in any biblical Old Testament ְוָאַמר יֹוֵסף ֶּבן ָּדִוד scripture. Jerusalem Via Dolorosa Street ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary Hebrew Vocabulary English Definition NEAR-AY-TEE ִנְרֵאיִתיI APPEARED [singular past] NEAR-AY-TAH NEAR-ATE NEAR-AH NEAR-AH-TAH NEAR-EE-NOO NEAR-AY-TEM NEAR-AY-TEN NEAR-OO AH-MAHR-TEE AH-MAHR-TAH AH-MAHRT AH-MAHR AHM-RAH AH-MAHR-NOO AH-MAHR-TEM ִָנְרֵאית ִנְרֵאית ִנְרָאה ִנְרֲאָתה ִנְרִאינּו ִנְרֵאיֶתם ִנְרֵאיֶתן ִנְראּו ָאַמְרִּתי ָּ ָאַמְר ת ָאַמְרת ָאַמר ָאְמָרה ָאַמְרנּו ֲאַמְרֶּתם YOU APPEARED [masculine, singular, past] YOU APPEARED [feminine, singular, past] HE APPEARED [masculine, singular, past] SHE APPEARED [feminine, singular, past] WE APPEARED [plural, past] YOU APPEARED [masculine, plural, past] YOU APPEARED [feminine, plural, past] THEY APPEARED [plural, past] I SAID [singular past] YOU SAID [masculine, singular, past] YOU SAID [feminine, singular, past] HE SAID [masculine, singular, past] SHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] WE SAID [plural, past] YOU ALL SAID [masculine, plural, past] ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary Hebrew Vocabulary English Definition AH-MAHR-TEN ֲאַמרֶּתןYOU ALL SAID [feminine, plural, past] ָאְמרּו AHM-ROO THEY SAID [plural, past] Golgotha LESSON 13 MATTHEW 1:20B MATTHEW 1:20B HEBREW TRANSLITERATION HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION ב20:מתי א 1. AHL TAHK-SHOWSH LAH-KAH-KHAHT AY-LEH-KHAH 2. EHT MIR-YAHM EESH-TAY-KHAH, KEY AH-SHARE HOHRAH BAH 3. MAY-ROO-AHK HAH-KOH-DESH HOO. ָש ָלַקַחת ֵאֶליך ׁש ֹׁ ַאל ַּתְח.1 שר הֹוָרה ָּבּה ֶׁ ִּכי ֲא,תָך ְּ ש ְׁ ֶאת ִמְרָים ִא.2 .ש הּוא ׁ ֵמרּוַח ַהֹּקֶד.3 1. DON'T BE ANXIOUS TO TAKE TO YOU 2. (ACCUSATIVE) MARY YOUR WIFE, BECAUSE THAT WHICH (IS) CONCEIVED IN HER 3. FROM THE HOLY HIM. 1. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TAKE 2. MARY TO BE YOUR WIFE.. FOR IT IS 3. BY THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT SHE HAS CONCEIVED. Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 408 AHL DON'T 5399 BE ANXIOUS (FEAR, APPREHENSIVE) 3880 TAHK-SHOWSH English Definition 3947 LAH-KAH-KHAHT TO TAKE 413 AY-LEH-KHAH TO YOU (TO, UNTO AT, and BY) 853 EHT (ACCUSATIVE, DIRECT OBJECT) 3137 4813 MIR-YAHM MARY 1135 802 EESH-TAY-KHAH YOUR WIFE (WOMAN) 3588 KEY BECAUSE 834 AH-SHARE THAT WHICH 2029 HOH-RAH CONCEIVED (EXPECTING) BAH IN HER (IN IT) 1080 4151 7307 MAY-ROO-AHK FROM SPIRIT 40 6918 HAH-KOH-DESH THE HOLY 1931 HOO HE, HIM Hebrew Vocabulary ַאל ׁש ש ֹׁ ַּתְח ָלַקַחת ֵאֶליָך ֶאת ִמְרָים שְּתָך ְׁ ִא ִּכי שר ֶׁ ֲא הֹוָרה ָּבּה ֵמרּוַח ׁ ַהֹּקֶד ש הּוא ADDITIONAL PRONOUN STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition AH-NEE ֲאִניI [singular] AH-TAH AHT HOO HE OH-TOE, LOH OH-TAH, LAH AH-TEM AH-TEN HIM HEN ַאָּתה ּ ַא ת הּוא ִהיא לֹו,אֹותֹו ָלּה,תּה ָ אֹו ַאֶּתם ַאֶּתן ֵהם ֵהן YOU [masculine, singular] YOU [feminine, singular] HE, IT [masculine, singular] SHE, IT [feminine, singular] HIM [masculine, plural] (two separate words used) HER [feminine, plural] (two separate words used) YOU ALL [masculine, plural] YOU ALL [feminine, plural] THEY [masculine, plural] (alternate spelling of transliteration) THEY [feminine, plural] (alternate spelling of transliteration) Jerusalem temple mount platform with Mount of Olives in the background MATTHEW 1:21 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION HEBREW LESSON 14 21:מתי א 1. HE YOH-LEH-DET BEN 2. VAY-AH-TAH TICK-RAH SHMOH YEH-SHOO-AH, 3. KEY HOO YOH-SHE-AH EHT AH-MOH MAY-KHAH-TOETEH-HIM ִהיא יֹוֶלֶדת ֵּבן.1 ,שּוַע ׁ שמֹו ֵי ְׁ ְוַאָּתה ִּתְקָרא.2 ".שיַע ֶאת ַעּמֹו ֵמַחֹּטאֵתיֶהם ִׁ ִּכי הּוא יֹו.3 1. SHE IS GIVING BIRTH SON 2. AND YOU, YOU WILL CALL HIS NAME JESUS, LITERAL TRANSLATION 3. BECAUSE HE SAVES HIS PEOPLE (NATION) FROM THEIR SINS." 1. SHE WILL HAVE A SON, 2. AND YOU WILL NAME HIM JESUS— MODERN TRANSLATION 3. BECAUSE HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS." Strong's Strong's Greek Hebrew Number Number 1931 HE Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition SHE 5088 3205 YOH-LEH-DETIS GIVING BIRTH (BEARING) 5207 1121 BEN SON 859 VAY-AH-TAH AND YOU 2564 7121 TICK-RAH YOU WILL CALL 3686 8034 SHMOH HIS NAME 2424 3442 YEH-SHOO-AH JESUS 3588 KEY BECAUSE 1931 HOO 3467 YOH-SHE-AH 853 EHT 2992 5971 2662 403 AH-MOH MAY-KHAH-TOE-TEHHIM HE SAVES (from the punishment of sin) (ACCUSATIVE, DIRECT OBJECT) HIS PEOPLE (NATION) 4982 FROM THEIR SINS (punishment) Hebrew Vocabulary ִהיא יֹוֶלֶדת ֵּבן ְוַאָּתה ִּתְקָרא שמֹו ְׁ שּוַע ׁ ֵי ִּכי הּוא שיַע ִׁ יֹו ֶאת ַעּמֹו ֵמַחֹּטאֵתיֶהם ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition I, YOU, HE: BEAR, BRING FORTH [masculine, singular, YOH-LEAD יֹוֵלדpresent] I, YOU, SHE: BEAR, BRING FORTH [feminine, singular, YOH-LEH-DET יֹוֶלֶדתpresent] WE, YOU, THEY: BEAR, BRING FORTH [masculine, plural, YOHL-DEEM יֹוְלִדיםpresent] WE, YOU, THEY: BEAR, BRING FORTH [feminine, plural, YOHL-DOHT יֹוְלדֹותpresent] EHK-RAH ֶאְקָראI WILL CALL [singular, future] TICK-RAH TICK-RAY-EE YICK-RAH TICK-RAH תְקָרא ִּ תְקְרִאי ִּ ִיְקָרא תְקָרא ִּ YOU WILL CALL [masculine, singular, future] YOU WILL CALL [feminine, singular, future] HE WILL CALL [masculine, singular, future] SHE WILL CALL [feminine, singular, future] ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition NICK-RAH ִנְקָראWE WILL CALL [plural, future} TICK-RAY-OO TICK-RAYNAH YICK-RAY-OO TICK-RAYNAH Transliterated Vocabulary SHMEE SHEM-KHAH SHMEKH SHMOH SHMAH AH-ME AHM-KHAH AH-MEKH AH-MOH AH-MAH תְקְראּו ִּ תְקֶראָנה ִּ ִיְקְראּו תְקֶראָנה ִּ YOU ALL WILL CALL [masculine, plural, future] YOU ALL WILL CALL [feminine, plural, future] THEY WILL CALL [masculine, plural, future] THEY WILL CALL [feminine, plural, future] ADDITIONAL SUFFIX STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition שִמי ְׁ MY NAME [singular, present] ָשְמך ִׁ שֵמְך ְׁ שמֹו ְׁ שָמה ְׁ ַעִּמי ַעְּמָך ַעֵּמְך ַעּמֹו ַעָמה YOUR NAME [masculine, singular, present] YOUR NAME [feminine, singular, present] HIS NAME [masculine, singular, present] HER NAME [feminine, singular, present] MY PEOPLE (NATION) [singular, present] YOUR PEOPLE (NATION) [masculine, singular, present] YOUR PEOPLE (NATION) [feminine, singular, present] HIS PEOPLE (NATION) [masculine, singular, present] HER PEOPLE (NATION) [feminine, singular, present] MATTHEW 1:22 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 15 22:מתי א 1. COAL ZAY EH-RAH LAY-MAH-AHN YEET-KAH-YEHM 2. MAH SHAY-DEE-BEAR AH-DOH-NIE 3. BUH-FEE HAH-NAH-VEE: תַקֵּים ְ ָּכל ֶזה ֵאַרע ְלַמַען ִי.1 שִּדֵּבר ֲאֹדָני ֶּׁ ַמה.2 : ְּבִפי ַהָּנִביא.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. ALL THIS HAPPENED TO PURPOSE, WILL CONFIRM 2. WHAT THAT SPOKE LORD 3. IN THE MOUTH (of) THE PROPHET: 1. NOW ALL THIS HAPPENED IN ORDER TO MAKE COME TRUE 2. WHAT THE LORD HAD SAID 3. THROUGH THE PROPHET, Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 1161 3650 3605 COAL* ALL 5124 ZAY THIS EH-RAH HAPPENED 4616 LA-MAH-AHN TO PURPOSE, INTENT 4137 6965 YEET-KAH-YEHM WILL CONFIRM, ACCOMPLISH 3588 4100 MAH WHAT 4483 1696 SHAY-DEE-BEAR THAT SPOKE 2962 136 AH-DOH-NIE LORD 3004 6310 BUH-FEE IN THE MOUTH (of) 4396 5030 HAH-NAH-VEE THE PROPHET 2088 1096 English Definition * Note: The "kah-mahz" vowel symbol in this word is an exception to the rule and is pronounced as a "khoh-lahm khah-tzair" vowel, ("o" instead of "a"). Hebrew Vocabulary ָּכל ֶזה ֵאַרע ְלַמַען ִיְתַקֵּים ַמה שִּדֵּבר ֶּׁ ֲאֹדָני ְּבִפי ַהָּנִביא Transliterated Vocabulary EHT-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEH-ME YEET-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEHM NEET-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEH-MOO TEET-KAH-YEH-NAH YEET-KAH-YEH-MOO TET-KAH-YEAM-NAH DEE-BAR-TEE DEE-BAR-TAH DEE-BART DEE-BEAR DEE-BRAH DEE-BAR-NOO DEE-BAR-TEM DEE-BAR-TEN DEE-BROO ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition תַקֵּים ְ ֶאI WILL CONFIRM [singular, future] תַקֵּים ְת ִּ תַקְּיִמי ְת ִּ תַקֵּים ְ ִי תַקֵּים ְת ִּ תַקֵּים ְ ִנ תַקְּימּו ְת ִּ תַקְּיָנה ְת ִּ תַקְּימּו ְ ִי תַקֵּיְמָנה ְת ִּ ִּדַּבְרִּתי ָּ ִּדַּבְר ת ְ ִּדַּבְר ת ִּדֵּבר ִּדְּבָרה ִּדַּבְרנּו ִּדַּבְרֶּתם ִּדַּבְרֶּתן ִּדְּברּו YOU WILL CONFIRM [masculine, singular, future] YOU WILL CONFIRM [feminine, singular, future] HE or IT WILL CONFIRM [masculine, singular, future] SHE WILL CONFIRM [feminine, singular, future] WE WILL CONFIRM [plural, future] YOU ALL WILL CONFIRM [masculine, plural, future] YOU ALL WILL CONFIRM [feminine, plural, future] THEY WILL CONFIRM [masculine, plural, future] THEY WILL CONFIRM [feminine, plural, future] I SPOKE [singular, past] YOU SPOKE [masculine, singular, past] YOU SPOKE [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT SPOKE [masculine, singular, past] SHE SPOKE [feminine, singular, past] WE SPOKE [plural, past] YOU ALL SPOKE [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL SPOKE [feminine, plural, past] THEY SPOKE [plural, past] Modern Jerusalem housing in snow MATTHEW 1:23 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION LESSON 16 23:מתי א 1. HE-NAY HAH-AHL-MAH HAH-RAH 2. VAY-YOH-LEH-DET BEN 3. VAY-KAH-RAHT SHMOH EE-MAH-NOO EL "ִהֵּנה ָהַעְלָמה ָהָרה.1 ְוֹיֶלֶדת ֵּבן.2 ".שמֹו ִעָּמנּו ֵאל ְׁ ְוָקָראת.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION Strong's Greek Number 2400 3933 1. "BEHOLD THE VIRGIN CONCEIVES 2. AND BEARS SON 3. AND YOU CALLED HIS NAME WITH US GOD." 1. "A VIRGIN WILL BECOME PREGNANT 2. AND HAVE A SON, 3. AND HE WILL BE CALLED IMMANUEL" (WHICH MEANS, "GOD IS WITH US"). Strong's Hebrew Number 2009 HE-NAY BEHOLD, HERE IS 5959 HAH-AHL-MAH THE VIRGIN Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary ִהֵּנה ָהַעְלָמה Strong's Greek Number 1722 Strong's Hebrew Number 2030 HAH-RAH 5088 3205 VAY-YOH-LEH-DET AND BEAR, BRING FORTH 5207 1121 BEN SON (BUILDER OF FAMILY NAME) 2564 7121 VAY-KAH-RAHT AND CALL (ADDRESS BY NAME) 3686 8034 SHMOH HIS NAME 1684 6005 5973 EE-MAH-NOO Transliterated Vocabulary English Definition Hebrew Vocabulary CONCEIVE, WITH CHILD WITH US ָהָרה ְוֹיֶלֶדת ֵּבן ְוָקָראת שמֹו ְׁ ִעָּמנּו ֵאל 410 EL GOD, ALMIGHTY THE PHRASE IN THE ENGLISH BIBLE "WHICH MEANS GOD WITH US" IS THE ENGLISH INTERPRETATION OF THE HEBREW WORDS AND IS THEREFORE NOT USED IN A HEBREW BIBLE. ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY TRANSLITERATED HEBREW ENGLISH VOCABULARY VOCABULARY DEFINITION ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition KAH-RAH-TEE ָקָראִתיI CALLED, READ [singular, past] KAH-RAH-TAH KAH-RAHT KAH-RAH KAHR-AH KAH-RAH-NOO KUH-RAH-TEM KUH-RAH-TEN KAHR-OO Transliterated Vocabulary EE-ME EEM-KHAH EE-MAHKH EE-MOH ָָקָראת ָקָראת ָקָרא ָקְרָאה ָקָראנּו ְקָראֶתם ְקָראֶתן ָקְראּו YOU CALLED, READ [masculine, singular, past] YOU CALLED, READ [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT CALLED, READ [masculine, singular, past] SHE CALLED, READ [feminine, singular, past] WE CALLED, READ [feminine, plural, past] YOU ALL CALLED, READ [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL CALLED, READ [feminine, plural, past] THEY CALLED, READ [plural, past] ADDITIONAL SUFFIX STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ִעִּמיWITH ME [singular, present] ִָעְּמך ִעָּמְך ִעּמֹו WITH YOU [masculine, singular, present] WITH YOU [feminine, singular, present] WITH HIM [masculine, singular, present] Transliterated Vocabulary EE-MAH EE-MAH-NOO EE-MAH-KEM EE-MAH-KEN EE-MAH-HEM EE-MAH-HEN ADDITIONAL SUFFIX STUDY Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ִעָּמהWITH HER [feminine, singular, present] ִּעָּמנו ִעָּמֶכם ִעָּמֶכן ִעָּמֶהם ִעָּמֶהן WITH US [plural, present] WITH YOU ALL [masculine, plural, present] WITH YOU ALL [feminine, plural, present] WITH THEM [masculine, plural, present] WITH THEM [feminine, plural, present] LESSON 17 MATTHEW 1:24 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION 24:מתי א 1. LAY-AH-KHAHR ME-KEN HAY-KEYTS YO-SEF MEESHNAH-TOE 2. VAY-AH-SAH CUH-FEE SHAY-TSEE-VAH-HOO MAHLAHK AH-DOE-NIE 3. HOO LAH-KAHKH AY-LAHV EHT ISH-TOE ֹשָנתו ְּׁ ְלַאַחר ִמֵּכן ֵהִקיץ יֹוֵסף ִמ.1 .שִּצָּוהּו ַמְלַאְך יהוה ֶּׁ שה ְּכִפי ָׂ ְוָע.2 תֹו ּש ְׁ הּוא ָלַקח ֵאָליו ֶאת ִא.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. AFTER THIS WOKE JOSEPH FROM HIS SLEEP 2. AND HE DID LIKE THAT BADE HIM, (the) ANGEL (of the) LORD 3. HE RECEIVED UNTO HIMSELF (DIRECT OBJECT) HIS WIFE 1. SO WHEN JOSEPH WOKE UP, HE MARRIED MARY, 2. AS THE ANGEL OF THE LORD HAD TOLD HIM TO. 3. (The order of this verse in English does not follow the Hebrew) Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 1161 310 LAY-AH_KHAHR English Definition AFTERWARD 3651 ME-KEN OF THIS The above two words are a common Hebrew phrase, meaning "AFTER THIS". 1326 3364 HAY-KEYTS AWOKE Hebrew Vocabulary ְלַאַחר ִמֵּכן ֵהִקיץ Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 2501 3130 YO-SEF English Definition JOSEPH 5258 8142 MEESH-NAH-TOE FROM HIS SLEEP 4160 6213 VAY-AH-SAH AND HE ACCOMPLISHED, DID 4367 6680 32 4397 CUH-FEE SHAY-TSEE-VAHHOO MAHL-AHK LIKE, ACCORDING TO THAT BADE HIM, COMMANDED HIM ANGEL 2962 136 AH-DOE-NIE LORD 1931 HOO HE 3947 LAH-KAHKH RECEIVED, BROUGHT, TOOK, 413 AY-LAHV UNTO HIMSELF, TO, AT, BY 853 EHT ACCUSATIVE (DIRECT OBJECT) 802 ISH-TOE HIS WIFE, WOMAN 3880 1135 Hebrew Vocabulary יֹוֵסף שָנתֹו ְּׁ ִמ שה ָׂ ְוָע ְּכִפי שִּצָּוהּו ֶּׁ ְַמְלַאך יהוה הּוא ָלַקח ֵאָליו ֶאת שּתֹו ְׁ ִא ADDITIONAL STUDY Transliterated Vocabulary LAH-KAHKH-TEE LAH-KAHKH-TAH LAH-KAH-KHAHT LAH-KAHKH LAHK-KAKH LAH-KAHKH-NOO LAH-KAHKH-TEM LAH-KAHKH-TEN LAHK-KHOO Hebrew Vocabulary ָלַקְחִּתי ָּ ָלַקְח ת ְ ָלַקַח ת ָלַקח ָלְקָחה ָלַקְחנּו ָלַקְחֶּתם ָלַקחֶּתן ָלְקחּו English Definition I RECEIVED, TOOK [singular, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, singular, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, singular, past] HE RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, singular, past] SHE RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, singular, past] WE RECEIVED, TOOK [plural, past] YOU ALL RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, plural past] THEY RECEIVED, TOOK [plural, past] Roman castle looking over the Jordan Valley LESSON 18 25:מתי א 1. MEE-BLEE SHAY-YAH-DAH OH-TAH HEBREW 2. AHD AH-SHARE YAHL-DAH BEN, TRANSLITERATION 3. VAY-KAH-RAH EHT SHMOH YEH-SHOO-AH MATTHEW 1:25 ּתה ָ שָּיַדע אֹו ֶׁ ִמְּבִלי.1 ,שר ָיְלָדה ֵּבן ֶׁ ַעד ֲא.2 .שּוַע ׁ שמֹו ֵי ְׁ ְוָקָרא ֶאת.3 HEBREW LITERAL TRANSLATION MODERN TRANSLATION 1. WITHOUT KNOWING (physically) HER 2. TILL THAT SHE BROUGHT FORTH SON, AND CALLED (DIRECT OBJECT) HIS NAME JESUS. 1. BUT HE HAD NO SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH HER 2. BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO HER SON. 3. AND JOSEPH NAMED HIM JESUS. Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 1097 MEE-BLEE 1097 3045 English Definition WITHOUT, DID NOT (from without)> SHAY-YAH-DAH THAT KNEW (PHYSICALLY) Hebrew Vocabulary ִמְּבִלי שָּיַדע ֶׁ Strong's Strong's Transliterated Greek Hebrew Vocabulary Number Number 859 OH-TAH 2193 English Definition HER 5704 AHD UNTIL, TILL 834 AH-SHARE THAT, THAT WHICH 3205 YAHL-DAH SHE BROUGHT FORTH, GAVE BIRTH 4416 5207 1121 BEN SON, FIRSTBORN 2564 7121 VAY-KAH-RAH AND CALLED 853 EHT DIRECT OBJECT (ACCUSATIVE) 3686 8034 SHMOH HIS NAME 2424 3442 YEH-SHOO-AH JESUS 5088 Hebrew Vocabulary אֹוָתּה ַעד שר ֶׁ ֲא ָיְלָדה ֵּבן ְוָקָרא ֶאת שמֹו ְׁ שּוַע ׁ ֵי ADDITIONAL VERB STUDY Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition YAH-DAH-TEE ָיַדְעִּתיI KNEW [singular, past] YAH-DAH-TAH YAH-DAH-AHT YAH-DAH YAHD-AH YAH-DAHNOO YEH-DAH-TEM YEH-DAH-TEN YAHD-OO ָָּיַדְעת ְּ ָיַדַע ת YOU KNEW [masculine, singular, past] ָיְדָעה YOU KNEW [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT KNEW (can mean physically) [masculine, singular, past] SHE KNEW [feminine, singular, past] ָיַדְענּו WE KNEW [masculine, plural, past] ָיַדע ְיַדְעֶּתם ְיַדְעֶּתן ָיְדעּו YOU ALL KNEW [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL KNEW [feminine, plural, past] THEY KNEW [plural, past] Bedouin camp in Negev desert 5 1 AH-BAH FATHER (DADDY) 3962 1 AH-VEE MY FATHER (MY DADDY) 3962 1 AH-VEEV (HIS) FATHER 2962 136 AH-DOH-NIE LORD 2228 176 OH OR 859 OH-TOE HIM 376 ISH MAN 389 AHK BUT (ONLY) 410 EL GOD, ALMIGHTY 413 EHL TO, UNTO, AT, BY 408 AHL DON'T 413 AY-LAHV TO HIM 413 AY-LAHV UNTO HIMSELF, TO, AT, BY 413 AY-LEY-KHAH TO YOU (TO, UNTO AT, and BY) 413 AY-LAKH TO YOU 5973 EEM WITH 3384 517 EE-MOH HIS MOTHER 3004 559 AH-MAR SAID (PRAYED) 3004 559 AHM-RAH SHE SAID 589 AH-NEE I EH-RAH HAPPENED 802 EE-SHAH WOMAN 834 AH-SHARE THAT WHICH 1135 802 ISH-TOE HIS WIFE, WOMAN 1135 802 EESH-TAY-KHAH YOUR WIFE (WOMAN) 853 EHT (DIRECT OBJECT) 859 EE-TAH WITH HER 859 AH-TAH YOU (MASCULINE) 2064 935 BAH-OO THEY CAME 5129 225 BAY-OH-TOE IN SAME BAH IN HER (IN IT) BOH-OO YOU COME 3305 1096 1135 413 1205 935 ַאָּבא ָאִבי ָאִביו ֲאֹדָני אֹו אֹותֹו ׁ ִאי ש ַאְך ֵאל ֶאל ַאל ֵאָליו ֵאָליו ֵאֶליָך ֵאַלִיְך ִאם ִאּמֹו ָאָמר ָאְמָרה ֲאִני ֵאַרע שה ָּׁ ִא שר ֶׁ ֲא שּתֹו ְׁ ִא שְּתָך ְׁ ִא ֶאת ִאָּתּה ַאָּתה ָּבאּו ְּבאֹותֹו ָּבּה ּבֹואּו 5023 ON THIS 5207 2088 BAH-ZAY BAH-KHAH2472 LOME 1121 BEN 2977 5643 BAH-TSE-TEHR IN SECRET 5750 BAY-ODE WHILE 435 1166 BAH-AH-LAH HUSBAND 3004 6310 BUH-FEE IN THE MOUTH (of) 5308 1364 GAH-VOH-AH HIGH 1138 1732 DAH-VEED DAVID 518 IS IT (THE IF) 3677 1080 1014 HAH-EEM IN (A) DREAM ַּבֲחלֹום SON ֶּבן ַּבֵּסֶתר ְּבעֹוד ַּבֲעָלּה ְּבִפי ָּגבֹוַה ָּדִוד ַהִאם הּוא הֹוָרה ֶהְחִליט ִהיא ָהְיָתה 1931 HOO HE 2029 HOH-RAH CONCEIVED (EXPECTING) HEKH-LEET ָּבֶזה DECIDED (SO MINDED) 1931 HE SHE 1961 HIYE-TAH ACCOMPLISHED, BECAME 3205 HOE-LEH-DIT BIRTH ֻהֶּלֶדת SHE WENT (WALKED) ָהְלָכה THE (ONE) HAVE COMING ַהַּמִּגיַע 4396 1980 HAHL-KHAH HAH-MAH-GEEAH 5030 HAH-NAH-VEE 2400 2009 HE-NAY BEHOLD, HERE IS 4172 5892 HA-EE-RAH THE CITY 3933 5959 HAH-AHL-MAH THE VIRGIN 3501 6810 HAH-TSAH-EAR THE YOUNGEST 40 6918 HAH-KOH-DESH THE HOLY (SACRED) (PURE) 1326 3364 HAY-KEYTS AWOKE 1722 2029 HAH-RAH HAH-RAY7399 KOOSH 7854 HA-SAH-TAHN 259 HEET-AH-KHAH3045 DOO 2962 OOV-TEH-REM EXPECTING (PREGNANT) ַהָּנִביא ִהֵּנה ָהִעיָרה ָהַעְלָמה ַהָּצִעיר ׁ ַהֹּקֶד ש ֵהִקיץ ָהָרה PROPERTY, GOODS, WEALTH ׁ ָהְרכּו ש 1161 1083 565 1911 3776 1228 4905 4250 THE PROPHET THE DEVIL (SATAN) THEY BECOME ONE (COME TOGETHER), (COHABIT) AND (AT) BEFORE שָטן ָּׂ ַה ִהְתַאֲחדּו ּוְבֶטֶרם 4160 6213 VAY-AH-SAH AND HE ACCOMPLISHED, DID 2564 7121 VAY-KAH-RAH AND CALLED 2564 7121 VAY-KAH-RAHT AND CALL 1492 7200 OO-ROO AND YOU SEE 2296 8539 VAY-TAHM-HOO AND THEY AMAZED 5124 2088 ZAY THIS שה ָׂ ְוָע ְוָקָרא ְוָקָראת ּוְראּו ְוָתְמהּו ֶזה 2088 ZAH-HOO 1931 3313 2506 HKEH-LEK 3778 THIS HIM ֶזהּו 2064 935 YAH-VOH COME 312 YAH-GEED TELL ֵחֶלק ָיבֹוא ַיִּגיד JEHOVAH, GOD, LORD יהוה 3068 (AH-DOH-NIE) 136 1492 3045 YOH-DAH-AHT 2962 PART KNOW 5088 3205 YOH-LEY-DET 1161 3130 YO-SEF 2501 4982 3467 YOH-SHE-AH IS GIVING BIRTH (BEARING) 1415 3201 YAH-KHOL ABLE (POSSIBLE) 5088 3205 YAHL-DAH SHE BROUGHT FORTH, 2424 3442 YEH-SHOO-AH JESUS 4137 6965 YEET-KAH-YEHM WILL CONFIRM, ACCOMPLISH 5201 3537 KAH-DAH WATER JAR 3588 KEY JOSEPH SAVES (from the punishment of sin) BECAUSE 3779 3602 KAHK AFTER THIS MANNER (SUCH) 3956 3605 KOLE ALL (EVERYTHING) CUH-FEE LIKE, ACCORDING TO 3752 1931 KUH-SHAY-HOO WHEN THAT HE 3762 3808 LOH NO 1161 310 LAY-AH-KHAHR AFTERWARD 444 LAH-AH-NAH-SHEEM TO THE PEOPLE LAH TO HER LAY-HAH-TSEEG PRESENT (DISPLAY) 582 3856 3735 2022 LAY-HAR 3856 589 TO MOUNTAIN LO TO HIM LAY-KHAIR-PAH TO DISGRACE (PUT TO SHAME) LEE (TO) ME 5101 4100 LAH-MAH WHY (TO WHAT END) 4616 LA-MAH-AHN TO PURPOSE, INTENT 589 TO US LAH-NOO יֹוַדַעת יֹוֶלֶדת יֹוֵסף שיַע ִׁ יֹו ָיכֹול ָיְלָדה שּוַע ׁ ֵי ִיְתַקֵּים ַּכָּדּה ִּכי ָּכְך ֹּכל ְּכִפי שהּוא ֶׁ ְּכ ֹלא ְלַאַחר שים ִ ָלֲאָנ ָלּה ְלַהִּציג ְלַהר לֹו ְלֶחְרָּפה ִלי ָּלָּמה ְלַמַען ָלנּו 3880 3947 LAK-KAHK HE TOOK, RECEIVED, BROUGHT 3880 3947 LAH-KAH-KHAHT TO TAKE 4151 7307 LAY-ROO-AHK BY SPIRIT 630 TO SEND AWAY 7971 LEY-SHAH-LAH-KHAH ָלַקח ָלַקַחת ְלרּוַח שֵּלַח ַׁ ְל 3029 3966 MAY-ODE VERY 3423 781 ESPOUSED, ENGAGED MEY-OH-REY-SET 1097 MEEB-LEE WITHOUT, DID NOT 2212 1245 MEY-VAH-KESH SEEK (REQUEST) 2980 1696 MEH-DAH-BEAR SPEAK 5101 4100 MAH WHAT 1760 2031 MAY-HAHR-HAIR THINKING 266 2403 MAY-KHAH-TOE-TEH-HIM FROM THEIR SINS (punishment) 3651 ME-KEN OF THIS 4397 MAHL-AHK ANGEL (can mean messenger) 32 4151 7307 MAY-ROO-AHK FROM SPIRIT 3137 4813 MIR-YAHM MARY 3323 4899 MAH-SHE-AHCK MESSIAH, CHRIST 5258 8142 MEESH-NAH-TOE FROM HIS SLEEP 2147 4672 NYM-TSE-AH 2400 7200 NEAR-AH 5316 2193 5704 AHD SHE, TO BE FOUND 863 5800 AHZ-VAH SHE LEFT (TO LEAVE) 5921 AHL CONCERNING 2992 5971 AH-MOH 6005 1684 EE-MAH-NOO 5973 1342 6662 TSAH-DEEK 7280 RAY-GAH HE APPEARED ִנְרָאה UNTIL, TILL HIS PEOPLE (NATION) ַעד ָעְזָבה ַעל ַעּמֹו WITH US ִעָּמנּו RIGHTEOUS (JUST) MOMENT (MINUTE) 2309 7521 RAH-TSAH HE WANTING 4483 1696 SHAY-DEE-BEAR THAT SPOKE 5607 1961 SHAY-HAH-YAH THAT WAS (HE), (BEING) 3686 8034 SHMOH 3745 6213 SHAY-AH-SEE-TEE 4160 4367 6680 SHAY-TSEE-VAH-HOO HIS NAME 5399 BE ANXIOUS TAHK-SHOWSH 3101 8527 TAHL-ME-DAHV ְמֹאד ְמֹאֶרֶסת ִמְּבִלי ׁ ְמַבֵּק ש ְמַדֵּבר ָמה ְמַהְרֵהר ֵמַחֹּטאֵתיֶהם ִמֵּכן ַמְלַאְך ֵמרּוַח ִמְרָים שיַח ִׁ ָמ שָנתֹו ְּׁ ִמ ִנְמְצָאה ַצִּדיק ֶרַגע ָרָצה שִּדֵּבר ֶּׁ שָהָיה ֶׁ שמֹו ְׁ THAT I DID שיִתי ִׂ שָע ֶּׁ THAT BADE HIM, ּשִּצָּוהו ֶּׁ ׁש ש ׁ ַּתְח ַּתְלִמיָדיו HIS STUDENTS 1325 8567 TEN GIVE 2564 7121 TICK-RAH YOU WILL CALL ֵּתן ִּתְקָרא PRONOUNS PRESENTED Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition AH-NEE ֲאִניI [singular] AH-TAH AHT HOO HE OH-TOH, LOH OH-TAH, LAH AH-TEM AH-TEN HIM HEN ַאָּתה ּ ַא ת הּוא ִהיא לֹו,אֹותֹו ָלּה,תּה ָ אֹו ַאֶּתם ַאֶּתן ֵהם ֵהן YOU [masculine, singular] YOU [feminine, singular] HE, IT [masculine, singular] SHE, IT [feminine, singular] HIM [masculine, plural] (two separate words used) HER [feminine, plural] (two separate words used) YOU ALL [masculine, plural] YOU ALL [feminine, plural] THEY [masculine, plural] (alternate spelling of transliteration) THEY [feminine, plural] (alternate spelling of transliteration) View From Jerusalem Towards Bethlehem Transliterated Vocabulary SHMEE SHEM-KHAH SHMEKH SHMOH SHMAH AH-ME AHM-KHAH AH-MEKH AH-MOH AH-MAH EE-ME EEM-KHAH EE-MAHKH EE-MOH SUFFIXES PRESENTED Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition שִמי ְׁ MY NAME [singular, present] ָשְמך ִׁ שֵמך ְׁ שמֹו ְׁ שָמה ְׁ ַעִּמי ַעְּמָך ַעֵּמך ַעּמֹו ַעָמה ִעִּמי ִעְּמָך ִעָּמְך ִעּמֹו YOUR NAME [masculine, singular, present] YOUR NAME [feminine, singular, present] HIS NAME [masculine, singular, present] HER NAME [feminine, singular, present] MY PEOPLE (NATION) [singular, present] YOUR PEOPLE (NATION) [masculine, singular, present] YOUR PEOPLE (NATION) [feminine, singular, present] HIS PEOPLE (NATION} [masculine, singular, present] HER PEOPLE (NATION) [feminine, singular, present] WITH ME [singular, present] WITH YOU [masculine, singular, present] WITH YOU [feminine, singular, present] WITH HIM [masculine, singular, present] Transliterated Vocabulary EE-MAH EE-MAH-NOO EE-MAH-KEM EE-MAH-KEN EE-MAH-HEM EE-MAH-HEN SUFFIXES PRESENTED Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ִעָּמהWITH HER [feminine, singular, present] ִּעָּמנו ִעָּמֶכם ִעָּמֶכן ִעָּמֶהם ִעָּמֶהן WITH US [plural, present] WITH YOU ALL [masculine, plural, present] WITH YOU ALL [feminine, plural, present] WITH THEM [masculine, plural, present] WITH THEM [feminine, plural, present] VERBS PRESENTED COMMAND (IMPERATIVE) TENSE Transliterated Hebrew English Vocabulary Vocabulary Definition TEN ֵתןGIVE [masculine, singular, imperative (command)] TAH-NEE TAY-NOO TAY-NAH BOH BOH-EE BOH-OO BOH-NAH RAY-AY RAY-EE RAY-OO RAY-EH-NAH תִני ְּ תּנּו ְּ ֵּתָּנה ּבֹוא ּבֹוִאי ּבֹואּו ֹּבאָנה ְרֵאה ְרִאי ְראּו ְרֶאיָנה GIVE [feminine, singular, imperative (command)] GIVE [masculine, plural, imperative (command)] GIVE [feminine, plural, imperative (command)] COME [masculine, singular, imperative] COME [feminine, singular, imperative] COME [masculine, plural, imperative] COME [feminine, plural, imperative] SEE [masculine, singular, imperative] SEE [feminine, singular, imperative] SEE [masculine, plural, imperative] SEE [feminine, plural, imperative] BETHLEHEM Transliterated Vocabulary AH-VOH TAH-VOH TAH-VOH-EE YAH-VOH TAH-VOH EHK-RAH TICK-RAH TICK-RAY-EE YICK-RAH TICK-RAH NICK-RAH TICK-RAY-OO TICK-RAY-NAH YICK-RAY-OO TICK-RAY-NAH EHT-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEHM VERBS PRESENTED FUTURE TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָאבֹואI COME [singular, future] ָּתבֹוא ָּתבֹוִאי ָיבֹוא ָּתבֹוא ֶאְקָרא תְקָרא ִּ תְקְרִאי ִּ ִיְקָרא תְקָרא ִּ ִנְקָרא תְקְראּו ִּ תְקֶראָנה ִּ ִיְקְראּו תְקֶראָנה ִּ תַקֵּים ְ ֶא תַקֵּים ְת ִּ YOU COME [masculine, singular, future] YOU COME [feminine, singular, future] HE COME [masculine, singular, future] SHE COME [feminine, singular, future] I WILL CALL [singular, future] YOU WILL CALL [masculine, singular, future] YOU WILL CALL [feminine, singular, future] HE WILL CALL [masculine, singular, future] SHE WILL CALL [feminine, singular, future] WE WILL CALL [plural, future} YOU WILL CALL [masculine, plural, future] YOU WILL CALL [feminine, plural, future] THEY WILL CALL [masculine, plural, future] THEY WILL CALL [feminine, plural, future] I WILL CONFIRM [singular, future] YOU WILL CONFIRM [masculine, singular, future] VERBS PRESENTED FUTURE TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition תַקְּיִמי ְת ִּ YOU WILL CONFIRM [feminine, singular, future] Transliterated Vocabulary TEET-KAH-YEH-ME YEET-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEHM NEET-KAH-YEHM TEET-KAH-YEH-MOO TEET-KAH-YEH-NAH YEET-KAH-YEH-MOO TEET-KAH-YEAM-NAH Transliterated Vocabulary BAH-TEE BAH-TAH BAHT BAH BAH-AH BAH-NOO BAH-TEM BAH-TEN BAH-OO AH-ZAHV-TEE AH-ZAHV-TEE AH-ZAHV-TAH AH-ZAHVT AH-ZAHV AHZ-VAH AH-ZAHV-NOO תַקֵּים ְ ִי תַקֵּים ְת ִּ תַקֵּים ְ ִנ תַקְּימּו ְת ִּ תַקְּיָנה ְת ִּ תַקְּימּו ְ ִי תַקֵּיְמָנה ְת ִּ HE WILL CONFIRM [masculine, singular, future] SHE WILL CONFIRM [feminine, singular, future] WE WILL CONFIRM [plural, future] YOU WILL CONFIRM [masculine, plural, future] YOU WILL CONFIRM [feminine, plural, future] THEY WILL CONFIRM [masculine, plural, future] THEY WILL CONFIRM [feminine, plural, future] VERBS PRESENTED PAST TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition תּי ִ ָּבאI CAME [singular, past] ָָּבאת ָּבאת ָּבא ָּבָאה ָּבאנּו ָּבאֶתם ָּבאֶתן ָּבאּו ָעַזְבִּתי ָעַזְבִּתי ָּ ָעַזְב ת ְּ ָעַזְב ת ָעַזב ָעְזָבה ָעַזְבנּו YOU CAME [masculine, singular, past] YOU CAME [feminine, singular, past] HE CAME [masculine, singular, past] SHE CAME [feminine, singular, past] WE CAME [plural, past] YOU CAME [masculine, plural, past] YOU CAME [feminine, plural, past] THEY CAME [plural, past] I LEFT [singular, past] I LEFT [singular, past] YOU LEFT [masculine, singular, past] YOU LEFT [feminine, singular, past] HE LEFT [masculine, singular, past] SHE LEFT [feminine, singular, past] WE LEFT [plural, past] Transliterated Vocabulary AH-ZAHV-TEM AH-ZAHV-TEN AHZ-VOO AH-ZAHV-TAH AH-ZAHVT AH-ZAHV AHZ-VAH AH-ZAHV-NOO AH-ZAHV-TEM AH-ZAHV-TEN AHZ-VOO AH-SEE-TEE AH-SEE-TAH AH-SEET AH-SAH AHS-TAH AH-SEE-NOO AH-SEE-TEM AH-SEE-TEN AH-SOO HAH-EE-TEE HAH-EE-TAH HAH-EET HAH-YAH HIYE-TAH HAH-EE-NOO HAH-EE-TEM HAH-EE-TEN HAH-YOU NYM-TSAY-TEE VERBS PRESENTED PAST TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ֲעַזְבֶּתםYOU ALL LEFT [masculine, plural, past] ֲעַזְבֶּתן ָעְזבּו ָּ ָעַזְב ת ְּ ָעַזְב ת ָעַזב ָעְזָבה ָעַזְבנּו ֲעַזְבֶּתם ֲעַזְבֶּתן ָעְזבּו שיִתי ִׂ ָע ָ שי ת ִׂ ָע שית ִׂ ָע שה ָׂ ָע שָתה ְׂ ָע שינּו ִׂ ָע שיֶתם ִׂ ֲע שיֶתן ִׂ ֲע שּו ׂ ָע ָהִייִתי ָ ָהִיי ת ָהִיית ָהָיה ָהְיָתה ָהִיינּו ֱהִייֶתם ֱהִייֶתן ָהיּו ִנְמֵצאִתי YOU ALL LEFT [feminine, plural, past] THEY LEFT [plural, past] YOU LEFT [masculine, singular, past] YOU LEFT [feminine, singular, past] HE LEFT [masculine, singular, past] SHE LEFT [feminine, singular, past] WE LEFT [plural, past] YOU ALL LEFT [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL LEFT [feminine, plural, past] THEY LEFT [plural, past] I DID [singular, past] YOU DID [masculine, singular, past] YOU DID [feminine, singular, past] HE DID [masculine, singular, past] SHE DID [feminine, singular, past] WE DID [plural, past] YOU ALL DID [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL DID [feminine, plural, past] THEY DID [plural, past] I BECAME, WAS [singular, past] YOU BECAME, WERE [masculine, singular, past] YOU BECAME, WERE [feminine, singular, past] HE BECAME, WAS [masculine, singular, past] SHE BECAME, WAS [feminine, singular, past] WE BECAME, WERE [plural, past] YOU BECAME, WERE [masculine, plural, past] YOU BECAME, WERE [feminine, plural, past] THEY BECAME, WERE [plural, past] I, TO BE FOUND [singular, past] Transliterated Vocabulary NYM-TSAY-AH-TAH NYM-TSET NYM-TSAH NYM-TSE-AH NYM-TSAY-NOO NYM-TSAY-TEM NEM-TSAY-TEN NEM-TSE-OO RAH-TSEE-TEE RAH-TSEE-TAH RAH-TSEET RAH-TSAH RAHTS-TAH RAH-TSEE-NOO RAH-TSEE-TEM RAH-TSEE-TEN RAH-TSOO SHAH-LAHKH-TEE SHAH-LAHKH-TAH SHAH-LAH-KHAHT SHAH-LAHKH SHAHL-KHAH SHAH-LAHKH-NOO SHAY-LAHKH-TEM SHAY-LAHKH-TEN SHAHL-KHOO NEAR-AY-TEE NEAR-AY-TAH NEAR-ATE NEAR-AH VERBS PRESENTED PAST TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָ ִנְמֵצָאYOU, TO BE FOUND [masculine, singular, past] ת ִנְמֵצאת ִנְמָצא ִנְמְצָאה ִנְמֵצאנּו ִנְמֵצאֶתם ִנְמֵצאֶתן ִנְמְצאּו ָרִציִתי ָ ָרִצי ת ָרִצית ָרָצה ָרְצָתה ָרִצינּו ָרִציֶתם ָרִציֶתן ָרצּו שַלְחִּתי ָׁ ָּ שַלְח ת ָׁ ְּ שַלַח ת ָׁ שַלח ָׁ שְלָחה ָׁ שַלְחנּו ָׁ שַלְחֶּתם ְׁ שַלְחֶּתן ְׁ שְלחּו ָׁ ִנְרֵאיִתי ָ ִנְרֵאי ת ִנְרֵאית ִנְרָאה YOU, TO BE FOUND [feminine, singular, past] HE, TO BE FOUND [masculine, singular, past] SHE, TO BE FOUND [feminine, singular, past] WE, TO BE FOUND [plural, past] YOU, TO BE FOUND [masculine, plural, past] YOU, TO BE FOUND [feminine, plural, past] THEY, TO BE FOUND [plural, past] I WANT (DESIRE) [singular past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [masculine, singular, past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [feminine, singular, past] HE WANTS (DESIRES) [masculine, singular, past] SHE WANTS (DESIRES) [feminine, singular, past] WE WANT (DESIRE) [plural, past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [masculine, plural, past] YOU WANT (DESIRE) [feminine, plural, past] THEY WANT (DESIRE) [plural, past] I SEND [singular past] YOU SEND [masculine, singular, past] YOU SEND [feminine, singular, past] HE SENDS [masculine, singular, past] SHE SENDS [feminine, singular, past] WE SEND [plural, past] YOU ALL SEND [masculine, plural, past] YOU ALL SEND [feminine, plural, past] THEY SEND [plural, past] I APPEARED [singular past] YOU APPEARED [masculine, singular, past] YOU APPEARED [feminine, singular, past] HE APPEARED [masculine, singular, past] Transliterated Vocabulary NEAR-AH-TAH NEAR-EE-NOO NEAR-AY-TEM NEAR-AY-TEN NEAR-OO AH-MAHR-TEE AH-MAHR-TAH AH-MAHRT AH-MAHR AHM-RAH AH-MAHR-NOO AH-MAHR-TEM AH-MAHR-TEN AHM-ROO DEE-BAR-TEE DEE-BAR-TAH DEE-BART DEE-BEAR DEE-BRAH DEE-BAR-NOO DEE-BAR-TEM DEE-BAR-TEN DEE-BROO KAH-RAH-TEE KAH-RAH-TAH KAH-RAHT KAH-RAH KAHR-AH KAH-RAH-NOO KAY-RAH-TEM VERBS PRESENTED PAST TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ִנְרֲאָתהSHE APPEARED [feminine, singular, past] ִּנְרִאינו ִנְרֵאיֶתם ִנְרֵאיֶתן ִנְראּו ָאַמְרִּתי ָאַמְרָּת ָאַמְרת ָאַמר ָאְמָרה ָאַמְרנּו ֲאַמְרֶּתם ֲאַמרֶּתן ָאְמרּו ִּדַּבְרִּתי ָּ ִּדַּבְר ת ְ ִּדַּבְר ת ִּדֵּבר ִּדְּבָרה ִּדַּבְרנּו ִּדַּבְרֶּתם ִּדַּבְרֶּתן ִּדְּברּו ָקָראִתי ָקָראָת ָקָראת ָקָרא ָקְרָאה ָקָראנּו ְקָראֶתם WE APPEARED [plural, past] YOU APPEARED [masculine, plural, past] YOU APPEARED [feminine, plural, past] THEY APPEARED [plural, past] I SAID [singular past] YOU SAID [masculine, singular, past] YOU SAID [feminine, singular, past] HE SAID [masculine, singular, past] SHE SAID [feminine, singular, past] WE SAID [plural, past] YOU SAID [masculine, plural, past] YOU SAID [feminine, plural, past] THEY SAID [plural, past] I SPOKE [singular, past] YOU SPOKE [masculine, singular, past] YOU SPOKE [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT SPOKE [masculine, singular, past] SHE SPOKE [feminine, singular, past] WE SPOKE [plural, past] YOU SPOKE [masculine, plural, past] YOU SPOKE [feminine, plural, past] THEY SPOKE [plural, past] I CALLED, READ [singular, past] YOU CALLED, READ [masculine, singular, past] YOU CALLED, READ [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT CALLED, READ [masculine, singular, past] SHE CALLED, READ [feminine, singular, past] WE CALLED, READ [feminine, plural, past] YOU CALLED, READ [masculine, plural, past] Transliterated Vocabulary KAY-RAH-TEM KAHR-OO YAH-DAH-TEE YAH-DAH-TAH YAH-DAH-AHT YAH-DAH YAHD-AH YAH-DAH-NOO YEH-DAH-TEM YEH-DAH-TEN YAHD-OO LAH-KAHKH-TEE LAH-KAHKH-TAH LAH-KAH-KHAHT LAH-KAHKH LAHK-KAKH LAH-KAHKH-NOO LAH-KAHKH-TEM LAH-KAHKH-TEN LAHK-KHOO VERBS PRESENTED PAST TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ְקָראֶתןYOU CALLED, READ [feminine, plural, past] ָּקְראו ָיַדְעִּתי ָּ ָיַדְע ת ְּ ָיַדַע ת ָיַדע ָיְדָעה ָיַדְענּו ְיַדְעֶּתם ְיַדְעֶּתן ָיְדעּו ָלַקְחִּתי ָלַקְחָּת ָלַקַחְּת ָלַקח ָלְקָחה ָלַקְחנּו ָלַקְחֶּתם ָלַקחֶּתן ָלְקחּו THEY CALLED, READ [plural, past] I KNEW [singular, past] YOU KNEW [masculine, singular, past] YOU KNEW [feminine, singular, past] HE or IT KNEW [masculine, singular, past] SHE KNEW [feminine, singular, past] WE KNEW [masculine, plural, past] YOU KNEW [masculine, plural, past] YOU KNEW [feminine, plural, past] THEY KNEW [plural, past] I RECEIVED, TOOK [singular, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, singular, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, singular, past] HE RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, singular, past] SHE RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, singular, past] WE RECEIVED, TOOK [plural, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [masculine, plural, past] YOU RECEIVED, TOOK [feminine, plural past] HE RECEIVED, TOOK [plural, past] Jews at Western Wall within Old City of Jerusalem Jewish Woman Jaffa Woman Transliterated Vocabulary YAH-KHOL YEH-KHO-LAH YEH-KHO-LEEM YEH-KHO-LOAT YO-DAY-AH YO-DAH-AHT YODE-EEM YODE-OAT MEH-DAH-BEAR MEH-DAH-BEH-RET MEH-DAH-BREEM MEH-DAH-BROAT MEH-VAH-KESH MEH-VAH-KEH-SHET MEH-VAHK-SHEEM VERBS PRESENTED PRESENT TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition ָיכֹולI, YOU, HE: ABLE [masculine, singular, present] ְיכֹוָלה ְיכֹוִלים ְיכֹולֹות יֹוֵדַע יֹוַדַעת יֹוְדִעים יֹוְדעֹות ְמַדֵּבר ְמַדֶּבֶרת ְמַדְּבִרים ְמַדְּברֹות ׁ ְמַבֵּק ש שת ֶׁ ְמַבֶּק שים ִׁ ְמַבְּק I, YOU, SHE: ABLE [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU, THEY: ABLE [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU, THEY: ABLE [feminine, plural, present] I, YOU, HE: KNOW [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: KNOW [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU, THEY: KNOW [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU, THEY: KNOW [feminine, plural, present] I, YOU, HE: SPEAK [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: SPEAK [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU, THEY: SPEAK [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU, THEY: SPEAK [feminine, plural, present] I, YOU, HE: SEEK [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: SEEK [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU ALL, THEY: SEEK [plural, present] Transliterated Vocabulary MEH-VAHK-SHOHT YOH-LEAD YOH-LEH-DET YOHL-DEEM YOHL-DOHT VERBS PRESENTED PRESENT TENSE Hebrew English Vocabulary Definition שֹות ׁ ְמַבְּקWE, YOU ALL, THEY: SEEK [plural, present] יֹוֵלד יֹוֶלֶדת יֹוְלִדים יֹוְלדֹות Copyright © 2010 Rivers in the Desert I, YOU, HE: BEAR, [masculine, singular, present] I, YOU, SHE: BEAR, [feminine, singular, present] WE, YOU, THEY: BEAR, [masculine, plural, present] WE, YOU, THEY: BEAR, [feminine, plural, present]
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