print reset Mail To: 200 Front Street West Toronto ON M5V 3J1 OR Fax To: 416-344-4684 OR 1-888-313-7373 7 Please PRINT in black ink A. Worker Information Job Title/Occupation (at the time of accident/illness - do not use abbreviations) executive Last Name elected official Address (number, street, apt., suite, unit) Province Claim Number Social Insurance Number spouse or relative of the employer owner First Name City/Town of Injury/Disease (Form 7) Length of time in this position while working for you Start > Please check if this worker is a: Employer's Report Is the worker covered by a Union/Collective Agreement? yes no Worker's preferred language English French Other Worker Reference Number Sex Date of Hire Postal Code F M dd Date of Birth Telephone mm yy dd mm yy Fold here for #10 envelope B. Employer Information Trade and Legal Name (if different provide both) Check one: Account Provide Number Number Classification Unit Code Firm OR Number Rate Group Number City/Town Province Description of Business Activity E Mailing Address Postal Code PL Does your firm have 20 or more workers? yes ? Telephone FAX Number no Branch Address where worker is based (if different from mailing address - no abbreviations) Province C. Accident/Illness Dates and Details dd mm yy 1. Date and hour of accident/Awareness of illness 3. Was the accident/illness: dd mm yy AM PM Alternate Telephone 2. Who was the accident/illness reported to? (Name & Position) Telephone SA Date and hour reported to employer Postal Code M City/Town AM PM Ext. 4. Type of accident/illness: (Please check all that apply) sample Sudden Specific Event/Occurrence Fall Harmful Substances/Environmental Assault Other Struck/Caught Overexertion Repetition Fire/Explosion Gradually Occurring Over Time Occupational Disease Fatality Slip/Trip Motor Vehicle Incident 5. Area of Injury (Body Part) - (Please check all that apply) Head Face Eye(s) Ear(s) Other Teeth Neck Chest Upper back Lower back Abdomen Pelvis Right Left Shoulder Arm Elbow Forearm Right Left Left Wrist Hand Finger(s) Right Hip Thigh Knee Lower Leg Right Left Ankle Foot Toe(s) 6. Describe what happened to cause the accident/illness and what the worker was doing at the time (lifting a 50 lb. box, slipped on wet floor, repetitive movements, etc. . .). Include what the injury is and any details of equipment, materials, environmental conditions (work area, temperature, noise, chemical, gas, fumes, other person) that may have contributed. For a condition that occurred gradually over time, please attach a description of the physical activity required to do the work. 0007A (01/11) A guide to complete this form is available at next page Page of 34 Page 11 of 7 print Please PRINT in black ink Worker Name Employer's Report of Injury/Disease (Form 7) Claim Number Social Insurance Number C. Accident/Illness Dates and Details (Continued) Specify where (shop floor, warehouse, client/customer site, parking lot, etc..). 7. Did the accident/illness happen on the employer's premises (owned, leased or maintained)? Start > yes no 8. Did the accident/illness happen outside the Province of Ontario? yes no If yes, where (city, province/state, country). 9. Are you aware of any witnesses or other employees involved in this accident/illness? yes If yes, provide name(s), position(s), and work phone number(s). no 1. 2. partially or totally responsible for this accident/illness? yes no If yes, please explain 11. Are you aware of any prior similar or related problem, injury or condition? no PL yes E If yes, please provide name and work phone number 10. Was any individual, who does not work for your firm, 12. If you have concerns about this claim, attach a written submission to this form. D. Health Care 1. Did the worker receive health care for this injury? yes no If yes, when : dd mm yy submission attached dd 2. When did the employer learn that the worker mm yy M received health care? 3. Where was the worker treated for this injury? (Please check all that apply) On-site health care Ambulance Admitted to hospital Health professional office Clinic SA Other: Emergency department Name, address and phone number of health professional or facility who treated this worker (if known) E. Lost Time - No Lost Time 1. Please choose one of the following indicators. After the day of accident/awareness of illness, this worker: Returned to his/her regular job and has not lost any time and/or earnings. (Complete sections G and J). Returned to modified work and has not lost any time and/or earnings. (Complete sections F, G, and J). Has lost time and/or earnings. (Complete ALL remaining sections). υProvide date worker first lost time dd mm yy υ Date worker returned to work (if known) 2. This Lost Time - No Lost Time - Modified Work information was confirmed by: Myself limitations for this worker's injury? yes no discussed with this worker? yes no mm yy Telephone Other Name F. Return To Work 1. Have you been provided with work 2. Has modified work been dd 3. Has modified work been yes Ext. If yes, was it offered to this worker? no regular work modified work Accepted Declined If Declined please attach a copy of the written offer given to the worker. 4. Who is responsible for arranging worker's return to work Myself 0007A (01/11) Other Name Telephone Ext. next page Page22of of 4 3 Page 7 print Please PRINT in black ink Worker Name Employer's Report of Injury/Disease (Form 7) Claim Number Social Insurance Number G. Base Wage/Employment Information - (Do not include overtime here) 1. Is this worker (Please check all that apply) Start > Casual/Irregular Seasonal Contract Permanent Full Time Permanent Part Time Temporary Full Time Temporary Part Time 2. Regular rate of pay $ per Owner Operator or (Sub) Contractor Registered Apprentice Optional Insurance Student Unpaid/Trainee Other hour day week other H. Additional Wage Information 1. Net Claim Code 2. Vacation pay Federal 3. Date and hour last worked dd mm - on each cheque? Provincial 4. Normal working hours on last day worked From yy 5. Actual earnings for yes last day worked AM PM $ If yes, indicate: no Full/Regular % 6. Normal earnings for To AM PM Is the worker being paid while he/she recovers? Provide percentage no last day worked AM PM 7. Advances on wages: yes $ E or Amount Other PL 8. Other Earnings (Not Regular Wages): Provide the total of additional earnings for each week for the 4 weeks before the accident/illness. * For Rotational Shift workers - If the shift cycle exceeds 4 weeks, Use these spaces for any other earnings Commission, Differentials, Premiums, θ (indicate Bonus, Tips, In Lieu %, etc..). please attach the earnings information for the last complete shift cycle prior to the date of accident/illness. Period From Date (dd/mm/yy) To Date (dd/mm/yy) $ Voluntary Overtime Pay Commission Commission Commission $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SA Week 3 Commission $ $ M Week 1 Week 2 Week 4 Mandatory Overtime Pay I. Work Schedule (Complete either A, B or C. Do not include overtime shifts) (A.) Regular Schedule - Indicate normal work days and hours. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or, υ Example: Monday to Friday, 40 hours Friday S Saturday M T W 8 8 8 T 8 F 8 S (B.) Repeating Rotational Shift Worker - Provide NUMBER OF DAYS ON NUMBER OF DAYS OFF HOURS PER SHIFT(s) NUMBER OF WEEKS IN CYCLE Example: 4 days on, 4 days off, 12 hours per shift, 8 weeks in cycle. υ or, (C.) Varied or Irregular Work Schedule - Provide the total number of regular hours and shifts for each week for the 4 weeks prior to the accident/illness. (Do not include overtime hours or shifts here). Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 From/To Dates (dd/mm/yy) / / / / Total Hours Worked Total Shifts Worked J. It is an offence to deliberately make false statements to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. I declare that all of the information provided on pages 1, 2, and 3 is true. Name of person completing this report (please print) Official title Signature Telephone Ext. Date dd mm yy Please print form & sign before returning to the WSIB THE WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE ACT REQUIRES YOU GIVE A COPY OF THIS FORM TO YOUR WORKER 0007A (01/11) next page Page33 of of 34 Page 7 Please PRINT in black ink Worker Name Employer's Report of Injury/Disease (Form 7) Claim Number Social Insurance Number K. Additional Information SA M PL E Start > THE WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE ACT REQUIRES YOU GIVE A COPY OF THIS FORM TO YOUR WORKER 0007A (01/11) print reset home Page of of 4 4 Page4 4 Sample Letter to Health Professional [Company letterhead] [Date of letter] [Health Professional’s name and address] Subject: [Worker's name and date of injury] Dear Dr. _____________: [Company name] understands the importance of keeping injured and ill workers connected to the workplace by avoiding prolonged absences from one’s normal roles, which is detrimental to a person’s mental, physical and social well-being(Canadian Medical Association). [Company name] provides a Return to Work (RTW) Program that is designed to meet the individual needs and functional abilities .The program is designed to return them safely to suitable work as soon as possible. This may involve modifying the individuals existing job, temporary alternative work or transitional return to work activities. Enclosed is a detailed job description for the regular job of the worker named above. Using the information provided on the Functional Abilities Form, we will develop a return to work plan based on your findings. You will receive a copy of the return to work plan and together we will monitor your patient’s progress throughout the duration of the return to work plan. We will ensure that any assignment meets all requirements, and will consider rearranging work schedules around appointments if necessary. If you require additional information about a possible work assignment or about our RTW program, please call [company contact name and number]. Sincerely, [Signature and title] Return to Work Plan The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act obligates employers to attempt to provide suitable employment that is available and consistent with the worker’s functional abilities and that, when possible, restores the worker’s pre-injury earnings. The corresponding obligation on workers is to assist the employer to identify suitable employment that is available and consistent with their functional abilities. The starting point and overall goal should be the worker’s pre-injury job. Return to Work Plan Worker Name: Claim #: Pre-injury job (attach pre-injury job description): Injury Date: Pre-injury workplace location: Return to Work Plan Details Interim Return to Work Goal: Pre-injury job Pre-injury Accommodated Work Comparable Alternative Work Final Return to Work Goal: Pre-injury job Pre-injury Accommodated Work Comparable Alternative Work Area(s) of Injury: Functional Abilities (what the worker can do): Source of Functional Abilities: Functional Abilities Form (FAF) Other (Specify): Date: Is there an active treatment plan that impacts RTW? No Yes – Provide details: Other – Provide details: List all duties worker can perform: List all accommodations to be implemented: Work Schedule Wk # 1 Work period Sep7-14 Days scheduled each week & # of hours per day Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 0 hours 4 5 6 7 8 0 Additional Comments on Work Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Worker and Employer Follow-up Date: Specify how worker will be paid: Worker will be paid for hours worked only Or, Employer will pay full regular wages If there are any concerns during the Work Schedule please discuss immediately and contact the WSIB Case Manager if unable to resolve. Worker Name: ______________________________________________ Worker signature: ____________________________________________ Supervisor Name: __________________________________________ Supervisor Signature: _______________________________________ Other Name: ______________________________________________ Other Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________ Return to Work Progress Report _________________________________________________________________________ Date: Worker: Manager: Anticipated Outcome(s): (as written in the Return to Work (RTW) Plan) Did the RTW plan actions result in the anticipated outcome(s)? Yes No if no why? Is the RTW plan still current? Yes No if no why? Next Steps: (e.g. continue, revise or close the existing RTW plan) Next follow-up date: Completed by: Return to Work Closure / Evaluation Report ______________________________________________________________________________ This report is to be completed by both the manager/supervisor and worker, independently, once the final outcome is achieved. Send completed forms to EHS Officer, Risk Management Department. Date: Name: What is the duration of Return to Work (RTW) Plan (from injury/illness report to final RTW)? What was the final outcome? (check all that apply). Anticipated outcome? Pre-injury job Pre-injury Accommodated Work Comparable Alternative Work Other Comments: Actual outcome? Pre-injury job Pre-injury Accommodated Work Comparable Alternative Work Labour Market Re-entry Other What worked well in the return to work process? What are the opportunities for improvement? (For example: what would you change about the process if you could?) Completed by: Thank you for completing this form. Confidentiality of this information will be assured. If you have any questions, please contact the EHS Officer. Student Declaration of Understanding Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Private Insurance Coverage For Students on Program Related Placements Student coverage while on placement: The government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), reimburses WSIB for the cost of benefits it pays to Student Trainees enrolled in an approved program at a Training Agency (university). Ontario students are eligible for Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage while on placements that are required by their program of study. MTCU also provides private insurance through ACE-INA to students should their unpaid placement required by their program of study take place with an employer who is not covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and limited coverage where placements are arranged by their postsecondary institution to take place outside of Ontario (international and other Canadian jurisdictions). However, students are advised to maintain insurance for extended health care benefits through a Trent University student insurance plan or other insurance plan. Please be advised that Trent University will be required to disclose personal information relating to the unpaid work placement and any WSIB claim or ACE-INA claim to MTCU. This Agreement must be completed prior to the commencement of the work placement, signed to indicate the Student Trainee’s acceptance of the unpaid work placement conditions and a copy provided to the Trent University placement coordinator. Declaration: I have read and understand that WSIB or private insurance coverage will be provided through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities while I am on a placement as arranged by the university as a requirement of my program of study. I understand that all accidents sustained while participating in an unpaid work placement must be immediately reported to the Placement Employer and my Trent University placement coordinator. An MTCU Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim form must be completed in the event of injury. I understand the implications and have had any questions answered to my satisfaction. Student Name: Student Signature: Program: Date: Organization: Total Placement Hours Visa Student? Y N Parent/Legal Guardian’s Name (for student less than 18 years of age) please print: Signature: Rev: December 17, 2013 Date Trent University Page 1 of 1 Letter to Placement Employers Process for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage: The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) has implemented a new streamlined process for students enrolled in an approved Ontario university program that requires them to complete placements in a workplace as part of their program of study. The Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), pays the WSIB for the cost of benefits provided to Student Trainees enrolled in an approved program at Trent University and participating in unpaid work placements with employers who are either compulsorily covered or have voluntarily applied to have Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage. MTCU also covers the cost of private insurance with ACE-INA Insurance for Student Trainees enrolled in an approved program at Trent University and participating in unpaid work placements with employers that are not required to have compulsory coverage under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. The Workplace Educational Placement Agreement (WEPA) Form has been replaced by the Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim Form. Placement Employers and Training Agencies (universities) are not required to complete and sign the online Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim Form for each placement that is part of the student’s program of study in order to be eligible for WSIB coverage. Instead, this form only needs to be completed when submitting a claim resulting from an on-the-job injury/disease. Please note that universities will be required to enter their MTCU- issued Firm Number in order to complete the online claim form. The new claim form is posted on the Ministry’s public website at: B=PROFILE&SRCH=&ENV=WWE&TIT=1352&NO=022-13-1352E (English) or B=PROFILE&SRCH=&ENV=WWF&TIT=1352F&NO=022-13-1352F (French) Please note that all WSIB or ACE-INA Insurance procedures must be followed in the event of an injury/disease. Rev: December 17, 2013 Trent University Page 1 of 2 Declaration By signature of an authorized representative here under we confirm our understanding of our responsibility to protect Student Trainees from health and safety hazards in our workplace by providing a safe working environment, health and safety orientation prior to exposure of hazards (attached checklist may be used) and appropriate supervision during their placement. We also confirm our commitment to immediately report any workplace injuries or disease to the student’s university and follow WSIB and ACE-INA reporting procedures found in the MTCU “Guidelines for Workplace Insurance for Postsecondary Students of Publicly Assisted Institutions on Unpaid Work Placements.” Organization: Date: Title: Signature: Employer’s organization is covered under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board? Yes No A signed copy of this document is to be returned to the Trent University placement coordinator, prior to the commencement of the work/education placement, and a copy is to be kept by the placement employer. Rev: December 17, 2013 Trent University Page 2 of 2 PRE-PLACEMENT/FIELD TRIP DUE DILIGENCE CHECKLIST This checklist may be used to identify unsafe exposures in facilities/locations where students may be required to work, study or perform research activities and also to document safety measures in place to protect students from exposure. Organization Name: Equipment Hand tools and equipment Will the student be working with hand tools or equipment? (e.g. hammer, screwdriver, blades) Portable power tools and equipment Will the student be working with portable power tools or equipment? If yes, has hearing protection been provided? (e.g. drill, jig saw, rotary tools) Mobile equipment Will the student be working with or near mobile equipment? If the student will be utilizing mobile equipment, will training be required and/or provided? (e.g. forklift, pallet truck) Stationary power machines Will the student be operating stationary power machines? (e.g. drill press, band saw, table saw) Electrical Will the student be exposed to any electrical hazards in the workplace? (e.g. electrical panels, lighting, electrical wiring) Compression Will the student be working with anything under compression, such as compressed gases or gas cylinders? Pressure systems Will the student be working in proximity to pressure pipes or steam boilers? Human Factors Harassment Is there a policy on harassment that will be provided to the student? Violence Are there situations where the student could be exposed to violence? Could the student become a subject of violence? Working alone Will the student be working alone? (e.g. working alone in an office or building) Shift work Will the student be working shifts? (e.g. working an irregular work schedule) Computer Use Will the student be working at a computer for the majority of a typical work day? Work stress Will there be a high level of stress in the student’s work? (e.g. work requiring constant alertness for long periods of time, such as a security monitor, or work with high levels of emotional stress such as working in an Emergency Room) Revision Date: December 17, 2013 Trent University Y/N or N/A If yes, please specify what protective measures are in place. Y/N or N/A If yes, please specify what protective measures are in place Page 1 Musculoskeletal Disorders (e.g. Lifting, Repetitive Actions) Will the student be using the same muscles over and over again or for a long time without taking time to rest, exerting high amounts of force and/or required to work in an awkward posture? General Housekeeping Will the student work in uncluttered workspace with minimal distractions? (e.g. tidy work area) Entrances, exits and stairways Will the student encounter passageways, entrances, exits (especially fire) or stairways that are not clearly marked or clear of obstructions? Working at Heights Is the student going to be working at elevation that they may be susceptible to falling from? If so, is adequate fall protection equipment provided/required? Chemical substances Will the student use or be exposed to flammable, corrosive, toxic or reactive chemicals? (e.g. acetone, nitric acid, toluene, mineral spirits) Biological substances Will the student have contact with any harmful microorganisms? Radiation Will the student be exposed to harmful radiation? (e.g. x-rays, lasers) Restricted spaces Will the student be in proximity to or working in restricted space, trenches or confined spaces? (e.g. man hole, silo) Hot materials or surfaces Will the student have contact with hot materials or surfaces? (e.g. stove, soldering iron, torch, forging materials, welding materials) Ultraviolet light (Sunlight) Will the student spend any time working in the sun? If so, for what duration? Temperature Will the student work in very cold or hot conditions? (e.g. outdoors, kilns, refrigerated areas) Noise Will the student be exposed to excessive noise in the work environment of 85 decibels or greater? Air quality Will the student be exposed to excessive dust, fumes or gases? (e.g. welding fumes, carbon monoxide) Other (attach additional sheet if necessary) Completed by: Revision Date: December 17, 2013 Signature: Trent University Date: Page 2 SAFETY ORIENTATION CHECKLIST Placement Employer: This checklist may be used to document health and safety orientation provided to a student(s) prior to exposure to any hazards in your workplace. This checklist, or another format documenting orientation, must be returned to Trent University placement coordinator. Student Name: Student Number Organization Name: COMPLETE DURING ORIENTATION Name of immediate supervisor and Joint Health and Safety Committee representative (JHSC) or Safety Representative Worker/supervisor rights and responsibilities Safe work procedures and operation of equipment Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Identification of restricted or prohibited areas, tools, equipment and machinery Hazards in the workplace that may affect the student, how they’re controlled and how to deal with them What to do and who to see if the student has a safety concern What to do when there is a fire or other emergency (e.g., evacuation procedures) Location of fire exits and fire extinguishers Location of the first aid supplies, equipment, facilities: ▪ Names of staff responsible for first aid ▪ How to record first aid treatment Procedures for reporting accidents and injuries Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Workplace policies and procedures on: ▪ Workplace Harassment ▪ Violence prevention ▪ Working in isolation ▪ Smoking/Drinking/Substance abuse Location of other important information ▪ Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ▪ Joint Health & Safety Committee Minutes ▪ Instructions for safe operation of each piece of equipment (if applicable) ▪ Important telephone numbers Other hazards covered during orientation should be documented and attached on an additional sheet. Signatures Supervisor Name Signature Student Signature Revision Date: December 17, 2013 Date Date Trent University Page 1
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