daily prayers ַרבָּה אֱמוּנָתֶ ךmodeh שׁמָתִ י ְבּ ֶח ְמלָה ְ ִנani שׁ ֶה ֱחז ְַרתָּ בִּי ֶ מודֶ ה ֲאנִי ְל ָפנֶיָך ֶמלְֶך חַי ְו ַקיּ ָם שׁמָתִ י ְבּ ֶח ְמלָה ַרבָּה אֱמוּנָתֶ ך ְ ִשׁ ֶה ֱחז ְַרתָּ בִּי נ ֶ מודֶ ה ֲאנִי ְל ָפנֶיָך ֶמלְֶך חַי ְו ַקיּ ָם Modeh Ani Lefanecha Melech Chai Vekayom Shehechezarta Bi Nishmati Bechemla Raba Modeh Melech Chai Vekayom Shehechezarta Bi Nishmasi Bechemla Emunatecha. ModehAni Ani Lefanecha Lefanecha Melech Chai Vekayom Shehechezarta Bi Nishmati Bechemla Raba Raba Emunasecha. Emunatecha. I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great. I offer thanks livingand andeternal eternal King, mercifully restored mywithin soul within Your I offer thanks to to You, You, living King, forfor YouYou havehave mercifully restored my soul me; Yourme; faithfulness faithfulness is great. is great. shema :ִשראֵ ל ה' אֱ להֵינוּ ה' אֶ חָד ָ שְׁ מַע י ְבודה' ַמלאֱ לה ִשרכּאֵ ל ָ ַע ישֵׁם שְׁ מ : ֶד:ה'לאֶָםחוָדָע ְכוּתוֵינוּלְעו ָרוְּך בּ ְוהָיוּ הַדְּ ב ִָרים ָה ֵאלֶּה ֲאשֶׁר אָנכִי: ְבכָל נַ ְפשְָׁך וּ ְבכָל מְאדֶ ָך:ָםבבוְָךָעדֶוּ ָ ְ ְעול ְכוּתו ְבּלכָל ְבוד אֱ ַמללהֶיָך 'ָרוְּךבְתָּשֵׁםאֵ תכּ ה ובְּאָ ַה שֶׁר ְכבּאָנְָךכִי בְוה:ְאדֶָךָך ְבּ ֵו ְמְאָ ַצ ַוּהְָךבְתָּה א ָ ֵיתֶָיוָּך וּהַדְּ ְב ֶלב ִכָרְתְּיםָך ָהב ֵַדֶּא ֶלּרֶהְך וּ ֲא ְבשׁ ְשׁמבְתּ ִ שׁכנַָּלנְתָּ ְל ָםבב ְלְָך ָבנוּ ְבֶיָךכ וָלְדִנַבּ ְפ ְַרשׁתְָָּךבּוָּםְבכ ְבָּל ִ ְו ְבּ:ה' ְאֱל ָבלבהֶָךֶיָך ַיּוםת עַל ָ ֵיתֶ וָּך ְבוּ ֻזותַדֶּ ֶבּרְך וּ ְבּכבְתֵַיתֶבְתָָּךםוּ ְבע ֶלַלכ ְְתְּמזָך ב:ֶיָךָך ְשׁנבְתּ ָָיוּ ולְדְִטבּ ְטַרתּ שׁנַּענַלְתָּ יםָדֶ ְָךל ָבְונהֶיָך ִ ְאות ְו: ַיּום ְקעשַׁל ְַר ְלתָּ ָבםבֶָךל :שׁבּעְָך ֶָריָך ְ שׁ ִב ְכ ָפתבּבָּםֵין ְבּע ִֵי וּ: וּ ְמב ַצוְּקוְָּךמהֶָך :שׁע ֶָריָך ְ וּכְתַ בְתָּ ם עַל ְמזֻזות בֵּיתֶ ָך וּ ִב: וּ ְקשׁ ְַרתָּ ם לְאות עַל י ָדֶ ָך ְוהָיוּ לְטטָפת בֵּין עֵינֶיָך: וּבְקוּמֶָך Cover your eyes with your right hand and say: Sh’ma Yis-ra-eil, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, A-do-nai E-chad. Cover your eyes with your right hand and say: A-do-nai E-chad. Sh’ma Yis-ra-eil, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, A-do-nai E-chad. Ba-ruch Whisper: sheim k’vod mal-chu-to l’o-lam va-ed. Whisper: Ba-ruch sheim sheim k’vod l’o-lam va-ed. Ba-ruch k’vodmal-chu-to mal-chu-so l’o-lam va-ed. V’a-hav-ta eit A-do-nai E-lo-he-cha, B’chawl l’va-v’cha, u-v’chawl naf-sh’cha, u-v’chawl m’o-de-cha. V’a-hav-ta eis A-do-nai E-lo-he-cha, b’chawl l’va-v’cha,ha-yom, u-v’chawl naf-sh’cha, u-v’chawl V’ha-yu ha-d’va-rim ha-ei-leh, A-sherB’chawl a-no-chil’va-v’cha, m’tsa-v’cha al l’va-ve-cha. V’shi-nan-tam V’a-hav-ta eit A-do-nai E-lo-he-cha, u-v’chawl naf-sh’cha, u-v’chawl m’o-de-cha. m’o-de-cha. V’ha-yu ha-d’va-rim ha-ei-leh, a-sher a-no-chi m’tsa-v’cha ha-yom, al l’va-vel’-va-ne-cha, v’di-bar-ta bam b’shiv-t’cha b’vei-te-cha, uv-lech-t’cha V’ha-yu ha-d’va-rim ha-ei-leh, A-sher a-no-chi m’tsa-v’cha ha-yom, alva-de-rech, l’va-ve-cha.u-v’shawch-b’cha V’shi-nan-tam cha. V’shi-nan-tam l’-va-ne-cha, v’di-bar-ta bam b’shiv-t’cha b’vei-se-cha, uv-lech-t’cha vauv-ku-me-cha.Uk-shar-tam al ya-de-cha, v’ha-yu l’to-ta-fot bein va-de-rech, ei-ne-cha. Uch-tav-tam, al l’-va-ne-cha, v’di-bar-ta baml’ot b’shiv-t’cha b’vei-te-cha, uv-lech-t’cha u-v’shawch-b’cha de-rech, u-v’shawch-b’cha uv-ku-me-cha.Uk-shar-tam l’os al ya-de-cha, v’ha-yu l’to-ta- fos m’zu-zot bei-te-cha, u-vish-a-re-cha. uv-ku-me-cha.Uk-shar-tam l’ot al ya-de-cha, v’ha-yu l’to-ta-fot bein ei-ne-cha. Uch-tav-tam, al bein ei-ne-cha. Uch-sav-tam, al m’zu-zos bei-se-cha, u-vish-a-re-cha. m’zu-zot bei-te-cha, u-vish-a-re-cha. Cover your eyes with your right hand and say: Whisper : Yis-ra-eil, Sh’ma A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, Hear,OOIsrael, Israel, the the L-rd is is One. Hear, L-rd isisour ourG-d, G-d,the theL-rd L-rd One. Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G-d, the L-rd is One. Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever. Blessed thethe name the glory of Hisallkingdom forever andall ever. You shall be love L-rdofyour G-d with your heart, with your soul, and with all your might. And these Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever. words which I command you today shall be upon your heart. You shall teach them thoroughly to your You shall love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words children, and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when which I command you shall be upon your heart. Youallshall teach themwith thoroughly to yourAnd Youlieshall loveand the when L-rd today your with allshall your heart, with soul, and all yourand might. these words you down youG-d rise. You bind them as your a sign upon your hand, theychildren, shall beand foryou a shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when which I command you today shall be upon your heart. You shall teach them thoroughly to your children, and you reminder between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your you Youofshall them sign upon yourand hand, andyou they shallonbethe forroad, a reminder between your eyes. And shallrise. speak thembind when youassita in your house when walk when you lie down and when gates. you writeshall them upon theasdoorposts of your your be gates. you shall rise. You bind them a sign upon yourhouse hand, and and upon they shall for a reminder between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates. Friday night prayers candle lighting blessing .שבָּת קודֶ ש ַ בָּרוְּך אַתָּ ה אַדָ נָי ֱאלהֵינוּ ֶמלֶך הָעוֹלָם ַאשֶׁר קִדְ שָנוּ ְבּ ִמצְוֹתָ יו ְו ִצוָנוּ ְלהַדְ לִיק נֵר שֶל Baruch a-ta A-do-nay Elo-hei-nu me-lech ha-o-lam a-sher ki-dee-sha-nu bi-mitz-vo-sav Baruch a-ta A-do-nay Elo-hei-nu me-lech ha-o-lam a-sher ki-dee-sha-nu bi-mitz-vo-tav vi-tzi-vavi-tzi-va-noo li-had-leek ner shel Sha-bbas ko-desh. noo li-had-leek ner shel Sha-bbat ko-desh. Blessed G d, King Kingofofthe theuniverse, universe, who sanctified us with His commandments, Blessedare areyou, you,Lord Lord our our G-d, who hashas sanctified us with His commandments, and and commanded the light lightofofthe theHoly Holy Shabbat. commandedus usto tokindle kindle the Shabbat. kiddush blessing .בּוֹרא פּ ְִרי ַה ָגּפֶן ֵ ַסב ְִרי מ ָָרנָן! בָּרוְּך אַתָּ ה יְי ָ אֱֹלהֵינוּ ֶמלְֶך הָעוֹלָם שׁבָּת קָדְ שׁוֹ בְּאַ ֲהבָה ַ ְו, ֲאשֶׁר קִדְּ שָׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצְוֹתָ יו ו ַ ְָרצָה בָנוּ,בָּרוְּך אַתָּ ה יְי ָ אֱֹלהֵינוּ ֶמלְֶך הָעוֹלָם כִּי בָנוּ. תְּ ִחלָּה ְל ִמק ְָראֵי ק ֹדֶ שׁ זֵכֶר לִי ִציאַת ִמצ ְָרי ִם.זִכָּרוֹן ְל ַמ ֲעשֵׂה ב ְֵראשִׁית, וּב ְָרצוֹן ִהנְחִילָנוּ בָּרוְּך אַתָּ ה יְי ָ ְמקַדֵּ שׁ.שׁבָּת קָדְ שְָׁך בְּאַ ֲהבָה וּב ְָרצוֹן ִהנְ ַחלְתָּ נוּ ַ ָבח ְַרתְּ וְאוֹתָ נוּ קְדַּ שְׁתָּ ִמכָּל ָה ַעמִּים ְו .שׁבָּת ַ ַה Savri maranan: Baruch ata Hashem, Elokeinu melech ha-olam,borei peri ha-gafen. ( “Amen.”) Savri maranan: Baruch ata Adonay, Eloheinu melech ha-olam,borei peri ha-gafen. Baruch atah Hashem, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kideshanu be-mitzvotav ve-ratzah banu, ( Amen.”) Baruch atah Adonay, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kideshanu be-mitzvosav ve-Shabbat kodesho be-ahavakodesho uve-ratzon hinchilanu, zikaron le-ma’aseh vereishit, techilah leve-ratzah banu, ve-Shabbas be-ahava uve-ratzon hinchilanu, zikaron le-ma’aseh mikra’ei kodesh, zeicher litziat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vecharta ve-otanu kidashta ha-amim, vevereishis, techilah le-mikra’ei kodesh, zeicher litzias mitzrayim. Ki vanumi-kol vecharta ve-osakodshecha be-ahavah ve-Shabbas uve-ratzon hinchaltanu. ata Hashem, mekadeish hanuShabbat kidashta mi-kol ha-amim, kodshechaBaruch be-ahavah uve-ratzon hinchaltanu. Shabbat. Baruch ata(“Amen”) Adonay, mekadeish ha-Shabbas. (“Amen”) Blessed are You, G-d, King the earth world,and whoall creates fruit of vine.were finished. And G-d finished The sixth day. AndLord the our heavens andofthe their the complements by the Seventh Day His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work Blessed Lord ourG-d G-d,blessed king of the whoday made holy with His for commandments andfrom favored which He are hadYou, done. And the world, seventh andusmade it holy, on it He rested all us, Hisand gavewhich us His G-d holyhad Shabbat, in love and favor, to be our heritage, as a reminder of the Creation. It is the first of the work, created to do. holy festivals, commemorating the Egypt. You have and sanctified us from among all Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, Kingexodus of thefrom world, whoFor creates thechoesen fruit ofus vine. the nations, and Lord with our love G-d, and king goodwill given us Your holy Shabbat as awith heritage. Blessed are You, Lord, Blessed are You, of the world, who made us holy His commandments and who favored sanctifies Shabbat. us, and gave us His holy Shabbat, in love and favor, to be our heritage, as a reminder of the Creation. It is the first of the holy festivals, commemorating the exodus from Egypt. For You have choesen us and sanctified us from among all the nations, and with love and goodwill given us Your holy Shabbat as a heritage. Blessed are You, Lord, who sanctifies Shabbat. Chabad at Stony Brook - Hebrew School
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