Psalms 121 C G F C I will lift up my eyes to the hills G F From where comes my help? C G F C My help comes from the LORD C G F Who made heaven and earth G C G C He will not allow your foot to be moved Am G F C He who keeps you will not slumber CF C G Behold, He who keeps Israel G F C Shall neither slumber nor sleep. 1 Produced by Ben Tzion and Tali Waller - C F The LORD is your keeper; F C F The LORD is your shade at your right hand G C Am The sun shall not strike you by day F C-G Nor the moon by night F G The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; F Am He shall preserve your soul G F G F The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in F G F G C From this time forth, and even forevermore 2 Produced by Ben Tzion and Tali Waller - 121. This Psalm is unique among the Psalms of Ascent. Instead of starting out like all the other Psalms of Ascent do--Shir Hama’alot (A Song of Ascents)--this one begins Shir Lama’alot (A Psalm to the Ascents). The comfort and assurance written in this beloved Psalm speaks deeply to the heart. What a hopeful promise it is; that He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep! I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From where comes my help? 2 My help comes from HaShem, Who made heaven and earth. 3 He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. 4 Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5 HaShem is your keeper; HaShem is your shade at your right hand. 6 The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. 7 HaShem shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. 8 HaShem shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore. 1 Shir LaMaalot: Esa einai el heharim me'ayin yavo ezri 2 Ezri me'im HaShem oseh shamayim va'aretz 3 Al yiten lamot raglecha al yanum shomrecha 4 Hineh lo yanum velo yishan Shomer Yisra'el 5 HaShem shomrecha HaShem tzilcha al yad yeminecha 6 Yomam hashemesh lo yakeka veyare'ach balailah 7 HaShem yishmarcha mikol ra yishmor et nafshecha 8 HaShem yishmor tzetcha uvo'echa me'atah ve'ad olam : ַל ַםעֲלֹות,א שִׁיר . י ָב ֹא ֶעז ְִׁרי, ֵמַאי ִׁן-- ֶהה ִָׁרים- אֶל,שא עֵינַי ָ ֶא .ָָארץ ֶ ש ַמי ִׁם ו ָ , עֹשֵה-- ֵמעִׁם י ְהוָה,ב ֶעז ְִׁרי . שֹמ ְֶרָך,י ָנּום-יִׁתֵן לַםֹוט ַרגְלֶָך; ַאל-ג ַאל . יִׁש ְָראֵל, שֹומֵר-- וְֹלא י ִׁישָן,י ָנּום-ד ִׁהמֵה ֹלא .י ַד יְמִׁינֶָך- עַל,ה י ְהוָה שֹמ ְֶרָך; י ְהוָה ִׁצלְָך .י ַ ֶככָה; ְוי ֵָר ַח ַב ָליְלָה-ש ֶמש ֹלא ֶ ַה,ו יֹומָם .נַ ְפשֶָך- ֶאת, יִׁשְמ ֹר: ָרע-שמ ְָרָך ִׁמכָל ְ ִׁ י,ז י ְהוָה .עֹולָם- ְועַד, ֵמ ַעתָה--צֵאתְָך ּובֹואֶָך-שמָר ְ ִׁ י,ח י ְהוָה 3 Produced by Ben Tzion and Tali Waller -
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