What’s on this disc: Part 1 - Intro/Auto Racks Introduction Bi-Level Auto Racks TTGX 156003-160295 TTGX 160302 Only TTGX 160304-160395 TTGX 253886-256187 TTGX 603003-604665 TTGX 940095-942144 TTGX 961375-964446 Tri-Level Auto Racks ETTX 810016-810215 ETTX 820679-820998 ETTX 902018-902044 ETTX 905000-905053 ETTX 905751-906019 ETTX 907190-907214 ETTX 909147-909487 TTQX 802975-803074 Part 2 - Aircraft Flats (Boeing) Doghouse 613072 Only Hoods 614000-614199 614200-614299 Idler Flats 610214-610358 630550-630649 Extrusion Flats 630725 Only COFC Flats 613000-613249 Part 3 - Box Cars Single Sliding Door 214200-214699 219000-219084 219300-319378 249000-249241 249242-249460 249461-249900 249901-250218 355100-355134 355180-355187 Double Sliding Door 200000-200299 222500-222949 223000-223199 223200-223391 223392-223524 223900-223999 223500-223899 248570-248769 275050-275099 317550-317579 318100-318399 370500-370649 Single Plug Door 244300-244749 244750-244849 244850-244939 286000-286156 286157-286251 287000-287299 319000-319099 319500-319699 320000-320199 321000-321149 321150-321399 321600-322099 322400-322499 331300-331599 355245-355259 376750-376899 Double Plug Door 218600-218949 234000-234399 236400-236699 375880-375899 376000-376199 376410-376431 376500-376649 390000-390049 390100-390249 390250-390274 395015-395021 395022-395049 395060-395079 395080-395093 369030-396041 Single Door Insulated 732300-732464 732600-732699 732700-732899 733525-733799 733925-733964 733965-734064 734128-734202 747700-747792 748800-748899 748900-748999 749000-749099 749280-749329 749330-749377 Part 4 - Covered Hoppers 1-Bay 400345-400394 2-Bay 410300-410403 410456-410514 419100-419349 423050-423299 430050-430059 430100-430219 435500-435699 435700-435799 435800-435849 435900-435987 437000-437399 440150-440349 441200-441499 441500-441749 481444-481451 3-Bay 435400-435499 439200-439349 439500-439599 445100-445399 445400-445699 446000-446499 446550-447049 447050-447499 447550-447924 447925-448424 448425-448924 448925-449424 449452-449650 449700-449799 450000-450029 450040-450069 450100-450239 450500-450524 450525-450624 450650-450699 450700-450999 451200-451584 451600-451599 453100-453589 453600-453799 454000-454299 454300-454599 454700-454749 455500-455799 456250-456649 457000-457274 457600-457749 457800-458299 C&S 458800-458999 459100-459349 459350-459549 459650-459749 460200-461199 461200-462199 462200-462499 463580-463604 463618-463654 463655-463825 464000-464860 464958-464972 Part 4 - Covered Hoppers (continued) 3-Bay (continued) 464981-464995 465241-465300 465301-465550 466000-466999 467000-467999 468000-468999 471500-472499 485020-485029 Part 5 - Coil Cars 500050-500249 565455-565599 567380-567499 567230-567254 686020-686143 686245-686684 Part 6 - Flat Cars General Purpose 600035-600187 602800-602949 610214-610358 613000-613249 630250-630449 630450-630649 630801-630817 636000-636055 636701-636740 Bulkhead 615602 Only 615900-615999 617600-617699 621050-621099 621100-621199 621250-621449 621450-621649 621650-621849 628970-628999 629305-629354 629360-629384 629437-629498 Centerbeam 624100-624289 624400-624699 624400-624699 Log and Pole 615468-615471 C&S 616375-616474 616475-616674 616804-616899 617600-617699 617700-617899 618400-618599 621050-621099 621450-621649 626001-626007 626008-626035 626036-626054 Part 7 - Gondolas Mill C&S 21020-21049 500002-500025 500026-500045 500050-500249 500250-500305 559000-559399 559600-559699 560350-560846 560900-560949 560950-560972 563250-563449 564310-564449 C&S 565450-565599 565600-565899 565900-566099 567500-567599 567600-567699 567800-567849 569400-569449 575840-575999 577300-577399 577400-577599 577600-577619 580380-580394 580400-580609 580610-580739 588910-588949 588950-588999 Woodchip 585200-585349 585350-585499 586000-586099 587000-587199 587200-587399 587400-587499 588750-588799 Coal 533401-533640 533641-533880 534140-534859 534860-535459 535460-535419 575360-575759 Part 8 - Open Hoppers 3-Bay 527050-527549 527550-528894 528900-529399 529500-529599 531300-531999 532300-532489 533000-533399 540900-541099 541800-542079 551000-551520 4-Bay 520350-520449 522100-522299 549000-549069 5-Bay 555000-555119 6-Bay 520700-520754 Part 9 - Intermodal Well Cars 63033-63199 63935-63964 63994-64002 64150-64227 64228-64327 64980-64999 COFC 629360-629384 TOFC/COFC Spine Cars 637300-637317 Part 10 - Refrigerated Cars Cryogenic 751000-751076 Mechanical 3 Only 5300-5399 8800-8979 9000-9199 9300-9699 9700-9749 11700-12924 13000-13449 15307-15373 19000-19199 19200-19249 19250-19299 19300-19699 19700-19749 19750-19799 180103-180197 180198-180340 180346-180445 180543-180591 780346-780445 Part 11 - Tank Cars BNFT 44 875030-875034 875035-875084 875105-875134 973566-973578 Part 12 - Caboose 10312-10320 10331-10360 Part 12 - Caboose (continued) 10391-10425 10550-10596 10647-10651 10700-10749 10750-10799 10874-10921 10929-10979 11432-11443 11478 Combine 11675-11699 12000-12099 12100-12174 12175-12252 12253-12327 12328-12392 12394-12435 12500-12624 FW&D 179-188 Abbreviation Key Bibliography Auto Racks - Bi-Level TTGX 156067/BN 20001 - BSC/TC TTGX 156124/BN 20327 - BSC/TRN TTGX 160162/BN 20022 - BSC/TC TTGX 160213/BN 20154 - BSC/TC TTGX 160302/BN 20553 - BSC/TC TTGX 160480/BN 20368 - BSC/TRN TTGX 256066/BN 20081 - PS/TC TTGX 603518/BN 20649 - ACF/TC TTGX 940502/BN 20716 - PS/TC TTGX 940783/BN 20799 - PS/TC TTGX 961969/BN 20575 - BSC/TC Related magazine articles: Model Railroading, October 1999, page 34; ‘Walthers Enclosed Autoracks in HO Scale’ David G. Casdorph TTGX 156067 (156003-160295) Class BSMH11 Built 10/68 Rack BN 20001 Built 3/88 Bi-level rack BN 20001 was built by TC (Winder, Georgia) and attached to TTGX 156067 (built by BSC) 3/88. The rack was repainted 12/94 at SRSC SPRD and it’s in Kent, Washington during September 2002. The flat car is equipped with a Universal hand brake, 70-ton trucks with 33” wheels and 10” Keystone F10-G end-of-car cushioning. The load limit is 79,000; it was last weighed 3/88 at TCW and the car was painted at TTX DRMI 10/94. Boeing Aircraft Cars Hoods BN 613000-613249 - 53’ 6” (GSI) 1968 BN 614000-614199 - 61’ 6” (TC) 1965 BN 614200-614299 - 61’ 10” (TC) 1965 BN 618400-618599 - 56’ 8” (TC) 1965 Raw Material BN 610214-610358 60’ 0” Idler (GSI) 1969 BN 630550-630649 60’ 0’ Idler (CB&Q) 1967 BN 630725 - 89’ 0” (ACF) 1967 Container Flats BN 613000-613249 - 53’ 6” (GSI) 1968 BN 614299 (614200-614299) Built 12/65 BN 614299 (nee-GN 161299; 161200-161299 series) was built by TC in Chicago Heights, Illinois during December 1965. Photographed during May 2002 at Balmer yard in Seattle, Washington with a 747 fuselage assembly for the Boeing twin-aisle airplane factory in Everett, Washington. BN 614299 is equipped with an Ellcon-National hand brake, 70-ton trucks with 33” wheels and 15” cushioning. The load limit is 120,9500 and the light weight is 99,900. BN 214200-214699 - 5080 Cubic-Feet (ACF) 1972 BN 219000-219084 - 6175 Cubic-Feet Waffle-side (ACF) 1974 BN 219300-219378 - 5277 Cubic-Feet (SIECO) 1978 BN 249000-249241 - 5090 Cubic-Feet (ACF) 1975 BN 249242-249460 - 5077 Cubic-Feet (PS) 1975 BN 249461-249900 - 5077 Cubic-Feet (BFF) 1976 BN 249901-250218 - 5077 Cubic-Feet (FMC) 1975-1976 BN 355180-355187 - 7568 Cubic-Feet (PS) 1971 Related magazine articles: Mainline Modeler, September 1998, page 40; ‘Thrall Auto Parts box Car’ James Kinkaid (drawing by James Kinkaid) Railmodel Journal, September 2001, page 8; ‘IPD, Railbox & Other Cars From the Box Car Boom of the 1970s, Evans Cars Part 2’ Jim Eager 214200-214699 Series 5088 Cubic Feet Built 1972 ACF Industries - St. Louis, Missouri Dimensional Data Inside Length Inside Width Inside Height 50’ 6” 9’ 6” 10’ 7” Outside Length Outside Width Outside Height 55’ 7” 10’ 8” 15’ 0” Plate B BN 214319 (214200-214699) Built 10/72 BN 214319 (nee-SLSF 42119, 42000-42499 series) was built by ACF (St. Louis, Missouri) during October 1972 and it’s “bad ordered” in Auburn, Washington during April 1993. It’s equipped with a 10-foot wide by 10’ 4” tall Pick Industries 6-panel replacement sliding door, 70-ton trucks with 33” wheels, the load limit is 161,900, the light weight is 58,100; it was weighed and painted 2/88 by CX. BN 214432 (214200-214699) Built 10/72 BN 214432 (nee-SLSF 42232, 42000-42499 series) is in Tacoma, Washington at Simpson’s Landing industrial park in scrap paper service during April 2002. It’s equipped with a 10-foot wide by 10’ 4” tall RCS 6-panel replacement sliding door, a Universal hand brake and SLSF 70-ton Barber S-2 trucks with 33” wheels. The load limit is 162,600, the light weight is 57,400 and the car was painted 2/88 at CX. BN 214595 (214200-214699) Built 10/72 This view of BN 214595 (nee-SLSF 42395, 42000-42499 series) taken during October 1996 in Everett, Washington at the Kimberly-Clark paper mill in pulp service and shows the peaked, overhanging, diagonal panel roof. Built during October 1972, BN 214595 is equipped with a 10-foot wide by 10’ 4” tall Pick Industries 6-panel replacement sliding door, an Ajax hand brake and SLSF 70-ton Barber S-2 trucks with 33” wheels. The load limit is 162,800; the light weight is 57,200; it was weighed and painted 4/88 BN (CX).
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