Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014 A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Müller (eds.) ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4 A virtual experiment for the detection of specific features in the frequency response of a coupled nonlinear and linear oscillator Gianluca Gatti1, Stefano Marchesiello2, Michael J. Brennan3 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica e Gestionale, Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy 3 Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP15385-000 Ilha Solteira, Brazil email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1 ABSTRACT: This paper presents an investigation into some practical issues that may be present in a real experiment, when trying to validate the theoretical frequency response curve of a two degree-of-freedom nonlinear system consisting of coupled linear and nonlinear oscillators. Some specific features, such as detached resonance curves, have been theoretically predicted in multi degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, when subject to harmonic excitation, and the system parameters have been shown to be fundamental in achieving such features. When based on a simplified model, approximate analytical expression for the frequency response curves may be derived, which may be validated by the numerical solutions. In a real experiment, however, the practical achievability of such features was previously shown to be greatly affected by small disturbances induced by gravity and inertia, which led to some solutions becoming unstable which had been predicted to be stable. In this work a practical system configuration is proposed where such effects are reduced so that the previous limitations are overcome. A virtual experiment is carried out where a detailed multi-body model of the oscillator is assembled and the effects on the system response are investigated. KEY WORDS: Nonlinear oscillations; Detached resonance curves; Cubic stiffness; Parameter estimation. 1 INTRODUCTION When a nonlinear oscillator is attached to a linear host structure, which is excited by a harmonic force, multivaluedness of the steady-state response can occur [1]. In this situation, a closed detached curve may appear within the main continuous frequency response curve (FRC). The co-existence of two types of the steady-state solutions, one of which is an outer detached curve, was shown theoretically for a purely cubic attachment [2], and experimental results confirmed qualitatively the existence of this distinctive feature of the response. The existence of an outer detached curve was also identified in [3-6], where a purely nonlinear oscillator was attached to a linear two degree-of-freedom system, illustrating the changes in the FRCs when increasing the amplitude of excitation. Motivated by the dynamic testing of a nonlinear system, the authors of this paper have recently shown [7,8] that if excited by a harmonic force, a system consisting of a nonlinear oscillator weakly coupled to a linear oscillator can have a multivalued primary resonance response in which closed detached resonance curves can appear also as inner detached curves. These detached curves were found analytically and their presence was confirmed numerically, both for the purely cubic oscillator [7], and for the linear-plus-cubic oscillator [810] - the effects of the system parameters on the existence of inner and outer detached curves were also investigated. Recently, to investigate the effects related to the practical implementation of an experimental rig used for validating the theoretical predictions of such inner detached resonance curves, the authors of this paper determined that gravity and some of the physical parameters of the mechanical components are critical in achieving a specific system response [11, 12]. The aim of this paper is to investigate the reduction of unwanted dynamic effects in a practical system configuration so that a specific frequency response curve can be obtained. A virtual experiment is carried out where a detailed multi-body model of the system is assembled, and physical dimensions, mass distribution and gravity are taken into consideration. As in a real experiment, where some of the systems parameters are usually unknown, parameter estimation is performed based on the data obtained by the virtual experiment, so that the performance of the nonlinear identification technique [1315] is also tested in case of disturbances. 2 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND MODELLING Experimental rig and motivations The practical system of interest in this work is depicted in Figure 1(a) and (b). A suspended mass m, is attached to a shaker via a support frame. The four springs between the suspended mass and the support frame, which are made of fishing line, are modelled as four elements of stiffness k and a damper c. The initial tension in the wires was adjusted to have a quasi-zero stiffness behavior [6]. When the suspended mass vibrates in the horizontal direction, the springs stretch and this generates a geometric nonlinearity. Experimental tests (not reported in this paper) performed on the real system depicted in Figure 1(a) did not confirm the theoretical predictions, and this is why some further work on this system has been recently performed [11, 12]. As shown in that work, due to the low initial tension in the wires – which was necessary to ensure a quasi-zero stiffness characteristic and the consequent appearance of an inner detached resonance curve [6] – and the physical dimensions of the suspended mass, a rocking motion of this mass due to gravity was observed. This was the main cause of the asymmetry, and the 1973 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 reason why some branches in the FRC were not observed in practice. A modification to the system, which is shown in the virtual model shown in Figure 2, is proposed in this paper to overcome the previous practical limitations. In this case, four more springs are used in parallel to the previous set of springs in order to limit the rocking motion, i.e. the “wobbling”, caused by the physical length of the suspended mass and the unbalance related to the offset between the center of gravity of the mass and the point of intersection of the spring direction lines. f s 8kz 1 2 2 z d d0 (1) where d0 d is the length of the unstretched spring. Using the Taylor-series expansion to the third order for small z, Eq. (1) can be written as f s k1 z k3 z 3 (2) where k1 8k 1 d0 d and k3 4k d0 d 3 . The electro-dynamic shaker, which is used to excite the system, can be modelled as a linear system consisting of a parallel combination of a spring ks and a damper cs connected to a mass ms, which is made up of the moving mass of the shaker and the support frame. Using the approximate expression for the spring restoring force, the equations of motion of the system depicted in Figure 2 are ms xs cs xs ks xs cz k1 z k3 z 3 f t (a) mxs mz cz k1 z k3 z 3 0 (3a,b) where xs is the shaker displacement, x is the displacement of the suspended mass and z xs x is the corresponding relative displacement. If the shaker is driven with a constant current at each frequency, the excitation can be modelled as a harmonic force with constant amplitude, f t F cos t , and Eqs. (3a,b) can be written in non-dimensional form as ys 1 2 s ys ys cos w (b) Figure 1. Preliminary experimental rig: photo (a) and virtual model (b). w 2 w 02 w w3 ys (4a,b) where d d , in which s t is non-dimensional time; ys xs x0 , y x x0 and w z x0 are the normalized absolute displacements and normalized relative displacement, respectively, in which x0 F ks ; s is the nondimensional frequency in which s ks ms and m ms is the mass ratio; k3 x02 ks is the nonlinear coefficient; s cs 2mss and c 2ms are the damping ratios; and the following non-dimensional parameter is also defined 0 1 s , where 1 k1 m. Figure 2. Virtual model of the proposed system modification. 2.2 Amplitude-frequency equations The relationship between the applied static force fs in Figure 2, and the resulting relative displacement z is given by 1974 Approximate solutions for the equations of motion given by Eqs. (4a,b) are found by applying the harmonic balance method. For this purpose, the normalized absolute displacement of the shaker and the normalized relative displacement between the shaker and the suspended mass, ys Ys cos s given respectively by and w W cos , are substituted into Eqs. (4a,b) to give Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 aW 6 bW 4 cW 2 d 0 Ys2 1W 4 g W 2h e (5a,b) where 3 g b 02 2 4 , 2 e 2 h c 02 2 4 2 2 4 , e 2 4 1 2 d , e 1 1 4 s2 2 , (6a-g) e 3 g 1 2 1 , 2 4 2 h 2 1 2 1 02 2 8 s 2 . a 9 2 , 16 Equations (5a,b) form a set of coupled algebraic equations in which Eq. (5a) is cubic in W2 , and Eq. (5b) gives the displacement amplitude of the shaker as a function of the relative displacement amplitude between the suspended mass and the shaker. This means that the system of equations Eqs. (5a,b) may yield up to three steady-state solutions for W and Ys, the type of which depends on the discriminant of the cubic polynomial on the left-hand side of Eq. (5a), which is given by 18abcd 27a2 d 2 4b3 d b2c2 4c3 a. correspond to those of the experimental rig shown in Figure 1(a). By then applying the approximate relation given in Eq.(2), the linear and cubic stiffness coefficients are found to be k1 28.235 N/m and k3 1.382 108 N/m3. Table 1. Dynamic parameters of the physical system. ms [kg] 0.154 ks [N/m] 1.88∙104 cs [Ns/m] 9.86 m [kg] 0.0052 k [N/m] 4∙104 c [Ns/m] 0.026 Table 2. Geometric parameters of the physical system. d [m] 0.034 d0 [m] 0.033997 Lm [m] 0.025 Rm [m] 0.004 LG [m] Lm/8 The Nonlinear Subspace Identification (NSI) method [14] is used to identify the nonlinear coefficient k3 and the frequency response functions (FRFs) of the underlying linear system (i.e. of the linear part of the system equations of motion), from the system response to a random force excitation. The physical parameters of the underlying linear system are then extracted from those FRFs in a classical way, as discussed below. According to the proposed method, it is assumed that nonlinearities are localized and that an underlying linear regime of vibration exists. In this case, the equations of motion may be written in the following general form p Mz t Cz t Kz t s j Lnj v j t f t (7) j 1 If 0 then there are three distinct real roots, which correspond to three steady-state solutions (two stable, one unstable); if 0 there is one real root and a pair of complex conjugate roots, which corresponds to a single steady-state solution, and if 0 then at least two roots coincide so there are at least two coincident solutions, which occur at the jump-up and jump-down frequencies [16,17]. These are the frequencies when there is a sudden discontinuous change of the amplitude of the response when the frequency is varied very slowly. To determine the FRCs of Ys and W as functions of , Eqs. (5a,b) are solved for particular values of the system parameters, and the stability of these steady-state solutions is calculated by applying Floquet theory as described in [18]. Unstable solutions are shown as dashed lines in the FRCs shown in this paper. 3 PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION In order to verify the analytical expressions for the FRCs obtained theoretically in the previous section and to validate the approximation used in Eq. (2), a multi-body model of the system is implemented and shown in Figure 2. Each wire is modelled as a linear spring and the suspended mass is modelled as a cylindrical body with a specified length, Lm, and radius, Rm. Its center of mass is defined relative to the intersection point of the wires by the offset LG, while the wires are pinned at the outer surface of the cylindrical body. The dynamic and geometric parameters are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively, and the numerical values approximately where M, C and K are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices respectively, z(t) is the generalized displacement vector, f(t) is the generalized force vector, and the nonlinear term is expressed as a summation of p nonlinear components, which depends on a scalar nonlinear coefficient sj, a location vector Lnj related to the location of the nonlinear element in the system equation of motion (whose entries may assume the values 1, -1 or 0), and a scalar nonlinear function vj(t), which specifies the class of the nonlinearity (e.g. friction, clearance, quadratic damping, cubic stiffness, etc.). The summation of the nonlinear terms in Eq. (7) may be interpreted as an internal feedback force vector and may be shifted to the righthand side of the equation, so that it may be conveniently turned into a discrete r-sampled state space model [14] as x r 1 Ax r Bu r y r Cx r Du r (8) where the output yr contains the experimental measurements (displacements, accelerations etc.), the input ur includes both the applied forces and internal nonlinear feedback forces, the state vector is xr, whose dimension defines the order of the model, and A, B, C and D are the state space matrices, which depend on the system parameters. The nonlinear identification procedure is based on the computation of system parameters (sj and those included in M, C, K), once the state space matrices have been estimated 1975 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 H12 1 s1 H11 H 21 H Hs1L n1 s1 11 H 21 H 22 1 s1 H 21 H 22 by a subspace method in the time domain [19], which involves a Singular Value Decomposition. An extended FRF matrix HE() of the system, which also includes nonlinear terms, may be then calculated as [14] and the extended FRF matrix becomes HE D C Ie 1t A 1 B where t is the discrete-time step and I is the identity matrix. The matrix HE() obtained as a result of Equation (9) is then equated to its equivalent form [14] as HE H H s1Ln1 s H H 21 H H E 11 1 11 . H 21 s1 H 21 H 22 (9) H s p Lnp which is solved, at each frequency, for the nonlinear coefficients sj and for the matrix H(), which is the FRF matrix of the underlying linear system. In particular, the nonlinear coefficients identified from HE() are complex-valued and frequency-dependent, but an appropriate selection of the nonlinear functional forms vj(t) should make the imaginary parts much smaller than the corresponding real parts. The frequency dependence of the coefficients should also remain small in a successful identification. In order to apply the NSI method to the actual two degreeof-freedom mechanical system, Eqs. (3a,b) are rewritten in terms of the absolute displacements of the two masses and then put in a matrix form, yielding ms 0 xs c cs c xs ... 0 m x c c x k k k1 xs ... 1 s ... k1 x k1 f t 1 3 ...k3 xs x 1 0 From this matrix the underlying linear system FRFs H11,H 21 and H 22 are extracted, together with the nonlinear coefficient k3 s1 . In the first step, the first column is extracted, then the nonlinear coefficient is obtained and finally H 22 is estimated. It should be noted that errors on both the first column and the nonlinear coefficient strongly affect the H 22 estimate. Also note that the latter function can be obtained only because the equations of motion are coupled via the nonlinearity – in the classical (linear) modal analysis it is impossible to get an estimate of the direct receptance of a degree of freedom without applying any force directly to it. Time histories were then generated by running a multi-body simulation where gravity was set to 9.81 m/s2 and the system was excited by a Gaussian random force (1.115 Nrms) sampled at 2000 Hz for a total time of 100 seconds. The estimated nonlinear coefficient is shown in Figure 3, where it is noted that it has a mean value of 1.380·108 N/m3, which is very close to the nominal value, the frequency dependence is small and the imaginary part (not shown here) is one order of magnitude smaller. The NSI estimated natural frequencies ni and modal damping ratios ni for the two modes (i=1,2) of the underlying linear system are summarized in Table 3. where it is noted that the number of nonlinear terms is p=1, the scalar coefficient is s1=k3, the location vector is Ln1 1 1 and the scalar nonlinear function is v1(t)=(xs– T x)3. The direct point receptance and cross point receptance of the underlying linear system are given as H11 Xs F and H 21 X F where X s and X are the complex displacement amplitudes of the shaker and of the suspended mass, respectively. The extended FRF matrix is a square 2×2 matrix, because two displacements are measured (outputs) and two inputs are considered in the model (the physical force and the internal nonlinear feedback force). Taking into account the reciprocity relationship H12 H 21 , the second column of H E is transformed into Figure 3. NSI estimate of the cubic coefficient (real part). Table 3. NSI estimated modal parameters. Mode i 1 2 ni ni [Hz] 11.7186 0.0339 55.7434 0.0917 A direct calculation of the FRFs yields H11 k1 ic i 2 m k1k s i k s c k1cs i 2 k1ms k1m k s m cc s ... ...i 3 c cs m cm s i 4 mms 1976 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 H 21 k1 ic k1k s i k s c k1c s i 2 k1ms k1m k s m cc s ... ...i 3 c c s m cm s i 4 mm s k1 k s i c c s i 2 ms H 22 k1k s i k s c k1c s i 2 k1ms k1m k s m cc s ... ...i 3 c c s m cm s i 4 mm s which appear as ratios of polynomials. The coefficients of these polynomials are computed by applying the Rational Fraction Polynomial (RFP) method [20] to the FRF estimates (reported in Figure 4 by solid blue lines), and then physical parameters are obtained by solving a nonlinear parameter estimation problem [12]. In Figure 4, it is noted that the FRFs estimated by NSI (blue solid lines) are indistinguishably overlaid to the FRFs computed by applying RFP (red dashed lines). All the estimated physical parameters of the system are reported in Table 4, where it is noted that they are in excellent agreement with the nominal pre-set parameters reported in Table 1 and the corresponding value for k1 – the max percentage error is less than 0.06%. Furthermore, the clear evidence of a jump in the singular value plot of Figure 5 confirms the appropriateness and effectiveness of the identification process. (b) (c) Figure 4. FRFs H11 (a), H21 (b) and H22 (c) of the underlying linear system estimated by NSI and fitted by RFP. Table 4. Identified parameters of the physical system. ms [kg] 0.1540 ks [N/m] 1.8862·104 cs [Ns/m] 9.8642 m [kg] 0.0052 k1 [N/m] 28.2212 c [Ns/m] 0.0260 Figure 5. Singular value plot for the NSI method, based on multi-body simulations. (a) 4 HARMONIC RESPONSE The numerical values estimated for the physical system parameters are then used to compute the corresponding nondimensional parameters as used in Eq. (4a,b). They are reported in Table 5, and are adopted to plot the FRCs in Figure 6 by using the amplitude-frequency relations given in Eqs. (5a,b). 1977 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 Table 5. Non-dimensional system parameters. s Xs [mm] 0.034 0.091 0.007 0.211 0.006 -1 10 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency [Hz] 60 70 80 60 70 80 60 70 80 (a) 0 X [mm] 10 -1 10 -2 10 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency [Hz] (b) 0 Z [mm] 10 -1 10 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency [Hz] From Figure 6 it is noted how a closed detached curve is present, which lies inside the main continuous FRC of the relative displacement amplitude and of the absolute displacement amplitude of the suspended mass. This feature seems to appear only for certain particular values of the system parameters [7, 8], and in particular for a quasi-zerostiffness oscillator [6], which is the case under investigation. It should be noted that the parameters used in the actual case are such that the wires in the attachments are only slightly tightened. For the configuration reported in Figure 1, this causes the dynamics of the system be much more affected by the undesired wobbling of the suspended mass due to its inertia effects and its weight distribution [12], but in the actual arrangement of Figure 2, unwanted dynamics are greatly reduced. Simulations are then used to determine the response of the system to harmonic excitation, and to compare it to that predicted by the analytical solutions of the FRCs given by Eqs. (5a,b). To this purpose, gravity is added to the multibody simulation and a harmonic force of constant amplitude equal to F=3.18N is applied to the shaker, where the initial conditions of the system (in terms of the absolute displacements and velocities of the two masses) are all set to zero, as in a practical experimental condition. Simulations are run for 3s and time histories of the displacements of the two masses are recorded. Fourier coefficients, corresponding to the excitation frequency, are then extracted from the recorded time histories, and plotted as circles in the FRCs shown in Figure 6. It was observed that, for the case where the system is excited from rest, after the initial transient a specific amplitude of oscillation is achieved, corresponding to the lower stable branch in the detached curve of the FRCs. When multi-valuedness in the FRC is present at a specified frequency, the higher branch, corresponding to the highest amplitude for the response, is attained due to a perturbation of the system, which is practically applied as a relatively light impulsive force to the suspended mass. This would be equivalent to “touching” the suspended mass when vibrating during an experimental test, thus physically forcing a jump to occur. It was observed that, for the actual system configuration, at all frequencies tested and for the parameters used, the response of the system in terms of mass displacements was predominantly harmonic at the frequency of excitation. The amplitudes of the higher and lower harmonics were found to be negligible – their magnitude given as a percentage of the amplitude of the response at the excitation frequency was less than 5%. The results reported in Figure 6 clearly show the agreement between the analytical solution obtained for the simplified 2-DOF model and the numerical solution obtained from the detailed multi-body system. The results thus confirm the effectiveness of the proposed experimental setup shown in Figure 2, to validate the approximate analytical model given in Section 2. (c) Figure 6. FRCs of the system. Shaker (a), suspended mass (b), and relative (c) displacement. Stable solution (−), unstable solution (- -), multi-body solution (o). 1978 5 CONCLUSIONS In this paper a mechanical system has been proposed for the validation of the dynamic behavior of a two degree-of- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014 freedom nonlinear oscillator, when subject to harmonic excitation. Practical issues relating to an experimental implementation have been discussed and a configuration has been proposed which overcomes the limitations of previous solutions. In particular, when gravity was added to the model, it was observed that the weight of the suspended mass and its mass distribution play an important role, generating a wobbling motion, which prevents some of the specific features in the FRC to be identified. 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