PRVOVRSTNOST TUDI PRI PREVOZU NEVARNEGA BLAGA Prevoz nevarnega blaga s podjetjem TNT Express • V primeru neupoštevanja pravil predstavlja prevoz nevarnega blaga precejšnje tveganje za vse osebe, udeležene v prevoznem procesu (kot npr. nakladalci, vozniki, osebje za nujne storitve itd.) in splošno skupnost, saj obstaja veliko tveganje za poškodbe in/ali zdravstvene težave. • Zato področje prevoza nevarnega blaga urejajo strogi predpisi (IATA DGR, Zakaj nevarno ADR, RID,Goods IMDG Code ki soExpress bili sprejeti z namenom zmanjšanja teh tveTransport of Dangerous byipd.), TNT blago? Transport of Dangerous TNT Po Express ganj in ustvarjanjaGoods varnejše by dejavnosti. tej zakonodaji imajo vsi, ki sodelujejo v tem procesu, opredeljeno pravno izvršljivo odgovornost. Ta ne zajema samo nas v TNT Express, temveč tudi vas stranke, kot pošiljatelje pošiljk. If not done correctly, transportation of dangerous goods goods has the to expose all persons involved (eg If not donethe correctly, the transportation of dangerous haspotential the potential to expose all persons involvedininthe theprocess, process, (eg • TNT Express si emergency bo prizadeval, da bopersonnel skupaj z vami poskrbel za loaders, unloaders, drivers, servicesservices personnel etc), and community, toizpolnjevanje considerable loaders, unloaders, drivers, emergency etc),the andgeneral the general community, to considerablerisk riskofofinjury injury and/or and/or health. health.zakonodajnih obveznosti. Why Why Dangerous Dangerous Goods? Goods? specific Thereforedangerous specific dangerous goods legislation, throughout Australia, has been enacted to minimisethese theserisks risks and and create create Therefore goods legislation, throughout Australia, has been enacted to minimise industry. this legislation all involved parties involved the process defined, legally enforceableresponsibilities. responsibilities. These These n industry. Under thisUnder legislation all parties in the in process have have defined, legally enforceable cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also you the customer, as the “shipper”. cover us at TNT Express aspredmeti the primary contractor, but also you the as the predstavljajo “shipper”. Nevarno blago ali snovi, lahko pricustomer, transportu veliko TNT Expressso will endeavour to work with you, ki to meet our respective legal obligations. TNT Express will endeavour to work with you, to meet our respective legal obligations. tveganje za zdravje, varnost, okolje ali premoženje. Pogosti predmeti in snovi, kot so _____________________________________________________________________________________________ parfumi, aerosolne pločevinke, barve in termometri se lahko razvrščajo kot nevarno _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or to property when being transpo blago. Varticles primeru, ko niste prepričani, je vaša pošiljka nevarno blago, skupaj Dangerous Goods arearticles orsubstances substances which are capable ofali posing a significant risk to health, or to se property whenzgoods. being Iftransp Common and such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints, and thermometers maysafety be classified as dangerous you a unsure if your consignment dangerous goods cans, you should consult a materialnevarnega safetymay databe sheet for the substance with your TNTIfdange varnostnim listom obrnite naaerosol predstavnika za blaga družbe TNT Common articles and substances suchmay as be perfumes, paints, andprevoz thermometers classified as dangerous goods. you a goods advisor. unsure if yourExpress. consignment may be dangerous goods you should consult a material safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT dange The following are examples of Dangerous Goods goods advisor. Kaj je nevarno blago? Primeriarenevarnega blaga Goods The following examples of Dangerous korozivi (jedke snovi) plini vnetljive tekočine organski peroksidi strupene snovi radioaktivni materiali oksidanti kužne snovi magneti What are dangerous What are goods? dangerous goods? eksplozivi različne snovi (vključno vnetljive z azbestom, suhim trdne snovi ledom, motorji) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ What are The currentprevoz edition of the IATA DGRizdaja for Air transport Zračni - zadnja IATA DGR (velja za vse države sveta) Kateri predpisi the _____________________________________________________________________________________________ se uporabljajo za applicable Cestni prevoz - zadnja izdaja ADR (velja za države podpisnice sporazuma The current edition of DGR the ADG for Road transport What are edition of the IATA forCode Air transport regulations različne načine The currentADR - evropske države) the for the prevoza? applicable different The current prevoz edition of the Codeizdaja for Sea IMDG transport (velja za vse države sveta) Ladijski - IMDG zadnja regulations transport The current edition of the ADG Code for Road transport for the modes? different _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The current edition of the IMDG Code for Sea transport TNT Express ima lastno politiko prevoza nevarnega blaga, ki nam prepoveduje prevoz določenega nevarnega blaga. Ta politika se redno pregleduje. V primeru, da niste prepričani ali TNT prevaža razred blaga, ki ga želite poslati, si lahko seznam blaga, katerega prevoz je prepovedan, ogledate na naši spletni strani Transport of Dangerous Goods by TNT Express Nevarno blago v razsutem stanju, kot je opredeljeno v ADR, ni sprejemljivo s strani Transport ofTNT. Dangerous Goods by TNT Express If not done correctly, the transportation of dangerous goods has the potential to expose all persons involved in the V SKLADU S POLITIKO DRUŽBE TNT EXPRESS O PREVOZU NEVARNEGA BLAGA, TNT NE SPREJEMA NASLED- loaders, unloaders, drivers, emergency services personnel etc), and the general community, to considerable risk o Transport of Dangerous Goods by TNT Express NJEGA health.NEVARNEGA BLAGA, RAZEN Z IZJEMAMI, NAVEDENIMI SPODAJ: Why If not done correctly, the transportation goods of dangerous goods has the potential to expose all persons involved in thethese process Therefore specific legislation, Australia, totvorijo minimise risk Vnetljvidangerous plini Strupenithroughout plini and the Snovi, has ki obbeen stikuenacted ztovodo Dangerous Eksplozivi loaders,industry. unloaders,Under drivers, services personnel general community, considerable riskresponsibi of injury a thisemergency legislation all parties involvedetc), in2.3) the process have defined, enforceable vnetljive plinelegally (razred 4.3) (razredhealth. 1) (podrazred 2.1) (podrazred Goods? cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also you the customer, as the “shipper”. Why If not done correctly, the transportation of dangerous goods hastothe potential to expose all persons involved in the process, (eg TNT Express will endeavour work with you, meet our respective legal obligations. Therefore specific dangerous goodstolegislation, throughout Australia, has been enacted to minimise these risks and c Dangerous loaders, unloaders, drivers, emergency services personnel etc), and the general community, to considerable risk of injury and/or il Ali TNT prevaža industry. Under this legislation all parties involved in the process have defined, legally enforceable responsibilities. Th health. Goods? cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also you the customer, as the “shipper”. Why vse razrede ___________________________________________________________________________________ TNT Express will endeavour work with you, to meetAustralia, our respective legal enacted obligations. Therefore specific dangerous goodstolegislation, throughout has been to minimise these risks and create a Dangerous Dangerous Goods are articlesallorparties substances which are capable posing a significant risk to health,responsibilities. safety or to property industry. Under this legislation involved in the process of have defined, legally enforceable Thesewhe no nevarnega blaga? Goods? Common articles and substances such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints, and thermometers may be classified as dangerous cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also the “shipper”. snovi Strupi Kužne snoviyou the customer, as Radioaktivne if(razred your consignment dangerous goods you should consult a material(razred safety data _________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) sheet for the substance with y TNTunsure Express will endeavour to may workbe with you, to (razred meet our6.2) respective legal obligations. 6.1) goods advisor. Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or to property when being t The following are and examples of Dangerous Common articles and substances such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints, thermometers may be Goods classified as dangerous goods. If ______________________________________________________________________________________________ unsure if your consignment may be dangerous goods you should consult a material safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT goods advisor. Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or to property when being transpor Common articles and substances such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints, thermometers may beGoods classified as dangerous goods. If you are The following are and examples of Dangerous unsure if your consignment may be dangerous goods you should consult a material safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT dangero What are goods advisor. 1. Podrazred 2.1 - vnetljivi plini UN1057, UN3150, UN3167, UN3478, UN3479, UN1950 skupine F/FC in dangerous UN2037 skupine F (nestrupeni) soThe following are examples of Dangerous Goods dovoljeni. goods?2. Razred 6.1 - strupene snovi embalažne skupine II in III so dovoljene. CAO blago brez dodatnih nevarnosti What are (razen razreda 3) je dovoljeno. dangerous 3. Razred 6.2 - Biološke snovi, kategorije B (UN3373) so dovoljene na vseh storitvah. goods? What are dangerous goods? Za podrobne informacije glede dovoljenega in prepovedanega nevarnega blaga se obrnite na predstavnika za nevarno blago družbe TNT Express. Transport Nevarno of Dangerous TNTvisoke Express ___________________________________________________________________________________ blago mora bitiGoods zapakiranoby v embalažo kakovosti, ki mora biti dovolj What are da prenese močna, udarce inofobremenitve med običajnim prevozom. V mnogih The current edition the IATA DGR for Air transport the _________________________________________________________________________________________ primerih je obvezno uporabiti embalažo z UN specifikacijsko oznako, saj je bila ta applicable posebej zasnovana inpacked preizkušena zaforCode pakiranje nevarnega blaga. What areDangerous The be current of the ADG for Road transport The current edition ofedition theinIATA DGR Airpackaging transport Kako moram must good quality which must be strong enough to withstand the shocks an regulations Goods the ______________________________________________________________________________________________ encountered during transport. In many cases UN specification packaging should be used as it has been specifically de for the zapakirati nevarno How must applicablepackaging dangerous goods. What are different Theofedition current of for the IMDG for Sea transport The edition current ofedition the ADG Code for Code Road transport The current the IATA DGR Air transport OPOZORILO: Vsak predpis (npr. ADR, IATA DGR, IMDG) regulations blago? I pack the transport ima posebna navodila za pakiranje, ki jih je potrebno for the NOTE: Dangerous applicable modes? different The edition currentofedition of the IMDG for Sea transport The___________________________________________________________________________________ current the ADG Code for Code Road transport upoštevati pri posebnih zahtevah v zvezi s pakiranjem nevarregulations Goods? Each of the regulations has specific packaging instructions and these should be co transport for the TNT Expressnega has itsblaga. own “Dangerousrelating GoodstoPolicy” whichofprecludes from transporting certain dang requirements packaging DangeroususGoods modes? periodically reviewed. If you are unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to different The policy current is edition of the IMDG Code for Sea transport _________________________________________________________________________________________ restriction list can be viewed at transport _______________________________________________________________________________ TNT Express has its own “Dangerous Policy” which us from transporting certainrequire dangerous g All goodsGoods must be marked andprecludes labelled however, Dangerous Goods particu modes? blago mora biti označeno, pagoods nevarno bla-to transpo policy omestic.pdf is periodically reviewed.Vsako If you are unsure if TNT carry the class ofvendar dangerous you wish markings and labels. Unless otherwise specified, each package containing ______________________________________________________________________________________________ restriction list can be viewed atgo zahteva posebne označbe in nalepke. Če ni drugače Dangerous Goods in Bulk the ADG Code are notoutside accepted by TNT Dangerous Goods mustasbedefined markedby durably and legibly on the of the TNT Express has its own “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes us from transporting certain dangerous goods. package withifmora the marking and labels: bitithe vsak paket, ki vsebuje blago, omestic.pdf policy is periodically reviewed. If youdoločeno, are unsure TNTfollowing carry class of dangerous goodsnevarno you wish to transport our IN ACCORDANCE THE TNT EXPRESS DANGEROUS GOODS POLICY, TNT WILL N • WITH UN NUMBER and corresponding PROPER SHIPPING NAME (with appro restriction list can be viewed at trpežno inthečitljivo zunanji strani paketa zby TNT. Dangerous označen Goods in Bulk as defined by thena ADG Code EXEMTED are not accepted TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS BELOW necessary), eg UN 1993 FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. (ETHANOL SOLUTIO naslednjimi oznakami in(innalepkami: omestic.pdf • (Class NAME AND ADDRESS full) of (Class theGOODS SHIPPER and CONSIGNEE PO B( Explosives 1) Toxic Gas 2.3) POLICY, Toxic IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TNT EXPRESS DANGEROUS TNT WILL(no NOT •in Bulk Appropriate HAZARD and EXEMTED HANDLING LABELS TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS BELOW Dangerous Goods as defined by theLABEL ADG Code are not accepted by TNT. How must I Kako moram Label/Mark označiti nevarno Dangerous UN ŠTEVILKA in ustrezno URADNO IME BLAGA (z ustreznimi tehničnimi Goods? Does•TNT blago? (Class 1)TNT EXPRESS Toxicmay Gasbe (Class 2.3)forPOLICY, Toxic (Class IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DANGEROUS GOODS WILL NOT Additional handling labels required Air & SeaTNT transport, relevant regula imeni, če je Explosives potrebno), npr. UN1993 FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. (ETHANOL carry all TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS EXEMTED BELOW 2 SOLUTION)/ UN1993 VNETLJIVA TEKOČINA, N.D.N. (etanol, raztopina) classes of Does TNT Explosives (Class 1) Toxic Gas (Class 2.3) Toxic (Class 6.1) Dangerous POŠILJATELJA PREJEMNIKA (v poštneSubstances predale ne Infectious Substancesin (Class 6.2) Radioactive (Class 7) carry all• IME IN NASLOV (v celoti) 2 classesGoods? of dostavljamo) Does TNT TOXIC GAS TOXIC GAS TOXIC Dangerous GAS _______________________________________________________________________________ Infectious Substances (Class 6.2) Radioactive Substances (Class 7) carry all 2 Goods? classes of Providing Dangerous Goods documentation is the responsibility solely of the shipper. The documentation should accur _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ All goods mustAll goods marked beand marked labelled andlabelled labelled however, however,Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Goods Goods require require particularparticular Allbe must be marked and however, Goods require particular _______________________________________________________________________________________ markings and labels. markings labels.otherwise Unlessotherwise otherwise specified, specified,each each each package package containing containing markings Unless and labels. Unless specified, package containing Dangerous Goods Dangerous mustGoods Goods be marked mustbebemarked marked durably durably and legibly legibly onthe the outside outside Dangerous must durably andandlegibly on on the outside of theof the of the What are The current edition of the IATA DGR for Air transport package with the package following with the the following marking followingmarking marking andand labels: andlabels: labels: package How must must How must theHow • UN za NUMBER •• UNand NUMBER the corresponding andthe thecorresponding corresponding PROPER PROPERSHIPPING SHIPPING SHIPPING NAME NAME (with appropriate (withtechnical appropriate technical if names NUMBER and PROPER NAME (with appropriate namesnames if technical •I Ustrezne NALEPKE nevarno blago in za manipulacijo applicable I I necessary), eg necessary), UN 1993 eg UNFLAMMABLE 1993FLAMMABLE FLAMMABLE LIQUID, LIQUID,N.O.S. N.O.S. N.O.S. (ETHANOL (ETHANOL SOLUTION) SOLUTION) necessary), eg 1993 LIQUID, (ETHANOL SOLUTION) The current edition of the ADG Code forUN Road transport Label/Mark regulations Label/Mark Label/Mark • NAME AND •• NAME ADDRESS AND ADDRESS ADDRESS (in full) full)the SHIPPER SHIPPER and CONSIGNEE CONSIGNEE PO (no Box addresses) PO Box addresses) AND (in(inof full) ofofthethe SHIPPER andand CONSIGNEE (no (no PO Box addresses) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Appropriate •• HAZARD Appropriate HAZARD LABEL LABEL andand HANDLING andHANDLING HANDLINGLABELS LABELS LABELS Kako moramfor the Appropriate HAZARD LABEL Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Za zračni in ladijkiby transport lahko zahtevajo tudi dodatne oznake in Transport of Dangerous Goods TNT seExpress are Goods? different The edition currentofedition of the IMDG for Sea transport the IATA DGR for Code Air transport Goods?What Goods? The current označiti nevarno nalepke za manipulacijo. Prosimo preverite ustrezne predpise. Additional handling Additional labels handling may labels bemay may required required for AirAir& &Sea & Sea Sea transport, transport, relevant relevant regulations regulations should be checked. should be checke Additional handling labels beberequired forforAir transport, relevant regulations should be checked. the transport blago? applicable modes? The current edition of the ADG Code for Road transport _______________________________________________________________________________________ regulations If not done correctly, the transportation of dangerous goods has the potential to expose all persons involved in the process, (eg for the TNT Express has its own “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes us from transporting certain dangerous loaders, unloaders, drivers, emergency services personnel etc), and the general community, to considerable risk of injury and/or policy is periodically If you are transport unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to trans different The current edition of reviewed. the IMDG Code for Sea health. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ restriction list can be viewed at Why transport Therefore specific dangerous goodsis legislation, throughout Australia, has been should enacted to minimise risks andthe create Providing Dangerous Goods Providing documentation Dangerous the responsibility responsibility solely of solely the shipper. theshipper. shipper.The The The documentation documentation should should accurately accurately describe the type, describe type Providing DangerousGoods Goodsisdocumentation documentation the responsibility solely ofofthe documentation accurately describe thethese type, Dangerous modes? omestic.pdf industry. all transport parties involved in the have defined, legally enforceable responsibilities. These Za zagotavljanje dokumentacije, kieach spremlja nevarno blago, je odgovoren izključno nature and_____________________________________________________________________________________________ quantity of the nature Dangerous andandUnder quantity Goods. ofthis Dangerous For each Goods. For each transport modemode the mode shipper theprocess shippermust must must provide provide the relevant relevant declaration, declaration, as required astherequired by the n nature quantity ofthethelegislation Dangerous Goods. transport the shipper provide thethe relevant declaration, as required by theby Goods? cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also you the customer, as the “shipper”. applicable regulations. regulations. Dangerousmora Goodsbiti in Bulk as defined by the ADG Code are not applicable regulations. pošiljatelj.applicable V dokumentaciji natančno navedena vrsta, narava inaccepted količina by TNT. TNThas Express will endeavour to work with you, to meet our respective legal TNT Express its own “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes usobligations. from transporting certain dangerous goods NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Informationpolicy required on Information theInformation Dangerous required the Goodsdeclaration Shippers declaration include: include: is periodically reviewed. IfShippers you are unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to WILL transport required onvsako theDangerous Dangerous Shippers declaration include: nevarnega blaga. ZaonGoods vrsto transporta mora pošiljatelj zagotoviti ustrezno IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TNT EXPRESS DANGEROUS POLICY, NOTou TNT TNTrequest request request an emergency anGOODS emergency procedure procedure guide or TNT material guide or material TNT thatthat anthat emergency procedure guide or material restriction list can be viewed at TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS EXEMTED BELOW • Name and address • of shipper Name and and address receiver of shipper and receiver _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Name and address of shipper and deklaracijo (prevozno listino), kot je to določeno z veljavnimi predpisi o prevozu safety safetydata data data sheet sheet be provided be provided all dangerous for goods all dangerous goods goods safety sheet be provided for allfordangerous • UN Number • • UN UNNumber Number Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a consignments. significant risk toHowever health, toeither property beingof transpo omestic.pdf consignments. However can if you notorprovide can not either of when theseToxic either thes consignments. However if youif you cansafety not provide of provide these nevarnega blaga. Explosives 1) aerosol cans, paints, Toxic Gas (Class 2.3) • ProperCommon Shippingarticles Name • • and Proper Shipping substances such(Class as perfumes, and thermometers may be classified as dangerous goods. If(Clas you al Proper ShippingName Name documents documents we we will still collect stillthe collect theaccepted consignment. the For consignment. For placard For placard documents weCode will stillwill collect consignment. placard loads loads Dangerous Goods in Bulk as defined by the ADG are not by TNT. unsure if your •consignment may beany dangerous goods you should consult a material safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT dange • DG Class, including any subsidiary Class, risk subsidiary • DGDG Class,including including any subsidiary risk as defined defined the ADG ADG Code Code an EPG an or MSDS EPG MSDS be provided must be pro asasdefined by by thebythe ADG Code an EPG or MSDS mustmust beorprovided goods advisor. • Packaging group designator • informacije • Packaging Packaginggroup groupdesignator designator Obvezne v prevozniTNT listini za DANGEROUS Does TNT by law, law,in these inin these these instances instances TNT willTNT be unable will be to collect unable theNOT freight to collect the fr bybylaw, instances TNTPOLICY, will be unable to collect the freight TOXIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEThe EXPRESS GOODS TNT WILL GAS following are examples of Dangerous Goods • Nettall quantity of dangerous • • NettNettquantity goods goods quantityofofdangerous dangerous goods carry unless unless one one of of these these documents documents is provided. is provided. unless one of these documents is provided. TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS EXEMTED nevarnego so:type If not blago done correctly, transportation of dangerous goods has the potential all persons involved in the process, (eg 2 to exposeBELOW OPOZORILO: TNT Express • Number ofofthe packages • Number Numberand andtype packages classes of and type of• packages Transport of Dangerous Goods by TNT Express Transport of Dangerous Goods by TNT Express loaders, unloaders, drivers, emergency services personnel etc), and the general community, to considerable risk of injury and/or •What ime, priimek in naslov pošiljatelja ter Toxic Gas (Class zahteva, z (Class 6.1) Explosives (Class 2.3) da je vsaki pošiljki Toxic What What health. Dangerous Goods consigned Dangerous Goods as 1) airfreight consigned asmust airfreight bemust must accompanied accompanied by ashipping shipping Dangerous Dangerous Goods consigned Substances airfreight bebeaccompanied bybyaashipping Infectious (Class 6.2) Radioactive Substances (Class 7) Why prejemnika pošiljke, nevarnim priložen tudi document asdone prescribed document by as the IATAgoods dangerous by thelegislation, dangerous goods goods regulations. regulations. addition addition toblagom IfTherefore not correctly, the transportation of dangerous goods has the potential expose all persons involved inrisks the process, (eg document asprescribed prescribed IATA dangerous goods regulations. InInInaddition to tobeen documents Goods? documents documents specific dangerous throughout Australia, has enacted to minimise these and create Dangerous WhatTNT are loaders, drivers, emergency services personnel etc), and the general community, to considerable and/on the thethesuch above,information as aircraft such as aircraft and packing typeand and packing instruction instruction must must also also bebe list. above,information such aircraft type packing instruction must also be •must UN industry. unloaders, Under this legislation alltype parties involved in the process have defined, legally enforceable responsibilities. must IDoes must I above,information varnostni TNT Express nerisk of injuryThese I številka, health. Goods? dangerous included on the documentation. included on the documentation. included on the documentation. cover us at TNT Express as the primary contractor, but also you the customer, as the “shipper”. providecarry provide Whyall •provide uradno ime blaga, 2 sprejema v prevoz nevarnega TNT Express will endeavour to goods work with you, to meet our respective legal goods?of Aviation Therefore specific dangerous legislation, throughout Australia, hasobligations. been enacted to minimise these risks and create Civil Safety Civil Regulations Safety require Regulations that require persons thatpersons persons consigning consigning dangerous dangerous classes CivilAviation Aviation Safety Regulations require that consigning dangerous Dangerous with the with the with the industry. • številke vzorcev nalepk nevarnosti oz. blaga količinah, katereresponsibilities. so po Under this legislation all parties involved in the process havev defined, legally za enforceable These goods for carraige by goods air for have carraige completed by air have an completed approved an approved training training course. course. goods for carraige by air completed an approved training course. Dangerous Goods? Dangerous Substances Substances Dangerous Dangerous cover us at TNTInfectious Express as the primary contractor, also you theRadioactive customer, as the “shipper”. (Class 7) razred nevarnega blaga, vključno s(Classbut6.2) sporazumu ADR pisna navodila v _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Goods? TNT Express will endeavour to work with you, to meet our respective legal obligations. Goods? Goods? Goods? Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or to property when being transpo kakršnokoli dodatno nevarnostjo, TOXIC GAS vozilu obvezna. Common articles substancesof such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints, and thermometers may be classified as dangerous goods. If you a 1. and Explosives Class 1.4s (except fireworks) accepted on all Services • embalažna skupina, unsure if your may be dangerous goods you should consult a material&safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT dange 2. consignment Class 6.1 Toxic Substances accepted on Priority Sameday Service _____________________________________________________________________________________________ goods advisor. 3. “Urgent Medical oftransport Class Toxic Substances accepted Roadwhen express • Dangerous število inGoods vrsta embalaže, shipping Dangerous document Goods shipping fordocument road for roadtransport transport may may bebeain beinsignificant inany anyform form form risk to health, Dangerous Goods are articles or substances which are capable of6.1 posing safetyon or toanproperty being servi transp Dangerous GoodsSupplies” shipping document for road may any 4. must Biological Class 6.2asascategory (UN3373) accepted all Services following are examples ofthermometers Dangerous Goods Common articles and substances such as perfumes, aerosol cans, paints,Band may be on classified as dangerous goods. If you a however contain however all Substances ofmust thecontain information allall ofThe the information as listed above. listedabove. above. however must contain information listed • količina nevarnega blaga. 5. Excepted packages & excepted quantities (UN2910 & UN2911) accepted on all Services unsure if your consignment may be dangerous goods you should consult a material safety data sheet for the substance with your TNT dange _____________________________________________________________________________________________ goods advisor. Goods consigned Dangerous Dangerous for carraige consigned bycarraige carraige sea (ie Tasmania) sea(ie(ieTasmania) Tasmania) must mustbebe be DangerousGoods Goods consigned for bybysea must 1. Explosives of Class 1.4s (except fireworks) accepted on V zračnem prometu mora biti pošiljki z Code. nevarnim The following are of Dangerous Goods accompanied by aedition shipping accompanied document bybyaashipping as document prescribed prescribed by the bythe IMDG theIMDG IMDG Code. Inall Services accompanied shipping document asas prescribed byexamples Code. In In What are The current of the IATA DGR for Air transport 2. Class 6.1 Toxic Substances accepted on Priority1& Sameday Service Version: 2 addition toblagom the above, addition information totothe above, inprevozna information relation intorelation relation flash topoints flashpoints points andand and marine marinepollutants pollutants pollutants addition the above, information to flash marine priložena listina (Shipper’ s What theare 3. “Urgent Medical Supplies” of Class 6.1 Toxic SubstancesDeclaaccepted on an Road express service is also required. Substances isalso alsorequired. required. 4. Biological Class 6.2 category (UN3373) accepted dangerous applicable ration),iskot je predpisano v IATABDGR. Poleg zgorajon all Services Thedangerous currentpackages edition of the Code for quantities Road transport 5. Excepted &ADG excepted &seahas UN2911) The TNT The goods shippers goods declaration shippers declaration for road, road, railrail and railandand sea has hasbeen been been accepted on all Services goods? regulations TheTNT TNTdangerous dangerous goods declaration forfor(UN2910 road, sea Katere dokumente moram priložiti pošiljki z nevarnim blagom? What are SHIPPER’S DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS Shipper Air Waybill No.: Page 1 of 1 Pages Shipper’s Reference Number (optional): Consignee Two completed and signed copies of this Declaration must be handed to the operator. WARNING Failure to comply in all respects with the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach of the applicable law, subject to legal penalties. TRANSPORT DETAILS navedenih informacij, mora dokument vsebovati approved by the competant approved for authority use within foruse useAustralian withinAustralian Australian waters. waters. approvedbyauthority bythe thecompetant competant for within waters. for the informacije o tipu letala, letališče odhoda, letališče dangerous different The current edition of the IMDG Code for Sea transport Version: 2 04/0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 goods? prihoda, kot tudi številko navodila za pakiranje in transport Are theremodes? Are there ostale obvezne podatke. Are there This shipment is within the limitations prescribed for: (delete non-applicable) PASSENGER AND CARGO AIRCRAFT Airport of Departure: CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY Shipment type: (delete non-applicable) Airport of Destination: NON-RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE NATURE AND QUANTITY OF DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods Identification UN or ID No. additional costs involved? Propper Shipping Name Class or Division (Subsidiary Risk) Packing Group Quantity and type of packing Packing inst. Authorisation _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dangerous Goods shipped Dangerous through Goods TNT’s shipped network through do attract network do adosurcharge attractaasurcharge surcharge in addition additiontototonormal normal normal freight freight charges. charges. Dangerous Goods shipped throughTNT’s TNT’s attract ininaddition freight charges. additional additional Additional Handling Information Express has its “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes us from Please ask TNT our sales representative Please askask ourourown sales or representative service oror customer operators service operators for details details on on surcharges. surcharges. costs Please salescustomer representative service operators forfordetails onzahtevajo, surcharges. costs Varnostni predpisi za civilno letalstvo da transporting certain dangerous goods Name/Title of Signatory policy is periodically reviewed. If you are unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to transport involved? involved? can be viewed biti osebe, ki odpremljajo nevarno blago v restriction list morajo at I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. I declare that all of the applicable air transport requirements have been met. Place and Date ou Signature (see warning above) CSA-F-224/EN, verze 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ zračnem prometu, ustrezno usposobljene. omestic.pdf WhatIt are is the responsibility of iscurrent to ensure ofofthe that tothe: the:transport It the isshipper theresponsibility responsibility theshipper shipper to ensure ensureforthatAirthe: TheItthe edition of the IATA DGR • Dangerous Goods are •accurately Dangerous Goods classified areareaccurately and declared classified and declared declared What are the What areare • Dangerous Goods accurately classified What Dangerous Goods in Bulk as defined by the ADG Code are not accepted by TNT. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Dangerous Goods are •not Dangerous prohibited Goods are transport by for transportsea by road, road, or air, seaoror orair,air, orprecluded precludedbybybyTNT’s TNT’s TNT’s dangerous dangerous goods goods policy policy • Dangerous Goodsfor arenot notprohibited prohibited for road, by sea orcestnem dangerous goods policy applicable shippers shippers Prevozna listina za nevarno blago vprecluded promeshippers The current edition of the ADG Code for Road transport What are • Consignment note is completed • Consignment with note the is completed Dangerous with the Goods Dangerous box Goods ticked boxticked tickedDANGEROUS GOODS POLICY, TNT WILL NOT • Consignment note is completed with the Dangerous Goods box IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TNT EXPRESS The current edition of the IATA DGR for Air transport regulations responsible responsible responsible jeDangerous lahko vpresented katerikoli obliki, vendar vsebovati • Correct Dangerous Goods • tu Correct paperwork is paperwork is presented the package withthe the package mora TRANSPORT THE FOLLOWING UNLESS EXEMTED BELOW • Correct DangerousGoods Goods paperworkwith with package the for the for? applicable for? for? • vse informacije, kot navedeno zgoraj. • Package has the correct Package hazard haslabels the correct andhazard markings, labels je andwith markings, no evidence with no evidence of leakage of leakageorordamage damage ADR 5.4.1 ADR - PREVOZNA LISTINA/ ADR - TRANSPORT DOCUMENT _________________________________________________________ NASLOV POŠILJATELJA (SENDER ADDRESS): TNT ŠT. TOVORNEGA LISTA (TNT CONNOTE NO.): • Packageedition has the correct hazard labels and markings, no evidence of leakage or damage different The Explosives current Code forRoad Sea with transport (Class 1) Code Toxic Gas (Class 2.3) Toxic (Class 6.1) The current edition of of the the IMDG ADG for transport regulations TNT will refuse to handle TNT willwill any refuse freight totohandle that any freight meet fails to to dangerous meetdangerous dangerous goods goodslegislation legislation legislation or TNT requirements, requirements, TNT refuse handle anyfails freighttothat that meet goods or or TNTTNT requirements, andand maymay and may transport STRANI (PAGES): NASLOV PREJEMNIKA (RECEIVER ADDRESS): TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE, D.O.O. ŠMARTINSKA 152 PREVOZNIK (CARRIER): VOZNIK (DRIVER): for the different _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The current edition of the IMDG Code for Sea transport GAS carry all spremljati prevozna listina v skladu z IMDG predpisi. transport 2 TNT Express has its own “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes us from transporting certain dangerous goods classes of Poleg zgoraj navedenih informacij mora vsebovati modes? policy is periodically reviewed. If you are unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to transport ou Version: 2 DangerousVersion: 2 2 04/08/2010 04/0 Version: 04/08/2010 22 6.2)in temperaturo _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Infectious Substances 2 (Class Radioactive Substances (Class 7) restriction listšecan be viewed podatke o atonesnaževalcih morja Goods? TNT Express has its own “Dangerous Goods Policy” which precludes us from transporting certain dangerous goods 1000 LJUBLJANA modes? Nevarno blago, namenjeno zafrom ladijski promet, refuse to accept all future refuse todangerous goods dangerous consignments goods consignments consignments from that that shipper. shipper. mora refuse toaccept acceptallallfuture future dangerous from that shipper. Does TNT TOXIC UN ŠT./ UN NUMBER IME BLAGA/ PROPER SHIPPING NAME NALEPKA NEVARNOST I/ HAZARD LABEL EMBALAŽNA SKUPINA/ PACKING GROUP ŠT. IN OPIS TOVORKOV/ NO. & DESCRIPTION OF GOODS SKUPNA KOLIČINA/ TOTAL QUANTITY DODATNE INFORMACIJE (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION): datum (date): kraj (place): ime in priimek (name): podpis (signature): _________________________________________________________ plamenišča. omestic.pdf policy is periodically reviewed. If you are unsure if TNT carry the class of dangerous goods you wish to transport o restriction list canDangerous be viewed atGoods in Bulk as defined by the ADG Code are not accepted by TNT. omestic.pdf IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TNT EXPRESS DANGEROUS GOODS POLICY, TNT WILL NOT TRANSPORT Dangerous Goods in THE BulkFOLLOWING as defined byUNLESS the ADGEXEMTED Code are BELOW not accepted by TNT. TNT Express Worldwide, distribucija, d.o.o. Šmartinska 152 SI-1000 Ljubljana telefon: +386 1 587 83 00 fax: +386 1 587 83 90 Ali obstajajo kakšni dodatni stroški pri prevozu nevarnega blaga? Za pošiljanje nevarnega blaga s transportno mrežo TNT Express se zraven običajnih prevoznih stroškov obračunajo še določeni dodatki. Glede posameznih dodatkov se obrnite na prodajnega predstavika družbe TNT Express, ali pokličite oddelek za stike s strankami. Odgovornost pošiljatelja je, da zagotovi: Kakšne so odgovornosti pošiljatelja? • natančno razvrstitev in določitev nevarnega blaga; • da nevarno blago ni prepovedano za transport v cestnem, ladijskem ali zračnem prometu oz. v nasprotju s politiko TNT Express o prevozu nevarnega blaga; • pravilno pakiranje nevarnega blaga; • pravilno izpolnjen tovorni list, z obkljukanim okencem za nevarno blago; • ustrezno in pravilno izpolnjeno dokumentacijo za pošiljanje nevarnega blaga; • ustrezno označeno embalažo z nalepkami in označbami nevarnega blaga, brez znakov puščanja ali poškodb. TNT bo zavrnil vse pošiljke, ki ne ustrezajo predpisom za transport nevarnega blaga ali TNT zahtevam. Prav tako lahko zavrne vse prihodnje pošiljke z nevarnim blagom določenega pošiljatelja, če jih le-ta za transport ne pripravlja ustrezno. Za več informacij pokličite oddelek za stike s strankami na telefon 080 15 01 ali obiščite našo spletno stran UN 1230 Metanol 4G/X20/S/05/D/BA M3117
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